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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! The Tenka’ichi Budokai has come and gone. But there’s still four months before the Dragon Balls become active again. What will the group do in that time? Well, Caulifla and Kale will need to start their Turtle School Training to ‘Break the Wall of Humanity’ and Goku, Krillin, and Bulma have learned what Roshi can teach them for the most part. Perhaps the next phase of training will be for the three disciples to go out into the world and hone both their minds and bodies further through experience. Launch might just have a request to make as well when the time comes.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 13 – Training and Journeys

“Come along now, if you dawdle the milk will go sour.” Roshi declared to Caulifla and Kale as he led them along the milk delivery route. In a change from when he’d been training Goku, Krillin, and Bulma, he was also wearing his large turtle shell on his back, though he didn’t carry a milk crate.

Kale was panting as she continued to zig-zag through the trees along the kilometer-long path to the next house. “W-We never…tr-trained…like this…be-before…”

“Is this really training?” Caulifla huffed out, her breaths coming out heavily.

Roshi laughed at the complaints from his newest disciples. “Hahaha… Of course it is! Look at how worn out you both already are! You might have a lot of raw strength, but you lack a foundation of stamina and conditioning for that strength to grow from!” He stopped at the next house and waited for Kale and Caulifla to catch up.

“Hah…hah…” Caulifla opened the milk box and took one of the empties out, replacing the empty bottle with a fresh, cold bottle of milk.

Kale caught up a few seconds later, her breath ragged, and removed the second empty bottle in the box, only to replace it with a full one from her crate. “I…see…Master…” She understood what Roshi meant now. She and Caulifla had ‘trained’ their strength and fighting by sparring almost daily throughout the years as they’d grown up. But the closest thing they’d ever done to conditioning training was helping with the farmwork of the rural village that they’d been found on the edge of as infants. That farmwork had been nothing compared to this milk delivery that Roshi was putting them through.

“Next up, we’ll be climbing these stairs!” Roshi pointed his staff at the stone stairs that led up the plateau. “You don’t really have to do this one at a run though.” He chuckled before jogging up the stairs himself.

Caulifla and Kale both looked up at the massive amount of stairs that wound their way up to the top of the plateau.

“He’s trying to kill us…” Kale almost whimpered.

Caulifla glared up at the stairs. “We’re not backing down!” She looked at Kale with support and challenge in her eyes. “We can do this, Kale! If Goku, Bulma, and Krillin can do it, then we can too!”

“R-Right, sis…” Kale nodded once and the two Saiyan girls started up the stone stairs.

Far ahead of them, Roshi was regulating his breathing as best as he could. ‘Can’t show them a bad side of me when they’re just starting their training.’ After the spectacular performances of Krillin, Bulma, and Goku in the Budokai, Roshi realized that he’d gotten a bit too complacent over the last few decades. Hence, while leading Kale and Caulifla through their first day of training, he was wearing a sixty-kilogram turtle shell on his back to start getting himself back into shape.

That still didn’t prevent him from making it to the top of the plateau way before Kale and Caulifla though. He even had time to take out his kiseru pipe and have a quick smoke before Caulifla managed to make it to the top of the stairs, Kale following behind not too long afterwards.

“My, my, running out of steam already?” Roshi chuckled at the two girls as they delivered the fresh milk.

Caulifla took a second to get her breath back before looking at Roshi. “We’ll…beat this…training.”

“Y-Yeah…” Kale agreed, though she took a second to wipe the sweat from her face.

Roshi smiled at the tenacity of his newest disciples. “You both remind me of Goku. He was the same when he started training under me too. Exhausted at first, but eager to continue, even if he didn’t understand the lessons.”

“No way am I losing to Goku!” Caulifla declared with fire in her eyes.

Kale nodded in agreement, not wanting to fall behind. “We want to get stronger too, Master!”

“Excellent!” Roshi laughed as he led them over to the large log that acted as a bridge to the hill next to the plateau. “Balance, balance…careful now.” He held his hands out to his sides as he led them across the long log. “One, two… One, two…”

As the trio made it down the hillside, Kale and Caulifla met their next challenge on the milk delivery route.

“Step lively now, you’ll sink into the sand if you don’t!” Roshi warned as he walked across the shifting sands.

“Grrr…” Caulifla growled under her breath as her shoes quickly filled with sand.

Kale was glad that her boots were staying above the sand, but it was hard to step fast enough to avoid sinking. The crate in her hands made it that much more difficult to distribute her weight, leading to her feet sinking on every step.

The river they had to walk through next wasn’t any better.

“Careful, you don’t want to get swept over a waterfall, right?” Roshi commented as he waded through the chest-deep water.

Caulifla held her milk crate above her head, and had to tilt her chin upwards to keep her mouth and nose away from the fast-moving water.

“This…is hard.” Kale huffed as she steadied herself against the current, glad that she was slightly taller than Caulifla and didn’t have to worry about the water getting into her mouth or nose as much. Balancing the milk crate above her head made each step more difficult though. A single misstep and both she and the milk would be going down the river.

The flat plain they found after crossing the river seemed like a break to Kale and Caulifla…at first.

“RUN!!!” Roshi hollered, already rushing across the plain as the heavy footfalls of the Tyrannosaur behind the three got louder. “Slack off here and you’ll be devoured!”

“Damn it!” Caulifla yelled as she sprinted as fast as she could.

“No, no, no…” Kale repeated like a mantra as she ran, managing to outpace the dinosaur, so far.

-End of the Route-

“Hah…hah…hah….” Caulifla heaved for breath as she laid flat on her back, sweat covering her skin.

“F-Finally…done…” Kale wasn’t any better, lying on her back next to Caulifla and staring up at the sky as she tried to catch her breath.

“Trust me. This will get easier as you do it every day. You just have to keep going.” Roshi chuckled a bit as he stood over the two exhausted Saiyans. “Now then, that’s all for you ‘Early Morning’ training. So, now we’ll start your morning training!”

Kale rolled over and pushed herself up, slowly getting back to her feet. “Yes…Master…”

Caulifla staggered to her feet as well. “When’s breakfast?” Her stomach growled loudly.

