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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter! As Bell trains with the Amazons and continues to go deeper into the Dungeon, his growth only continues to accelerate! Elsewhere in Orario, destruction comes to one of the larger Familias within the city. This event prompts a large change and shift within Orario, and unknowingly alters the course of hidden events. What will be the outcome of such a drastic change?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 4 – Growth, Destruction, Change

-Dungeon ~ Eighth Floor-

“Hup!” Bell lopped off the head of a Kobold with his Khopesh Treasure Sword. It was much bigger than the ones found on the first four floors, but still manageable. He pivoted on one foot to get out of the line of attack from a Frog Shooter’s tongue and let the appendage hit a second Kobold instead. The dog-headed Monster was pulled into the surprised Frog Shooter’s mouth. “Sunburst!”

The ball of burning light was blasted at the floundering pair of Monsters, engulfing both before expanding for a second. When the light faded away, both the Kobold and the Frog Shooter were dead and charred black.


Bell blocked the leaping charge of a Needle Rabbit and cut it in half at the midsection of its body. The dead Monster hit the stone floor with a wet splat as blood gushed from both severed parts.

“Gugugu!” A War Shadow swiped at Bell multiple times with its knife-like fingers.

Bell blocked three swipes before hacking off the golem-like Monster’s left hand. He didn’t give the War Shadow a chance to adjust to the loss of its limb. With a quick step, he was in the Monster’s guard and he punched his fist straight through its circular face, shattering the glass-like material and killing the War Shadow instantly.

“Hah…” Bell exhaled as the War Shadow fell to the floor. “Those training sessions with the girls are really helping out.” He smiled at being able to put the lessons he was learning into practice. “Let’s see…” He did a quick count of the dead Monsters and added them to the number he’d already slain today. “That makes one-hundred-thirty-six, so far today!” He was happy with his current progress, but was determined to do even better for his Familia and his dreams!

With a star of desire and determination burning in his soul, Bell pulled out his knife to harvest the Magic Stones from the dead Monsters.




The loud chittering and screeching of the horde of Killer Ants filled the cavern as Bell stifled a curse and readied his Khopesh. “Someone must’ve hurt a Killer Ant but not finished it off. It had time to call for help.” That was the only way to explain the massive horde swarming within this single cavern.

The Killer Ants were already charging towards Bell, their claws raised to slash him and their large mandibles clicking furiously wot bite into him.

“Light of heaven, the song of life, the dance of the guardian. Protect my treasure, restore my treasure, and strengthen my treasure. Treasure Light!” Bell was surrounded in the golden glow of his Abjuration Magic as he felt the rush of his stats being boosted. “Sunburst!” He held out his left hand and the burning sphere of light formed instantly before being fired into the horde.


The loud hiss of the Killer Ants practically boiling alive inside of their exoskeletons was loud with so many vanishing into the light at once.

Bell didn’t stop there, not letting his first cast fade before pouring more Mind into it, sending a second large sphere of the burning light into another section of the swarm. Three more shots were fired as Bell attempted to rapidly thin out the horde’s numbers.





The screeches of the Killer Ants and the hissing of the dying insect Monsters mingled as some died and others continued to charge forward.

Bell went to the left side of the charging Killer Ants, where there was the fewest Monsters left, and decapitated the first Killer Ant he met. The second ant met a similar fate as it’s head was sliced in two, vertically. Bell continued to move, never staying in one place, lest he get surrounded. Another lesson he’d learned form the Amazons and their training.

“Kreee!” A Killer Ant swiped at Bell. It lost the claw to Bell’s Khopesh for its trouble.

“Hyah!” Bell hacked off the wounded Killer Ant’s head before it could release more pheromones to call for even more backup. “Sunburst!” He held out his left hand and launched another large sphere of burning light into the swarm that was starting to crowd him.


The hissing sound was louder up close and Bell realized the ants were ‘cooked’ before they could even cry out in pain. The empowerment of his Abjuration Magic made his Swift-Strike Magic much more potent and deadly.

“Skree!” A Killer Ant managed to get close enough to claw at Bell.

With a grunt, Bell blocked with his left vambrace, the golden glow around him protecting him from a portion of the damage on top of his armor absorbing the rest easily enough. A swing of his sword and the top half of the Killer Ant’s head went flying as the Monster collapsed, dead. Bell pivoted to dodge another attack and split the Killer Ant’s thorax from its abdomen. As the top half of the insect Monster was falling, Bell grabbed it by one of its arms and with a spin, threw it into another group of encroaching Killer Ants. The group was staggered by the unexpected projectile and Bell took full advantage.

“Sunburst!” Bell sent another large ball of radiant light into the group.


The entire group was burned to death in only a second or so.

“Kreee!” The Killer Ants were still coming, attacking without a second of hesitation.

Bell readied his Khopesh and hacked down the first ant, ducked low to avoid the claws of a second, cut its head in half as he shot back up to his feet with a swing of his sword. He pivoted and cut off the claw of the next ant, only to grab it and smack the next Killer Ant to attacks him with the severed limb. His blade decapitated the stunned ant, before he spun and cut down the Killer Ant that he’d previously injured. Bell’s sword never stopped moving as he lopped off the head of another ant, gutted a second, and then hacked the head of a third ant in half like he was splitting a melon with his blade. With a grunt he stomped on the gutted ant’s head before it could try and call for more help.

