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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! The final round! Who will be the ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’? Son Goku vs Jackie Chun! Will Saiyan vigor and durability win out, or does the old Master still have plenty of tricks up his sleeve? Time to find out and see how the changes that have been made from the beginning of this story impact this fight!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 12 – Tenka’ichi Budokai Finals

“Jac-kie! Jac-kie! Jac-kie!”

“Go-ku! Go-ku! Go-ku!”

The crowd around the ring were chanting for both of the finalists of the 21st Tenka’ichi Budokai. They were all eager to see another spectacular match, and the one that was sure to be the best out of all so far!

Bulma hugged Goku with a grin. “Do your best, Goku!”

“I sure will!” Goku smiled at her, gently squeezing her as he hugged her back.

“Good luck, Goku! Win it for all of us!” Krillin encouraged his friend with a fist bump

Kale fidgeted a little but a gentle nudge from Caulifla gave her the push she needed to speak up. “U-Um…Goku…I hope you win.”

“Thanks, Kale!” Goku smiled brightly at the shy Saiyan girl.

Kale felt her cheeks warm up from the look and smiled back shyly.

“You better win, Goku!” Caulifla gave him a challenging smirk. “Since I lost to you, you have to win now!”

“I’ll give it my best!” Goku promised with a big grin before he stepped into the ring where Jackie Chun and the referee were waiting.

“Both competitors are in the ring!” The referee called out into his mic. “Son Goku? Why so happy?” He questioned the younger fighter, seeing the teen practically vibrating with excitement.

Goku’s smile was as big as ever. “I’m just excited to be fighting someone so good!”

That wild, innocent spirit… I can’t afford to lose to him…’ Jackie Chun thought to himself as he stood across from Goku. It would be a tragedy if the boy won now and didn’t continue to nurture his talent for the martial arts. Such a waste of untapped potential wouldn’t be happening on HIS watch. ‘I’ll have to fight with every ounce of concentration… For the first time in a long time.

“Kick his ass, Goku!” Launch hollered from the wall surrounding the ring, both hand cupped around her mouth. That got a round of laughter from the people in the crowd.

“The finalists will now take their combat stances!” The referee declared after a moment to let the laughter die down.

Jackie slipped into his stance with the ease of decades of practice. “No holds barred, lad.”

“You said it!” Goku readily agreed as he took up his stance.

A hush fell over the arena as the two martial artists stared each other down. The building tension in the air felt by everyone watching.

“Let the championship…BEGIN!!!” The referee started the match a split-second before the large gong was struck by one of the temple monks.


“Hyaaah!” Jackie made the first move, being on the offensive straight out of the gate for the first time in the tournament.

Goku leapt over Jackie’s strike, ascending high into the air above the ring.

Jackie looked over his shoulder, seeing Goku in the air. “Gaa!” He kicked off the stone tiles into an aerial backflip and came at Goku’s back with a flying kick.

“Ack!” Goku realized his bad position too late as Jackie’s foot slammed into his back. “Waaaa!” Goku cried out as he was sent hurtling away from the ring.

Jackie dropped down, landing easily in the ring, and looked at how far he’d sent Goku out of bounds. “The young fool… Dropping his guard just because he dodged the first attack. It’s a good lesson in false security, if nothing else. Oh, well. Guess I needn’t have worried so much. That was pretty easy after all.”

“He’s going to come down out of bounds!” Caulifla nearly growled at the outcome of the match.

“Goku!” Krillin yelled for his buddy that was flying away.

Kale covered her eyes with her hands, not wanting to see Goku lose.

“Come on, Goku…” Bulma watched Goku as he seemed to right himself in the air. She wouldn’t count him out until his feet touched the ground.

Jackie dropped his stance and raised both hands into the air, a peace sign made with each hand. “I claim this victory! You may applaud.”

“You mean… That was the fight we were waiting for?!” The referee looked bummed out by the almost instant win. His expression was matched by a large portion of the crowd. “Oh well. I guess we should move on to the post match interview.” The referee looked at Jackie and stepped up to the edge of the ring. “Champion Chun, do you attribute your ridiculously, pathetically, ludicrously easy victory to experience?”

“What else?” Jackie put his hands behind his back with a nod.

“That refs got a loud mouth…” Launch moved her hand towards one of her hidden guns with an angry look on her face at the referee basically badmouthing Goku.

-With Goku-

“Well, that was a bad move.” Goku grimaced as he started to fall out of the air. “What to do now?” He looked thoughtful, even as the ground was rapidly approaching. “Hmm, what about…” He focused and channeled his ki sort of like how he did for a Kamehameha, filling his hands with his energy. “Kiai!” He threw both hands forward and a powerful gale of wind blasted him backwards at speed.

-Tenka’ichi Budokai-

“Hey, look at that!”

“Isn’t that…?!”

“Hm?” Jackie Chun heard the spectators and looked over to see what they were commenting on.

“It’s Goku!” Bulma cheered loudly.

“He’s still in it!” Krillin nearly jumped for joy.

“Hell yeah!” Caulifla threw her fist into the air.

Kale looked up with a smile on her face at hearing Goku wasn’t out. “Goku!”

“It can’t be! H-How in the…?!” Jackie Chun saw Goku flying backwards towards the ring.

“Hehehe!” Goku backflipped and touched down in the ring with a bright smile on his face.

“Son Goku has launched himself back into the ring! He never touched down out of bounds!” The referee roared into the mic, the excitement in the arena shooting through the roof at the unexpected save.

“Oh… Spare me…” Jackie Chun lamented not having won fast.

“Sorry to disappoint ya!” Goku grinned at Jackie.

“Monkey see, monkey do, eh?” Jackie grimaced, realizing what Goku had done after a moment. “You copied my technique from earlier!”