Roshi shook his head. “Morning training consists of plowing these fields.” He pointed at many fields not too far away. “Breakfast comes after you finish.”

Caulifla and Kale both silently cursed Roshi as they were digging through the fields with their bare hands a few minutes later.


“Finally done, eh? What took so long? I thought you were hungry?” Roshi looked at Kale and Caulifla with a raised eyebrow. Both girls were covered in dirt and were glaring at him, even Kale. Their hands were also dirty and lightly injured with small scrapes and cuts on them. “You’ll have to go faster tomorrow, when the fields get bigger!”

“Ugh…” Caulifla and Kale both groaned at that bit of information.

Roshi led them to a familiar restaurant, the owner brightening up a bit as soon as he saw the three of them. It had become quite the boon for the man and his business for Roshi to be training disciples, after all.

“Food!” Caulifla nearly took the first tray from the waiter that brought it over to their table.

Roshi could only grin as he dug into his breakfast while watching Kale and Caulifla tear into their food with the voracity of starving beasts.

-Kame House-

“From now until lunch is study time.” Roshi declared to Kale and Caulifla.

He was promptly shoved aside by Bulma.

“I’ll be doing this part, because I certain someone thinks cheap smut is educational literature!” Bulma glared at Roshi as she sat in front of the hung up chalkboard, Caulifla, Krillin, Goku, and Kale sitting in front of the genius.

Caulifla cocked her head to the side in confusion. “This is training?”

“I don’t get it.” Kale agreed with her ‘sister’ as she looked between Bulma and the chalkboard.

Roshi stuck his head around the blackboard. “No Martial Artist becomes a master by only training the body. You must train the mind too!”

“Get out of here, you old lech!” Bulma swiped at him, but Roshi was already jogging towards the front door of Kame House.

The lesson got underway and it quickly became clear that both Kale and Caulifla, while better off than Goku had been, only had rudimentary education. They both knew about money, arithmetic, reading, writing, and had a grasp of society thanks to growing up in a village, but higher education than the basics was new to them.

When lunchtime came around, Launch (blue-haired currently) served everyone another homecooked meal with a bright smile and her cheery personality.

That had certainly thrown Kale and Caulifla for a loop when they’d first ‘met’ this Launch. But the blue-haired woman quickly won the two Saiyan girls over with her delicious food and kindness.

“Now, for the next hour, is naptime.” Roshi had set up hammocks for himself and his disciples. He laid back in his while Caulifla and Kale watched Bulma, Krillin, and Goku climb into their own hammocks. “Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well… That is the Turtle Master way!”

Kale followed everyone else’s example and climbed into her hammock. “If you say so, Master.”

“Seems like a waste of time, but I’m too tired to care.” Caulifla admitted as she threw herself into the last hammock and, much like Goku, was out like a light in the next few moments.


Roshi took Caulifla and Kale to the newest construction site on the island. There was always building and expansion going on as the population of the island slowly grew, year by year. “Your next exercise is construction work! You’ll build up muscle and earn some money on the side!”

“At least this sort of makes sense.” Caulifla shrugged and put a hard hat on over her spiky hair.

“I’m sure it won’t be too bad, Sis.” Kale put her own hard hat on, having to take her hair out of its usual ponytail to do so.

The two teenaged girls would quickly find themselves the center of attention for many of the young men on the construction team. Neither of them particularly cared that they were being looked at as they hauled wheelbarrows full of dirt or dug into the dirt to clear space for the future construction.

The words they overheard with their Saiyan hearing, however, made Kale a little unnerved and just ticked Caulifla off.

“Wow, that old timer brought two pretty girls this time.”

“They’re a little younger than the blue-haired girl, it looks like.”

“Hmm, maybe I should give it a shot?”

“You? Aren’t you a bit old to be asking girls like that out?”

“The same can be said about you, punk!”

Kale looked at Caulifla as they worked. “They’re not being very quiet when talking about us.”

Caulifla scoffed at the words of the men. “Let ‘em talk. If they try anything, we can just punch them one good time!” She clenched her fist in front of herself. “They’ll learn that we’re not interested fast enough!”

Kale couldn’t help but let out a brief giggle at Caulifla’s solution. ‘It would probably cause some trouble for Master if we did that. But Caulifla’s first solution to most problems is to hit them.’ Her ‘sister’ would likely never change, and Kale loved her for that.


Roshi held back a laugh as he led Caulifla and Kale to the lake. Both Saiyan girls were clearly sweating and dirty from the construction work. But they’d outshone most of the actual construction workers with how much they got done while they were there. “Now that you’ve worked up a sweat, your next exercise will be swimming!”

“That doesn’t sound so hard.” Kale smiled at getting to do something easy. She also like swimming a bit, considering that the kids in the rural village they’d grown up in always swam in the nearby river during the summer months.

“The fact that we’re not done yet is surprising.” Caulifla rolled her shoulder a couple of times. She and Kale had never worked their bodies like this before and it showed by the twinges of soreness that they both felt.

Done?! But you’ve hardly begun!” Roshi informed the two with a shake of his head. “Now, swim to the far shore and back, ten laps!”

Caulifla looked at the distance and a small smirk formed on her lips. “Huh, this really isn’t so bad.”

Roshi’s eyes widened a bit behind his sunglasses as the two Saiyan girls stripped out of their clothes, seemingly without a care. His shock, and his heartrate, lessened when he saw that they did indeed have swimsuits on beneath their clothes. ‘I should have suspected that Bulma would inform them of the swimming.’ Still both Kale and Caulifla wore tight swim shorts and tops that were simple and covered everything. “Nothing to it.” He said in response to Caulifla’s assumption. “A veritable siesta!”

The two girls jumped into the lake and began to swim across.

“Just watch out for the shark!” Roshi called out to them once they were a decent distance away from the shore.

“Shark?” Kale blinked and looked at Caulifla.

Caulifla snorted in disbelief. “Sharks don’t live in lakes! They live in the ocean with the saltwater.”

