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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Laxus has been taken down and the Dragon Lacrima within him removed and destroyed! That should change some things going forward, huh? But now that the Battle of Fairy Tail is over, several members need to recover from the fighting. Laxus sure isn’t going to be right back on his feet right away after what he went through. What will become of the Thunder Tribe?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 45 – Aftermath, Punishments, and Fantasia

The town of Magnolia was in high spirits as the Harvest Festival continued into the late afternoon and early evening. Stalls and shops sold their wares, kids played in the streets, games were set up at various stalls to win prizes from as well. Music was being played as the colorful Lacrima lights began to come on as the sun slowly set. It was festive and cheerful, filled with laughter and good times as another year of good harvest was had by the town and the surrounding areas.

Moving through the town was an older woman, her pink hair slightly faded with age, held up in a bun with an ornament through it. She wore a maroon cloak with a high collar that covered most of her body as she passed through the celebrations without a word to anyone. Hidden under her cloak was her large bag that was filled with potions, ingredients, and other medical necessities.

“I heard Fantasia was postponed until tomorrow night.” One man said loud enough for the passing woman to hear.

“You think it has something to do with all that fighting that Fairy Tail was doing earlier?” A different man, sitting at the same table, asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It definitely was. You saw how they were going after each other.” A rotund man sitting with them pointed out.

The first man lit up a cigarette and took a drag before exhaling a bit of smoke. “Rumor has it that the cause was about the succession of Guild Master.”

“Hey, wait! Does that mean the Guild Master is gonna retire?!” The second man looked at the first in surprise.

“Who’s gonna be the next Master then?” The rotund man questioned, a little wide-eyed at the idea of Makarov not being Fairy Tail’s Master anymore.

“I’ve got no clue about that.” The first man shook his head, taking another puff of his cigarette. “But normally you’d think Laxus, right?”

The second man cracked a smile. “That loose cannon as Master?”

The rotund man laughed too. “Man, that makes you remember the old days, huh?”

“We’ve known him ever since he was a kid!” The first man chortled along with his buddies. “Just goes to show how old we are! Hahaha!”

The three men laughed before raising their flagons of ale and clunking them together in celebration of another year.

Porlyusica continued on her way without looking back. She needed to get to Fairy Tail and put those dumb brats back together again! ‘And tell that old fool to retire already.’ The Healer reminded herself as she continued down the street.

-Fairy Tail-

The Guild was actually quite lively for just having beaten themselves senseless.

Many of the members (that weren’t too badly injured) were hard at work finishing up the various floats that the Guild would be using for the Fantasia Parade. They would’ve been doing this over the last couple of hours, had it not been for the ‘Battle of Fairy Tail’ that Laxus and the Thunder Tribe had forced them into.

Many people still had bandages here and there, but the overall levity in the Guild Hall was close to normal despite everything. Only some playful ribbing about the fights that they’d been forced into, and that the outcome would be different next time. The laughter in the air as the large group worked to finish the floats for tomorrow night helped to keep any lingering pain away.

Porlyusica was quickly shown to the infirmary in the back of the Guild where the most injured were being taken care of.

Upon entering, Porlyusica barely held back a sigh as she noticed how many patients she had to deal with. “You idiots just can’t help yourselves, can you?”

“Sorry, Miss Porlyusica…” Natsu apologized from the bed he was laying in.

Laxus was bandaged up as best as the Fairy Tail Mages had been able to. Covered in ointments and salves to stop bleeding, soothe and heal burns, and help hold cuts and lacerations closed, the Lightning Mage was clearly the worst injured person in the room. The fact that he looked almost entirely mummified was just the icing on the cake.

In the two beds on the same side of the infirmary as Laxus’s, both Gajeel and Natsu were laid up. The Dragon Slayers had carried Laxus’s beaten body back to the Guild (well, Natsu did at least) and by the time they’d gotten him settled into the Infirmary, the adrenaline had worn off and both men nearly collapsed.

That had prompted quite the fuss from Natsu’s Mates at seeing him injured so much. To Gajeel’s surprise, Levy had been worried about him as well, and the Script Mage wasn’t hiding it either. That had the Iron Dragon Slayer looking away from the blue-haired girl to avoid anyone seeing him flustered at her attention.

