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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! The time has come! First semester has ended and the summer break is upon the students! Class 1-A and Class 1-B will be heading out to a secret training location to work on their Quirks! In this remote training area, will the Heroes-in-training get stronger? Or will something happen that disrupts their time?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 40 – Summer Training Camp

On the first day of summer break, the Hero Course began its training camp. The students gathered in the morning, all dressed in their school uniforms, as normal, and stood headed for the two prepared buses.

“What?! Some Class a student is getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?!” Monoma mocked with faked surprise, his hand in his blonde hair. “Huh? How weird is that?! Everyone knows that Class A is totally superior to Class B, but now this?! Wow!”


Kendo’s hand chopped Monoma’s neck and sent the loud boy to the ground in a heap. “Sorry about him.” The lass Representative for 1-B apologized to Class A. Her right hand grew to a large size, letting her bodily lift Monoma in one hand, while her left grabbed his suitcase. “And you…just get on the bus and shut up.” She nearly shoved Monoma onto Class 1-B’s bus to prevent any further outbursts.

“Neat Quirk.” Izuku muttered to himself, taking a moment to jot down a few notes in his notebook before putting it away again. This got smiles from his girlfriends as they saw his ‘Quirk Nerd’ side come out again.

“You’re scary, Monoma.” Yanagi Reiko mentioned of her classmate’s behavior. She was a lovely girl with white hair and a ‘low energy’ demeanor. The girl held her arms in front of her, sort of like an old-school ghost, seemingly out of choice.

“Ignore Monoma, he’s got some weird complex.” Tokage Setsuna laughed it off. She was one of the four yearly Hero Course Recommendation students. She had long, green hair the same shade as Izuku’s, her teeth were slightly pointed, and the grin she gave to Class 1-A reminded Izuku of Camie’s.

Is…Is Tokage-san a tease like Camie?’ Izuku couldn’t help but wonder, briefly looking between his girlfriend and Setsuna.

“None of use hold anything against Class A about the Sports Festival; we’re happy to be working with you!” Setsuna smiled at the other class.

“Mmh.” Yui nodded to them, her usual cool and calm demeanor on display.

“Woo…” Kaminari whistled lowly. “Are all of the girls in the Hero Course cute on purpose?” He asked Sero and Kirishima with a grin.

The seven girls of Class 1-B were all cute and lovely in their own ways, none of the guys in Class 1-A could deny that.

“Glad to be working with you as well.” Izuku and Momo had stepped forward as Class 1-A’s Representatives.

A few greetings were exchanged before everyone started boarding the bus that was assigned to their class.

“Class 1-A’s bus is over here!” Momo called out, waving the group over to the large vehicle. “Please, be careful when boarding!”

Aizawa stepped into the bus a few minutes later. He did a quick headcount with his eyes and then gave a short nod to Izuku and Momo. “We’ll be stopping in about an hour, until then, do as you like, but keep yourselves under control.” He looked at them with his eyes glowing slightly with his Quirk. When all of the students gave him a nod, he sat down in the frontmost seat and the bus began to move.

As the bus got onto the highway, the students became a little more rambunctious, teens just being teens. The volume got louder and conversations sprung up. Aizawa briefly looked back to make sure nothing was happening, but turned back to the front when he saw that his students were just chatting or doing their own thing.

“Let’s have some music! Something summery! Some tube songs, maybe?” Kaminari grinned at Kirishima who had his phone out.

“No way, nothing beats Carol’s ‘End of Summer’ in the summertime!” Kirishima laughed at his buddy.

“But it’s not the end.” Mina pointed out from across the aisle where she was sitting with Toru. Both girls giggling as Kirishima waved off the timing.

“Hey, you have pocky?” Sero looked over at Sato. “Can I have one?”

“Seats are meant to be sat in! Sit down, everyone!” Iida stood up to remind the other students that were standing up.

“Um…Iida?” Jiro mentioned, looking at him blankly.

“Way to lead by example.” Chikuchi laughed while Iida quickly sat down, embarrassed by his own ‘rule breaking’ in his attempt to instill order.

“Come on, Sato, just one?” Sero clapped his hands in front of himself.

“Fine…” Sato gave in, letting his friend have one of his pocky sticks.

Well this is there last chance to have some fun for a while.’ Aizawa decided in his head as he partially blocked out the sound of his students. The training they had planned would be anything but fun.

Near the back of the bus, Izuku sat next to the window, while Tsuyu sat next to him. The boyfriend and girlfriend were leaning against each other and just enjoying the ride. With the seats in front of them being filled by Ochako and Momo and the set beside them having Camie in it, the two were feeling ‘safe’ enough to be a little closer.

