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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another new chapter! Our Stronk Bell is pushing himself and working hard to get even a little closer to his dream of being a Hero. But life is full of obstacles, and the path to self-betterment is riddled with roadblocks. But using both strength of will and strength of body, Bell seeks to remove those obstacles and improve! Desire, Focus, Effort, and Resolve can move mountains if given enough time. With the Blessing of the God of the Masses and also the one known as ‘Remover of Obstacles’, such things may just be seen firsthand by Orario!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 2 – Effort and Growth

In the large outside area behind the Ganesha Familia home, Bell was taking a day off from the Dungeon. He’d gone into the Dungeon every day for a week straight, and then Ardee had put her foot down; telling him to take a day off. Even Shakti had strongly advised Bell to take a break from the Dungeon. Both women had done it out of concern for him though, which Bell appreciated.

“Fifty-three…” Bell pulled his chin above the bar he was working out on, his feet off the ground. “Fifty-four…” Another rep as he worked towards his goal.

“Bell…” Ardee’s voice came from behind him. She sounded slightly exasperated with him as she walked around the bar so that they could be face-to-face with each other. “This isn’t what Shakti and I meant when we said you should take a break.” The beautiful young woman did let her eyes roam over his shirtless body though.

“It isn’t?” Bell did another pull-up. “Fifty-five…”

“No, we were hoping you’d relax, or go out into the city some more.” Ardee shook her head with a smile. “It’s okay to take a day off and just let yourself rest, you know?”

Bell did another rep. “I did go out to buy some books the other day.” He told Ardee with a smile.

“Heroic Tales, right?” Ardee giggled cutely, as Bell did another rep. She was fond of those stories too, with Argonaut being one of her favorites. Finding out that Bell enjoyed them had been something that the two had started to bond over. “How about we go around the city together? I can show you some places and introduce you to a few people.”

“Really?” Bell brightened up considerable as he performed another rep. “I’d like that, Miss Ardee.”

Ardee almost pouted at him. “Bell, it’s just Ardee.” Her cerulean eyes followed his as he did another rep.

“R-right, sorry, Ardee.” Bell was still getting used to Ardee allowing him to be so casual with her. “One second.” He did one last rep before letting go of the bar and landing on his feet. “Sixty.”

“How long have you been out here, by the way?” Ardee questioned, noticing the light sheen of sweat on Bell’s skin.

“About two hours or so?” Bell estimated after looking at the sun’s position.

Ardee blinked to break her staring. “Take a shower then and I’ll meet you out front.” She smiled at him brightly.

“Sure thing, thanks for showing me around, Ardee!” Bell beamed at her before jogging off to head for his room and then the showers.

“You’re welcome.” Ardee called out before Bell disappeared inside. Once he was gone, she lightly slapped her hands onto her cheeks. “Focus!” Ardee grumbled to herself as her mind kept the imagine of a shirtless, sweaty Bell firmly in the forefront. “You’re not some horny schoolgirl! You’re a woman, and his senior in the Familia!” Then her mind went on a tangent about how she’d basically offered Bell a date around the city. ‘It doesn’t count as a date if I’m showing him around!’ The young woman shook her head side to side to banish the thoughts.

-Later ~ Hephaestus Familia Shop=

“What the hell…?” The blacksmith blinked as Bell set Banry­ū on the counter along with his armor. “Where’d you get this monstrosity?” The man questioned Bell curiously.

“From the Hephaestus Familia shop on the eight floor of Babel Tower.” Bell replied, looking a little confused by the blacksmith’s question.

“Really?” The blacksmith looked perplexed that such a weapon would be made by a member of his Familia.

“I just need my weapon and my armor given some maintenance before I go back into the Dungeon.” Bell requested politely.

“Right, sure thing, come pick them up tonight.” The blacksmith was nothing if not a professional. Even with the ludicrously-sized weapon, the smiths of Hephaestus Familia would have basic maintenance done in a single day.

A Dwarf blacksmith came over upon seeing the massive Banry­ū on the counter. “What’s wrong, Allen? Is the weapon too heavy for ya?” The Dwarf man chuckled as he ribbed his coworker and fellow Familia member.

“Shut up, Tok, I’ve got it.” The human blacksmith waved off the Dwarf. “You carry his armor.” With a heft, Banry­­­ū was lifted off the counter by the blacksmith and carefully carried into the back so that it wouldn’t knock into anything. The Dwarf blacksmith chuckled as he took Bell’s armor and followed after his friend into the forge.

Outside, Ardee smiled as Bell emerged from the shop. “All done?”

“Yeah, I was told to come pick them up tonight.” Bell nodded as the two headed out. “Thanks for showing me a shop closer to our home.”

“No problem, Bell.” Ardee waved off his thanks. “I’ll show you all sorts of places so that you know where to go and how to navigate the city. Plus, I’ll introduce you to a friend of mine.”

