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Wow, we are still getting new Patrons on here! Thanks to everyone for their generosity. I just want to make sure that everyone had a chance to see this video  about how to make sure Patreon doesn't overcharge you and go over your budget. But now let's get into the rewards!


If you are at any tier, you should have access to our NerdSync Discord server. It's basically a live chat room where everyone hangs out to talk about nerdy stuff. I also tend to post more frequent updates over there since I know it can be slightly annoying to get emails every single time I make a post here. You should have gotten an invite from Patreon to join, but I know that certain tiers (namely the Godlike tier) didn't have it setup properly. So here's a blanket invite: https://discord.gg/FTd2HUr

It should grant you access, but it might not incorporate your roles correctly, so let me know if you need me to change anything. Hope to see you over there!


I try to do an audio update every week, but sometimes there's either not a lot to talk about or I just forget. I feel like I haven't done one in a month at this point. But I'll be posting them right here on Patreon so you know all the cool stuff going on behind the scenes! Well, maybe not everything because business stuff can sometimes be confidential, but you'll certainly know more than most!

As for the wallpapers, I try to post those for each new video, but only if I think it looks good. Sometimes I just throw a thumbnail together last minute. But sometimes I spend days on one and I'm proud of it so I throw it up here for you guys to download.


Our social media squad (which you Patrons have helped employ) are compiling a list of everyone in this tier and coming up with a plan of attack for how to give shoutouts to everyone without blasting out 50+ posts in one day. I'm leaving it to them to figure out, but they tell me they could start as soon as today! If you have your twitter/facebook linked with your Patreon account, that'll make it easy for us to tag you directly. 


If you didn't know, myself and my friend Chris are writing a book together about the real-life histories of superheroes and comic book characters. We have close to 20 chapters done so far, and we thought it would be a good idea to "beta test" the new chapters as we write them each week by posting them for you Patrons who are in that tier or higher. We'll be posting them as google docs on which you can leave comments and feedback. The plan is to write a new chapter each week, and having it as a reward on Patreon helps us stay accountable to that. I'll be posting all the chapters we have currently in a day or so right here on Patreon. All 20-ish chapters for you to read asap!


This will start with the next video we post! It'll be like scrolling credits at the end of the video. I have it limited to 25 Patrons right now, but with all the Patrons in the tiers above it it's closer to 40 names. Hopefully we can fit all those in without them scrolling by too fast. If not, I may have to change up how it displays on screen. We shall see. And for those in the Godlike tier, I'll be giving you a verbal shoutout as well!


I'm working with TeePublic to get new shirts and posters made for the Patrons in that tier. The current plan is a new design every three months, but that's only to test things out and work out all the bugs. Ideally, that'll change to a new design every month! As soon as the surge of new Patrons calms down a bit, we'll give TeePublic the numbers and addresses, and get the designs out to you all! We'll first have to send out a message collecting your shirt sizes as well. But this could happen as early as the middle of the month!

I think that's everything, but please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, you wonderful nerds!


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