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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Age of Titans! Now that Eren and the other Shifters are in the Survey Corps, they just need the new recruits to join up and come to the old Survey Corps HQ before they demonstrate Titan Shifting to the Survey Corps as a whole. From there, it’ll be time to make MORE Lesser Shifters from the absolute best soldiers the Walls have to offer! They have a month to awaken and train up as many of the Survey Corps as possible before the next expedition to retake Wall Maria, so they better make the most of it!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 14 – Awakening Lesser Shifters

At the Recruit Solicitation Ceremony for the 104thCadet Squad, all of the surviving members had gathered and stood in formation before a wooden stage. After the Titan incursion in Trost, seeing Titans for the first time, as well as death of their fellow soldiers; the officers of the Survey Corps weren’t expecting many to join. It was simply a fact that most cadets would never choose to join the Survey Corps over the Garrison or Military Police.

Erwin walked out onto the stage and stopped in the middle of it. He faced the cadets (noticing how many more there were than would be expected after a Titan incursion) and gave them all a serious and steady look. “I’m Survey Corps Commander Erwin Smith. The King has granted me authority over all Survey Corps activity. Today, you choose which Branch of the Military you will join. The reason that I’m up here is to invite you to become part of the Survey Corps.” Erwin looked out at all of the new recruits with his arms behind his back. “But I should warn you. In the recent Titan attack, you experienced what the average excursion outside the walls is like. I’m sure that nothing else in your lives came close to it. Though you’re cadets, you experienced sacrifice. As a result, I’m sure you came to know your own limits, and the terror of the Titans.” Erwin saw many of the new recruits shift uncomfortably or look down at the ground. “Nevertheless, while it’s true that we suffered some losses in this incursion, it was the lowest casualty rate we’ve ever had in battle with the Titans. The human race has advanced towards victory like never before.”

Several cadets began to murmur amongst themselves at Erwin’s words, wondering if the Commander was about to share information about the ‘Titan-killing Titans’ with them.

“By now, everyone is aware of the existence of the so-called ‘Titan-killing Titans’.” Erwin raised his voice a bit to get the cadets’ attention back on him. “Eren Yeager, Annie Leonhardt, Ymir, Armin Arlert, Sasha Braus, and Krista Lenz. Through the efforts of these six, and all of you that fought in Trost, the Titan incursion was halted quickly, and many lives were saved.” Erwin raised his right fist in front of him. “We’ve gained a path to understanding the true nature of the Titans and through that, a path to victory.” The cadets looked up at Erwin and the Commander was inwardly happy to see some of them had hope in their eyes. “I’m not at liberty to tell you much about those six…but you’ve seen it for yourselves already. They are willing to fight and to lay their lives on the line for our victory. With their power we plan to seal the breach in the Shiganshina District and retake Wall Maria.”

“Are we already that close?” One cadet asked his buddy next to him.

“If we have those six on our side…it could be possible.” His buddy nodded back with a small smile.

The cadet in front of the two looked back over his shoulder. “If we’re able to find out the truth about the Titans, and can use their power, then the situation can’t be that bad, right?”

“And yet…” Erwin spoke and the murmuring among the cadets quickly died down. “I will be honest with all of you. We can no longer use the gate from Trost District. We have no choice but to go the long way around from the eastern Karanes District. The path that one of our battalions took four years to secure is completely lost. During those four years, ninety percent of the Survey Corps soldiers died. That’s ninety percent in four years.” Erwin didn’t sugarcoat the mortality rate of the Survey Corps in the slightest. He saw several cadets shrink away at the high percentage of deaths. “The Survey Corps is always looking for talented people. Since many are killed every time that we go out, we suffer from a chronic shortage of personnel. I won’t hide it. Those of you who join the Survey Corps will participate in an expedition beyond the wall one month from now. A supply route needs to be put in place as fast as possible.”

Many cadets looked less than thrilled about being thrown outside the walls in only a month, but Erwin pushed on anyway. “I believe the mortality rate for new recruits going outside the walls on their first expedition is roughly fifty percent. But those that do get through it go on to become superior soldiers with a high survival rate.” Erwin was glad to still see a few with firm resolve on their faces and even a few with hope in their eyes that hadn’t been snuffed out. “Now that you know the truth, those willing to put your lives on the line, remain here.” He pointed at the ground. “Let me reiterate… The majority of the people who stay here and enter the Survey Corps will likely die. Ask yourselves if you really have it in you to sacrifice your life for humanity.” Most of the cadets looked up at Erwin with wide eyes now as they reevaluated themselves compared to him. “That’s all. Those of you who wish to join the other divisions are dismissed.”