The dorsal fin of a shark appearing above the water quickly threw that assertation out of both the girls’ minds as they rapidly swam away from the approaching predator as fast as possible. Let it be known that neither Caulifla nor Kale knew about Bull Sharks and the fact that the species could survive in both saltwater and freshwater.

Ten laps of being chased by the large shark later and both Kale and Caulifla dragged themselves onto the grassy shore.

“Hah…hah…” Kale inhaled and exhaled heavily.

“D-Damn it…” Caulifla cursed as her muscles burned.

Roshi simply smoked from his kiseru pipe and blew smoke rings before addressing the two girls. “Ready for your next lesson?”

In a short time, both Caulifla and Kale were dried off and had their clothes back on over their swimsuits.

“Why’re we tied to a tree, Master?” Kale asked curiously.

Caulifla tugged on the rope, finding it to be extremely strong. “This isn’t normal rope either.” It looked like they had maybe six meters of rope between where it was tied to the tree and the ends that had just been tied around their waists with a complex knot.

“This lesson is about honing your reflexes.” Roshi explained as he crept towards the tree. “You are to dodge the enemy’s attacks within the length of the rope!”

Kale blinked. “What?”

“What enemies?” Caulifla looked around but didn’t see anyone or anything.

“Let it begin!” Roshi declared and raised his staff to smack a beehive with it. He blurred away and hid as the angry buzzing of the bees filled the air.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” Kale ran until she got to the end of the rope and stopped dead.

“You son of a bitch!” Caulifla cursed at the hidden Roshi as she ran and flailed, trying to keep away from the swarm of stinging insects.

Roshi peeked his head out from the bush he was hiding behind. “If you can’t run, then you must dodge! Step quickly or you’ll only be stung more!”

“Nooo!” Kale ran to the right and then the left, she even rolled along the ground to try and dodge the bees.

Caulifla cursed as she ran around the tree to try an avoid the angry insects. But the swarm was undeterred and pursued her relentlessly. “I’m so gonna get you back for this, old man!”


“Well now, that should do it for your first day of training.” Roshi looked over Kale and Caulifla. Both girls had been stung at least a dozen or so times, but their tougher Saiyan physiology meant that the stings had been shallower than normal. Both sported some swelling bumps here and there, but far less than normal as some stingers failed to deliver their toxin at all.

“M-Master… The training that we went through today… Do w-we have to do it ev-every day?” Kale was hoping they got a break every once in a while.

Roshi looked at the shyer of the two Saiyan girls for a moment. “Of course not. Today was just a warm-up. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be doing the same exercises that you did today…” He reached behind the tree where the hammocks had been hung up for naptime. “But you’ll be wearing these twenty-kilo turtle shells the whole time!”

Caulifla gaped at the shell in the old man’s hands.

Kale hung her head and shrunk in on herself at the difficulty being increased instead.

“Do you see why I’m called the Turtle Master now?” Roshi laughed at the two girls’ expressions.

After some grumbling from Caulifla, both she and Kale were fitted with a twenty-kilo turtle shell each and given the rest of the day to get used to moving around in it. The two trudged their way over to their friends and senior disciples to see what they’d been up to for most of the day.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!” Krillin threw his cupped hands forward, but barely a glimmer of the blue-white energy of the Kamehameha appeared. “Darn it! How do you make it look so easy, Goku?”

Goku just shrugged. “I dunno. It wasn’t that hard for me to figure it out.”

“My turn.” Bulma declared as she stepped up. Krillin moved to stand next to Goku while looking at his hands with a frown, trying to puzzle out what he was doing wrong. Bulma cupped her hands to her side and envisioned the technique. Her genius intellect paired with Saiyan observational skills and kinesthetic learning made it very easy. “Ka… Me…” A small ball of blue-white energy appeared between her cupped palms. “Ha… Me…” The ball got bigger and brighter, but still nowhere near what Goku or Roshi had demonstrated in the past. “HA!!!” Bulma threw her hands forward and the beam was blasted over the ocean. The water parted a little from the proximity of the force from the beam, but in only a couple of seconds, the Kamehameha had completely faded away.

“You did it, Bulma!” Goku cheered loudly.

“I did it!” Bulma jumped into the air with a bright smile.

Krillin sighed and rubbed the back of his bald head. “Congratulations, Bulma.” He genuinely praised his friend and fellow disciple. “Now I just have to figure out what I’m doing wrong and we’ll all have it down.”

“That was awesome!” Caulifla seemingly forgot about her exhaustion as she ran up to the others. “Teach me how to do that!” Her eye were nearly sparkling as she looked at Goku and Bulma.

“Sis… We’ve barely started our training.” Kale jogged over to Caulifla’s side. “That’s an advanced technique. We’re probably not allowed to learn it yet.”

Goku smiled at both of them. “It’s fine. We’ll try and teach you both of you too!”

“YES!!!” Caulifla threw her fists into the air with an eager smile on her face.

“Just don’t slack off on your daily training.” Bulma reminded the other two Saiyan girls.

Krillin nodded in agreement with Bulma. “The stronger you get, both physically and spiritually, in the Martial Arts, the more ki you’ll develop and be able to learn to use.” That was how almost all Martial Arts explained the concept of ki, at least.

“O-Okay.” Kale said, giving the others a little nod. She wanted to get stronger too. And learning how to use ki like Goku, Bulma, and Master Roshi could was definitely the path she, and Caulifla, needed to take to gain the strength that they desired.

“I’ll show you guys how I do it. Watch me and see if you can figure it out.” Goku took Bulma’s spot and the other four watched him closely as he cupped his hands to the side. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!” The blue-white sphere of energy rapidly formed in Goku’s hands. When he threw his arms forward, the beam was fired over the ocean. The blast was larger and stronger than Bulma’s, the water parting even more from the greater force. A few seconds longer and the beam vanished as it ran out of power. “Like that!” Goku smiled at his friends.

