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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Journey to Raftel! Sailing out from Loguetown with a new nakama! That’s a good thing in Luffy’s eyes! And Sanji’s heart-shaped eyes, since Carina is a beautiful woman! Kek! Now the Straw Hats need to get through Reverse Mountain and into the Grand Line! Adventure awaits!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 15 – Reverse Mountain

“There’s the lighthouse.” Nami nodded as he spotted the first guide point towards the Grand Line. “It points to the Grand Line!” She smiled at Luffy, who was sitting atop the Going Merry’s figurehead.

“Really?!” Luffy looked excited, he practically had sparkles in his eyes. Nami couldn’t help but giggle at her lover’s excitement.

“Yep!” Nami grinned, looking at the map in her hands. “From the southwestern shores of Polestar Island, the currents all head towards a single point, Reverse Mountain, the entrance to the Grand Line! The lighthouse is the first guide point to show the way! After that it’s only a matter of following the currents until you get there!”

“Awesome!” Luffy cheered, throwing his fists in the air.

“Sounds like fairly easy sailing at least.” Sanji commented on their course, and Reiju nodded in agreement with her brother.

“Shouldn’t have to do much except ride the current to the entrance.” Nami agreed as she plotted the course out to take advantage of the strong current. “The entire trip from Loguetown to the entrance of Reverse Mountain should only take about four hours as we sail the currents.”

“Plenty of time for lunch.” Carina spoke up, a little grin on her lips.

“Whatever you want, Carina-chwan!” Sanji agreed immediately, already noodling towards the kitchen.

“More like enough time to set some ground rules!” Nami narrowed her eyes at Carina. Luffy was the Captain, he’d allowed Carina to join their crew, there was nothing Nami could do about that. ‘But I can make sure that she understands what I’ll do to her if she tries to rob us blind and disappear!’ She clenched her fist at her side.

“Ushishi!” Carina giggled at Nami’s glare, smiling at her fellow thief innocently.

Reiju gently stepped between the two, acting as mediator to prevent a fight. “Calm down a little, you two.” She looked between the two women with an amused little smile. “Carina does need to know the few rules that this ship has.” Reiju agreed with Nami, not that Luffy implemented many rules on his ship as it was. He was all about freedom, after all. “But there’s no reason for suspicion right now, Nami.”

“You don’t know her like I do.” Nami sighed, rolling her eyes at Carina’s innocent smile.

“Do you really believe that she can lie to Luffy?” Reiju reminded Nami of Luffy’s ability to see through falsehoods. “Plus, there are quite a few of Luffy’s copies all over the ship at any given time. I doubt that she can evade them all.” She looked at Carina with an amused little grin; as if daring the thief to try.

“I’m not going to do anything.” Carina pouted at Reiju. Evade all of Luffy’s copies? She probably couldn’t evade one! She barely saw him move sometimes, and he could overpower Mad Treasure easily! She didn’t even know how to use her new Devil Fruit yet!

“You better not,” Nami leaned forward a bit to get closer to Carina’s face. “Or I’ll show you what my Devil Fruit can do.”

“Sheesh…calm down a little Cat Burglar.” Carina waved off Nami’s threat, trying to ignore the glowing yellow eyes.

Reiju decided to defuse the situation by changing the subject. “Nami, you recall that I saved a good amount of money during my shopping in Loguetown, right?”

“Yeah?” Nami nodded to the older girl. It was nice getting some of the money back after all.

“I was thinking,” Reiju took a half-step forward, getting closer to Nami. “Maybe I could get a little reward for saving us money?” The pinkette licked her lips slightly.

“Eh?” Nami blinked at the implied reward that Reiju wanted. “But, Luffy and I…” She looked at her lover, only to see him looking at her curiously while lying back on the ‘neck’ of Merry’s figurehead. “Luffy?”

“What’s up, Nami?” Luffy smiled at her.

“Reiju…wants a reward for saving money on her Loguetown shopping trip.” Nami began, looking between Reiju and Luffy. “I’m pretty sure she wants a kiss.”

“Oh?” Carina had a wicked little grin on her lips for a moment, until Nami’s burning yellow eyes glared at her.

“Are you okay with it?” Luffy asked Nami simply.

“I mean…I’m not against it or anything.” Nami admitted, making Reiju smile invitingly at the orangette. “But you and are in a relationship, so I shouldn’t be doing things like that with other people.”

