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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! With Juvia having moved into the Dragon’s Den, it’s time for a home expansion! The Dragon Slayers need more space for their growing family! But things are moving in the shadows. One of the three biggest Dark Guilds is stirring and preparing to enact a horrible plan. Can an alliance of Legal Guilds stop this dangerous plot?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 47 – Home Expansion, Guild Alliance

-Dragon’s Den ~ Late Morning-


The ground rumbled as Erza and Natsu worked together to alter and shift the earth next to their home. Much like when they’d first built the house, they had to prepare the land for the next addition that was being added. The first step was tearing up the ground next to the house with Earth Dragon Slayer Magic and then both flattening it and strengthening it to act as a solid foundation.

“Juvia is surprised by how fast the work is already going.” Juvia said, impressed that the foundation work for the addition was already almost complete when they’d only started working a short time after finishing breakfast this morning.

“Earth Magic is super useful for construction.” Lisanna agreed with a cute smile.

Once the foundation was finished a short time later, Mira stepped up with a smile.

Mira touched the outside wall of their home and focused her Forest Dragon Slayer Magic.




From the earthen wall cracks formed and spread out. The cause was quickly apparent as wood began to grown from the wooden frame of the house. The growing wood molded itself into the new addition’s foundation seamlessly before growing upwards into a solid and strong timber frame for the structure.  Once the frame was complete, Mire focused on the roof, letting the wood grow and merge together until the wood fused into a solid roof that was strong and leakproof.

“Now I just need to finish the doorways.” Mira smirked as he reached out through the wood that was grown through her Magic.







The wall cracked again, though much louder this time. Entire sections of the wall were pushed out by the growing wooden frame and collapsed onto the new foundation with loud thuds. This was especially true of the sections that fell from the second floor. The growing wood then stopped and reversed course, growing and molding into proper doorframes around the new holes in the wall.

“Woo~ Great work, Mira.” Cana complimented her ‘sister’ with a grin.

“How many windows do we need to buy?” Lucy questioned, looking over the new timber frame. “I see six on the front here.”

Mira nodded with a satisfied smile. “I made six on both the front and the back, with four on the side.”

“We’ll need to measure them so that we buy the proper sizes in town.” Lisanna hugged her big sister with a smile.

“Way ahead of you.” Cana held up a card and a long measuring tape appeared from within it. “Let’s get to work, girls!” She playfully dragged Lisanna and Lucy with her.

“Come on, Juvia!” Lucy giggled and grabbed the Water Mage’s hand, pulling her along as well.

“Lucy!” Juvia nearly stumbled before getting her feet under her and trotting after her new family with a bright laugh.

Erza and Natsu took a break while the window frames were being measured by the others. They sat with Mira and watched the others measure for the windows and the new doors that they’d need as well.

“We’re going to need some more roofing tar and shingles too.” Erza mentioned, looking up at the solid wood roof.

Natsu nodded as he followed her gaze. “Yep, shouldn’t be too hard to get everything done today though. “We’ll have six new rooms. Though the top three will be bedrooms, right?” He looked at Mira and Erza.

Mira agreed with a small nod. “Three new bedrooms on the second floor, the three new rooms on the bottom can be storage for now, or we can make them into bedrooms too.” She placed her hand over Natsu’s with a loving smile. “We’ll eventually need that many, I’m sure.”

“Mhm.” Erza had a beautiful smile on her lips as she hummed in agreement, taking Natsu’s other hand into hers.

Natsu gently squeezed their hands in return, all three smiling as they imagined the future they’d have together in their expanding home.

With how much their family was already growing, with Lucy and Juvia joining just in the last half year, when the time came for the pitter-patter of little feet to fill their home, they’d certainly need the space. With six Mates, Natsu would certainly be a father at least a dozen times over if the women had their way. Natsu was not only okay with that, he was looking forward to it.

“How about we have a picnic when we’re finished with the addition? To celebrate the growth of our family?” Natsu offered with a bright grin.

“Picnic?!” Erza’s eyes nearly sparkled as she beamed at Natsu.

Mira only laughed at her ‘sister’ and Erza’s love of picnics.

“We’re going to have a picnic?” Lucy smiled at the idea as the other girls approached, having finished taking all of the measurements.

“Erza is a big fan of them.” Cana laughed and sat down next to Erza, throwing her arm over the Requip mage’s shoulders and pulling her into a side hug.

Juvia, having never been able to go on a picnic due to the rain that always followed her, perked up at the idea. “Juvia would love to go on a family picnic!” Her smile was radiant just from the thought of it.

“Sounds like we know what we’ll be doing tomorrow then.” Lisanna sat down in Natsu’s lap with a bubbly laugh and kissed his cheek.

The family shared a warm moment together before Natsu and Erza had to get up and start making the walls of the new addition. They’d compact the earth to make an outer wall and an inner wall. Between the two walls strawbales would be sealed inside to provide insulation.

