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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! No more vassals, the numbers in Enel’s game (that he’s STILL not participating in) are falling quickly. The Straw Hats are after the gold, but may end up getting dragged further into the longstanding struggles of Skypiea before they can leave. The Going Merry is sailing peacefully, so far, but how long can that last? Now, Robin faces Yama in her first battle with Haki.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 57 – Protecting History, Revenge

“Mountain Belly!” Yama bellowed as he charged straight at Robin and then leapt at her with his immense bulk.

Robin skipped backwards to dodge, but her eyes widened when Yama barreled through one of them worn stone pillars instead. It had probably been part of the structure that had protected the large tablet with the hieroglyphs on it long ago. But now, it was merely shattered stones on the ground. “Grrr…” She nearly growled at the damage done to the ruins…the lack of care shown to the ancient structure as well as the loss of history it represented.

“Meriya!” Yama looked angry at his unsuccessful attempt to crush Robin and came at her again.

The hieroglyphs!’ Robin realized that she was standing directly in front of the large tablet that she’d been reading earlier. Unwillingly to let them be destroyed, she stood her ground. ‘Observation is more my inclination, but Armament is what I need now!’ Robin passed her Haki through her arms as she called upon her Devil Fruit. “Veinte Fleurs! Candula!” She held up her hand and then spun them, creating nine more arms from each limb simultaneously, using her newly sprouted limbs as a pair of shields for the ruins.


“Ugh!” Robin was rocked with pain from taking Yama’s attack that could shatter stone. The archaeologist was knocked backwards, but she’d managed to divert Yama’s strike away from the hieroglyphs. Robin hit the ground and bounced once, coming to a stop against some more of the ancient stonework.

“Nyeheheh…” Yama chuckled mockingly at Robin. “How long do you plan to cling to this dried-up city?”

Robin forced herself to her feet even as her body stung with pain from taking the previous blow. “You seem to have no respect for the footprints left by ancient people.”

“Of course not!” Yama shrugged it off as inconsequential. “I have nor interest in the past!”

“Fools that don’t respect the past are doomed to repeat it.” Robin glared at the obese man, clearing looking down on him as a fool.

Yama snapped at seeing the look. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” He rushed her with his fist cocked back, making his next move obvious, but even more so to Robin’s Observation Haki. “Mountain Punch!” He swung at the pirate woman, but she easily evaded, leaving his fist to crater the ground.

I have to move away from the ruins! I can’t let this big oaf destroy everything.’ Robin held her white cowboy hat to her head to prevent it from flying off as she dodged away from Yama’s chain of attacks, further infuriating the man.

“BAA!!!” Yama bellowed as he sped up his strikes, trying to pummel Robin to death.

The chase was on.

Robin fled through the crumbling ruins, weaving between buildings as she led Yama along. The Commander of the Divine Soldiers barreled through all of it like an enraged bull. Robin could only bite her lip in subdued anger as she heard and saw the destruction. Houses, totems venerating spirits of nature, other buildings whose use was lost to time, all of them crumbled under Yama’s enraged charge. She needed to get him out of here as fast as possible before even more was lost forever.

“Hah…hah…” Yama was clearly breathing hard as he knocked a small tree aside and entered a large clearing in the forest. “…is this where you stop running?”

“Yes.” Robin shrugged off her backpack and let it fall to the ground. “It’s no use.”

“No use?” Yama raised an eyebrow at the woman’s statement.

Robin pulled her cowboy hat off her head and set it atop her backpack. “Even if you apologize, I won’t forgive you!”

“You won’t forgive me? How brave.” Yama didn’t look intimidated in the slightest. “You’re quite protective of these ruins. It’s not like they belong to the likes of you.”

“That’s true. Historical sites belong to no one.” Robin mentioned as she faced down Yama. “I’d like to end our talk here.”

“Well…heh heh…not to worry.” Yama raised both of his arms above his head and clapped them once. “Soon you won’t be able to talk even if you wanted to.” Yama leapt high into the air, surprising Robin at the feat from the obese man. “Because you’ll be dead after I crush you! Mountain Drop!” He spun through the air (more like rolled through it) aiming to crash down on Robin.

Robin crossed her arms in front of her chest, her hands open as she focused on adding Armament Haki to her Devil Fruit power. “You just charge around like a bull. It’s time you felt the burden of the history that you destroyed. Out here, one can be as destructive as one likes. Treinta Fleurs!” Thirty arms sprouted from the large tree branch above the airborne Yama, forming a chain of arms that quickly latched on to both of his ankles.

