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Alright, loyal NerdSync Patrons, it's time to start lining up our first private Google+ hangout! Since there aren't a lot of us, I figure we can get on Google Hangouts and video chat with each other and just talk for a half hour. I want to make sure that we pick a day and time that works for the most amount of people possible (hopefully everyone!). So let me know in the comments below what days and times work best for you all between the 23rd and the 28th. Also include your timezone so I know how to plan accordingly. Thanks!




3 PM EST (USA) or later on Weekends are fine. Ideally Saturday the 25th at 3 or so would be best


Hmm. I'm not sure if I can do it on weekdays.. Depends, if it's after 2.30pm and before say 11-12pm. Weekends I'm pretty much free anytime! I'm not sure what the time zone is, tried looking it up, but it just confuses me. I think we have CEST. Or GMT+1 or 2. Sweden anyway. :P


I think we can work that out. How about Saturday the 25th at 3PM EST, which I believe is 9PM your time?


Awesome! I think that's the date and time we're going to go with!