The golden glow of his Abjuration Magic faded away, its time up. “Damn…” Bell cursed as there were still four more Killer Ants left. “Sunburst!” He cast, the ball of burning light smaller now that it wasn’t being empowered. The ant on the far right burned to death as the other three charged forward. “Hah!” Bell met the charge and juked to the left at the last second, putting the three remaining Killer Ants in a straight line with each other. Another trick he’d been taught, this time by Tione and Tiona, was removing the advantage of numbers by making a group of Monsters bunch up and get in each other’s way. The leftmost Killer Ant barely had time to swipe at Bell before its head was bisected. Bell hopped back as the last two ants tried to claw at him over the corpse of their dead kin. “Sunburst!” Bell blasted the ant on the left, killing it as its head and upper body were engulfed by the bright light.

“Skreee!” The final Killer Ant didn’t even seem to realize that it was alone anymore as it charged.


The Khopesh Treasure Sword passed straight through the ant’s exoskeleton and removed its head from its body. The body collapsed a second later as the head bounced off the stone floor once before going still.

“Hoo…” Bell took a second to breathe and steady his heart. “How many was that?” He looked at the horde of dead Killer Ants with some amazement at what he’d accomplished. “This might’ve just broken my record for Monsters slain in a single day again.” He chuckled to himself as he pulled out his knife to begin harvesting the Killer Ants. “I’ll count as I go.”

Bell would spend quite a while in the cavern, harvesting the dead ants. A passing Adventurer Party stared in shock at the heaps of dead Killer Ants spread out over the cavern. The group looked between each other without saying a word, but their pace noticeably picked up a second later as they got out of the cavern as fast as they could without running.

“This last one makes my total three-hundred-forty-eight, so far today.” Bell had a grin on his face at his accomplishment. The fact that the vast majority of those kills had all been on the Eighth Floor made them count more towards his personal view of his growth. His backpack was bulging form Magic Stones, as was his hip pouch, He’d tied up the various Drop Items he’d collected (mostly Killer Ant Claws, for obvious reasons) with twine and tied that to his backpack as well to keep from losing them. “Let’s check out what’s up ahead before calling it a day.” Bell decided after a moment of thought.

Heading across the cavern, Bell followed the somewhat short corridor until he came to a wider cavern that was clearly well-traveled. The reason for such high foot traffic became obvious as Bell got closer to the furthest end of the large cavern. Stairs leading downwards. This was obviously the path down to the Ninth Floor.

“Is that why there were so many Killer Ants?” Bell wondered, looking down the stairs at the next Floor that he’d be challenging soon. “The call for help attracted a swarm from the nearby Ninth Floor, I guess.” It would certainly explain the large number of ants if they’d come from both the Eighth Floor and the Ninth Floor. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” Bell grinned at the stairs, ready to take on the challenge of the Ninth Floor starting the next day.

-Guild Exchange ~ Late Afternoon-

“Your Magic Stones are worth 19,862 Valis. The two Needle Rabbit Tusks, one Kobold Nail, twelve Killer Ant Claws, and the single War Shadow Finger Blade are worth 15,650 Valis. Your total exchange today is 35,512 Valis. Please, have a nice night.” The woman behind the glass gave Bell a polite smile as she pushed the tray filled with the money over to Bell’s side.

“I will, ma’am, thank you very much.” Bell took his money and secured it in his hip pouch. With a grin he patted his hip pouch and then headed over to the meeting area to give his report of his day in the Dungeon to Anna.

Anna could only stare when Bell gave his report. She was glad that he was okay, but fighting a horde of Killer Ants solo was insane. She’d let him know this by lightly swatting him over the head with a stack of papers. Anna had let out an exasperated sigh when Bell revealed that he’d slain three-hundred-forty-eight Monsters today. At this point she was starting to wonder if the day would come that Bell reported to her that he’d slain a thousand monster in a single day.


Bell sat on the couch with his shirt off and his back exposed to Bastet. The familiar blue-white glow was emanating from his back as Bastet watched his Excelia for the day.

“You don’t need to put yourself into such dangerous situations, Bell.” Bastet gave him a light chastisement out of worry that her lover would get himself in a bad situation that he couldn’t get out of. “Being solo in the Dungeon means you need to be more cautious. I don’t want to lose you.” She moved the Excelia into the Falna and watched as Bell’s numbers rose substantially from his feat today. Not only was he getting a lot of Excelia, but the one vs many battle had produced some high-quality Excelia as well, pushing Bell closer towards Leveling Up for the first time.

Bell accepted the chastisement without argument. He knew that he was pushing himself hard, and that most solo Adventurers would never do such a thing for fear of losing their life. “I’m sorry that I worried you, Goddess. I just want to get stronger so that I can do more for our Familia.”

Bastet placed a blank paper onto Bell’s back and copied the new numbers over. “I know that, Bell. And there is some impressive growth to be had from accomplishing such feats on your own. I just want you to make sure that you don’t get in over your head and risk losing it all.” She locked up his Falna and hugged him from behind, pouring her love and care for Bell into her embrace. Bell relaxed into Bastet’s arms with a soft smile for a little while before she handed him his newly updated Status.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – C 691 > A 811

Endurance – C 699 > A 808

Dexterity – C 695 > A 816

Agility – C 682 > A 803

Magic – C 677 > A 817


Treasure Light – Incantation: “Light of heaven, the song of life, the dance of the guardian. Protect my treasure, restore my treasure, and strengthen my treasure.” Abjuration Magic that heals a target while also boosting their stats and providing protection for a limited time.