“What?!” Yama freaked out at seeing all of the arms appear from nowhere.


The thick branch audibly strained as Yama’s weight was hung from it.

“Hang!” Robin finished her move by using her chain of arms to slam Yama face first into the tree trunk. “Ngh… He’s so heavy!” She held her arms gingerly as the strain that her copies were going through transferred over to them. The pain stung, but it would’ve been much worse without Haki.

“Agh!” Yama cried out as his face was smashed, blood flying from his broken nose, his mouth, and various cuts on his face from the rough bark. The arms vanished into flower petals and the huge man dropped to the forest floor with a loud thud. The Commander of the Divine Soldiers laid on the ground for a long moment before his eyes snapped open angrily. He jumped to his feet with a loud roar, revealing that one of his teeth had been knocked out, and began to flip towards Robin as he built up speed. “Tenfold Axe!” Yama bellowed out as he pulled doff his sash weapon and held it before him. ‘I’ll kill this Blue Sea dweller the same way as Genbo!’ “MOUNTAIN AXE!!!”

Robin merely held out her hand and used her power again. Two arms bloomed and slapped over Yama’s eyes. Four more arms bloomed and flipped the sash over in the same moment, unseen by Yama.

“Argh! My eyes!” Yama cried out at the painful smacks that blinded him. The six arms vanished a split-second before he slammed headlong into another massive tree. The ten Axe Dials all went off at once, slicing deeply into Yama’s body fat and sending blood flying. The broken bark of the tree was painted red as Yama slid down it and collapsed to the ground in agony.

Robin walked over to the downed Yama and roughly grabbed his thick man of curly black hair, lifting the man’s head off the forest floor and revealing that a few more teeth had been knocked out of his mouth. Three more arms sprouted from Yama’s back, each one taking hold of his hair and keeping his head held upwards.

“Ack! Ow! Ugh…” Yama let out pained grunts and coughed up some blood as Robin stood beside his large head, looking cold and aloof as she stared at his bloody face.

“The site that you destroyed was a priceless treasure. History always repeats itself but we can never return to the past. You don’t seem to understand that.” Robin stated dispassionately to Yama, her free hand on her left hip and her gaze still filled with cold disdain for him.

“I…understand.” Yama coughed out some blood. “I won’t ever…do it again… Please…forgive me…”

“I won’t forgive you.” Robin denied, her expression unchanging.

“Gah…” Yama hacked out some blood onto the ground. “The I’ll just have to kill you!” He attempted to grab Robin, but more arms bloomed from his body and grabbed his fingers and wrists, pulling them back sharply with audible snaps. “ARGH!!! MY FINGERS!!!” The screaming was silenced as the three hands holding up Yama’s head by his hair yanked his neck back even further.

Robin had a short line of hands bloom from the ground and retrieve something from her backpack. When the item was passed to her the hands all faded away into flower petals. Robin strapped the leather strap onto her left hand and held it to Yama’s exposed neck. Even with his multiple chins he wouldn’t be safe as Robin pressed the Dial strapped to her palm onto his neck. The Axe Dial activated and a bloody line was cut into Yama’s throat. With that done, Robin crossed her arms once more. “Cien Fleurs…Delphinium!” One-hundred arms sprouted from the ground into two parallel rows of fifty.

Yama choked on his own blood as the first few sets of arms grabbed onto his clothing and rolled him over. Without a word, Robin took the sash with the ten Axe Dials as Yama was rolled away. The speed picked up as the hands got the dying man rolling, and then they hurled him off the edge of a nearby cliff. Yama’s vision was already going dark as he realized that he was about to fall hundreds of meters to the forest floor, but there was nothing he could do as he’d already lost far too much blood.

Robin dispersed the one-hundred copies of arms and stowed away the Axe Dial and the sash of ten Axe Dials into her backpack. She put it on her back again while placing her white cowboy hat atop her head once more. “You do such horrible things.” She spoke of Yama’s destruction of the ruins as she began to walk away.


The loud impact of Yama’s body hitting the ground was muffled by the distance that he’d fallen, but Robin paid it no heed as she left the area.

Upper Yard Survival Game: One More Down

Forty-Six Remain

-Going Merry-

“Ho ho ho!”

“Ho ho!”

