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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! With Enel dead and the Light of Shandora having been rung for all to hear, it’s time for peace to be made in the sky! A massive celebration will be held and the Straw Hats are guests of honor! A reward must be given to the ones that defeated Enel and his vassals! The Blue Sea people seem to like gold and are interested in Dials too, and wouldn’t you know it…there just happens to be a massive source of both that no one in the sky wants anything to do with!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 60 – Peace, Party, Descent

“Ugh…” Wyper grimaced as he slowly awoke. He didn’t remember falling asleep. His last memory was listening to the sound of the Light of Shandora. “Where am I?”

“You mustn’t move yet.” Conis cautioned Wyper as she gently placed her hand on his bandaged body.

Wyper nearly flinched at seeing a Sky Person so close. “You! A Sky Person!”

“Settle down, Wyper.” The chieftain of the Shandians said with authority.

“Chief?” Wyper looked over at the old man and finally took stock of the area around him. He was in a massive tent, surrounded by other injured people. Many Shandians, but also many Sky People. “Wh-What’s going on?” Wyper couldn’t help but ask.

The chieftain looked at Wyper and sighed. “Enel is dead, Wyper. The people form the Blue Sea killed the four vassals and Enel himself.”

Wyper’s eyes widened, his memory jogged of his brief encounter with Luffy and the same power that Enel possessed being used against him. “That Blue Sea dweller… He had Enel’s power too.”

“Similar, but far more powerful.” The Shandian Chief confirmed with a nod. “However,” The old man’s eyes narrowed on the injured Wyper as he held up a specific Dial. “You stole this, Wyper.”

“Yes.” Wyper wouldn’t try to deny it. He’d purposefully taken that forbidden Dial just so that he had a chance of killing Enel.

The chieftain looked like he wanted to smack Wyper upside the head with his staff. “YOU FOOL BOY!!!” He bellowed, making the bedridden Wyper flinch. “The recoil of the Reject Dial is too much for any user to bear! Even if it hadn’t killed you outright, it would’ve pulverized your bones and left you crippled for life!” Wyper took the berating and anger without looking away, knowing that he deserved all of it. “You should be thankful to that Blue Sea man… A few scars across your body is a small price to pay for your life.”

Wyper lifted his right arm and gently placed it on his bandaged chest. He was wrapped in more bandages than not, but on the small portions of exposed skin that he could see, the obvious lines of discoloration that indicated Lichtenburg Scars were visible. “I see…” He dropped his hand back to his side.


“You’re awake!”

“Glad to have you back.”

Raki, Kamakiri, and Braham all knelt next to Wyper’s bedside with smiles on their faces. They were all bandages up, here and there, but they’d recovered a fair amount already, at least enough to be steady on their feet.

“You’re all alive.” Wyper was happy about that, even smiling at his friends, which was unusual for the one dubbed ‘berserker’ by their tribe. “I’m glad.”

“We got injured, but not nearly as much as you did.” Kamakiri smirked a little, messing with his old friend.

Braham looked over at their chief. “Chieftain, sir, can we take Wyper to the Light of Shandora?”

“He’ll need to be carried on a stretcher, he’s in no condition to walk right now.” The Chieftain said as he looked between Braham and Wyper. “But yes, let him see the Light of Shandora with his own eyes, and the body of the monster that terrorized us all for six long years.

Wyper blinked in confusion as Kamakiri and Braham got a simple stretcher made of two long wooden poles and some canvas-like cloth. Raki helped ease him onto it and with a gentle heave, Braham and Kamakiri carried their friend out of the tent and out into the ruins of Shandora.

“This is…” Wyper looked around as best as he could from his laid up position.

“Yeah,” Raki smiled at him, also looking around at the remains of their ancestral homeland. “The city of Shandora.”

Even as ruins, it was still a moving sight to behold for the Shandians that had only heard tales about Shandora from their elders. Tales that had been passed down for centuries. But none of the living Shandians had ever seen the ancient city of their people until now.

The four of them were joined by Genbo before they’d made it out of the city. The large man’s torso was covered in bandages, and he was walking with the help of a thick wooden cane that was clear recently made form a large tree branch, but the strong man was able to walk under his own power.

“With the help of the Sky People, we’ve managed to get the Light of Shandora down to the surface of Upper Yard.” Genbo informed the others with a smile. “They’re letting us use all of the Milky Dials they have, and all of the manpower they can offer, to move it back to the center of Shandora.”

