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Hey friends and fans! I got another Tier Reward asking for more Goblins! The Original Writing progresses a bit further! We’ll have a completed book eventually! Won’t that be amazing?

Spring has come and with it the daily activities of the Koh Tribe resume! Koh and Ria continue to do their best to lead their Tribe and make improvements where they can. Having met their neighbors, the Gnomes, the Chieftain wonders if there aren’t other neighbors that they might not be aware of. But the world continues to move outside of the Koh Tribe and the Great Silua Forest. Things that might not involve them normally, could come to them regardless.


-Day 326-

“How much further, old man?” A haggard-looking man in light metal armor asked as his small group followed after the forest green cloak and brown pointed hat of the one leading them through the forest. The sword on his hip marked him as a warrior of some kind.

“I would suggest saving your strength for walking rather than speaking, Mr. Dosk.” Galluf Reed replied to the Adventurer that he was guiding through the depths of the Silua Forest. “We need to put as much distance as possible between ourselves and whatever that creature was.”

“He’s right, Ryton.” The man that was leaning on Ryton for support as he hobbled through the forest spoke up. “With my leg like this… I don’t think we can escape that thing if it finds us again.” He was wearing similar armor to Ryton, but his was darker, meant to not reflect light. On each of his hips was a sheathed shortsword. The left leg of his pants, below the knee, was shredded and soaked in blood. A thick bandage had been wrapped around the wound, but it was nearly soaked through before it had managed to control the bleeding.

“We’re not leaving you here, Dale, don’t even think about it.” One of the two women of the group looked at the man pointedly. She was rather pretty, with long auburn hair down her back, tied into a ponytail. Her armor was leather and mail, with small plate armor over the chest to protect her vitals. On her back was a quiver of arrows and her bow.

“Appreciate that, Linette.” Dale replied to the archer, still hobbling along with Ryton’s help.

“I don’t know why the Healing spell didn’t work on your leg,” The other woman apologized to Dale. “It’s almost like the injury is cursed. I don’t have anything to deal with curses though.” She was a rather cute young woman with a darker complexion and black hair, wearing a gray robe with some white accents and a leather belt keeping it closed. On her head was a hat similar to Galluf’s though a bit smaller. In her right hand was a staff made of dark wood, a purple gem atop it, but only about the size of a small apple, compared to the large Forest Pearl that sat atop Galluf’s staff.

“That thing probably is cursed.” Ryton commented with a grimace, helping his friend walk over a large, exposed tree root. “Maybe it’s some kind of undead?”

“That would explain why it stopped chasing us when the sun rose high enough to fill the forest with light.” Galluf spoke as he carefully looked around for danger. “Many types of undead go dormant in the light of day. Others become greatly weakened by it, even if they can still move.” The Druid glanced at a few of the trees, but moved on when he didn’t see what he was looking for.

“I’ll try again once we get to a safe place, Dale.” The robed woman promised the injured man.

Dale grimaced as his injured leg was jostled a bit roughly, but managed a strained smile for the woman. “Sure thing, Tanya. The bleeding isn’t too bad, it just hurts like hell.”

“Your old friend sure lives in an out of the way place, Mr. Reed.” Linette mentioned as they continued to travel through the forest.

“Yes, but he’s quite the craftsman, and strong enough to ensure our safe passage out of the Silua Forest.” Galluf chuckled lightly. “I believe we may need to stop somewhere along the way though.” He looked over at Dale. “Mr. Stenn is not looking well.” His eyes looked over Dale with concern.

“Hah…” Dale’s breathing was heavy, and he had a lot of sweat on his brow. “I’ll be fine. No worries.” He wasn’t very convincing to anyone at the moment.

Several minutes of travel later and Galluf spotted the first marker that he’d been looking for. It was nailed into a large tree with what appeared to be bones. The marker itself was also made of wood and bone as well. A twisted branch formed a ring, upon which two long bones ran parallel to each other from the top to the bottom of the wooden ring. One long bone went perpendicular to the two parallel bones and held up a Capra Horn skull that had been decorated with a bright red substance (probably blood) that formed a symbol reminiscent of an eye. Galluf knew this particular marker, and was knowledgeable enough to understand its meaning. The ‘eye’ meant that everything beyond this point was watched by the ones that had placed the marker.

“This way, it won’t be long now.” Galluf pointed his staff in the direction they needed to travel.