“Huh? Who are you two?!” Nami demanded of the two ball-like men hopping from one foot to the other on the railing of the Going Merry. They both wore baggy, whit jumpsuits with sashes around their waists, had matching boots and gloves on, with identical yellow-tinted sunglasses over their eyes, and both had a pair of short, straight horns coming from just above their foreheads.

“Ho ho! ‘You people’? How dare you bring down our bro?!” The one on the right demanded.

“We’re the sub-commanders of the Divine Soldiers! You’ll pay for what you did to our brother Satori! Ho ho ho!” The one on the left declared.

“I’ve never met your brother!” Nami yelled right back at the two men.

“Me neither.” Mikita shook her head.

“Neither have I.” Chopper denied while crossing his arms into an ‘X’.

“I have.” Usopp dropped down from the crow’s nest, his hands hovering over his four revolvers.

Sanji exhaled some smoke from his cigarette, finishing it off and tossing it overboard. “That was me, actually.” He glared at the two brothers in front of him. “I see the family resemblance.”

“So it was you?!” The two pointed at Sanji angrily.

“I’m Hotori!” The one on the right told the crew.

“And I’m Kotori! Our triplet was done in by you Blue Sea trespassers!” The brother on the left spoke up.

“You won’t get away with it!” Hotori and Kotori both yelled at the pirates.

Sanji didn’t bother replying verbally. He leapt at Kotori with a kick aimed to knock him off the Merry.

“Got your impact!” Kotori blocked Sanji’s kick with his open left palm.

“The hell?!” Sanji blinked as he went from a flying kick to motionless instantly. It was like all of his force had just vanished!

“Impact!” Kotori pressed his palm against Sanji’s shoe.


Sanji went rocketing away as a force blasted from Kotori’s glove. The chef clipped the railing on the other side of the Going Merry sending him spinning upwards and over the side of the ship. With a grunt, Sanji managed to snag one of the rigging lines and prevent himself from falling off the caravel and into the Milky Road below.

“Why you!” Usopp drew two of his revolvers and shot from the hip, then tossed them into the air to draw his other two and fire from the hip as well. He tossed the two in his hands upwards before catching the previous pair and firing them again.

“Left! Right! Right! Left!”

“Ho ho ho!”

Hotori and Kotori spun around, using their Mantra to predict the path of Usopp’s shots.

“Take this!” Hotori stuck out his palm and flames burst forth, sending the crew scrambling out of the way.

“Don’t burn the ship!” Mikita came at Hotori, but Kotori spun into her path and raised his right hand. “Damn!” She tried to backpedal, not wanting to be hit by the same impact that Sanji had taken.


The distinct sound of a fart was released along with a noxious-looking cloud.

“Ho ho ho! Did you think it would be an impact?!” Kotori laughed as Mikita wretched from the smell. “We stored our farts in the Scent Dial!”

“A feast of farts! Ho ho ho!” Hotori laughed along with his brother.

“That’s disgusting!” Mikita yelled at the two Divine Soldiers.

Chopper transformed into his Heavy Point and came at Hotori with a strong punch. “Get away from her!”

“Axe Dial!” Hotori raised his palm towards Chopper’s face.

“Huh?” Chopper’s Observation nearly blared in his mind, predicting a slicing attack that would cleave his head in two. “Aaaahhhh!” He shrunk back down into his normal hybrid form which let him dodge the nearly invisible cutting force that past overhead.

“Mantra?!” Hotori looked shocked that Chopper had dodged his attack.

Nami took advantage of his shock and aimed the String Dial at Hotori before depressing the apex of the shell with her palm. A large mass of thin String Clouds engulfed Hotori, tangling him up and stopping him from moving.

“Hotori!” Kotori cried out, abandoning his fight with Mikita to rush to his brother’s aid. “GAKH!” He was struck in the side of the head by the sole of Sanji’s dress shoe. ‘My…Mantra…’ Kotori blearily realized that he’d lost his focus in his panic. His feet left the deck of the ship as he went sailing through the air, only for Mikita to be above him.

“Five-Ton Hammer Fist!” Mikita brought her fist down on the airborne Kotori, all five metric tons of weight slamming into the sub-commander’s head. There was a cracking sound as blood flew through the air, but Kotori’s body shot downwards like a meteor and blasted straight through the Milky Road that the Going Merry was sailing on.

“Kotori!” Hotori raged at seeing his brother die. “I’ll burn you all alive!”