While Natsu and Erza worked on making the walls, Lisanna, Juvia, Lucy, Cana, and Mira would all head into Magnolia to buy the windows, the doors, roofing tar, shingles, and enough strawbales to fill in the new walls. Any extra bales would be used in the garden out back of the house, so there was no real problem if they bought too many.

Just as the family predicted, the new addition to the Dragon’s Den was completed in the early evening, before the sun had even fully set.

-Dark Guild Grimoire Heart’s Magic Airship-

“The Oración Seis?” Ultear, currently wearing a dress with a striped pattern that left her back bare (showing off the emblem of Grimoire Heart) and had slits up both sides that showed off her long legs, looked at her ‘master’ curiously. The twin tails that she had her long hair in swayed as she tilted her head. “They’re on the move?” She let her crystal ball roll up one arm and then down the other. “What will you do, Master Hades?”

“Let them be.” Master Hades said simply, his large throne like seat obscuring him in shadow as he sat upon it.

“If they go on the move, the legal guilds can’t stay silent.” Another shadowed figure, this one clearly wearing armor of some kind, spoke up.

A second shadowed figure next to the first crossed their arms and shrugged. “We can use them as a diversion to hunt for the key that’ll remove the seal on Zeref.”

“If things go our way, they could eliminate certain troublesome guilds for us.” Hades said without care for the actual outcome.

Ultear cocked an eyebrow and had a little grin on her lips. “Fairy Tail…for instance?”

Hades’s only reply was a smirk on his shadowed face.

Keep thinking that everything is going to go your way, old man. I’ll bring everything crashing down on your head soon enough.’ Ultear thought to herself as she rolled her crystal ball along her arms again. She wouldn’t rest until Hades was dead for what had happened to her as a child and all the years lost with her mother. To start, she’d make sure that every single plan was as difficult and costly as possible to Grimoire Heart. Once the guild was weakened enough, it would only be a matter of putting them in a ‘no win’ situation to get her revenge.

-Magnolia Town ~Next Day-

“Ah, a picnic~!” Erza was practically sparkling as her family spread out the large picnic blanket and set three baskets of food and beverages down in the center.

Juvia was equally happy as she sat down on the blanket beside the redhead. “Juvia is so happy! The weather is perfect!”

Indeed it was. Not too hot, not too cold. A perfect day for outdoor fun.

“Let’s eat, relax, and enjoy our day off.” Mira smiled at her family as she and Lisanna opened the baskets and started pulling out the food.

“I’ll drink to that!” Cana laughed as she took one of the bottles of wine that they’d brought.

Lucy giggle at Cana brightly. “You’ll drink to anything.”

“Maybe~” Cana admitted with a chuckle.

“Fish!” Happy cheered as Lisanna pulled out a plate of fish freshly caught in the morning from the river not too far from the Dragon’s Den.

Lisanna moved the plate away from the salivating blue cat with a laugh. “Wait until all of the food is ready, Happy!”

“Just a little nibble?” Happy tried to look cute, but Lisanna shook her head and patted his head while setting the plate of fish aside.

A gentle breeze through the air made the family smile as they began to eat. The park of the park they were in was filled with the faint sounds of other families enjoying their day as well. The laughter of children and parents, the smells of nature and various foods, all of it was heard and smelled by the Dragon Slayers’ enhanced senses.

“We should do this whenever we have such a great day for it.” Natsu sighed as he picked up a large sandwich from his plate. The fact that the sandwich had flames on it, courtesy of Lisanna, only made it better for the Magma Dragon Slayer as he took his first bite.

“Mhm!” Lisanna agreed with a hum, her mouth full of her own sandwich (noticeably smaller than Natsu’s) that was also on fire thanks to Natsu. She’d never get tired of eating Natsu’s flames, just as Natsu would never grow tired of eating her fire.

“Aye, sir!” Happy wholeheartedly agreed as he scarfed down his third fish.

“Juvia would love that.” Juvia said with a beautiful smile.

Erza pulled Juvia into a side-hug and kissed her cheek. “So would I, Juvia! It’s so nice to have a fellow picnic lover in the family!” She kissed Juvia’s lips gently and pulled back with a beaming smile.

“E-Er-Erza…” Juvia’s head was steaming, faint wisps rising from her blue hair as she processed the kiss.

“That’s precious~” Cana cooed at the sight of a flustered Juvia.

Lucy laughed and leaned over to kiss Cana’s cheek. “Be nice to Juvia. She’s still getting used to all of the physical affection.”

“No better way to get used to it than to experience it.” Mira grinned and winked at Juvia from across the blanket.

Juvia promptly buried her face into Natsu’s chest as her head continued to steam. She snuggled closer when Natsu’s hand gently started to rub up and down her back.

“We love you, Juvia.” Natsu kissed the top of her head, unbothered by the steam rising off of his newest girlfriend.

“Juvia loves everyone too.” Juvia’s words were a little muffled, but everyone still heard them clearly.