“Are you mad?!” Ryton eyed the marker, having spotted it a second ago. “That’s a Goblin Marker! We’re in no shape to fight and we have women with us!” He looked over at Linette and Tanya. “For a Tribe to set up markers…they have to be strong enough to control the territory. We can’t deal with a full Goblin Tribe right now!” Protecting his Party came first and foremost to Ryton. They were friends and he’d already failed once when that thing had come out of nowhere and injured Dale.

“I assure you, the Tribe that placed this marker is not one to cause us any harm, so long as we don’t present a threat.” Galluf stated firmly to Ryton. “Mr. Stenn needs a place to rest and get some treatment. This Tribe could give us shelter for the night and we can head out in the morning to my old friend’s residence.”

“We all know what happens to women when Goblins are involved.” Linette grimaced as she recalled so many stories of the horrible fates of women that had been rescued from Goblin dens.

Tanya looked uneasy as well. “I’m not eager to test our luck either.” She shook her head. “Why do you think they’d shelter us?”

“Because I’ve been a recipient of their hospitality before.” Galluf started walking, passing by the bone marker as he headed in the direction that he’d wandered through almost half a year ago.

“Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt…” Dale winced as the pain in his left leg flared up again. “He hasn’t steered us wrong yet.”

“What do you two think?” Ryton looked between Tanya and Linette. They would be the ones in the worst danger if Galluf was wrong.

“He seems confident and he says he’s stayed there safely before.” Tanya looked at Dale worriedly. “If he’s right, we might be able to help Dale out faster.”

“As much as I don’t like it, I don’t think we have much choice.” Linette exhaled heavily. “We’ve burned a lot of daylight already. We wouldn’t stand a chance if that thing was still following us once night falls.”

“This fucking Quest.” Ryton nearly growled under his breath. He adjusted Dale on his shoulder and started following after Galluf; Linette and Tanya following after him and watching out for danger from the forest.

-Koh Tribe-

Klak Klak Klak Klak Klak

The warning alarm was struck multiple times, getting the attention of the entire Tribe. Several Hobgoblins that were in the forest nearby rushed back to the gate and entered the safety of the wall. A few hunting parties were much further out in the forest, but would hopefully be alright as the gate closed with a thud.

“What’s going on?” Koh questioned form the base of the watchtower that was setting off the alarm.

“Humans, Chief! Five of them!” Wren called down from the top, his bow out and an arrow nocked.

“Archers, to positions!” Ria ordered loudly as nearly a dozen Hobgoblins with bows quickly scaled the ladders up to the platforms along the top of the wall. In short order the approaching humans were held at arrow point.

“DAMN IT, OLD MAN!!! I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!!” A loud male voice was heard.

“DO NOT DRAW YOUR SWORD, MR. DOSK!” A familiar voice yelled back to the first.

“Hmm?” Koh cocked an eyebrow before turning to look at Ria. “Was that?”

“I think so.” Ria nodded to him as they both quickly scaled the ladder up to the platform.

“Linette! Tanya! You two run! We’ll hold them off!” The first male voice called out.

“Wait!” A female voice responded this time. “Those’re females!”

“What?” The first male voice sounded confused. “What does that matter?”

“Didn’t you study up on Goblins when you started out as an Adventurer?” A second female voice questioned. “Goblin Tribes kidnap females of other Races to breed because their females are infertile until becoming Hobgoblins.”

“So what?” Ryton questioned, spotting Koh and Ria appearing at the top of the wall. “Shit… That’s a Shaman.” Magic using Goblins and Hobgoblins were MUCH more dangerous than the others.

“If a Goblin Tribe has Hobgoblin females, then they don’t kidnap women.” Tanya clarified for Ryton. “They can sustain their own population, so it’s easier than trying to kidnap women from other Races and risk fighting.”

“You’ve brought some very loud visitors to the Koh Tribe’s home, Galluf Reed.” Koh spoke up, ending the conversation between the Adventurers. “I hope you have a good reason for this.”

“Ah, Gobkoh… Or Koh, I should say now.” Galluf gave the Hobgoblin Shaman his best smile along with a slight bow. “First, please allow me to congratulate you and your Tribe for becoming Hobgoblins.” The Druid had never seen a Goblin Tribe made up of mostly Hobgoblins like this. Usually a handful of Hobgoblins ruled over a horde of regular Goblins.

“Thank you.” Koh nodded to the man. “But why are you here again?” He looked over the four other humans. “With more people, no less.”

“I was asked to help them on a Quest that they undertook, acting as their guide through the Silua Forest.” Galluf explained the basics. “We retrieved what the Quest required, but were rather blindsided by an unexpected foe and forced to flee.”

