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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! The eight months of training is over! Rounds Three and Four! Nam vs Ran Fan and then Goku vs Caulifla! This will decide the semi-final matches! Another Saiyan vs Saiyan fight is probably going to be pretty interesting, right? Let’s see how Caulifla fairs against Goku! Will feelings spark in the heat of combat?! Kek!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 10 – Rounds Three and Four

Goku and Bulma stood over Krillin, who was laid down on a spare bed in the Temple’s recovery room.

“Ugh? Owww…” Krillin grimaced as he woke up. He had a dull ache radiating throughout his body from his neck.

“You okay?” Goku asked his friend curiously.

“I lost, right?” Krillin gently moved his body to try and get the stiffness out.

“Yeah, but you were doing great before then.” Goku praised him with a big smile.


“OWWW!!!” Krillin held his face as his cheek turned red and swelled up. “What was that for?!” He demanded of Bulma for slapping him.

“That’s for stealing my panties, you little pervert!” Bulma shot back at him angrily. “If you weren’t already beaten up, then I’d be kicking your ass right now!” She raised her fist threateningly at the former monk.

“Sorry! I’m sorry!” Krillin covered his head with his hands and arms to shield from any more blows that might come.

The sound of the speakers coming on got everyone’s attention.

“Attention, please! We will now begin the third match! Contestant Nam and Contest Ran Fan, please come to the ring!” The referee announced for all to hear.

“Will you be alright, Krillin?” Goku looked at his buddy with a smile.

“Yes, go watch the match, you’ll have to fight the winner next if you make it through your match.” Krillin waved Goku off with a chuckle. As Bulma and Goku headed out to watch the next match, Krillin slowly got out of the bed and began to stretch, attempting to remove the stiffness and dull ache from his body. “That old guy was ridiculously strong and his technique was almost perfect.” He went over the fight in his head again. “Can anyone here beat him?”

-Waiting Area-

Ran Fan giggled as she touched up her lipstick before heading out to the ring. She was so lucky that she’d been matched up with a male opponent right away. It was the best case scenario for her tactics.

Nam was standing silently, one hand raised as if in prayer, his eyes closed as he focused.

Jackie Chun sidled up to the turban-wearing man with a grin. “Hey, how do you rate? I wanted to fight that babe!”

Nam’s eyes opened, but he didn’t react to Jackie Chun at all. He simply headed towards the ring with utmost focus and determination.

What?’ Jackie blinked after seeing Nam’s eyes. ‘That gaze… Powerful… Implacable… Straight out of a comic book! How could he be emanating such intensity of will in a glorified carnival like this?’ The old master wondered what was going on in the younger man’s mind. ‘Let’s see…’ He slowed his breathing and focused his mind, pulling out an ability that he rarely used but had picked up over his long life.

As he looked into Nam’s mind, he saw what the other fighter was so focused on.


His village was dying after months without rain.

The crops had failed and the wells had run dry.

The only way to save them was to buy two months’ worth of water until the rainy season came.

Nam had traveled all the way to South City just to compete in the Tenka’ichi Budokai with hopes of winning the prize money for the sole purpose of saving his village.

“I see…” Jackie hummed to himself, moved by Nam’s spirit and dedication.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience! Contestants Nam and Ran Fan are in the ring!” The referee motioned to the two fighters.

“Go easy on me~” Ran Fan giggled and winked at Nam.

“…” Nam said nothing, but it was clear that he was a little flustered by the provocative woman. The women of his village were much more on the demure side.

“Match three, begin!” The referee chopped his hand through the air.

“Haiyaaa!” Ran Fan went from flirty to fierce in a split-second, skipping into a roundhouse kick that landed across Nam’s face. She pivoted around the staggered man and smashed him in the back with a double hammer fist, and then followed up with a knee strike.

“Arh!” Nam leapt away before the knee could land and the attacked Ranfan, raising his arm for a powerful chop. “Haiah!”