“A friend?” Bell looked curious.

“You’ll see.” Ardee grinned at him. “I’d have introduced you to more friends, but a few of them are busy because their Familia is about to go on an expedition.”

Bell marveled at that. “An expedition, huh? You have to be at least Level 2 to go on an expedition, right?”

“In most Familias that’s the case, though it also depends on which Floor of the Dungeon the expedition is aiming for as well. Sometimes they won’t take anyone below Level 3.” Ardee explained as they made their way down the street.

“I wonder when I’ll be strong enough to go on an expedition?” Bell hummed thoughtfully.

“Give it time, Bell.” Ardee laughed lightly. “There’s no rush.”

“You’re Level 3, right, Ardee?” Bell recalled asking shortly after meeting her.

Ardee nodded with a smile. “Yep. I’m just about as high as I can go for a Level 3 like me.” She’d tried to increase her stats over the last few years, but the gains were slower now that she’d leveled up twice. She could try for a Grand Feat in the hopes of leveling up, but that would most likely require her to go rather deep into the Dungeon to find a challenge worthy of being called such. “With all of the work that we do around Orario, Shakti and I aren’t in the Dungeon too often anymore. Shakti had been Level 5 for almost seven years now, just like I’ve been a Level 3.”

“That’s still amazing though.” Bell smiled at Ardee, clearly impressed by her and Shakti. “I’ve only just gotten some of my stats to ‘H’, so I know that I have a long way to go. But someday, I’m going to be strong like you two.” He said it with such conviction that Ardee could only stare at him for a long moment.

“I’m sure that you will be, Bell.” Ardee encouraged him with a grin. “Maybe I’ll spar with you sometimes and we can both help each other out?”

“I’d love that, Ardee.” Bell’s smile nearly blinded Ardee, making her heart thump in her chest for a second.

“Let’s go see the Amphitheatron, Bell.” Ardee grinned and took his hand in hers. “We host the annual Monsterphilia there, and you can meet some of the Xenos.”

“What’s a Xenos?” Bell questioned as he was led along. He rather liked seeing Ardee so happy; especially while she was holding his hand.

“A Tamed Monster.” Ardee smiled at him as they headed towards the large coliseum in the distance.

- Amphitheatron-

Bell marveled at the architecture of the large coliseum as Ardee showed him around. It was one of the largest structures in Orario, so of course it was impressive.

Ardee showed him the various areas, like the holding room where they kept Monsters that they brought up from the Dungeon for the festival, and the restricted areas that were only for the Ganesha Familia to access. It was in one such restricted area that Bell got to meet his first Xenos.

“Ardicchi!” A red Lizardman raised his hand to wave at Ardee, giving his best ‘smile’ as much as his jaws would allow.

Bell could only stare in surprise to see a Monster speaking and acting like a person.

“Hello, Lyd.” Ardee greeted the Lizardman with a smile. “Training hard for the festival?”

“Always!” Lyd laughed, placing his right hand on his left bicep. “We’ll give them one hell of a show!” He noticed Bell still staring at him and tilted his head slightly. “Who is he?”

“Lyd, this is Bell Cranel, the newest member of Ganesha Familia.” Ardee introduced the two. “Bell, this is Lyd, a Lizardman Xenos, which makes him an honorary member of Ganesha Familia.”

“Honorary?” Bell looked and noticed that the chest armor that Lyd was wearing did indeed have the Familia Emblem on it. “Nice to meet you, Lyd.” He put his hand out for a handshake.

“Nice to meet you, Bellcchi!” Lyd proved to be very casual in his manner of speaking as he instantly gave Bell a nickname while shaking his hand.

“So, you’re a Xenos.” Bell smiled at Lyd. “You’re incredible.”

“Hahaha, you’ll make me blush, Bellcchi!” Lyd rubbed the back of his head, his scales making a slight sound as they rubbed against each other. “I was just born a bit different from other Monsters and had the ability to learn with proper help.”

The trio chatted for a bit longer before Ardee and Bell left, going to see more of the city together.

“It’s about lunch time, how about we go and get some food?” Ardee suggested as the two walked together.

“I could eat.” Bell agreed with a nod.

“Good, I know a great place.” Ardee once more took his hand in hers as she led him along.

It was several minutes later that they were standing in front of pub.

“The Hostess of Fertility?” Bell read off the sign.

“Yep! It’s pretty popular and has great food.” Ardee grinned. “Plus, I have a friend that works here.” She gently pulled him along and they entered the establishment.

“Welcome, nya!” A brunette Cat Girl welcomed Bell and Ardee when she noticed them. “Oh? It’s Ardee, nya!”

“Hello, Anya.” Ardee smiled at the waitress. “Two for lunch, please.”

“Sure thing, nya!” Anya smiled as she guided the over to a free table. “Is this white hair your boyfriend, nya?” The teasing tone wasn’t lost on either Bell or Ardee.