“A foe that made you flee?” Koh narrowed his eyes at the information.

[Galluf Reed, Human, Level 84]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 10, Estimation Lv. 10, Haggling Lv. 9, Cooking Lv. 6, Fire Making Lv. 9, Evasion Lv. 8, Herbalism Lv. 10, Stamina Lv. 5, Staff Lv. 8, Spellcraft Lv. 6]

[Class – Druid]

[Class Skills: Nature Magic, Animal Communication, Nature Awareness, Shapeshift, Medium Crafting]

He’s still just as strong as he was almost six months ago. What could make him flee?’ Koh wondered to himself as he took in the state of the Party below. One injured man, the man holding him up was haggard-looking, the two women were also showing signs of a fight, their clothing torn or damaged in places.

“What foe was this?” Ria questioned the Druid, her golden eyes glancing over the rest of the party. “They’re all between Level 30 to 35.” She murmured quietly to Koh, informing him of the four humans’ strength.

“I’m not entirely sure…” Galluf admitted to the War Priestess. “It appeared as a mass of writhing black muck in a quadrupedal form.” He’d never seen anything like it in the Silua Forest before. “It stopped chasing us when the sun came up.”

“I see.” Koh mused on this new information. A strange, unknown creature within the forest would be something that they’d have to watch out for. “You have injuries, I notice.”

“Yes, we do.” Galluf nodded his head to Koh. “I was hoping that we might barter for hospitality again, so that we might tend to our injured.” He gave a respectful bow to the Shaman.

“You understand why we’re hesitant to let others into our home, yes?” Koh looked over the four Adventurers, all four were looking between Galluf and Koh as they spoke.

“We would be willing to hand over our weapons, of course.” Galluf had no qualms about it. The Koh Tribe had proven to be amendable to trading for hospitality before.

“We can’t disarm ourselves around Goblins!” Ryton bit out at the Druid. “We can’t trust them not to kill us when our guard is down.”

An arrow landed right in front of Ryton’s feet; sinking deeply into the ground from the enchantment on the bow that had fired it, leaving only the fletching above the dirt. Ryton nearly staggered backwards, but Dale’s weight on his shoulder practically forced him to remain in place. Nonetheless, his eyes snapped up to the one that had fired the arrow.

“If the Chief wanted you dead, then you’d be dead.” Wren told the Adventurer plainly.

“Ryton…” Linette looked at him pointedly. “Calm down.”

Tanya nodded in agreement with Linette. “They have us dead to rights already. If they haven’t killed us yet, then they don’t have a reason to, unless we give them one.”

“Give them a chance… Ryton.” Dale breathed out after a moment. The pain was getting worse now. His leg was nothing but pain and he couldn’t move it well anymore, which was a bad sign.

“Alright…” Ryton tried to calm down. He took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

“What have you got to trade for the Koh Tribe’s hospitality?” Ria questioned the group curiously.

“I have a few things,” Galluf smiled at making some progress. “Some more salt and pepper, a few other herbs and spices not found in the Great Silua Forest, and some coin, if you’ll take it.”

“What about you?” Koh looked at the four Adventurers.

“We all have some coin too.” Linette spoke first.

“Aside from that, we don’t have too much… Some camping gear and a few rations.” Tanya thought about what the Party had on hand.

“I’ll give you this…” Dale reached into his shirt and pulled a thin chain from around his neck. “It’s not very powerful…but the charm on it is a Magic Item called ‘Wind’s Grace’ that increases your speed while wearing it.” He held up the necklace while showing the little metal charm on it.

“Right!” Tanya perked up at seeing Dale offering up his charm. “If you’ll accept that as trade, then I have something too!” She rolled up her sleeve and quickly undid a bracelet from her wrist. “This is a Magic Item too! It’s a low-level charm called ‘Mana Adept’ that helps make Magic usage more efficient!” The little silver bracelet had a cut amethyst set into it and was engraved with what looked to be some kind of glyphs.

“What do you think?” Koh looked at Ria for her opinion on the items.

“They could be useful.” Ria eyed the two charms being offered up. “I might gain some insight or ideas for more Talisman Crafting too.”

“Very well, toss up your weapons and take a Magical Agreement to not harm us, and we’ll open the gate” Koh agreed to the trade.