Luffy rolled off the ‘neck’ of the figurehead to land on the deck easily. He pulled Nami into a hug and captured her lips in a warm kiss. Nami hummed pleasurably as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed herself into his body. When they pulled apart, the Navigator had a smile on her lips.

“Do you want more in our relationship?” Luffy’s question was so simple that Nami took a second to parse through it.

“I…I’ve never thought about that.” Nami replied a long moment later. She didn’t have a ton of experience with romantic or intimate relationships in general. Bellmère had raised her and Nojiko as a single mother. Aside from teasing Genzo, her mom hadn’t had any relationships. She’d seen families in Cocoyashi, of course, a husband and wife and children, but having spent the last eight years under Arlong’s thumb, she’d practically abandoned any hope of having a normal relationship like that. ‘Then came this lovable goof that didn’t give a damn about any of that at all.’ She looked at Luffy with warm eyes. “Ah, what the hell, freedom, right?” Nami laughed and pulled Luffy into another kiss.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed with her once their lips separated.

Reiju stepped into Nami’s personal space when the Navigator beckoned her closer. The two women sharing a long look into each other’s eyes before they leaned in and kissed. The soft lip lock deepened a moment later, and Nami let out a cute squeak when Reiju’s hands took hold of her waist as the kiss became a French kiss. Those same hands trailed down and stopped on Nami’s nice ass, before playfully squeezing her cheeks.

“Hey!” Nami pulled back, a thin string of saliva breaking between her and Reiju’s lips. “Your friskier than I thought, Reiju.”

“I can be.” Reiju admitted with a seductive smile. Her hands squeezed Nami’s bottom again.

“Ooh~” Carina cooed playfully at what she’d just witnessed. “How do I get in on this?” She wiggled her eyebrows at Luffy, Nami, and Reiju.

“You don’t.” Nami stated, turning her head away from Carina, but still looking at the other thief out of the corner of her eye.

“Stingy!” Carina pouted at Nami, the game afoot once again between them. “Hogging all the best women and men for yourself.”

“But Reiju is the only other woman?” Luffy cocked his head to the side slightly at Carina’s words. Reiju giggled at him before lightly kissing his cheek.

“She’s trying to rile Nami up.” Reiju whispered to her Captain, and now…boyfriend? Lover? ‘I’m sure it’ll be the latter soon enough.’ The woman stifled a laugh at her thoughts.

“Oh.” Luffy grinned as Nami and Carina bickered, realizing that there was no heat in their words. “So, they’re just playing?”

“Something like that.” Reiju nodded to him, watching Carina and Nami argue. From almost the moment that Carina had started sailing with them, the poison user had noticed what she believed was some unresolved tension between the two thieves. ‘It may not have been sexual in the past. But the two definitely have history together and feelings that they need to talk about.

“Ladies! Lunch is ready!” Sanji declared from the kitchen doorway.

“About time, Pervert Cook.” Zoro yawned as he came down from the back deck where he’d been taking a nap.

“Shut up, Marimo!” Sanji snapped back at Zoro.

“Woohoo! Lunch!” Luffy leapt the distance from the bow to the cabin easily, almost knocking Zoro and Sanji aside as he landed.

“Watch it, Luffy!” Sanji kicked at his Captain, only to grumble when Luffy dodged without breaking stride. “Damn Martial Mastery…” He scoffed as everyone headed inside for lunch.

Lunch was another delicious meal, but throughout it, Sanji had been eyeing the seating arrangement suspiciously. Luffy sat (stuffing his face as usual) with Nami on his right side. What made the chef’s eyes narrow a bit was that Reiju was sitting on his left side, and Carina was sitting on Nami’s right side. All three of the women on their crew were on Luffy’s side of the table.

As lunch wound down, Zoro went off to train at the aft of the ship. The swordsman would easily get a few of Luffy’s copies to help him out. Facing multiple opponents of Luffy’s skill was forcing Zoro to grow quickly; much to the swordsman’s approval.

“All right…” Sanji looked between Luffy and Reiju specifically. “What’s going on?”

“Hmm?” Luffy looked at Sanji blankly. Reiju just hummed in amusement.

“Why is Reiju sitting beside you, shitty Captain?” Sanji pointed at Luffy.