Sunburst – Radiant Swift-Strike Magic


Tafani Al Usra (Dedication to Family) – Fast growth as long as feelings last. More desire results in faster growth. More effort results in stronger growth. Those the user sees as ‘family’ have accelerated growth in proportion to their efforts. As a side-effect it makes the user immune to Charms and Magics that affect the mind.

Sacred Sword– Adds an Anti-Monster wavelength to a weapon, greatly increasing damage done to Monsters. Bypasses protections granted by Magic or Skills. Passive.


“My stats went up a lot.” Bell said, happy with his growth from his time spent training with the Amazons and his hard work in the Dungeon. ‘I didn’t expect to completely skip the B rank in all of my stats.’ That was surprising, to say the least, but Bell was happy that he was getting stronger and stronger. ‘Thanks to the girls, I now have a solid base for my Falna to improve too.’ With proper hand-to-hand training and real weapon training from the much more experienced Amazons, Bell’s originally self-taught fighting had been improved and polished into something he felt some pride in.

Then his eyes looked over the Magic section, and seeing nothing new, dropped down to the Skills section.

“Eh?! I have a new Skill?!” Bell exclaimed in surprise.

“Nyahahahaha!” Bastet burst into laughter at surprising Bell.

Bell read over his new Skill and what it did. “Sacred Sword, huh? It looks really helpful!” Dealing extra damage to Monsters and being able to bypass Magic-based or Skill-based protections would be a huge boon in the Dungeon, especially as he started going deeper where the stronger Monsters and Large Category Monsters began to spawn.

Bastet stifled her giggles and rested her chin on Bell’s shoulder. “You’ve improved a lot with the Bast Sword, all the hard work you’ve put in to learn, and your care and devotion for it have manifested as this Skill.” The fact that this Skill could be used on any weapon was just an added bonus, since no one could ever predict what might happen in the Dungeon.

Bell smiled at the praise from his Goddess and leaned into her more, just enjoying their closeness. “I can’t wait to try it out on the Ninth Floor tomorrow.”

-Pleasure District ~ Night-

It was the early hours of the morning, long after the majority of patrons left the Pleasure District, but still hours away from morning. The two Amazons that stood at the main entrance to the Pleasure District noticed something approaching in the darkness. A few moments later and it was obvious that it was multiple people approaching from down the road like it was normal for them to show up at such a late hour.

Then the group stepped into the light near the main gate and both Amazons’ eyes widened in shock.

The main force of Freya Familia stood before them, fully equipped for battle.

“H-Halt!” The Amazon on the left ordered, brandishing her spear at them.

There was a black blur and both of the gate guards fell.

“How dare you point your weapons at our Goddess!” Alan Fromel nearly snarled at the two unconscious Amazons. He was lithe, but muscled, with semi-pale skin and black hair, his cat ears and tail matched his hair color and his narrowed eyes were a cold blue color. He was dressed in a black shirt and pants with silver greaves covering his shins and he wielded a silver spear in his hands.

To be fair to the two guards, they couldn’t see Freya as she was walking safely behind Ottar. The Boaz man’s huge frame completely dwarfed Freya’s and shielded her from sight and harm.

“Surround Belit Babili, defeat everyone that stands in your path.” Freya instructed Allen, Hedin Selland, Hogni Ragnar, and the Gulliver Brothers. “Hunt down every last Evilus remnant in this district and kill them.” Freya’s silvery purple eyes seemed to almost glow and the normal Divine Aura (one that teased and tempted with beauty and desire) was replaced by one that was sharp and violent, a clear sign that Freya was leaning more into her Domain of War than any of her others. “Ottar, we’ll be going to see Ishtar.”

“As you will it, Goddess.” The men all replied while bowing to Freya.

Allen was gone in a blur, his title of ‘Fastest in the City’ was on full display as he headed straight for one of the locations where Evilus remnants had been reported by their spies.

The rest separated and spread out quickly, leaving only Ottar and Freya to walk down the main street straight towards Belit Babili, the Ishtar Familia Home.

-Aisha’s Room-


Aisha stirred as a muted explosion filled the air. The Amazon settled again, not waking up and snuggling into her pillow more.

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam

A series of explosions, much louder than the previous one, startled Aisha awake and she sat up instantly. “What the fuck?!” She was out of bed and pulling her clothing on quickly. She ran to the window in her room and threw the curtains aside. The sight that greeted her was one that she’d never expected.

The Pleasure District was on fire.

She opened the window and the muted sounds came into sharp clarity.

The roar of the spreading flames, the screams of people, and the sound of explosions.

Aisha’s briefly caught sight of what appeared to be balls of lightning in one area not too far from Belit Babili, only for the magic to devastate the area around it, followed by even louder screams. “We’re under attack?” It was hard to wrap her head around given the overall power of the Ishtar Familia. Very few Familia within Orario could hope to challenge them at all, and that thought made her stomach sink as she realized the most probable identity of their attackers. “Freya Familia…”

“Aisha!” Samira burst into her room in a hurried panic. “We’re under attack! Freya Familia is destroying the Pleasure District!”

The cries of the various Amazons that made up the Familia were heard in the hallways as they prepared for battle.

Aisha rushed out of her room after grabbing her huge sword. “We need to go.” She told Samira as they ran. She had no intention of fighting for Ishtar now that her Charm had been broken. In fact, aside from gathering a few of their closer friends, and a gentle soul that had been enslaved and left a soft spot on Aisha’s heart, she was planning to flee and not engage the Freya Familia at all. “Ishtar is doomed.”