The weapons, including a few hidden knives from the four Adventurers, were all tossed up to the Hobgoblins atop the wall. With the five humans disarmed, the gate was opened and Koh waited for the group to enter the wall. The Magical Agreements were made quickly and easily, but when Koh got to Dale, his silver eyes narrowed while looking at his leg injury.

“That’s not good.” Koh mentioned after the Magical Agreement was finished.

“I’m aware.” Dale chuckled, only to grimace as the pain flared up again.

Koh shook his head. “No, I mean your injury is filled with Darkness Spirits, it will only get worse if they aren’t removed.”

“Huh?” The four Adventurers looked at the Hobgoblin Shaman in confusion.

“Is that like a curse?” Tanya, also a Magic user, questioned Koh.

“I’ve never seen a curse, so I wouldn’t know.” Koh shook his head. “But why the Darkness Spirits are able to hang around in such high numbers in broad daylight is odd.” He brought his Shaman Staff to bear, pointing the Capra Horn skull at the injury. “Little spirits of the dark, follow the same from my staff.” Koh murmured as the eyes of the skull glowed with black-purple light.

The five humans, along with the majority of the Koh Tribe, watched as a visible mass of black motes of non-light (looking more like soot than anything else) slowly lifted from Dale’s injured leg. When they were pulled away from the injury, Dale hissed.

“Aagghh…” He grimaced at the removal, but then sighed in relief. “Damn…” He moved his injured leg a bit. “That feels a lot better already.”

“Darkness Spirits are linked with anywhere that light is obstructed; but they also gather around the dead.” Koh explained as the mass of Dark Spirits slowly shrank as the light of the sun and the small breeze passing by changed their Elemental Alignments to either Light or Wind. “Given their connection to death, having too many inside of your living flesh is bad.” The last of the Dark Spirits faded away as they became Wind or Light Spirits. “Having too much of any Spirit is bad for you though. Their power can be overwhelming” The Shaman spoke from experience.

“Might we set up our tents, Chief Koh?” Galluf requested with a smile. “It would be best if Mr. Stenn was treated soon.”

“Have him bathe first, then our Herbalists will take care of him.” Ria spoke up after looking over Dale’s injury that had just been unbandaged so that Tanya could look at it. “The Darkness Spirits have accelerated the decay and it needs to be washed before infection sets in.”

“She’s right.” Tanya nodded to her friends. “If I try to heal this with my spell right now, it’ll just close the wound and trap the rot inside.”

“You have baths here?” Linette blinked at the news. “Like, actual baths? Hot water and everything?”

“Over there.” Koh pointed to the fenced off area with the roof over part of it. “Yog! Tay!”

“Yes, Chief?” Tay questioned, Yog jogging over to stand in front of Koh as well.

“Get the bath ready for them.” Koh instructed his tribesmen. “After their done, leave them to their own devices until dinner.”

“Yes, Chief!” Yog and Tay nodded before heading over to the baths to fill the tubs on both the male and female sides.

“Anyone else ever heard of Goblins with baths?” Ryton whispered to his friends in confusion.

“Not even once.” Linette shook her head.

“Nope.” Tanya was also shaking her head.

Dale hadn’t either, but he’d practically kill for a warm bath right now. “I’ll take them up on it though. The pain is a lot less now, but it still hurts…like a small burn.”

Ria collected the two Magic Charms, the spices were collected by Kay and Trok (both of the Cooks quickly rushing them over to the cooking area), and the coins were given to Koh. The five humans set up tents quickly before moving to the baths, Ryton and Galluf helping Dale along.

“Hmm? Silver and Copper coins.” Koh analyzed the currency that he’d been given. “I wonder if we can trade these with the Gnomes? They said that they visited a human settlement; so they’d have more opportunity to spend money than we would.” In his mind he had another thought. ‘Not to mention any other neighbors we might have that simply haven’t made themselves known yet.’ Koh made a motion to a few of his tribesmen to keep watch over the humans, just in case, and headed into the cave to stash away the coins for later.


“Ah~ I feel alive again.” Tanya sighed happily after her bath. She was wearing a secondary robe now, thinner than her gray and white robe, in a beige color.

“Never thought I’d get to have a proper bath in the middle of the Silua Forest.” Linette agreed, stretching her arms above her head. The archer was now wearing a simple tunic-like shirt and some linen pants.

“How’s your leg, Dale?” Ryton asked his friend as they sat at one of the tables near the edge of the cooking area. He was in a simple cotton shirt and his regular pants after his bath.