One cadet in the very back turned and walked away.

They were quickly followed by another. A third and fourth followed after them. Soon a large group of the cadets moved towards the exit of the grounds as a crowd. This continued on for almost a full minute before the last cadet of the crowd left the grounds.

Erwin looked down at the cadets that remained behind. “If you were told to die, could you do it?”

“I don’t want to die!” Mikasa spoke up firmly, her gaze sharp as she stared into Erwin’s eyes.

“I see… Everyone, you look good.” Erwin spoke just loud enough for the remaining cadets to hear him. He quickly stood at attention and saluted them all. “Very well! I welcome the newest members of the Survey Corps! This is my real salute! Devote your hearts to the cause!”

“Yes, sir!” The remaining cadets saluted their new Commander promptly.

“E-Everyone…” Marco looked at everyone that had stayed.

Jean looked like he was forcing himself to stay in place with a dark look on his face. “Shit… This is the worst. Damn it… The Survey Corps, of all things.”

“We can do it… We can…” Mina looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Connie let out a heavy sigh. “Ahh… I just don’t care anymore.”

Samuel and Thomas looked firm, even if both men had a little sweat on their foreheads.

Hannah shivered in place a bit, with small tears in the corners of her eyes.

“If you don’t want to stay, it’s fine, Hannah.” Franz whispered to her softly. He knew that he owed Eren for his life, so he was going to join the Survey Corps and work with him.

Hannah just shook her head slightly in denial.

“I see thirty-one members of the 104th cadet group who have given the salute and become Survey Corps members.” Erwin made their decisions final after waiting a couple extra minutes for any last minute quitters. “You have withstood your fear well… You’re all brave soldiers. You have my heartfelt respect.”

-Old Survey Corps Headquarters-

Every member of the Survey Corps was present as they waited for the new recruits to arrive with Erwin. Levi had them waiting in two parallel lines, ready to salute as soon as Erwin arrived. Thankfully, the soldiers weren’t waiting for too long, as horse and wagons came up the road, headed for the renovated castle.

“The Survey Corps salutes Commander Erwin!” Every soldier saluted at once, making an audible sound as their fists hit their chests.

Erwin returned their salute from atop his horse. “At ease!”

The soldiers in line dropped their salute and stood at the ready.

“We have thirty-one new recruits! Get them their cloaks and gear, assign them their rooms, and we’ll begin the presentation in two hours!” Erwin ordered his soldiers.

“Sir, yes, sir!” The Survey Corps called back.

The new recruits started exiting the wagons and the Shifters quickly spotted several familiar faces among the small crowd.

“Eren!” Mikasa nearly threw herself at Eren the instant that she saw him again.

Eren quickly pulled Mikasa into a hug and held her close, knowing how much she hated being away from him for extended lengths of time. Especially this time around, given that he and the others had been taken into custody and Mikasa was left not knowing anything for days. “We’re okay, Mikasa. We’re all fine.” He whispered into her ear reassuringly.

Once Mikasa had taken the time to hold Eren, be held by him, and relaxed a little, she smiled warmly at her lover and her ‘sisters’ as she moved to hug the other women.

“Been a while, Eren.” Thomas spoke up with a lopsided smile.

“Thomas.” Eren returned the smile and raised his hand. Thomas, seeing the offer, raised his own hand and the two high-fived. “I’m not any different than the cadet you’ve known for the last three years.” He looked over to the others that he was somewhat close to from the 104th.

“Didn’t doubt you for a second, Eren.” Mina said, though the way she was looking off to the side kinda gave her away.

“Liar.” Samuel chuckled and Mina elbowed him with a pout.

Eren’s eyes locked onto someone that slowly walked over to the group. “Jean… I didn’t expect to see you here.” Left unsaid was Jean’s fear of the Titans and his previous defeatist mindset.

“What? I don’t like it, the Survey Corps, I mean.” Jean admitted, which confused everyone else.

“Then why’re you here?” Sasha questioned, tilting her head in confusion.