“I figured you’d say that.” Samira smirked and turned a corner first, leading Aisha down a set of stairs and into a lesser used entryway off to the side of the large building they lived in.

Ikumi, Matora, Chacha, and about twenty other Amazons that they were friends with in the Berbera (the main fighting force of the Ishtar Familia that numbered just over one-hundred members) were gathered, most of them having already grabbed everything they wanted to keep from their rooms and looked ready to flee.

“Can we go, already?” Ikumi asked, nearly flinching as another explosion filled the air just outside of Belit Babili.

“We need to go before we’re found.” Chacha agreed, looking a little worried of the consequences if Ishtar found them. It wouldn’t be hard for the Goddess to force them all under her Charm and then send them out to fight against their will.

Matora grumbled a bit, always interested in a good fight, but even she knew that this wasn’t a battle that they could win.

“I’m going to grab Haruhime.” Aisha told them quickly, having already made her decision. “Samira, lead everyone out of here.” The two shared a look. “You know where to go.” Aisha had a small smile on her lips.

Samira gave her a smirk. “Yeah, I know where to go.” She turned to the others. “Follow me and keep up! If we’re caught by either side, we’re in trouble.”

“Yes!” the Amazons in the group nodded in confirmation.

Samira was out the door and sprinting into the chaos of the Pleasure District on the fastest path towards their future. The rest of the group quickly followed, Chacha, Matora, and Ikumi giving one last look towards Aisha as they rushed out the door.

Aisha took off next, making a sharp left turn as soon as she exited the door, and heading to a specific location. “Hold on, Haruhime.”

-Main Street of the Pleasure District-

“Leave the Pleasure District immediately.” Freya’s eyes glowed with her Charm as she spoke, turning her words into orders for the newly charmed patrons that had been spending the night in the Pleasure District and were now trying to escape in a panic.

“Yes, my lady…” The various men and women said simultaneously, their eyes wide and matching the purple glow of Freya’s eyes. In an orderly fashion, the people ignored the flames and the explosions and headed for the exit of the Pleasure District quickly.

Freya wouldn’t maintain that Charm, so it would wear off within a few hours, but it made dealing with the bystanders much easier. “Ottar.”

Ottar didn’t say anything, he simply swung his fist back and the gale created from the strength of his swing shattered the glass in the building he stood in front of.

“Gah!” A man’s voice cried out.

Ottar’s fist punched straight through the wall of the building and dragged a man in a familiar white hooded robe out through the new hole.

“Go wait by the front gate, remain hidden.” Freya looked into the man’s eyes and charmed him.

“Yes, Goddess…” The man said in an obedient daze. He jogged off towards the front gate without another thought in his head.

Ottar knew that the Evilus member would be pumped for information once they were done here, but he focused on his task of protecting his Goddess and slaughtering her enemies.

All around various spots in the Pleasure District fires had broken out. Multiple buildings were burning, some had literally been cut in two, some had already collapsed, and the bodies of Amazons that had tried to fight were scattered across the streets. Only a few were dead among the Amazons. That was not the case with the various white robed individuals that had been the true targets of this attack. Every Evilus member that was found was killed on the spot, no time to speak, scream, or even try to blow themselves up as was a common tactic with Evilus in the past. Freya’s orders were to be fulfilled to the utmost perfection, and the leaders and executives of Freya Familia would carry out their Goddess’s will without fail.

-Belit Babili ~ Top Floor-

“That bitch!” Ishtar seethed with rage and hatred as she saw the Pleasure District burn. She knew exactly who was doing this and it made her nearly drove her insane with anger. “Tammuz! We’re leaving!”

“Yes, Goddess.” Tammuz Belili bowed to Ishtar, his free will had been Charmed to be Ishtar’s orders and desires for years now.

Ishtar looked at the Captain of her Familia. “Phryne, go out there and deal with them! Use Haruhime’s Level Boost! Just get rid of them!”

Phryne Jamil had an eager, if twisted, smile on her face. “Yes, Goddess Ishtar.” She was already in her full plate mail armor and had her great battle axe ‘Gorda’ in hand. She was Level 5, not a match for many of the Freya Famiia executives, but with Haruhime’s Level Boost Magic, she’d be able to fight on par with all of them, she was sure of it! She quickly left the room, heading for where Haruhime was kept normally.

-Pleasure District-

“Miss Aisha…” A beautiful blonde Renard girl held onto Aisha as the Amazon rushed them towards the exit of the Pleasure District. “What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry about it, Haruhime!” Aisha told her as she sprinted as fast as she could with Haruhime on her back and her large sword in her free hand. “All that matters is getting you out of here!”

She could see the main gate in the distance. It was the fastest way to get out of the burning Pleasure District. If time wasn’t a factor, she’d have taken one of the secret back routes, but all of those involved narrow back alleys that would be an easy place to get trapped and taken out by one of the Freya Familia. Aisha wouldn’t risk Haruhime’s safety on trying to be stealthy right now. It was better to just flee as fast as possible and escape the district entirely.

“But what about my collar?” Haruhime worried, touching the black metal around her neck. The Magic Item was bound to Ishtar and would let the Goddess know where she was at all times if Ishtar wanted to find out.

Aisha just kept running. “It won’t be a problem soon.”

Haruhime held onto Aisha tightly, trusting the words of the only person that had been kind to her since she’d been bought by the Ishtar Familia five years ago.

