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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! The Practical Exams keep rolling along! Pass or fail can depend entirely on how a student chooses to react to a situation. Teamwork, adaptability, reasoning, and decision-making are all being tested! Just fighting isn’t always the path to victory. Thinking outside the box and considering all options is a truly invaluable skill for a Hero!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 36 – Overcoming Terrain Manipulation

In a large training field that resembled a suburban area, both Kirishima and Sato were doing everything they could to not fail their test.

“I thought he had a handicap?!” Sato grimaced, feeling the effects of his Sugar Rush Quirk starting to wear off. He had to be careful not to use too much sugar, less his cognitive functions decrease and make him a liability for his partner.

“I think he does, but he’s really good at using his Quirk!” Kirishima leapt away as a small pillar of concrete shot at him, half-solid and half-liquid, looking to immobilize and capture the redhead.

They’d been at this for several minutes already and time was running out.

“Oh, yes.” Cementoss smiled at his students from a bit further down the street, his hand touching a concrete building, allowing him to manipulate the material with his Cement Quirk. “My Quirk is rather specific in what it allows me to manipulate, you see.” He used his free hand to point at the asphalt that made up the road they were standing on. “I can’t manipulate the asphalt of this street. Neither can I manipulate rock or soil with my Quirk.” Cementoss further explained his Quirk to the two boys. This was followed by a dozen more pillars of semi-solid concrete shooting from the building like reaching arms.

“Hyah!” Kirishima rapidly punched six of the concrete masses, splattering them around with his hardened fists.

“Oorrraaah!” Sato punched forward, a flurry of jabs and straights, like a boxer, that beat back the semi-solid mass.

“We’re not getting anywhere like this!” Kirishima and Sato retreated as fast as they could around the nearest corner, making sure to stay in the middle of the asphalt road and away from any of the concrete buildings.

“We can’t fight him when he has concrete to work with.” Sato agreed as they both headed for where they remembered the gate to be. “Can we out run him?”

“Not sure.” Kirishima admitted to not knowing all that much about Cementoss as a Pro Hero. “You can use your Quirk to increase your speed, right?”

“With Turbinado Sugar, yeah.” Sato confirmed with a quick nod. “If I use my limit all at once, I could probably make it to the gate if Cementoss doesn’t block me off.” He hypothesized, given the distance they needed to cover to reach the gate.

Ahead of them, a stream of semi-liquid cement flowed across the road and then raised into a wall to block their path.

“Crap! He’s getting ahead of us!” Kirishima grimaced at seeing the obstruction.

Another wall appeared on their left, cutting off the side street that they could’ve taken as a detour. The two teens realizing that they were being boxed in a half-second later when a third wall blocked off the street behind them too.

“We could break through the first wall.” Sato hadn’t even slowed down in his run. “He wants us to stop and second guess our path so that he can trap us!”

Kirishima bolted right alongside Sato as he realized the truth in the taller boy’s words. “I’ll break through the wall and keep Cementoss busy! You get to the gate!”

“Got it!” Sato grabbed the measured canister from his belt that had his Turbinado Sugar in it and got ready to flick the cap off as soon as they were through the wall.

“Unbreakable!” Kirishima activated the advanced form of his Hardening Quirk and bulldozed straight through the concrete wall in front of them. Dust went flying as he barreled his way past the obstruction, debris and grit scattering across the ground as he turned to face the direction that he thought their teacher was in. “GO, SUGARMAN!!!”

Sato downed the entire container of Turbinado Sugar all at once. His body bulked up slightly, but not like when he used granulated sugar. Sato’s feet kicked off the ground, cracking the asphalt a bit, and the yellow-suited Hero-in-Training was off like a shot down the street. “I’ll get there as fast as I can, Red Riot!” He yelled back, already at the end of the street.

“Interesting, splitting up to accomplish your objective isn’t a bad idea against me.” Cementoss admitted even as slabs of concrete rushed at Kirishima.

“Bring it on!” Kirishima’s Unbreakable form was ridiculously durable and the concrete shattered under his fists easily. The slabs kept coming though, and Kirishima could only hold this form for so long. Ducking under the slabs, he ran on all fours, like a dog, and closed the distance between himself and Cementoss. His nearly clawed hands tore into the asphalt as he leapt up from his crouched position and swung a heavy blow straight at the teacher’s midsection.