“Mm…kero.” Tsuyu was smiling softly as Izuku’s hand massaged her thigh, his fingers sinking into her skin a little. She’d pulled he uniform skirt up a bit to reveal more of her skin to Izuku, while keeping everything that needed to be covered, covered.

Izuku was able to not be a blushing mess by focusing solely on Tsuyu and her pleased reactions. That and the way her hand had slipped into his uniform shirt by undoing two of the buttons in the middle. Tsuyu’s soft palm trailing up and down his chest and abs made Izuku sigh at the gentle pleasure.

The girls had already decided that they’d switch seats every fifteen minutes so that each of them got equal time with Izuku during the hour-long bus ride. Momo and Ochako were just slightly pink in the cheeks as they chatted, waiting for their turns. Camie was smiling, glancing over at Izuku and Tsuyu cuddling, and eagerly waiting for her own turn as well.

-One Hour Later-

The bus stopped at what looked to be a roadside lookout point. It offered a great few of the large forest that spread out over the valleys, hills, and mountains of the area, but didn’t seem to have any facilities around. There was only a single other car there as well.

As the students got off the bus, some stretching to loosen themselves up. The last two off the bus were Izuku and Momo. The two Class Reps had made sure that everyone got off the bus and that everything was in order. This also gave the boyfriend and girlfriend some extra time to calm down. Izuku had been massaging Momo’s thighs, while Momo ran her hand over his chest and abs. Both were a little flushed when the bus stopped while they were enjoying their cuddle session.

“What kind of a rest stop is this?” Shoji questioned after seeing the lack of facilities.

“Right? And where’s Class B?” Toru questioned, looking around for the second bus.

“Of course we stopped here for a reason.” Aizawa spoke up moving over to the lone car as the doors of the vehicle opened.

“Heya, Eraser.” A woman’s voice greeted Aizawa.

“Sorry. Haven’t seen you in a while.” Aizawa gave a short bow to the two women that stepped out of the car.

“Rock on with these sparkling gazes!” The first woman declared.

“Stunningly cute and catlike!” The second woman followed.

“We’re the Wild, Wild Pussycats!” Both women exclaimed as they posed.

The students looked on blankly at the two Pro Heroes posing. Their costumes were similar too. The costumes consisted of a sleeveless, collared top decorated with three straps and a bell, a large ruffled skirt, a tail, an orange belt with pockets, a silver buckle resembling a cat paw with blue pads, large white cat gloves with retractable claws, boots with vertical stripes lined with white fur and communication devices designed to resemble cat ears. The blonde woman’s costume was in a blue color, while the brunette woman’s costume was red in color.

Behind the two Pros was a young boy, clearly around the age of an Elementary Schooler, wearing a simple outfit of a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. His red baseball cap had two metal spikes, imitating horns, poking out of the front of it. He didn’t look thrilled to be here at all.

“These are the Pro Heroes that’ll be helping us out this time…The Pussycats.” Aizawa gave a basic introduction to the class.

“The Pussycats! Mandalay and Pixie-bob!” Izuku’s eyes lit up at getting to meet the Pros. “They’re a four-person Hero Team who all work under a single Agency! This veteran team specializes in mountain rescue operations! They’ve been in business for twelve years now…”

The blond woman in the blue costume, Pixie-bob, was quick to palm Izuku’s face with her puffy glove. “We’re eighteen at heart!”

“Mmph!” Izuku’s muffled cry was heard from within the fluffy glove.

Ignoring her partner’s actions, the brunette woman, Mandalay, took over. “This entire area is our territory.” She looked over the forest area before pointing to a single mountain in the distance, the retractable claw of her glove coming out from the motion. “Your lodging is at the foot of that mountain over there.”

“SO FAR AWAY?!” Half the class exclaimed at the same time.

“Wait… Then why’d we stop halfway?” Ochako asked, not liking the feeling rising up in her stomach.

“Uh oh…” Sato’s face paled as a theory came to his mind.

“Let’s get…back to the bus…?” Sero was slowly edging back toward the vehicle already, trying not to attract attention.

“It’s now 9:30am… I’m thinking around noon, at the earliest?” Mandalay smiled, her tail swaying playfully, a function of the costume to fit the ‘cat’ motif even better.

“Aw, damn…” Kaminari felt his stomach drop.

“No way…” Kirishima was in the same boat as his expression fell.

“Run!” Mina took off towards the bus.

“Back to the bus, quick!” Shoji ran with the others.

“Kitties who don’t make it there by 12:30 won’t get any lunch!” Mandalay mentioned with a grin.