“Yep!” Goku laughed as he made the same motion with his arms that he’d used to launch himself back into the ring. “My grandpa told me about Kiai and how they could be strengthened, but I never knew how to do it until I saw what you did, old timer!”

“Oooo, you’re a lucky little monkey!” Jackie clenched his fists while he planned his next move.

Goku laughed and then put his hands together like he was firing a Kamehameha. “I thought about using the Kamehameha to fly back like you did earlier, but I decided to save it for later!”

“Insolent little brat!” Jackie grumbled at Goku. “You couldn’t blast a Kamehameha half as strong as mine!”

“Can too!” Goku declared, rising to the challenge instantly.

“Oh, you think so, do you?!” Jackie moved his arms to his right side, cupping his hands together. “Well then… Take a good look at a Kamehameha decades in the making!”

Goku swiftly copied Jackie’s stance and focused his Ki.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Jackie focused his energy into his cupped hands, a sphere of blue-white light forming between his palms.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Goku did the same, his own sphere of Ki forming and glowing brightly in his hands.

HA!!!” Both fighters threw their hands forward at the same time, launching their own Kamehameha at each other.

The two blue-white beams collided in a show of force, struggling against each other and flaring wildly where they met. A strong wind was kicked up form the opposing attacks…until they both ran out of power.


The blast hit the audience like a shockwave, staggering many of them, but the majority of the force had seemingly dissipated upwards into the air. The backlash of the colliding beams sent both Goku and Jackie crashing to the ring floor almost a meter back from where they’d unleashed their techniques.

“Holy shit!” Launch had barely managed to brace herself against the force, her blonde hair now wild and disheveled.

“Th-That was…” Bulma felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest.

“Sc-Scary…” Krillin was in full agreement with her, his body shivering slightly and all the hair on his body was standing on end.

Caulifla thought differently. “THAT WAS AWESOME!!!”

“S-Sis!” Kale was closer to Bulma’s reaction, but tried to calm Caulifla down a little anyway.

“No way… It can’t be…” Jackie looked at Goku in shock at their stalemate.

“Hey we’re even!” Goku sat up with a bright smile and a laugh. “Hahaha! Pretty good, huh?”

“I…I can’t believe it! To block my Kamehameha with his own!” Jackie stood up quickly as he reassessed Goku.

“It’s another astonishing twist! The blast that only the Invincible Old Master, in all the world, was believed to be able to unleash…has been demonstrated by two competitors here today! And one of them is a rookie! Is there no end to the miracles of young Son Goku?!” The referee was cheering just as much as the rest of the audience now.

He’s even better than I dreamed…’ Jackie thought to himself as he went over everything that he knew about Goku and the clash that they’d just had. ‘Not only can I not relent against him… I need a strategy…

“This is fun! What’s your next attack?” Goku took a different stance as he waited for what Jackie would do next. His Saiyan blood was pumping now, eager to continue the fight!

“Oooo, you make me mad!” Jackie declared with a glare. “Just for that, monkey-boy, I’m going to give you a taste of…this!” His body wavered as an After Image was left behind.

“Again?” Goku blinked at the After Image technique. “Come on, old timer, don’t be so predictable!” He turned and looked around, listened, and even smelled. “You’re right…here!” He threw a jab, but his fist passed through the a second After Image, this one sticking its tongue out at him. “Huh?!”


Goku was kicked in the back and sent smashing into the remaining wall that separated the ring from the competitors’ waiting area.

“Sorry, sonny, but you chose wrong.” Jackie grinned as he put his foot back on the floor. “Double After Image… But done by someone that knows the technique better than your young lady friend.” He chuckled, recalling Bulma progressing the After Image to the ‘double’ but not enough to win. “Hey! Start the count, will ya?” Jackie pointed at the referee expectantly.

“Huh? Oh! Right!” The ref shook himself out of his surprise and started counting. “One… Two…”

Jackie was pretty sure he’d put enough force into that kick to even knock Goku out. “If he gets up from that, I’ll eat my shorts…”

“Three…” The referee stopped when the rubble of the wall shifted and Goku stood up.

“Ow! Ptoo!” Goku pulled himself out of the rubble and spit off to the side to get some bits of masonry out of his mouth. “What a surprise!” He hadn’t expected a double After Image at all!

I really hope no one heard me about the shorts…’ Jackie thought to himself as he stared at Goku dusting himself off.

Goku grinned at Jackie, clearly having a blast in this match. “My turn!” His form blurred as he used the After Image too.

“You think you can beat me by copying my moves?!” Jackie scoffed at the mere idea. He looked behind him, seeing another after image. “Hah! What an obvious double image! The real you is obviously…” He threw out his fist in a strong punch. “There!”

Only for his punch to strike a third after image.

“Eh?!” Jackie’s eyes bugged out in surprise.

“Up here!” Goku came down from above and clobbered the old man over the head with a double hammerfist.

“Gack!” Jackie hit the floor from the powerful blow.

Goku grinned brightly as he held his arms up. “How’d you like my Triple After Image?!”

“Y-You little…” Jackie held his head in pain.

“Well? Huh? Did you like it?” Goku genuinely wanted the old master’s opinion.

“Disrespectful brat… Clobberin’ an old man over the head!” Jackie stood up and narrowed his eyes at Goku. “You’ve got a good Master, boy.” He changed up his stance. “So, let’s see if you can handle this!” He started to sway a bit and then stumbled forward a step. “Burp!” His face became reddish as he wobbled around.

“Huh?” Goku blinked at the sudden change in the old man. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Something strange has happened to Jackie Chun!” The referee called out as he observed the old man’s unsteady movement. “Was someone nipping some alcohol before the match?!”

“H-Habby noo yeer…” Jackie Chun slurred his words.

“Uh…maybe you should lie down?” Goku had only seen his grandpa drunk a couple of times before, and he always felt better after lying down and sleeping it off.