The Thunder Tribe were in beds on the opposite side of the infirmary. Freed was still unconscious from Mystogan’s powerful Sleep Magic. Bickslow was out cold, having been treated for his exposure to sub-zero temperatures from Gray’s Ice Make Magic. However, his full body bruising and multiple bone fractures from being smashed into the ground by the giant ice hammer would need Porlyusica’s help to heal fully. Evergreen was the least injured, only scuffed up and bruised a bit. Just some medicine had taken care of most of her pain, and she’d dozed off after a while from drowsiness.

“Moved aside, all of you.” Porlyusica snapped at the women in the room as she walked forward. Mira, Lisanna, Lucy, Cana, Erza, Levy, and Juvia all moved towards the door to give the Healer her space to work. Most of Fairy Tail knew of Porlyusica’s dislike of people in general, so it was best to just give the woman ample berth while she was in the Guild Hall. “I’ll start with the worst off.” She moved over to Laxus.

Makarov came into the infirmary a couple of minutes after Porlyusica arrived, having been overseeing the Guild and checking that all of the members were alright after the sudden fighting. Ur had been checking over Gray (much to his embarrassment as other members pointed and snickered at him) while helping Makarov so that the old man didn’t strain himself.

“Hah… You idiots.” Porlyusica sighed after inspecting Laxus fully. “Eighteen fractures, twelve muscles tears, over thirty lacerations, half his body is covered in contusions, the other half is a mix of first and second degree burns, he seems to have a concussion, and on top of all of that is a case of Magical Exhaustion.”

“Will he recover?” Makarov questioned his old friend.

Porlyusica looked like she wanted to swat his bald head, but restrained herself. “He’ll be fine after I’m done with him, but don’t expect him to be on his feet for a few days at the earliest.” The Healer sighed and looked directly at Makarov. “He’ll almost assuredly need assistance from crutches to even stand, and he’ll probably need a wheelchair to actually move around for a while, even with my treatment. So, whatever punishment you have in mind for him will need to wait for around ten days, give or take, so that he can at least move under his own power.”

Makarov nodded in acceptance, knowing that as the Master of the Guild, he was required to administer appropriate punishments to any member that broke their rules.

Porlyusica moved over to Natsu next and started examining the Magma Dragon Slayer. She kept an unamused look on him the whole time as well.

Natsu looked away whenever their eyes met, knowing that Porlyusica had treated him far more often than most other Fairy Tail members.

“Minor electrical burns, temporary nerve damage, your fifth rib on the right side is cracked and you’re lucky it didn’t break and puncture something, you broke two bones in your left foot, your right shin has a hairline fracture, and your body is covered in contusions as well.” Porlyusica listed off all of Natsu’s injuries.

Natsu gave her a smile. “So, not as bad as it looks, right?”

Porlyusica swatted him lightly over the head. “Just as bad as it looks, you numbskull!”

“Sorry.” Natsu grimaced as a lance of pain shot through his body from the simple swat.

Gajeel grimaced as Porlyusica came over to him next. The Healer looked him over for a while, making him grunt once or twice when a tender spot was touched.

“Minor to moderate electrical burns, two hairline fractures in your left hand, one hairline fracture in your right hand, your right eye has signs of nerve damage, your right foot is broken, and you’re also covered in minor contusions.” Porlyusica told the Iron Dragon Slayer. “You’re durability may be your best trait when it comes to your Magic, but you still have limits, you little fool.”

“I’m fine.” Gajeel looked away, only to wince as Porlyusica put a little pressure on his left hand.

“None of you are fine!” Porlyusica nearly yelled at the stubborn Dragon Slayer. She turned to glare at the people still in the infirmary. “Get out! I have treatment to start!”

Everyone filed out as Makarov motioned them towards the doors.

“Is it going to be more of those potions?” Natsu made a face upon recalling the taste.

Porlyusica sat her bag on the desk in the infirmary. “Yes, you’re going to be taking potions, and I don’t care if you like them or not. You’ll do as your told, you little brat!” She began to take out multiple stoppered vials, each filled with a different color of liquid. Among the bottles and vials there were some of the same color indicating that the Healer had multiple of the same potion if she thought that she’d need them.

“Ugh…” Natsu stuck out his tongue with a scrunched up face.