Krillin shook his head. “Like that, he says.” Goku wasn’t exactly the most eloquent when he was trying to teach.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Caulifla had taken the same stance as Goku, her hands cupped at her sides, as she attempted to copy what she’d just seen. “HA!!!” Throwing her hands forward, the barest wisp of energy left her palms and vanished not even a meter from where it started. “Eh? But I did it exactly like you, Goku!” She looked over at him with narrowed eyes, as if trying to puzzle out if he’d hidden something from her.

“S-Sis… We’re still worn out from training. I don’t think we can do this right now.” Kale knew that using this technique drained the user. They’d all seen it used at the Budokai multiple times. “We should try it after we eat and get some sleep.”

Bulma smiled at Kale. “She’s not wrong. Trying to use ki while you’re exhausted is way harder.”

Goku laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I used up what little energy I had after breaking out of that electric technique of Jackie’s. Using the Kamehameha right after took away almost all of the energy that I had left.” He recalled the pain of the technique he’d been hit with, but a part of him wondered if he couldn’t figure out how to do it too. ‘It was a really great technique… But I’m not sure how the old timer did it.’ It was clearly different from the Kamehameha, but Goku felt like they both had the same idea at their core, which was to project ki outwards from the body and towards the opponent.

Saiyans were rather terrifying with their ability to understand and learn techniques quickly, even after only seeing or experiencing them once.

The group of disciples would spend the rest of the afternoon before dinner trying out the Kamehameha (or watching and trying to understand the technique in Kale and Caulifla’s case). Krillin had definitely made some progress, the sphere of ki now forming between his palms, even if it dispersed instead of launching forward in a beam. The former monk vowed to himself that he’d master the technique before the next Tenka’ichi Budokai. He wouldn’t be knocked out of the tournament in his first public match next time!

Dinner was a lively affair and Launch (still blue-haired) smiled happily as everyone ate their fill. She’d been cooking for almost two hours before dinner just to make sure that she made enough food for everyone. The various compliments on her cooking only brightened her smile more as she ate with her friends.

After dinner, Bulma led Kale and Caulifla over to the Capsule House that was set up next to Kame House. They would both be bunking here, since Roshi’s house only had one bedroom and the Capsule House had two.

“Gotta be careful not to forget the towel and stuff.” Goku mumbled to himself as they all prepared to bathe before bed. Bulma and Blonde Launch didn’t care if he walked out of the bathroom without one, but it would be rude to assume that Kale and Caulifla would be okay with it. Goku wouldn’t claim to be an expert on societal norms, but he took what he’d learned from Bulma to heart.

Bulma showed Caulifla and Kale to the bedroom they’d be sharing. The simple room had two twin beds, one on either side of the room, pressed up against the wall. A decent-sized closet was in the corner, and a chest of drawers was on the opposite side of the room from the closet. The bedroom had a wide window just a bit higher than the headboards of the bed to let in light during the day.

“It kinda reminds me of our room back in the village.” Caulifla mentioned after looking over their new room.

Kale agreed after seeing the room. “It really does.”

“If Launch turns blonde, she’ll come bunk with me and Goku in our bed. If she stays blue, then she’ll probably sleep in the bedroom at Roshi’s place.” Bulma explained that they would sometimes have another person sleeping in the Capsule House. “Don’t be surprised if you see her in the morning sometimes.”

“That’s gotta be weird for her.” Caulifla hummed at the thought of being two different people at the same time.

Bulma agreed with her. “It is, but she’s dealt with it her whole life and figured some things out for it.” Not wanting to dwell on the topic for too long (Launch, both versions, had always insisted that the others not worry about her too much) Bulma looked at Kale and Caulifla. “So, do you two want to bathe first?”

“If that’s okay, I don’t mind.” Kale smiled at Bulma for the offer.

“Go ahead.” Goku was fine with letting the girls go first.

It only took a minute for Bulma to gather some loungewear/sleep clothes for herself, Caulifla, and Kale. She led the other girls into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. The sound of water running was heard a short time later.

Goku was patient enough as he watched the TV. Bulma always left it on a channel that was dedicated to Martial Arts, which Goku could enjoy. Unsurprisingly, the current biggest news in the Martial Arts world was the Budokai that had just finished. Many people were still talking about the incredible showing of such young competitors and the return of the Turtle School to the forefront of the Martial Arts scene.

Unknown to said members of the Turtle School, someone else heard about the return of their rival school and promised to knock them down at the next Tenka’ichi Budokai. Rivalry could last as long as life did, and the man in question held bitter resentment towards Roshi to this day.

The bathroom door opening got Goku’s attention as the three girls emerged. Caulifla and Kale were both dressed in baggy t-shirts (Caulifla’s a purple color and Kale’s a soft red) and gray cotton short shorts. Bulma had on a baggy t-shirt too, but hers was longer and covered down to her mid-thigh, so she wasn’t wearing shorts under it, just her panties.

“See something you like, Goku?” Caulifla smirked at him. Saiyans weren’t body shy by nature and the girl was more than okay with Goku looking at her.

“Sis…” Kale had a small blush on her cheeks.

“Yep!” Goku smiled at them, just being his normal, honest to a fault, self.

Bulma couldn’t help but laugh as both Caulifla and Kale started at Goku’s confirmation. She guided both girls over to the couch while Goku headed off to the bathroom to bathe. Once the door was closed, Bulma grinned at Kale and Caulifla. “Do I see some interest in Goku?”

Kale looked away from the slightly older Saiyan girl.

Caulifla, seeing Bulma’s teasing as a challenge, spoke her mind as she always did. “What if it is?”

Bulma smirked. “Then you’re interested.” She shrugged at the two of them. “Doesn’t mean that I’m going to give him up.”

“W-We never thought that.” Kale shook her head, getting involved in the conversation.

“Not like we have to do anything with it right now.” Caulifla didn’t care when they got more involved with Goku. “For now, I’m fine just training with him and getting stronger. The other stuff can come later.” There was definitely a dusting of pink across her cheeks as she said the last part.

“Yeah… We should get to know each other more.” Kale said, nodding in agreement with Caulifla.