Jackie dropped an elbow onto Goku’s head, nearly sending the Saiyan to the floor.

“What’s the idea?! That hurt!” Goku held his head from the pain.

“Whee-hee-hee!” Jackie tottered around with laugh.

“Are you really drunk?!” Goku demanded with a grimace.


Only to be kicked in the chin as Jackie threw a mule kick with his back turned.

Goku held his chin in pain as he fell on his butt. “Owww!”

“Wait a minute…” Krillin blinked as his memory was jogged. “GOKU!!! Don’t fall for it! That’s the Suiken! The Drunken Fist! He’s faking!”

“Suiken?” Goku looked at Jackie Chun and recalled his grandpa doing this before when he’d been learning martial arts from him. “Hey… My grandpa did this…but he never tricked me with it!”

“Catchin’ on, lad?” Jackie chuckled as he swayed about.

“Why you! Hyah!” Goku shot forward with a flying kick.

Jackie nearly fell backwards as he dodged the kick, only to slam another elbow into the back of Goku’s head as the boy passed by.

“Ack!” Goku grabbed the back of his head in pain.

“Cheers!” Jackie toasted to nothing as he stumbled.

“How can such a simple attack be taking such a toll on Son Goku?!” The referee questioned as the audience watched the match shift back into Jackie’s favor.

“Hyah!” Goku went for a straight punch to the stomach, only for Jackie to bow over, like he was about to fall, making the punch miss.

“Whoa!” Jackie stood back up quickly and his knees rose at the same speed to slam into Goku’s stomach. “Almost…fell~!” He hiccupped and stumbled a step back.

“Uggghhh…” Goku held his stomach gingerly, the pain radiating from the unexpected blow.

“Goku’s feeling the blows! He’s getting weak! Is this the end?!” The referee hyped the crowd up even more as it seemed the unusual motions and style of the Suiken was getting the better of Goku.

“Heh heh heh… I’d love to see a little brat that’s never been drunk copy my Suiken!” Jackie grinned beneath his beard as she staggered forward towards Goku. “Now lesh end dis ‘ere fight, eh?”

Just as Jackie got close enough to lash out with a punch, Goku grinned.

“Got ya!” Goku’s tail moved and wrapped around Jackie’s forearm. With a short hop, Goku used his tail’s hold on the old man’s arm to swerve around Jackie and take his back!


A solid kick slammed into Jackie’s back and sent the old man sliding forward on the tiled floor of the ring, face first. The old man crashed into the last remnants of the wall at the back of the ring, getting buried in rubble just as he’d done to Goku earlier.

“Oooh…” Jackie pushed the rubble off of himself and stood up. “You and that stupid tail…” He grumbled seeing the monkey-like tail swaying behind Goku.

“Hehe!” Goku grinned right back at him.

“What a move! What a counterattack! What a comeback! And what a victory this will be for Son Goku!” The referee roared and the crowd cheered.

“Oh, shut up…” Jackie glared at the referee with a huff.

Launch was grinning wildly at Goku turning the tables again. “Get him, Goku!”

Caulifla was of a similar mindset. “Hit him harder! Take him down!”

“Just a bit more, Goku!” Bulma cheered loudly, ecstatic that Goku was able to find a way around the Suiken.

“Jan Ken! Gu!” Goku through a powerful punch at Jackie’s face. Only for the old master to block it with his palm. “Chyoki!” He struck at Jackie’s eyes with his index and middle fingers. This was knocked aside by an outer block from Jackie. “Pa!” Goku shot his palm towards the man’s stomach, looking to land a devastating palm strike. Jackie raised his knees and stopped the palm strike cold. “Huh?! My Jan Ken isn’t getting through!”

“Ha! Do you know how many times I’ve seen that technique, boy?!” Jackie asked with a grin.

“You mean you actually know that attack?!” Goku looked shocked. “But it was my grandpa’s special secret move…he said so…”

Jackie shook his head at Goku. “Just like your bald friend, you underestimate how long I’ve been practicing Martial Arts, boy! I’ve fought masters across the world for decades! That includes Son Gohan!”

“You fought my grandpa?!” Goku gaped at that.

“Indeed, many times.” Jackie confirmed with a nod.

“One more time!” Goku readied the Jan Ken again.

“Go ahead…it’s your funeral.” Jackie adjusted his stance to counter the three strikes that the Jan Ken possessed.

“Jan Ken! Pa!” Goku through his hand forward and Jackie raised his knee to block the palm strike.

Only to get punched in the face and his back to slam hard into the ring floor.

“He’s down! Jackie Chun is down!” The referee declared. “One… Two… Three… Four…” Jackie staggered up to his feet, holding his face in pain. “Wait! He’s back on his feet! But he looks shaky!”

“Brilliant…and sneaky…” Jackie grumbled at Goku. “Saying ‘paper’ but doing ‘rock’ instead.” Blood trickled down from his nose after the strong punch he’d taken. ‘I have no choice… It’s risky… But I’ll have to do it… I have to use that move!

Goku moved in to attack again but Jackie swiped his hand in a powerful arc that blasted out a powerful gale. “Gah!” Goku slid backwards along the floor but braced himself and managed to not be blow out of the ring. “That won’t work on me!” He declared and charged back in to exchange another flurry of blows with the old man.

Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and even Goku’s tail, blurred as the two martial artists fought while the crowd could barely see anything at all. Knees met knees, elbow met forearm, fist met palm, and through it all the onlookers could only try and keep up.

“Has there ever been a match more deserving of the Title ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’?! The sun is setting and this battle still rages! But the end may be in sight! And from where I’m standing, it looks like young Son Goku is the one that’s going to end it!” The referee announced with fervor.

Goku and Jackie separated after another clash, both looking scuffed up and disheveled now.