Jean sighed, his arms hanging limply at his sides. “I may’ve chosen the Survey Corps, but not because I’m not afraid of the Titans. And I’m not going to say something like: ‘Skilled soldiers have a duty to join the Survey Corps’ either. I’m not in a hurry to die…” Jean looked straight at Eren. “And nobody convinced me to join, either. This isn’t the kind of job you can do without really choosing it for yourself.”

“He just doesn’t want to admit that he was moved by Eren’s words.” Marco chuckled with his normal smile on his face.

“Shut up, Marco! I said that’s not it!” Jean barked at his friend with a glare.

Eren closed his eyes for a second as a small grin crossed his face. “Whatever the reason,” He opened his eyes and held out his hand to Jean. “I’m glad that you’re here, Jean.”

“Yeah…” Jean shook Eren’s hand. “Not gonna say I’m glad to be here though.” His sigh was less convincing with the equally small grin on his face.

“Don’t worry, Jean.” Eren released the other man’s hand with a smirk. “You’ll be glad that you’re here soon enough.”

The new recruits couldn’t puzzle out what he meant before they were called over by one of the Survey Corps Officers.

“New recruits, fall in!”

It was time for the former cadets to get their Survey Corps gear and their bunk assignments.

“I really didn’t expect to see Jean come to the Survey Corps.” Armin said as the Shifters watched the new recruits fall in line to get their new gear.

“It’s a good thing.” Annie replied, knowing that Hean had talent and drive, but was only held back by his attitude and mindset.

“Jean and the others made it through Trost and still joined the Survey Corps. They’re the kind of soldiers we need to make this work.” Eren spoke quietly, so only his family could hear him.

-One Hour Later-

“Looks like we’ll be bunking with you guys.” Franz rubbed the back of his head as he and Hannah stood at the base of the stairs that led down to the basement.

“There’s barely enough room in this place for everyone.” Hannah gave them all a smile.

The couple was welcomed into the basement barracks warmly enough. And after they’d gotten their things settled, Franz approached Eren.

“What’s up, Franz?” Eren asked the tall man.

He wasn’t expecting Franz to kneel and bow his head.

“Eren, thank you for saving my life.” Franz’s voice was thick with emotion. “Hannah told me that you saved me from dying back in Trost after the Titans had wiped out our group. No matter the method, I thank you for giving me another chance.”

Eren’s demeanor shifted slightly and he placed his hand on Franz’s shoulder. “Raise your head, Franz.” When Franz did so, Eren gave him a small smile. “You’re a loyal soldier and a good friend, I wouldn’t let you die if I could do anything to prevent it.” He saw Hannah smiling from his peripheral vision and Franz smile dup at him a second later. “I owe both you and Hannah an explanation of what happened that day. We have some time, so I’d like to tell you now.”

“Yes, please.” Franz agreed easily as Eren guided him back to his feet. Hannah was quickly by Franz’s side, ready to listen to what Eren and the others had to say.

“You’ve been awakened to your Eldian heritage.” Eren began what would become a long conversation.

-One Hour Later ~ Survey Corps Assembly-

The entire Survey Corps stood out in the large field behind the old renovated castle. As expected of soldiers, they stood in formation, waiting for what Erwin had to tell them. When the time came, however, not only Erwin, but Levi, Hange, and the Shifters all stood before the group.

“My soldiers!” Erwin began and every soldier focused on their Commander. “Today you will learn a great many things. Information about the ‘Titan-killing Titans’, history, and your very birthright.” That got some small muttering started before it died down at Erwin’s next words. “Let it be known that everything you hear and learn today is currently classified. You will not share it with anyone outside of the Survey Corps, am I clear?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” The entire Corps responded in unison.

Eren and Annie stepped forward at a motion from Erwin to begin the explanation and the brief history lesson of Eldia for the soldiers

The surrounding area had already been thoroughly searched for any spies by Levi Squad, but it seemed that the higher ups in the cabal that truly ruled the Walls were completely ignorant of what was going to happen within the Survey Corps. Annie had predicted that, given how much information on Titan Shifting had been lost by Eldia by the time that the Tybur Family had betrayed their kin to Marley. At best, the Reiss Family knew of the cannibalistic method of taking Prime Shifter powers. But they would know nothing of how to awaken Lesser Shifters. If what she suspected was true, the Reiss member that was seen as the ‘true king’ was probably trying to find whatever information they could regarding multiple intelligent Titans from what remained of the history from before the Walls.