“Improvisation. Very good.” Cementoss leapt backwards and swamped Kirishima with a wave of semi-solid concrete. “But you’re still trying to meet force with force.”

“That’s what you think!” Kirishima, in his normal form, ran in the opposite direction from the swamp of concrete that had tried to engulf him. His Quirk made him durable, but it also slowed him down a bit. Unbreakable compounded that issue, and he’d bene working on improving his mobility while using his Quirk, but for evasion, not using his Quirk was for the best.

“Chasing students.” Cementoss sighed at the tactic. In this training area, where only the buildings were made of concrete and not practically everything like a modern city would be, the reach and range of his Quirk was rather hampered. “This is why I normally operate in the urban areas.” He controlled the semi-solid concrete with his Quirk and had it lift the slab he was standing on into the air.

A street away and Kirishima blinked as he heard an odd noise behind him. Turning to look at where the sound was coming from, his eyes nearly bugged out. “WHAT THE HELL?!” His shock was warranted, as he saw his teacher practically surfing on a wave of semi-liquid cement and rapidly catching up to him.

“If you wish to be a Pro Hero, then you must think outside of the box when it comes to applications for your Quirk!” Cementoss spoke loudly to be heard over the rushing wave of muck. “When it comes to fighting, it’s all about making use of your particular talents!”

“Damn it!” Kirishima knew that he hadn’t bought enough time for Sato to reach the gate yet. “Unbreakable!” He activated his advanced form and used the jagged ridges of his body to hack down a telephone bow that he ran past. He did it to the next lamppost that he passed as well. The tall poles fell towards Cementoss and his wave of cement, but the teacher wasn’t fazed by the ploy.

Each pole was blasted backwards by a chunk of suddenly hardened concrete that smashed into them. “You’re thinking, but in this situation, is slowing yourself down the correct answer?” Cementoss questioned his student.

“Maybe not!” Kirishima grabbed what had landed on the street from the toppling of the telephone pole. “But it gives me something I wouldn’t have otherwise!” He threw the object at Cementoss, revealing it to be a snapped electrical wire. The sparking end of the frayed wire showed that it was still live.

The wave of cement dropped Cementoss about two or three meters downwards as a portion of it rushed upwards to form a solid concrete wall that the sparking, black wire bounced off of. A black spot was left on the concrete from the electrical discharge, but the line fell to the street without doing anything to Cementoss.

“Clever.” Cementoss smiled at Kirishima’s thrown together strategy. “He instantly took my words about thinking outside of the box to heart, it seems.” The teacher was quickly rushing after the redhead on his moving wave of cement a second later.

“Are you kidding me?!” Kirishima glanced over his shoulder as he ran, seeing his Modern Literature teacher catching up to him again.

“Swamp Cement!” Cementoss called out and the wave he was riding on sped up, leaving behind the slab of concrete that the Pro Hero was riding on.

“Gah!” Kirishima’s footing was gone as the semi-liquid cement covered the street beneath him. The thick muck bogged him down as he struggled to lift his feet from it. Then it all hardened instantly, leaving everything up to Kirishima’s knees trapped in solid concrete.

“One down.” Cementoss wasn’t taking chances as another wave of cement wrapped around Kirishima’s struggling form and then hardened to trap him completely, only leaving his head free for air. “Now for the other one.” He was off on another wave of cement, surfing on it with a slab of concrete again.


“Gotta get there! Gotta make it!” Sato ran as fast as his boosted body could go. He felt the fog encroaching on his mind from hitting his sugar limit. His cognitive functions were dimming as he ran for the gate with all his might.

“There you are!” Cementoss called out from behind the teen.

Sato ignored the words, made easier by his rapidly falling brain power. He just kept running and running. Something splashed down behind him, but the speed boost from his Turbinado Sugar let him escape. Nothing but the gate directly ahead mattered as he rushed towards it.

“You won’t get through!” Cementoss sent a wave of cement forward as fast as he could. The amount wasn’t a lot, as the more material he manipulated, the slower it became, but the rushing cement rose up and solidified into a wall between the gate and Sato.