“We agree then.” Bulma smiled at both girls. “From what I’ve learned after talking with Goku, Saiyans don’t really have a concept of courtship. Everything is about strength and making the next generation stronger.” Finding that out was certainly strange for Bulma, who’d grown up seeing her parent’s marriage and learning about love from books and media. But for a warrior race, she supposed that probably made sense to them. Doing everything to ensure that the next generation was stronger and better than the previous was most likely the equivalent of an instinctual love that the Saiyans had for their offspring. “As the only Saiyan male, it’s kinda obvious that you’d both start getting interested in him, even after a short time.”

Caulifla shrugged in acceptance. “Not like I’ve ever been interested in any of the human guys that we knew growing up.

“They’re not bad or anything…” Kale said as she thought back to the various boys from the small village. “It’s just…none of them were interesting, like that.” It was hard for Kale to describe, but the best way she could put it was that something was ‘missing’ from the boys that she knew growing up. They lacked something for her to build an interest in them.

“Ahhh~ That felt great!” Goku said as he opened the door to the bathroom and walked out in just his boxers. He’d remembered to bring in something to change into before going to bathe. He wasn’t sure how Kale or Caulifla would react to him walking around in nothing but a towel, but he didn’t have to think about it since he’d had a fresh pair of boxers.

Kale’s cheeks went red as her eyes quickly roamed over Goku’s body, trailing up his legs, over the boxers, up his abs, across his chest, and then to his smiling face.

Caulifla wasn’t any better, her eyes also taking in Goku’s body with an instinctual eagerness. Her tail flicked side to side as she nearly drank in the muscled body that Goku was unknowingly showing off.

“Ready to head to bed, Goku?” Bulma stood up from the couch with a grin.

“Yep.” Goku smiled back at Bulma and the two headed for their bedroom. “Goodnight, Kale! Goodnight, Caulifla!”

“G-Goodnight…Goku.” Kale managed to get out after a second or two. Her eyes still following him.

“Night.” Caulifla was doing the same, practically tracking Goku through the room before he and Bulma disappeared behind the door to their bedroom.

Kale let out a long breath before looking at Caulifla. “Sis…”

“Stupid sexy Goku…” Caulifla wasn’t pouting, but it was close.

They both headed for bed too, their tails swaying back and forth without them even noticing. A sign of their instincts reacting to the stimuli they’d just seen.

-One Month Later-

“Damn you, go away!” Caulifla yelled back at the Tyrannosaur chasing her and Kale along the flatlands.

“It’s not as hard to outrun it anymore.” Kale noticed as she and Caulifla made it to the forest and towards the river separating them from the next house on the route.

Once the milk was delivered, it was time for plowing fields.

“It’s like having a tractor…” The farmer shook his head in disbelief as he watched the two girls plow his fields barehanded. It certainly made it easier on him as he gathered the sacks of seeds to plant in the newly overturned earth.


“Good!” Kale smiled as she nearly drank an entire bowl of miso soup in one shot.

Caulifla was on her ninth grilled fish and her fourth bowl of rice as she went back and forth between the two. “Another round of eggs, Mister!” She called out to the cook in the back.

“Some more dumplings too, please!” Kale requested as her own grilled fish disappeared from her plate in a blur. Her chewing the only indication of where the fish had gone.

I’m glad that Bulma is kind enough to handle the food bill or I would’ve been eaten out of house and home by now.’ Roshi thought as he watched Kale and Caulifla fill their bellies while eating his own, more modest, breakfast.


“H-Holy…” The foreman gaped, wide-eyed, as he saw Kale carrying multiple bags of concrete. The fact that each bag weighed thirty-six kilograms didn’t seem to bother the girl in the least. Kale could move almost as much as the truck they usually used to haul the bags of concrete and barely seemed fazed by it.

Caulifla was no less impressive as she dragged the heavy leveling roller across the recently dugout ground to flatten it and make it ready for them to pour the concrete for the foundation of the building. Considering they usually hooked the roller up to a tractor to pull it, every man at the construction site could only goggle at Caulifla pulling the roller along as if it weighed next to nothing.

None of the men dared whisper about ether girl anymore, but none of them had ever worked up the courage to try and talk to them either.

“I’m gonna have to up their pay at this rate.” The foreman took off his hard hat and ran his fingers through his thick black hair.

-Dodging Training-

“Hup!” Caulifla blurred and left behind an After Image that the bees swarmed around for a moment before it faded away.

Kale focused as the swarm came at her. “Hm!” She also blurred and the angry bees passed through her After Image a second later.

Truly talented, indeed.’ Roshi thought to himself as he watched the training from a safe distance. ‘So many talented disciples in such a short time. I hope that this good fortune is not an omen of future misfortune.’ He continued to perform squats with the heavy shell on his back. The ‘Invincible Old Master’ couldn’t let his students outdo him just yet!


“Hah!” Krillin attacked with a punch, forcing Goku to block. A flurry of punches, with some surprise kicks mixed in, pushed Goku back further.

“Yah!” Goku dropped low and his tail snagged Krillin’s ankle, jerking it out from under him.

Krillin recovered easily, catching himself on his hands, and with a flex of his arms, shot himself feet-first at Goku’s face. “Got you!” Goku barely managed to block the incoming double kick by raising both of his arms. He skidded backwards and Krillin pressed his advantage. “Hup!” A flurry of kicks struck Goku, most parried or blocked, but a few getting through to land on his body. “Gah!”

Goku’s sidekick had landed squarely in Krillin’s stomach, sending the bald boy flying backwards. “Tah!” Goku blurred forward and knocked Krillin out of the air with a roundhouse kick.

“Not so fast!” Krillin rolled with the force of the kick and hopped back up to his feet. He managed to block Goku’s next three punches and went for a knee strike.

“Nope!” Goku said with a smile as he blocked with his own knee.

“Time!” Bulma called out. Goku and Krillin separated and bowed to each other.

“Thank you for the spar!” The two boys thanked each other before heading to the side to get some water.

Caulifla stretched a little as she stepped up to spar with Bulma next. “They can still move like that, even with sixty-kilos on their backs. I’ve got to get better.”