“EEEEKKKK!!!” Ran Fan shrieked, looking terrified of Nam’s attack.

Nam hesitated, slowing down his strike and only lightly tapping Ran Fan’s upper arm.

“Ow! Ow! You hurt me!” Ran Fan cried out, covering her face as she sniffled and cried.

“Th-This is unprecedented! Contestant Nam has made Contestant Ran Fan cry!” The referee couldn’t believe what he was seeing. How had Ran Fan even made it through the preliminaries if she cried at the slightest attack?

“You’re so mean!” Ran Fan wailed, her face hidden by her hands.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Nam apologized to the woman. “Are you okay?”

Ran Fan peeked between her arms and saw her opening. Her fist drilled Nam straight in the gut, doubling the man over.

“Gah!” Nam staggered backwards from the unexpected attack, holding his stomach.

“Teehee!” Ran Fan grinned at her ploy working so well. “Hyah!” She threw another punch at Nam with a grin.

She didn’t expect it to be caught.

“If this is your way… Then I must no longer view you as a woman…” Nam glared at Ran Fan, shoving her fist and making the girl take a step back from the force. Nam took a stance, focusing his anger into a useful direction. “I will think of you only as my enemy! And I will fight you until my last breath!”

“Nam is furious! It looks like nothing can stop him now!” The referee called out after seeing Nam’s reaction to Ran Fan’s deception.

“Oh, silly boy.” Ran Fan put on a cute look. “Are you mad at widdle me?”

“Your city girl wiles are useless now!” Nam declared as he lunged forward with a double palm strike. “Hyah!”

“Eek!” Ran Fan leapt backwards to escape the blow that would’ve definitely put her out of commission. She straightened up with a grin as she decided to up the ante. “Golly, looks like I’m licked…” Nam took a step forward to strike, but stopped dead when Ran Fan shrugged off her loose pants and pulled her t-shirt over her head in the same movement. “Or maybe I just want to be?” She giggled, now standing in the ring in nothing but her lacey bra and panties, her shoes being the only thing she hadn’t removed.

“What the hell kind of fight is this?” Caulifla looked annoyed by Ran Fan’s tactics.

Kale looked embarrassed as well, her cheeks becoming a little red. “I-I don’t know, Sis…”

“Why did she take off her clothes?” Goku blinked at Ran Fan, confused.

“Because she’s trying to confuse and fluster Nam.” Bulma answered, easily able to deduce Ran Fan’s plan. “Against a straight-laced guy like him, it’ll probably be effective.”

“What’s the matter? Don’t ya wanna hit me?” Ran Fan questioned Nam, seeing the man pointedly not looking at her.

“Woohoo!” Jackie Chun cried out with a big smile on his face. “What a whole lotta lollapalooza!” The old man was clearly enjoying the show. “Keep going, girl! Take it all off! Hehehehe! Yeah!”

“What did I just walk in on?” Krillin stared at the match (mostly Ran Fan) in surprise, but the smile on his face gave away his feelings about it. He was glad that he’d come out to see the match now!

“Where ya going?” Ran Fan teased, strutting towards Nam as he backed away, averting his gaze the whole time.

“I mean… If it works, it works…” Launch shrugged as she watched the odd match with her arms resting on the wall surrounding the ring. The goody-goodies were always easy to mess with in her experience.

“Eh?!” Nam looked behind him as he felt the edge of the ring beneath his feet.

“Contestant Nam is at the edge of the ring! He has nowhere left to go!” The referee cried out, stunned by the happenings of the match, but dedicated to seeing it through. “He’s got no choice but to strike…or lose!”

The water… Everyone in the village!’ Nam refused to let his people die from the drought! He had to find a way around this vixen’s wiles! “I must not see her!” Nam closed his eyes and focused everything on his other senses.

“Ran Fan launches her attack! Could this be it?!” The referee cried out as Ran Fan lunged forward with a punch.