Bam Bam

Usopp ended the threat with two well-placed shots to the head from his revolvers, a textbook ‘double tap’ to make sure that the Divine Soldier was dead. There was a grim look on the gunman’s face as Hotori slumped over in the String Clouds binding him.

Chopper quickly rolled the bound, ball-like man over the railing and into the Milky Road below, a faint splash all that was heard. He quickly went over to Usopp’s side with some concern. “Are you okay, Usopp?”

“Yeah,” Usopp sighed as he holstered his revolvers. “I’m not the biggest fan of killing, even though I know it has to be done sometimes.” He gave Chopper a lopsided smile.

“I get it.” Chopper nodded in agreement, remembering their fight together back in Alabasta against Mr. Four and Miss Merry Christmas. Neither of them were murderous people, but they were pirates and they’d protect their nakama.

Mikita gently touched down on the deck and looked everyone over briefly. “Everyone okay?”

“I’m fine, Mikita-chwan! But I’m so happy that you’re concerned~!” Sanji declared, his eyes hearts at Mikita checking up on him. He’d casually forget that she asked about everyone.

“We’re all good, I think?” Usopp looked over at Nami and got a nod form the navigator. “We also learned how an Impact Dial works now.” He thought about the ones he’d taken from Satori. “They absorb impacts and then let you use that same amount of force whenever you want to unleash it.” His mind was already starting to formulate some ideas.

Nami saw the gears turning behind Usopp’s eyes. “Hey, don’t forget that upgrading my Climatact comes first, Usopp!” She grinned at him, sticking the tip of her tongue out at the gunman and tinkerer.

“Will you give me a break with the deadline at least?!” Usopp barked at Nami with sharp teeth.

“Kyahahaha!” Mikita laughed brightly seeing that her nakama were just fine.

“Oi, long-nose! Don’t yell at Nami-swan!” Sanji nearly got in Usopp’s face.

Chopper placed his hoof-hand to his forehead and let out a small sigh, but a little smile was on his face. Everything seemed to be fine aboard the Going Merry again.

Upper Yard Survival Game: Two More Down

Forty-Four Remain

-Upper Yard-

“Hmm? I went the right way, didn’t I?” Luffy wondered, standing on the edge of Upper Yard and looking out towards the White-White Sea.

“Baa! There’s the intruder!” One of the Divine Soldiers declared, looking down on Luffy from one of the towering trees.

“Baa!” Another fifteen of the goat-like men called back.

This particular group of Divine Soldiers had been scouring the forest as a group, mostly around the edge to deal with any reinforcements that the Shandians might try to send and to prevent any escapees. They’d been successful so far, and weren’t about to let this Blue Sea dweller get away.

“Oh, it’s more of you goat guys.” Luffy looked up at the sixteen Divine Soldiers. “Hey, can you tell me the way to the ruins?! I think I got turned around!”

“Silence, Blue Sea dweller!” The apparent leader of the group shouted back. “By the will of the Almighty Enel, you are to be purged from Upper Yard! Baa!”

“BAA!!!” The entire group bleated as they leapt from the tree and rained down on Luffy, all of them raising a hand (some right and others left) as they descended towards the pirate’s position. “AXE DIAL!!!”


Luffy (and the ground beneath his feet) split apart from sixteen individual cuts.

“Eh?” The Divine Soldiers all gaped as Luffy’s diced body emitted blue-white sparks.

“You guys aren’t very helpful.” Luffy remarked as his body reformed.


A blinding flash of lightning was followed by an air-shaking clap of thunder.

Fifteen of the sixteen Divine Soldiers lay on the ground sparking with residual electricity. Some twitched, others lay still, but all of them were charred and if they survived would undoubtedly have nerves issues and Lichtenburg scars for the rest of their lives.

“G-God En-Enel’s…po-power?” The last Divine Soldier stumbled over his words in terror, collapsing to his knees and looking up at Luffy in fear. He alone had somehow been spared the fate of his comrades. Only his ears were ringing from the thunder, aside from that, his clothes being full of static was the only evidence he’d been anywhere near the powerful discharge.

“So,” Luffy placed his hand on the Divine Soldier’s shoulder and smiled widely at him. “Can you tell me the way to the ruins?”

The Divine Soldier raised a trembling hand and pointed. “Th-That way… Th-There’s a huge st-stalk that towers over everything and goes up through the cl-clouds… We call it Gi-Giant Jack. The ruins are right un-underneath it.”