“He’s the newest member of my Familia, Anya; I’m showing him around Orario.” Ardee explained, indulging the Cat Girl a little.

“Ardee has a boyfriend, nya!” Anya called out to the back as she headed towards the kitchen.

“Anya!” Ardee felt her cheeks get slightly warm at what Anya was spreading around.

Bell couldn’t help but chuckle at the byplay between the two women. “She seems fun. Is that your friend?”

“She’s a friend…sometimes.” Ardee breathed out, letting the heat in her cheeks fade. “Other times, she’s a little silly.”

“Ardee.” A soft, almost musical, voice greeted Ardee from behind Bell. The speaker was a lovely Elf woman with light green hair and blue eyes. She was wearing the same green waitress outfit that Anya had been wearing: a white frilled headband, matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots over black leggings. Bell noticed that her skin was clear and white, almost like snow, and barley kept himself from just staring at the woman. “It’s good to see you again.”

“Ryu, it’s been a little bit.” Ardee returned the greeting, standing up from her chair and giving Ryu a short, gentle hug; one that was returned by the Elf woman.

“Anya didn’t ask for your drinks or take your orders; she was rather insistent that I do so.” Ryu explained to Ardee while placing two menus on the table. “I apologize for any inconvenience.”

“It’s no problem, Ryu, it gives us more chances to talk.” Ardee smiled at Ryu. “Bell, this is my friend, Ryu.” She motioned to the Elf as she introduced the two. “Ryu, this is the newest member of Ganesha Familia, Bell Cranel.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Ryu.” Bell smiled at the lovely Elf woman.

“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Cranel.” Ryu bowed her head slightly.

“Hehehe… See, Ryu, this guy is Ardee’s boyfriend!” Anya teased as she sidled up to Ryu’s side.

“You will be silent.” Ryu’s hand was a blur as she smacked the Cat Girl upside the head.

“NYA?!” Anya cried out, covering her head with her hands as she scampered back towards the kitchen.

“I apologize for her.” Ryu bowed to Ardee and Bell.

“It’s fine.” Ardee waved it off, but both she and Bell had just a faint dusting of pink on their cheeks as they briefly avoided eye contact.

“I’ll take your drink orders while you look over the menu.” Ryu offered as she pulled out a pad and pencil.

“I think some fruit juice would be nice.” Ardee picked out her beverage. “I’ll leave which one up to you, Ryu.” The two were good friends and Ryu knew what Ardee liked.

“Very well.” Ryu wrote it down anyway. “For you, Mr. Cranel?” She looked at Bell, her blue eyes meeting his rubellite gaze.

“I’ll have the ale.” Bell chose with a nod.

Ardee raised an eyebrow at Bell. “Drinking at noon, Bell? What an example you set.” She teased him good-naturedly.

“I’m only having the one to try.” Bell waved her off with a small smile. “I’m not some drunkard.” He assured her with a chuckle.

“I will return shortly.” Ryu finished writing Bell’s drink down. As she walked back towards the kitchen there was a tiny smile on her lips. ‘Those two seem close.’ Ardee could make friends with almost anyone; a trait that Ryu somewhat envied her friend for.

“Oh? Is that the rumored boyfriend?” A human girl with bluish gray hair that was tied with a small knot in a ponytail style asked. Her eyes were the same color as her hair and she had light and smooth skin. She wore the same waitress outfit as both Anya and Ryu.

“Syr,” Ryu gave her friend a small smile. “Don’t listen to Anya.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked around for the Cat Girl in the kitchen.

“Teehee, but they do look cute together~” Syr giggled as she looked at Ardee and Bell chatting at their table. The slight lilt in her voice hinted that she may just try and play matchmaker. It was a little habit of Syr’s, one that all of the employees at the Hostess had seen multiple times before.

“Be nice, Syr.” Ryu requested of her friend while filling Bell and Ardee’s drink orders.

Syr giggled softly. “When am I ever not nice?”

-Later ~ IamGanesha-

It was evening when Ardee and Bell returned home. Bell had his armor and Banry­ū back from the Hephaestus Familia shop as it had been the final stop of their day together.

“Thanks for spending the day showing me around, Ardee.” Bell smiled warmly at her.

“It was no big deal, Bell; I had fun today.” Ardee returned his smile with her own.

“I had fun too.” Bell agreed as they walked up the stairs side by side.

Ardee wouldn’t say it out loud, but her heart felt warm and there were butterflies in her stomach when Bell said that. “I guess we could spar together whenever we’re both free. If you still want to do that.”

“Of course, thank you for spending the time helping me, Ardee.” Bell beamed at her thankfully.

“Sure, Bell, I’m happy to.” Ardee giggled, seeing how interested Bell was in sparring with her.