Gajeel just laid back with a small scowl on his face.

-Hours Later-

The door to the infirmary nearly fell as the group of worried girls pushed into the room, having heard Porlyusica’s call that she was finished treating the six patients.

“Be quiet!” Porlyusica hushed the young women sternly. “I’ve done what I can for now, so most of their minor injuries are gone. The more severe damage will take a few days for Natsu and Gajeel, and I don’t expect Laxus to wake up until sometime tomorrow.” She informed the group, seeing Makarov standing at the doorway.

“Thank you, Porlyusica.” Makarov bowed his head to his old friend.

Porlyusica gathered her things into her bag. “If you want to thank me, keep a better handle on your brats, Makarov. And if you can’t do that, then retire already.” She handed him a paper, on which was the potions that Laxus, Gajeel, and Natsu would have to take for their fractures and other more severe injuries, along with how often and what times to administer them. “If you want the two Dragon brats to heal faster, just feed them properly.” With a nod she left the infirmary, heading out of the Guild Hall and back towards her home in the forest outside of Magnolia.

Makarov moved over to Laxus’s bedside and looked at the still heavily bandaged form of his grandson. He looked better after Porlyusica had finished with him, but the damage he’d taken from Natsu and Gajeel wasn’t something that could be healed instantly.

“Are you feeling better, Natsu?” Lisanna asked softly, gently kissing his cheek.

“The potions are still bitter.” Natsu complained with a small chuckle, getting smiles from his Mates.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to participate in Fantasia in your condition.” Cana smiled at him, just happy that he would be alright.

Natsu let out a sigh. “I could do it…”

“No.” Erza, Lucy, Mira, and even Juvia denied at the same time. Natsu blinked at them before cracking up a little.

“Alright, alright…” Natsu gave in, making the four women nod in victory. “Never thought Laxus had that thing inside of him though.”

“Thing?” Mira tilted her head in confusion.

Natsu realized that he hadn’t had time to tell them about the Dragon Lacrima that had been in Laxus’s body. “Sit down, this might take a bit.” He waited until the girls were all sitting, three on each side of his bed, and then began to recount what had happened once he and Gajeel left the Guild Hall in their hunt for Laxus.

At Gajeel’s bedside, Levy wrote out the word ‘Heal’ before gently touching it to Gajeel’s right foot that was propped up. “That should help a little.” She smiled at the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“Thanks.” Gajeel looked to the side as he felt his broken foot heal a bit and the dull pain that he could feel through the effects of the potions lessened.

“You’re welcome.” Levy grinned at Gajeel’s expression. “You three really did a number on each other.”

“The bastard deserved it.” Gajeel glanced over at Laxus before looking back at Levy. The two just looked at each other, Gajeel’s slitted eyes not leaving Levy’s warm gaze. No words were spoken. The two just being together for now.

“He had that inside of him?!” Lucy’s voice rose suddenly, making everyone in the infirmary look towards her, only to see the blonde with her hands over her mouth and blushing in cute embarrassment at her outburst.

The group of Dragon Sisters all smiled at Lucy and the quiet conversation resumed. It was quickly obvious that none of the Dragon Slayer women were particularly happy with what Natsu was telling them, evident by the looks being shot towards the unconscious Laxus.

Not too long later and the Mira, Cana, Lucy, and Juvia left the infirmary, along with Makarov. The girls had left to prepare food for Natsu (and some for Gajeel at Natsu’s request), while Lisanna and Erza stayed with Natsu to feed him their Magic.

“Aahh~” Erza smiled at Natsu as she produced a flat stone in the shape of a cookie with her Earth Dragon Slayer Magic and moved it towards his mouth.

Natsu happily bit into the thin stone, chewing it like it was an actual cookie before swallowing it down. “Mmm, that’s good stone.” He praised Erza with a grin before scarfing down the rest of the rock. “I’m starving.”

“Let us take care of you, Natsu.” Lisanna smiled warmly at him. Flames appeared in her palm and she held it close to Natsu’s mouth.

Natsu inhaled the flames, chewed them for a second and swallowed the Magic down. “Hah… Good fire, Lisanna.” He grinned at her, feeling his reserves recovering a bit.