“Huh?” Ran Fan’s left hook passed through empty air as Nam leapt over her. The next thing she felt was a powerful chop hitting her from behind. Then her vision faded as darkness took her.

“Contestant Ran Fan is down! I’ll begin the count!” The referee started the ten-count to end the match. “1… 2… 3…!”

“Figures she wasn’t much with such a dumb tactic.” Caulifla scoffed at the other woman, her tail flicking behind her at the idea of treating a fight so stupidly.

“I… I don’t think that would’ve worked against a woman as well.” Kale offered her own opinion of Ran Fan’s tactics. She would’ve just punched the purple-haired woman and ended the match, clothing or no clothing.

“9… 10!” The referee finished the count. “Ran Fan is out! The winner is Nam!”

“Is she okay?” Nam showed concern for his fallen opponent as two monks gently moved her onto a stretcher.

“Just unconscious, she’ll be fine it looks like.” One monk nodded to Nam before they took Ran Fan to the recovery area.

A couple of minutes were given for the ring to be cleared before the fourth match would begin.

“Silence, please!” The referee called out once the time had ended. “For the fourth match! Contestants Caulifla and Son Goku! Both step forward!”

“Good luck, Goku.” Bulma smiled and pecked his cheek for luck.

“Thanks Bulma!” Goku grinned as he hopped down from the wall.

Krillin fist bumped his friend with a confident grin. “Do your best!”

“Yep!” Goku laughed as he walked out into the ring.

“You can do it, Sis!” Kale encouraged Caulifla with a bright smile full of belief.

Caulifla punched her fists together with a wide grin. “Hell yeah! Goku is going down!” She made her way out to the ring as well.

“Match number four, begin!” The referee called out loudly into his mic as soon as the two fighters were staring each other down.

“You’ve got this, Goku!” Launch cheered from the audience, throwing her fist into the air.

Caulifla and Goku squared up; Goku adopting his preferred stance while Caulifla raised her fists in front of her.

“Let’s go, you and me, Goku!” Caulifla charged forward. “I hope you don’t mind watching the rest of the tournament from the sidelines!”

“Nope!” Goku replied, raising his arm to block Caulifla’s first punch. “I’m gonna win!” He threw a jab, but Caulifla guarded with her opposite arm.

Caulifla threw a knee, but Goku raised his leg to block and struck with a punch to the face sending Caulifla backwards a step. The female Saiyan wasn’t deterred though, pivoting on her foot to slam a roundhouse into Goku’s side. Goku barely managed to block, his feet sliding sideways against the tiles for a second. Caulifla rushed him to capitalize on her momentum, only for Goku to flip over her and smack the back of her head with his tail, sending her sprawling.

“You little…!” Caulifla growled as she pushed herself up off the floor.

“Heh heh…” Goku chuckled, having retaken his stance.

Jackie Chun watched the match from the wall along with the others. His experienced eyes took in the two fighters and noted their movements, reactions, speed, and form. “One cannot just throw themselves into a fight and expect pure strength to win. It is the dedication to improving oneself and their technique that separates a martial artist from a scrappy punk that likes to fight.”

“Get back here!” Caulifla was chasing after Goku now, trying to land any kind of attack as Goku used his footwork and natural limberness developed from a life in the forests of Mt. Paozu to evade.

“Catch me!” Goku laughed as he backflipped away from Caulifla’s roundhouse kick.

“Goku!” Caulifla roared at him, rushing forward with a sudden burst of speed.

“Got you!” Goku dropped low and swept Caulifla’s feet sending her rolling along the floor and towards the edge.

“Sis!” Kale yelled out in worry.

“She’s going to fall out of the ring!” Krillin cheered for his friend’s apparent victory.

Caulifla grabbed onto the edge of the ring with her hands and one leg, barely keeping her other foot from touching the grass outside. “Damn it…” She threw herself back into the ring and stood up. “Why can’t I connect?!”