The entire group smiled at the thought of returning the sacred item back to its proper place within Shandora. It would truly be the start to the rebirth of their tribe and their culture once the Light of Shandora proudly stood within the center of their city once again.

The trip to the golden bell didn’t take too long. Wyper, despite being told not to move, sat up and got to his feet as he stared at the giant golden bell for the first time. With a bit of help from Raki and Kamakiri, Wyper ascended the stairs to stand directly before the immense bell.

“Enel…” Wyper stared at the broken and partially burned corpse laid out before the Light of Shandora like an offering to the Shandians’ Gods and Ancestors. A part of him knew that the Blue Sea dweller in the straw hat had no idea about their customs or culture, but he still felt the emotional satisfaction of seeing their most hated enemy slain and offered up like this. “A proper tribute to our ancestors and the Gods.” Wyper bowed his head and prayed silently. ‘Great Warrior Kalgara, we’ve finally reclaimed our homeland. It took us far too long, but I hope that you’re smiling upon us all now.

-Cavern of the Ark Maxim-

“GOLD!!!” Nami nearly squealed in joy at seeing the immense, strange ship and the mass amount of gold that was built into the giant face on it. Her eyes were Beri Symbols and she had sparkles radiating from her body as she stared at the motherload.

“Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed at Nami’s reaction upon seeing the ark that Enel had enslaved the former Divine Forces to build for the last six years.

Vivi couldn’t stop her own giggles either. “Nami…” She smiled at her lover as the orangette ran up the stairs to get to the deck of the huge ship.

“We can really have everything from this ship, old knight guy?!” Luffy asked Gan Fall excitedly.

Gan Fall nodded to Luffy and the Straw Hats with a smile on his wrinkled face. “Of course, you’ve all saved us from Enel’s madness and tyranny, this is the least reward that we could offer you.”

“You really don’t want any of this gold?” Zoro looked between the giant golden face on the ark and back at Gan Fall.

“Varse is much more valuable to us here in the sky.” Gan Fall reminded the swordsman as he looked at the ark that his subordinates had been forced to build by Enel. “Gold may shine, but it doesn’t create and nurture life.” His face grew solemn. “No one among the Shandians nor the people of Skypiea wants any reminder of Enel left now that he’s gone.”

“Are these all Dials?!” Usopp’s loud exclamation was heard from the Ark that he and Nami had already boarded. The gunman’s head popped over the side of the ark. “Sky knight! Can we really have all of these Dials too?!”

Gan Fall’s expression cleared up and he chuckled jovially. “Absolutely. Take as many as you like!”

“Looks like we’ve got some work to do.” Sanji took off his black suit jacket and started rolling up the sleeves of his blue button up shirt. His eyes turned into hearts as he nearly sprinted up the steps to the ark. “Nami-swan~! Allow me to carry all of this gold for you!”

“A big treasure and a party tonight too! This is gonna be awesome!” Luffy cheered with a bright smile. “Let’s take everything we can!” He ran up the stairs to the ark eagerly.

“Fufufu…” Robin couldn’t help by laugh softly as she followed after Luffy.

Vivi and Mikita walked up the stairs after the archaeologist, both women marveling a bit at the strange ship, noting its odd construction and the various propellers all over it.

As the Straw Hats began to take everything they wanted from Enel’s ark: Maxim, they quickly found many Dials that they couldn’t identify. Usopp took as many as possible of each type, regardless. The tinkerer would figure out what each one did either by asking the locals or by a bit of trial and error.

Nami put Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to work carving up the massive golden face on the ark into cubes of gold that they could carry and then store on the Going Merry. Mikita and Vivi helped moved the golden cubes, loading them up onto a cloud of sand produced by Vivi’s Devil Fruit to easily lower the weight down off the ark and then load them up into sacks, boxes, chests, and whatever else they could find in the massive cavern.

Robin, doing her own thing as she often did, wandered the depths of the highly mechanical and complex ship looking for anything interesting. There wasn’t much to her personal liking, but she did note the golden lines throughout the ship and would make sure to inform Nami about them. It was only as she got to the heart of the ark’s system that she found some documentation. “Plans? Blueprints?” She picked up the papers and shifted through them, her eyes quickly reading through what she could understand.

For probably the first time in her life, it wasn’t much.