“Uuuuooooaaaahhhh!!!” Sato’s dim mind went full charging bull and he didn’t even flinch as he slammed through the hastily erected barrier. The concrete gave way under his charge and the student staggered and stumbled through the dust and debris. His speed was greatly slowed, but he crossed the gate before he collapsed.

“Team Kirishima and Sato have passed the exam via escaping the testing site!” Blared throughout the area over the loudspeakers.

“Are you alright?” Cementoss was already at Sato’s side to make sure that the boy hadn’t hurt himself.

“Tired…” The slow drawl and the slightly vacant look in Sato’s eyes showed that his Quirk’s side-effect had taken over.

“We’ll get you to Recovery Girl for some rest then.” Cementoss chuckled as some robots approached with a stretcher to take Sato to the nurse. “Meanwhile, I’ll go free young Kirishima.” He headed back into the test site to get Kirishima out of the concrete he’d trapped the teen with.

-Recovery Girl’s Onsite Medical Tent-

“No injuries at least.” Recovery Girl smiled happily at how the Practical Exams were going, so far. Aside from the injuries to Bakugo, none of the students had any real injuries to speak of from their tests yet. Even the explosive teen’s injuries hadn’t been very bad, easily healed up by her Quirk. “A few more pairs and we’ll be done.” She looked over to the bed that Izuku was in, the boy previously napping to recover his lost stamina and energy from his exam. “Are you sure you want to stay here and watch the rest of the tests?”

“I’m good.” Izuku confirmed with a nod, a happy little smile on his face.

Recovery Girl rolled her eyes a little at the teen. “I’m sure you are.” Her gaze fell onto Momo and Camie, both girls sitting beside Izuku’s bed and gently fawning over their boyfriend. Her student in healing was quite the popular young man, with what appeared to be four girlfriends. ‘Certainly not unheard of since Quirks started appearing; but not exactly common either.’ A lot had changed in the world after the emergence of Quirks and the Quirk Dark Ages that had followed.

“Say ‘aaah’, Izukun~” Camie grinned as she brought one of Recovery Girl’s gummies up to her boyfriend’s mouth. He needed energy back and the specially made gummies that Recovery Girl handed out were packed full of vitamins and just enough sugar to help the body restore some energy.

“Aaah…” Izuku accepted the gummies with a smile. It had been surprising at first, but he’d gotten used to it quickly. Camie wasn’t one to let him remain easily flustered by her affections.

“No fair,” Momo pouted adorably, nearly making Izuku and Camie coo at her. “It was my turn.”

“Sorry, Yaomomo.” Camie apologized for stealing Momo’s turn to feed Izuku a gummy.

“Aaah~” Momo’s cheeks were pink as she fed Izuku, but the beautiful smile on her face when he accepted it from her nearly lit up the tent.

So cute.’ Camie and Izuku thought at the exact same time. They could practically see sparkles around Momo as she smiled.

“Seems like those two are trapped.” Recovery Girl mentioned as she looked at one screen in particular. This prompted the three students to look at the same screen and watch the exam site that it displayed.

-Iida and Sero Exam-

“Crap!” Sero shot out a line of tape from his elbow and then reeled himself towards the only safe spot. A second later and the ruin of a building he’d been clinging to crumbled and collapsed. “He’s keeping us trapped here!”

Iida agreed, grimacing behind his helmet at the test site. It was a simulated disaster area, filled with bare ground, destroyed and ruined buildings, and littered with large rocks and debris here and there. “I can’t even run properly after what he’s done to the ground.”

Indeed, Power Loader had taken their Quirks into account and used the excavation power suit to make the dirt ground into a massive series of pitfalls. Iida had nearly been sucked into one when they’d tried to cross the area earlier; only being saved by Sero’s Tape Quirk as the other teen pulled him back up before he could sink into the shifting soil. The Head of the Support Course had also thought ahead and destroyed every piece of stable footing in the area between their current location and the exit gate.

To put it simply: They were stranded on the remains of a large fallen building with nowhere to go.

“It’s not going to be that easy, kids!” Power Loader laughed as the excavation suit appeared from the cloud of dust that was kicked up by the fallen rubble. “Clock’s ticking!” With a wide grin he used his powersuit to dig back beneath the ground, disappearing form the view of the two students.