“This is my floor.” Bell mentioned as they got to the floor that his room was on. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ardee.”

“See you tomorrow, Bell.” Ardee waved and watched him walk away for a long moment before heading up the stairs towards the floor that her room was on.

She wasn’t expecting to see her older sister on the next landing.

“You two are getting quite close.” Shakti mentioned, a small grin playing on her lips.

“It’s not like that.” Ardee shook her head.

“So that wasn’t you two coming back from a date?” Shakti clearly didn’t believe that.

“No…” Ardee denied slowly.

“Uh huh.” Shakti looked amused at the denial.

Ardee forced herself not to blush. “If anyone could use a date, it’s you, you workaholic.”

“I’m not a workaholic. I just know that certain things won’t get done if I’m not there.” Shakti corrected her little sister. “But… A date with Bell may not be so bad. You clearly enjoyed yourself.”

“Shakti!” Ardee was pouting at her big sister now and not even trying to hide it.

Shakti laughed at the look, having not seen it in a few years now. She pulled Ardee into a hug and gently ran her fingers through her little sister’s hair. “Give it time, Ardee; I doubt Bell will prove to be anything but a good man.”

“Mm.” Ardee returned the hug, laying her head on Shakti’s shoulder. “If he’s a good man, we should keep him.” The younger sister laughed lightly.

“If you’re willing to share.” Shakti teased, squeezing her little sister tighter for a moment. “I doubt Bell would complain.”

“You really do need a date.” Ardee teased right back as they both pulled back from the hug.

“I’m busy, so there’s not much time for such things.” Shakti shrugged, not having taken interest in a man in a long time.

“Excuses.” Ardee giggled, taking her big sister’s hand and walking with her towards the Captain’s room.

Bell was unaware of any stirring feelings or plots being directed at him as he got ready for bed that night.

-Next Day ~ Dungeon Fourth Floor-

Bell kicked a Goblin into a Kobold, sending both of them crashing into the wall with audible cracking sounds. A Dungeon Lizard attempted to drop down on him from above, but Bell swung Banry­ū around and cleaved the falling lizard in half easily. Three more Kobolds were cut down in one swing as they came at Bell in a rush. A snarling Goblin had its head nearly smashed by Bell’s fist as he punched it into two others. The two living Goblins both died as Bell split them in half with his massive blade. He punched a Kobold, shattering its jaw before grabbing the flailing Monster and swinging it bodily into a second Kobold. Both Monsters died in a shower of blood and gore as Banry­ū cut them down, sending their bisected bodies in two different directions.

“Hah…” Bell sighed as he cleaned off the large blade with the cloth that he had for it. “I know it’s not recommended to go down to the Fifth Floor without stats in the ‘G’ range. But this isn’t enough.” He’d barely struggled against this group of Monsters even alone. “It was a good start to the day though.” Bell counted up the Monsters he’d killed. “Nine already, and I just got down here.”

If Bell kept up this pace today, he might even break his personal record for number of Monsters slain in one day.

-IamGanesha ~ Evening-

“I am Ganesha!” Ganesha greeted Bell as the white-haired young man entered his office. He was happy that Bell was always seeking to improve himself. “Let’s see how much you’re hard work has bettered you today, Bell!”

“Yes, Lord Ganesha.” Bell chuckled at Ganesha’s exuberance, pulling off his shirt and sitting with his back facing his God.

A single drop of blood was placed on Bell’s back, bringing out his Falna in the normal blue-white light. Ganesha watched Bell’s Excelia, once more seeing just how hard his child was working in the Dungeon. “Your growth continues to be rather impressive for one so new to being an Adventurer; but that’s to be expected with how much hard work you’re putting in.” Ganesha praised Bell for his efforts as he moved the Excelia over and completed the update.

After copying over the Status Update to a blank paper, Ganesha looked it over for a second before handing it to Bell.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – H 101 > H 124

Endurance – I 95 > H 118

Dexterity – H 100 > H 123

Agility – I 93 > H 116

Magic – I 0




Life Vigor – Raises Strength by a large amount and promotes healing. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.

Vitality – Raises Endurance by a large amount, reduces the effects of and disperses all status ailments over time. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.


“Well, everything is ‘H’ now.” Bell smiled at his new update. Behind his rubellite eyes there was contemplation though. ‘I hunt more and more each day, but the amount I gain only increases a little.’ It’s not like he wanted to rush or anything…but still. ‘I want to get stronger. I want to become a Hero.’ That desire burned fiercely in his heart and soul. It was an all encompassing drive that not many could fathom.

-Next Morning ~ Ganesha Familia Training Area-

“You both want to spar with me?” Bell looked between Shakti and Ardee, both women wearing their Adventurer gear.

“Yes.” Shakti nodded to Bell. “I’ve seen that look in your eyes before, on many others, Bell. You’re growth isn’t what you expected, right?”