Needless to say, many of the soldiers were outright skeptical of the history that they were told. The fact that it flew in the face of what the Monarchy had been pushing for the last century wasn’t lost on anyone though. It was only when a demonstration of the ‘Power of Eldia’ was offered that everyone went quiet.

“This power is a birthright for us Eldians.” Eren spoke as he took a small blade and sliced his palm. Several of the soldiers narrowed their eyes in confusion as to why he’d injure himself like that.

“You will all understand once you see it.” Annie took the knife from Eren and cut her own hand as well.

Every soldier suddenly realized why Commander Erwin had positioned them so far away from where the others were gathered.

Lighting appeared to strike Eren and Annie simultaneously.

The skeletons of their Titans formed rapidly, seemingly from nothing. As muscles covered bone, all of the soldiers could only stare in shock, or were nearly panicking as they tried to make distance between themselves and the two Titans. Skin covered the two Titans and then hair grew from their heads. The formation done, both Eren’s glowing green eyes and Annie’s shining blue eyes opened.

“Fifteen Meter and Fourteen Meter!” Hange exclaimed loudly, literally hopping up and down in excitement at seeing Eren transform for the first time.

When neither of the two Titans made a move to attack, the rest of the Survey Corps started to calm down. They all recalled seeing these two Titans back in Trost. That recollection quickly brought up the memory of how Erwin was saved and all of the soldiers finally had everything ‘click’ together in their heads.

“Holy shit…”

“It’s true.”

“This is real?”

“With this…we could change everything.”

The mutters and murmurs of the Survey Corps soldiers grew louder before they all went quiet as Annie’s Titan form spoke.

“Be…silent.” Annie requested, knowing that she didn’t have any real authority over the soldiers.

“My soldiers, this is the ‘Power of Titans’…” Erwin spoke up again, getting all of his subordinates to focus on him once more. “This is our birthright as Eldians. A power that can change our current fate. We can take back Wall Maria. We can exterminate the Pure Titans that infest our lands. And we can finally expand and truly see the totality of the lands that’re ours.”

“I offer this power to those of you that are willing to fight.” Eren’s voice resounded in the heads of all of the Survey Corps members. Several flinched in shock and fright, before looking up and seeing Eren’s green eyes almost looking like their color had crystallized. “We are Eldians, our power is great, but we are not monsters. This power is our birthright, as are the lands of Paradis Island. Fight for your freedom, and a future worth living, with us.”

“YES!!!” Hange, predictably, was the first one to agree. “I didn’t know you could talk to us in our minds!” Levi nearly slapped a hand over Hange’s mouth before she could expel the river of questions that she no doubt had now.

“What say you, my soldiers?” Erwin spoke again to his subordinates. “Will you live in fear behind these walls forever? Or will you fight to live freely as we once used to?”

“I will fight, sir!” One soldier wearing a white bandana called out strongly.

“I will fight, sir!” Another soldier shouted next.

The calls of ‘I will fight’ spread throughout the entire Survey Corps like a wave.

“Levi Squad.” Levi only had to speak.

“We will fight, sir!” Petra, Eld, Gunther, and Oluo replied in unison.

With the entire Survey Corps speaking as one, the next part of the plan to make Eren the King and rebuild Eldia began.

Several minutes later and both Sasha and Mikasa had donated some of their blood and spinal fluid to create a few syringes of the ‘Awakening Serum’ as the group had come to call it amongst themselves. Eren had Krista transform, giving them two Founding Types that could help a newly awakened Shifter regain their mind and stop them from rampaging violently after their first transformation. Ymir and Armin were the ones doing the drawing of the blood and the spinal fluid for Mikasa and Sasha. And the two would switch with them to do the next round of serum creation. The making of the serum would remain a closely guarded secret known only to Eren and his closest confidants to prevent any leak of the information to the shadow government that ruled the Walls.

“When…ever…you’re…ready…Commander.” Krista spoke to Erwin as he would be the first to transform. Erwin always led his soldiers by example, which is why he had their absolute trust, respect, and loyalty.