Soft, warm smiles formed on everyone’s faces as they watched Juvia enjoy her first ever picnic while cuddled up to Natsu.

-Next Day ~ Guild Hall-

Lucy stared up at a large chart drawn by Reedus with one of his Light Pens. “What’s this supposed to be?”

“An organization chart for the Dark Guilds.” Mira told her.

“Okay, but why is it drawn in the middle of the Guild?” Lucy couldn’t help but ask.

Mira stopped eyeing Lucy up (even though Lucy looked great in her midriff-bearing, spaghetti-strap tank top and short shorts with the stylish belt). “Their movements these days seem to be coordinated. So we’ll need to build up bonds between the Legal Guilds too.”

“What’re the three in the center there?” Elfman questioned, seeing three Dark Guild in a circle with all of the other Dark Guilds branching off from one of the three.

“Juvia knows. They’re the most powerful of the Dark Guilds. The Balam Alliance.: Juvia said as she looked at the three names in the center of the chart; Oración Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros. “The Balam Alliance is made up of the three most powerful Dark Guilds. Each of them have multiple other Dark Guilds under them, and they basically control the underworld dealings when it comes to Magic.”

“Hey, Eisenwald is up there.” Lucy noticed one of the Guilds that had an ‘x’ through it. Given that Eisenwald had been destroyed by Fairy Tail and arrested by the Rune Knights, it was easy to understand that any Dark Guild that was crossed out had been destroyed.

Erza narrowed her eyes at the name. “Yes, the Guild that housed Erigor.”

“So, Eisenwald was under the Oración Seis, huh?” Gray commented as he saw the line connecting the two names on the chart.

“The Dark Guild, Ghoul Spirit, that the Thunder Tribe crushed was under them too.” Evergreen commented as she saw the familiar name.

“When Juvia and Gajeel were in Phantom Lord, we crushed many Dark Guilds, all of them were originally under Oración Seis too.” Juvia smiled at her guildmates.

Gray looked a little perturbed by the sunny smile while speaking about such a topic. “Don’t smile when you say that.”

“Shut up, Gray.” Natsu pulled Juvia into a side-hug. “Juvia was doing good even while in Phantom Lord.”

“Natsu-sama…” Juvia had pink cheeks as she leaned into him, smiling from the praise.

“Ohh… I hope they’re not too angry about that.” Lucy wrapped her arms around herself and swayed a little side-to-side. Dealing with Dark Mages and Dark Guilds was something that Legal Mages had to do, but this Balam Alliance sounded way more dangerous.

Lisanna wrapped her arms around Lucy in a warm hug. “No worries, Lucy. We’ll look out for each other like we always do.” The bright smile on Lisanna’s face made Lucy smile back reflexively.

“But isn’t Oración Seis only made up of six Mages?” Jet looked at Droy for confirmation.

“It’s the smallest Guild that I’ve ever heard of.” Droy couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

Cana spoke up from behind them, a wine glass in hand. “Don’t forget, with just those six members, they’re still considered one of the three strongest Dark Guilds.” She sipped from her glass, taking a moment to examine the flavors on her tongue like a connoisseur. “You shouldn’t underestimate them based on numbers alone.”

Both Droy and Jet looked a little sheepish at making assumptions.

“Actually, about Oración Seis…” Makarov walked through the front doors of the guild hall in his Wizard Saint attire, having just returned from the regular meeting of regional Guild Masters. “We’re going to be taking them on.”

“Ah, Master, welcome back!” Lisanna smiled at Makarov, seemingly oblivious to the shock that most of Fairy Tail was in.

“I think we’re a bit passed that part, Lisanna…” Lucy hung her head a little.

Erza stepped forward. “Master, what do you mean by that?”

“While I was at the regular meeting, it was a topic of concern that Oración Seis was moving so openly. And so it became something that we could not ignore. Some guild or other must go and take them down.

“And we drew the short straw again, Gramps?” Gray questioned with a sigh.

“So it’s now Fairy Tail’s duty?” Natsu asked Makarov.

Makarov shook his head. “No. This time the enemy is too great. If we were the only ones that went after them, then the entire Balam Alliance would target us alone.” He looked into the faces of all of his ‘children’ seriously. “And so, we’ve decided to form our own alliances!” He clenched his fist in front of him.

“Alliances?!” Half the members of Fairy tail looked surprised or shocked. Alliances between Legal Guilds were uncommon, given that a lot of Mage Guilds competed for the same work. The competition for jobs made actual alliances difficult to keep without one side losing out on Quests. Most Legal Guilds were just polite to each other and didn’t antagonize each other if they met up.

“Fairy Tail… Blue Pegasus… Lamia Scale… and Cait Shelter.” Makarov listed off the four Guilds that would be allying against the Oración Seis. “Each of the four Guilds will choose members to send, they will combine their strength, and take down Oración Seis.”

“There’s only six of them, but four Guilds are allying to have a chance to take them down?” Lucy was worried now and feeling some shivers go up her spine.