“Giant stalk, huh?” Luffy briefly recalled hearing something like that before, a long time ago. “Like a giant beanstalk?!” His eyes sparkled as he looked at the Divine Soldier.

“Y-Yes, sir!” The goat-like man shook his head in agreement.

“Makino told me, Ace, and Sabo a story about a giant beanstalk once. There was treasure at the top!” Luffy beamed at the idea of climbing this ‘Giant Jack’ now and finding whatever was at the top! “Thanks, goat guy!” He patted the Divine Soldier’s shoulder.

“Yo-You’re welcome, s-sir.” The man tried to give a smile through his terror. Luffy’s happy expression became serious for an instant and the Divine Soldier’s already damaged willpower collapsed like a house of cards on a windy day. He fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

“Giant beanstalk and treasure, giant beanstalk and treasure!” Luffy sang (horribly off-key) and vanished in a spark of lightning.

Upper Yard Survival Game: Sixteen Down

Twenty-Eight Remain


The swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates wandered through the complex ruins of the ancient city…completely lost.

“I think this looks familiar?” Zoro looked at a wall bearing multiple pictograms that he couldn’t make heads or tails of. “Maybe it’s just built the same way?” He continued walking, trying to find his way out of the seemingly labyrinth-like structure.

In truth, he’d just been walking through the corridors over and over again, taking different turns, but always taking the wrong one that would lead to the exit. The structure wasn’t a labyrinth, but a grid. It was only Zoro’s completely garbage sense of direction that kept him trap here.

“I came in here because I thought it would lead to the city of gold.” Zoro grumbled, running his hand through his hair as he took another turn.


The princess turned pirate sighed as she looked out over the ruins from her place atop one of the overgrown buildings. “I really wish I had Luffy’s Observation range.” She’d been looking for her friends since she’d arrived at the ruins, but hadn’t found anyone yet. Even extending her Observation as far as she could hadn’t let her pick up on any of the ‘voices’ of her nakama.


Vivi sighed as a bullet hole appeared in her body.

She might not have been able to find any of her friends, but her observation had easily picked up the Shandian warrior behind her.

The warrior had his face painted and carried an oddly modified rifle in his hands. He looked at Vivi wide-eyed in shock, seeing the hole he blasted through her, but no blood and not a single sound of pain or discomfort from her. When the hole closed up, leaving Vivi completely unharmed, the warrior raised his rifle again.

“Stop that.” Vivi spoke and sand wrapped around the man. Vivi slowly clenched her fist, increasing he pressure the sand was putting on the warrior until he cried out in pain and then went silent. The sand fell away and the Shandian man collapsed to the stone roof with a thud, unconscious but alive.

Now that the threat had been dealt with, Vivi dispersed into sand and flew threw the air as a swirling cloud of sand, like a miniature sandstorm.

Upper Yard Survival Game: One More Down

Twenty-Seven Remain

-God’s Temple-

“Lord Enel, you’ve returned!” One of the older men with a thick beard welcomed him back.


Enel blasted the attendant with electricity, sending the charred man collapsing to the ground.

“L-Lord Enel?!” Another of the trio of old, neared attendants questioned, backing up in fright. “H-Have we d-done something to displease you?!”

“I merely have no more use for this temple nor this land.” Enel answered with a self-satisfied smile on his face. Maxim was complete! Now all that remained was to toss aside this temple and all of Skypiea before making his way to the Endless Vearth!


The second older man was blasted with electricity and fell.

“Yahahaha!” Enel’s entire body lit up with electricity and he blitzed around the temple faster than most could hope to follow with their eyes. The temple was blasted apart one piece at a time, first the roof, then one of the walls, and then the outside pagoda.

The servants and attendants screamed and fled for their lives, unknowing of why Enel was doing this, but wanting to try and survive no matter how slim the chance.

Enel saw the fleeing servants and smirked. With his golden staff he tapped the top two drums on the large metal ring that was attached to his upper back. “60,000,000 Volt Jamboule!” The two drums sparked and glowed with bright white-blue electricity before launching a torrent in the shape of a serpentine dragon leapt from them and headed for the fleeing people.






The fleeing group all collapsed, smoke rising from their burned bodies.

“Yahahaha!” Enel aimed his palm at the temple again. “El Thor!” A blast of electricity roared from his arm and blew apart more of the temple.