“Sorry kids…” Aizawa spoke, though he didn’t really sound sorry.

Pixie-bob dropped into a crouch and slammed her gloves on the ground.

“But the training…” Aizawa continued as the ground rumble and shifted beneath the class’s feet.

“AAAHHH!!!” The teens cried to as the dirt beneath them rose up in a huge wave and three them over the edge of the cliff before they could react.

“Has already begun.” Aizawa finished as the students, along with the mass of dirt, disappeared over the cliff.

“Our territory is private property! So feel free to use your Quirks all that you want!” Mandalay called out over the railing at the top of the cliff. “You have three hours to reach the facility on foot! Make it through the Beast’s Forest!”

-Bottom of the Cliff-

“Did she say beast’s forest?” Izuku shook off the dirt from himself as best as he could before quickly checking on his girlfriends.

“Seriously?” Kaminari grunted as he pulled himself out of the dirt. “That sounds like something straight out of Dragon Quest!”

“Ptoo! Ack! Dirt in my mouth!” Sero coughed out.

“U.A. has got way too many connections to weird places like this.” Jiro grumbled as she patted down her uniform, trying to get the dirt off.

“No point in complaining about it now.” Tokoyami stepped out of the dirt pile and looked around the dense woods. “We’d better get moving.”

A large creature blocked their path forward, just inside the treeline. It was quadrupedal, had a large jaw filled with fangs and four large tusks (two in the jaw itself, while the other two were on the chin), and was the color of dirt. It didn’t appear to have any eyes though.

“AN ACTUAL BEAST?!” Kaminari and Sero cried out in shock at seeing such a thing.

“Calm yourself, creature. Please, back down.” Koda surprised everyone when he spoke up loudly, but calmly, trying to use his Quirk on the unknown beast.

In response, the beast raised one of its forelimbs and prepared to swipe at Koda.

“Huh?” Koda looked on in shock, his Quirk had never failed to bring an animal under his control before.

“Koda!” Mina yelled out to the boy.

Koda’s Quirk can control animals, but it didn’t work on this one?’ Izuku rapidly analyzed the strange creature, looking for any reason why his classmate’s Quirk would’ve failed. Seeing dirt falling from the creature’s body as it moved, everything clicked into place. ‘I get it!

Four students leapt into action against the beast, while others moved into action to secure Koda.

-Top of the cliff-

“Pretty crazy pace you’ve got in mind for these kids, Eraser.” Mandalay mentioned while Pixie-bob stood at the edge of the cliff, keeping track of the students in the forest with the hundreds of hidden sensors within the area, all of them connected to her visor to give her real time information so that she could control her golems accurately.

“Well, normally these’re skills they wouldn’t learn until the start of their second year. But we’re here now because they need to learn them sooner than that. Hence the sped-up pace.” Aizawa explained with a small grimace on his face at what had already happened this year, so far. “They need Provisional Licenses for Quirk usage in emergencies. That way they can act as Heroes if there’s a need. The Villains have started to move in coordinated ways now, so even our first years…”


“…need self-defense skills.” Aizawa finished, ignoring the loud blast that had just gone off in the forest below. “You take over from here, Pixie-bob.”

“Ooh, leave it to me! My fur is standing on end!” Pixie-bob had a wide smile on her face, clearly thrilled to challenge the class with her golems as they tried to cross the forest to reach the lodging facility.

“Time to move, Kota.” Mandalay told the young boy that they’d brought along with them.

“Ridiculous.” Kota huffed out after looking down at the forest for a short time. He followed after Mandalay a moment later.


“RAAAWWWRRR!!!” Another earth beast roared out, imitating a living creature rather believably.

“How many are there?!” Kaminari questioned loudly, hearing more responding roars from deeper within the forest too.

Jiro stuck one of her jacks into the ground and listened. “We’re surrounded! I hear six moving towards us already!”

“I see two more in the sky!” Shoji called out, his Dupli-Arms covered in eyes and extended up into the canopy of trees.

“They can fly?!” Kirishima exclaimed in surprise.

“We don’t even have our Gear!” Chikuchi bit out, grabbing at the water bottle she’d brought with her.

“Incoming!” Shoji yelled out.

“RAAWWKK!!!” A dragon-like earth beast dove from the sky and towards Class 1-A.

Sero launched a line of his tape upward, latching onto a branch and reeling himself in at speed. “I’ve got this one!” His free elbow launched a thick band of tape that stuck the two wings together and sent the dragon plummeting towards the forest floor.


The impact through up dust and dirt.

“Sato! Kirishima!” Sero called out.