Goku was already moving towards her, a skipping side kick that would assuredly knock Caulifla far outside of the ring should it connect. “Huh?” His foot passed through Caulifla as her form became blurry. The next second and he took a punch to the side of the face that sent him stumbling.

“I did it!” Caulifla exclaimed at figuring out the weird dodging thing she’d seen Jackie Chun do. Kale cheered from where she was watching the match and Caulifla pressed her advantage. She dropped her heel down on Goku in an imitation of an axe kick.

Goku’s tail wrapped around her ankle and jerked her foot out from under her, sending the Saiyan girl onto her back painfully.

“Gah!” Caulifla barely managed to get her guard up as Goku’s foot slammed into her from the side, making her roll across the floor of the ring.

Goku kept on her, repeatedly kicking or stomping, forcing Caulifla to keep rolling if she didn’t want to take a hit. With a grimace, Caulifla placed her palm flat on the floor and used her strength to spin. Her sudden change allowed her kick to land and Goku slid backwards a bit. Caulifla quickly retook her feet with the short amount of time that she’d bought herself.

“Absolutely incredible!” The referee shouted in excitement, matched by the roar of the crowd. “Contestants Caulifla and Son Goku are merely blurs before our eyes, only briefly clear to us when the tides of the fight turn! The Tenka’ichi Budokai is truly blessed to host such incredible fighters this year!”

“Keep it up, Goku!” Bulma yelled out with her hands around her mouth.

“You can do it!” Krillin cheered from right beside his fellow disciple.

“Sis! You can win!” Kale yelled her heart out, a far cry from her usual timidness.

These youngsters are really gonna make me work for it, aren’t they?’ Jackie Chun thought to himself with both approval and just a hint of concern.

“This is fun!” Goku grinned at Caulifla as they lunged at each other.

Caulifla’s foot went through Goku as his form wavered, revealing an After Image. “Huh?!” She took a punch to the stomach from her blind spot. “Gakh!” Caulifla leapt away, holding her stomach, only to take a kick from behind. “What?!” She spun around, her roundhouse kick passing through another After Image. “Goku, your cheap trick won’t win!”

“Hyah!” Goku’s fist was aimed at Caulifla’s head, but the Saiyan girl’s arm came up to catch the punch. “Hahaha!” He laughed at Caulifla figuring out the trick so quickly.

“You like that?!” Caulifla had a smirk on her lips, her eyes burning with challenge.

“She can already read him?!” Krillin gaped at how fast Caulifla had adapted to Goku’s use of the After Image technique.

“She’s got a lot of talent, and fighting Goku is helping her to tap into it.” Bulma noted as she watched the fast exchange of blows.

Caulifla’s fists collided with Goku’s rapidly, then the two switched to kicks, both blocking and striking as fast as they could. Caulifla grunted as a knee slammed into her stomach, but her uppercut nearly struck Goku’s chin, forcing him to take a half-step backwards. She pivoted on her foot, coming at Goku with reverse crescent kick (or the closest that she could do without knowing the actual kick and how it was performed). Goku ducked under the kick and tried to sweep her leg again, but Caulifla had caught on to that move and took a step back. Goku flowed into his next attack as he shot to his feet and aimed a straight punch straight at Caulifla’s face.

Caulifla sidestepped the punch before landing a heavy punch of her own straight into Goku’s stomach. Without giving him a second to recover, Caulifla spun into a roundhouse kick and knocked Goku back across the ring. “I hope that isn’t all you have, Goku! I’m starting to actually like you!”

“I’m having fun too, Caulifla!” Goku grinned widely as he retook his stance.

“She’s loving this.” Kale couldn’t help but smile as she watched Caulifla and Goku fight. She’d never seen Caulifla so happy when it came to other people. Her ‘Sis’ had a rough personality that a lot of people couldn’t handle; but for another Saiyan, like Goku, it was a welcome and enjoyable trait.

“Hyah!” Goku’s leaping forward kick phased through an After Image to shatter the wall behind where Caulifla had been.