“This requires a specialist shipwright with knowledge in mechanical engineering.” Robin understood that much, even if she could only make a little sense of the complex blueprints and designs that she was looking at. “Was this ark truly intended to fly?” From what she was reading it seemed to be the case, and would explain the ship’s odd construction location. But to think a creation so massive could be airborne was almost baffling. “Was Enel that crazy, or was he a brilliant engineer under his God Complex?” There was also the possibility that among the Divine Forces members that he’d enslaved, multiple of them could’ve been Dial Engineers like Pagaya. “I’ll take these and show them to the others once we’re finished.” Robin collected the various papers and blueprints and neatly stacked them together, rolling up the large sheets of blueprints with the ease of experience with her own notes and research materials.

“Chopper is going to flip when he sees what we’re bringing back!” Usopp laughed brightly as he hefted a large sack of Dials over his shoulder.

The reindeer doctor had seen the many injured people and had offered his services immediately. While the rest of the crew was here collecting their various treasures, Chopper was diagnosing, treating, and bandaging the wounded with all of his skill and his own self-made medicines. The doctor’s willingness to help, and his lack of distinction between patients, quickly gained him the favor of the Shandians and the Skypieans alike.

-Night ~ Shandora-

“Can we really end four-hundred years of war like this, elder?” Wyper asked as he sat in the recovery tent once more. The sounds outside indicated that a huge party was already well underway, but for Wyper, a man that had lived for nothing but battle and hatred of the Sky People for the theft of their homeland, it was hard to understand.

“Wyper…” The chieftain looked at the best warrior among the Shandians with gentle eyes. He still remembered the boy that Wyper had used to be, after all. Before he’d learned of the history of conflict and nearly lost himself to rage and hatred for the Sky People. “No matter how fierce our reason for fighting was in the distant past, for those of us that live now…the sky is our home.” The old man opened the tent flap to show the massive bonfire outside and all of the people, Shandians and Skypieans, merrily dancing around it. “If nothing else, Wyper, this Varse refuses no one.”

“That’s right.” Gan Fall stood in the open ‘doorway’, his eyes meeting Wyper’s. “Right now, for the first time in generations, not one person wants to fight.”

The jubilation, music, and festive atmosphere proved Gan Fall’s words as Wyper watched a sight that he never thought he’d see. Skypieans, Shandian, Blue Sea people, all dancing, cheering, singing, and laughing together without a care in the world.

“Party!!!” Luffy’s loud cheer was heard over all as he danced around with Nami, Vivi, and Mikita.

Wyper could only sigh and look at the party with a small smile as both Gan Fall and the Chief laughed happily, joy overflowing from the two elders at finally seeing their people at peace.

Over the next three days the party continued on. The Light of Shandora was cleaned of the moss that had grown on it over the many hundreds of years, making it sparkle and gleam in the sunlight during the day. It was even rung once more to celebrate an end to the four-hundred year war as peace was made. Gan Fall and the Shandian Chief ringing the immense golden bell together to solidify the peace between the Shandians and Skypieans.

The ringing of the golden bell had seemingly summoned the ‘Lord of the Sky’ the massive blue snake letting out a hiss that sounded like joyful laughter (or the closest a snake could get) as it swayed its body around in a dance of joy upon hearing the song of the bell. This had been a surprise to everyone, but Luffy had no fear and quickly was dancing and laughing atop the titanic serpent’s head, restarting the party like it had never stopped.

-White Sea ~ Morning-

“You fixed this Waver so well that I’d never know it was that half-rotten thing we got from the shipwreck!” Usopp praised Pagaya’s skills as he, Nami, Chopper, Mikita, and Luffy looked over the Waver that Pagaya had delivered to them.

“Thank you.” Pagaya accepted the praise. “But it’s more accurate to say that I rebuilt it entirely, except for the Jet Dial.”

“Thank you for coming to see us off, Conis-chan~!” Sanji had heart eyes for the ‘angel’ as she rode with her father on a modified Waver/Dial Boat hybrid.

Conis smiled brilliantly at the pirates. “Of course, I wanted to say goodbye one more time!”

“It’s too bad we couldn’t take any more gold.” Nami sat on one of the crates that was filled with gold and secured to the deck with strong ropes.

“If we took any more then the ship wouldn’t be able to float in the cloud sea.” Zoro reminded her with a flat look. “We basically left that weird ark thing an empty shell after you made us tear out all of the gold that was in the walls and attached to those weird machines.”

“Gold! Gold! Gold!” Luffy was still in high spirits as he danced around the various crates and chests of gold that they’d taken from the ark Maxim. “Now that we’re filthy rich, what should we buy?” He asked his crew with a huge smile on his face. “How about a giant bronze statue?! It would look so cool!”