Luffy pounded his right fist into his left palm. “Ah! That’s because Reiju wants to be part of me and Nami’s relationship.”

“EH?!” Sanji shot to his feet and nearly threw himself across the table to try and throttle Luffy.


Only for Reiju to slap him back to his side and leave a red handprint across her brother’s face. “Calm down, Sanji.”

“Don’t date my sister, you shit Captain!” Sanji demanded while pointing at Luffy, sharp teeth filled his mouth as he barked at his Captain.

“He might.” Reiju replied with a roll of her eyes.

“But don’t!” Sanji’s gaze drilled into Luffy’s eyes.

“He’s gonna.” Reiju narrowed her eyes at her little brother.

“No…” Sanji finally looked at Reiju.

“Yes.” Reiju stated with finality, an aura of doom appearing around her in Sanji’s eyes as she exerted her ‘Older Sister’ authority against him.

“Fine.” Sanji grumbled out, clearly out of concern for his older sister’s feelings. “You better treat her right, shitty Captain.” His eyes burned with the promise of retribution if Luffy hurt his sister in any way.

“Why wouldn’t I treat her right?” Luffy questioned, genuinely curious.

“I…you…and…shit.” Sanji honestly couldn’t come up with a reason that Luffy would ever not treat Reiju right. The Sun Wukong Fruit user had proven himself to be a reliable, if simple-minded, man that took care of those he called nakama. “Hah…” Sanji exhaled heavily. “I’m gonna go kick the Moss Head’s ass.” He lit up a cigarette and headed out of the cabin towards the aft deck. Kicking the crap out of Zoro would be some stress relief as he wrapped his mind around Reiju dating Luffy.

Nami looked at Reiju and then Luffy. “So… Do you two want some alone time to get to know each other better?”

“My, my, Nami…” Reiju grinned at the other woman. “You seem eager to have Luffy and I get together physically.” She teased lightly. “Is that so we’re at the same ‘progression’ in our relationship? Or are you hoping to join in after we’ve had some alone time first?”

Nami spluttered and flushed a brilliant red at Reiju’s words.

“Oh my…” Carina laughed at Nami’s reaction. “Who knew the Cat Burglar was so naughty?”

“Shut it!” Nami snipped at Carina in turn.

Carina held up her hands, palms facing Nami to placate the other woman. “I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. But how much to watch the show? Ushishi!” She laughed as Nami briefly looked like she was calculating how much to charge, before she snapped out of it.

“Carina!” Nami swatted at the Chain Fruit user, being fended off by the lavender-haired woman easily.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed at the three women as they teased and bickered with each other. He was just glad that they were happy, everything else could be figured out over time.

“Come with me, Luffy.” Reiju took Luffy’s hand with a smile and led him out of the main cabin and towards the Captain’s Quarters. But not before throwing a wink at Nami and Carina. She did make sure that Sanji wouldn’t see though, if only for her little brother’s peace of mind.

Once the two were in Luffys quarters, Reiju guided him to the bed and sat on it, Luffy sitting next to her. The two looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Reiju leaned forward to capture Luffy’s lips for the first time.

“Mm…mmh~” Reiju hummed as Luffy’s experience became evident when he kissed her back. ‘Nami has been busy, I see.’ She thought to herself with small giggle.

“Do you want two of me as well?” Luffy asked once their lips separated from each other’s.

Reiju blinked at the question before the meaning clicked and she let out a sultry purr. “My, my…Nami has been keeping secrets.” She pulled his lips to hers again, deepening the kiss further a second later. “I think I’ll just keep you all to myself for now, Luffy.” There would be time later to experiment with other things like that.

“Okay.” Luffy smiled brightly at Reiju while her hands moved under his red vest and slipped it off of his shoulders.

Reiju’s hands traveled all over Luffy’s muscled torso, enjoying the feel of his body. When his hands gently took hold of her waist the pinkette broke their lip lock. “Fair is fair~” She purred as she began to undo the buttons of her white blouse. Luffy’s eyes followed her fingers as button after button opened revealing more and more of Reiju’s skin. A lacy purple bra was revealed to his eyes, holding Reiju’s large tits comfortably as she slipped off her shirt. “Let me get this out of your way, Luffy.” She reached behind her back and unclipped it, allowing it to slide down her arms as she took if off.

