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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! With the final exams starting, we’ve seen some get off to a rocky start already. However, with ACTUAL and SENSIBLE restrictions placed on the Pro Heroes, and most of the students having spent time learning more about their Quirks and getting better gear; the results may be different that what we saw in Canon! A boost in confidence here and there certainly won’t hurt either!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 34 – The Results of Growth

“If we’re in the center…the gate is that way.” Mina pointed to back in the direction they’d entered the large cityscape training field from.

“Yeah…but you heard the principal, he’s not going to move from his starting location.” Kaminari reminded his partner. “How much do you want to bet that he’s stationed near the gate?”

“Ah…damn.” Mina caught on and nearly pouted. “That means we’d have to defeat him if we want to win regardless!” She waved her arms around in aggravation. “He’s totally stealing one of our options from us!”


“Eh?!” Kaminari and Mina both turned their heads towards the source of the sound.

“That didn’t come from the gate area…” Kaminari blinked at the loud noise.

“Does that mean the principal isn’t waiting by the gate?” Mina didn’t know whether to be happy about that or concerned.

When a portion of the building they were standing next to collapsed and cut off one end of the street, both she and Kaminari decided that it was bad at the same instant.

“Where is he?!” Kaminari bolted along with Mina.

“I don’t know!” Mina yelled back as they ran.


Another distant sound and the more buildings started to crumble, throwing up dust and debris, lowering heir visibility and preventing them from moving forward on the street they were running on.

“It sounds like he’s far away, but everything around HERE is falling apart!” Mina cried out in shock as they had to divert their course, passing through an alleyway.

“We need a better vantage point! I can’t see through all of the smoke and dust!” Kaminari called out as they emerged from the alleyway.


“CRAP!!!” Mina skidded to a halt as the building across the street collapsed and blocked off another avenue of escape.

“Up!” Kaminari realized as the dust and debris field the street, blinding them. “We need to get to the top of the buildings to see!”

“How?” Mina questioned as they ran in the opposite direction from the collapsing buildings.


“Indeed, I am behind your sudden misfortune!” Nezu chuckled while sitting in a large construction crane. The chimera-like principal had one hand on a control lever while the other held a cup of black tea. “Causing chain reactions based on what I destroy is easy enough.”

He moved the lever and the arm of the crane swung around the wrecking ball attached to the arm of the crane nearly leveled a nearby building. The building collapsed, knocked down the one next to it, and send a fissure through the street that damaged the foundation of a building on the opposite side. That multi-story building then fell at an angle, struck a bridge which caused the entire structure to collapse, and that toppled a smaller building nearby. That building just so happened to crash to the ground in the path that Kaminari and Mina were running.

“Such calculations are as easy for me to make as simple cup of tea.” Nezu smiled while sipping from his cup. “Unfortunately, those two don’t seem to realize that, one by one, I’m blocking off all the routes towards the gate!”

-Mina and Kaminari-

“I don’t know HOW he’s doing it, but I know that Principal Nezu is doing all of this for a reason!” Kaminari explained, as the street was blocked off by a collapsed building.

“So, we need to go up and see where he is?” Mina caught on to Kaminari’s idea. “If we just keep running around, then we’re screwed!”

“Right!” Kaminari smiled at the pink girl. “So, let’s go up and see what’s going on!”

He ran over to a multi-story building and grabbed onto the steel downspout for rain water. He sparked with his Quirk, and even Mina could tell that he was focusing intensely. Kaminari broke out into a big smile as he accomplished what he was aiming for. “Induction Grind!” His hand and right foot (which he’d placed on the downspout) both glowed with a sustained electrical current as he rose up off the ground and ‘rode’ the downspout like an elevator.

“That’s so cool!” Mina exclaimed at seeing the new application of Kaminari’s Quirk. “Wait for me!” Mina ran up to the wall, took two steps up at a run, and then excreted acid from the soles of her costume’s shoes. The corrosive substance melted a divot into the concrete that Mina used as a foothold as she took another step and repeated the process. In a matter of seconds both she and Kaminari stood on top of the building, looking at the lines of destruction that all originated from a single point across the training site.

“Thank you Midoriya and Yaomomo!” Kaminari praised the Class Representatives for helping put him on the right track for that use of his Quirk during the study sessions.

