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Hello, you wonderful nerds! I've been busy with the holidays and traveling for a friend's wedding, but I'm finally back at the office to give you an update about what will be in store for NerdSync this year!

If you follow me on twitter, you may have already seen that I'm not going to be posting too many videos this year. Even fewer than the few I managed to get out last year. The reason for this is not a lack of ideas or interest, but rather a tough situation I was put in recently.


Without going into too much detail, NerdSync was purchased by SuperCarlinBrothers last March. They allowed me to move out to Virginia to be closer to their offices, and gave me a budget to make the videos I've made in 2019. And it allowed me to produce some of my favorite stuff! The Captain Marvel Skrull video, my love letter to Mysterio, an emotional breakdown of Thor, etc. It's been tons of fun! Lots of content I'm proud of!

But recently, the titular brothers of SuperCarlinBrothers had to let their editor go from the team. I've been stepping in to help edit their stuff as they looked to hire on someone new, and that's a big reason why my Captain America video took so long to make. But I figured it was only a few months before they found a new permanent editor who could take over and I could go back to working on my own stuff.

Turns out, they already had their sights set on a new permanent editor: yours truly. I was already in the area, I had already worked on their videos before, and they liked my work. So, they pitched the idea to me that I would take over as their full-time editor and producer, making a handful of videos every week.


It was a lot to take in. It's certainly not what I had initially signed on for. I talked about it a lot with my girlfriend, and we even shed a few tears over it. But these were friends who needed my help, and I was in a position to give it. And basically, if I said no, they couldn't afford to finance my videos anymore. That money would have to go towards finding, paying, and potentially relocating a new full-time editor.

So the first option before me was to cut ties with SCB, gain ownership of NerdSync back, lose a job with a stable salary and benefits to work on my videos full-time and hope that Adsense and the generosity of patrons would get me through month to month. I've been here before, and it's stressful. It's the reason why I reached out to SCB for financial help in 2018 in the first place.

The second option as to keep my steady job, but make SCB videos full-time instead, while still occasionally be able to work on NerdSync stuff on my own time. I went with this option. Here's why...

Like I said, I've been in the situation before where NerdSync has to try and pay my bills. It's haaaaaaaard. It means I make a lot of videos very quickly to try and get as much Adsense as possible. This was the 2017-2018 era of NerdSync. Very few videos I'm proud of in there. A lot of stress, and not a lot of free time to decompress. It took a toll on my anxiety.

So I chose the option of working on NerdSync on the side this year. And as far as discussions have gone, this particular arrangement is only for this year. That might get renegotiated down the road, but the general idea is to help them make bigger and better videos so they can grow enough to be able to hire an editor who isn't me. I might stay on as a producer and animator, but still go back to doing NerdSync full-time in 2021.

That's the goal, anyway. I'm gonna try my best to make it happen.


What does this mean for NerdSync in 2020? It means fewer videos, obviously. I'm aiming for a grand total of 6 for this year. One every other month with the same style and production value as the ones I've done in 2019. There will be videos! And your support still matters!

It also means that I will be branching out in terms of topics. I focus a lot about comics and superheroes because that's my channel's bread and butter, but I'm interested in a lot of other stuff, too! D&D, Scooby-Doo, broader concepts in fiction and art in general! I've not touched on too much about these because I didn't want to alienate my audience. But this year, we're trying new stuff!

I'd actually love to hear what topics you'd be interested in hearing me discuss this year that aren't related to comics or superheroes. We'll go back to that well next year, and maybe even a bit this year, but I want to focus on a few new topics to the channel to see what sticks!


Yes! Your support is still a big chunk of my salary. It still 100% goes to supporting me and isn't used at all in SCB videos. It's the same deal as when they first They have their own Patreon page if you want to support them. Basically, any support of either me or SCB helps us all become financially more stable so they can begin to hire a fresh editor and I can go back to making NerdSync content full-time without having my anxiety go crazy.

So, thank you for your continued support! And especially to all you new patrons from my Captain America video! Holy cow there are so many of you! I hope this post doesn't scare any of you off. I'm going to continue to make videos for as long as I can. It's so rewarding and fulfilling! You wonderful nerds make it all worth it!

If you read all the way through this, you're incredible! I'll be doing a Q&A session over on Discord for the next hour or so if there are any questions. Or you can just leave them in comment here!

Thanks, gang! You're the best!

- Scott

EDIT: I want to be clear that I nor you should hold any negative feelings towards SCB for this scenario. They are trying to do what is best for everyone. I do, however, hold extreme negative feelings towards their previous editor for creating this scenario in the first place. But please don't try to start anything if you know who the previous editor was. Drama will only make things worse for everyone. We're trying to move forward as best we can.



Sounds like this is for the best, I continue to support you. I also like the idea of you branching out from comics. Honestly, any topics you feel like discussing I will probably enjoy. Even if it's not something I "like" I'm sure you'll have an interesting take on it.


This may sound weird but I actually liked the strange schedule. Whenever a new video would come out it would be a welcome surprise and I’d make a goal for myself. For example I’d make sure I’d done all my math homework, chores, and studied for tests and then I’d set aside time to watch. Also some of my favorite videos you’ve ever made have come out this year; Is cap too perfect, Superman and THE BOMB, real origin of dark Phoenix, and cap punchin’ nazis are some of the best YouTube I’ve legitimately ever seen. I’m fine with a year of less videos, I completely understand the situation and you have my full support. Keep up the good work pal!