“Good thing I always keep a little sugar on hand!” Sato opened a small case he pulled form his pocket and dumped a few sugar cubes into his mouth, quickly swallowing them down to activate his Sugar Rush. “Hah!” The large teen bulked up so much that he shredded his uniform shirt as his muscles bulged and his strength multiplied.

“Let’s go!” Kirishima hardened his body, making it take on a rocky structure.

“Hyah!” Sato leaped upwards, uppercutting the dragon so hard that its dirt head shattered into clumps.

Kirishima charged straight through the body, tearing it asunder as he bulldozed through the golem. “Yeah!” He grinned as the creature fell apart into motionless clumps of dirt.

“Dark Shadow!” Tokoyami unleashed his Quirk as another beast charged out of the forest, this one looking more like a bull.

“Got it!” Dark Shadow called back as it slammed into the charging bull head-on and stalled it.

“Down you go!” Mina ran past the front of the bull beast and soaked both of its forelegs in her acid. The dirt crumbled and fell apart, making the bull collapse.

“Thanks!” Dark Shadow now had the advantage as it grabbed the bull beast by the horns and lifted it off the ground, before slamming it headfirst into the earth and shattering it.

Three beasts came out of the opposite side of the forest, looking like traditional oni. All three wielding large logs as clubs as they charged towards the students.

“Aoyama, hit me!” Hagakure had tossed off her shirt entirely, leaving her upper body invisible.

“Bonjour, monstre!” Aoyama fired off his Navel Laser at the invisible girl.

“Refraction!” Hagakure bent the laser and it blasted straight through all three of the dirt oni, reducing them to dust.

“RAAAWWWHHH!!!” A tiger-like dirt beast charged at Todoroki with a roar.

“Hm.” Todoroki was unfazed as a line of ice formed across the ground from his right foot. Spires of ice erupted directly beneath the tiger golem, skewering it and lifting it clear off the ground before freezing it over entirely.

“Outta my way, Icy hot!” Bakugo flew over Todoroki towards a strange-looking beast that seemed based off of Cthulu. He threw both of his hands forward as they crackled. “DIE!!!”


The top half of the dirt beast vanished in the blast, the lower half falling apart form the shockwave.

“UNDERGROUND!!!” Jiro called out a warning.

In the center of the students, the ground burst upwards and a massive mole-like beast emerged. “SHHRREEE!!!”

“Duck and cover!” Momo warned everyone as she threw a rectangular object into the gaping mouth of the mole. Once it had vanished within the beast, Momo pressed the button of a small device in her hand.


The explosion was muffled, but the mole still burst apart from the inside out.

“Was that C4?!” Camie questioned her ‘girlfriend’ in shock.

“RAAAHHH!!!” An earth beast swiped through Camie from behind, only for the girl to disperse into chromatic mist.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Camie reappeared a distance away with a grin.

“Aqua Buzzsaw!” Chikuchi launched a circular blade of water at the beast. The water was spinning so fast that it let out an audible buzz as it sliced through the air. The dirt beast was decapitated instantly as Chikuchi focused on manipulating her limited water supply. It was hard to form her normal nail-like constructs into a circular line of dozens and manipulate it with such precise control. She wouldn’t have even been able to consider it before her Internship with Backdraft.

“RAAH!!!” An earth snake roared, rather than hissed, at Ochako.

“Hup!” Ochako put her new martial arts and increased physical conditioning to the test as she dodged the lunging strike, and placed her hand against the side of the snake, removing its gravity. “Tsu!”

Tsuyu’s tongue wrapped around the snake’s neck and with a powerful spin, she threw the weightless golem high into the air. “Got it!”

“Release!” Ochako placed the tips of her fingers together.


The loud crash once more threw up dirt and dust into the air, but the large snake golem was shattered into pieces from the fall.

The forest rumbled as a horde of more of the earth beast charged in, coming from every direction.

“Are you kidding me?!” Kaminari sparked with electricity before he blurred forward. “Blitzing Ya!” He was on top of one of the large beasts a second later. “900,000 Volt Discharge!” He placed his hands on the beast and unleashed his electricity. The electricity coursed through the golem, finding material to travel through on its way to the ground. The golem was burned black from the powerful current and crumbled a second later. “Yes!” Kaminari cheered, both at taking down one of the beasts, and that he’d been able to successfully regulate his output without his gear.

“Heartbeat Distortion!” Jiro stabbed a jack her jacks into two separate beasts and hit resonate frequency with the dirt they were made of. The two golems visibly vibrated for a half-second before bursting apart into clouds of first and dust.