Erwin took his knife and cut his palm. Taking a deep breath, he focused on what he wanted, giving himself a need for his Titan form, just as Annie had instructed him. A spark of yellow electricity arced from his blood and into the air. A split second later and lightning struck Erwin. The bones formed rapidly, creating the skeleton as it rose into the air. Muscle quickly formed and wrapped around the bones once the skeleton stopped growing. Skin covered the Titan, before that was covered by the incredibly strong metallic armor that the Armor Titan was known for in its latest incarnation. Atop the Titans head, short blonde hair grew that was vaguely reminiscent of Erwin’s hair, if a bit more unkempt.

“RAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!” The new Prime Armor Titan bellowed loudly.

“Stop!” Krista’s Titan raised both hands and her blue eyes glowed slightly.

“RNNNNnnnnggghh…” The Prime Armor Titan’s bellowing dropped off and lowered as it went still. A few seconds later and it sat down on the ground with a loud thud that shook the dirt. Krista kept up her Founding Type’s control as much as she could, waiting for Erwin to regain his wits.

“Erwin’s Armor Titan is a Sixteen Meter!” Hange was recording it while eagerly waiting for her turn.

“Rnngguuhhh…” Erwin’s Titan tried to speak, but it didn’t seem capable of it…or at least it wasn’t capable of it right now.

Krista lowered her hands and stopped using her Founding power. Her Titan form’s blue eyes losing their glow.

Erwin raised his hand and ran it through his hair, which looked kind of odd on the Armor Titan. “Aaug…frreeh.” The Titan tried to speak again, but was still unintelligible.

“Can…you…stand?” Krista asked through her Titan as she moved to check on Erwin.

Erwin nodded his Titan form’s head and slowly got back to his feet. Once he stood up to his full height, he looked around for a long moment. Once he seemed to get acclimated to the new height, Erwin lifted his hands in front of him before opening and closing his hands a few times.

“Try…to…walk.” Annie’s Titan spoke as she moved over to Erwin’s Titan form.

Erwin slowly moved one leg and set it down, taking his first step in his Titan form. Annine watched over him as he took his second step and then his third. The Prime Female Titan walked alongside the Prime Armor Titan as Erwin slowly got used to the difference in moving his Titan form around compared to his normal body.

“Next!” Ymir called out and Hange was nearly a blur as she practically appeared in front of the other woman.

“Me! My turn! My turn!” Hange beamed at Ymir.

“Calm down a little, damn.” Ymir walked over to Krista’s Titan with Hange and then had Hange roll her sleeve up. Hange watched the whole injection with fascination in her eyes, even if it wasn’t really any different than a regular injection. With the serum in Hange’s veins, Ymir pulled the needle out a little roughly, to make the spot bleed, and was quickly rushing behind Krista’s Titan as small sparks appeared around Hange’s arm.

“This feels really strange…I love it!” Hange beamed before lightning struck her and she transformed. Bones grew into a skeleton, easily reaching at least fourteen meters tall. Muscles wrapped around the completed skeleton before skin grew over the body, matching Hange’s skin tone. Hange’s Titan was similar to her own body proportions, clearly feminine, similar to Sasha and Mikasa’s Titan forms. Long brunette hair grew from the Titan’s head before a familiar white covering began to form over Hange’s Titan.

“EREN!!!” Krista’s Titan yelled.

Eren’s Titan turned to look at what was happening, only to spot Hange’s Titan taking on the characteristics of a Warhammer Type. With a few quick, but ground-shaking, footsteps, Eren was at Krista’s side.

Hange’s Titan fully formed, the white covering wrapped around the body like a skintight suit, leaving only the mouth, eyes, and sides of the torso visible, and the brunette hair was made into a ponytail by a band of white hardening holding it together. Along the sides, Hange’s skin tone could still be seen, and draping down her Titan form’s back was a cloth-like hardening that was vaguely reminiscent of the cloak that the Survey Corps wore.

“AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!” Hange’s Warhammer Titan roared, spreading its arms wide. From its hands, hardening erupted and rapidly formed into a pair of throwing spears. The new Warhammer Titan reared back as if to throw the spear in its left hand, only for both Krista and Eren to raise their hands and their eyes began to glow. The Warhammer locked in place, its body visibly shaking, before Eren’s Titan lowered its hand. Hange’s Titan sank down to one knee, almost robotically, and Eren walked over to her.