“Okay! I’m gonna beat you quick so that I can go eat!” Goku said with a chuckle. He really was starting to get hungry again after his matches.

“Oh, you will, will you?!” Jackie retorted with a grumble.

Kale looked at the two and noticed their current conditions. “Jackie Chun is starting to slow down…he’s getting tired.”

“This fight is Goku’s!” Krillin smiled widely at his friend’s upcoming victory.

Caulifla smirked at the apparent outcome. “He better win! Then he can fight me again and I’ll win!”

“Wait…what’s the old man doing?” Bulma questioned as she saw Jackie Chun drop his stance. That got the other three to focus on the old man.

I have no choice but to resort to that move… But Goku’s young… He’ll survive it.’ Jackie decided as he dropped his stance. “I’m sorry son, but you’re about to lose.”

“Huh?” Goku cocked his head slightly in confusion. “Lose?! But I’m ahead! He said so!” He vaguely motioned towards the referee.

“Perhaps so…” Jackie started rolling up his sleeves. “But you are only the second person to ever force me to use this technique…and the first one…was your grandfather, Son Gohan!” He held up his hands before him and clapped them together. “Hyaah!” Jackie’s intensity kicked up considerably, to the point that everyone felt something ‘odd’ in the air. “Nnnnn!” The old man separated his palms, but kept the tips of his fingers touching each other as a yellow spark appeared in his hands.

“What the…?” Goku stared at the new technique in surprise and confusion. He’d never seen a move like this before.

“What the hell is that?!” Launch questioned loudly from the audience, echoing the thoughts of everyone around her.

Jackie separated his hands fully, leaving each one crackling with electricity as he held his palms out towards Goku. “Bankoku Bikkuri Shō!!!” Lightning leapt from Jackie’s palm and zapped Goku instantly.


“GYEEAAHH!!!” Goku cried out as his body spasmed and he felt his feet leave the ring floor.

Jackie lifted his palms, the cage of electric current trapping Goku lifting the Saiyan higher into the air.

“OOOWWW!!!” Goku flailed in the electrical discharge as his muscles went out of his control.

“Th-This is incredible! I’ve never seen a technique like this one before!” The referee informed the crowd in shock.

“Goku!” Bulma cried out at seeing him in pain.

“You bastard!” Caulifla shouted at Jackie Chun with her fist raised.

Kale had her hands over her mouth and tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she saw Goku suffer under the electric shock.

Krillin clenched his fists at Goku’s predicament and couldn’t stand seeing his buddy suffer. “Stop it! Goku!”

“EEEYYYAAA!!!” Goku thrashed in pain from the constant damage being done to him.

“Say ‘mercy’, boy!” Jackie demanded as he maintained the technique. “Say it…or you’ll die!”

“N-No w-w-way…ol-old m-man!” Goku fought against the technique and forced the words out.

Jackie yelled at Goku for his refusal. “I’m serious about this dying thing, boy!”


“OWWAARRGGHH!!!” Goku’s pain was intensified as the current crackled.

“Stop, Goku!” Bulma yelled out to him in a panic. “It’s okay!”

“You fought well! Just give up this once!” Krillin called out to his friend loudly.

“Goku!” Kale called out to him in a mixture of sadness and growing anger at his continued pain. A hot rage was beginning to fill her blood. A sensation that she was unfamiliar with given her nature.

“Damn it! Losing once isn’t the end of the world, Goku!” Caulifla shouted up at Goku.

“I-I-I…g-got it….” Goku finally answered through the tremors of his body.

Jackie was glad that Goku was listening to reason. “Good lad… You did well… Even Son Gohan didn’t last this long!”

“RRRAAAAAHHH!!!” Goku pushed his Ki outwards all at once in a wave that was briefly visible as a bright blue aura.

The yellow crackling current around him was blasted apart, destroying the Bankoku Bikkuri Shō all at once, and staggering Jackie Chun in the process. Goku fell to the ring floor with a thump, smoke rising off his clothing from the continuous electricity that he’d been subjected to.

“H-He burst the Bankoku Bikkuri Shō like a… like a…!” Jackie couldn’t even finish his sentence from how shocked he was. He didn’t even know that was possible and he made the technique! “Huff…huff…” Jackie’s breathing was noticeably labored now. ‘That technique was always an energy drain…and I never had to hold it that long before. I didn’t think it would wear me out this much though… I really need to get back in shape…’ Without any students or world-ending threats in the last few centuries, he’d let himself become a bit complacent and it showed now.

“Ugh…” Goku slowly pushed himself upward. “Ow…” With a pained grunt, he stood up and faced Jackie Chun again. “That…really hurt…old timer…” Goku swayed a little on his feet.

“Heh… Seems we’re both running low on energy now, boy.” Jackie slid into a stance that was different from his others. “But even in the most refined of Martial Arts, it all comes down to one body hammering another…and ultimately, the stronger one wins.”

“Okay, then let’s see who’s stronger!” Goku took up his stance, even as his stomach growled loudly, making some of the audience snicker and laugh. “Oh man… I thought I was hungry before… But now I’m so hungry…”

“Is it finally here, folks?! The final clash of the 21stTenka’ichi Budokai!” The referee declared.

Jackie moved in first, sliding into Goku’s guard and landing a jab that was too fast for any of the spectators to see. Goku took the jab to make an opening for his knee strike to the old man’s stomach. But the knee strike noticeably lacked the force it had earlier and Jackie had time to clench his abdominal muscles to resist the blow. In the same movement, the old master landed three quick blows, one to Goku’s chest, one to his jaw, and a palm heel to his forehead, knocking Goku on his back.

“Gugh!” Goku hacked out as his back hit the floor. He didn’t let it deter him from tucking his feet in and then lashing out with a double kick straight into Jackie’s chest.