Lisanna squeezed her gently and Lucy stopped shaking. “Relax, Lucy. It’s not just the six that Master is worried about. It’s that they’ll probably bring together all of the Dark Guilds under them for whatever they’re planning.”

“Master is worried about repercussions.” Erza said with a nod.

Natsu looked ready to go. “If it’s just six of them, we should be more than enough.” He’d let the other Guilds deal with the subordinate Dark Guilds.

-Worth Woodsea ~ Northeastern Fiore-

Six people stood on a cliff overlooking the vast forest that spanned as far as the eye could see.

“I can hear it.” One man sad with a smirk. He wore a white long coat with a purple interior and purple cuffs on the ends of the sleeves. On each bicep of the jacket was a black metal band with a red gem inlaid into the metal. He wore a black shirt beneath his jacket and dark red pants. His hair was a dark marron color, and he had a tan complexion, along with dark eyes. “The sound of the light going extinct.” A large purple snake with a white underbelly hissed as it slithered around the man’s body.

“You’re racing ahead of yourself, Cobra. But I shouldn’t complain about racing.” Another man spoke up.

He was a very tall, long-faced man with blond and black hair; the blonde, central part of his hair was styled in a long, spiky mohawk while the black portion was very close-shaven. He had similarly blond, extremely long eyebrows jutting outwards, and a noticeably pointed nose. He wore green-tinted sunglasses over his eyes and his outfit was a red and white racing suit like one would see in professional vehicle racing.

“That Magic that we talked about is hidden here, Racer!” Cobra grinned darkly at his compatriot.

“The Magic that brings darkness and sends all light to extinction.” A third man spoke from behind Racer and Cobra.

He was easily the tallest member of Oración Seis, a large and imposing man whose appearance was peculiar for the fact that he looked both somewhat feminine and, most curiously, had a body consisting of geometrical forms with sharp angles, not possessing rounded parts. He had long, wavy and flowing orange hair reaching down below his shoulders, bright blue eyes with long eyelashes, a prominent, flat nose and full, red feminine lips. He didn’t appear to have any eyebrows either. His broad body and large arms made his head appear rather small in comparison, while also making his legs look almost too small to support him. The man’s outfit was a loose black shirt, with light sleeves adorned by a series of dark merged rhombuses, a large, white collar closed on the front going down to cover his shoulders and a sash tied around his waist, visible under it, and simple light pants tucked inside light boots. Around his neck was a necklace made of large red beads, an amulet of an eye with a white wing on either side hung from the necklace.

“Nirvana.” The only woman of the group had a rather sinister grin on her lips.

She was quite lovely, with white hair cut just short of her shoulders and held back with a navy hairband. One part of her hair was styled to stick up into a large curl near the top of her head. Her dark purple eyes would be considered entrancing, if not for the danger clearly visible in them. She was blessed with a curvy figure that her outfit showed off very well. The white dress was covered in white feathers, with two ‘wings’ hanging down her back, reminiscent of an angel form some religions. But the look was somewhat ruined given the fact that there was no neckline to the dress. Where the neckline should’ve been was just missing cloth that left her neck down to her navel bare, her tits barely covered by her feathery dress. On her legs were black stockings and she had matching black gloves on her arms that went up to mid-bicep. On her feet were white shoes with feathers around the ankles to match her dress.

“The legendary Magic will soon be in our hands.” The obvious leader of the group spoke up.

He had neat silver hair that reached his shoulders, dark eyes and dark skin. On his face were unique markings that took the shape of straight black lines. He wore a white cloak with black fur around the neck, no shirt (revealing his muscled body and the tattoo of the Oración Seis Guild Mark on his chest), and his legs were covered by dark blue pants with what appeared to be gray fur wrapped around each leg, tucked into black boots. In his hand was a wooden staff topped with a human skull with a feather headdress on and an orb fixed between the jaws.

“Should we really be putting that much hope in it? This ‘Nirvana’ Magic?” Racer questioned their leader.

“Observe!” The leader pointed his staff at the vast forest, specifically at an area were smoke-like blackness was trailing up through the trees. “The land has started its march towards death! Just because Nirvana is so close by!”

-Next Day-

“I’m still not sure why Master chose me for this…” Lucy had been asking herself that for a while now, though only in her head.

Natsu hugged her close, giving her warmth and reassurance as they all flew on Happy’s back. “Because Gramps knows that you’ll do great, Lucy!” He smiled brightly at her.

“Natsu…” Lucy couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her face if she wanted to.

“I’m not sure why he chose all of us, but I’m not complaining.” Gray mentioned as he sat on Happy’s back.

Makarov hadn’t taken any chances when dealing with one of the Balam Alliance and the likely addition of all their subordinate Dark Guilds. He’d sent Natsu, Erza, Mira, Cana, Lisanna, Juvia, Gajeel, Gray, and Lucy to the alliance. The only reason he’d felt comfortable sending all of the S-Class and a few of the A-Class was because Gildarts was currently at Fairy Tail to help Makarov ‘hold down the fort’ as it were. Should any backlash come from the other two members of the Balam Alliance, Gildarts and Makarov would defend Fairy Tail themselves.