“Wake up, Hange.” Eren spoke directly to Hange’s slumbering mind within the new Warhammer Titan. He got a vague sense of a rush of unintelligible words as the Warhammer Titan slowly stopped trying to resist his and Krista’s Founding control. “Come on, Hange, you need to wake up.” Eren roused the woman from her forced slumber.

“Er…en?” Hange’s Titan spoke.

Eren smiled within his own Titan, seeing Hange regaining herself. “I’m right here, Hange.”

“This…feels…amazing!” Hange’s Titan exclaimed as the head perked up and Eren could see the wide eyes through the eye holes in the white hardening covering the face. “My…speech…is…slow?” Hange was clearly already trying to puzzle her Titan form out.

“Learning to talk in Titan form takes a lot of practice. Some can never do it, like mine.” Eren spoke to her mentally while pointing at his Titan form’s odd jaw structure.

“Interesting…this…is…so…interesting!” Hange’s Titan slowly stood up with Eren’s help and she held her hands out wide until she got her balance. “Whoa…my…balance…is…off.” Eren walked with Hange for a bit down the length of the field, helping her get used to the change in body dynamics with her Fourteen Meter Titan form.

Krista’s Titan exhaled in relief that they’d been able to keep Hange’s Titan from going out of control. She still remembered Sasha’s first transformation and how wild her ‘sister’ had gotten with her hardening ability.

“I’ll go next.” Levi, following Erwin’s example, decided to awaken next. So that the soldiers would see all of their leaders as Titans and be assured of the safety of the process.

Knowing that Levi was an Ackerman, like Mikasa, Annie had made sure to explain the Variant Titan that he would most likely become. While they couldn’t predict which two Types would blend together in Levi’s Titan form, it was information that he needed to know and that they had to prepare for.

“One second, sir.” Armin didn’t even have to ask Levi to roll up his sleeve, the Captain had already done so and was standing before Krista’s Titan. Levi held out his arm without a word and Armin injected him with the serum. A drop of blood beaded up from the injection site as Armin dashed to safety behind Krista.

“Mmnn…” Levi grimaced at the feeling as his arm got hot and a few small yellow sparks danced around the injection site. When one of the sparks touched his blood, lightning struck Levi.

The skeleton that formed wasn’t nearly as tall as Erwin’s or Hange’s. It rose up to be about six meters tall. And then muscle formed over the bones, followed by Levi’s slightly pale skin tone as skin covered the muscles. A bone-like mask formed over the Titan’s face with serrated fang-like teeth on it, that molded into the new Titan’s jaw. Long, sharp, almost metallic-looking claws formed on the hands as the body dropped down into a quadrupedal stance. Black hair formed like a short mane from the back of head.

“He’s a Jaw Type.” Ymir easily recognized her own Type.

“But what is he mixed with?” Armin questioned, only to be answered a second later.

Long, sharp spikes rapidly formed from the Titan’s back. The mass of spikes quickly made the Titan look like a lithe hedgehog, as if someone had mixed a cat with the quill-covered animal. The dark eyes of the Ackerman Mutant Variant Titan snapped open and looked around quickly.

“He’s a Jaw and Beast mix!” Ymir called out loudly, making sure that Eren and Annie could hear her regardless of how far away they’d walked.

“GRAAAWWWHHH!!!” Levi’s Titan leapt at Krista’s Titan and grabbed her outstretched hand before she could activate her Founding Type power. With a flip, the outstretched arm was cut off at the wrist by the sharp, blade-like claws. In that same motion, however, three spikes had left Levi’s back and stabbed through both of Krista’s shoulders and the final spike went straight through her Titan’s forehead. As Krista’s Titan staggered backwards, careful of where she stepped as much as possible, she was used as a springboard by Levi’s Titan as the Variant rushed towards Erwin and Annie at impressive speed on all fours.

Annie took up a defensive stance as her limbs were covered by crystal-like hardening. Erwin turned slowly, still not one-hundred percent used to moving around in his Titan form.

“RRRAAAUUUHHH!!!” Levi’s Titan leapt at Annie and clawed through her hardening, drawing blood from the Prime Female Titan.


A kick from below launched the Variant Titan into the air. Annie’s outstretched leg was coated in hardening, but looking down, she found one of the spikes from Levi’s Titan had been stabbed through her stomach. “He’s…fast.”

