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Hey, everyone! I'm just gonna leave a sample post from Patreon down here so you know what's up. But basically, some new tax laws will go into effect starting next month, so you should probably have a heads up on how they affect you and your financial support of my videos. 

Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. 

Less than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55 cents. 

Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.

If you’re in a location where sales tax will be required, you should expect to receive an email from Patreon with more information about this very soon, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of these changes way ahead of July 1st when they go into effect. 

If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here. If you still have questions, the best place to get an answer is from Patreon’s customer support team, here

Thank you for all of your support.

So that's there statement and info. I have a bit more stuff to say because I've seen a few creators and fans talk about how this is silly and taxes are bad. I can't help make everything political, even a boring tax update!

As a very community-driven comrade, I've never been bothered by the idea of taxes. I don't like how so much tax money goes towards the police when it should be going toward education, healthcare, and programs that meet community needs better by creating more affordable or free housing, better paying jobs, etc. And hopefully we'll get there by continuing to push the idea of defunding and ultimately abolishing the police, and voting for people who want to see those changes also. 

In the meantime, taxes are not bad. The fact that you even want to go out of your way to support me and potentially other creators when you can still get the same videos for free tells me that you know the value of a community of people giving a portion of what they make to help meet the needs of others. You don't have to be a Patron. You don't have to support me and my videos. But you do, and that's so unbelievably amazing and generous and wonderful!

I'll get off my soapbox now. I'm sure none of you needed to hear what I had to say and largely agree with the sentiment. But I've seen enough people talk about how much they hate this change that I felt like I needed to say at least something, y'know?

Anyway, Black lives matter. Defund the police. Trans rights are human rights. Oh no! I made it even more political! Ahhhhhhhh!!!



All sentient conscience beings deserve rights- IMO If you are matter; ... You matter! Glad to see people waking and believing in community funded and operated programs which may quell many issues


When is your next vid?