“Since we’ll be working with other Guilds, the unity of our group is paramount.” Erza said as an explanation for the group. “As all of us work together well,” Gajeel snorted at that, but Erza continued on. “It makes the most sense to send the strongest group that Fairy Tail can spare.”

“It’s come into view!” Happy called back, his voice loud because of his currently massive size. “The place where we’re supposed to meet!” He began to descend towards the ground and flapped his large white wings a few times to slow down and land lightly upon his feet.

Everybody quickly slid down Happy’s side and landed on the ground easily.

Once everybody was off, Happy glowed golden and shrank back down to his normal form before being scooped up by Lisanna and held. “Thanks, Lisanna!”

“You’re welcome, Happy.” Lisanna smiled and petted his head, making Happy purr.

The group took in the style of the large stone building, noticing the odd heart-shaped masonry work as they entered.

“The decorations are kinda giving me the creeps.” Lucy admitted as she looked around, her Gate Keys jingling against her hip from where the ring was connected to her denim short shorts.

“This is apparently a retreat house for Master Bob of Blue Pegasus.” Mira mentioned, not exactly a fan of the décor herself.

“Oh, right, that guy.” Gray still remembered the way Master Bob had looked at him back during the Lullaby incident.

A spotlight suddenly clicked on and illuminated a spot near the large staircase at the end of the massive entryway. Three men were briefly silhouetted by the bright light before they stepped out of it to greet the members of Fairy Tail.

“Members of Fairy Tail! We’ve been waiting for you!” One of the three men said.

“We are the chosen ones of Blue Pegasus!” The second man spoke.

“The Tri-Men!” The finally man, more like teenager, finished.

The first man posed, he was a traditional handsome man with wavy dark blonde hair with dark eyes and a perfect complexion without a single blemish upon his face. He wore a black suit with a light blue undershirt and a black tie, his outfit finished off with black dress shoes. “I’m Hibiki of the Hundred Nights.”

The teenager posed next; he had a boyish charm about him with soft features. His blonde hair and green eyes enhanced his natural good looks. He wore a suit like Hibiki, though his was properly buttoned up and his undershirt was a light yellow, while his tie was white and purple. “I am Eve of the Holy Nights.”

The other man posed with his hand on one side of his face. He had darker skin, black hair, and sharp eyes. He too wore a suit like his guildmates, but his suit jacket was left open, showing off a leopard print button up shirt and a gold chain around his neck instead of a tie. “I am Ren of the Hollow Nights.”

Lucy blinked at their introduction. “Are… Are they from a Host Club?!” She had no idea that Blue Pegasus ran an actual Host Club from their Guild!

“We greet you warmly and desire to work together…” Erza tried to greet the ‘Tri-Men professionally, but quickly found herself surrounded.

“The rumors of your beauty were no lie.” Hibiki spoke suavely to Erza.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance Titania.” Eve greeted her with a charming smile.

“Now… If you’ll step this way.” Ren motioned off to the side where a low table was set up with drinks, a sofa with a heart-shaped backrest behind it.

Hibiki placed a hand gently on Erza’s shoulder, to guide her.

Eve offered his hand to Cana, looking up at her with his green eyes almost sparkling.

Ren gently placed his hand on Lucy’s upper back, offering to guide her towards the sofa and drinks.

“Please, soothe yourself with a steaming cloth.” Hibiki smiled at Erza, while motioning towards the rolled clothes on the table he was trying to lead her to.

“Whiskey and soda, perhaps?” Eve offered Cana with an inviting grin.

“Now, take a seat, my dear.” Ren offered a seat to Lucy who’d barely moved three steps from where she’d started.

Cana was the first to break the Tri-Men’s routine. “I’ll take the whiskey, leave the soda.” She smirked at the teenaged Eve, exposing one of her fangs.

“Take your hand off of me, or I’ll remove it for you.” Erza looked straight into Hibiki’s eyes, a look that promised that she’d make good on her threat.

Lucy stopped moving and narrowed her eyes at Ren. “I’m already happily married.” Being Natsu’s Mate was more than marriage, but it was the easiest thing for anyone that wasn’t a Dragon Slayer to understand.

The Tri-Men all backed three steps away from the women.

“Now boys, shall we leave it at that?” A smooth voice called down from the stairs as a silhouette appeared at the top of the staircase.

“What’s that voice?” Lisanna looked at the man descending the stairs warily.

“Juvia feels like she’s heard it before, a long time ago.” Juvia mumbled, wondering just when she could’ve heard it.

“Oh boy…” Mira sighed, rolling her eyes for good measure. She knew exactly who this was.

“Ichiya-sama!” The Tri-Men called out.