“RAAAHHH!!!” A bat-like earth beast swooped in from behind Jiro, looking to take her out.

“Dupli-Muscle Whip!” Shoji’s three left arms shivered before growing and lengthening as cells rapidly reformed and grew new synovial membranes and articular cartilage as dozens of new joints formed. He lashed out with the three new tentacles and swatted the huge bat golem out of the air, smashing it into the ground and shattering it.

“Thanks, Shoji!” Jiro gave the tall boy a smile as the two best reconnaissance members of Class A went back-to-back.

“No problem!” Shoji called back, his three hands on the right side creating more eyes and ears to make up for the ones that he’d transformed on his left side.

Koda raised his voice to be heard over the melee as he gathered up the animals of the forest. “Come, my friends, fly, swarm, run about! Remove these monsters from the forest!” Hundreds of birds and rodents emerged from the trees to besiege three of the earth beasts, stalling the golems as they were covered in the small animals.

“High-Gear!” Iida blasted forward and demolished the head of the first staggered beast. His feet barely touched the ground before he rocketed upward and blew apart the head of the second beast with a kick. He flipped around in midair, his feet touching a thick tree branch, before he blurred forward (snapping the tree branch) and destroyed the final golem’s head with a downward kick before it could react.

Iida felt proud that he’d pulled off the advanced technique that his brother had shown him during his Internship. It could be done without any support gear, but it took a lot of fine motor control, that up until that point, Iida had simply lacked. Tensei had been an incredible teacher, just as Tenya always knew that he would be.


Izuku was rapidly launching compressed spheres of air at every earth beast he saw. A lesson that Endeavor had taught both Shoto and Izuku had been how to be precise with their overwhelming power. A Hero couldn’t just wreck an entire city block and write it off as collateral damage. There would be investigations, hearings, and a very good chance of having their License suspended or revoked if they went overboard without reason.

Izuku was using one of his go-to combinations of Air Compression, Amplification, and Force Projection. To make a pseudo-Air Cannon which he launched bullets of air with. His thinking having been broadened from his instruction with Endeavor, Izuku now packed more air into smaller spaces, upping the explosive force the individual spheres had when they expanded after hitting something. It was certainly reducing the large numbers of earth beasts to nothing more than clumps of dirt in a short timeframe.

-Pussy Cats’ Catnip Inn-

Aizawa ignored the sign next to the front doors of the facility. What the Pussycats named their base of operations was irrelevant, as long as the students’ training could be done properly.

“Ah! The first-half of the litter is almost here.” Pixie-bob grinned as she and Mandalay stood near Aizawa.

“Hmm, a little longer than I thought.” Mandalay looked at her watch, seeing the current time was 3:45pm.

“Hey, they’re still doing better than the other half.” Pixie-bob had a wicked grin on her face. “They’ll be here in another hour at the rate they’re going.” She giggled darkly at what her earth beasts were putting the two classes through.

The twenty members of Class 1-A came staggering out of the forest. All of them were clearly worn out, several showing signs of kickback from overusing their Quirks. Bakugo was grinding his teeth while holding his shaking right arm, his left trembling as well, but to a lesser degree. Todoroki noticeably had a few small patches of frost on his right side as well as some singe marks on his left side. Iida was practically dragging his feet, small puffs of smoke coming from his exhaust pipes every now and then. Mina was tottering along, looking a little unsteady on her feet, a sure sign of dehydration setting in from overusing her Quirk. Jiro’s jacks looked to be twitching in time with her heartbeat as she trudged forward. Koda was gently massaging his throat, never having to yell and scream so much in his life. Kirishima, Sato, Shoji, Toru, and Chikuchi all looked exhausted, barely moving forward with each step before practically collapsing in front of the instructors. Camie, Tsuyu, Ochako, and Momo were showing signs of Quirk overuse and exhaustion. Momo was gently cradling her head; a headache having set in as she’d gone through a large amount of her body’s fat stores to keep up with the endless horde of earth beasts. Ochako had one arm wrapped around her stomach, and the opposite hand covering her mouth, trying not to puke as her nausea set in. Tsuyu’s tongue was hanging out of her mouth a little, the muscle clearly worn out from use. Camie was doing her best to walk straight, but her throat was a bit raw and her lungs were a bit overworked from her Quirk. With his girlfriends, Izuku was probably looking the most exhausted. The Class Rep looked to barely be on his feet, extreme fatigue having clearly set in, and if he laid down, he’d probably be out in moments.

“You said three hours…” Tokoyami, looking incredibly ruffled, spoke to Pixie-bob and Mandalay. Dark Shadow was nowhere to be seen, the sentient Quirk having retreated within Tokoyami and not coming out.