“Eeevvaaah…” Erwin tried to speak through his Titan form again as Levi’s Titan landed easily on the ground, almost like a cat. When Levi leapt at Annie’s Titan again, this time curling into a ball and leaving only his sharp spikes spinning towards her, He was smacked out of the air by an armored hand.


The grassy ground cratered as Levi’s Titan lammed into it with great force.

Erwin’s Armored Titan had its hand still outstretched from the blow, looking down at the wild Titan that he knew to be his subordinate and one of his closest friends. “Eeevvaaah…”

The Variant Titan twitched and then flailed a bit before righting itself. With a shake of its head, the Titan looked up at Erwin’s Titan. The two locked eyes, and Erwin’s Titan would’ve smiled if it had been capable of such. The eyes looking back at him were the same sharp, but somewhat cold, eyes he’d seen for the last few years.

“Rrrwwnnn…” Levi’s Titan apparently couldn’t speak either. But given its masked face and jaw, that wasn’t too surprising.

“Is he back?” Eren’s voice filled their heads, making Erwin and Levi flinch slightly.

“Mmrrrnnn…” Levi’s Titan grunted at Eren’s Titan form.

“Glad to have you back in your right mind, Captain.” Eren’s voice in their heads made it easy to practically feel the smile in his tone. Levi’s Titan simply waved him off with its left hand.

After Levi’s wild incident, it was decided that only half of the Survey Corps would be awakened today, and the other half tomorrow. Both for safety’s sake, and to give Ymir, Sasha, Armin, and Mikasa a break from donating blood and spinal fluid to make the serum injections.

Of the highest ranked members of the Survey Corps, there had been seven different Types that had shown up. The various squad leaders had awakened as various Types of the seven that did show up. Three Attack Types (one Fifteen Meter, one Sixteen Meter, and one Fourteen Meter), two Cart Types (the first a Ten Meter and the second a Nine Meter), Mike Zacharius awakened as the only Beast Type, looking vaguely like a werewolf from legend with the wolf-like head and the fur-covered humanoid body (reaching a Seventeen Meter height), two more Warhammers awakened (a Thirteen Meter and a Fourteen Meter), three more Jaw Titans were awakened (all Five Meters like Ymir and Armin), three Armored Titans (two Fourteen Meters and one Fifteen Meters), and two Female Titans (one Fourteen Meter and the other Thirteen Meter).

Among Levi’s Squad was a varied mix.

Petra had become a Female Titan, looking similar to Annie’s Titan form, but with Petra’s hair color and skin tone. The only thing that changed the likeness being the white marks on the Titan form’s face and neck, below both eyes, on both cheeks, and one around the neck like a choker. Her Titan form stood at Fourteen Meters tall.

Eld had awakened as an Attack Titan. His long blonde hair had transferred over to his Titan Form, but it had pointy ears, similar to Eren’s Titan. The jaw structure was more normal as well, but both of his hands had white streaks on the back along with the fingers, similar to the markings on Annie’s Titan. He stood at Fifteen Meters as well, making him just as tall as Eren while in Titan form.

Oluo’s Titan Type had turned out to be a Cart Titan. He was Twelve Meters in height when standing up, but like all Cart Titans, preferred a quadrupedal stance. Not only was he the largest Cart Titan, but he could also talk, slowly, almost right away. His Titan form’s mouth was slightly elongated, but not enough to impeded speech. His only distinct difference from the other two Cart Titans among the Squad Leaders was a white strip down his back, following his spine.

Gunther had turned out to be the only other Beast Type to awaken that day. His Titan form looked more bear-like, thick bulky muscles, shaggy dark brown fur, hands that were topped with wickedly sharp claws, and a bear head atop the mostly humanoid body. When standing at full height, rather than the slightly hunched position the form seemed to prefer, Gunther topped out at Seventeen Meters tall.

Thankfully, there had been no other incidents like Levi’s turning the process of awakening the rest of the new Lesser Shifters. Some had roared and thrashed around, but with Eren and Krista working together, no one had been able to rampage as Levi had done.

It was a lively dinner at the renovated castle that night, though many of the Squad Leaders, and all of Levi Squad (bar Levi himself) had eaten quickly and then headed for bed, exhausted from their first transformations. After seeing their leaders awaken, most of the Survey Corps soldiers were now looking forward to tomorrow and their own awakenings.

