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I know it's probably annoying to hear the same updates over and over again, but I figured I'd at least put it into text form and make sure everyone still felt in the loop. So...

"Where are the new videos at???"

You should all already know this, but just in case it slipped past you, I have been filling in as the temporary editor for the Super Carlin Brothers for the past few months. Until recently, I've been more than happy to fill in where needed, but it got to a point where I just wasn't being given enough time and focus to work on my own videos, as I'm sure you can tell by my lack of uploads.

So I asked them for some time to focus on my own stuff and nothing else. To be honest, I felt bad about that because it felt like I was abandoning friends in need of help, but I just have to keep reminding myself that my work is important, too.

And more than that, you lovely Patrons are important! You've been continuing to support me despite my severely decreased schedule, and I can't thank you enough for that! I'll try to remember to post more behind-the-scenes content to tide you over until new videos are finally out.

I also went on vacation last week that ate into a lot of my time to work, but it was nice and I needed it. Even though it might seem like I've not been working on much for NerdSync, I've still been working A LOT.

"Are you still writing that Captain America video about Hitler?"

Yes, I'm still writing the video about the politics behind Captain America punching Hitler. It's just INCREDIBLY long. There are currently six sections of the video. I've written two, and the script is already 11 pages long. For reference, that's about 30 minutes of video with just 1/3 of the script written.

As with any political video, there's a TON of context to consider and discuss. It's also very long because I have to preemptively rebut any counterarguments people might have to the points I'm making. I want to get my ideas across effectively, and that means making sure I've left no argument untouched or else I'll just be wasting my time.

"Why not just split the video into parts?"

I've made an entire twitter thread about this ages ago, but the gist of it is that I do not like splitting videos into parts because there is absolutely no guarantee that anyone will watch every part. So why would I spent so much time and effort researching and carefully formulating my thoughts into words if some people only watch the first part, others only watch the second part, and others only the third part?

That doesn't seem like an effective way to communicate an idea. I'd rather make one comprehensive video and know that all the info is in one place, not scattered across multiple places.

"I'm not even interested in this topic. Do you have any other videos planned?"

I do! It's October, and while I probably won't get it done by the end of this month, I desperately want to finish a script about the philosophy of Scooby-Doo that I've been working on since last year! I just need time to read a couple of books and rewatch a LOT of the cartoons.

There's also a video about Watchmen that I want to do because of the new show coming out. It's basically my Steve Ditko video where I talk about how bad and gross objectivism is, and relate it to Rorschach who is a parody of this idea but who people seem to genuinely like for some reason?

I also have this new idea I thought about recently where I go through the old superhero serials, talk about their storylines, and analyze how the embodied/changed the characters from the comics,  and talk about what any changes meant about the culture at the time and how it may or may not have impacted the heroes going forward. I don't even know if that makes sense, but it makes sense to me!

Look, I've been cursed with an abundance of ideas. I never have a shortage. I have lists upon lists and I'm always thinking of more every week. It just takes me a while to execute those ideas for one reason or another.

"Any other updates?"

Nope. Bye.




Take your time, don't forget to take care of yourself and have enough rest... Great work won't come easy and it won't come fast 👍🏻


I don’t know if you are aware of the BBC documentary In Search of Steve Ditko, but it has an interesting moment where Alan Moore comments that Rorschach is “The most ferociously right wing character, but he almost ends up the hero of the book. He’s certainly is the character who seems to have the most ferocious integrity even if his politics are completely mad”