“Ichiya?!” Erza looked up at the man descending the stairs with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

“How long has it been, Erza?” Ichiya spoke delicately as he descended the stairs, the lights still keeping him in silhouette.

Erza took a half-step back. “I never dreamed that you’d be taking part in this.”

“How I’ve longed to see you again, my honey!” Ichiya stepped into the light dramatically, literal sparkles coming off of him. “This one night is all for you!” He declared, making a pun from his name.

Ichiya turned out to be a short and rather stout man with a distinctively big, somewhat rectangular face, with a large flat nose which seemed to be shining, and prominent cheekbones. He had dark eyes and thick eyebrows, with a pair of lines pointing towards his nose below them, along with some stubble around his mouth and a prominent chin. His orange hair was in a wavy style with many curved spikes jutting outwards, with one acting as a fringe on the left side of his face. He wore a white suit, a blue rose pinned to his lapel, an orange undershirt and a red bowtie. On his hip was a marron sash holding many stoppered vials.

“My honey?!” Lucy cried out in shock at Ichiya’s brazen words.

Erza was visibly shaking now, her face horrified at the mere idea of having such a relationship with Ichiya.

“So you were Ichiya-sama’s girlfriend!” The Tri-Men all bowed to Erza politely. “We beg your pardon for our rude assumptions.”

“I deny that with all of my being!” Erza nearly roared at the three men.

Gajeel was snickering by this point, finding this all rather amusing. Juvia gave him a pointed look, but the Iron Dragon Slayer only held himself back to an amused smirk.

“Clean this place up! This isn’t fun time, you know?” Ichiya ordered the Tri-Men.

“Yes, sir! Boss!” The Tri-Men quickly picked up the drinks, the table, and the sofa and carted them away before returning.

“Boss? Weren’t they calling him Ichiya-sama a second ago?” Juvia blinked at the sudden change.

“They’re not very consistent, huh?” Happy mentioned.

Ichiya posed again with what he thought was a suave grin. “I’ve heard much of you all. There’s Erza, Miss Lucy, Miss Mirajane, Miss Lisanna, Miss Cana, Miss Juvia…and the others.” He brushed the men off without a care. “Mm?” He pointed at Lucy with both hands and nearly slid over to her, sniffing all the while. “What a wonderful perfume!” Ichiya winked at Lucy.

“He really creeps me out!” Lucy backed up a step, wrapping her arms around herself.

“He’s an excellent Mage. But even I find him hard to deal with.” Erza sounded like she was apologizing.

Gray, as an Ice Mage, noticed the sudden temperature shift in the room. It was getting hotter, rapidly, and he didn’t even have to look to know what was causing it. He stepped forward and raised his voice. “Alright you Blue Pegasus pretty boys! Stop with the jokes before you start a fight!”

All four members of the Tri-Men looked at Gray flatly, clearly not caring what he had to say.

Ichiya pointed his index and middle fingers at Gray. “Ah, all of the men have my permission to leave.”

“Thank you for your good work!” The Tri-Men bowed to Gray insincerely.

“Are you stupid?” Gray demanded, still feeling the heat in the massive entryway increasing. “You really want to start a fight?”

Ren looked at Gray blankly. “You want to try us?”

“We’ve got skills, I warn you.” Eve said with confidence, his expression disdaining.

“Let ‘em keep going, it’ll be entertaining at least.” Gajeel snarked, knowing well the landmine these idiots from Blue Pegasus were treading on.

“Looking down on us just because your Guild has multiple S-Class Mages and Lost Magic users.” Hibiki moved his hair with his right hand. “You’re rather crude, aren’t you?”

“You know, I’m getting just about tired of these guys.” Mira cracked her knuckles while glaring at the Tri-Men.

“Please don’t fight, Mira.” Lisanna looked at her big sister pleadingly, not wanting to destroy this alliance before it even began.

“Erza, your perfume is as sweet as ever!” Ichiya said as he sniffed Erza, having approached her during the building argument.

Erza physically shivered in disgust and cocked back her fist to deck Ichiya across the face.

“Augh!” Ichiya’s painful cry brought everything to a stop as everyone looked towards the man.

Natsu was holding Ichiya off the ground with one hand palming the short man’s head. Wisps of smoke could be seen coming from between Natsu’s fingers as he nearly snarled at Ichiya. Erza was behind Natsu, but instead of taking refuge from Ichiya’s unwanted advances, she had her arms wrapped around Natsu’s waist and was clearly whispering into his ear in an attempt to calm her Mate down.

“Stay away from my Mate.” Natsu warned Ichiya before bodily throwing the man across the entryway towards the doors.

A silhouette in the doorway caught the flying Ichiya by the head.


Ichiya’s smoking head was encased in ice from the person that had caught him.

“You do go all out with the greetings, don’t you?” Lyon Vastia spoke as he tossed Ichiya back the way he’d come, the ice encasing the man’s head shattering as he bounced off the floor once. “Attacking Lamia Scale? I’ll take you on.”