Erwin was making plans with Levi and Hange on how to integrate and make the best use of the new Titans Shifters they had amongst their ranks. Hange’s boundless curiosity seemed to be keeping her going, and her notebook filled with everyone’s Titan Forms and her notes on the benefits and abilities of the various Types was being used to plan effective strategies and formations with Levi and Erwin.

As the Commander that had developed the safest formation for traveling outside the Walls. Erwin was especially interested in the Cart Titans and their great stamina and load carrying capabilities. With a small force of them, they could replace multiple wagons for carrying supplies as they traveled further and further into the lost territory on Paradis Island. Using Attack Types and Armored Types as vanguards and defense units would also greatly increase the formation’s safety.

“They can do what?” Erwin blinked, actually looking shocked by what Eren had just told him.

“Attack Types can link to each other through the ‘Paths’ that connect all Eldians and transfer information.” Eren repeated with a firm look. “It’s a near instant, untraceable, unblockable connection that only the Attack Type and the Prime Founding Titan can access.”

Erwin nearly snatched up another paper as he quickly wrote down the new information and began to figure out how best to arrange a communication system utilizing the Attack Titans within the formation. He made a mental note to himself to pass this information along to Zackly, Pixis, and Nile, once the old regime was toppled and they could awaken more of the soldiers. Communication was the most vital thing in warfare and exploring. If they could use the ‘Paths’ to communicate with no one able to block or trace them… The sheer advantage that gave to Eldia was impossible to overstate.

“Are there any more secret abilities, Eren?!” Hange was right in Eren’s face, as if personal space was merely a suggestion, with a bright smile and sparkles in her eyes.

“Mm.” Mikasa put her hand between Hange’s face and Eren’s, her eyes narrowed.

“Ah, sorry, sorry!” Hange waved her hands, though her smile hadn’t waned in the slightest.

“We’re calling your Ackerman Variant a ‘Spike Titan’, Captain Levi.” Sasha informed the man without a care as she happily scarfed down the last of her dinner.

“Whatever.” Levi couldn’t care less. He was still mulling over his loss of control while working with Erwin and Hange. He wouldn’t let it happen again. He was better than that. “If we shift the Jaw Types forward into the vanguard, we could put a group of Attack Types on communication.” He mentioned to Erwin as the Commander was writing.

The planning would go on for a bit longer before everyone turned in for bed.

-End Chapter-


Lesser Shifters are being awakened!

We’ve got some of ‘almost’ every type.

Colossal and Founding are a bit rare, after all.

I hope you like the two Beast Titans that have emerged first! Wolf Titan and Bear Titan!

Oh, do I have PLANS for the Beast Types in the future! *Cackles*

Eren reveals the secondary ability of the Attack Types, sending information through the Paths that connect all Eldians!

None of that ‘sending future memories into the past’ bullshit that Canon did though. That doesn’t make ANY damn sense. Don’t argue with me!

What kind of super formation will the Survey Corps have by the time they go on their expedition to reclaim Wall Maria in a month?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Brian Rodriguez Perez

Goddamn, I don't know how the hell the Marlians are going to be able to survive the Paradis people at all seriously they get like 3 prime titans and no real lesser titans since the only method they know is the cannibalism method, even if they find the other methods it would take time to get the right amounts plus training would be damned near impossible without founding titan juice to stop them from berserking.


Oh yeah, changes are going build up as this story goes along, that's for sure! Marley is going to have a bad time! lol


I agree with your opinion on the future memory power the cannon Attack supposedly had. Your idea, incorporated into the lore you’re building, is *loads* better. The remaining Warriors and their Marley masters just might crap themselves when Zeke gets to Paradis. Also, could you refresh my memory: does Eren know about Zeke in any way at this point??


Glad you agree! Happy you like all of the lore changes! Eren doesn't know anything about Grisha's past, so he has no knowledge of Zeke.

Vasily Tkachenko

Hawk-Titan or other flying Titan. It would be good if brainless Titan could turn back into people.


Oh yes, I have MANY ideas for some Beast Titans in the future! *Cackles in plans* Unfortunately, in my lore, the Pure Titans can only be turned back to normal by consuming Prime Titan powers. That's just how badly the Marley-version of the serum fucks up an Eldian's mind and body. Not that those hateful bastards know or care.