“It…wasn’t…close…” Aoyama was holding his stomach; the overuse of his Quirk having made him sore beyond belief and he was glad that he hadn’t eaten much for breakfast or else he’d have probably thrown it up from the kickback.

“Y-yay…” Kaminari had ended up shorting himself out for the first time in a while. His face blank as he came to a stop, wobbling in place but his brain too fried to decide to sit down.

“I guess we timed it based on how long it would take us. Sorry.” Mandalay put the index finger of her puffy glove to her chin with a grin.

“Flaunting the power gap in our faces? That’s so mean…” Sato grumbled form where he’d nearly collapsed on the ground.

Pixie-bob giggled behind her large gloves. “I thought it would take you even longer! I did use medium-difficulty after all!”

“M-Medium…?” Izuku barely looked up at the Pro Hero.

“Oh yes! You’re still students! First years, at that! I wouldn’t put you through the hard-difficulty that we train with!” Pixie-bob waved the students off with a laugh.

“I-If that was…medium…what is ‘hard’ like…?” Kirishima couldn’t help but ask.

“If it was hard mode, then I’d have made multiple beasts that were large enough to shake the ground when they walked…the flying beasts would’ve dropped large boulders from the air randomly without ever getting low enough for you to attack them…there would’ve been at least five human-sized beasts that were made with super-compressed dirt that would make them denser than rock without losing out in speed much…so on and so forth.” Pixie-bob smiled at them wickedly. “It would’ve been a literal hell for you kittens!”

All of Class 1-A, even those too proud to admit it, silently thanked all that was good in the world for not having to go through the hard mode.

“But you all dealt with my earth beasts well!” Pixie-bob smiled at them. “Especially you four!” She pointed at Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida, and Izuku. “Oh, we could have such fun a few years from now! I should mark you as mine now!” She took a step forward only to stop when she saw the four girls between her and Izuku. “Oh… I see, I see…” She grinned at the four girls that were doing their best to glare at her.

“Hey, Mandalay, was she always like this?” Aizawa looked over to the leader of the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

“It’s gotten worse recently.” Mandalay sighed. “She’s at the age that she’s starting to worry about finding a mate.”

Izuku noticed the small kid from before glaring at them all and pointed towards him. “Excuse me…but whose kid is that?”

“Oh? That’s my nephew, Kota.” Mandalay smiled at the boy. “Don’t be shy, Kota, say ‘hi’, you’ll be seeing these guys for the next week.”

Izuku trudged over with a smile on his face. “Hi, I’m Midoriya from U.A.’s Hero Course.” He introduced himself to the young boy.

Kota lashed out and punched Izuku in the junk.

“KOTA!!!” Mandalay raised her voice and the boy flinched slightly, knowing he’d be punished for his actions.

“…….” Izuku’s mouth opened, but no sounds came out as he fell to his knees from the unexpected nut shot.

“Midoriya!” Iida rushed over to his friend’s side as fast as his exhausted body would let him. “You fiend of a child! Why would you do that?! A punch to the scrotum is unforgiveable!”

“Little brat!” Camie hissed out, a sharp glare promising retribution burning into the boy. The four young women wanted to enjoy a happy family life with Izuku in the future, but to do that he had to be ‘in working order’ below the belt!

Kota turned to glare at Iida, specifically avoiding Camie’s glare in the process. “The last thing I want is to hang around with some wannabe Heroes.”

“That brat’s got spunk.” Bakugo actually grinned at Kota.

Todoroki looked over at Bakugo with a flat stare. “He’s like a mini version of you.”

“Huh?! What’re you talking about?! You can just shut your mouth before I blast you straight to hell, Icy hot!” Bakugo growled at Todoroki.

“Yeah, sure…” Todoroki clearly didn’t care about Bakugo’s threat.

“Enough playing around.” Aizawa spoke up, making all of the students turn to face him. “Get your luggage off the bus. After you’ve put it in your rooms, then we’ll have dinner in the cafeteria, after that you can bathe and sleep.” He laid out the plan for the rest of the day. From the looks of things, the students would need the extra sleep anyway. “Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You’d better get a move on.” Aizawa motioned towards the front doors.

-Later ~ Cafeteria-

A massive feast had been prepared for the students. Table after table was ladened with all types of food, from the simple to more complex dishes, Beef, chicken, pork, seafood, vegetables, fruit, rice, everything that the students could want was provided for their dinner.

“Thank you for the food!” All forty students clapped their hands in front of them in thanks. Two seconds later and the food was being devoured rapidly by the hungry teens.