“How did…?” Bell blinked at Shakti being able to read him so easily.

Ardee sighed at Bell. “There really is no need to rush, Bell. You’ll get stronger in time.” Left unsaid was that she didn’t want him to fall prey to the same fate many Adventurers did when they pushed too far, too fast.

“You’ll spar with both of us this morning, first barehanded, then with weapons after a break.” Shakti informed Bell of the schedule that they’d be following. She’d specifically cleared out time in her own schedule to make sure they had plenty of time to spar together.

“Thank you very much, Captain Shakti!” Bell bowed to her at the waist.

“Hey… What about me?” Ardee playfully pouted at Bell.

“Thank you very much, Ardee!” Bell bowed to her as well, making Ardee laugh at how seriously he’d taken her.

“Let’s go.” Ardee grinned as she set her sword aside and stretched. She interlocked her fingers and then moved them above her head, stretching her arms out. In the process she spread her legs and leaned forward to stretch out her back. This inadvertently thrust her chest out, distracting Bell as he watched.

“I know she’s very lovely, Bell, but you should get ready.” Shakti had the barest hint of a grin on her lips as both Bell and Ardee jumped slightly at her words.

“Ready?” Ardee asked, her cheeks slightly pink.

“Ready.” Bell took up his stance, ready to give his all against a Level 3 Adventurer.

Ardee was suddenly in his guard, her fist landing against his stomach. Bell had barely had time to tighten his muscles to help deal with the blow. He skidded backwards across the ground, making small trenches with his feet.

Fast!’ Bell exclaimed in his mind at the speed of Ardee’s attack.

Ardee moved again, chasing after Bell, but this time he reacted. A powerful roundhouse kick forced Ardee to abort her attack. This was followed up by a spinning, reverse crescent kick aimed at her head. The Level 3 ducked beneath it, only to blink as Bell showed incredible body control by not only stopping his momentum, but transferring it over to his right fist which he swung upwards towards Ardee’s chin.

“Whoa!” Ardee took a half-step backwards to avoid the uppercut. “You’re good, Bell!” She pivoted to block the chop that the missed uppercut had turned into, and landed a punch to Bell’s side. Once again, Ardee marveled at how solid Bell’s body was as he only grunted while bracing his legs against the ground.

Bell struck with a jab, aiming at Ardee’s face. The Level 3 easily backed off, making the blow come up short, though the breeze that came off the jab was still felt as it lightly moved her hair. Bell moved again, his right leg coming at Ardee from the side. She blocked it with one hand, only to blink as Bell pulled his leg back without leaving his position, balanced perfectly on his left leg. A rain of kicks came at Ardee, and she blocked each and every one of them.

Is she being pushed back?’ Shakti’s eyes were following the spar easily enough. Even minute details were picked up on, like the fact that her younger sister’s feet were moving backwards through the dirt as she blocked every one of Bell’s rapid kicks with only a bit of effort. ‘How strong was he before being Blessed?

Ardee broke off from the exchange of kicks and blocks, making Bell’s last kick go wide. She took advantage and slipped into his guard, landing a knee strike to his stomach. “Seriously? Your abs are like armor!” Ardee felt the strength that resisted her attack. Sure, her Strength stat was never one of her highest (that went to her Dexterity stat, followed by her Magic stat) but as a Level 3 her strikes should still be enough to put down any Level 1.

“Thanks!” Bell smiled as he landed a punch and launched Ardee backwards through the air. He took off after her and his foot left an imprint in the dirt from a powerful stomp as he launched a sidekick at the airborne woman.


Bell’s head rocked back from the unexpected kick to the face. Ardee had placed her hands on his leg mid-kick and used it as a balance to flip forward and slam her heel into his face. Bell could feel and smell the blood from his new nosebleed.

“Mmf!” Bell’s eyes went wide as Ardee wrapped her thighs around his head and took him down to the ground with her momentum and bodyweight. He found himself lying on his back, his face pressed into the front of Ardee’s spat-like shorts. The sheer position sent Bell’s mind reeling for a long moment and it wasn’t until he tried to breathe that he realized that Ardee had actually cut off his air supply with the way that she’d landed on him. That didn’t prevent Bell from inhaling, though, letting him deeply smell Ardee’s scent and once more send his emotions and instincts into turmoil.

“Oh? Giving up, Bell?” Ardee giggled when Bell tapped her leg repeatedly. She placed her hands on the ground in front of her and then easily flipped over, landing on her feet and then standing up to her full height.

Bell’s rubellite eyes were hazy and unfocused, but there was also a dopey smile on his face as he lay on the ground for a moment longer. Seeing that look made Ardee blush slightly, knowing that she’d had other options to take Bell down; but that she’d purposefully chosen this one.