“He’s having way too much fun at our expense…” Sero deadpanned at the teacher’s words.

“Perhaps, but his strategy is nearly perfect.” Iida commented as he saw the exit gate in the distance. “He’s turned the entire test site against us already.”

“Every time I try to cross over to another piece of rubble or one of the ruined buildings, he tears it apart from below and forces me back.” Sero sighed in exasperation, tapping his tape dispenser styled helmet. He’d made five attempts, and he’d been rebuffed each time. “I’ve run out of places that I can reach with my Quirk. So, how are we passing this?”

“For not having any ranged offensive capabilities, Power Loader has made the best use of his excavation suit.” Iida remarked as he took in the area around them. “We can’t capture him while he’s below the ground, so that option to pass is unavailable. But getting to the gate has been made impossible as well. It’s an ingenious way to run out the clock and make us fail.”

“Less praising the teacher and more figuring out a way for us to pass, please.” Sero turned his head towards Iida, lifting his visor so that his classmate could see the flat look that he was giving him.

“One moment… I’m checking something.” Iida walked along the length of the collapsed building that they were trapped on. “Hmm, it would be risky… The length isn’t optimal, but the gate is a straight shot.”

Sero cocked an eyebrow at Iida’s words as he observed the collapsed building that they stood on. “You’re starting to sound like Midoriya.”

“I’d take that as a compliment.” Iida turned to face Sero. “Midoriya is very intelligent, helpful, and a great Hero-in-Training that I’m proud to call a friend and classmate.”

“True.” Sero nodded with a grin. “So, did your Midoriya-ing figure out a way for us to pass this exam?”

“Possibly… But it’s not one-hundred percent.” Iida looked between the edge of the ruined building and the gate in the distance. “How far can you launch your tape and still be accurate?”

“About fifty meters, if there’s no wind to account for.” Sero placed his hand on his chin. “My longest shot was a hundred meters, but that was just distance without aiming for anything.”

Iida eyeballed the gate again and was clearly running the math in his head to try and gauge the distance. “We might be able to make that.”

“Then let’s do whatever you just thought up.” Sero closed the visor on his helmet.

“Don’t you want to know what my plan is?” Iida questioned.

“I trust you; just tell me what I need to do.” Sero held out his fist to Iida.

After a second Iida realized what Sero was doing and completed the fist bump.

“I’m going to use the new modifications to my costume and all of my speed to launch us off this ruin and towards the gate. If my estimates are accurate, that should put you within the fifty meter range you mentioned.”

“What about you?” Sero asked curiously.

“Only one of us needs to make it through the gate to pass.” Iida stated plainly. “The goal isn’t to show off or outperform anyone else. It’s to either capture the teacher or escape.”

Sero couldn’t help but think Iida was kinda cool right now, even with how rigid the other guy usually was.

In short order, the two were at the farthest end of the collapsed building. Sero was riding piggyback on Iida as the speedster’s Engine Quirk roared loudly, flaring with short bursts of flames.

“Ready?” Iida asked Sero.

“Heck yeah! Let’s win this!” Sero called back with a wide grin behind his helmet. It was a crazy plan, but he definitely couldn’t think of anything better.

“Recipro Burst!” Iida declared and his engines flared with blue fire, heating up to a ridiculous degree as he and Sero blurred forward and cleared the opposite end of the building in the blink of an eye.

The two partners flew through the air from the speed of their acceleration. Below, the pitfall rigged dirt flew by as they cleared an insane distance. With a belch of black smoke from both of his legs, Iida’s Quirk stalled out. The partners began to descend, but Iida wasn’t done yet, even without his Quirk.

“Deploying Glide Gear!” Iida activated the newest feature of his knight-like full body armor. From his back and sides, areas where Sero had to purposefully avoid holding at Iida’s instructions, emerged wing-like attachments. The armor on his legs and arms also deployed similar small attachments as Iida spread his arms and caught the air rushing past them.

“We’re flying!” Sero laughed as the gear allowed Iida to make use of the speed of his launch to stay airborne for longer.

“Gliding! And not for very long!” Iida stated seriously as he kept his posture stable to take advantage of their rapidly decreasing speed. “Get ready!”