Usopp dope slapped Luffy for the ridiculous idea. “Quit talking crazy! What’re you thinking?! Now’s the time to get more cannons! Let’s buy ten of them!”

“Nami-sweet~! I want a refrigerator with a lock on it! Pretty please~?!” Sanji twirled over to Nami to make his request.

“Books! I wanna buy books!” Chopper declared whole hopping up and down. “I want to learn about the medicines and treatments of other countries!”

“Kyahahaha! If we’re putting in orders, I’d like a few rare cookbooks, new bakeware, and some spending money for some high-end ingredients for my next batch of chocolates!” Mikita requested with a beautiful smile.

Vivi looked at all of the crates of gold that they’d filled the Going Merry with. “If possible, I’d like to send the majority of my share back home to Alabasta to help with getting the country back on its feet.”

“Booze.” Zoro said without a care. He was the one with the simplest of desires.

Nami was nearly delirious with joy as she patted the large crate that she sat on with a bright smile. “Calm down, we’ll worry about divvying up all of the treasure once we get back to the Blue Sea. Just because we have tons of cash now,” She sighed happily again. “Doesn’t mean that we should blow it all immediately.”

“Everyone! Come look!” Conis called out to the Straw Hats. “It’s come into view!”

All of the Straw Hats looked to the front of the Going Merry and saw a large building a bit further away. It was a towering structure, the canal of sea clouds easily wide enough for a Galleon to pass through without fear of hitting the sides. The arch of the tower-like central building was also so high that it gave the arches over the canal up Reverse Mountain a run for their money. A large sign at the top of the arch declared the name of this place as ‘Cloud End’.

“That’s Cloud End! It’s how you return to the Blue Sea!” Conis smiled at her friends, even if they’d only known each other for a short time.

“Alright! So this is where we find our way down, huh?” Usopp smiled as they sailed closer and closer to the towering building.

“Aww… Do we have to go already?” Luffy looked a little put out. Now that the end of their adventure in the sky was in view, he started thinking about all of the other stuff he might’ve been able to do on Skypiea if Enel hadn’t gotten in the way.

Sanji shook his head with a small grin. “I know how you feel. Now that we’re finally going down, I sort of hate to leave.”

Mikita agreed with a giggle. “Yeah. But it’ll be nice to get back to our sea too.”

“Guess it’s goodbye to this pure white sea.” Zoro looked out over the White Sea once more, etching the sight into his memory.

“Sky Island was fun. Scary, but fun.” Chopper recalled the interesting things they’d seen and learned, but also remembered the fighting they’d had to do.

Vivi brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear as a breeze passed by. “It’s amazing up here. Many won’t believe us if we tell them about our adventure though.”

“Once we pass through that gate, we’ll take the Milky Road back down to the Blue Sea, I suppose.” Robin mused as the sailed into the canal.

Luffy looked over at his crew with a smile. “Do you think we’ll be able to come back to Sky Island sometime?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Nami shrugged in response. She knew one thing for sure though, if there was a next time, they were NEVER taking the Knock Up Stream to get here again!

Pagaya and Conis stopped at the edge of the canal and ran along the side to keep up with the Going Merry.

“It’s been great, but this is as far as we go!” Pagaya called out to the Straw Hats.

“Take care everyone!” Conis waved as she ran alongside her father.

Nami waved back with a wonderful smile. “Thanks for seeing us off!”

“Conis! Take care of yourself!” Sanji waved to the blonde beauty with heart-shaped eyes.

Usopp waved with both arms and a big smile. “Thanks for all that you’ve done for us!”

“Conis! Old guy! Take care!” Luffy yelled out with his signature huge grin.

“We will!” Pagaya ran a bit faster to keep up with the ship as it picked up speed from the canal. “Now pull in your sails and cling to the ship!”

“You heard the man!” Usopp called out loudly. “Looks like we’ll be going pretty fast!”

“We’re eight-thousand meters in the air, so it’s gotta be a steep slope!” Mikita agreed as the crew quickly furled the sails and checked that all of the chests and crates of gold that they’d had to store on deck were fastened down as securely as possible.

“Hmm…” Nami eyed the Log Pose, seeing that it was pointing downwards and slightly to the right. “Okay, Captain. Our course to the next island is set!”

“Yeah, that’s right!” Luffy brightened up even more. “Once we get down from here another adventure will start!” The rest of the crew looked to Luffy with smiles. “Alright! Then let’s go home to the Blue Sea!” He threw his fist into the air with a cheer.