“OOF!!!” Jackie staggered back a few steps from the blow.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me….” Goku took up the stance and began focusing the last of his Ki into his cupped hands.

“Foolish boy! You barely have enough energy as it is!” Jackie shouted at the ‘all or nothing’ tactic that Goku was using. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” He would meet the boy’s challenge though. ‘I have enough left to nullify his final shot… Then I’ll have the advantage.

“HA!!!” The two threw their hands forward and the blue-white beams, both noticeably smaller than before, slammed into each other with a boom.

The struggle didn’t last long this time. The two attacks faded only a few seconds after they were launched. There wasn’t even a shockwave this time, showing the loss of power that both martial artists were suffering from.

“Has this marathon of a battle exceeded mortal limits, even for the strongest?! Who will be left standing at the end?! The child or the old man?!” The referee asked everyone and no one at the same time.

“Come on, Goku!” Bulma cheered loudly.

“You can do it!” Krillin encouraged his buddy.

“One more blow!” Caulifla roared out pumping her fist into the air.

“Go, Goku!” Kale even got in on the cheering, raising her voice louder than even Caulifla had ever heard it.

Jackie rushed forward. “Ready or not, here I come!”

“I’m ready!” Goku copied the old man, rushing towards him for another clash.

The clash wasn’t one of blows, as Goku had been expecting. Jackie pivoted at the last moment to dodge out of Goku’s line of attack and then kicked his left leg from underneath him. As Goku reeled from the losing his footing, his tail struck the ground to keep him upright.

But that was exactly what Jackie was waiting for.

“No more of this out of you!” Jackie stomped on Goku’s tail and pressed it as hard as he could into the stone tiles of the ring floor. In the next second, he had Goku in a rear naked choke. “Give up, boy!”

“Guuuhhh… Auh…” Goku’s eyes drooped as his tail was squeezed between Jackie’s foot and the floor. He flailed a bit, but with his tail squeezed he quickly lost his strength.

Caulifla, Kale, and Bulma all gasped at seeing the inadvertent exploitation of a Saiyan’s weak spot.

“You can do it, old timer!” A man from the crowd cheered Jackie on.

“Jac-kie! Jac-kie! Jac-kie!” A chant rose up from the ground for the old man.

“Goku! Come on! Fight him off!” Krillin hollered to his friend, not realizing the predicament that Goku was in.

“Elbow him in the stomach!” Launch yelled out, seeing that Goku’s arms were free.

Despite the encouragement, Goku went limp in the hold. Jackie released him after a couple of seconds, and Goku lay on the ring floor, seemingly out of it.

There was silence for a moment in the arena.

“Are you gonna start counting?” Jackie looked over to the referee with a grimace, his breathing heavy as he felt the toll this fight had taken on him.

“Oh! R-Right!” The referee shook himself. “One… Two… Three… Four…”

“Goku! Get up!” Krillin yelled as loud as he could.

“Damn it…” Caulifla growled, knowing there wasn’t much that Goku could do with his tail stepped on like it was.

“Five… Six… Seven…” The count continued.

“Goku…” Bulma and Kale both wanted him to get up again…but they knew it wasn’t possible this time.

You used up too much of your energy breaking out of my Bankoku Bikkuri Shō… Then you foolishly used the Kamehameha after that… This will be a good lesson in managing your energy and stamina better, Goku.’ Jackie thought to himself as the count neared its end. “It seems your tail, while a formidable part of your arsenal, is also a detriment, lad.” He spoke to the barely conscious Goku. “You should work on eliminating that weakness through dedicated training.”

“Eight… Nine…” The referee raised his hand into the air for the final count.

“I’ll…win…next time…” Goku managed to speak with a smile on his face as he looked up at Jackie. “Fight me…again…when I’m…stronger…”

“Heh, sure thing, lad.” Jackie chuckled at Goku’s tenacity. ‘You’ve made me proud, Goku. It has been a very, very long time since anyone has pushed the Invincible Old Master this far.

“Ten!” The referee brought his hand down. “VICTORY!!! Victory to Jackie Chun!”

The crowd roared as a new ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’ was made.

Jackie removed his foot from Goku’s tail, letting the boy regain some of his strength so that he could sit up.

“If anyone should ever doubt that the Tenka’ichi Budokai truly showcases the strongest marital artists under the heavens, let them look to this magnificent match!” The referee exclaimed into his mic to the cheering and applause of the crowd. “Please applaud the fighting spirit of this young phenomenon that lost by such a tiny margin!” The ref pointed to Goku with a huge smile.

“YEAH!!!” The audience’s cheer nearly shook the temple after such an amazing match.

“And let’s give another hearty round of applause to our winner!” The referee held up Jackie’s left arm while the old man gave a peace sign with his right hand.

“Jac-kie! Jac-kie! Jac-kie!” The chant started up again over the loud applause from the crowd.

“And here’s the prize money of 500,000 Zeni!” The referee presented the envelope containing the money to Jackie.

“Glad you remembered!” Jackie chuckled as he gave a short bow to the referee and accepted the envelope. With a nod to the blonde referee, Jackie took his winnings and walked towards the competitor’ waiting area to leave. “Ho-kay…” He exhaled as the weariness began to set in.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience and support! Please travel safely, and we’ll see you at the next tournament three years from now!” The referee ended the Tenka’ichi Budokai by announcing when the next one would be.

-Competitors’ Area-

“It’s finally over…” Jackie rubbed his right shoulder with his left hand. He hadn’t been this sore in a long time. He noticed the five youngsters coming over to him with some curiosity.

“Hey. Congrats on your victory!” Krillin bowed to the old master politely.

Goku copied his bow and smiled at Jackie. “You’re really good, old timer!”

“You five fought well too.” Jackie nodded to the group. “You’re all still young, so you’ll only get better from here. Stay dedicated to your training.”