“How is the principal making things fall apart from way over there?!” Mina pointed to where all of the destruction seemed to originate from.


“Oh my, how clever of them!” Nezu’s smile became almost predatory. “A Genius Villain can always win from afar! AHAHAHAHA!!!” He was spilling far more of his tea than he was drinking as he cackled. Seeing both Mina and Kaminari heading towards him (leaping from rooftop to rooftop in a rather impressive display of parkour) Nezu’s laughter only increased as he set the teacup aside and put both hands on the controls. “That’s it, dear students! There’s still a path to victory! Come on! Use those heads! Think carefully! Wrack those Hero brains!” The crane swung, knocking down multiple buildings and structures, causing more chain reactions as buildings collapsed and power mains exploded across a portion of the area.

-Mina and Kaminari-

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” Kaminari cursed as he and Mina had to book it even faster while the buildings came down between the two of them and the crane that Nezu was clearly operating.

“Left!” Mina called out as they both dove at an angle to reach the roof of a shorter building.

It proved to be the right call as the building that was ahead of them collapsed before they would’ve been able to get to it. They leapt from the shorter building and had to roll to disperse the force of their landing. Kaminari was not nearly as adept at this as Mina was. He was just thankful that his costume jacket was padded enough to help prevent injury. Mina had made it look easy with her athleticism, rolling and then springing back to her feet to continue the zig-zagging run towards the crane.

“There!” Kaminari veered off from Mina heading for his target.

The Electrification Quirk user’s target was a small power substation looking area. Being this close to the crane that Nezu was using, but not hearing any kind of loud motor that would indicate a combustion engine nor seeing any destruction anywhere near this single area, had led Kaminari to belief that this was the crane’s power source.

“Take this!” Kaminari pulled out one of his metal tonfa and smashed the padlock off the door of the control panel. Throwing the door open he saw the control box and grinned. Placing his hands on the system display, he poured his electricity into it and quickly exceeded its operational capacity. The control box sparked, shutting down as its wires were fried and its safety features were tripped. The crane slowed to a stop, the wrecking ball still swinging as it had built up plenty of speed.

“Got you!” Mina had both of her hands together, fingers interlaced and both of her index fingers extended in a ‘gun’ shape. The Acid Quirk user pressed her hands and fingers together as tightly as she could to build up pressure. She ground her teeth as she aimed and then let a burst of her incredibly corrosive acid shoot from her ‘gun’ at speed. “Acid Sniper!

“AHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Nezu cackled as the acid hit the steel line connecting the wrecking ball to the crane arm and ate through it quickly, the large steel ball went flying off and crashed down into an already destroyed part of the area. “Very well done, students!” He congratulated, even though Kaminari and Mina couldn’t hear him, both booking it as fast as possible towards the exit with their remaining time ticking down. “You could’ve tried to climb up the crane, but that would’ve taken too long. And I removed the stairs leading to the control seat too!” The chimera chuckled at his foresight to keep the two students from reaching him. Left unsaid was the principal having given the two students both an opportunity for escape and one for attack. “I’m nothing if not an educator.” Nezu smiled as he picked up his teacup and sipped the rest of it with a smile.

-Kaminari and Mina-

“Run, run, run!” Kaminari was full-on sprinting as the last minute ticked down for them to make it through the gate.

“Faster!” Mina altered the chemical properties of her acid and blasted some from her shoes. In short order she was sliding along at even greater speed as her lead foot created a stream of slick acid and her back foot produced a continuous jet of pressurized acid to speed her along. “Solvent Slide!” The mobility move wasn’t something that she could maintain for a long time, without risking damage to her skin and pores along with dehydration, but for a last burst of speed it was more than enough.

“Right!” Kaminari focused his electricity within, tapping into the muscle fibers and the synapses that made them expand and contract. “Blitzing Ya!” He sparked and suddenly blurred forward, even outpacing Mina’s increased speed.

The two sped through the gate with roughly twenty seconds to spar. The timer stopped counting down and the sign changed to display the word ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ on it as both of the students came to a stop, breathing heavily from their sprint across the site.

