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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! The results of the Final Exams are revealed. Pass or fail depends entirely on the students, both their actions and their performance. But with the Finals done, the summer training camp is well on the way! If the students are going to stay somewhere else for a while, then they’ll need to do some shopping! Sounds like a great time for a pseudo date for Izuku and the girls. What could go wrong?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 39 – Results and Preparations

In Class 1-A’s classroom, the students were chatting about the soon to be revealed grades for their Final Exams. Several of the students were worried about whether they’d passed or failed, despite completing the objective of their exam.

“I’m still worried about the written test the most.” Kaminari ran his hands through his hair, holding his head in worry. “What if I totally flunked it?”

Mina nodded along with him, not super confident in her written scores. “Yeah, yeah! We worked our butts off to pass the practical! But if we failed the written test, then we’re doomed! No summer training camp for us!” She had small tears at the corners of her eyes from just thinking about it.

“I’m not gonna say that I’m not worried about the written exam results, because I totally am,” Kirishima nodded to Mina and Kaminari. “But we did our absolute best, so we should believe that we passed, right?” He held up his fist in front of him, trying to encourage his friends.

Izuku was sitting at his desk, surrounded by his girlfriends, talking about the soon to be announced results. “I don’t see any reason why you four shouldn’t pass.” He smiled warmly at the girls. “I am a little nervous about my practical score though. I mean, Bakugo and I didn’t work together at all…plus, I caused a lot of collateral damage… The argument with Bakugo was probably taken into account too… Then there’s the…mmph!” His muttering was cut off as Camie put her hand over his mouth.

“Seriously, Izukun, chill…” Camie giggled at him playfully. “You totes passed, even if your partner totally held you back.” She made sure to say this just loud enough that Bakugo could hear it.

Bakugo visibly twitched and his fist clenched tightly on top of his desk. A barely audible growl was heard, which was strange for Bakugo, as the explosive teen would usually shout at anyone that even slightly disparaged him in anyway. He would’ve done so if this had been before the practical exam… But what Izuku had said to him still rang in his head whenever he started to get angry.

“We’re CIVIL SERVANTS, Bakugo!”

The Explosion user ground his teeth and refused to look at anyone, glaring down at his desk. His belief in what a Hero was had been shaken, by the fucking leech of all people, and Bakugo was having a hard time coming to terms with the truth.

“You shouldn’t worry so much, Izukun, I’m sure you passed!” Ochako beamed at him, encouraging her boyfriend and trying to dispel his worries.

Tsuyu nodded in agreement with Ochako and Camie. “Making it through the gate, within the time limit, after fighting All Might solo should be more than enough to pass. Kero.” Her statement was blunt and factual, as they’d come to expect from the Frog Quirk girl.

“I’d like to believe that we all passed the Final Exams with flying colors.” Momo smiled cutely at her boyfriend and fellow Izuku lovers. “We’ll all get to go to the summer training camp and we’ll improve even more there!” She bounced a little on her heels as sparkles seemed to emanate from her form.

Cute~’ Izuku, Camie, Tsuyu, and Ochako all thought simultaneously, smiling at how adorable Momo could be when she was excited like this.


The sliding door to the room was opened strongly by Aizawa, and the students were moving before he even spoke. “Once the bell rings, you should be in your seats.”

All twenty students were in their seats and silent.

“Morning.” Aizawa made his way to the lectern and looked at his class. “About your final exams… Sadly, there were some failures. As such…” He raised his voice suddenly. “You’re all going to summer training camp!”

“What a twist!” Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima cried out in surprise.

Aizawa went back to his normal, dull tone. “Everyone managed to clear the written test.” His eyes pointedly looked at a few of the students, a silent indication that they had the lowest scores, even if they did pass. “But in the practical… Bakugo failed.”

Bakugo flinched and scowled, refusing to look at anyone even as he felt the eyes of the rest of the class on him.

“Allow me to explain.” Aizawa didn’t look like he really wanted to explain, but he continued anyway. “As the Villains in this test, we teachers came up with challenges perfectly suited to all of you. Ones that would give you chances to devise winning strategies. On top of that, we encumbered ourselves with weights, and set personal restrictions on our gear and Quirk usage. If we hadn’t, none of you would’ve stood a chance.” All of the students had to agree, given that they’d all had to try so hard to pass, even with the handicaps in place. “We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task at hand.

