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Hi there!

I hope you're having a nice weekend. Here is your Bonus resource along with a recap of the posts you may have missed this month.

Bonus Resource : Remodeled Love podcast 

The Daylovers of @remodeledlove have relaunched their family podcast, which took a brief hiatus last year. In this intimate series, Jess, Joe and Ash discuss their complex polycule, cohabitation and childrearing. If you relate to them, maybe their stories and insights can be of service.

Recap of Chillpolyamory Resources :

"Past Lives" is polyamory by another name... 

Technically, Past Lives is a very polyamorous coded film, but, hear me out. Our protagonist explores concurrent love with mutual consent, shares how she's validated by different relationships in very different ways, and the metamours even meet and build their own connection with each other. Let's explore all the ways Past Lives is a not-so-secret example of polyamorous love on screen.

When only two of us are Restructuring... 

It can be really tough to know what to do when only two people in a group are changing their relationship. If they start sleeping together, or need space from each other, or want to end just one part of their friendship, how could those changes ripple out to the rest of the group?

(Unlocked) LIVE Chat: Honesty vs. Oversharing, Spiraling with Worst Case Scenarios, and Balance during NRE 

In February's LIVE chat, we talked about defining what's "too much information", what to consider when (self-proclaimed) non-hierarchical people don't practice what they preach, how to stay level headed when obsessive about a new person, and lots more... 

How to Not have Fun: "Superstore" and Militant Non-Monogamy 

Non-monogamy does not have to be just heavy conversations all the time. We do talk a lot, think a lot and feel a lot. But if all that talking can't lead to feeling a bit closer and more free, then what does it lead to? In this video, I dive into the US sitcom Superstore, and how their open relationship storyline shows us what Not to do.


Patrons can always request topics, as well. 💛

This upcoming month, stay tuned for another non-monogamy in media analysis video, a practical resource about having hard conversations, and of course a Live chat next week, where €3+ patrons can come hang out and ask me whatever you want.

Thanks so much for your support! Feedback is welcome any time.

With love,


Remodeled Love

Remodeled Love is a podcast whose mission is to help expand the cultural narrative on healthy relationships, polyamory, parenthood, and love. It is produced and hosted by polyamorous mama, Jessica Daylover, and most often co-hosted with her husband and babydaddy, Joseph Daylover (and beginning in 2024, her whole polycule!)


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