“Team Ashido and Kaminari have passed the exam via escaping the testing site!” Was heard throughout the area thanks to the loud speakers.

“Yeah!” Kaminari raised his fist, wanting to celebrate more, but his burning lungs wouldn’t let him.

“We did it!” Mina was in much the same boat, both hands raised above her head, but still panting and trying to catch her breath again.

-Izuku and Bakugo vs All Might-

“Who cares about keeping this town intact?” All Might questioned the two boys as he walked through the dust and smoke that his previous punch had caused. “Think of this as just a test, and you’re gonna have a bad time.” He promised the students, his signature smile nowhere to be seen. “I’m a Villain, Heroes! Give me your best shot!”

Pure Intimidation

That feeling of instinctive fear and panic welled up in Izuku and Bakugo as All Might lunged towards them, his hulking frame seeming to blast the dust away as he moved.

“We can’t fight him head-on! Run and evade!” Izuku warned Bakugo, already compiling Quirks to boost his physicality as he leaped away. Even with his best physical enhancement combo, there was no way in hell he’d be able to match All Might’s legendary strength.

“You’re not the boss of me!” Bakugo yelled and aimed his right hand at the charging All Might.

“BAKUGO!” Izuku yelled back at the ash blonde.

“STUN GRENADE!!!” Bakugo unleashed his move, blasting loud, bright, and disorientating explosions straight into All Might’s face. As the Number One Hero instinctively covered his eyes from the sudden bright light, Bakugo leapt forward to continue his attack. “All Might! Needless to say, from the start…!” All Might’s large hand palming his face cut the teen off. “Ah waz eshpectin diz!” He forced out through the hand on his face. His right palm was right in All Might’s face as the explosion detonated. His left hand was aimed at the Pro Hero’s torso as it also unleashed an explosion.

“Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow.” All Might could admit that the blasts stung, for sure. ‘Most people, when their face is grabbed, reflexively try to pull away. But this kid is dead set on beating me…AND NOTHING ELSE!!!’ He knocked aside Bakugo’s right hand, sending the next explosion wide. Then, using the hand that was palming Bakugo’s face, he drove the boy into the ground. “A weak barrage like that hurts, but only a little.”

“Gah…ah…” Bakugo had the wind knocked out of him as he was laid out on the street.

“Now then.” All Might nearly blurred as he rushed Izuku, cutting off the teen from potentially making an escape. “There’s you, young Midoriya!”

“Whoa!” Izuku gasped, but his enhanced mind was already running through various scenarios for any option that could get him out of this situation.

“You gonna leave your teammate and make a break for it?” All Might questioned the teen, a sharp look in his blue eyes.

Why am I remembering the Hero Killer’s fanatical conviction?!’ Izuku wondered as the image of the Villain bellowing out his ideals back in Hosu flashed across his mind. His activated a Quirk, widening his eyes as they glowed.

The Paralyze Glare…can’t look at his eyes!’ All Might averted his gaze to Izuku’s feet and rushed him with a punch. Izuku leapt back and upwards with his enhanced body to avoid. “Well that’s just…unfortunate.” All Might remarked as he saw what was about to happen.

“Get outta the way!” Bakugo had launched himself at All Might, but Izuku’s sudden jump backwards had put the two on a collision course. The crashed into each other and fell to the ground.

-Recovery Girls’ Onsite Medical Tent-

One wants to beat All Might, the other wants to avoid the fight and escape.’ Recovery Girl watched the screen showing the test site for Izuku and Bakugo. ‘Izuku sees his idol as being unimaginably powerful. To him, All Might is akin to a God.’ She focused her eyes on Bakugo as he pushed himself off the ground with a glare. ‘Then there’s this one. I don’t know much about him, but judging by his grades and his performance at the Sports Festival, he’s gifted with incredible talent…’ Recovery Girl sighed as she saw Bakugo stand up and head right back towards All Might. “So why are you so worked up, boy?”

-Izuku and Bakugo vs All Might-

“Like I said, you’ll never win facing him head-on!” Izuku yelled at Bakugo’s back.

“Stop talking.” Bakugo growled as he looked over his shoulder at Izuku. “I’ll win. That’s…what Heroes do.”