If any of the ‘players’ of his survival game made it up here, they’d find no victory nor any challenge. Just his message that nothing within Skypiea was of any worth to him. The megalomaniac with a god complex laughed to himself at his wit and the futility of the Shandians and Blue Sea dwellers that thought to challenge him.

Enel landed atop the large gate that separated God’s Temple form the outside world with a dark smirk on his face. “100,000,000 Volt Vari!” His entire body discharged electricity all at once in a massive blast that made the gate beneath his feet explode into burning debris. Soon his message would be left perfectly for whoever would find it.

-Gan Fall’s Home-

“Sir, are you sure that you should go?” Pagaya questioned the former God of Skypiea.

Gan Fall continued to don his armor. “Yes. Even I can feel that something has changed within Upper Yard.” He put his helmet on his head. He’d not heard the whistle that he’d given the Blue Sea dwellers go off. Which meant that they hadn’t needed his help even after spending this much time within Upper Yard. “If the Blue Sea dwellers have truly caused this much challenge to Enel, then I must take this chance to try and rescue my former attendants that were taken prisoner!” Gan Fall picked up his lance. “Pierre!”

“Pieee!” The large pink polka-dotted bird quickly came over to Gan Fall.

Conis watched as Gan Fall mounted his trusted flying steed and forced herself to speak up. “Almighty… Gan Fall,” She knew that the old man didn’t believe that he was worthy to be called ‘Almighty’ any longer. “If you see the Blue Sea people…please tell them that I’m so sorry for getting them caught up in our island’s problems!” It was all her fault that those nice people had been dragged into this.

“I will tell them, young lady.” Gan Fall promised Conis then and there. “However,” He gave the young woman a kind smile. “I very much doubt that they blame you for anything that has happened.” With that Pierre flapped his wings and took off into the air, quickly flying towards Upper Yard.

“Please, be safe.” Conis clasped her hands and prayed.

-End Chapter-


Robin! You’re so dark!

We all still love her though! Kek!

Yama was thoroughly dealt with by an angered archaeologist!

Robin will surely put those Axe Dials to good use, right?

Satori’s younger brothers, Hotori and Kotori, attack the Going Merry like in Canon!

Unlike Canon, however, Enel never visited and took out Sanji and Usopp!

The difference made the two sub-commanders not much of a challenge for the five Straw Hats!

Maxim is now complete!

How does Enel ‘celebrate’?

By destroying God’s Temple as a message that he no longer has any use for it or Skypiea as a whole!

Luffy has gotten a new idea put into his head that might just lead to him meeting Enel fairly soon though!

How will the meeting between the Goro Goro no Mi user and the Biri Biri no Mi user go down?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



That meeting will be electrifying!


Enel: "You dare to challenge God?" Luffy: *Cracks knuckles* "I'm gonna punch you in the face!"


The idea of Robin with Axe Dials is terrifying, thank you for the great chapter! Keep up the good work!


What are you going to do with Spandam sword? You could give it to Usopp or Nami.


Luffy and Enel's fight is sure to be shocking. I wonder how many times Enel will shoot lightning bolts at Luffy before he finally realizes that they don't work against him at all, and maybe even recharge him (the earlier one that Luffy took for Conis doesn't count). (And seriously, can Logies absorb their own element? I'm seriously asking). If you kill Enel (and I'm guessing you will), do you plan to give its fruit to someone else?


I'm not planning to recycle every Devil Fruit. Some will simply vanish to their next incarnation and not be seen by the Straw Hats again. Also, we saw Ace absorb fire when he fought Blackbeard, so yeah, Logia can presumably absorb their own elements.

Boss Redd

The fatman finally got what he deserved it was well worth the wait


Good chapter can’t wait for more and wondering who will get Enel fruit I keep thinking nami


No one is getting the Fruit. It's not like a Devil Fruit HAS to respawn nearby or anything.


Oh ok just thinking of Luffy teaching Nami how to be electric like him would be interesting but that works, my other question is that will you give Luffy the Black captains coat again? I always would like to see him similar to other captains in one piece wearing captains coats.


I can’t wait for more chapters and your stories are all amazing


Hmm...the next time he'd probably wear his Captain's coat again would be... Spoilers! Kek! No looking ahead! lol


Ok fair enough But still nice to see him in that anyway that was a nice touch at Mocktown as it made me so happy to see that for him since it makes it so official that he is getting respect as a captain.