Aisha wasn’t heading towards the same location as the rest of her friends, at least not right away. There was a specific place that she felt Haruhime needed to be taken to. The only reason she thought about it was because of something that Haruhime had shared with her about her past the few times that the Renard girl had spoken of it in the five years that they’d known each other. It was a single name, Kashima Ouka, a childhood friend of Haruhime’s from back in the Far East. Aisha didn’t know why she remembered it after being told, but about five or so months ago a man by the name of ‘Ouka Kashima’ had leveled up to Level 2. The man was clearly from the Far East and it wasn’t hard to flip his given name and surname around to make it match the name of Haruhime’s old friend. Aisha knew that Ouka was part of the Takemikazuchi Familia, because of how the Guild reported all Level Ups among the Adventurers.

That’s where you belong, Haruhime.’ Aisha thought to herself as she managed to run through the main gates and out of the Pleasure District. ‘With friends that you know and care about. People that will take care of you and protect you.’ With that thought, Aisha sped up even further, leaping up atop a building and then to an even higher one before jumping between rooftops in the direction that she new the Takemikazuchi Familia Home to be.

-Belit Babili-

Freya looked at the large Amazon woman with the frog-like features. Without a second glance, the Goddess walked past Phryne and straight into the large building without a care.

“You bastards are looking down on me, aren’t you?!” Phryne bellowed out as she charged Ottar in a rage, her battle axe raised high to strike the Boaz man down. If there was one thing Phryne hated more than anything, it was other women thinking that they were more beautiful than her. Her vain delusion was so strong from decades of telling herself that she was gorgeous, that nowadays the large Amazon thought herself even more beautiful than the Goddesses. The fact that she had to kidnap, drug, torture, and rape men to get any attention from them was a not so well-kept secret among the members of the Ishtar Familia.

Ottar didn’t respond to her words, he simply reached out and caught her right wrist in his hand, stopping her swing cold. Without even changing his expression, Ottar crushed Phryne’s wrist with a sickening crack, even through her plate armor.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Phryne howled in pain as she staggered backwards after Ottar let her wrist go. Her battle axe falling limply to the ground as she cradled her crushed wrist.

Ottar picked up the battle axe and looked at it for a moment. It was a High Grade weapon, if only barely. He tossed it aside without a care, sending it crashing through a wall, the weapon of no interest to him.

Phryne backed up a step in fear at how easily Ottar had not only stopped her attack, but injured her through her armor too. She held up her left hand and babbled out an apology. “I-I’m sorry! You must forgive me! I will do anything!” Ottar just looked at her like she was wasting his time. “Oh, I know! I’ll let you have my body!” Phryne offered, as if that was some sort of prize. “I’ll do anything you want! I can please you even more than your Goddess Freya can!”

Ottar’s expression changed for the first time and Phryne immediately realized that she’d fucked up.

“Filthy wretch!” Ottar growled, a pressure seeming to expand outwards from his body as he growled at Phryne, his rust-colored eyes almost glowing with his rage. “That is BLASPHEMY AGAINST OUR GODDESS!!!”

Phryne saw Ottar’s hand go to the handle of the massive sword on his back. But she only saw a blur as the massive Boaz man brought the weapon down upon her.


The blade struck the ground and blasted a large amount of dust and debris through the air at high speed. Among that debris, but in opposite directions, were the two halves of Phryne Jamil, split vertically down the center, plate armor and all. In less than an instant, the Level 5 Captain of Ishtar Familia had been slain without even being able to put up a fight. Such was the power disparity between a subpar Level 5 and a Level 7 that had almost every one of their Basic Abilities nearly maxed out.

-Belit Babili ~ Top Floor-

Ishtar ran, the large tower of Belit Babili damaged and shaking. She could only head upwards, having spotted Freya entering the tower earlier. She wasn’t stupid, the attack on the Pleasure District had clearly surrounded her Familia’s home, leaving her with no way out. Tammuz was shadowing her, the charmed man willing to die for her at her word if necessary. It was only as she ran up the stone stairs near the top of the tower that she realized she was trapped.

“The stairs…” Ishtar uttered out with her eyes wide that the stone steps ahead of her had been completely destroyed. That couldn’t have been an accident at all. Someone had purposefully targeted and destroyed the stairs so high up because they were planning to trap her out here.

The click of heels on stone got Ishtar and Tammuz’s attention.

“Damn it…” Ishtar nearly hissed out as she turned to look back down the stairs.

Around the curve of the wall, Freya appeared, casually walking up the stairs as if she owned them. “I do hope you’ve been well, Ishtar.” Freya greeted the other Goddess, though no such good will reached her eyes. “I’ll be brief… We need to talk.” Her lips quirked up into a little smile that only promised bad things. “Or rather, I suppose I’ve come to say ‘Goodbye’.”

“Seize her at once!” Ishtar ordered Tammuz and the Level 4 man rushed at Freya.

Freya only looked amused as her eyes glowed with a soft violet light. Tammuz went still, just standing on the steps unmoving. “What a cute ‘child’ you have…”

“N-No way… You overwrote my Charm?!” Ishtar took a step backwards, closer to the destroyed stairs.

“It’s been fun watching your charade these past years, dear.” Freya spoke softly as she continued to ascend the stairs, forcing Ishtar to back up further and further. “And I’ve let all of your little pranks and provocations slide until now. But I cannot, will not, tolerate you undoing the hard work of my ‘children’.” Freya’s eyes locked onto Ishtar’s. “So, I’m going to destroy you.”