For a brief instant, Izuku recalled a time when he and Bakugo were young and still friends. Watching All Might on TV as he defeated Villains. He remembered how Bakugo cheered at All Might’s victory while exclaiming how cool the Pro Hero was.

“Fine, sure, but fighting here isn’t going to…” Izuku tried to explain again, only to be cut off by Bakugo.

“Shut up! You’re in my way!” Bakugo yelled at Izuku.

“While you bicker…” All Might’s voice came from above them. In his hands was a guardrail that he’d clearly torn off from something. “You’re running out of time!” He slammed the guardrail down, pinning Izuku to the street as the teen hacked out all of the air in his lungs.

Bakugo whirled around to strike, but only ended up with All Might’s fist slamming into his stomach. “GAH!!!” Bakugo expelled a large amount of saliva as he went bouncing along the street from the force of the blow.

“Bakugo…” Izuku grimaced as he slowly got the air back into his lungs. He needed a plan, someway to get Bakugo to cooperate or at least get him to pass through the gate so that they would pass. The fact that he was still remembering the old days, before Bakugo had turned into a hateful bully, wasn’t helping.

“I’m definitely gonna win!”

The child Bakugo’s voice rang throughout his memory.

You always tried to win, no matter what you were up against. You became a nasty guy…but that part never changed.’ Izuku understood that much about Bakugo Katsuki. ‘But slamming your head into a wall over and over again isn’t the only way to win!’ He put together a plan rapidly and only needed All Might to stay focused on Bakugo for a bit longer.

“Hah…ah…ugh…” Bakugo finished throwing up his lunch onto the ground, his stomach forced to expel everything within it from the force of the blow he’d taken.

“I get it…” All Might spoke to the downed boy. “This is about Midoriya’s Quirk, isn’t it?” Seeing a slight flinch from Bakugo, All Might knew that he’d hit the nail on the head. “Trust me, I understand…his Quirk almost seems like cheating, right? All of those Quirks, all of them free for him to use and mix together; it can make any one Quirk seem like nothing in comparison.” All Might had vivid memories of such thoughts and feelings from his past. “Don’t throw it all away, okay! Don’t you see? Look how far you’ve come with your Quirk, all the potential you’ve realized with it through your hard work! You’ve still got room to grow! But it’s not a matter of power, for you…”

“Zip it…All Might!” Bakugo forced himself back to his feet despite the pain he was in. He was still holding his stomach, already feeling the bruising and knowing that he wasn’t in good shape. If that punch had been aimed a bit higher, his floating ribs would probably be in pieces. “If you’re saying I gotta rely on HIS help…” Spit was still running down the corners of Bakugo’s mouth as he forced the words out. “Then I’d…rather lose.” His red eyes glared at the Number One Hero.

“Is that so?” All Might’s eyes were shadowed at the stubborn and selfish words. “As long as you have no regrets.” He raised his hand to knock the blonde boy out.

“ALL MIGHT, STOP!” Izuku’s shout was not only loud, but filled with the power of a new combination of Quirks. ‘Amplification’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Empathic Force’, ‘Amplifier’, and ‘Voice Casting’ all slammed into All Might and made his body lock up entirely right before his hand would’ve made contact. Naturally, even such a powerful combination wouldn’t stop All Might for long, but Izuku only need a few seconds.

“Deku…” Bakugo got out as a swirling Warp Gate opened below his feet and he fell through it. The gate closed just as All Might forced his was past the effects of Izuku’s combination of Quirks.

“Hmm, that was an interesting experience, young Midoriya.” All Might turned to the teen. “An excellent strategy to rescue someone in danger.” He gave the student praise. “But now you’re alone with a Villain.” He switched back to the persona that he was supposed to have for this test.

“I’m aware.” Izuku let a grin cross his lips, it was an outward show of confidence that he honestly didn’t feel inside.


“Guh!” Bakugo fell out of a Warp Gate right in front of the exit gate. As Izuku hadn’t had much time to let the coordinate part of the Quirk calculate the exact location, he’d had to open the gate with only a close approximation. This had led to Bakugo landing just in front of the gate, instead of through it, where the teen would’ve crossed the line whether he wanted to or not, thereby passing the test. “Damn…Deku…” Bakugo looked at how close he was to the gate. The goal of this test was right in front of him. He could pass.

