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Today is part two of some common patterns that I’ve seen erode trust between people, in polyamory or otherwise. It's anecdote-driven, as always, so let me know if you have a different experience or perspective. Any of these could also be their own video, but maybe this brief overview can be of service to you. 🙏


  • 0.00 Intro
  • 00.58 Do they ever confuse autonomy with answering to no one / hyper-individualism?
  • 05.05 Minimizing or withholding info in an attempt to protect feelings (outside of explicit requests to know or hear less). Does a person decide for other peers what's relevant for them to know? Is lying ever falsely framed as care?
  • 08.48 Changing the subject during conflict, and not coming back to it (especially when the topic is their own missteps or pain they may have caused)
  • 10.15 Silently building resentment, when it's otherwise safe to bring things up.
  • 12.05 Putting their own comfort above other peoples' safety. (e.g. cheating because of instant gratification, or trying to control a partner so we never have to feel distress, or being passive in the face of bigotry toward others, etc.)
  • 13.15 Outro / We contain multitudes, I'm not above doing these things from time to time. How do we respond when it's brought to our attention? Is there demonstrated growth?

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