Ishtar snarled, anger overriding fear as he own Divine Aura shifted to her War Domain and she lashed out at Freya.

“That’s cute, dear.” Freya grabbed Ishtar’s wrist and jerked her forward, the stairs making the other Goddess lose her balance.


The slap across Ishtar’s face was loud and snapped through the night air, briefly louder than the conflagration below. Ishtar staggered backwards, stepping on her orange silk and tripping.

“FREEEEEYYYYYAAAAAA!!!” Ishtar howled in rage and hatred for the other Goddess as she fell almost twenty stories.

Anyone still awake in Orario was suddenly treated to a spectacular and ominous sight.

A massive tower of light shot upwards from the earth towards the heavens. The sheer outpouring of power shook the entire Pleasure District as the seemingly endless energy was unleashed. This was a Deity returning to Tenkai, and it only happened upon the ‘death’ of their physical bodies within Gekai. The tower of energy and light was a portion of the ‘dead’ Deity’s Arcanum being released to bridge the gap between the Lower World and the Heavenly World and send them back. It was a level of unmatchable power that the mortals of Gekai could only see upon this most rare and unsettling of occasions.

As soon as Ishtar was returned to Tenkai, the tower of light vanished instantly, leaving only a perfectly circular spot on the ground of the Pleasure District where the Goddess had fallen.

With her self-appointed task done, Freya turned, her long silver hair flipped over her shoulder by the motion. She walked down the stairs and without a word Tammuz followed a few steps behind her like a servant. It was time for Freya and her Familia to return home. She’d make sure to reward all of them for their hard work and how perfectly they’d carried out her orders. A beautiful, and very sexual, smile crossed Freya’s lips as she imagined the pleasure and love that would fill her home over the next few days. As a Goddess of Love, Beauty, Desire, among other things, her existence reveled in love and pleasure and she shared it with her chosen Familia members that she’d given a place in her heart to.

“Of course, I’m sure the Guild will have something to say about this soon enough.” Freya let out a little sigh. “No doubt they’ll interrupt our celebration with some fine or another.” Perhaps they’d simply ignore it for a while, until Freya had made sure that all of her loves had been appropriately and completely rewarded.

-Temporary Residence Townhouse ~ Takemikazuchi Familia Home-

“M-Miss Aisha…” Haruhime suddenly felt her black metal slave collar fall apart. The shock almost made her miss when the Falna upon her back vanished and she lost the benefits it provided her.

Aisha felt her Falna disappear and was glad that, as a well-trained Amazon, she still had the strength to carry Haruhime easily. “It’s fine, Haruhime. I expected this to happen.” She gently set the Renard down, letting Haruhime stand on her own feet right outside the gate of the Takemikazuchi Familia’s home. “This is where you belong. Not with a Goddess like Ishtar, but with the people you care about and that care about you.”

Haruhime looked between Aisha and the home clearly confused.

Aisha smiled softly and pointed to the plaque attached to the gate.

“Take-Takemikazuchi Familia?” Haruhime’s hands rose to cover her mouth as tears stung her eyes. “I…I can’t…” She shook her head. She didn’t want to cause any more trouble for these wonderful people that had risked everything just to make her childhood a little brighter. “Someone like me…”

“Good thing I’m not giving you a choice then.” Aisha smiled and pulled Haruhime into a hug. Haruhime hugged Aisha back tightly, burying her face into the other woman’s chest as she cried tears of sadness, but also tears of relief and joy. Aisha let Haruhime nearly cry herself out before raising her left fist and knocking loudly on the gate over and over again, making sure that the loud noise woke up everyone within the Takemikazuchi Familia.

The sound of people moving and voices were heard behind the gate as Aisha gently stepped back from Haruhime and gave the cute Renard a warm smile. “I’ll come visit once everything has settled down.” She wiped a tear from Haruhime’s eye with her thumb. “I want you to live a happy life from now on, Haruhime. Can you do that for me?”

“A-Ai-Aisha…” Haruhime couldn’t speak, so she just nodded to the woman that had become like a big sister to her over the last five years.

“Good.” Aisha squeezed Haruhime into another warm, if brief, hug before stepping away and picking up her large sword again. She took off, much slower now without her Falna, but still managed to make it around the nearest corner before the gate to the Takemikazuchi Familia home opened up.

A second later and Aisha smiled as the loud exclamation reached her ears.

“HARUHIME-DONO?!” A woman’s voice, filled with shock, joy, and warmth broke the early morning air.

Aisha kept the soft smile on her lips as she headed for the place that she knew the others would be at.

-Bubastis ~ Dawn-

“Hm?” Bell woke up at five in the morning as he most often did, just as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon. Bastet was curled up against him, still asleep, as was common in the early morning.

Bam Bam Bam

Three loud knocks on the wooden gate got Bell’s attention.

“Nya~?” Bastet’s cat ears flicked and her golden eyes slowly opened. She yawned adorably and Bell smiled at the sight. “Whas…goin’ on?”

Bell shook his head. “I’m not sure, Bastet.”

Bam Bam Bam

The knocks came again.

“Visitors?” Bastet rubbed her eyes. “It’s so early…” She pouted cutely.

“I’ll go see who it is.” Bell kissed her lips gently, making Bastet smile and lean into him.

“I’ll come too.” Bastet didn’t want to be separated from Bell this early anyway.