But it would be because of DEKU’S fucking Quirk!

“No…don’t fuck with me!” Bakugo snarled as he turned away from the exit. “I don’t need your help, Deku!” He took off running back towards the fight, but didn’t make it more than a few steps before a blast went off near the center of the test site and the resulting shockwave hit him.

-Izuku vs All Might-

“Half Giant, Amplification, Enhance Function, Efficiency, Durability Up, Physicality Boost, Kinetic Boost, Heat Generation, Gas Manipulation, Temperature Fluctuation, Fire Breath, Force Projection, Force Multiplier, Energy Burn, Air Compression!” Izuku’s lifetime of muttering was put to the test as he rapidly compiled a large number of his Quirks, more than every before. Hist height increased by fifty-percent, his body bulked up noticeably, flames erupted form his mouth, the air around him seemed to warp and collapse in on itself sucking in the flames. And while this was happening, Izuku was rapidly punching the slowly growing ball of heat and force to add more kinetic energy into it through Force Projection.

“You take too long, young Midoriya!” All Might spoke up after a moment.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, All Might would’ve reacted before he’d even finished compiling the Quirks normally. But Yagi Toshinori had just had to deal with a short, but powerful, PTSD moment that had locked up his body while his mind was sent spiraling back to the horrible day when he’d lost his mentor. The time it had taken for All Might to respond was lengthened as he had to almost physically stop himself from lashing out with full force against Izuku.

That unknown delay gave Izuku all the time he needed to finish his strongest combination yet.

All Might took a step forward to stop Izuku, only to enter a void as all of his senses left him simultaneously. He couldn’t see, hear, smell, feel, or even taste. The intense building heat that had just half a second ago been stinging his skin was gone. He couldn’t feel his own body, didn’t know which way was up or down as losing his sense of touch meant he couldn’t feel gravity’s pull on his body. If he could experience anything through his five senses right now, he probably would’ve become horribly nauseous. As it was, he was left seemingly floating in complete darkness and silence with nothing but his thoughts.

“Sorry, All Might!” Izuku’s words were the first thing that All Might heard as his senses returned to him. Net his eyes refocused and he saw a Warp Gate closing…behind an incredibly bright orb that stung his eyes to even look in the general direction of. That orb, without Izuku’s various Quirks to hold it together, rapidly expanded, similar to a bomb going off.


The blast devastated the area, leveling every building within two blocks instantly and damaging every building that wasn’t already destroyed by All Might’s previous punch. Those buildings that had been damaged too much gave way under the shockwave from the blast, collapsing into rubble and debris. Where as All Might’s first punch had been like a hurricane hitting the test site, Izuku’s combination attack had been the equivalent of dropping a military-grade bomb on a damaged city. The first attack had made the results of the second attack far worse than it normally would’ve been.

Izuku emerged from his Warp Gate right as the shockwave hit near the exit gate. He stumbled and saw Bakugo be sent staggering backwards only to fall to the ground. A massive cloud of smoke and dust rose high into the air from near the center of the test site. Izuku was a little busy reeling from the massive loss of energy and stamina that it had cost him to form that combination. He’d never even used it before today. It had only been a theory he’d written in his notebook regarding his own Quirk. He’d initially gotten the idea from Endeavor during the Internships, having been taught a bit about flame and heat manipulation by the man while working on his Fire Breath combinations.

“...ku! Deku! DEKU!!!” Bakugo’s voice finally broke through the haze that was filling Izuku’s head with fog. “What the hell was that?!”

“Bakugo…?” Izuku blinked, trying to refocus his eyes. Once his senses cleared up, he blinked and stood up from the ground, having fallen at some point.

“Answer me, Deku!” Bakugo yelled at him. “What was that?!”

“I used a new combination on All Might to keep his attention and make an escape.” Izuku answered as he looked at where they were. “Let’s go, we can pass the test now.” He took two steps towards the gate, before Bakugo’s hand slammed down on his shoulder, the other boy’s grip tightening painfully.

“Don’t you FUCKING dare!” Bakugo nearly snarled. “This test isn’t over until I beat All Might!”

