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I know I'm supposed to do audio updates, but all the microphones in the office keep being shuffled around to different rooms and it's hard to keep track, so here's a text update instead! It's like audio, but you have to use your eyes!

So, looking at the poll I posted in January, it looks like you all wanted to see me talk about Bob Ross. Rad! I'm excited! But I need to change things up a bit for now, so sorry for the added confusion.

Basically, my original plan was to do the Scoob video in April and do whatever video you all voted on for February. Clearly, February has come and gone and I didn't make any videos. And to add to the chaos, I tweeted about making a Dungeons & Dragons video, and unintentionally secured an interview with some people from the show Dimension20. It's a super funny and philosophically interesting D&D show from CollegeHumor, and their new season starts up in mid-April, so I want to make that video go live around that time.

But that would mean I have to move the Scoob video from April to... somewhere. So I chose to move it back to before the new movie comes out. I'm hoping to release it this month, then release the D&D video next month, then finally start tackling other videos like Bob Ross and Harry Potter.

In the time since I released that poll, I also watched the film Whisper of the Heart, which is INCREDIBLE and now I want to make a video about that. Since I believe it's turning 25 years old in June, I figured that would be a good time to release that video. However, since it's a very personal video, it my be pushed to later in the year.

In summation, here are the videos you can look forward to with a rough, tentative schedule:

  • March: A critical analysis of Scooby-Doo
  • April: How Dimension20 finally got me to play D&D
  • June: Whisper of the Heart and the battle against imposter syndrome
  • August: Why Bob Ross was brilliant
  • October: How the X-Men Animated Series struggled to get made
  • December: Why you shouldn't read Harry Potter

The reason I chose October for the X-Men video is because that's when a new book by the creators of the show comes out, and I may have an interview lined up for that as well. If the Whisper of the Heart video gets pushed back, then Bob Ross will be in June and Harry Potter will slide up to August.

You'll also notice that the lore video is out of the lineup. I might still make that one someday, but I dropped it temporarily just because I wanted this year to be positive. I don't want to make videos hating on things, even though I guarantee they'd get more views because that's just how the internet is. Even the Harry Potter video isn't going to be me hating on Harry Potter. It's an essay about how people shouldn't feel left out of conversations in a fandom just because they haven't had the time or opportunity to engage in the material as fully as others. In fact, conversations with people who aren't as steeped into the fandom might even be more beneficial and interesting. So, hopefully it's all videos about positivity and things that have made an impact on me.

Everything is sort of in flux, so I'll try to keep you posted. I keep wanting to do big, ambitious videos, but it's so hard with the lack of time I have on a day to day basis. I'm trying to not let it eat into my weekends too much because I don't want to burn out, which is weird to say considering there's such a shortage of NerdSync videos. But hey, I'm trying. It's just difficult.

So thanks as always for supporting me on Patreon! You're all the best!

- Scott



Hey Scott, I just got caught up on all things NerdSync. I've loved your contributions to SCB, (your quick on-screen jokes are a highlight,) and am glad your working relationship will continue. I've finally gotten in a financial situation conducive to paying it forward, and there's no place better to start than here. Go forth, you wonderful nerd. Oh, and belated welcome to Virginia. Come visit VB!