Lisanna and Erza giggled as they took turns feeding their Mate, happy to be able to help him and enjoy one of their favorite activities at the same time.

Levy had watched the trio interact, being all lovey-dovey, and her cheeks were slightly pink. She looked back towards Gajeel, seeing the Iron Dragon Slayer ignoring Natsu and his Mates. Levy wrote the word ‘Iron’ in the air and watched as Gajeel’s red eyes locked onto the metal as soon as it manifested. “Here, Gajeel.” She held the iron out to him with a bashful smile.

Gajeel raised his right hand to take the iron, only to realize that it was bandaged up from the fracture. “…shit.”

Levy, looking at both of Gajeel’s bandaged hands felt her face burn as she came to the only workable conclusion. “A-aah…” She couldn’t meet his eyes as she held the iron near Gajeel’s mouth.

Gajeel wasn’t much better than Levy, his face slightly red as he looked at the iron and then at Levy. After a second of hesitation, Gajeel leaned forward slightly and took a bite out of the iron. “Thanks…” He chewed the iron while looking away from Levy. ‘Her iron is good as always.

“Y-You’re welcome.” Levy chanced a glance up at Gajeel and saw him swallow the first bite with a small smile on his lips. Just seeing it brought a happy smile to her own face.

The door to the infirmary opened not too long afterwards. Cana came in carrying a tray full of plates of food. Lucy was behind her with a second tray piled high. Juvia was third, carrying a tray filled with jugs of water, juice, and milk for the two injured Dragon Slayers to drink. Mira closed the door behind her, a tray piled high with steamed and roasted vegetables in her hands, all of them grown by her Forest Dragon Slayer Magic and imbued with healing properties.

“Enjoy, this is the last of the Wyvern meat that the Guild has right now.” Cana mentioned as she sat down her tray next to Lucy’s.

“What would like to drink, Natsu-sama?” Juvia asked with a smile.

“Water first.” Natsu answered and his lips twitched in amusement when Juvia didn’t reach for the jug and instead filled a glass with her own water.

“H-Here, Natsu-sama…Juvia made sure that it was cold and refreshing for you.” Juvia fidgeted a little, her cheeks pink as she offered him the cup.

Natsu took the cup and looked at it for a moment. “Hmm, pure Juvia water.” He then put the cup to his lips and drank it down greedily.

Juvia’s face went bright red and steam came off of her head. “N-Natsu-sama! No…” She covered her cheeks in embarrassment and looked away, but there was still a smile on her lips.

“Aah~” Natsu finished off the cup with a grin. Seeing Juvia so adorably flustered and happy was a treat.

“Naughty girl.” Mira teased, whispering into Juvia’s ear. The Water Mage barely muffled a squeal as she turned away from the teasing. “Eat up, Natsu, we want you back on your feet as soon as possible.” She picked out Natsu’s favorite vegetables and put them on a plate while Cana and Lucy piled the plate high with Wyvern meat as well. The plate was then sat on a tray that was put over the Magma Dragon Slayer’s lap.

“Thanks for the food!” Natsu quickly dug in, scarfing down the meat and vegetables to fill his belly and help speed up his recovery. All of his Mates just giggled and smiled, happy that he was okay, even if he was injured.

Levy had moved over to the trays of food and made a plate equally piled high with meat and vegetables. She’d looked towards Mira for permission to take any of the vegetables first, knowing where they’d come from. The Forest Dragon Slayer had given her a nod and a smile in return. “Here, Gajeel.” Levy placed the tray over Gajeel’s lap. She helped him drink some water from the jug, then had to get her flustered fidgeting under control as she stabbed a piece of Wyvern meat with a fork and brought it up to Gajeel’s mouth.

“Hmm…” Gajeel, also flustered, but better at hiding it, chewed the Wyvern meat and focused on the flavor to distract himself.

Levy could feel the glances being shot her way from the other women in the room as she fed Gajeel. The Script Mage tried to ignore them; her cheeks practically perma-red now. But the small smile on her lips wouldn’t go away, and Gajeel didn’t seem to mind her taking care of him either.