“Are you serious…?” Izuku didn’t know what to make of the statement. Here they were, on the cusp of passing with time to spare, and Bakugo wanted to potentially throw all of that away! “What good is your pride if you fail?!” He brushed off the hand on his shoulder and got in Bakugo’s face for the first time in a long, long time. “Winning isn’t determined by who can beat up who! A Hero wins by saving lives! We’re CIVIL SERVANTS, Bakugo! Being a Hero isn’t about chasing glory or being the strongest! Do you hear yourself?!”

“SHUT THE HELL UP, DEKU!!!” Bakugo roared right back. “There’s no way that YOU just beat All Might! So, don’t you DARE think of crossing that gate until I beat him and win!”

“How many people will you let die in the line of duty just to satisfy your lust for victory?” Izuku’s voice dropped to a low tone, so different from the previous shouting.

Bakugo’s eyes widened, no words coming from him as he just stared into Izuku’s green eyes. The eyes that were looking at him with the utmost disappointment. It was NOT a look that Bakugo was used to seeing directed at him from anyone.

“We’re passing, now.” Izuku said without a hint of emotion in his tone. “Follow me.” He used Voice Casting to make Bakugo comply, the Quirk easily enforcing the instruction on Bakugo as the teen’s mind was still reeling.

The sign above the gate switched to ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ as they passed through it at the same time.

“Team Bakugo and Midoriya have passed the exam via escaping the testing site!” Was heard throughout the area thanks to the loud speakers.

Neither teen celebrated their passing the Final Exam.

-All Might-

“Ow…” All Might grumbled while pushing some rubble off of himself. “That one hurt…” He sat up and looked around. There were still spots in his vision, his ears were ringing, and he ached all over from the blast going off pointblank. “Didn’t see that coming at all.” He gently rubbed his head and sighed as he released his hold on the power of One For All that still remained within him. He shrank down into his thin and injured form, knowing that no one could see him that shouldn’t. The announcement of young Midoriya and Bakugo passing further confirmed that he didn’t have to worry.

Toshinori surveyed the area as he stood up. The entire section of the test site was leveled. A was a large, scorched crater left where the orb of heat and kinetic energy had detonated. All of the buildings had collapsed, some of them still burning. Smoke rose up into the air and the entire place was nothing but rubble. It looked like a warzone.

“Woo…” Toshinori breathed out. “I was playing the Villain, so I was supposed to destroy things. But we might have to dock Midoriya a couple points for this much destruction.” The new teacher remarked after his little inspection.

In the line of duty, stopping a powerful Villain often times required a lot of force to be used. But Heroes had to weigh the destruction they caused against civilian casualties. In an area where all civilians had been evacuated, heavy force was perfectly reasonable. But the amount of property damage could see a Hero’s ‘Agency Insurance’ having to foot the bill, which would lead to an increase in future insurance rates, or if it was bad enough, being dropped altogether by the insurance company after they paid out for the damages.

“I hope the other teachers aren’t having as rough a time as me.” Toshinori looked over his Hero costume, seeing it burned and torn up from the blast, even as it sagged off his smaller form. “I wonder how long this will take to repair?”

It was a good thing All Might had multiple costumes.

-End Chapter-



Izuku and Bakugo pass their Final Exam with a massive blast, just not one from Bakugo.

Harsh words, and a reality check have passed between the two boys, and this time around it was Bakugo left reeling.

Toshinori has a small bout of PTSD after seeing Izuku performing a move like his unknown distant relative. The memory it triggers forces the man to contend with himself before he lashes out.

Perhaps he should have a sit down with Hound Dog?

Mina and Kaminari actually PASSED!!! WOOHOO!!!

A bit more studying and some help with their Quirks gives them moves and options that they didn’t have in Canon!

Who will be next in the Final Exams and will they pass or fail?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



And I love the MHA content, any chance we will see some Deku/Lady Nagant fics? Sniper lady has shot through my heart


If I write for MHA again as a full fic, I'll be VASTLY changing the Setting to something I can have more fun with.


about time you had him stand up to Bakugo and throw reality in his face lol


God I hate Bitchigo so much, and your version in milder than the canon one from what I've heard. Every fic I read I keep hoping All for One just takes his quirk and the brat has to deal with his world crumble around him.