“Big.” Luffy’s eyes watched Reiju’s breasts bounce as they were freed, they were perky, large, and each capped with a light pink nipple.

“I’m a little proud of them.” Reiju admitted, bouncing on the bed a bit to make her girls shake for his enjoyment. “Go ahead~” She pushed her chest out, giving Luffy permission to touch her.

Luffy didn’t waste any time, his hands gently cupping each of the tits, their softness and size spilling over from his palms as his fingers sank into them. When he started to grope them, play with them, and bounce them in his hands, Reiju mewled in pleasure. He’d clearly had plenty of experience playing with Nami’s bosom.

“Mmmh!” Reiju let out a moan as Luffy’s fingers teased her nipples, making them perk up even more. “Kiss…” She licked her lips and Luffy leaned in to meet her while continuing to play with her tits.

Luffy broke their kiss this time, only to move down and capture her left nipple with his mouth and begin to suck and nibble on it. Reiju moaned louder this time, her hand threading through his black hair to pull him closer to her breast while his hand continued to massage and tease her other tit.

Fuck~ He’s good…’ Reiju thought to herself in bliss feeling her core building up towards release just from Luffy’s attention to her breasts. Her hand slipped down his chest, tracing his abs, and then to the waistband of his shorts. “Off.” She tugged on them gently.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy chuckled at the insistence in Reiju’s voice. He undid his shorts and lifted his hips as Reiju pulled them off of him.

“Oh…” Reiju didn’t know what to call the sound she made upon seeing the beast that Luffy was hiding beneath his clothes, but the awe in her voice was clear. “You’ve spoiled Nami rotten already, haven’t you?”

“She said that too.” Luffy nodded at Reiju’s words. He watched Reiju slip off the bed and kneel between his legs. Knowing what was coming, Luffy’s grin became eager as Reiju wrapped her hands around his shaft.

“You’re very gifted, Luffy~” Reiju purred as she began to stroke him. ‘He’s so thick… Does Nami really take care of him by herself? It doesn’t seem possible.’ The pinkette thought to herself. She could smell Luffy, a scent ladened with pheromones that her enhanced body was able to pick up on consciously. ‘I need to…’ What she needed to do wasn’t even thought of, merely done as Reiju’s mouth built up excess saliva and she lolled her tongue out.

“Mmm!” Luffy grunted at the hot tongue that lathered his shaft from base to tip in one long lick. Reiju swirled her tongue around the head a couple of times, briefly taking it between her lips to suck on, before freeing him and returning to licking his cock up and down all over. “Reiju…” Luffy rumbled out, reminded of Nami when his lover really got into sucking him off.

“Does Nami do this for you?” Reiju asked with a breathy tone as she groped her own tits for a second before wrapping them around Luffy’s cock. He would’ve answered, but Reiju began to move her boobs up and down his shaft, smothering it in softness. One thing became quickly clear to Reiju as she tit fucked Luffy. ‘The tip…even my tits can’t completely cover him~

“Fuck…” Luffy let the curse escape his lips as Reiju’s tongue bathed the head of his cock while her breasts moved up and down the length. The young woman clearly knew what she wanted!

Do it…give it to me, now!’ Reiju mentally demanded as she finally felt Luffy’s cock throb and pulse between her soft tits. She was surprised that he’d lasted this long, but she was finally going to get him to cum!

“Reiju…I’m…” Luffy warned her, like Nami told him to do when they made love.

Reiju didn’t respond with words, she smothered his shaft with her tits and took the head of his cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. The first shot nearly choked her. The force of it hitting the back of her throat. She swallowed instinctively to clear her airway, but the second shot filled her mouth again, the third came before she could swallow and she had to pull back. A final shot hit her face, even as she spilled some from her mouth onto her tits.

“Hah…hah…” Luffy panted a bit from the climax. He looked down at Reiju, seeing her face covered, her mouth full, and his seed on her large tits. A primal, animalistic, sense of satisfaction welled up in him at seeing her like that.

“Aaahhh~” Reiju moaned after swallowing Luffy’s cum. It was hot on her skin as she collected in from her face with her fingers. She cleaned them off with her tongue, sucking each of them clean while her purple eyes held Luffy’s gaze.

“Your turn.” Luffy smiled down at Reiju. “Fair is fair.” He used her words from before.