“Not much for greens, but this fresh stuff isn’t bad.” Gajeel mentioned as he ate some steamed sweet potatoes with fresh spinach. Levy was somewhat certain that both items were iron-rich foods, which may explain why Gajeel liked them, aside from the fact that they were grown with Mira’s Magic. Dragon Slayers as a whole seemed to enjoy vegetables grown with Forest Dragon Magic. The boosted healing effect was just a nice bonus right now.

-Next Day ~ Morning-

“Do you four have any idea what you did?” Makarov questioned the Thunder Tribe and Laxus, all four of them sitting in the infirmary as Makarov stood in the center of the room.

“Yes, Master.” Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen bowed their heads.

“Look me in the eye!” Makarov spoke, and Laxus looked over from where he was sitting up in the infirmary bed. Once all four Mages were looking at him, Makarov continued. “A guild is a place where you gather with your friends and a place where you get jobs. And it’s a family for those that don’t have any. It doesn’t belong to you.” He emphasized especially for Laxus, who took the admonishment silently. “A guild is made up of the trust and integrity of each individual. And more than anything else, it’s the strong and solid bonds between them all.” Laxus and Makarov looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

The Thunder Tribe looked between Laxus and the Master, feeling the tension in the air. Freed looked at Bickslow and then Evergreen, seeing the concern on their faces at what was about to befall them. None of them were expecting anything less than being excommunicated from the Fairy Tail.

“You broke with that integrity and threatened the lives of your guildmates. That isn’t something that can be overlooked.” Makarov stated firmly, his eyes not breaking from Laxus’s.

“I know that!” Laxus spoke up now, his gaze strong as he held Makarov’s. He knew that he’d broken the rules of Fairy Tail. What he’d done could see him being branded a Dark Mage if things had gotten any further than they had yesterday. “I just…wanted to make a…stronger guild.” He clenched his fist, ignoring the flare of pain it caused him. His previous goal seemed so distant now, but he didn’t understand why. For years he’d prided himself on being the strongest person in the strongest guild. Able to dominate or destroy anything that stood in his path, no matter what or who it was. ‘But now… Now I don’t understand why that became so important to me.

Makarov sighed a little at Laxus’s words. “It’s amazing how clumsy you are when dealing with people…” He shook his head once. “Can’t you lighten up, even a little?” Laxus’s eyes looked off to the side for a moment, knowing that he’d never really tried. “If you could, you would see things that you can’t see now. Hear the words that you’re deaf to now. Life is more fun than the way you’re living it.” He smiled slightly at his grandson.

Laxus looked down at the floor, feeling his emotions well up within his chest.

“Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow…you three are suspended until I say otherwise.” Makarov started the punishments as he looked over to the Thunder Tribe. “I expect all three of you at the Guild every day to work, understood?”

“Master?” Freed blinked at the significantly lighter punishment than what was expected. Even Bickslow and Evergreen couldn’t believe they weren’t being kicked out.

“You all need time away from Laxus, and more time around the rest of the Guild.” Makarov locked them in place with his gaze alone. “This is the most fitting punishment for you all that have been led astray by your Team Leader.”

Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow felt their Guild Marks react to Makarov’s words. Over the well-known Mark of the Fairy Tail Guild a circle with a diagonal line through it appeared, the classic ‘No’ symbol. It would prevent them from taking any Quests, and even if they left Magnolia to try and join another Guild, no Legal Guild would accept a Mage that was currently suspended. The Mark couldn’t be removed while in a state of suspension either, so even if a Guild did accept them, the new Guild Mark wouldn’t take. Only the Magic Council could supersede this restriction with their authority, but suspension was rarely a cause for a Mage to quit their Guild.

“Be grateful that none of the citizens of Magnolia were hurt!” Makarov’s voice nearly rumbled, like when he used his Titan Magic. “Had any of them been harmed by your ‘Battle of Fairy Tail’ then by Law I would’ve been required to hand you over to the Council as criminals!” All four Mages looked down at Makarov’s words, knowing that they were true and that they were lucky to not be in chains right now. “Since only our members were hurt in anyway, we can keep your punishments within the Guild. That is the biggest relief that any of us can take from this incident that you four have caused!”

“Yes, Master…” Evergreen, Bickslow, and Freed bowed their heads in acceptance. There was no point in arguing about this, they’d come out of it better than they ever expected.