“You will, just train hard and give it your best.” Bulma encouraged Caulifla as they both dropped into their stances. “There’s a difference between using your strength to move something and carrying a weight on your back all day. The constant weight improves your conditioning as your body adapts to it, while the heavy objects you move and the work that you do during training build up your strength.”

“Less talking, more fighting!” Caulifla laughed as she launched herself at Bulma. With a sixty-kilo on her back, Bulma was weighed down three times as much as Caulifla. But she still managed to block Caulifla’s first barrage of punches without too much trouble.

Bulma managed to grab one of Caulifla’s wrists and drag her into a knee strike. “Hup!” She used the hold on Caulifla’s arm to flip the stunned girl over and slam her into the ground on her back.

Or that was the plan.

Caulifla had gotten her feet down first, slamming them into the ground to stop the throw. She used her free hand to punch Bulma in the stomach and freed herself as Bulma took two steps back. “Hyah!” Caulifla launched herself forward with a kick, looking to capitalize on Bulma’s staggered form.

Bulma weaved around the flying kick and took Caulifla’s back, slamming a roundhouse kick into the other girl and sending her sprawling, even through the turtle shell. “You’ve gotta be faster than that!”

“I will be!” Caulifla hopped back to her feet and the spar resumed.

A few minutes of back and forth later and Kale called out to them both. “Time!”

Caulifla and Bulma separated and gave each other a bow. “Thank you for sparring with me.”

“Ready Kale?” Goku asked with a big smile, ready to spar with her next.

“Yes.” Kale said with a smile, confidence had been building up in her ever since she’d started training in the Turtle School. It was a feeling that she wasn’t used to at first, but she’d grown to like it a lot.

Goku and Kale both stood across from each other and took up their stances.

Kale made the first move as she blurred and left behind an After Image.

“There!” Goku’s fist lashed out to his left but Kale had tilted to the side, seemingly from instinct, and landed a gut punch straight into Goku’s stomach. “Hak!”

“Hah!” Kale grabbed the back of Goku’s head and pulled his face down into her knee. Goku reeled from the blow, but managed to jump backwards before Kale’s next punch could collide with his cheek.

“Tah!” Goku shot forward with a skipping side kick, which Kale parried. But it had only been meant to close the distance and Goku spun and brought his other leg around in a reverse roundhouse.

“Nngh!” Kale barley managed to get her guard up in time as her feet skidded sideways through the grass. Goku was already closing in on her and Kale reacted instinctively again, catching his wrist and flowing with the force to throw Goku onto the ground. “Kya!” She yelped when Goku used his feet, much like Caulifla had done in her spar with Bulma, to stop the throw, only to take her feet out from under her with his free hand.

“Got you!” Goku scrambled to claim the dominant position in the grapple. Kale bridged her body upwards and threw Goku forward before he could get his balance. “Whoa!” Goku put his hands on the ground to catch himself, but his chest was right up against Kale’s face.

“Mmnn!” Kale used her hands to shove the unbalance Goku off of her, even as she inhaled his scent and her body reacted to the pheromones within. Kale sat up and spun around to get Goku in a hold from behind. Goku tried to smack her with his tail, but Kale used her own to wrap around Goku’s and hold it back.

“Grrrnnnh!” Goku used his strength to stand up, even with Kale on his back. He grabbed her arms and leaned forward to throw her off his back.

“No!” Kale denied as she adjusted her grip, also freeing her tail from Goku’s, and held onto him to prevent the throw. This pressed Goku’s face into her neck and he breathed in Kale’s scent, his own body naturally releasing more dopamine, adrenaline, and oxytocin into his blood in response.

The two struggled against each other as they tried to control the grapple. Eventually, Goku’s greater strength won out as he managed to pin Kale to the ground. Kale, not wanting to lose, moved her legs before Goku could straddle her and wrapped them around his waist. With a twist of her his, she threw him to the side and switched their positions. Now Kale was straddling Goku and she took full advantage to rain down punches on him.

Goku’s arms took several blows before he managed to catch Kale’s wrists and hold them back. The girl struggled to free her hands and continue the assault. Her entire body rocked back and forth as she tried to pull her wrists free. Goku held on tighter and tried to push up against Kale when she pulled backwards, but Kale realized what he was trying to do and instead put her full weight behind her arms as she threw herself forward to force Goku back down.

“Time!” Krillin called out and both Kale and Goku stopped moving.

“Hah…hah…you did great, Kale!” Goku praised her with a bright smile.

“Hoo…” Kale exhaled slowly before taking a steady breath. “You’re still managing to keep me from winning, Goku.” She returned his smile with one of her own.

Launch (currently blonde) let out an amused laugh before calling out to the pair. “If I didn’t know you were sparring, I’d think you two were doing something else entirely!”

Goku looked over to Launch with a grin, happy to see her since she’d been ‘Blue Launch’ this morning. “Hi Launch!”

Kale was quiet even as her cheeks burned red as she took in her and Goku’s position and the rush that was still passing through her body from their spar. It was little surprise that the Saiyan girl found herself more than a little worked up and excited. She slowly pulled away from Goku, briefly feeling something against her that made her blush even worse, before standing up. “Th-Thank you for the spar, Goku.”

Goku hopped back up to his feet with a smile. “Thank you for the spar, Kale.” Both of them bowed to each other in respect.

“Anyway, dinner’s ready!” Launch called out as she put her arm around Goku’s shoulders and pulled him into her side. “Let’s eat!”

“Yeah!” Goku agreed with a cheer as he let Launch lead him into the house and the table piled high with food.

“Kale~” Bulma’s voice teased as she walked next to the other Saiyan girl. “Did you have fun in your spar with Goku.”

Kale’s cheeks took on a red tint again. “Bulma…” She nearly pouted at the slightly older girl.

Bulma laughed warmly and pulled Kale into a gentle side-hug.

“She liked it.” Caulifla spoke up from Kale’s other side, her hands behind her head and a smirk on her lips.

“Sis!” Kale turned her adorable pout on Caulifla now.