“Huh?” Reiju wasn’t fully back into her regular headspace yet when Luffy picked her up and laid her on the bed. She eagerly lifted her hips as Luffy pulled off her black shorts and the purple panties that matched her bra. “MMMNNN!!! Yes!” Reiju moaned loudly, a needy, wanton moan that she’d have stifled for fear of the others hearing it, but she hadn’t expected Luffy to take hold of her thighs and bury his face into her dripping sex. Her left hand covered her mouth to muffle her moans, mewls, and coos of pleasure while Luffy showed off his experienced and talented tongue.

Eventually that wasn’t enough, she moved her left hand to the back of Luffy’s head, pressing him closer to her spasming pussy. Had cognitive thought not left her shortly after Luffy started, she’d have wondered when he took his hat off. As it was, the cooling sensation of his seed on her tits drew her hazy attention and she took her right tit in hand before bringing it to her mouth. She licked her boob clean, tasting Luffy’s seed again as she lightly sucked the last traces from her nipple. A quick switching of her hands and she cleaned her left breasts with her tongue as well.

Luffy never stopped though, Reiju had already lost track of time when the coil that had been building up within her came undone.

“LUFFY!!!” Reiju’s squeal was muffled by her hand over her mouth. Even as her hips tried to buck in pleasure, Luffy held them down easily, continuing to lavish pleasure upon her, slowly bringing her down even as lights danced in her vision.

“Hmm, tasty.” Luffy licked his lips after Reiju stopped trembling in orgasm.

“Hah…ah…ooh…” Reiju was slowly regaining her breath as Luffy pulled away from her sensitive sex. ‘Two…three?’ She wasn’t quite sure how many times Luffy had made her climax. The pleasure she’d nearly drowned in had made everything blur together after she hit her first peak.

“Do you want more, Reiju?” Luffy questioned his new lover, gently massaging her thighs.

“I’ll break…if you fuck me right now, Luffy.” Reiju knew she’d never recover if he claimed her still sensitive sex with that beast of a cock. But seeing his hard length bob and twitch while he looked at her naked body made her bite her lip in desire. “My mouth.”

“Hm?” Luffy tore his eyes away from her heaving tits as she finally caught her breath.

“I’ll take care of you with my mouth.” Reiju offered as she shifted on the bed. She laid with her head tilted back right in front of Luffy, opened her mouth and lolled out her tongue to invite him in.

“Oh!” Luffy realized what she was offering and eagerly took her up on it. The head of his cock touched Reiju’s tongue and she guided his cock into her mouth with the nimble muscle.

“Grkgh!” Reiju gagged a bit as Luffy’s monster filled her mouth and entered her throat. Luffy pulled back a bit, but Reiju wasn’t having any of it, her arms came up as she grabbed his hips and pulled him closer, burying the entire length into her throat as he lips wrapped around the base. “Gakgh!” She gagged again, but swallowed on Luffy’s cock, making Luffy let out a loud groan of pleasure.

Luffy’s hands took hold of her large tits, playing with them and using them as hand holds as he pulled his hips back, Reiju took the time to inhale deeply, pulling the thick musk of Luffy into her nose and sending fire throughout her body. Her enhanced body was a certifiable weapon of war, but it had these other advantages as well when it came to her senses.

“Gakh! Gagk! Gagkh!” Reiju gagged and moaned as Luffy’s hips picked up a steady rhythm while he used her mouth and throat. Not that she wasn’t doing her absolute best to drain the balls that kept lightly tapping her nose every time he bottomed out and stretched her lips around the base of his girthy beast. She swallowed to try and milk his cock, to coax him into orgasm and make him give her what she wanted. His hands playing with her tits were sending pleasant shocks through her body, and the pinkette’s hands quickly found her recovering sex as she began to play with herself.

“Reiju…gonna…” Luffy grunted, but Reiju already knew he was close as he swelled a bit further in her tight throat. With a sound that was almost a growl, Luffy erupted, filling Reiju’s throat with her prize.

Such an overachiever…’ Reiju swallowed over and over again, each constriction of her throat draining more from Luffy. Her mind became hazy as Luffy remained buried to the hilt inside her, cutting off her air. But she didn’t care in the least. Only when he pulled the slowly softening monster of a cock from her mouth, leaving it overflowing with his seed, did she bother even trying to breathe through her nose.