“So that thing about crushing us was a lie?” Toru questioned; the movement of her uniform indicated that she had her hand raised.

“That was to push you. We are talking about Training Camp after all. More than anyone else, those who failed are in dire need of this.” Aizawa’s odd smile reappeared for the first time in a while for his students to see. “This was another rational deception.”

“RATIONAL DECEPTION?!” The majority of the class exclaimed in unison.

Iida was shaking as he sat at his desk. “We’ve been fooled, I’d expect no less from U.A. but…” He shot to his feet with his right hand raised into the air. “Now that we’ve been lied to twice, aren’t you worried that our faith in you has been shaken?”

“Way to be a wet blanket, Iida.” Ochako deadpanned from her seat behind him.

“Perhaps. But consider the facts.” Aizawa looked at the straight-laced teen. “It wasn’t entirely a lie. Failure is still failure. Bakugo, you will receive special supplemental lessons. And to be honest, they’ll be far worse than summer school.”

Bakugo nodded without looking up from his desk. “Yes, sensei.” He could barely comprehend that he was the only one that failed out of his entire class. He’d never failed academically before in his life.

“Anyway, I’ll be handing out camp manuals. Take one and pass it back.” Aizawa carried over a stack of said manuals to the first column of desks and handed five of them to Aoyama.

-After Classes-

“I’m glad that we all get to go to summer training camp.” Sato smiled at his friends as everyone was packing up their stuff to leave for the day.

“An entire week of training camp.” Iida nodded in agreement, already mentally preparing for everything he would need to bring.

“This packing list is huge.” Izuku looked over everything listed in the camp manual.

Sero ran down the list with his eyes. “Man, I need a bigger suitcase.”

“I don’t even have a bathing suit. There’s a ton of stuff that I need to buy.” Kaminari had already spotted eight items that he didn’t currently own that were listed on the camp manual.

“Oh, I know!” Toru spoke up with a bubbly laugh. “We’re off tomorrow and tests are over, so…” She clapped her invisible hands together. “How about we all go shopping together, Class A?!” Everyone could practically feel the invisible girl’s smile.

“Good idea! This’ll be a first, come to think of it!” Kaminari was all for a social activity with the class.

“Yo, Bakugo, you wanna come too?!” Kirishima called out, not wanting to alienate the only person to fail in their class.

“No way in hell!” Bakugo stalked out of the room without even a look back.

Izuku looked over at Todoroki, one of the most introverted of their class. “What about you, Todoroki?”

“I visit…someone on my days off.” Todoroki declined politely as he put the strap of his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door.

“Speaking of swimsuits…” Camie grinned mischievously. “I definitely need a new one.” Her eyes locked onto Izuku’s. “The one I got last year is too tight now.” She cocked her hip to emphasize her curves.

Izuku audibly gulped, knowing just how much Camie liked to tease and that she didn’t mind showing off her body, her swimsuit would probably be very sexy.

“Down girl, damn.” Chikuchi rolled her eyes at Camie’s flirty nature.

Mina giggled brightly at the teasing between boyfriend and girlfriend. “Aw, come on, Chi-chan! It’s cute!”

“Don’t encourage her.” Chikuchi grinned at her friends, enjoying just how quickly she’d been accepted as part of the class and the group.

“I could probably use a new swimsuit too.” Ochako had her index finger touching her cheek. “My last one is from second year of Junior High.”

“Kero. I usually go for one-piece suits, what about you, Momo-chan?” Tsuyu looked at her girlfriend (at least that’s how she saw Camie, Ochako, and Momo).

“I don’t really have a preference…” Momo replied, only for her eyes to look at Izuku. “But maybe a two-piece this time?”

“You’d look great in a red bikini, Momo~” Camie stuck out the tip of her tongue between her pouty lips. She was teasing, but honest at the same time.

Momo blushed adorably, averting her eyes from Izuku when his emerald gaze caught hers. Ochako, Tsuyu, and Camie all giggled at the cuteness, while Izuku could only smile at his girlfriend.

-Next Day ~ Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall-

“This place has more shops than anywhere else in the prefecture. It’s got the coolest and trendiest stuff!” Mina threw her fist into the air with a huge smile.