“We will!” All five of them replied, with Goku, Bulma, and Krillin giving the old master a short bow as well.

“Until next time.” Jackie waved over his shoulder as he headed out the door.

“Yeah! Good health!” Krillin wished for Jackie.

“Fight me any time!” Caulifla challenged the old man as he walked away.

“Me too!” Goku wanted to have another fight some time in the future, for sure!

The five of them watched Jackie Chun exit the building before looking at each other.

Krillin broke the silence with a hopeful smile. “I hope Master Roshi watched all of our matches like he said!”

“Let’s go find him an ask.” Bulma grinned as she walked beside Goku as the group headed towards the door.

“Are you okay, Goku?” Kale asked shyly as Goku was walking a little wobbly.

Caulifla looked Goku over before smirking. “Are you really that hungry?”

“I feel like my stomach is sticking to my spine.” Goku held his hands over his empty belly. “I hope Master Roshi lets us eat soon.”

In the bushes a bit away form the path, Jackie Chun made sure no one was looking. “Okay now…” He put his hands in his hair and then, with a strong pull, yanked the white wig off the top of his head. “Ouch!” The stinging pain from breaking the hold of the super glue was annoying, but he’d dealt with worse today. He quickly took off his martial arts clothing and put them away in the suitcase at his feet, along with the wig.

“What hardships I go through for my disciples.” Roshi sighed as he put his black suit and hat back on. He closed the briefcase and locked it tight, before picking it up and putting on his signature sunglasses. “But what a perilous match it was.” Goku had put up far more of a fight than he’d expected. “Those three are truly amazing.” Roshi wouldn’t put down what Bulma and Krillin had accomplished either. Making it to the main tournament of the Tenka’ichi Budokai at their ages was astounding, to say the least, and spoke volumes about their skill and potential.

-Budokai Temple ~ Main Square-

“I wonder where he went?” Goku looked around at the nearly empty area now that most of the spectators had left.

“I haven’t seen him since I started watching you guys’ fight.” Launch told the group, smiling at Goku and giving him a side-hug. “You were awesome though!”

“Then he probably missed the fights… Shoot…” Krillin had hoped that Master Roshi would’ve seen how well they did.

“I hope something didn’t happen.” Kale said, looking around for anyone that matched the description they’d been given.

Caulifla noticed someone in a black suit approaching. “Is that him?”

“Yoohoo!” Roshi waved to the group.

“Where the heck have you been?” Bulma asked the old man.

“I had to use the restroom before the fights started, but by the time I got through the line and got back, the area around the ring was full.” He pouted, which looked silly on an old man. “Can you believe they wouldn’t let an old man back to his spot?! I only managed to get to about midway through the crowd.”

“Then you did see our fights?!” Krillin asked with a bright smile.

“Of course!” Roshi assured his three disciples. “You three fought magnificently! I’m proud of you!” That got smiles from Goku, Bulma, and Krillin.

“Goku was so close! If he wasn’t hungry, he would’ve won!” Krillin patted Goku on the back with a grin.

“Nah… Even if I wasn’t hungry, I think I still would’ve lost. That old guy was great!” Goku shook his head with a laugh.

“It’s been many years since I last saw Jackie Chun.” Roshi nodded to his disciples. “I didn’t know that he was taking part in this tournament, but it does provide a good lesson! As great as you may be, there will always be someone better! There are many more warriors, even more powerful still!” He saw the three nodding in agreement with him. “The way of the warrior is not so easy that you can now be satisfied with today’s performance! Your true training is only now beginning!”

“Yes, sir!” Krillin bowed.

“Yup!” Goku grinned brightly.

“Right.” Bulma nodded to the old man.

Hmm… I wonder if I could’ve gotten the same result just by saying that in the first place?’ Roshi wondered to himself in the privacy of his mind.

“Hey, old man…” Caulifla spoke up as she and Kale approached Roshi. “Goku and Bulma said they got as strong as they did by training under you. Will you take us on too?” She pointed at herself and wrapped her free arm around Kale’s shoulders.

“Please, Master?” Goku clapped his hands together in the classic ‘begging’ position. “You saw them fight too, right? They’ll be amazing with your training!”

“I’ll recommend them too.” Bulma nodded to Roshi. “Come on.”

“I did see them fight.” Roshi nodded to his disciples. “And I do see a great deal of potential in both of you.” He looked at Kale and Caulifla. “I guess I could take in a few more disciples, since it’s been so long.” Roshi smiled at the two Saiyan girls.

“Hell yeah!” Caulifla threw her fist in the air with a huge grin.

“Th-Thank you very much, Master.” Kale bowed politely to Roshi instead of a loud exclamation like Caulifla’s.

“Alrighty!” Roshi laughed jovially. “As a reward for your excellent performances…and for having two new disciples join us…I’ll treat you all to a tummy-bursting dinner!”

“FOOD?!” Goku exclaimed happily. “Please, please, make it soon!” His drooling quickly looked like a small waterfall. “I’ve never been this hungry before!”

“I could definitely eat.” Bulma rubbed her tummy.

“Same here, I’m starving!” Caulifla laughed as she walked along with her new friends and fellow disciples.

“I…wouldn’t mind.” Kale poked her index fingers together, feeling her stomach rumble.

“As long as you’re paying, old man.” Launch smirked as she threw her arm over Bulma’s shoulders.

-Veggie Manor Restaurant-

The entire dining area couldn’t help but watch in shock as waiter after waiter moved from the kitchen towards a large circular table near the middle of the restaurant over and over again. They would drop off new plates of food from the trays that they were carrying, then pick up the used plates that were piling up on the table. It was an almost never-ending cycle as the guests at the table, four of them specifically, devoured what had to be several dozen people’s worth of food, each!