“That was…amazing…” Luffy panted a bit. Nami was great at oral…but Reiju took it to another level.

“Mmm…” Reiju moaned her entire body twitching as she came from the experience. “You’re amazing, Luffy.” Her purple eyes were hazy as she looked at him with love, lust, and desire.

“You want more?” Luffy was already recovered, much to Reiju’s shock.

“How does Nami deal with you?” Reiju had to ask.

“We started small and worked up to sex.” Luffy shrugged, summarizing how Nami had slowly increased their intimacy over the course of their relationship.

“I see…we should probably do the same.” Reiju smiled at him softly. Her whole body was still tingling.

“Okay.” Luffy leaned over to kiss her lips gently, Reiju returned the soft kiss and rolled over, showing off her amazing ass to Luffy.

“Hold me?” Reiju looked over her shoulder at him.

“Uh huh.” Luffy agreed, slipping into his bed and spooning Reiju from behind. He wrapped his arm around her waist and breathed in the scent of her pink hair.

“You’re insatiable.” Reiju giggled, feeling Luffy’s hard cock against her ass.

“Nami says the same thing.” Luffy murmured into her hair.

Reiju adjusted her hips, letting his cock slip between her ass cheeks. “Maybe later.” She hummed, feeling his hips lightly buck a few times, thrusting his hard length between the soft globes of her ass. “If you’re good.”

“Mm.” Luffy hummed continuing the motions as Reiju pressed her ass back against him more, making it a physical promise of what she’d give him later.

Like that the two drifted off for a short nap together, just enjoying the warmth and closeness between them.

-Reverse Mountain-

The way Nami had explained the entrance to the Grand Line was that the intense currents near the entrance were so powerful that they actually went up the mountain! Under the Navigator’s orders everyone made sure that they were perfectly in the center of the ever-increasing current. Nami was taking no chances that they might be off and end up slamming into the Red Line. With the way the currents continued to gain strength as they approached the mountain, they all agreed it was better to make the changes now. It was already getting harder to move the rudder at all. By the time they were captured by the current the whip-staff would probably break if they tried to change course.

It wasn’t long before the Straw Hats could see the large mountain. The currents had built up insane power now and the rudder had been locked at Nami’s instruction. There would be no chance of their course altering now. They were going to ride the center of the current and shoot straight to the top of the MASSIVE mountain before them. As the Going Merry got closer and their speed continued to increase, they saw the path that they needed to take. There was an absolutely enormous arch over the only path up Reverse Mountain. A Galleon could easily have sailed under the arch without worry of their crow’s nest even coming close to grazing it.

“Here we go!” Luffy cheered loudly, a wide grin on his face. The crew all braced themselves as Merry rode the current closer and closer to the mountain. Nami’s adjustments had been spot on and their ship went straight up the middle of the canal. The Going Merry raced up the waterway, climbing higher and higher into the sky. The sheer speed they were moving at forced the crew to hang on to the ship for dear life as they sailed ever upwards.

Suddenly, they crested the top of Reverse Mountain!

Merry was launched into the air. They were so high that they saw clouds below them! The air was chilly this high up and Nami shivered slightly. Luffy’s arm was quick to wrap around her shoulders and pull her close. The crew all admired the amazing view for the few brief moments they got to enjoy it. Merry came down and threw up a large spray of water before being dragged down the even larger channel and into the Grand Line. The caravel raced down the mountain and into the dense mists near the base.

“Wooohooo!” Luffy cheered with his arms raised high. Even Nami was laughing at successfully making it into the Grand Line.

“Does anybody hear that?” Carina questioned as they sailed down the waterway at speed.

“Hear what, Carina-chwan?” Sanji asked only for a deep, loud noise to ring out through the air and shatter the cook’s heart-shaped eyes.

“What is that?!” Zoro grimaced as he held his hands over his ears. The sound was getting louder the further down the mountain they got. But the mist was too thick to see through. The sound stopped for a moment and the crew was confused. As they approached the base of Reverse Mountain something dark in the mist caught their attention.

“Is that a mountain?!” Sanji questioned; his eyes wide at what they were racing towards at speed.

