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Hey, friends and fans, I'd like to bring to your attention one of our own Patrons that's in need of a little help.

Our buddy, Tristan McKenzie O'Meara, just learned that his stepmother has breast cancer.

As someone that lost my mother to cancer, I know how devastating that diagnosis is when you get it from the Doctor.

Tristan, wanting to do what he can to help his stepmom, has reopened his gofundme and is hoping for a bit of help to handle medical bills.

If you're able to spare a few dollars, it would mean the world to Tristan and his family right now.

Fundraiser for Rebekah Robertson-OMeara by Tristan O'Meara : Please Help My Parents (gofundme.com)

Let's all jump cancer like we're in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!



My mother got breast cancer as well some years ago. It was some very hard years for all of us. But she beat it and just turned 66 last week and is still going strong. So definitely don’t give up hope! I hope she recovers and wish all the best to you and your family

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

We were very luck to have caught it early, but it's still a very rough spot for everyone.