-Three Months of Training-

“Congratulations, Caulifla, Kale.” Roshi smiled at the two girls as they finished their daily routine. “You’ve completely acclimated to your twenty-kilo shells. That earns you a reward!”

“Reward?” Kale didn’t expect this at all.

“What kind of reward?” Caulifla asked, wondering what Roshi would give them for reaching this milestone.

“Now, you’ll get to wear a shell that’s TWICE the weight!” Roshi laughed and pulled out a forty-kilo shell to show them. The heavy shell left an imprint in the dirt when Roshi set it down.

Caulifla and Kale face-faulted.

“That’s not a reward, old man!” Caulifla barked at Roshi.

“That’s just a mean joke, Master…” Kale lightly glared at the old man.

“Hehehe!” Roshi laughed at their reactions and made them switch out their twenty-kilo shells for the new forty-kilo shells anyway.

As the girls walked over towards the shore to join the others, Roshi couldn’t help but be proud of his current group of disciples. He smiled as he sat on the porch of Kame House and watched the youngsters practice their Kamehameha.

“HA!” Krillin launched the blue-white beam over the ocean. The energy petered out a few seconds later though. “Hmm…still not getting far enough.” The former monk compared his distance to Goku’s.

“Let me show you how it’s done!” Caulifla declared as she place her cupped hands at her side. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!” She threw her hands forward and the beam blasted out over the sea. The water parted from the force a bit and then the beam faded away a few seconds later.

“That wasn’t any further than mine.” Krillin pointed out to Caulifla with a deadpan look.

“It totally was!” Caulifla argued.

“No it wasn’t.” Krillin shook his head. “Mine made it just as far, you can tell by the wakes on the water!”

Kale ignored the back and forth between the two as she set herself into the proper stance. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!” The orb of blue-white energy grew large between Kale’s cupped hands before she threw them forward and unleashed a large beam. The ocean waves parted again, this time for longer, and Kale kept the beam up as long as she could before it dissipated.

“Kale wins.” Bulma interrupted Krillin and Caulifla’s argument as she pointed out that Kale’s Kamehameha had gone further than both of theirs.

“That was great, Kale!” Goku praised her with a bright laugh.

“Thank you, Goku.” Kale smiled back, her tail swaying a little from happiness. She’d been working hard to get the Kamehameha down and she was happy that she’d made such visible progress.

Caulifla threw her arm over Kale’s shoulders. “When did you get so good with the Kamehameha, Kale? Have you been practicing without me?” She teased her ‘sister’ with a warm grin.

“When would I do that?” Kale asked as a small giggle escaped her.

-Evening ~ Capsule House-

Goku and Bulma were snuggled up in bed together, as was normal for them. There was a knock at their bedroom door, and both of the Saiyans woke up. The door opened a second later and Caulifla walked in, followed by Kale.

“What’s going on?” Bulma asked with a yawn.

“Something wrong?” Goku questioned as he rubbed his eyes.

Caulifla, never one to beat around the bush, grabbed the hem of her baggy t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She tossed the shirt aside and was left in just her purple panties, letting Goku and Bulma see her body, her breasts each capped with a light pink nipple. “Move over.”

Kale pulled her shirt over her head as well, her body revealed to Bulma and Goku as her breasts bounced a bit from the movement. Her slightly darker complexion gave her darker nipples which she felt both Goku and Bulma stare at for a moment before she covered them with her hands, a faint blush covering her cheeks. “We want to sleep here tonight.”

Bulma couldn’t help but let out a gentle snort as she moved the blanket aside. “Come on.”

Goku smiled as Kale crawled into the bed and snuggled up on his chest, laying her body atop his and letting out a warm gasp at the skin to skin contact. Caulifla took Goku’s side, pressing her softer body against his firmer one, the skin to skin contact made her let out a low moan as she laid her head on his shoulder. Bulma tossed the blanket back over them and laid her head on Goku’s opposite shoulder again.

“Goodnight Kale. Goodnight Caulifla.” Goku murmured to them as he closed his eyes.

“Goodnight Goku.” Caulifla breathed in his scent with a small smile on her lips.

“Goodnight Goku.” Kale also breathed in Goku’s scent as she listened to his heartbeat, letting it lull her to sleep.

Saiyans didn’t have a concept of courtship, but they had an instinctual concept of mating. For them, choosing multiple partners wasn’t uncommon. All the more chance of spreading strong genes to the next generation. In most cases, Saiyan ‘couples’ only lasted as long as it took to conceive a child. There were, however, exceptions among all species. Those that did stay together were considered ‘odd’ by most of Saiyan society, but a term had been made for the odd couple(s) that stayed together: Mates.

For Saiyans raised on Earth, this option simply made more sense, as it fit in better with the human customs and cultures they were brought up with. There was no need to think further on it. They’d just go with it and make a larger family.

The four would figure everything out in time. There was no rush.

-Four Months of Training-

Bulma clicked the Dragon Radar on and saw one yellow dot appear on the edge of the screen. “There it is.” She smiled at Goku. “The Dragon Balls are active again.”

“Really?!” Goku beamed as Bulma handed him the Dragon Radar. “I can finally go look for my grampa’s Dragon Ball!”

They’d been checking it for the last few days, but this was the first time they’d gotten a reaction.

“You can.” Bulma laughed at how excited Goku was.

“You want us to come with you, Goku?” Caulifla offered with a grin as she looked over his shoulder at the Dragon Radar.

“Sis, we still have training for four more months, remember?” Kale reminded Caulifla, even though she was looking over Goku’s opposite shoulder too.

Caulifla let out a ‘tch’ sound. “I’m only training that long because that’s how long Goku, Bulma, and Krillin trained.”

Bulma looked thoughtful for a moment. “I could go visit my parents for a while. I talk with them pretty often on the phone, but it has been a bit sense I saw them in person.”

Kale looked a little sad for a second. “We’ll miss you two when you’re gone.”

Goku turned and gave her a warm hug, which Kale readily snuggled into. “I’ll be back as soon as I find my grampa’s Dragon Ball.” He promised her with a smile.