“No more pain.” Dale smiled at the relief, gently touching the new bandage over his injury. “Whatever that herbal medicine they put on it was, it numbed the pain entirely.” Like Ryton, he wore a simple shirt, though his was linen, and he’d had to get out his spare pants form his small pack, stuffing his damaged ones inside in hopes of getting a tailor or seamstress to salvage them later. “That was a nice bath. I feel better.”

“As I said, the Koh Tribe can be quite hospitable to those that are willing to work with them.” Galluf chuckled at the four younger Adventurers; now in his simple gray robe and sandals for the evening. He’d left the fulltime Adventurer life behind him a couple of decades ago. But occasionally he was still sought out as a guide when it came to places like the Great Silua Forest. “The food is good too.” The Druid mentioned with a smile.

“It smells good.” Ryton agreed, breathing in deeply. “What do they serve here?”

“I had venison last time.” Galluf recalled the meal. “The cooks here seem rather knowledgeable and skilled in their craft.”

“Thanks.” Trok grinned at the five humans, a wooden tray that had been carved over the winter was balanced on his right hand. On the tray were five meals of tonight’s dinner. “It’s Capra Horn meat tonight, we got a few from one of the hunting parties yesterday.” He placed the meals down on the table, one in front of each of their guests. “The soup is vegetables from the forest; wild onions, mushrooms, Tarch Root, all in a Jackalope stock broth. There’s Mavu Fruit and Yubom Berries too. And we have clean water to drink, chilled with ice.”

“Ice? In the forest?” Tanya blinked at seeing the ice in their drinks.

“Yeah, the Chief can use a lot of different Spirits to make Magic.” Trok shrugged, not really understanding Magic much. “Enjoy your meal.” He nodded to them and headed back towards the cooking area.

“No one at the Guild is going to believe this…” Ryton shook his head while looking at the meal in front of him.

Dale chuckled as he picked up the wooden fork and the stone knife. “They don’t have to believe it.” He cut a piece of the still hot Capra Horn meat and brought it up to his mouth. “We’re eating it!” He placed the meat into his mouth and enjoyed the flavor.

“I’m gonna try the soup.” Linette picked up the ceramic bowl and the wooden spoon. “They even have ceramics?” She took the first spoonful of soup and tried it. “Oh! That’s actually really good!” Linette quickly stopped caring about the flatware as she took another spoonful of soup.

“This is Capra Horn meat, huh?” Tanya hummed appreciatively at the meat she was eating. “I’ve never had it before.”

“I’ve had goat meat before,” Ryton mentioned, cutting himself another bite of the meat. “But this stuff tastes better.” He chewed his mouthful and swallowed it. “I wonder if it’s because it’s a Capra Horn and not a regular goat?”

“The Koh Tribe makes excellent use of Nature’s blessings.” Galluf agreed as he sampled the fresh Mavu Fruit. “Just a little juice…” He lightly squeezed a slice of the Mavu Fruit over his Capra Horn meat. Setting the fruit aside, he cut another portion of meat, covered in drops of the fruit juice, and ate it. “Mmm, yes, a very good combination of flavors.”

“I’ll try that too.” Dale cut a slice of his own Mavu Fruit and then drizzled some juice over a piece of the meat he’d already cut off.

-After Dinner-

“I must thank you once again for having us, Chief Koh.” Galluf nodded to Koh as the Druid and Shaman sat next to each other and just watched the Tribe go about their evening activities.

“We made agreements and received valuable trades to the Tribe.” Koh shrugged at hosting the five humans for the night. “I’m curious as to what this creature was that made you flee.” He looked at the Druid questioningly.

“I’ve never seen the like of it within the Great Silua Forest.” Galluf shook his head as he recalled the strange creature. “That it stopped chasing us at sunrise could indicate that it was some type of undead.”

“Undead?” Koh raised an eyebrow at the term. He knew of it from ‘before’ but hadn’t considered it much based on the Magic that he’d seen and experienced so far.

“Yes, the lingering darkness left in Mr. Stenn’s wound was even similar to the ‘Necrotic Curse’ that some higher-level undead are supposedly capable of leaving on those they injure.” Galluf informed Koh with a thoughtful look on his face. “But natural undead are very rare. Usually a Necromancer is involved in raising the dead to do their bidding.”

“Is there anything within the Silua Forest that a Necromancer would want?” Koh asked, now fully invested in figuring out just what it was that Galluf and the Adventurers had encountered. ‘Don’t tell me that we have to fight some army of the undead!’ The Chieftain worried about what such a threat would do to the Tribe.