Bell climbed back to his feet and shook his head once to clear it. “Thank you for the spar, Ardee.” He smiled at her, cleaning the blood off his face and finding out that his nosebleed had not only stopped, but the damage had already healed as well. ‘This must be Life Vigor at work. This Skill is really useful!

“You’re welcome, Bell.” Ardee returned his smile with one of her own.

Shakti stepped forward after the two had their ‘moment’ and took up her own stance. “Whenever you’re ready Bell.”

“Yes, Miss Shakti!” Bell took up his stance again while Ardee moved off to the side to watch.

Shakti looked into Bell’s eyes and spoke. “Go all out, Bell. If you don’t, I doubt you’ll be able to do much in this spar.”

“Alright.” Bell tightened his stance before leaping forward. His fist struck Shakti’s palm, even though he’d aimed at her face. “Huh?” He hadn’t even seen her move to block! The small gust kicked up from the blocked punch seemed to slightly impress Shakti.

“That’s not all you have, right, Bell?” Shakti raised an eyebrow at him, still calm and cool as always.

Bell’s answer was to pivot on his foot and launch a roundhouse kick at Shakti. But the Captain only raised her arm and blocked the blow, barely sliding across the ground at all. Bell skipped forward on his left leg and unleashed a barrage of kicks at Shakti, but the woman showed her own incredible martial prowess and body control by dodging each one while barely moving her feet. She swayed around Bell’s kicks as if she saw them in slow motion or something.

“Hup!” Bell dropped low and kicked upward from the ground, catching Shakti from below. The Level 5 had blocked that too, but with nothing to brace herself against, she went flying into the air. Bell crouched down and then leapt with all of his might, leaving impressions of his shoes in the dirt. He was above Shakti a split-second later as she reached the apex of her sudden flight. Bell flipped around and slammed a kick down on Shakti with as much power as he could put behind it.

“Hm.” Shakti had both of her hands above her head, having blocked the attack with her forearms. She hit the ground on both feet, her knees bending to absorb the impact, even as the ground below her feet nearly exploded into clumps of dirt and dust. “He’s got quite a lot of power already. He really must’ve been in the realm of a Level 1 Adventurer before being Blessed.” Shakti’s analysis was interrupted as Bell came down from his fall and grabbed both of her wrists, he pulled her arms away from her head and then drove his knee down onto the top of her skull.

The ground cracked further under the blow, but Shakti only looked mildly fazed by the clean hit to her head. Bell leapt away and examined Shakti for movement. When she turned to look at him, her hair a little disheveled as she stood up to her full height, Shakti raised her right fist.

“Is that all, Bell?” Shakti questioned, before her fist blurred forward and an audible snap (like a whip) was heard. The air in front of Shakti’s fist let out a boom as a shockwave was released and slammed into Bell. A dust cloud formed from the strike as Bell just stared at Shakti with wide eyes. When the small cloud cleared away, it showed Bell’s torn shirt barely clinging to his torso as scraps of cloth, revealing his physique to Shakti and Ardee’s eyes once more.

“Nice.” Ardee murmured under her breath. This was good training for Bell, and she and Shakti got some eye candy out of it. A win-win scenario if there ever was one.

“You’re amazing…Miss Shakti.” Bell eventually regained his ability to speak.

“Thank you.” Shakti smiled at him. “Are you done?”

“Not yet.” Bell grinned as he tore off the scraps of his shirt and moved into Shakti’s guard. The Level 5 looked at Bell curiously as he spun into a blur and then began raining strikes on her body with both fists and legs. “Meitei: Kūryū Ken!” Bell unleashed the advanced technique of the Void Fist onto the Level 5 woman.

A constant rain of powerful strikes to breakdown an enemy without giving them a chance to retaliate. Not bad, Bell.’ Shakti thought to herself, feeling the blows, but knowing that the sheer Level difference between them made the vast majority of them irrelevant. Not to mention her Skills on top of that. Without a sound, she countered.

Bell didn’t know when it happened.

One second, he was finishing his rain of strikes on Shakti, the next, he was lying a good distance away with a dull, throbbing pain emanating from the center of his torso. Forcing himself to look up, Bell saw Shakti’s palm raised and was able to put two and two together. ‘I didn’t even see that palm strike!’ He laid his head back on the ground and just tried to breathe normally. If his Life Vigor was as helpful as it seemed, this injury should be healed up if he just gave it a little time.

“You did great, Bell.” Ardee leaned over, her hands on her knees, to smile down at Bell.

“Thank you, Ardee.” Bell chuckled, even if it did make his injury throb a little more. “I still have a long way to go though… You two have made that abundantly clear.”

“You’ll get there if you continue to put in the effort and don’t do anything too crazy.” Shakti spoke up, mimicking her sister’s pose as she looked down at Bell. “Your bruise is healing already.” She mentioned, her eyes locked onto the bruise that was roughly in the shape of her palm on his torso. Already it had turned black, but now it was becoming lighter as it healed faster than normal.

