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Hey, friends and fans...

I was just informed that my grandmother passed away.

She was over 80 years old, and her health and mental faculties had shown a rather sharp decline in the last two months. So, we were expecting it to happen sometime in the next month or so.

Still...it's hard...she's been around all my life, of course, so it's hard to imagine a world without her.

I might not be active tomorrow or the next day. I hope to know about the funeral plans soon since my uncle is taking care of everything.

Once things settle down a bit, I'll bring you all more writing.

Take time to tell your family that you love them; you never know how much time you have left.


Sebastian Pineda

Take all the time you need I was the same way earlier this year with my grandmother as well so I understand completely


Sorry to here about that man. You have my condolences.


I'm sorry for your loss


You have my deepest condolences. Take all the time you need to process this


Man take as long as you need it’s most important to take care of your self and your family in times like this


Sorry for your loss take all the time you need


No problem man, something happened with my grandpa a while back, I know what you're going through. So take your time man, if you gotta take a break for while to mourn, then do what ya gotta do man.


my condolences and take all the time you need

Devon Smith

Sorry for your loss. Losing family is never easy, especially a member you're really close to. I lost my own grandmother a year ago, but in her case by the time she passed I'd been wishing for months that she could just be put out of her misery, which is sad because of how she used to be before she went downhill. Not the least of this is the fact that she was my mother in all the ways that mattered, since my biological mother was and continues to be a complete mess of a person. Anyway, almost a whole decade before she passed she'd lost all her lifelong personal memorabilia between a house fire and a subsequent storage unit foreclosure, and she was never the same since. Before then she was such a character, especially for her age. Mid-70s at the tail end of it and she'd always get a kick out of asking people to guess her age, because everyone thought she was younger than she was. A couple people thought she was my mother rather than my grandmother. After she lost everything it was like her age caught up to her overnight. She lost all of her strength and became almost bedridden, it was a chore for her just to get from her room at the end of the hall to her recliner in the living room. Mind you, she tried to be who she was, but within the year she started to develop dementia. She would suffer sudden inexplicable pain throughout her body. I think the doctors called it 'fibromyalgia'? Not sure what that is exactly. Honestly, besides wishing she'd be put out of her misery for years before it happened, I'm just grateful she passed before she started to forget us. Unfortunately, because I'm me and my memory sucks like that, despite everything she did for me and all I experienced with her, both good and bad, I can't even remember her face anymore. So yes, cherish your family while you have them. And perhaps, if you struggle like me with faces, create some physical memories to last beyond their passing.


As a sad coincidence my grandmother passed away too just yesterday in fact……all I can say is stay strong and find comfort with your loved ones…

Sean Quinn

Come back to write for us only if you feel you need it to grieve properly, or if you have recovered from this loss. Family is a separate issue that affects all of a person's life. The longer you have with them, the heavier the toll of the loss. We thank you for all you have done for us and want you to know we are supporting you, so take this time for yourself and your Family. When the time comes and your feelings and thoughts are back in order, or as close as they can get, we will welcome your return and the return of the stories you gift us with. Prayers and well wishes for you and your Family.


Sorry for your loss and thank you for being an amazing story writer. Take your time and deal with what you need to i love your stories and want to read even more of them but your mental health and everything else matter to us as well so please take care of yourself and take the time you need

Darrell P. Bell

I’m sorry for your loss. Know now that her soul isn’t burdened with the illnesses and difficulties that her body has caused her. Take your time to let your family (and yourself) heal from this.

Calvin Morris

My sympathies for your loss, take all the time you need to recuperate and mourn, and know that you are not alone.


You take as long as you need I remember when mine past away when I was 13 it felt awful and I still feel that sadness every year on her birthday as she helped raise me. So do us all a favor and remember the happiness that she brought to you and allow yourself time to grieve. We are all with you.

Christian Jeffress

My condolences and sorry for your loss, absolutely take anytime you need to grieve.


My condolences, all my best through this difficult time.

Carl Brewer

Sorry for your loss but remember all the good times that's what I did when my grandmother passed a few years ago hope everything works out for you and your family. Take your time and mourn for your loss.

Nakul Dave

My condolences


Sorry for your lost


I've lost my grandma too I feel for your loss man

Kurei Dragonscale

I'm sorry to hear about that. It's never easy to lose family.


In sorry for your loss dude, I lost one of my mamaws a year or two ago so I understand your pain.

Sam Winchester

I'm sorry for your loss. I too have lost people that I cared about and its never easy. Take all the time you need in order to process your grief even if it takes weeks take your time. Don't worry about writing.


I’m sorry for your loss if you wanna go on a hiatus while you process and grieve then take all the time you need

Clark Kent

My condolences.

Frybread boy

Condolences to you and your family.


My condolences, all my best through this difficult time.


Toute mes condoléances et bon courage à toi


For what little it’s worth I’m sorry to hear that


I understand that pain, my mawmaw died two years ago, now it seems like my pawpaw won't be long till he joins her. I still can't eat biscuits without tearing up because she always made good ones from scratch. As a 28 year old man I feel no shame from lovingly addressing family exactly as I did when I was a kid


Sorry for your loss. Family comes first. Write when you can and when your heart is into it again.


Take your time man. Come back when you can and take care of yourself you read?


I am sorry for your loss. I hope it will get easier for you with time, but I know it won't be easy. My grandfather died almost 10 years ago, and I still miss him. Forget about Patreon for now, you will come back to writing when you feel better. We can wait. You have much more important things on your mind. Take care.

Sam Wilson

I always let my loved ones know that I love them. take your time good sir you have a right to mourn and I am sorry for your loss

Randy Burns

Sorry to hear that man. I was shattered when I lost my grandmother, I hope you're doing alright.