“The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!” Toru joined her friend in cheering happily.

Everyone had dressed casual for their shopping trip. If they weren’t such an obviously large group, they wouldn’t have stood out at all from any of the other hundreds of teens that were shopping today.

“You with the six arms, and you with the engine claves! You’ll find everything you need over here!” One shop clerk called out to Shoji and Iida as the group walked past a few stores together. The sign above the shop declared it ‘For all Quirks, Shapes, and Sizes’ in brightly lit letters.

“Stores have to do more than cater to body types that differ by Quirk… They also need designs for all ages, from teens to seniors. No wonder this place draws so many customers…” Izuku was muttering to himself as he took in all of the various shops that catered to the insanely large range of customers possible since the advent of Quirks.

“You’re going scare children. Stop that.” Tokoyami snapped Izuku out of his muttering spree.

“I gotta find myself a giant duffel bag.” Jiro held her hands apart to show the size she wanted.

“I’ll look with you.” Chikuchi offered with a smile. “I need something way bigger than what I have at home too.”

“I need some rugged outdoor shoes!” Kaminari didn’t think his current sneakers would be the best for the outdoors.

“Me too, me too!” Toru agreed, not owning any shoes of the sort.

“Our camp manual recommends well-worn footwear!” Iida zipped over to remind the pair. Then he looked shocked for a second as a thought hit him. “Wait…should we focus on utility instead?!”

“Chill out, spaz!” Camie laughed at Iida’s contrasting thoughts.

Kirishima patted Iida on the back with a chuckle. “It looks like we all need different stuff. Let’s split up for a bit and meet up at the designated time to continue our shopping as a group!”

“I knew it! Those are the guys from Class 1-A!” One guy called out to his two buddies, all three were clearly high school students.

“Dude! The Sports Festival was so awesome!” The second guy praised the class with a big smile.

“Whoa?! People still remember that?” Ochako was flustered by being recognized again.

“You girls are super cute!” The third teen called out to the group, clearly the most confident of his buddies.

“Dude!” Both of his friends looked at him like he was crazy.

“Aww, thanks!” Mina waved to the three guys with a laugh.

“Kero.” Tsuyu tilted her head, but accepted the compliment.

Camie laughed and took a step closer to Izuku, a subtle indication that she was taken.

Momo and Jiro had slightly red cheeks, neither of them used to having blatant interest from guys thrown their way.

“Hee hee!” Toru giggled, not even thinking of her invisibility.

“Is this what it’s like to be a Pro Hero?” Chikuchi wondered, not letting the sudden compliment get to her much. It was true that the more popular a Hero was, the more often they were called out to in public and stuff.

“Wha-what?” Ochako’s permanently rosy cheeks darkened a bit as she covered them with her hands. She also took a step closer to Izuku without thinking about it.

The trio of teen moved on after that, leaving Class 1-A to their shopping.

“Well… At least they didn’t ask for autographs or anything crazy.” Sero shrugged with a chuckle.

As the class split up to do some specific shopping, Izuku, Tsuyu, Momo, Ochako, and Camie were left as their own group.

“So, what does everybody need?” Izuku asked as they started walking together.

“Swimsuits, but we can save those for a little later.” Camie had a little smirk on her lips at seeing the others blush slightly.

“I need bug spray…the repellant type. If we’re going to be out in the woods and stuff.” Ochako said after a second of thought.

“I’d like to get a flashlight, and a water bottle.” Tsuyu mentioned as she considered what they might be doing over the course of the week.

“I’d like to get some more durable clothing.” Momo looked thoughtful. “The camp manual says that sleeping quarters and food is provided, but it didn’t mention if they were providing training clothes.”

“Even if they do, it’d still be a good idea to have some rugged clothing for when we’re not training. It is still a summer camp, right?” Camie spoke up in agreement.

“That makes sense.” Izuku nodded, looking around for a good shop that would have durable, outdoorsy types of clothes. “I’m looking for a few heavy wrist weights, something that I can workout with if there’s time.”

The group quickly took their time together as an impromptu date. Izuku handling hands with the girls two at a time as they walked through the huge mall. Whichever two girls he wasn’t holding hands with, was holding the free hand of the other girls. They picked up some clothing, flashlights and headlamps, bug spray, water bottles, and browsed around a few shops for anything else that they might need for their upcoming camp.

