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Hey, gang! Sorry I didn't post anything last week. That wasn't the plan. I had a guest video and a video of my own I wanted up, but then I second guessed some stuff and travel got in the way. You know the story.

I'm back home in South Carolina for a few more days, and not being able to work on my super old laptop pretty much means this is a kind of forced break. Well, that, and the fact that I got super sick and haven't fully recovered from that either. What a fun vacation!

Anyway, this time has given me the opportunity to think about stuff. The goal I wanted for NerdSync this year was to post more frequently and regularly, but that clearly hasn't happened and I can't keep pretending it's just early bugs when March is already nearing a close. So now I'm back at the drawing board, and I have an idea or two.

What if I just made one video every other week?

I know that a lot of people want more and more videos, but the rush to get them out and the disappointment I feel in myself when I inevitably fail is too much of a toll on me mentally. I would much rather promise one video every other week and succeed than promise one video a week and fail.

I know that YouTube and YouTube watchers demand more and more videos. Daily uploads! Multiple daily uploads! But that's never been my thing. I've talked before about how I want new NerdSync videos to feel like an event, not just another vid on the YouTubes. I've just been scared to actually make that leap because... y'know... money problems. I haven't fully committed to either side of the quality/quantity struggle, sacrificing on both ends instead.

So if we do this thing of focussing on slow, consistent quality, then I'm gonna have to push Patreon more. Like, obnoxiously more. That's what's going to keep this show going. I mean, it already is, but even more so now.

I'd love to know your thoughts. I know some people will want to find a compromise — and I love you for that — but a compromise is precisely what got me into this struggle in the first place. I do not want to compromise. I just want to make videos that I'm proud of. Even if that means not trying to post every week like we used to. That hustle just isn't for me anymore.



Do what you need to do, man. The quality is why I became a patron, not the quantity. This was actually my very first pledge. And I'm proud to support the channel. I'm glad you're keeping things as transparent as possible.