“Mmm!” Goku shoved an entire meat bun into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, and then slurped up as many noodles as his chopsticks could hold a second later. “This is great!”

Kale, even with her reserved personality, happily scarfed down an entire plate of chow mein. Her third in as many minutes! “It’s so good!”

“Try this one.” Bulma handed a newly arrived plate of roasted chicken to Caulifla, having just finished off the one that had been brought to the table a couple of minutes ago. The fact that each plate was meant for the whole table didn’t seem to matter to the Saiyan women.

“Mmph, nnmm…” Caulifla was too busy eating to be able to speak, but she gave a quick smile to Bulma as she accepted the plate of roast chicken. It was completely empty in less than a minute!

Krillin was hungry too, eating more than enough for three grown men, but even he could only stare in shock at how much four Saiyans could eat!

“Uh… Can I get some pepper?” Roshi asked one of the waiters as another round of them came to the table.

“Of course, sir!” The man bowed as he gathered up a stack of plates and carried them back to the kitchen.

Goku picked up a whole grilled fish with his chopsticks and ate the whole thing down to its bones in only a few moments. Not to be outdone, Caulifla took an entire bowl (also meant for the whole table) of soup and downed it in a minute flat. Bulma took a platter of chashu pork and added every slice to a large bowl of rice, poured a little sauce on top, and then went to town on it, her chopsticks becoming a blur. Kale happily placed an entire rack of ribs on her plate before tearing into them with a smile, cleaning off each bone of meat and adding them to the growing pile of bones on her plate.

“Are you gonna eat that?” Goku pointed at the shrimp-fried rice in front of Krillin.

“N-No, I’m good.” Krillin didn’t want to even try to put his hand anywhere close to the food that was being so quickly devoured. He watched the plate of friend rice vanish as Goku shoveled large amounts of it into his mouth with every movement of his chopsticks.

“Nobody want that?” Caulifla pointed to a whole-roasted pig in the center of the table.

“I want some!” Bulma, Kale, and Goku all said at the same time.

The poor roasted pig was instantly divided into four and devoured.

“More egg rolls, please!” Kale requested of one of the waiters picking up plates.

“Yes, ma’am!” The waiter nodded before hustling back to the kitchen. The fact that an entire platter of egg rolls had been brought to the table not five minutes ago was just a moot point.


Caulifla was slurping up the noodles from a large bowl of soup that she’d dunked her chopsticks in without even looking. Her head turned as resistance built up, only to find herself face-to-face with Goku, who also had the noodles from the same bowl in his mouth. The two had been eating so quickly that they hadn’t even noticed they’d grabbed the same food.

“Mmnne!” Caulifla tried to say ‘mine’ but that was difficult with her mouth full.

“Kauh.” Goku might’ve been trying to say ‘okay’ but it was unintelligible.

Goku bit down on the noodles in his mouth, letting the rest hang from Caulifla’s lips as he chewed and swallowed. “Hehehe…you look silly!” He laughed.


Caulifla sucked up the rest of the noodles with slightly pink cheeks, aware of what an ‘indirect kiss’ was. “Shut up!” She lightly shoved Goku before going back to the large spread of food on the table.

“Like something you’d see in a kid’s movie!” Launch laughed at the two of them. She downed her beer and then set the empty cup back on the table with some force. “Another!” A waiter quickly rushed from the kitchen with a new glass for her a moment later.

“They’re going to eat the whole restaurant at this rate, sir.” One of the waiters spoke to the owner, who was manning the cash register at the front of the restaurant.

“As long as they pay, I hope they do!” The older man laughed brightly at how much his restaurant was going to make tonight.

The sun had fully set by the time the group was finished with their meal.

Okay, technically Roshi, Krillin, and Launch had been finished for quite a while…but Kale, Caulifla, Bulma, and Goku had only just now finished.

“Hah~!” Goku sighed, patting his stomach happily. “I sure was hungry.”

“It was good.” Kale agreed with a cute smile.

“Yep, not bad at all.” Caulifla stretched her arms over her head after the good meal.

“More than I expected from a restaurant this size.” Bulma grinned as she finished off the last of her drink.

“Th-They each ate at least three dozen full course meals…” Krillin could only stare in abject shock.

“I think Goku broke fifty…” Roshi muttered, but was unsure.

“W-Would anyone like dessert?” A waiter asked as the last of the used dishware was taken away.

“I did save a little room for dessert…” Goku mentioned.

“Gah!” Roshi and Krillin face-faulted.

“Hahahaha!” Lauch just laughed loudly at Goku’s monstrous appetite.

A short time later and everyone else headed outside while Roshi settled the bill.

The owner kept having to flip through the multitudes of papers with orders written on them to make sure he added up everything that had been ordered by the group. The receipt being printed up by the register kept getting longer and longer, making Roshi sweat as it already trailed along the floor. Finally, after a several minutes, the total was reached.

“It comes out to 502,000 Zeni, sir.” The owner looked at Roshi expectantly.

“Eh?” Roshi felt a tremor through his body at the total. “M-My pr-prize money…” The old man had tears in his eyes as he handed over the envelope of cash and then had to open his own wallet to pay off the last 2,000 Zeni himself.

Outside the restaurant, the group was chatting amongst themselves.

“So, what’re we going to do now that the tournament is over?” Kale asked curiously, knowing that she and Caulifla were going to train with Master Roshi, but not sure of what the others would do.

“I’d like to go find the Dragon Balls, or at least my grandpa’s Dragon Ball.” Goku mentioned as he looked up at the night sky.

“Hate to burst your bubble, Goku, but you’ve still got about four months before you can do that.” Bulma shook her head. “Remember, we went straight to Master Roshi’s from that jerk Pilaf’s place. Then we trained for the last eight months to make it to the tournament. The tournament only took one day, so we still have right about four months left before the Dragon Balls will become active again.”