“Ack!” Krillin cried out, having barely leapt away in time. “Goku! Watch it!”

“Well, we have an easier view now.” Bulma shrugged, now that the wall was shattered, they could watch without having to hold onto the top of it.

“Contestant Goku shattered the wall with a single kick!” The referee cried out in shock. “What power from this young contestant!” The audience cheered, though some of them might’ve been closer to squawking in shock and disbelief.

“Hit her with one of those and you win, Goku!” Launch yelled out, not fazed by the ridiculous power that Goku had displayed. She’d seen him do plenty of crazy shit already.

Caulifla came in with a flurry of punches, Goku blocked or dodged each of them, throwing his own counters back at her. A knee was met with a knee, the two pushing off of each other, only to charge right back in their kicks slamming into each other with force.

“Got you!” Caulifla dropped her right leg, only to slam it onto the floor and lash out with her left leg towards Goku’s side.

Goku caught her leg with a grin and tightened his grip before spinning her around and then throwing her towards the edge of the ring.

Caulifla threw her feet down, hitting the very edge of the ring, only the balls of her feet keeping her from falling out. Without hesitation she launched herself at Goku at full speed, spearing him in the stomach, taking both of them to the ground.

Grappling isn’t something that Goku knows well; this may be an area that Caulifla has him beat, even if just through experience rather than technique.’ Jackie Chun thought to himself as he watched the two fighters scramble to try and establish control over the other.

“Give up…Goku!” Caulifla demanded, even as she struggled to try and force Goku into submission.

“No way!” Goku denied, his tail wrapping around her waist to try and throw her off of him.

Caulifla wrapped her tail around his, preventing him from tossing her off, and then slugged Goku in the face. Goku’s head rocked to the side, but he bridged his body, throwing Caulifla forward from the sudden move. The Saiyan girl landed with her face buried in Goku’s neck, inhaling his scent as she breathed before Goku flipped them over and tried to pin her down. Caulifla had to raise her arms to protect her head as Goku began to rain punches down on her.

Unbeknownst to the two Saiyans, their instinctive physiological reaction to their fight was flooding their brains and their bodies with several chemicals and hormones. Adrenaline had been dumped into their bloodstreams from the very beginning, readying their bodies for action. With adrenaline came the release of dopamine, a ‘feel good’ chemical of the brain. In humans, this worked to balance out the ‘rush’ from adrenaline and let a person calm down after the fight or flight response was activated. In Saiyans, it had a similar function, but was also tied to the act of fighting. The longer the body engaged in combat, the more adrenaline was released and the more dopamine compounded that ‘rush’ with a sense of ‘feeling good’ at the same time.

Just like in humans, the eyes dilated to let in more light, breathing increased to take in more oxygen, the heart sped up to provide more blood and oxygen to the body, and the muscles consumed more of said oxygen to react quicker and with more strength, while the liver produced glucose for more energy. Naturally, for Saiyans, this ‘feel good’ chemical triggered other neurological responses depending on the stimuli that accompanied the fight. In this case, the increased breathing pulled in more air, and with it, more scent. What was carried in that scent were pheromones, chemical signals released by one member of a species and picked up by another. There were many pheromones, but the ones that were released from Goku and Caulifla through their scent and their sweat were quickly being filled with sexual signals.

Saiyans developed quickly while fighting; learning rapidly, reacting quicker, and expressing the height of their physiology. The warrior race was naturally evolved over time like this; and then further bred for these traits once the species was intelligent enough to understand such concepts. It was partly why the concept of courtship didn’t exist among the Saiyan society. Strength and ability trumped all else when it came to mating and having offspring. Females sought out strong males, and males sought out strong females. It was simple and primitive; much like the Saiyans themselves for the vast majority of their Race’s existence. Everything was to make the next generation stronger; it was quite literally hardwired into their DNA.

