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Change this one setting and enjoy some more of my love! Also, it's worth noting that my settings might be different than yours since my Patreon account is a page, not a patron. Who knows? If you have trouble figuring it out, hit me up in the comments below or on our Discord server!


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As a patron, this of course sounds great at first and I also added my YouTube URL to my profile, but I'm a little worried. Does this mean that at some point you will only look at the comments of the people who pay you`? Our comments aren't "worth" more and to me, this sounds a bit like censorship in the making, if you allow me to be a bit dramatic here. I'm not accusing you of only paying attention to "payed" comments at the moment, but imagine if you had 1.000+ patrons and since you can't possibly read EVERY comment, I suspect that you would just look at those from patrons and to me, that sounds a bit troubling. Anyway, just wanted to give my thoughts on this.


So, currently I only have time to respond to comments within the first hour that a video goes live. Maybe I'll do some comments here and there from my phone when I get a few spare moments, but almost all of my replies happen within the first hour that a video goes live. We have hundreds of videos and get thousands of comments per day, so it's impossible to keep up with ALL of them. All this does is make sure that I at least respond to Patrons who maybe didn't comment within that window. Hopefully that clears things up?


Basically, I'm not purposefully ignoring non-Patrons. I'm still responding to as many comments as I can within the first hour (which is usually still about 100-200 comments or so) and then making sure I also replied to any Patrons I may have missed.


And, not to add on too many replies here, but your bit about it being "censorship in the making" is not something that I can just ignore. No matter how you spin it, this is not censorship at all, nor do I see how it could be. I'm not blocking people from being able to comment on videos unless they support NerdSync. Everyone is still free to write any comment they like. Our channel still has the same rules and guidelines for the comments that it has had for years (no racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic slurs, for example). But I fail to see how this integration could result in censorship of any kind. At the very most, it's simply a way for me and me alone to look at comments from certain people. No one is being censored.


Ah okay, so you will only use this filter after you did your "respond to as many comments as possible in the first hour" thing? Then I don‘t see a problem, you‘re right. But just to try and explain how I meant the censorship thing: It reminded me of the whole Net Neutrality discussion. I‘m certainly not an expert, but wasn‘t one of the main concerns that certain websites like Facebook or Twitter would pay Internet Service Providers for faster access, while smaller websites wouldn‘t have those funds, making it less likely for people to visit them. Now to bring it back to Patreon: I thought you were at some point gonna use this filter all the time. Then you would only see patron-comments, making it impossible for "normal" comments to reach you. I admit that the analogy isn‘t perfect, because - like you said - everyone can still comment their thoughts and ideas for others to see, but a lot of people comment to address you directly and IF YOU WERE TO ONLY USE THIS FILER FROM NOW ON (which you clarified that that‘s not the case), then only people who pay would have a chance to reach you and to get a response from you. I hope I could make myself clear, even though it‘s not that relevant anymore, since you already cleared things up. I appreciate you taking the time and energy and actually "listening" to my concern. Have a good day!