Kaminari ate his tonkatsu with joy before starting to scarf down his rice. “It’s so good! Almost as good as Lunch Rush’s food!”

“I can’t stop!” Kirishima exclaimed, eating his own tonkatsu and savoring the flavors as life returned to his body.

The Pussy Cats, all four members including the bubbly Ragdoll and the muscular Tiger, were moving back and forth through the cafeteria, bringing the students more food.

“Hahaha! You kids act like you haven’t eaten in a week!” Pixie-bob laughed as she took an empty platter and set out some a new one piled high with freshly-made gyoza. “Anyway, today’s the only day we’ll be doing this for you. So make sure that you enjoy it!”

“Yes ma’am!” Kirishima and Kaminari thanked her.

“So you guys had to fight those dirt monsters too?” Awase asked Sato as they ate across from each other. Both Aizawa and Class 1-B’s homeroom teacher, Vlad King, had encouraged the students to intermingle and sit amongst each other.

“Yeah…” Sato finished chewing his food and swallowed. “You too?”

“We had a hard time with them until we figured out some quick and effective strategies.” Awase stared off into space for a moment before shaking his head and resuming eating.

“It’s amazing that Miss Pixie-bob can control so many, yes?” Pony Tsunotori, an exchange student from America, asked with a smile. Her Japanese was passable, but she seemed to get the grammar and sentence structure off from time-to-time.

“It really is.” Hiryu Rin nodded in agreement before taking another bite of his food.

“Aww, you kids are sweet.” Pixie-bob laughed as she overheard them. “But forty kittens are no problem for me!”

“Tiger and Ragdoll practically laughed at us when we dragged ourselves out of the forest…shroom.” Komori Kinoko, a short girl in Class 1-B with her brunette hair styled sort of like a mushroom, mentioned as she set down her drink and started on her plate of food again.

Class 1-B had fought their way through the forest on the opposite side of the ‘Catnip Inn’ while watched over by Ragdoll and Tiger. Fighting against the earth beasts for hours on end had left them as beaten, exhausted, and starving as Class A had been.

“Damn… Those two can really pack it away.” Tetsutetsu commented as he watched Momo and Izuku eat side-by-side.

“Indeed.” Shishida Jurota, a large student of Class B with beast-like features, agreed with a nod. “I thought I ate a lot.” He chuckled as he was already on his third plate while everyone else was just starting their second.

Except for Izuku and Momo.

“It’s wonderful!” Momo praised the cooking as she ate vigorously. She was already finishing off her fourth plate.

“So good!” Izuku agreed with his girlfriend, eating a third bowl of katsudon. It wasn’t as good as his mom’s, but it was still his favorite!

Camie giggled at them brightly. “Say ‘aah’…” She held a piece of tempura with her chopsticks.

“Mmh.” Momo blushed as Camie fed her instead of Izuku. Camie only grinned and playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

“Aah…” Ochako blushed adorably as she fed Izuku some of her chicken.

“Mmm!” Izuku beamed at her as he enjoyed the teriyaki flavor. His face went a bit red when Tsuyu’s tongue crossed the table and licked a stray bit of sauce from the corner of his lip.

“Kero.” Tsuyu smiled, seeming pleased with herself.

Izuku and Momo were both red in the face now as they were fed.

To be fair to the two, both of their Quirks required a large amount of energy to work. Momo’s used energy to convert matter and her lipids as a framework for her creations. Izuku’s myriad of Quirks took a considerable amount of energy to activate and maintain, especially when he compiled multiple Quirks together as he often did. It was little surprise that they were both big eaters.

-Bath Time-

In the men’s bath the male students enjoyed the large hot spring with happy sighs, a few of them even splashing around a bit with each other.

Izuku was relaxed, his back against the side of the spring and his arms spread out atop the rocks that lined the edge. The hot water felt amazing on his muscles after working so hard to get though the forest today.

“Hey, how thick do you think that wall is?” Tsuburaba from Class B asked with a chuckle.

“Really?” Honenuki deadpanned at his classmate.

“What? I’m just wondering?” Tsuburaba grinned. “You think Kaibara or Kamakiri could make a little hole?”

“Like hell.” Kamakiri Togaru denied instantly. He was a tall boy with blades on each side of his face, mimicking mandibles. He had a green mohawk and his face was elongated somewhat, almost resembling a lizard. Kamakiri was notably similar to Bakugo in personality, being both competitive and a bit hotheaded.

“You trying to get us expelled or something?” Kaibara lightly glared at Tsuburaba as he relaxed in the hot water.