“You three are dismissed, we’ll work out your schedule and duties within the Guild Hall tomorrow morning.” Makarov motioned for the Thunder Tribe to leave. All three Mages did so, slowly, sending worried glances towards Laxus.

Once the door was closed behind them, Makarov looked at Laxus again. “You know…I lived to watch the way you grew up. You didn’t need strength. You could’ve been stupid for a all I care…” He smiled at his grandson. “But as long as you were full of energy…that was all I was hoping for.”

Laxus looked at Makarov for a long moment, feeling his building emotions. When Makarov looked down, Laxus felt himself shake a little, knowing what was coming.

With his hands shaking, Makarov looked back up at Laxus with firm eyes. “Laxus! You are expelled!” He moved his hand to the side as he said it and Laxus felt his Fairy Tail Guild Mark disappear from his skin as his grandfather removed it with his authority as Guild Master. His eyes widened, the loss hitting him worse than one of his own lightning bolts.

“Yeah…” Laxus looked down at the blankets covering his lap. His body still too injured to move without assistance.

“Once you’re well enough to move around safely, you will leave the Guild Hall and never return.” Makarov was stifling his own tears at having to excommunicate another member of his own family.

“Thanks for puttin’ me up…” Laxus thanked his grandfather for letting him stay and not just throwing him out right then and there. “Gramps…” Laxus looked at Makarov with a smile. “Take care of yourself, okay?”

“Y-You leave as soon as you’re healed!” Makarov turned his back to hide his tears, which came no matter how much he tried to stop them. He left the infirmary and closed the door behind him.

Laxus couldn’t do anything but let the smile fade into a soft grin of remembrance as his memories of his life in Fairy Tail began to flow into the forefront of his mind.


The annual parade hosted by Fairy Tail was filled with floats, Magic, and Mages! Costumes were worn by several members, most of the women in something that showed off their figures, while the men ranged from suits to clown costumes.

Cana was in a spaghetti strap dress that went down to just above her knees and revealed plenty of cleavage. It was a shimmering purple and the Card Mage happily let her Magic Cards float through the air and give off various effects, like water, fire, and light.

Behind Cana, both Macao and Wakaba were letting their Magics form figures and dance around each other. A figure made of purple fire from Macao’s Purple Flare Magic chased around a smaller figure of smoke created by Wakaba’s Smoke Magic. Occasionally, Cana would tilt her head back and exhale a thin cloud of alcohol which Macao’s purple fire figure would run through, flaring up into a giant version of itself for just a moment, before running after Wakaba’s smoke creatin again.

Fireworks were in the air, though they were made by Magic, rather than gunpowder. Lucy had both Loke and Sagittarius summoned and the Celestial Spirits were launching golden light arrows into the sky to explode into brilliant designs, like the Fairy Tail Mark or the head of a lion.

Mira, Lisanna, and Elfman were on one float together. Elfman in the form of a large Minotaur wielding a massive axe, while Mirajane and Lisanna, both dressed as princesses, were in a miniature castle made from a tree, with the tips of each branch lit up by a flame, making the ‘castle’ glow brilliantly. The sisters were called out to my dozens of men for their beauty, but the Minotaur Elfman would raise his large axe towards them, making the audience cry out in faked fear.

Gray had made an ice palace on his float, which Ur was standing atop of in a brilliant blue dress that hugged her figure before expanding out into a gown that shimmered with ice crystals. The sheer detail of the structure made many in the audience marvel at it, but the way it captured and reflected the various lights around it made it shimmer in a myriad of colors.

Erza had a float to herself, at her request, as she summoned a dozen swords, all identical and with brightly colored scarlet ribbons attached to them, lengths of the scarlet cloths trailing after them as they dance through the air under Erza’s command. She wore a shiny and resplendent breastplate with the Fairy Tail Mark on it as she danced with the swords.

“It’s Titania!”

“It’s her! She’s here! With swords dancing around her!”


“Marry me, Erza! Marry me!”

Erza smiled at the calls and Requipped into a different outfit. For just a second, many thought they’d get to see Titania in all her glory as only light covered her naked body, only for the light to burst and reveal her in a skimpy dancer’s outfit with long trailing cloths attached to two ornamental treasure swords that Erza now wielded as she danced. Her scarlet hair was done up in four ponytails that trailed behind her as she danced around her float.

