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i'm sorry for all the yelling.



First of all, please don‘t kill yourself! Secondly, couldn‘t you simply upload more videos than like one a week max? I‘m not saying you should PRODUCE more videos, but what if you had guest videos about Thor or Halloween and stuff like that that you can post WITHOUT pushing anything back. That way you could get videos out for events like the new Thor movie without having much more work. It wouldn‘t mess with your schedule either if you just don‘t push any others back. Now, obviously I don‘t know everything about your work and about how YouTube works, but it‘s just an idea.


My editors still edit the guest videos, so having one video by me and one video by a guest takes about the same amount of work. Plus, it's really hard to find more than 3-4 people who are good fits for the channel and who actually want to make that many videos for a channel that isn't theres on a regular basis. Most people would prefer to make videos for their own channel than someone else's. Guest videos work best as a sporadic thing.


I suspect the reason some can research and write in the same day is because 1) They research for the sake of making a video and not actually understanding the content in a critical, throughout manner and 2) They have others doing the research and/or writing with the YouTuber more of a talking head. There's nothing wrong with having researchers and writers but it bothers me when the actual "figure head" seems to have no idea what they are talking about because they were disconnected from the entire process.