“I won’t be gone forever either.” Bulma said as she looked at Kale and Caulifla. “I’ll be back after a bit, and I’d leave the Capsule House here so that we could call each other easily.”

Caulifla sighed a little. “I know Master Roshi said that you three should go out into the world to build up experience and find your own paths. But Krillin is planning on heading out to the wilds to try an improve in the same environment that Goku grew up in. Now you two have places to go too.”

Goku let Kale out of his arms and pulled Caulifla into a hug. “But I’ll be back soon enough!” He said with a wide grin.

“I didn’t say I wanted a hug.” Caulifla wasn’t exactly fighting to escape though. In fact, there was a little smile on her lips.

“We’ll be back before you two are done with your training.” Bulma promised with a playful roll of her eyes, giving Kale a hug while she was at it. Kale accepted this hug too, and gently squeezed Bulma in return.

Caulifla escaped Goku’s hug and put her fist against his chest. “You better be back before then too, Goku.”

“Sure thing!” Goku promised with a bright smile.

He wasn’t expecting Caulifla to lean forward and kiss him.

“Mmm…” Caulifla hummed as she pulled back. “You’ll get another one when you come back.” She smirked at him.

“Sis, no fair.” Kale gently turned Goku to face her and kissed him before she could worry about overthinking it. “Ooh~” Kale pulled back with a coo, having enjoyed the gentle kiss more than she expected.

“Well, if we’re all dong it…” Bulma giggled and pulled Goku’s lips to hers. “We’ll all have to give you a kiss when we meet back up again.”

Goku laughed with a big smile on his face. “I’ll find my grampa’s Dragon Ball as fast as I can then!” He quickly grabbed his Nyoibō and Bulma handed him a small Capsule Case to take with him.

“Be safe, Goku!” Kale called out to him.

“You better be back here in time, Goku!” Caulifla smirked at him.

“We’ll see you soon!” Bulma waved as Goku left the Capsule House and ran towards the beach.

Launch (currently blonde) was standing on the shore and Goku stopped when she looked at him. “Hey, Goku. Heading out?”

“Yeah, the Dragon Balls are active again, so I’m gonna go find my grampa’s!” Goku told her with a smile.

“Listen, about what me and the other me talked about with you…” Launch looked uncharacteristically shy for a moment. “The Dragon Balls… They scatter across the Earth for a year every time they’re used, right?”

“Uh huh.” Goku nodded.

Launch took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You don’t have to worry about the favor then. Neither of us wants you to lose your only memento from your grandpa.”

Goku surprised Launch when he pulled her into a gentle hug. “It’s no problem, Launch.” He pulled back to grin at her. “I have a plan to keep grampa’s ball after making a wish!”

“You do?” Launch blinked at him.

“Yep! So, I’m gonna take care of the favor that you both want me to! Heh!” Goku promised her with a chuckle.

Launch couldn’t help but smile back at Goku, her green eyes softening as she looked at him. “Thank you, Goku.”

“You’re welcome, Launch.” Goku smiled back. “Nimbus!” He yelled out to the sky a moment later. The golden cloud shot down from high above a few seconds after being called and stopped right in front of Goku. “I’ll see you all soon!”

“Take care of yourself.” Launch waved as Goku hopped onto the Nimbus and shot off into the sky. “That’s one hell of a guy I fell for, huh?”

-In the Sky-

“Go, Nimbus!” Goku pointed in the direction that the Dragon Radar indicated the nearest Dragon Ball was located. “Let’s find the Dragon Balls again!”

A new adventure was about to begin for Goku!

Unbeknownst to the Saiyan, he wasn’t the only one looking for the Dragon Balls now that they’d become active once more.

But he would soon find out.

-End Chapter-


Four months of more training go by as Goku waits for the Dragon Balls to become active again!

It gives him time to get to know Caulifla and Kale better, which eventually leads to the two joining Bulma and Goku in bed (To sleep and cuddle, nothing else…yet.)

As Kale and Caulifla get stronger, so to do Goku, Bulma, and Krillin; who continues to push himself to keep pace with his fellow disciples.

Roshi encourages Krillin, Bulma, and Goku to head out into the world on their own paths to build worldly experience and further their Martial Arts. Krillin plans to go into the wilds, living like Goku did growing up in hopes of furthering his understanding of his friend and his own Martial Arts. Bulma is planning to visit her parents and will probably tinker in the lab with her father for a while to exercise that genius brain of hers.

Goku, of course, goes off in search of the Dragon Balls, especially his grampa’s! But Launch (both of them) have asked for a favor and Goku seems more than willing to fulfill it for them! What could it be and what does it have to do with the Dragon Balls?

On this new Dragon Ball hunt, Goku is going to meet some interesting characters, and once more find out that there are many who would happily misuse the power of the Dragon Balls for nefarious ends.

How will Goku deal with this upcoming clash?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 183

Bulma – 161

Krillin – 158

Roshi – 163

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 134

Kale - 138

Until I get your reviews, later!


Kirito Beater

Ooh. Another awesome chapter, Kai. Red Ribbon Army about to F around and find out when all 4 saiyans get on them.. potential for upcoming stronger Roshi and krillin too is nice. Will all the saiyan peeps work on making their tails stronger too?


Glad that you enjoyed it! Yeah, Goku isn't gonna take kindly to the Red Ribbon Army getting in his way to collect the Dragon Balls to help his friend out. *Chuckles in plans* Also, yes, just because I've added more Saiyans, doesn't mean that I'm booting out the human characters and making them irrelevant. Krillin is inspired to keep growing along with his fellow disciples. Rather than eventually giving up like he does is Canon. Roshi, seeing the immense talent and potential of his new disciples, realizes that he's let himself become complacent, so he starts getting himself back in shape! Where that leads should be interesting, I believe!

Érica C. Assunção

This story is so good!! This is only the second time that I was curious to read a DB story!!xD thanks for the amazing chapters so far, and I can't wait to see what will happen next!!


Thank you very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed the story, so far! Happy that you're looking forward to the future chapters!