Naturally, as they continued to fight, Goku and Caulifla would be flooded with their hormones and the pheromones from each other. The chemical communication going on between them on a level far below the conscious made other reactions take place, such as the release of serotonin and oxytocin; both of them were ‘feel good’ chemicals that also played a strong part in the bonding between members of the same species. Mother bonded with child because of oxytocin released during labor, forming a powerful attachment to their offspring. Likewise, the same chemical produced feelings of attachment and intimacy between couples during intercourse. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that fighting between male and female Saiyans was practically foreplay.

Caulifla wrapped her legs around Goku’s hips. With a twist of her hips and waist, she threw him to the side. Rolling with the movement, Caulifla took the top spot, straddling Goku, and then grinned down at him before slamming a barrage of punches into his hastily raised guard. “Come on, Goku! Is that all you’ve got?!” There was a notable growl in her voice as she tightened the grip her tail had on his to prevent him from trying to wrap it back around her waist and throw her off again. The two entwined tails were practically wrestling on their own as the Saiyans continued to fight.

“Hah!” Goku bridged his body again, but Caulifla had expected it this time. She tightened her legs around his sides and only fell forward a bit. Her tits fell on Goku’s face for a second, filling Goku’s nose with her scent and all of the pheromones within, before she pushed herself upward and tried to punch him again. “Gotcha!” Goku caught her punch and grabbed her opposite wrist with his other hand. Then he slammed his head forward in a headbutt that rattled Caulifla’s brain.

“Ack!” Caulifla got out through the pain, before Goku shoved her off of him with a double palm strike to her stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of her.

“Oyyy sho!” Goku grabbed Caulifla’s leg and threw her out of the ring before she could recover.

“You cheap jerk!” Caulifla coughed out after she hit the grass.

“Caulifla is out of bounds! Son Goku is the winner!” The referee declared as the audience erupted into cheers.

“Hell yeah, Goku!” Launch was the loudest of all as she yelled over the rest of the crowd.

“Goku!” Krillin threw both hands over his head with a cheer.

“Congratulations, Goku!” Bulma was beaming at him, clapping for the well-fought match.

“Sis…” Kale looked sad that both she and Caulifla were out of the tournament now. Both had thought that they had a shot at winning before coming to the Budokai. Strangely, beneath the sadness, was a feeling of excitement that Kale wasn’t familiar with. The smoldering desire to fight and get stronger, that her timid nature usually kept suppressed, was building within her. ‘Is this what it’s like to have friends?’ Kale wondered, looking over at Bulma and then Goku.

Goku happily waved to his friends and then to the crowd before hopping over to where he’d thrown Caulifla. “That was a great fight! We should do it again!” He smiled brightly at her.

“You’re damn right we will, and next time, I’ll win!” Caulifla stood up, her dark eyes filled with challenge and determination. The sudden mix of gasps or silence from the audience made her blink in confusion.

“Caulifla, your top!” Bulma called out to the girl.

“What about my top?” Caulifla looked down at her tube top only to blink when she noticed it was halfway pulled down off her tits, revealing her pink nipples. “Oh.” She pulled her top up to cover her girls again without much concern. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Caulifla looked at Goku with a raised eyebrow. “Too busy enjoying the view?”

“Is it a big deal?” Goku tilted his head at her, his body still coming down from the adrenaline and his head was filled with ‘feel good’ chemicals from the fight.

“I guess not.” Caulifla shrugged, a grin forming on her lips. “Don’t think you’ll be getting another peek, Goku.”

“Okay.” Goku laughed as they both hopped back onto the ring and headed over to their friends.

“We’ll be taking a short intermission before we start the semi-finals!” The referee announced to the crowd. “While we have the time, would Contestants Goku, Bulma, and Krillin like to come up and talk to the audience?”

At some light insistence from Krillin, the trio all walked over to the referee for an impromptu interview during the intermission.

“You three have all reached the main tournament in your first appearance at the Budokai, two of you have even made it to the semi-finals! Congratulations!” The referee smiled brightly at the three contestants. “Krillin, I believe you’re the youngest contestant at thirteen-years-old, correct?”

