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Hey all my little roses! Hope everyone is keeping cool during this grueling summer. I wanted to take a moment to make a post about some changes coming to Patreon in the very near future!

Changes to Tiers

For starters, there'll be a shift in what rewards are on what tiers. The first thing changing is that Buds will no longer have access to full-res versions of posts. This perk will be moving to the Blossom tier, but Buds will still get instant access to the Discord which is where I post WIPs as well as the early uploads for Patreon itself. Buds will now also be able to receive a discount on their next commission order! As for Blossoms, the ability to submit a commission before the general opening will be removed. Blossoms will still get access to private streams I may do in the Discord or on Picarto (SoonTM)! And for the Bloom tier, everything else will remain the same. The discounts for commissions will also be changing for every tier, going from a percentage off to a fixed dollar amount (ex. These changes are to hopefully make it a little more enticing to join the higher tiers, but these also won't be taking effect until next year!

On the subject of 2025, there will be pricing changes made to each tier as well. The most notable one will be the Bouquet tier, which will be going from $25 to $50. This also comes with a reduction in how many slots will be offered, so instead of 12 slots, it will go down to 9 available slots. This change is due to living expenses going up this past year, as well as reflecting my improving skill with the Quickies and adjusting my prices overall. The other tiers will also be getting a bump up in price, but not nearly as much as the Bouquet tier:

  • Buds will be going up from $3 to $5

  • Blossoms will be going up from $5 to $10

  • Blooms will be going up from $10 to $15

  • There will be no replacement for the $25 tier*

While I know having prices go up means a lot of people may have to drop their pledge, it's something I've been putting off for a bit meanwhile everything else around me has gotten more expensive. I hope you all can understand.

Plans for 2025

2025 may be 5 months away, but it'll catch up to us real fast. With 2025 will come a full change in how I work and what I offer in terms of content. The Patreon as it stands at its current monthly total is enough to pay for my monthly bills with some left over for stuff like food and gas, however this will most likely not be the case much longer, especially once the price increases go into effect. To try and counteract this, commissions will be perpetually open and taken on an "as needed" basis. No more slots, no more batches, just a steady flow of work that I can do whenever I want if I need.

Another thing coming in 2025, or rather, coming back in 2025: art streams! I've been having random art streams on Discord here and there to try and get back into the groove of streaming my process again, and I've been enjoying it again! After so long having felt like I was too boring or too slow, I feel like I'm finally getting back to liking streaming again! While I don't have any plans to make a set stream schedule just yet, I will be returning to Picarto or potentially looking into Piczel for my art streams next year! Hope to see you guys in chat!

Now for an exciting announcement for people who need some flair for their hydroflask: monthly sticker club! I've been thinking and planning this for almost an entire year, looking into what options are available, how much it'd cost, and wagering the pros and cons, and I'm happy to announce that starting next year, I will be offering a monthly sticker club over on my ko-fi! Why ko-fi and not Patreon? Because it would have to be a separate tier, and Patreon doesn't let you claim more than one tier at a time (at least as far as I'm aware). So if anyone who is a patron here also wants to be part of the sticker club, they will be able to by joining it via ko-fi! Along with the monthly sticker club, after a couple months, the once exclusive stickers will be thrown into a grab bag of sorts that people can purchase freely! This is in anticipation of there being overstock from the monthly stickers not all being claimed, but I thought it'd be a fun way for others to support me and get a little surprise at the same time! These stickers will follow a general theme: GREMLIN ENERGY! I'll be making a couple designs to start off (WIPs of which will be posted in the Discord!), but after I have a few to work with, I'll be designing a new sticker every month! If I can't come up with a design, I may turn to my supporters for input!

Sorry for the super lengthy text post, I've been thinking over all of this for months if not at least a year. If you did manage to read all of this, congratulations, here's a cookie! 🍪 Thanks for taking time to read, and as always, thank you all for your continued support!~ ♥


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