“Lyon?!” Gray exclaimed, seeing his former disciple here.

“Gray?” Lyon looked just as surprised to see Gray.

“Huh, so you did join a Guild.” Cana remarked before her eyes focused on the two silhouettes approaching from behind Lyon.

Gray had to ask upon seeing Lyon again. “What’re you doing?”

“You’re the ones that started it.” Lyon smirked at Gray, not even acknowledging that he’d frozen and thrown Ichiya.

“I want to know what you just did to our Boss!” Ren demanded, glaring at both Natsu and Lyon.

“It’s too cruel!” Eve accused them both.

“Can’t all of the men just leave?” Hibiki requested, though it came out as more of an order.

The carpet along the length of the entryway started to twitch and rise up. “Oh, dear. But there are women here too.” The rug jerked up and formed itself into the likeness of a doll. “Doll Attack: Carpet Doll!” The rug lashed out towards Lucy.

“Hmph!” Lucy’s hand glowed with light that seemed to sparkle and refract oddly. With a swipe of her arm, the Carpet Doll was cut into pieces from her Celestial Dragon Slayer Magic. “I know this Magic!”

“Ehehehe… I will not allow you to forget me.” Sherry Blendy declared, her pink hair flowing behind her as she smiled at Lucy without any warmth. “But be sure to forget my past self!”

“Pick one or the other!” Lucy yelled at the other woman.

“For I have been reborn for the sake of love!” Sherry declared while pointy at Lucy.

The Celestial Spirit Mage felt her eye twitch.

The tension in the room was growing thicker as the situation devolved. Ichiya got back up and tried to approach Erza from the opposite side. This made the entire Dragon Family growl at the harassment of their loved one.

“I cannot feel any love for you.” Sheery focused on Lucy.

“I’ve got some hate for you too.” Lucy was more than fed up with this whole situation now.

“STOP!!!” A heavy Magic Power crashed down onto the room as the final Mage form Lamia Scale entered through the doorway. “We are here to unite as allies to defeat the Oración Seis! Is this time for infighting?” The Magic Power receded and everyone took in the obviously powerful man.

He was a tall and massive man with a heavily muscular figure, distinguished by his bald head, with a pair of oval-shaped black marks just above his black eyes, and he seemed lack of eyebrows. His clothes were somewhat odd as his chest was bare, only being covered by a series of dark belts crossing it diagonally, and around his neck was a short mantle, covered in horizontal blue and white stripes and sporting edges decorated by numerous short, yellow strings hanging from it. On his arms were tight-fitting green armbands that almost reached up to his shoulders, seemingly made from the skin of a reptile. Around his waist there was a long loincloth, held up by a simple belt. On his head was a headdress that looked like a reptilian creature of some kind. In his hand was a staff with a green orb atop it.

“Jura…” Lyon looked at the man with obvious respect.

“Jura?!” Mira perked up at the name, recognizing it.

“Then he’s…” Eve started.

“Yeah…” Ren nodded in confirmation.

Hibiki looked a little less eager to fight now. “Lamia Scale’s Ace… Iron Rock Jura.”

“Who?” Natsu looked at Happy.

“He’s one of the Ten Wizard Saints.” Happy told his best friend with a chuckle at Natsu not caring to know who the current Wizard Saints were.

Lucy was surprised at who had shown up to this alliance. “Even I’ve heard of Jura before.”

“Hehe… Pegasus sends four, you fairies sent nine, but we are fine with just three.” Sherry lightly mocked the other two guilds.

“Master thought it prudent to assure that we could deal with the six members of Oración Seis, as well as all of their subordinate Dark Guilds.” Lisanna shushed the other woman with the simple facts. Honestly, it seemed as though both Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale had assumed they’d only be dealing with six Mages total.

“Now we have three Guilds accounted for. All that’s left is to wait for the group from Cait Shelter.” Jura stated patiently, his face stern.

Ichiya posed, pointing his index and middle finger at Jura. “You say group but I have heard that it will be only one.” He was clearly ignoring the bloody nose he had from being tossed around before.

“Just one?!” Gray would’ve spat if he’d been drinking anything. “A mission like this and they can only spare one Mage?!”

“Wait… If they only sent one, then how scary and powerful is this person going to be?” Lucy could already imagine some monstrously powerful Mage in her head.

“Whoa!” A new voice cried out and everyone turned to see a young woman stumbling over the messed up carpet on the floor. She nearly lost her footing, but caught herself in time, even managing to keep her purse from falling off her shoulder and onto the floor. She stood up to her full height (just a bit shorter than Lucy) and her dark blue hair cascaded down her back. “Sorry for being so late! “I’m Wendy Marvell from Cait Shelter.” Wendy introduced herself with a polite half-bow to the group.