With plenty of tie still left before the designated meetup time, the group stopped at a shop that sold swimwear and other summer necessities.

That was how Izuku found himself sitting on a bench outside of the fitting rooms in the back of the shop, waiting for his four girlfriends to change into the swimsuits that they’d picked out. He wasn’t nervous. Okay, he was. But he knew how beautiful his girlfriends were, he’d seen Camie and Ochako’s underthings before too. But he wouldn’t be Izuku, or a healthy young man, if he didn’t get a bit excited at the thought of seeing the girls wearing less clothing.

“W-What do you think, Izuku?” Ochako opened the door of her fitting room first. She was wearing a black and pink bikini, mostly black, but the waistband of the bottoms was pink, as were the straps of the top.

Izuku was staring, taking in all the exposed skin. ‘Her shoulders, her c-cleavage, her midriff, her hips, her thighs, her legs…

“Izukun?” Ochako felt her face heating up as he stared at her.

“Huh?” Izuku blinked but looked up into Ochako’s brown eyes. “You look beautiful, Ochako.” The honest and genuine compliment made Ochako blush even more, but she also giggled, happy that Izuku liked her choice of bikini.

“Thank you…” Ochako covered her red cheeks, then turned around, showing off the back.

Izuku’s head nearly overheated as he saw that the back of the bikini bottoms didn’t cover nearly as much as he thought they would. Ochako’s nice booty was covered, but only about halfway, leaving plenty of her cheeks to look at. He was only broken from his staring when Ochako closed the door behind her with a flustered giggle at his reaction.

“Izukun…” Momo stepped out of her fitting room next, wearing a red bikini that fit well, but still somehow seemed to be struggling to hold back Momo’s gorgeous body. “Do…Do you like it?” She questioned a little self-consciously.

“Gorgeous.” Izuku could only nod his head at seeing so much of Momo’s skin exposed to him for the first time. ‘B-Boobs… Waist… Hips… Thighs… Legs…’ The young man was fairly certain his brain was short-circuiting since he couldn’t make a proper sentence in his head.

Momo’s cheeks went scarlet as she accepted his praise. “I’m glad…” She smiled beautifully, and Izuku found himself smiling back, his focus removed form her body and now solely on the radiant smile she was giving him. “Um…wh-what about the b-back?” She turned, much like Ochako had done, and Izuku swore he felt his heart beat twice in the span of half a second. Momo’s generous bottom was covered a bit more than Ochako’s bikini did, but it left almost nothing to the imagination with how tight it was, framing her booty in an amazing way.

“Yeah…” Izuku just nodded dumbly, his eyes stuck on the glorious backside in front of him.

Momo fidgeted a bit as she looked over her shoulder and saw Izuku’s focus locked onto her bottom. A thrill went through her, making a giggle escape her lips, and without thinking about it, she moved her hips from side-to-side a little, making her booty shake a bit. Izuku’s eyes followed the swaying and Momo didn’t think she could be more thrilled (or flustered) than she was right now. “I’m glad that you like it, Izukun.”

“Yeah…” Izuku replied, still staring, before he shook his head and looked up at her eyes. “Sorry… You just look amazing in that.”

“No…no…I’m happy that you like it so much.” Momo ran her hands over her body for a second, Izuku’s eyes following them. “I’ve just never shown off like this before.” She smiled at him again, still a little bashful. “It’s fun…in a way I can’t really describe.” She closed the door to her fitting room after admitting that, her entire face a burning red.

“M-Momo…” Izuku breathed out, both stunned and happy that she’d shared her feelings so completely with him. ‘Does this mean that she wants to ‘show off’ more at some point?’ That thought would go unanswered as Tsuyu opened the door to her fitting room.

“Kero. What do you think, Izukun?” Tsuyu asked, wearing a black and green one-piece that fit her like a second skin, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. It also left her sexy legs fully uncovered, showing off her thick, strong thighs to her boyfriend.

Izuku’s eyes roamed up and down Tsuyu’s body, taking in everything with a primal delight. “You’re so beautiful, Tsu.” He smiled and looked into her eyes with affection and love. ‘If the top part wasn’t padded, I think I’d be able to make out her n-nipples…’ Izuku thought to himself, his face a little red at the image his mind conjured up. The fact that the swimsuit had a bit of a plunging neckline, showing off Tsuyu’s own ample cleavage, wasn’t helping Izuku think straight.