“I doubt it.” Galluf denied while giving Koh a reassuring smile. “Not to mention the danger of coming so far into the Great Silua Forest to begin with.” He gestured widely to the vast forest beyond the wall. “A powerful Necromancer can raise corpses and skeletons into an army to do their bidding. But the sheer size and numerous beasts within the Silua Forest have been known to wipe out even large and well-equipped expedition campaigns in the past.”

“So, this thing could be a natural undead, or something similar?” Koh would be relieved if the Tribe didn’t have to fight some Necromancer.

“In a place like the Silua Forest, which is filled with life, a natural undead doesn’t seem likely to form.” Galluf thought about what the creature they’d seen could’ve been. “It was quadrupedal, like a beast, but its body was just a mass of writhing black muck. It was quite large though…” The Druid rolled the information around in his head a bit longer. “I suppose it could’ve been a demon of some kind, but a primitive demon is even rarer than a naturally occurring undead.”

“We’ll have to keep a steady watch out for it then, just in case.” Koh made a mental note to address the Tribe tonight before everyone went to bed. There would need to be warnings and some changes to hunting parties going forward. “Perhaps our arrows enchanted by Ria will prove useful if it comes down to a fight?”

“Whatever it was, it stopped chasing us at sunrise, and even though we were slowed by Mr. Stenn’s injury, we still covered a considerable amount of distance.” Galluf recalled exactly how far the Party had to travel to make it to the Koh Tribe’s territory. “I doubt that it would continue to follow us after that.”

“KOH!” Ria rushed over to her Mate with shock all over her face. “My Skill! We’re going to be attacked!”

“When?” Koh shot up from his seat. “Tomorrow? The day after?” Ria usually got a warning from her Conflict Premonition Skill about a day or so before any hostile force came towards the Koh Tribe. It was an invaluable Skill for the Tribe’s survival and had truly proven its worth back when the Lunar Wolf’s pack had attacked.

“Tonight!” Ria told him with seriousness and confusion. “The premonition just came as soon as the sun began to set! I don’t know why it didn’t happen sooner!”

“Shit.” Koh wanted to be shocked and confused too, but he was the Chieftain and needed to lead his Tribe. “Gather everyone! All of the archers are on top of the wall tonight! Tell them to bring every arrow they can, including all of your enchanted ones! Anyone that isn’t as proficient with the Bow will assist with supplies and using the firebombs!”

“Yes!” Risa nodded quickly, her shock fading (more like being pushed to the side) as she took up her role as leader too. She rushed towards the group of Hobgoblins and quickly had everyone starting to get ready for the impending attack.

“I think you jinxed us.” Koh side-eyed Galluf.

“That was not my intention…” Galluf shook his head and stood up as well. “If you’ll allow it, this old Druid would fight by your Tribe’s side!”

“I wasn’t going to let you sit it out anyway; consider it further payment for staying the night!” Koh rushed to get his weapons and armor, while Galluf jogged over to his tent to get his normal robe and boots back on.

-End Chapter-


Damn it, Galluf! You just HAD to tempt fate, didn’t you?!

What is coming for the Koh Tribe, and why?

On the slightly brighter side, the first interaction between the Koh Tribe and human Adventurers has been very positive! Removing the festering Darkness Spirits from Dale’s wound, letting them all have hot baths, treating Dale’s injury so that it can be healed with Magic in the morning, feeding them good food. All good deeds that should net the Koh Tribe a favorable reputation among Adventurers…if anyone actually believes the Party at all, of course.

Things are about to get dangerous again, and the Koh Tribe will have their first battle as a Tribe of mostly Hobgoblins! Will the boost granted by the Growth Phase show its worth in the upcoming battle?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I can update this again, later!



Man, I love this story so much. I've said it before, but I think you have amazing talent as a writer. I can't Wait to read more.

Mr. Khaos

This is a great chapter! I'm quite fond of this story. I am curious if Koh could learn magic outside Shamanic or if there's a advanced form of the class like a prestige class.


Glad you like it! You'll see how things develop as we move further along into the story!

Captain Amurco

I just binged this after seeing it as an option for the poll, it's a great story and i'd love to read more of it in the future.


I'm happy that you enjoyed it! I'm hoping to get it published (perhaps as a LN) once I complete it in the future!


I get the impression that you're taking inspiration from the monsters from Princess Mononoke for that creature that attacked them lol. A flailing mass of dark tentacles that curses and rots those it touches.