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I've been made aware that A LOT of Patron of many Creators have had issues with their cards suddenly being deemed 'fraudulent' by the Patreon System.

If this has happened to any of my Patrons and you've found a way around it, please share it here in a comment! Let's band together as a group to help each other out with this site wide error.

I don't want anyone to miss updates or Polls because of Patreon's screw up, so I'm putting up this post in hopes that some of our group may have already fixed the issue or found a way around it and can share their fix with others that're suffering from this error/glitch.

Here's hoping that this post can do some good and we can solve this together.



I just went to my bank and had to wait a few hours before payment went through. I also had manually do it.

XxxKDDarkxxX boss

I get the same thing,normally I wait a couple hours after the issue is posted.Then go to my subscriptions and select retry payments and that normally works


It didn't work for all of my memberships, but for some of them, like yours, I just canceled and resubscribed and it worked.


mine went through without issue, it might be regional based or bank based?


I just use paypal


PayPal works, faster too


I just checked my billing history, and my $10 payment went through fine Kai.

Ola Kayode

I was wondering what went wrong...


I pay for most of my online memberships / subscriptions via PayPal, just for that extra layer of security. It hasn’t failed yet.

Devon Smith

I just experienced it, the automatic payment for this month didn't go through. It's not the most elegant solution, but cancelling my membership and rejoining at the same tier worked to get me back in. I'll have to see if it remains a problem next month.


While my actual payment went through fine, for some reason this time it was routed through Dublin, and I'm honestly not sure why.

Sebastian Pineda

I experienced it myself but I have a fraud protection on my account and my bank called me and I was able to get it to go through no problem


Similar to Sebastian my bank contacted me and after confirming I did intend to make the payment forced it through