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So some of you caught my live stream on the NerdSync Sidekick channel the other day, or maybe you follow certain other YouTubers who announced this already. I've been so preoccupied with getting the latest video out that I haven't had a chance to officially announce this to you on Patreon yet, but here it goes...

NerdSync is now working under the Super Carlin Brothers! 

So what does this mean and why is it big news?

Basically, I've been running NerdSync by myself for 6 years now, and while I LOVE making videos and being creative, I absolutely loathe the business side of things. It's the worst. So, I reached out to my friends at SCB and asked if they'd be interested in running the business end of NerdSync which would free me up to put all my energy into creating fun videos for you all.

Everything was finalized recently, and I bet you have questions! So here are a few key things you should know immediately. We're gonna get into some details here on Patreon that I probably won't go over in other places because you deserve to know more than anyone else.

Will this affect the topics of new videos?

Nope! We were working on this deal behind the scenes since the end of last year, and since then I've made videos about the word "whelmed", Superman's history with nuclear weapons, and HAND STUFF. If you're worried that they are going to want to tame my weirdness, you are mistaken, haha. They might suggest that I make more videos around tentpole events like Marvel movies and such, but that's really about it. Also, I am not leaving NerdSync.

The idea is that SCB creates an environment with other YouTubers to help get my creative juices flowing and create a sense of accountability to make videos where previously there was none. Hopefully this will mean more consistent uploads without sacrificing the production quality that I've been putting into my projects lately.

(Small note about that last part: I'm still getting moved in to the new studio space, so the next 1-2 videos might not be as high in production value simply because we don't have the new set built yet. Just hang in there for a month or so and I promise you'll see a jump in quality once all the gears start moving smoothly!)

What does this mean for Patreon payments?

All Patreon payments still go directly to me and NerdSync. I was very adamant about this, and we worked in a slightly convoluted pay structure which makes it so your support on Patreon funds my salary at SCB. None of your Patreon money goes to SCB. This was very important to me, and they happily made it work.

A huge benefit of working with SCB is financial stability for me; being paid a steady salary instead of relying on fluctuating YouTube earnings. And the way the salary is setup is that it incorporates Patreon first. So you are funding a big part of my salary while SCB covers the rest to make sure I can pay rent and buy food for my cats. So in case I haven't thanked you enough, THANK YOU!

In the future if this Patreon ever starts making more than my current salary, then SCB will finally take a small cut for helping me grow the business, but we're likely years away from that. For the foreseeable future, all your support on here goes right back into helping me survive and make videos and nothing else!

Have other burning questions?

Let me know asap! You can type them out in the comments or on Discord! I'll be around all day to answer questions and update this post with new information.

Thanks for reading all of this! Here's to bigger and better adventures moving forward!



Wonderful! Love the Super Carlin Brothers. Love you. So, perfect pairing.


Great news. Happy to hear you'll get to enjoy some more stability. But hey, so you have more cat(s) than Sparta? As a fellow cat daddy, naturally I love to seeing them in vids.