Wendy was quite the beauty, with her long dark blue hair, light complexion, expressive brown eyes filled with warmth, her slim body had curves similar to the other women in the room as well. A rather large bosom, thin and trim waist, wide hips, long legs, and not that anyone could see it, but a rather nice butt too. She wore a sleeves and strapless teal top with a white bow on the front that showed off her cleavage and her midriff. She wore simple white pants, along with sky blue shoes on her feet.

Her Magic…’ Jura, a very talented sensor when it came to feeling out the Magic Power of others, noticed that Wendy’s Magic was nearly identical to several of the present Mages from Fairy Tail.

“Wendy?” Natsu blinked as the memory from the last time he’d seen his father came back to him again. A small girl, just a year or so younger than him, hugging her Dragon Mother and trying her best not to cry.

Gajeel sniffed the air and his red eyes narrowed at Wendy. Any Dragon Slayer could recognize one of their own by scent alone.

“Oh?” Wendy looked around and her eyes looked at Gajeel, widening in vague recognition, before they locked onto Natsu and stared into his amber gaze. “Ah…” She smiled brightly at Natsu and Gajeel. “Natsu… Gajeel… It’s been a long time.” Wendy greeted the slightly older Dragon Slayers.

“Meh.” Gajeel shrugged but gave Wendy a nod.

“Long time, Wendy!” Natsu greeted her with a wave and a bright smile.

“Natsu-sama?” Juvia looked at Natsu curiously.

Natsu pounded his fist into his palm. “Right! You all don’t know her.” He motioned to Wendy with a bright grin. “This is Wendy, daughter of Sky Dragon Grandeeney! She’s a Sky Dragon Slayer!” He introduced his Mates (and eventual Mate in Juvia) to the girl he’d only met briefly, but had even had Cana try to help him find a few times in his early years with Fairy Tail.

“EHHHHH?!” Lucy, Mira, Cana, Lisanna, Erza, and Juvia exclaimed at meeting another of the ‘five original’ Dragon Slayers that Natsu had told them about.

“This cute girl is a Dragon Slayer too?” Eve approached Wendy with a charming smile. “I’m not sure I can believe that.” He held out his hand to her. “You’re far too cute.”

The air began to vibrate and pieces of the shredded carpet floated into the air as Wendy unleashed a bit of her Magic Power. Her dark blue hair blew about in the wind before the pressure of her Magic grew immensely and Eve was forced to lock his legs to prevent falling to his knees. A gale swirled around Wendy as she looked down at the hunched over teenager in front of her. A second later and the pressure vanished. The gale lessened into a gust, then a breeze, and then everything fell out of the air and back onto the floor.

“Do you believe it now?” Wendy asked, genuinely wanting to know as she fixed her hair a little. Eve had clearly been unconvinced, so, like any Dragon that had its power questioned, Wendy had demonstrated her strength a bit.

“Y-Yeah…sorry a-about that…” Eve apologized as he slowly stood back to his full height and retreated back towards the Tri-Men with sweat on his face.

“Child, what are you releasing you power for?” A female voice questioned and to the surprise of everyone from Fairy Tail, a white cat dressed in a yellow shirt with long sleeves, a pink bow around her neck and a matching bow near the end of her tail, along with a red skirt around her waist steeped into the building and walked over to Wendy.

“A female Happy!” Natsu pointed at the white talking cat.

The white cat didn’t look amused. “My name is Carla. I’d appreciate it if you would remember that.”

“Wow…” Happy’s eyes were practically hearts as he stared at Carla. “She’s pretty…”

Lisanna barely suppressed a giggle at seeing Happy instantly lovestruck.

“Now that all Guilds are accounted for, we can begin planning for this mission.” Jura rolled with what had just been revealed and decided to move things along towards the reason they were all here.

“No pause at all?!” Gray nearly squawked at the older man’s lack of reaction.

-End Chapter-


The Dragon’s Den expands!

There’ll be plenty of room for everyone, including the future family members! Aww! So cute!

The Family goes on a picnic! It’s Juvia’s very first one ever! She bonds with Erza over a love of picnics! Kek!

Oración Seis is on the move! The Legal Guilds form an alliance to counter them!

But unlike Canon, Makarov isn’t fooling around! He sends NINE of his best to deal with this mission!

I’m sure that’ll do some interesting things to the story! *Cackles*


Like I said way back when, Wendy is only a year or two younger than Natsu! Meaning she looks a lot more like her Edolas version in this fic instead of her adorable Canon self.

She’s also a Dragon Slayer and it fucking shows! Little playboy Eve better sit his ass down! Hah!

Now that all four Guilds are gathered, it’s time for the mission to defeat the Oración Seis to begin!

How much will change with all that’s already happened?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Zero Shadow

What your plans for Irene? This story has me quite curious about her fate? Are you going to save her from her future fate, or do something else for her?


Thank you for the great chapter, I am very curious to see how you write this arc with an older and clearly more powerful Wendy. Stay safe out there and keep up the good work!


Glad that you liked it! Yeah, it'll definitely go differently, that's for sure. I'll keep doing my best!