“Already on it!” Sero cocked his right arm back, aiming his elbow at the large sign above the exit gate. “Just a little closer!”

“We’re going to fall short!” Iida warned, having known from his estimates that they may not have had enough space for an optimal launch. The ground was coming up faster than he’d like.

“I’ve got this!” Sero eyed the sign carefully. If he fired now, the air resistance they were experiencing would completely mess up his launch. He had to wait until just the right moment. “A little more…”

Iida’s Gliding Gear had hit its limit with the weight of the two teens and the speedster was now heading for the ground. Using all that he’d studied and practiced with his new gear in preparation for the Practical Exam, Iida angled his body to eke out whatever last bit of distance that he could get as the glide slowed to an almost crawl. “Jump!”

“Got it!” Sero launched his tape, aiming for the large sign. It wasn’t exactly fifty meters…more like fifty-eight or fifty-nine…but he would hit the sign above the gate, even without perfect accuracy. The adhesive shot through the air as Sero leapt off of Iida’s back and the armored teen was in a barely controlled fall straight towards the ground. The tape landed and Sero quickly reeled himself in. “YEAH!!!”

“Team Sero and Iida have passed the exam via escaping the testing site!” The announcement was made throughout the speakers around the Test Site.

“Huh?” Power Loader emerged from the ground in his excavation suit. Seeing Iida stuck in a pitfall a distance from the gate and Sero standing on the other side, the teacher couldn’t help but grin widely at being outplayed. “I’ve gotta see this craziness.” He pulled up the video of the site as he moved the powersuit across the area to go dig Iida out of his previously dug trap.

Iida was rather perplexed at what Power Loader was laughing at when the teacher arrived to help him out of the pitfall.

-Recovery Girl’s Onsite Medical Tent-

“Oh my, how clever.” Recovery Girl chuckled lightly at the teamwork shown by Iida and Sero.

“That was awesome!” Camie cheered, raising one fist into the air. “Iida flew them to victory!”

“Only Sero could’ve made that plan work out.” Izuku commented, really wishing that he had one of his notebooks right now. “For not having worked together like this before, they did great.”

“I was honestly wondering how they were going to succeed.” Momo admitted, having seen how thoroughly Power Loader had stacked the odds against their classmates.

“If you can’t touch the ground, fly!” Camie laughed brightly. “That was so sick!”

“Here you go, Izuku.” Momo giggled and created a notebook and a pen for her boyfriend after seeing his hands twitching.

“Thank you, Momo!” Izuku leaned forward and kissed her lips before accepting the notebook and pen. He flipped it open and began writing what he’d just seen with a blur. His thoughts and questions quickly filled up the first page.

“You’re welcome~” Momo nearly swooned as she held her cheeks in her hands, a bright red blush across her face from the kiss.

“Aww, no fair.” Camie teased, making a pouty face. “I want a kiss too, Izukun.”

Izuku stopped writing instantly. “Okay.” He leaned in and Camie grinned at him, happy that even his muttering habit was easily overcome when it came to his girlfriends. Their lips met and Camie made sure to keep it simple and chaste since Recovery Girl was in the tent too. “Happy?” Izuku smiled warmly at Camie.

“Yep!” Camie smiled gently leaning her forehead against his for a moment. “Take your notes, nerd.” She teased him lightly.

“Yes ma’am.” Izuku teased right back, a grin on his face.

“Calling Izuku a nerd is mean, Camie.” Momo looked at Camie flatly.

Camie only giggled. “He’s a nerd, but he’s, our nerd!”

“Camie!” Momo was stifling a giggle of her own now. Their relationship with Izuku was uncommon, but it never failed to make Momo giggle when talking about it.

“I’m good with that.” Izuku chuckled as he continued writing his notes.

Recovery Girl was still watching the various screens as she smiled from the banter she was overhearing. ‘Teenagers…’ The elderly woman thought to herself, not for the first time since taking up her position at U.A. some about forty years ago. She’d seen the last three generations of Heroes rise up from a front row seat. This latest group was definitely a good one.

-League of Villains Hideout-

Shigaraki Tomura nearly growled as he looked at a picture of Midoriya Izuku that had been taken during the Sports Festival. He was about to turn it to dust like he’d done to so many other copies before it, but a knock on the door, in a specific pattern, got his attention.