“Yeah!” The Straw Hats called back, throwing their hands into the air to match their Captain’s energy.

Conis held her hands up to her mouth and called out to the crew one more time. “Be careful during the drop, everyone!”

“Drop?” The entire crew blinked at the word before the Going Merry sailed down a short slope of sea cloud and into the open sky. Everyone’s eyes nearly shot out of their heads in shock as they briefly hung in the air before gravity reasserted itself. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” The collective screams as the Going Merry fell back towards the Blue Sea were incredibly loud.

“Heso!” Conis and Pagaya waved down at the Straw Hats.

The Going Merry fell a large distance before Conis pulled a brass whistle out of her pocket. “Here goes! The Sky Island specialty…” She blew the whistle with all of her breath letting out a loud tweet. “The Octo-balloon!”

-Going Merry-

A massive octopus burst out of the sea clouds nearby and wrapped its tentacles around the caravel.

“OCTOPUS!!!” Usopp cried out in fear and panic as he clung to the ship for dear life.

“Why, you little…” Zoro reached for Sandai Kitetsu only for everyone to fall to the deck as the Going Merry suddenly slowed down.

“What the hell?!” Nami blinked up at the large octopus that was now floating above their ship…somehow.

Vivi stared at the octopus, realizing that it was slowing their descent. “It’s like a balloon.”

“Hey! Check this out! It’s cool!” Luffy called out from the railing of the ship as he looked over the side.

“Huh… We’ve slowed down.” Mikita looked over the edge, seeing that the Going Merry was drifting down through the sky.

“What is this thing?” Sanji asked as he examined the octopus holding their ship.

“Whoa! This is so cool!” Chopper declared, his eyes bright and nearly sparkling.

Usopp’s legs were shaking even as he held his hand over his heart. “I… I thought we were going to end up in the afterlife for sure.”


The sound of the Light of Shandora rang throughout the heavens once more.


“The bell.” Robin smiled at the pleasant sound.

-Upper Yard-

The Shandians and Skypieans rang the Light of Shandora with great cheer.

“Ring it!”

“Send off our saviors with that beautiful song!”

“Return safely to the Blue Sea!”

“Come back anytime!”

“Thank you!”

“See you again!”

-Going Merry-

“Hey, this is nice!” Luffy grinned brightly as he sat on his special seat atop Merry’s figurehead.


“Aah, what a great feeling.” Nami stretched her arms above her head with a smile.


The sky that you see when you look up on a whim.

Is it a dream?

Is it real?

The country of God, above the clouds.

Ten-thousand meters up, in the far distant sky.

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of a bell.

It’s ringing today.

It will ring again tomorrow.

The sound of the bell echoing through the sky sings the praises of this wandering land.


-End Chapter-



Skypiea has finished!

The Light of Shandora has been rung and the four-hundred year war between the Skypieans and the Shandians has finally ended!

The Straw Hats enjoy tearing apart the Maxim for everything of value until the Going Merry simply can’t hold any more!

Nami made sure of that! Kek!

After a three day party, the Straw hats head back to the Blue Sea to continue their adventures!

Where will they land?

Who will they meet?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Ok skypea has ended tho I actually thought you were going to make a love scene at the end since it’s the celebration but anyway another great chapter can’t wait for water 7 tho it will be more than the orginal since they can use haki, the questions would be if zoro can use armament eventually as well as sanji. Chopper can use haki for surgeries and stuff if you haven’t thought of that already. Can’t wait as I’ve been waiting for this for months on end


They've only been in Skypiea for about five total days, and 3 of those days was the victory party. Not too much time has passed since the last 'sexy times' in-story. Yes, Water 7 is coming up, we just have to do a couple of things first.

Reno Roderiquez

Great chapter been really missing this story the past 2 months.


Just out of curiousity, how strong is this Luffy compared to his canon self? What's the strongest of his canon enemies he could beat?


Hmm...probably up to Doflamingo without too much issue. Katakuri would definitely be a fight with a good amount of back and forth. Luffy would definitely hit a wall against any of the Yonko right now.

Zero Shadow

Any chance Uta will be joining the Straw Hats?


Not really planned for this story, since Uta was introduced so late after it had already started.


I beg you Kairomaru. I know a new ship is an inevitably. But please save the spirit of the Merry. Her klaubuterman can be saved by a devil fruit perhaps? But she doesn't deserve to burn she deserves to keep going on adventures with her crew.