Tsuyu smiled happily at Izuku for his compliment, her heart beating a little faster as she saw his eyes roam over her body again. “Look at the back, kero.” She turned around with an adorable blush.

“…” Izuku was left speechless, Tsuyu’s ass was absolutely spectacular, probably from a combination of her Quirk and all the exercise and work she put into her legs. The one-piece tried to cover her cheeks, but they were simply too much for the swimsuit to hold. The globes peeked out from beneath the black and green fabric temptingly.

“Izukun…” Tsuyu fidgeted a little, unintentionally swaying her hips and making her butt jiggle. She felt a strange and wonderful excitement building up within her as her boyfriend was clearly enraptured by her body.

“Ah, sorry, Tsu-chan…” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “You’re really beautiful and I got distracted.”

“Kero.” Tsuyu smiled at him and, making a snap decision, she reached behind her and moved her fingertips beneath the fabric of the swimsuit. With a tug, the fabric trying (and failing) to cover her ass was pulled inward, disappearing between her cheeks and giving Izuku an unrestricted look at her butt.

“…” Izuku’s brain did short-out this time as he gazed upon Tsuyu’s perfect ass. The Frog user even bounced slightly on the balls of her feet to make her booty bounce a little.

Kero~” Tsuyu let out a throaty little croak, as she watched Izuku’s reaction to her sudden show. With a pleased smile on her face, she closed the fitting room door behind her.

“Ku…” Izuku vaguely heard something as his brain finished burning the amazing sight that Tsu had just shown him into his memory forever. “Zuku…” The sound came again, this time Izuku recognized it as a voice. “Izuku…?”

“Huh?”’ Izuku blinked and looked around, only to go wide-eyed and silent as he saw Camie in her chosen bikini.

“Man… Tsu-chan really did a number on you, huh?” Camie giggled at her boyfriend. “I hope I don’t disappoint~” She posed for him, putting her hands behind her head and thrusting her chest out. The small black bikini covered everything it needed to…but couldn’t hope to contain all that Camie had to offer.

“So…gorgeous…” Izuku breathed out his eyes trying to look at all of Camie at once. ‘Her shoulders, her boobs, her midriff, her hips, her thighs!’ Camie was fit, but also blessed much like Momo was. The two girls easily held the top spots when it came to bustiest in Class 1-A. Camie was not only aware of this, she flaunted it for her boyfriend.

“Glad you think so, I-zu-kun~” Camie purred at him while running her hands down her body teasingly. When she got to her thighs, she gave them a squeeze, showing off how thick they were. She couldn’t beat Tsuyu in this area, but she knew that Izuku liked all of his girlfriends’ thighs. “Can’t forget the back.” She spun before Izuku could fully comprehend her words with his mind stalling and trying to memorize her form at the same time.

“…” Izuku gulped audibly, the sound loud in the quiet fitting room area. Camie’s ass was practically in his face, and unlike Momo, Ochako, or Tsuyu, the most forward of his girlfriends had gone with... “Th-Thong…” Izuku managed to breathe again, seeing the tiny black fabric at Camie’s hips, that completely disappeared between her toned cheeks.

“Mhmm, you like it~?” Camie asked, slowly swaying her booty in front of him.

“Y-Yes…” Izuku nodded after a second to continue enjoying the sensuous swaying in front of him.

Camie giggled, her heart beating fast in her chest as she got to show off for her boyfriend. “I’ll make sure to wear it for you then.” She still needed to send him a few pics of her in the kunoichi cosplay that she’d ordered too. ‘But right now…’ A devious little grin crossed Camie’s lips as she reached back and swatted her right ass cheek.

“Camie?!” Izuku jolted in his seat, some instinctive part of him wanted to take her into his arms and make sure that she was okay. But a different part wanted to reach out and lightly smack the left cheek to make it match the right one.

“Hmm?” Camie shook her ass again. “Go on, Izukun~” She tempted him as if she were a succubus.