“Yes, sir.” Krillin nodded to the man, a surprised murmur traveling through the crowd at how young Krillin was to have already made it so far.

“And Goku, how old are you?” The referee moved the mic over to Goku.

“I just talk into this, right?” Goku pointed at the microphone.

Krillin facepalmed at his fellow disciple’s lack of knowledge. “Yes, you dolt. Don’t embarrass us.” Bulma just giggled at Goku’s obliviousness; she’d work on more things like this with him after the tournament.

“Ha ha… They’re martial artists and comedians!” The referee moved past the brief hold up with the ease of experience. “So, are you older than Krillin?”

“I’m fourteen.” Goku nodded to the man, speaking into the mic. This prompted more astonished chatter from the audience.

“And you, Bulma?” The referee moved the mic over to the girl.

“I’m sixteen.” Bulma answered with a grin.

“Amazing, so young and already making it this far into the Tenka’ichi Budokai!” The referee praised the trio. “It seems the next generation of martial artists is looking incredible!” The crowd all applauded the three of them, Launch even whistling for them with a smile.

“Hmm, wait…” Goku counted off on his fingers. “Am I fifteen now? I’m pretty sure grampa said my birthday was in April…”

“Goku, it’s May…” Krillin looked at his friend in confusion. “Did you not realize that your entire birth month had passed?”

“We were training.” Goku shrugged, unconcerned for the most part.

“We’ll have to do something for your birthday later then.” Bulma stated it like it was a simple fact (which to her, it was).

“Ahem…” The referee coughed politely to refocus the trio’s attention. “So, you three are wearing the same uniform. Which dojo did you train at?”

“Um…well, it’s not exactly a dojo; but the one who trained us was Kame Sen’nin, the Muten R­ōshi (Invincible Old Master).” Krillin answered the question after a second to think about how to word it.

“WHAT?!” The referee cried out in shock. “The Turtle Master?!”

The entire crowd seemed to audibly gasp in unison at the reveal.

“D-Did he just say the T-Turtle…?” One audience member tried to ask.

“They were trained by the In-Invincible Old M-Master?!” A different man gaped.

“N-No wonder those youngsters are so good…” An older man absently ran his hand through his air in shock.

“You don’t mean the Master that’s known as the ‘God of Martial Arts’, do you?!” The referee could hardly believe it!

“None other!” Krillin confirmed with a sharp nod. “He doesn’t really take on disciples anymore, but he made an exception for us.”

“Trained by Kame Sen’nin, the Invincible Old Master! Who’d have imagined it?! Who’d have dreamed it was possible?!” The referee questioned the world at large in his shock.

“Heh heh…” Jackie Chun had a little grin hidden by his long mustache and beard.

“Who’d have thought he was still alive?!” The referee asked, vaguely knowing of the legendary Turtle Hermit’s age.

Jackie Chun face-faulted into the ground.

“Well, Miss Bulma, your next match is against the formidable Jackie Chun, but being trained by the legendary Kame Sen’nin, I bet that doesn’t bother you, huh?” The referee chuckled as he moved the mic over to Bulma.

“Not really, I’ll just do my best.” Bulma declared with a confident grin. Left unsaid was that she knew Jackie Chun was a bit of a pervert from his match with Krillin, so she might have a bit of an advantage over the old man.

“Well then, get prepared, because in just a few short minutes, the semi-finals will begin!” The referee nodded to Bulma before addressing the crowd at large. That prompted cheers and applause from the gathered people, all eager to see another exciting match.

As the three walked back towards the Training Hall to wait for the next match, Caulifla and Kale were waiting on them. The group sat in a circle as the two Saiyan Girls chatted about what they’d be doing once the tournament was over.

“You should try training with Master Roshi!” Goku smiled at Kale and Caulifla. “The old man doesn’t usually take disciples, but we’d ask him for you!”

