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So, I went to PatreCon this year again, and I learned a lot of valuable things regarding running this page. So, much like last year, I'll be changing up some stuff over the next month or so. Mostly little things, but perhaps one or two big things.

But here's the most interesting thing I learned...


This is a neat idea, but it involves some math, so stay with me for a sec.

So, Patreon employees talked about how if you support a creator at a $1 tier, the creator only makes about 60¢ or so after various transaction fees. But if you support a creator at $2, they get about $1.64. That's significant, because it means a $2 tier is nearly 3x as beneficial to a creator than a $1 tier.

Naturally, Patreon's advice was to turn all $1 tiers into $2 tiers because most fans won't care too much about the difference, and it helps creators out more, BUT there was another option thrown around that I like more: Encourage fans to support other creators.

Turns out, all those transaction fees don't add up if you support more than one creator. Meaning, if you support 2 creators at $1 each, you aren't charged those transaction fees twice. Fun math time! So. supporting one creator at $1 gives them about 60¢ after fees. Supporting them at $2 gives them about $1.64 after fees. But supporting two creators at $1 each splits that $1.64 evenly among them so they end up with 82¢ each!

Think about that. By supporting a second creator, they each automatically earn more! Cool, right?

Okay, so you might be wondering why I shouldn't just encourage those pledging $1 to up their donation to $2? Obviously $1.64 is still more than 82¢. Why not be greedy about it?

Well, firstly, there are tons of people making great content on the internet, and you should support your favorites if you have the desire and ability. I try to practice what I preach and have become a Patron myself for tons of my favorite creators. I like it when artists get paid for their work!

But also, Patreon employees explained that people who support multiple Patrons are more committed and stick around for longer than those who only support one person. I'd like your support for the long-term, and I know other talented creators do too!

So hey, if you support me at $1, I encourage you to go support another creator of your choice here on Patreon! Heck, if you support me at $2-$3, I'd be perfectly happy if you wanted to instead break that up across 2-3 creators instead of just NerdSync.

I'm so grateful for your support. You are truly the only reason this channel can continue. I know there are many other creators in similarly tough spots. If you want, go spread some love to them as well! I'm thrilled to have you around supporting our videos regardless of all this math!

I love you wonderful nerds!




Lauren Sparks

that is really interesting!! I've been supporting multiple people at $1 or $2 per month; I had no idea multiple pledges decreased fees. Now I'm glad. :)


That is really interesting. That really gives incentive for creators to call for support for other creators and for Patrons to want to support more of their favorite creators. You could say we're all in this together!


Yeah, it works out in a cool way! Love that it incentivizes supporting multiple creators!