“Ah!” Camie gasped and then looked over her shoulder at Izuku, her eyes half-lidded with desire from the light smack he’d given her butt. “Mmm~”

When Izuku stood up from the bench and reached for her, Camie thought she may have teased too much and that Izuku had snapped. But when he touched her, his hands gently turned her around and pulled her into a warm hug. “You’re a bad influence…” Izuku’s warm breath ghosted over Camie’s ear and she giggled.

Why did I ever think he’d lose control and go too far?’ Camie hummed happily as she hugged her boyfriend back, making sure to press herself against him.

“Go change, you b-bad girl…” Izuku cursed himself for stumbling a little in his own teasing; but Camie only grinned at him and turned around to walk back into the fitting room with a sexy sway in her hips. The motion made her amazing ass jiggle and Izuku was briefly dumbfounded again until the door closed and cut off his view.

Izuku sat back down, making sure to put one of their bags over his lap while he calmed down.

Once the girls had changed back into their normal clothes, all of them with cute, pink cheeks and happy smiles on their faces, the fivesome paid for the four new swimsuits and left the shop. Izuku was carrying the bags with a dopey little smile on his face that couldn’t be removed.

“They said meet at the food court, right?” Ochako looked at the signs trying to find the right one.

“Yep, we’re all gonna have lunch before we continue shopping as a group.” Camie confirmed.

Tsuyu looked at the signs and pointed to the right one. “There. We need to take this escalator down to the ground floor.”

“Does this mall have a large food selection?” Momo asked her friends curiously, since she’d never been to a regular shopping mall before. “I’m a little hungry.”

“I’ve only been here once before, but I’m pretty sure there’s a large number of restaurants to choose from.” Izuku tried to recall his last visit to Kiyashi Ward, but it had been back in his first year of Junior High.

“Everyone stand aside, our Yaomomo is hungry!” Camie declared with a laugh as she wrapped her right arm around Momo’s left arm.

Tsuyu and Ochako giggled brightly while Momo blushed cutely at the playfulness of her friend.

Izuku watched with a smile as he rode the escalator right behind the girls.

He’d never know that by spending this shopping trip with his girlfriends, that he’d avoided running into Shigaraki Tomura, who was walking among the crowds in a hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled up and his hands in his pockets. The ‘leader’ of the League of Villains was pondering on why the Hero Killer had completely outshone him, even though he’d unleashed the Nomu onto Hosu.

Why the hell is everyone so damn focused on him?!’ Tomura glared at seeing actual merchandise based off of Stain’s look when he’d been captured on the shelves in a store called ‘Underground’.  ‘All he’s doing his destroying the things he doesn’t like, the same as me! What makes him so special?!’ He would continue to stew over this as he walked through Kiyashi Ward. ‘Conviction… Ideals… He’s getting sympathy from people that couldn’t care less about his ideals.’ Tomura thought back to Dabi and Toga with a grimace. ‘Why is that?

The Villain would continue to ponder this, but would eventually come to a conclusion that made sense to him.

Once again…it had to be because of All Might.

His hatred could understand that. It was easy and simple. No wonder he despised the Hero Killer, the man praised All Might as the only ‘True’ Hero.

“Well, just you wait, Stain…” Tomura grinned widely, a truly disturbing sight, had anyone seen it. “What was I so worked up for? It’s still all because of All Might!” He nearly cackled. “Pretty ironic, huh, Hero Killer? We’re polar opposites, but I get to make use of your ideals and convictions. They’re all stepping stones for me.” He changed his path, now walking back towards the rundown bar that was the League of Villains’ hideout. There was planning to do and members to recruit.

-End Chapter-


Yay! Mall trip! Cute date for our favorite little group!

The girls go out of their way to show off for Izuku, slowly advancing their relationship further. Camie is still the most forward and daring, of course. But Tsuyu is very blunt when she knows what she wants! Mmm…booty!

Summer Training Camp is soon upon us!

Shigaraki Tomura seems to have just decided to once more blame All Might for everything…as you’d expect from someone raised to hate the man. Now he’s going to actively recruit and build up his forces and plot against those he hates.

What happens at the Summer Training Camp?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Thanks for the new chapter, can’t wait to see how the summer camp will turn out

Randy Burns

I was hoping my boy Shigaraki would make an appearance. I hope gets his talk with Deku in your version eventually though.


Not really a fan of Shigaraki, personally. And certain things just won't happen because of how the story has changed from Canon.