The door opened to reveal a middle-aged man of moderate height and slight build, with round glasses over his notably narrow pink eyes. He had short gray hair worn parted to his right with side bangs hanging above his eyes, along with a small mustache and a goatee on his chin. One of his front teeth was missing, leaving a gap when he grinned. He currently had a lit cigarette hanging from the edge of his mouth.

“Giran.” Shigaraki spoke the man’s name.

The Villain Broker grinned at Shigaraki as he opened the door all the way and walked in. “Shigaraki.” Two people followed Giran into the bar. “We’ve been spreading the word about you for the past few days. About how something big is going down soon.”

“Well?” Shigaraki crushed the picture of Izuku and turned it to dust with his Quirk as he eyed the two new people. “Who’re they?”

“In person, you’re…super gross, dude.” The young man on the right spoke up as he eyed Shigaraki. He was a reasonably tall, pale young man that was rather slim but had a somewhat muscular build, and appeared to be in his early twenties. He had black hair that spiked upward around his head, hanging low over his eyes, which were narrow, turquoise in color, and heavily lidded.

His most striking features, however, were undoubtedly the patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that covered much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone and below his eyes. He has several silver piercings in both ears and a triple nostril piercing on the right side of his nose. He wore a dark blue jacket with a high, ripped collar, matching pants cut off above his ankles, and a pair of dark dress shoes on his feet. Under the jacket was a plain pale gray, scoop-neck shirt, below which a gray belt with a circular pattern wrapped around his waist, with a leather satchel attached at the back.

“This rather blunt fellow is called Dabi.” Giran introduced the man that looked like he’d suffered severe burns on his body.

“Whoa! This hand guy was Mr. Stainy’s friend? Really?!” The girl on the left was pumping her arms up and down like an excited child.

She was a fair-skinned girl who could easily be described as having a pretty face. Though Shigaraki had no care or concern for attraction to anyone. The girl had inward-tilting yellow eyes with thin slit-like irises, that somewhat resembled those of a cat, and her mouth was also rather feline, since her canines were pointed and longer than the rest of her teeth, giving her an almost vampiric appearance. Her hair was a pale, ash-blonde color and was styled into two messy buns, with numerous wild strands sticking out, she had a straight fringe and two chin-length side bangs framing her face.

Her outfit was a plain seifuku with a Kansai collar, both the skirt and the shirt were dark blue with a double white trim, which was paired with a red scarf that she tied loosely below. Over that, she wore an oversized beige cardigan with a long hem and cuffs, and pockets on either side, the right one held a number of trinkets on either a keychain or a cellphone strap. She wore knee-length black socks and dark brown outdoor school shoes on her feet.

“I want to join too!” The girl smiled widely, showing off her fang-like canine teeth. “Your League of Villains!”

“This quirky girl is Toga Himiko; she’s a big fan of the Hero Killer and his ideals about Heroes.” Giran chuckled darkly as he introduced the girl.

For every step that Heroes take, the Villains of the world take a step as well.

That was simply the way the world worked since the emergence of Quirks.

-End Chapter-


Two more passing teams! Woo!

Izuku and his girlfriends are being all lovey-dovey! Aww!

I’m sure that Ochako and Tsuyu are going to want their own lovey-dovey time as soon as they finish their Practical Exams too! Kek!

Terrain manipulation is a useful ability to have, for sure!

Not so nice when it’s turned against you though!

If Kirishima and Sato had to fight Cementoss in a purely urban setting instead of a suburban one, they’d have been swamped just like in Canon!

But thankfully we’re actually imposing REAL limitations on the Pro Heroes in this story!

We even got to see Iida’s Glide Gear which lets him clear distances that he can’t run across! It may not be flight, but it certainly helps a speedster get to places he may not normally be able to go!

Which teams are up next?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



not sure if you've ever read (or possibly even heard of) the fanfic author Third Fang but honestly I think the insanity you two could come up with if you ever did a collab would make for a great story lol

Captain Amurco

i have now caught up with this mha fic as well. I think this one is better that the sun hero one. even if reading about the equivalent of escanor in the mha universe is fun.