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Normally I make these audio updates only available for a certain tier every week, but I thought this would be a good time to make it available for everyone so I can share my thoughts about Patreon's new changes.

Here's the full blog post from Patreon: https://blog.patreon.com/updating-patreons-fee-structure/

Hit play and let me know your thoughts in the comments!



If the fees are transitioning to be payed by us, are you still charged a fee? I’m ok with it, because I was paying them anyways, but I want to know that they are not taking it on both ends.


The only fee creators are charged is Patron's 5% fee for keeping the site running. It's the transaction fees that are now passed off to Patrons instead of the creators.


Hey Scott if these changes go through, (or even if they don't) have you looked at reverting to pledging per month, instead of per video or seeing if you can have that as an option for your patrons to cut down on the transaction fees? (From what I understand there is already a long workaround, by bumping pledge level and changing the settings to only be charged once a month, but thats complicated I would assume most are unaware of how to do it)