Everything didn't go according to PLAN (Patreon)
In general, it is useless to hide. Summer came and I was going to make, let's say, seasonal content. I wanted (and still want) to port the beach from DOA 6. But the problem is that I have never dealt with this game, I have no idea what tools are used for this game, how to get models, textures and all that. It took me about 4 days just to find the right programs, then a lot of time to recreate the basis of the beach and the island.
But today, having ported another model, I realized that I calculated the dimensions incorrectly and everything that I managed to do was about 10% less than necessary, and everything that I did can be safely deleted and started almost from scratch. If I can increase the already made models, then it is very difficult to change the map geometry, so I "rolled back" about a week of development back. I am very upset by this.