“I wouldn’t try that, if I were you.” Aoyama spoke up from nearby, a small grin on his face. “Four of those mademoiselles are Midoriya’s girlfriends.”

“Eh?” Tsuburaba blinked in surprise.

The widening of all of the other boys’ eyes as a shadow fell over them only made things more ominous. Looking up, they all saw a large hand made of water above them, just waiting to grab anyone that tried to make a move towards the large wooden wall that separated the male and female sides. Every guy in the spring looked over to see Izuku staring at Tsuburaba with his right hand now dunked into the hot spring as he used Tactile Hydrokinesis to manipulate the water.

“H-hey…just a joke, M-Midoriya.” Tsuburaba held up his hands with a shaky smile.

“Good.” Izuku spoke in a tone that none of his classmates had ever heard from him. “Be more tactful, please.”

“S-Sure thing!” Tsuburaba nodded rapidly and sank down into the water.

The large water hand slowly dropped back into the water as well, making large ripples in the hot spring for a few moments. Izuku was back to relaxing a moment later, a smile returned to his face.

Over on the girl’s side, the conversation was different.

“This feels amazing…” Toru sighed happily.

“I’m so glad they have a hot spring here.” Jiro agreed, relaxing back into the water.

All fifteen girls in the first year Hero Course were enjoying the large bath after the rough first day of their summer camp training.

“I must admit to being slightly concerned that some of the boys may try to peep.” Shiozaki Ibara looked at the top of the wall as she sat in the hot spring up to her neck.

Chikuchi raised her hand above the water with a lazy smile. “If they do…” The water in her palm rose up and formed two long spikes. “I’ll put water nails in their eyes.”

“Oh damn.” Setsuna laughed at the viciousness from the other girl.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Kero.” Tsuyu shook her head with a soft smile. “Izukun wouldn’t let them.”

“Not with us in here at any rate.” Camie laughed a bit, relaxing against the edge, her girls floating a bit in the water, showing off just how busty she was.

Ochako flushed adorably. “Izukun would definitely stop anyone from trying to peek.” She covered her cheeks with her hands as she sat next to Tsuyu in the hot water.

“He’s a gentleman.” Momo smiled beautifully making the others girls smile back reflexively. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh wow, shroom, all four of you?” Kinoko giggled out, looking between the four girls.

“Yep!” Camie popped the ‘p’ with a warm smile on her face.

Pony leaned forward with interest. “Have you gotten far…in relationship?” She stumbled over the last part of her sentence as her Japanese was a little lacking.

“Pony!” Kendo looked at the exchange student with a slightly amused smile. “You shouldn’t ask that.”

“We haven’t done anything too naughty.” Camie teased, sticking the tip of her tongue between her pouty lips.

“Camie!” Ochako and Momo both looked at her with red faces.

“Kero.” Tsuyu sank into the water a little deeper, but there was still a wide smile on her face.

“Mm.” Yui made a small sound, the edges of her mouth curving upwards in a slight smile. “Congratulations.”

The four girls would be playfully ‘interrogated’ by the other girls that were eager to know what a relationship was like. Mina and Toru some of the worst about it as they giggled and asked for the ‘juicy details’ about what the fivesome got up to when alone.

After baths, Izuku happily met up with his girlfriends, all five of them wearing comfy yukata provided by the Pussycats, as if their base really was an inn. The five of them relaxed, had some drinks, and just chatted and cuddled a little before separating for bedtime. Lights out was enforced, and they all had to be up early tomorrow, according to Aizawa.

Every one of the Hero Course students was looking forward to this training camp and getting stronger.

They would all give it their best!

-End Chapter-


Well…day one is done. Nobody died…though a few felt like it, I’m sure! Lol

With more advancements made and Class 1-A being overall stronger thanks to Izuku’s analysis and ideas, they don’t take almost eight hours to reach the facility…only six-ish hours! Kek!

Izuku and the girls spend the entire bus ride cuddling, so cute!

The hot springs after dinner is nice and relaxing, and without Mineta there no shenanigans happen! The one person that brings it up as a joke, quickly learns to shut the fuck up!

Izuku doesn’t approve of anyone peeping on his girlfriends!

The students have to be up bright and early tomorrow morning!

How intense will their training be?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Randy Burns

Normally, I'd hope for Mandalay to show some interest but if you want to avoid that I get it. 4 is already a pretty big harem.


I wonder if anyone will get taken in this one! Izuku wanted a scanning quirk so maybe he'll ask for ragdolls? Or maybe Mandalay will give him hers after he save Koda! Hell his water manipulation quirk could use a water producing quirk like Kodas!