“I’ll do my absolute best.” Bell promised both of the women, his rubellite eye blazing with determination and resolve.

“Once you’ve rested enough, let’s move onto weapons.” Ardee grinned at Bell.

“Sure thing.” Bell agreed, smiling back at her. “Don’t cut off anything I can’t regrow, please.”

“My sword is non-lethal, Bell, you don’t have to worry about that.” Ardee smiled at him softly. Bell wouldn’t claim to be the fastest to pick up on a person’s subtle cues, but even he could see the way Ardee looked away slightly as her eyes focused on something from the past.

There’s definitely a story there, but it’s not my place to pry. If Ardee wants to tell me, then she will. I’ll just let her know that I’m willing to listen.’ Bell decided to be available for whenever Ardee was ready to share more of her past with him.


Bell sat with his back exposed to Ganesha while the God updated his Status again. He went over his spars from the morning in his head, recalling all of the times he’d been tossed around or soundly disarmed. Ardee he could keep up with, until the Level 3 stopped holding back. Then he could only struggle against her, more prolonging the inevitable than anything else. With Shakti it was entirely one-sided, whether it was hand-to-hand or armed. Banryū’s size and weight seemed to not matter to Shakti in the slightest. Her spear easily deflected Bell’s strikes, as if she were simply guiding his weapon along. In the next instant, he’d usually find the tip of said spear mere centimeters from his throat.

She looked beautiful when we sparred too.’ Bell thought to himself, feeling his heart thump in his chest a bit. His mind also flashed back to when his head was between Ardee’s thighs again. He tried to block that out, wasn’t successful, and just let them memory replay again for what had to be the dozenth time. ‘Ardee is beautiful too. They both spent their limited time with me this morning too. But is that just because I’m new, or are they actually showing interest in me?’ He really didn’t want to think this was more if it was just Shakti and Ardee looking out for the newbie.

“You have a lot on your mind tonight, Bell.” Ganesha mentioned, his tone quieter than normal. “Are you troubled by your sparring today?”

“I don’t think I’m troubled by the sparring, Lord Ganesha.” Bell shook his head as he accepted the paper from his God. “It’s just that sparring with Ardee and Miss Shakti really showed me how far I still have to go before I can reach where they’re standing.”

“Setting goals on your path is a good idea, Bell.” Ganesha chuckled as he imparted some wisdom upon his child. “When the path is clearly marked with goals, it can be easier to maintain your way to self-betterment. Reaching Shakti and Ardee’s Levels is a good set of goals, but your first goal should always be coming back home each night. After that is conquering the Upper Floors of the Dungeon, and then attaining your first Level Up can come after that.”

“That makes sense.” Bell nodded at the idea to set smaller goals and work towards them one after another. With a small smile he looked at his new update.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – H 124 > H 171

Endurance – H 118 > H 169

Dexterity – H 123 > H 170

Agility – H 116 > H 162

Magic – I 0




Life Vigor – Raises Strength by a large amount and promotes healing. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.

Vitality – Raises Endurance by a large amount, reduces the effects of and disperses all status ailments over time. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.


“Whoa…” Bell blinked twice at seeing the increase to his stats. “That’s a big jump.”

“You sparred with two Adventurers that were both higher levels than you, Bell. Multiple times, in fact. A surge of growth while you’re still a Level 1 is to be expected.” Ganesha stated while flexing like a bodybuilder.

“I guess so…” Bell couldn’t really argue with the proof right in front of his eyes. ‘I should ask Ardee and Miss Shakti to spar with me again! But…they’re both busy so often. Is it okay for me to take up what little free time they might have?’ He wondered as he burned his Status Update with the candle on Ganesha’s desk. For now, he could only resolve to ask them and let them make their decisions.

“Just remember, Bell…” Ganesha grinned at Bell as the young man was putting his shirt back on and preparing to leave. “I AM GANESHA!!!”

“Yes, Lord Ganesha.” Bell chuckled as he bowed to the Deity and closed the door behind him.

-The Next Day ~ Dungeon Fourth Floor-











Bell was smiling as he hacked through the Monsters with Banry­ū, one after another…or sometimes two or three at a time. He was in a great mood today! Why? Because both Ardee and Shakti had agreed to spar with him whenever they had mornings free! Seeing how much he’d been able to grow from just spending part of the morning sparring with them over and over, Bell was eager to do so again.

The fact that both women were beautiful was just a (very nice) bonus.

“Let’s see…” Bell quickly counted the number of Monsters that he’d killed. “Seven in this group, add that to my current total… That’s seventy-one so far and it’s still early!” With any luck, he might be able to get his Basic Abilities up to ‘G’ today and be ready to enter the Fifth Floor! “That’s the goal for today then!” Bell pulled out his knife to start harvesting the Monsters on the floor.