“If that’s how you three got so strong, then I totally want to do it!” Caulifla raised her fist in front of her. “You want to get stronger too, right Kale?” She looked over at her friend with a grin.

“I-I wouldn’t say no.” Kale admitted, her eyes looking between Caulifla, Goku, and Bulma. “I want to get stronger, like Sis.”

“That’s the spirit, Kale!” Caulifla laughed, happy that Kale was starting to come out of her shell a bit with Goku and Bulma around. “They’ll even put in a good word for us!” Unseen by anyone, since Goku was sitting between Bulma and Caulifla, was the fact that Caulifla’s tail was lightly resting on Goku’s without either of them thinking about it.

Bulma’s tail was gently wrapped around Goku’s but she didn’t seem to notice anything out of place with Caulifla’s tail resting atop both of theirs as the group continued to talk.

-End Chapter-


Nam and Ran Fan’s match was about the same as Canon, it just didn’t really have a reason to change.

Goku vs Caulifla was a show of skill, talent, and some primal instinct!

Saiyans are, quite literally, wired differently from humans! Fighting or sparring between members of the opposite sex is their idea of foreplay! Kek!

After both Caulifla and Goku spent most of their fight breathing in each other’s scent and pheromones, it’s not really much of a surprise that they’d get a little interested in each other.

Those who’ve paid attention will also realize that pheromones, and the physiological responses they cause in members of the same species, are part of the reason why Goku shows little interest in human women. They’re a different species, so the pheromones are different, meaning one part of the attraction equation is missing!

But Caulifla and Kale don’t have that problem, do they? Hehehehehe~

Semi-finals begin next chapter!

Bulma vs Jackie Chun, what will be the outcome?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 126

Bulma – 109

Krillin – 108

Roshi – 139

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 78

Kale - 83

Until I get your reviews, later!



I love it back when it was about both strength and technique of the characters and not just the power lvl that decided fights


Yeah, look forward to that continuing throughout this story as I try and mitigate some of the things that I disliked within the Series.

David Beltran

Thanks again for another chapter. Hope you updated the story soon. Be safe my friend

Siddiq Morris

Don’t usually read Dragon Ball Fanfics but this one is nothing short of amazing. You put the details in the right places bro👍🏾

Chason Wright

You should update this more often! Great chapter!

Julian Casarez

Good story now I want chapter 11 soon


If it gets a Tier Reward used on it, then it'll be updated again. Glad you like it so much!


The Tier Reward for Support Soldiers and Support Officers is the Monthly Random Drawing held every month. One Patron from those two Tiers is randomly selected and will then be contacted by me to ask which Non-Main Rotation story they'd like to see updated that month. The next Random Monthly Drawing will be held on September 1st.


I've had to reread the first few chapters cause I had forgotten what had happen, and now that I've finally caught up...absolutely phenomenal man! From start to finish everything has been great, the fight scenes, the comedy, the fluff scenes; it's honestly the full package and I love the idea of launch being in the harem. Not only am I looking forward to the end of the tournament arc but also into the red ribbon arc after this. Great job man!


Thank you, I'm happy that you like it so much! Glad that you're looking forward to the future too! Things slowly change bit by bit as little things are altered, one after another, by earlier changes!

Brian Rodriguez Perez

At this point I almost feel sorry for Piccolo Daimao the poor slug man is going to be slapped around like a sandbag by the time his saga rolls around, with Saiyans messing around training with each other, the 4 of them are going to grow exponentially stronger and way faster than in canon, Since Saiyans grow fastest when fighting people equal to or stronger than themselves due to their adaptive evolutionary traits responding to stronger opponents.


Things will definitely continue to change in response to all of the building changes that're happening in this story, so look forward to it!

Boss Redd

That sayian foreplay bit had me rolling I picked the story up yesterday and I intend to finish it today


Glad you like it! As my friend says: "Saiyans like 'struggle snuggles'!" lol