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In case you haven't heard me talk about this before, NerdSync is (potentially) getting sponsors. I just wanted to clear the air about what that means and how that affects you. Give it a listen, and let me know if you have any questions in the comments!




Sounds like a smart move. Glad you could make rent. :)


My family and I already subscribe to Loot Crate, so I absolutely support you having them as a sponsor. Don't feel uncomfortable about needing additional revenue. You are reasonably transparent about NerdSync's costs, you still provide free content for those who cannot (or do not choose to) pay, and the entertainment you provide is worth well worth the inclusion of a commercial or two. Hard work deserves both recognition and compensation! Just no Godaddy ads ever, please! Not a company with whom I've had good experiences :-/


Haha, I'll try to keep the sponsors appropriate for the channel. Though honestly, I've had nothing but good experiences with GoDaddy. I use them for all my domains.