The two managed to put on some robes that Bastet had bought with some of the money that Bell had been earning in the Dungeon. Now that they were at least presentable, the two headed downstairs.

Bam Bam Bam

Three more knocks, these a bit louder, were heard just as Bell and Bastet opened the front door. The two moved over to the gate and opened the small slide that let them look out without opening the gate.

“Matora? Samira? Ikumi? Chacha?” Bell was surprised to see the four, along with the almost twenty other Amazons behind them. “What’re you doing here so early?”

“Lady Ishtar is gone. Freya Familia destroyed the Pleasure District and Freya sent Ishtar back to Tenkai.” Samira explained what they were fairly certain had happened, all of them having felt the instant when their Falna had disappeared and all of them had briefly seen the tower of light from a distance as well.

Bastet pressed her cheek against Bell’s to see out of the small slat in the gate. “Ishtar is gone?!”

“Yep… None of us have her Falna anymore.” Chacha nodded, all of the other Amazons agreeing with her.

“Come in, come in!” Bastet perked up, fairly sure where this was going and wanting to welcome the group properly into her Familia’s home. Bell and Bastet opened the gate and the former Berbera members all came inside.

Just as they were about to close the gate, another familiar voice called out.

“Room for one more?” Aisha smiled at Bell and Bastet as she walked towards the gate, her large sword held over her right shoulder.

Bell smiled warmly at her. “Of course, Aisha.” Once Aisha was inside, the gate was closed and locked again, as everyone headed inside.

Once the front door was closed, and the twenty-five Amazons were settled within the large living room, everyone finding a seat on the couch, or a chair, or one of the large pillows from the pile in the corner, Bastet spoke up.

“Can anyone tell me what happened exactly?” Bastet asked of the Amazons.

“We all left as soon as the attack started. Matora answered with a shake of her head.

“We didn’t stick around when everything was going on. We didn’t want to risk getting caught by Ishtar and forced into a battle that we couldn’t win. And we really didn’t want to run into the Freya Familia when they were attacking us.” Ikumi said, explaining how their group had fled from Belit Babili without fighting at all.

Bastet hummed thoughtfully for a moment. “I see.” She looked at Chacha. “May I see your back for a moment?”

“Sure!” Chacha smiled and pulled off her tank top, letting her large breasts bounce into view without a care. She shot Bell a wink as she turned her back to Bastet.

Bastet gently touched Chacha’s back, running her finger over the Amazon’s soft skin for a moment as she tried to find any trace of the Divinity of a Falna within the girl. “It’s really gone.”

“We were all hoping to get a new Falna…if you are willing to take us in, Lady Bastet.” Aisha spoke for the group as the leader of the former Berbera.

Bastet looked at each and every single Amazon in turn. “Are you all sure that you want to join my Familia? We’re just starting out.”

Neither Bastet nor Bell expected all of the Amazons to kneel before Bastet with their heads bowed low. “Please take us into your Familia, Goddess Bastet. We swear to be loyal and serve the Familia faithfully.”

“Nya…!” Bastet held up her hands and shook her head from side to side. “No, no, no, none of that! We’re supposed to be a Familia, not an army!” She didn’t want a ton of stiff formality and her own Familia members to feel like they couldn’t approach her. ‘What the hell did you do to your Familia, Ishtar?’ Bastet couldn’t help wondering after seeing how the former Berbera members acted.

“Is that a ‘yes’?” Samira asked, as she stood up from her kneeling position.

The rest of the Amazons got up as well.

“What do you think, Bell?” Bastet asked her Captain, already knowing the answer.

“Welcome to the Familia.” Bell beamed at the Amazons, happy that their Familia was growing, and that they’d been the first that his Amazon girlfriends…? Lovers? Had come to when they could’ve gone anywhere with their Levels and been accepted.

“Bell!” Chacha nearly tackled him in a hug, her still bare breast molding against his muscled chest. “Thank you!” She kissed his lips in front of everyone without a care.

“Well, I saw that coming.” Ikumi playfully rolled her eyes as she walked over, eager to get her own time with Bell.

Bell’s hands wrapped around Chacha’s waist and pulled her flush against him before their lips separated. “Welcome home, Chacha.” He picked her up easily, making Chacha giggle and kiss him again.

“I’m going to be busy today.” Bastet laughed beautifully, seeing the number of Falna that she’d have to give. “We’ll celebrate all day today!” She declared, several of the Amazons smiled at her words. “Does anyone know how to cook or play instruments? A good party needs food and music!”

“I can cook.” Ikumi offered after pulling away from Bell’s lips, a small string of saliva connecting the two of them for a second before it broke.

Matora quickly took Ikumi’s place, eagerly pulling Bell’s lips to her own. Their kiss deepened and became a battle of tongues as Matora wrapped her arms around Bell’s shoulders, while pressing her ass back into Bell’s hands.

“I know how to play the flute.” One of the Amazons offered with a smile.

“Give me a drum and I can at least stay on beat.” Another Amazon laughed.

“Nya! We’re getting there!” Bastet was excited as she sat down on the couch next to Aisha. “Let’s get started!” She gently pricked her finger with a needle, ready to start giving her Falna to the twenty-five Amazons that had come looking to be part of her Familia.

Aisha undid her purple breast wrap, giving Bell warm and loving eyes as he watched her girls bounce free. “Thank you, Goddess.”