Goku pounded his left fist onto his right palm. “Oh yeah! It takes a year!”

“Guess you’ll be hanging around with us for a while then.” Caulifla smirked at Goku.

“It’ll be nice getting to know you all more.” Kale smiled gently at Goku and then the others.

“We’ll make a fun time out of it.” Launch grinned at the two new girls.

Krillin nodded to the newest Turtle School disciples. “The training is hard, but you’ll get used to it!” He encouraged them both, remembering how he’d felt at the beginning.

“Okay, the bill is paid.” Roshi exited the restaurant, looking slightly at a loss. “We should probably make our way home and figure out what you three will be doing form here.” He looked at Krillin, Bulma, and Goku.

“I can take three of us, I think?” Goku looked at everyone. “Nimbus!”

A moment later and the golden cloud flew down from the sky.

“What the hell is that?!” Caulifla demanded, pointing at Nimbus.

“This is the Flying Nimbus.” Goku smiled as he hopped up onto the magical cloud. “It flies you anywhere you want to go!”

“But it’ll only let you ride it if you’re ‘pure of heart’.” Bulma narrowed her eyes at the picky cloud.

“Pure of heart?” Kale tilted her head at the requirement. She touched the Nimbus and smiled. “It’s so soft!”

“Of course Kale can touch it.” Caulifla laughed as Goku helped Kale sit on the cloud next to him. “Let me try!” She jumped up onto the cloud and her feet touched the top. “I did it!” She grinned but noticed that her feet were slowly sinking through the cloud. “Hey? What the hell?!” She grabbed onto Goku and kept herself on top of the golden cloud without too much trouble.

“It’s picky.” Bulma tsked at the Nimbus.

Krillin nodded in agreement with Bulma. “Stupid picky.”

“Well, it looks like it’s about full, so no big deal.” Launch knew that she couldn’t ride it. ‘No way in hell am I considered pure of heart.’ The ‘other her’ would probably be fine though.

“I have a Plane Capsule.” Bulma pulled her Capsule case out of her pocket and tossed the Capsule in question to Launch. “It seats four.”

“Just enough for the rest of us.” Roshi grinned, hoping to sit next to Bulma on the flight back.

“Enough for all three, easily.” Bulma shrugged at the old man.

“Huh?” Roshi looked confused.

Bulma giggled. “There’s one seat left with Goku.” With that she hopped up and sat in Goku’s lap atop the Nimbus. “We’ll see you guys at the island!”

“See ya there!” Goku waved as Nimbus shot off into the air with the four Saiyans on it.

“This is awesome!” Caulifla’s loud cheer could be heard as the cloud flew away.

Launch looked between the golden cloud and the two men she’d been stuck with. “Bulma owes me for this.” She walked in the direction that a sign pointed out as ‘Capsule Vehicle’ friendly with Roshi and Krillin hurrying after her so that she wouldn’t leave them behind.


“We’re really flying.” Kale marveled as she looked over the edge of the golden cloud, seeing all of the city lights below.

Caulifla’s spiky, black hair waved in the wind much like Goku’s. “We need to fly like this all the time!” She was definitely a fan!

“It’s pretty nice.” Bulma agreed, snuggling into Goku with a grin.

“Nimbus is the best.” Goku agreed with a laugh. He would’ve patted the magical cloud in thanks, but his arms were preoccupied. Kale had her arm wrapped around Goku’s right arm. Caulifla had her his left arm in her grip and her tail was entwined with his. ‘This feels really nice.’ He thought with a big smile on his face as Nimbus flew them through the night sky.

-End Chapter-


And the 21stTenka’ichi Budokai comes to a close!

A bit different than Canon, huh?

No Oozaru transformation, no ridiculous blowing up the moon, just pure martial skill as centuries of experience win out over youthful vigor!

Goku being taller than in Canon because of how I changed the Saiyan Growth Cycle means that Master Roshi CAN get him into a hold. Goku, being young and not nearly as experienced with Ki manipulation, burns through his reserves faster than Roshi does, enabling the old master to ration some of his strength for the final clash. Not to mention that Roshi dealt with Goku’s tail as the threat it was, but when it worked better than he expected, he pressed said advantage while also giving Goku some good advice as his mentor.

Caulifla and Kale have been accepted as disciples! Yay!

Too bad the celebration took all of the prize money from Master Roshi, huh? Kek!

You can’t feed four hungry Saiyans for cheap, that’s for sure!

What’s next in the four months that Goku has to wait before he can hunt the Dragon Balls to find the Four-Star Ball?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 126

Bulma – 109

Krillin – 108

Roshi – 139

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 78

Kale - 83

Until I get your reviews, later!



So since this is fanfiction, assuming it ever reaches that point, will you combine SS4 with SSB? My brain just wants to see a fusion of those two forms.


You'll see how I've changed up the Super Saiyan forms when we get there! And yes, I've made at least a minor change to everything from SSJ2 onwards.

REDdragon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-29 03:39:17 So here’s my question where will Vegeta fit into this series? Are you going to do him dirty like Toriyamma keeps doing to him or are you gonna do him right like he deserves?
2023-12-14 04:13:59 So here’s my question where will Vegeta fit into this series? Are you going to do him dirty like Toriyamma keeps doing to him or are you gonna do him right like he deserves?

So here’s my question where will Vegeta fit into this series? Are you going to do him dirty like Toriyamma keeps doing to him or are you gonna do him right like he deserves?


That's not an objective question. It's subjective based on what an individual considers 'right' and 'wrong' to do by Vegeta. It would be easier to answer if you simply told me what you thought was 'right' and then I could potentially answer whether or not I was planning for such a thing. We're still WELL away from the Saiyan Saga though. We only just finished the second Arc of Dragon Ball.