Indeed, there appeared to be another mountain at the base of the canal! It was so large that it couldn’t possibly be anything else! Then the incredibly loud sound came again. The Straw Hats covered their ears from the noise, but this time Nami recognized the sound.

“Is that a whale?!” Nami screamed and all of the crew’s eyes widened when the mists cleared enough to reveal that, yes, the ‘mountain’ was indeed a whale! A whale so large that they could barely comprehend its sheer size! A whale that they were on a direct collision course with!

“The rudder! Unlock the rudder! Turn the ship!” Sanji yelled as he and Zoro ran to the whip-staff and unlocked it. Both of them put their backs into turning the rudder, even against the fast current. Little by little the Going Merry turned to port. But at this speed it wouldn’t be enough.

“Wind!” Luffy and his copies began to whip up a gale against the starboard side, assisting the turn that Zoro and Sanji were trying to make.

“Hold on to something!” Reiju called out, seeing that collision might be imminent. Her purple eyes looked at Luffy, Nami, and Carina, judging their distance from her and if she could get to them all should they go overboard.

It was only when Merry hit the bottom of the canal and sailed off to port at a forty-five degree angle that the crew all breathed a sigh of relief.

“That was too close…” Carina exhaled in relief, slumping to the deck.

The Going Merry was sailing along beside the behemoth whale with a good amount of distance between them. The whale descended to the ocean’s surface from its upright position, which kicked up large waves that sent Merry rocking.

“What kind of whale is this?” Sanji wondered as they all held onto the ship as the waves rocked against it.

“It’s insanely huge.” Zoro commented as they were able to see almost its’ full length as the whale floated along the surface of the ocean. “You could mistake it for an island.”

“I wonder why it’s at the bottom of Reverse Mountain?” Reiju looked over the titan of a whale.

“Why does it have all those huge scars all over its head?” Luffy pondered and the crew all took in the immense amount of scar tissue that covered the ‘snout’ of the huge whale.

“What could do that to a whale this big?” Nami breathed out. Everyone had heard the tales and legends of the monsters that made the Grand Line their home. But to see what almost looked like predation marks on such an immense creature, it really brought those stories crashing to the forefront of their minds.

With a drawn out whine the huge whale began to open its jaws. The Straw Hats all marveled at the sight of seeing the whale move more. After all, this was their first foray into the Grand Line and seeing the creatures that lived here. It was only a few seconds later that the crew realized something else.

“Wait, are we sailing backwards?” Zoro questioned as the forward motion of the ship slowed and then seemed to reverse.

“No, we’re not sailing backwards, we’re being drawn in!” Sanji yelled as the whale opened its mouth completely. Drawing in tens of thousands of gallons of water and their ship along with it!

“No! No, Mr. Whale! Don’t eat us! Please!” Carina wailed as the Going Merry was dragged backwards into the gaping maw.

“Hey! Hey! Stop it! Stop it right now whale!” Luffy yelled at the creature even as the Merry was sucked into its jaws.

“Luffy!” Nami screamed as she grabbed onto him. Luffy’s arms wrapped around her waist and shoulders as they travelled down the whale’s chasm-like throat and into its stomach. The light of day vanishing as the whale closed its mouth behind them. Copies of Luffy quickly grabbed onto Reiju, Carina, Zoro, and Sanji as well; firmly anchoring them to the deck so that they didn’t fly off the ship.

“We’ll get out of this!” Luffy yelled to his crew. “Even if we have to blast our way out! Just hang on!” The Straw Hats all chose to trust in their Captain as they made the journey down into the depths of the beast.

None of them could have expected what they’d see next in the dark innards of the colossal whale.

-End Chapter-


Thus we end the East Blue Saga and begin the Grand Line Saga!

How will things continue to change with the Straw Hats so different from Canon?

Nami and Luffy have allowed Reiju to enter their relationship! Steamy times follow as Reiju and Luffy explore physical intimacy together.

Carina wants to watch! Kek!

Me thinks this relationship is going to be one of very satisfied women and a happy Monkey King! Hehehe~

What will the Straw Hats make of the people they’re about to meet?

Keep reading to find out!

Until next time, later!



I love that reiju luffy scene i i think many more women will come next chapter we will see Vivi


A small crew containing at least 2 (and possibly more in the future) Mythical Zoans. Why do I think a certain Zoan-obsessed Emperor is going to target this Band of Adventurers sooner rather than later