As Bastet’s finger touched Aisha’s back and the familiar blue-white glow appeared, Samira took Bell’s eyes off of Aisha and onto her as she playfully pushed Matora aside and dragged Bell into her embrace. Their lips met and the Amazon moaned as Bell’s hands took hold of her nice ass and gave it a squeeze as their kiss became a French kiss.

Bastet began to write the hieroglyphics of the Falna onto Aisha’s skin. It was similar to Bell’s, just creating a place for Aisha’s name, Level, Skills, Magic, and Developmental Abilities. Once that was done, Bastet pushed a tiny fragment of Divinity into the hieroglyphs and watched as her Falna appeared on Aisha’s skin like a masterful tattoo, the black cat with the sistrum and the ointment jar by its paws and the solar disk above it looked good on Aisha’s back in Bastet’s (totally unbiased) opinion. As the previously earned stats, Skills, Magic, and Developmental Abilities filled themselves into the new Falna, Bastet got to see just how strong Aisha was for the first time.


Aisha Belka

Level 3

Strength – B 779

Endurance – A 838

Dexterity – A 831

Agility – B 786

Magic – A 850


Hell Kaios– Incantation: “Come, champion of the savages. Manly warrior, strong hero, greedy and unjust hero. Show your worth if you desire the girdle of the empress. Satisfy my body, penetrate my body, kill my body and prove your worth. My starving blade is Hippolyta.” Slashing Magic that releases a red shockwave slash that cuts anything it passes through.


Battle High – Raises the user’s Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance while fighting. Allows the user to ignore a large amount of pain. Passive.

Gururlu Koruyucu (Proud Protector) – Raises all stats by a large amount when fighting to defend others. Passive.

Pressure – Creates shockwaves from the user’s attacks, allowing force to travel across open distance. Damage is greatly increased if the strike physically connects. Active Trigger.

Developmental Abilities

Hunter– Improves abilities against Monsters that the user has fought before and gained Excelia from.

Fist Strike– Massively raises attack power when punching or striking with bare hands.


“This is what I remember.” Aisha nodded, seeing her first Status as a member of the Bastet Familia.

Bastet hugged Aisha from behind with a smile. “Nya… You’re really strong, Aisha. Do you want to be the Vice-Captain?”

“I’ll think about it, Goddess.” Aisha smiled at how affectionate Bastet was compared to Ishtar’s selfishness and uncaring nature towards her ‘children’. With a sultry smile Aisha stood up form the couch, not even bothering to cover up her bare tits, and sauntered over to Bell.

“Welcome home, Aisha.” Bell welcomed her into his arms with a warm smile.

“Glad to be home.” Aisha wrapped her arms around Bell’s shoulders as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled them flush against each other.

Bell’s rubellite eyes met Aisha’s purple gaze and the two just held each other for a long moment. Their lips met without either of them thinking about it and Aisha moaned lowly in pleasure as their kiss deepened.

This is what I want.’ Aisha decided with her heart beating strongly and her blood hot like fire. Her hands came down to pull open the top of Bell’s robe, letting their bare skin press against each other, the warmth and sensation making both of them hum in joy. “Stronger and stronger, every time that I see you, Bell.” She praised him, feeling his muscles against her tits and the strength in his body as his hands ran up and down her back.

Chacha, Samira, Matora, and Ikumi all watched on as Aisha and Bell shared their affection for each other. For the first time in a long while, they were all free and could finally do what they wanted with a Familia that would truly care about them. It was a weight off their shoulders that all of them relished and made them look forward to the future.

A future that always included Bell.

-End Chapter-


Bell works harder and harder in the Dungeon and inn his training with his Amazon girlfriends! His stats are growing rapidly as he dives deeper and deeper into the Dungeon! He even got a new Skill!

Freya Familia laid waste to the Pleasure District like we knew that they would. Ottar slaughters Phryne for her ‘blasphemy’ against Freya. The Evilus remnants hiding within the Pleasure District are hunted down and killed to the last person. Except for the one that Freya charmed to get information out of later. I believe Tammuz may well be in for similar treatment soon enough.

Aisha escapes with Haruhime! Yay! She then takes Haruhime to the Takemikazuchi Familia so that she can be with her friends that love and care for the adorable Renard. Woohoo!

Happy Fox Girl is best Fox Girl!

Aisha, Samira, Ikumi, Matora, and Chacha, along with about twenty more former members of the Berbera, have come to the Bastet Familia home to join up! Bastet and Bell welcome them with open arms! Aisha gets to go first while the other four eagerly thank Bell for his warm welcome. Hehehe~

Bastet says the whole day will be spent on a big welcome party! Yeah!

As a Goddess of Music and Dance, it’s sure to be fun and with Ikumi’s cooking it’ll be delicious too!

How long before Bell is dragged off for snu-snu?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you thought!

Until next time, later!


The Foreign Traveler

And thus the downfall of the Ishtar Familia is complete. Aisha and her friends are free and Haruhime is safe. Can’t believe I’m actually saying this but good job Freya! And the Bastet Familia grows ever larger!


Easily one on my favorite stories from you. Massive points for Chacha.


Glad you like it! Yes, everyone should love Chacha! She's fun, gorgeous, sexy, and strong! lol

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent chapter, and when the frog faced Amazon blast for made a certain goddess, I had a chuckle on how quick she realized she messed up lol. Definitely a great ending to this chapter as well.


You're welcome! Happy that you enjoyed it! Yeah, Phryne realized quickly how badly she fucked up, but not fast enough to do anything about it! All of the warm and fluffy in the Bastet Familia Home!