“It’s the Master!”

“Look at that outfit!”

“The float is silly too!”

The people of Magnolia laughed and cheered as Makarov danced about in a colorful outfit, with a hat on his head that had cat ears on it.

Off to the side of the parade, Laxus sat in a wheelchair and watched what could be the last Fantasia he’d ever see. Behind him was Mystogan, the one that had collected Laxus from the infirmary without anyone noticing and wheeled him out to this spot where they could watch without attracting attention to themselves. Laxus didn’t know why Mystogan was helping him, the reclusive Mage barely speaking and not answering any questions, but he’d take the assistance this time as he watched the parade.

“Hey, what’s the Master doing?” Someone asked loudly, and Laxus looked at his grandfather.

Makarov had stopped dancing about and was now holding his right hand up high, his index finger pointing to the sky while his thumb made a ninety-degree angle with the extended index finger. It looked like a backwards ‘L’ to those that saw it.

But to Laxus, it meant so much more.


“Aren’t you going to be in it, Gramps?” A young Laxus asked Makarov curiously.

“Fantasia?” Makarov chuckled and shook his head. “I’m going to be watching your show from the crowd!”

“But will I be able to see you?” Laxus knew how many people came to see the parade every year. He’d been going to them since he was barely old enough to walk!

“Does it matter if you can see me?” Makarov chuckled at his grandson’s exuberance. This was his first Fantasia after all.

“Okay then!” Laxus threw his hand up in the air, making a backwards ‘L’ with his index finger and thumb. “In the very middle of the parade, I’ll do this!”

“What’s that supposed to be?” Makarov questioned, a little confused.

“It’s a message.” Laxus smiled brightly. “It’ll mean that even if I can’t see you then…it’ll be proof that I’ll always be looking out for you!”

“Laxus…” Makarov almost teared up at his grandson’s words.

“Keep your eyes open, Gramps!” Laxus laughed.

-End Flashback-

One by one, every member of Fairy Tail raised their right hands and made the same symbol together. Every member on a float, every member in costume, even the members that were sitting or standing amongst the crowd because they couldn’t participate this year. Every single member of Fairy Tail made the symbol.

“Gramps…” Laxus felt the tears sting the corners of his eyes.

It means even if I can’t see you…

Even if you have gone far, far away…

I will always be looking out for you.

No matter the distance…

No matter how long it has been…

Now and forever, I’ll be looking out for you.

“Yeah…” Laxus closed his eyes, his shoulders shaking as a tear escaped. “Thanks, grampa.”

Laxus would be rolled back to the infirmary with no one realizing that he’d ever left.

-End Chapter-


Injuries are quite bad when Dragon Slayers fight, as we’ve seen before.

Even worse when they’re enraged and fighting for something they hold sacred!

Natsu gets cuddled by his Mates, and Juvia is a happy little mess as Natsu and the Dragon Sisters continue to pull her into their family.

Gajeel and Levy have an adorable moment together as she feeds him, both of them all flustered about it! So cute~!

But punishment MUST be given.

The Thunder Tribe are suspended, staying at the Guild and working there. Maybe finally spending time with their guildmates will do them some good. They’ve missed years of time already.

Laxus, however, is excommunicated from Fairy Tail for his actions.

Once he heals up enough to move under his own power, he’ll quietly leave on his own terms.

Perhaps someone else in the Guild that’s very experienced and well-traveled will have some advice for Laxus as he goes out into the world to find himself?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Not really a fan of Levi/Gajeel but other than that I love this story and this chapter was yet another good one with the follow up of the Battle done properly unlike in canon where Laxus and his crew were just given a light slap on the wrist not having to face any real repercussions for their acts


Levy/Gajeel in Canon was weird given how they met and the violence that Gajeel put her through. I hope that my version is MUCH better than that and more believable than what Canon gave us. Yeah, punishment needed to happen. Just being forgiven for attacking your own guildmates never sat right with me.

Ant Franklin

Master class and I like that you made something new for laxus to strive for where he has to learn and actually earn a new power or find his true second origin


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Yep, Laxus has to go out into the wide world and find himself now. To discover who he is, who he wants to be, and what he wants to do with his life. I hope what I have planned will be unique and interesting when it comes.