The sixth Monster of the seven broke down into white ash, but left something behind.

“A Drop Item?” Bell blinked and then grinned at the Goblin Fang. “Alright! My first Drop Item!” It wasn’t incredibly valuable, but it was his first one, so Bell was happy about it.


Bell was still all smiles as he emptied his pouch and backpack of all the Magic Stones that he’d collected today. The woman behind the glass had pushed the drawer on the side out to him, rather than the tray, just to make things a bit faster. The last thing Bell had placed in the drawer was the Goblin Fang, leaving it sitting atop a pile of small, purple Magic Stones.

A minute or so later and the Guild employee finished her work. “You’re Magic Stones were worth 23,847 Valis and your Goblin Fang was worth 600 Valis. Your total exchange today is 24,447 Valis. Please, have a nice day.” She gave him a nod as Bell added the coins to his hip pouch.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Bell returned the nod with his own before heading over to give his report to one of the Ganesha Familia Advisors.

-Evening ~ IamGanesha-

“I did it.” Bell grinned as he looked over his Status Update.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – H 171 > G 201

Endurance – H 169 > H 199

Dexterity – H 170 > G 200

Agility – H 162 > H 193

Magic – I 0




Life Vigor – Raises Strength by a large amount and promotes healing. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.

Vitality – Raises Endurance by a large amount, reduces the effects of and disperses all status ailments over time. Effect rises based on the user’s Level.


“I really got my stats to ‘G’, Lord Ganesha!” Bell beamed at his Deity.

Ganesha posed with a large smile on his face to match Bell’s. “Indeed, Bell, you’ve accomplished another goal on your path of self-improvement!”

Bell grinned at the paper in his hands. “This means that I can go down to the Fifth Floor tomorrow!”

“I would like to say something to celebrate!” Ganesha declared boisterously, clearly in a good mood at Bell’s rather fast growth as an Adventurer. “I AM GANESHA!!!” He flexed, showing off his own well-muscled physique.

-End Chapter-


Power through the Dungeon!

Any Monster that gets in the way gets wiped out! *Cackles*

Bell is already at ‘G’ in almost all of his Basic Abilities and it’s only been just over a week! According to Canon, after TWO weeks a talented newbie Adventurer might hit ‘H’ in their stats. But Bell has already exceeded that! He doesn’t even have his signature Growth Hack Skill yet!

What kind of beast will he become once he gains it?!

Ardee is making her interest in Bell known! Hehehehehe~

Shakti might even be getting in on it too!

The Captain needs to take a break and relax more often. Maybe having a boyfriend could help? Ardee doesn’t mind if it’ll help her big sister!

Bell met Ryu for the first time and seems to have made a good impression.

Now that Bell can go down to the Fifth through Seventh Floors, what will he run into? Or perhaps the better question is: WHO will he run into?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you thought!

Until next time, later!


Ice fox

I AM GANESHA!!!!!!!!


I AM GANESHA! Why is that so satisfying?


I have a soft spot for this story and I had to come back to it after a YouTuber named Gegotaz released a translation of the most recent Drama CD where Bell goes back 7 years and meets Ardee and Astrea Familia. As a bonus they did it using Danmemo portraits. Makes me glad to see them interact in this story. Can’t wait for more.


Why do i have a feeling that the single spell slot Bell has is going to be a Weapon Enchant spell that lets Banryu do Banryu things.


Remember, ALL Adventurers have one Magic Slot in their Falna, but the VAST majority of them never manifest any Magic at all. This Bell is STRONK above all else!

Érica C. Assunção

I love it!! It's a very interisting idea of his grandpa being Zeus and training him! Can't wait to see what will happen!!


Yep, some training during his formative years can really change how Bell is by the time that he reaches Orario!

The Foreign Traveler

With Ardee alive, it makes me wonder if your going to have the Astrea Familia alive in this particular Premise. If she survived, why not them? There aren't a lot of stories featuring the Astrea Familia so that would be a pleasant surprise, especially since that Familia going on an Expedition Ardee mentioned could be them. I can already see her being friends with all of them, Alise especially but it's probably just wishful thinking honestly. The Ganesha Familia seem to still be in charge of Orario's security like in Canon so I'm likely wrong. Wouldn't that be interesting to write though? "Astrea Familia Premise" Where they all survived the Juggernaut and where Astrea doesn't have any men in her Familia not only due to none of them having that drive for Justice that she looks for but also because they'd only join to lust after her Girls. Maybe they'd somehow realize Bell's relation to Alfia and take him in since they'd feel they'd owe it to her? Bell would be the perfect gentleman I'm sure in THAT Premise, at least until one or more of the girls would show interest in him but due to their inexperience they wouldn't know what to do! HAHAHA!


I do have the Astraea Familia surviving in a couple of my Premises, so look forward to that. Unfortunately, this one isn't one of them.