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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Era of Spirits and Shadows! Promotion Exams continue and now Jaden is up! His opponent isn’t another Slifer though? Crowler has used his authority to mess with things and now Jaden is dueling a certain Obelisk Blue! Can his Heroes overcome a Deck made of new and rare cards?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 12 – Heroes vs A to Z

“Huh? I’m Dueling against an Obelisk? And it’s Chazz?” Jaden looked at his opponent with some confusion. The Promotion Exams were held between members of the same dorm to determine if any of the members were skilled enough for a promotion. Duels between different dorms weren’t supposed to be a thing.

“You see, you performed so well on your Entrance Exam Duel, that no one in Slifer Red is a balanced match for you.” Crowler informed Jaden with the excuse he’d used to get this matchup approved by Sheppard. “Therefore, I pulled a few strings for you and got permission for your opponent to be Mr. Princeton.” The Head of the Obelisk Blue Male Dorm smiled connivingly. “Of course, should you beat him, you will be promoted to Ra Yellow. What do you say to that, Mr. Yuki? Do you accept this proposal?”

Wouldn’t Drake have been a balanced match for me within Slifer Red?’ Jaden pondered to himself for a moment, before making up his mind with a grin. “I accept! I want to Duel all kinds of opponents! I’ll accept a challenge from anyone!”

“Very good, I applaud your spirit!” Crowler’s tone was barely able to hide the mocking derision. “Jaden, as a lower ranked student, will go first. You may begin!” He declared before sprinting off the field and towards the seating box for teachers.

“Time for me to pay you back, Slifer slacker.” Chazz had a confident smirk on his face as he activated his Duel Disk.

“Let’s go, Chazz!” Jaden activated his Duel Disk in response.

“DUEL!!!” They both declared at the same time.

Chazz – 4,000

Jaden – 4,000

“I’ll start us off then!” Jaden grinned as he drew his hand. “I play the Spell card E – Emergency Call!” He placed the card into the Disk and the hologram appeared showing the green ‘E’ with an explosion behind it. “Now I can add one ‘Elemental Hero’ Monster from my Deck to my hand!” Jaden pulled his Deck from the Duel Disk, searched it for a few seconds, and then picked out the Monster he wanted. “I choose Elemental Hero Blazeman!” He showed the card to Chazz before adding it to his hand. “Now, I’ll play Graceful Charity!” Jaden placed another Spell card down. The hologram faded into view on the field, depicting the angel with a glowing white card floating above her hands. “I draw three, and discard two.” Jaden drew three cards from his Deck and then looked over what he had carefully. With a smile he slid two cards into his graveyard to join his E – Emergency Call and then his Graceful Charity followed them.

“A good opening hand, so far.” Drake commented as the group watched the Duel.

“This still reeks of Crowler’s meddling.” Alexis narrowed her eyes at the Dueling field. Something was up here, but she didn’t know what just yet.

“Didn’t you say that Jaden had already beaten Chazz before?” Mindy looked at her two friends curiously. “If he’s beaten him once, I’m a little less worried.”

“True, if Chazz had gotten a big boost to his Deck, you just know he’d have been bragging about it for days now.” Jasmine pointed out the Obelisk Blue’s personality from experience.

“Let him try…I’m sure Jaden will have a blast regardless.” Drake had a confident grin on his face. He had no doubt that Jaden would pull off a win in this Duel.

Back on the Dueling Field, Jaden continued his first turn. “I activate the graveyard effect of my Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” The transparent image of the Elemental Hero briefly appeared above Jaden as he declared the effect. “I can take one ‘HERO’ Monster from my Deck and add it to my hand!” He searched his Deck again, finding the next Monster he wanted to continue his building combo he showed it to Chazz. “I choose Elemental Hero Solidman!” Jaden then placed the same Monster on the field. “Now, I summon Elemental Hero Solidman!” In a brief shine of silver light, Solidman appeared on the field in his black spandex suit. His torso covered in bright metal armor, with his matching helmet on his head, his legs covered in shining greaves and both of his forearms strapped with large, oval shields.

Elemental Hero Solidman – Level 4 – EARTH – Warrior/Effect – 1300 ATK/1100 DEF

“When Solidman is normal Summoned, his effect activates, letting me Special Summon a Level 4 or lower ‘HERO’ Monster from my hand! So, I’ll special summon Elemental Hero Stratos!” He placed the Monster card on the field. In a simulated tornado, the blue and white clad Stratos appeared on the field with his wings wide.

Elemental Hero Stratos – Level 4 – WIND – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/300 DEF

“And when Stratos is normal or special summoned, I can add another ‘HERO’ Monster from my Deck to my hand!” Jaden grinned at seeing the annoyed look on Chazz’s face while he searched his Deck again. “I choose Elemental Hero Liquidman!” Jaden showed the card to Chazz before adding it to his hand. “Now, I play Polymerization! I fuse Elemental Hero Solidman and Elemental Hero Stratos to special summon my Elemental Hero Sunriser!” The green Spell card appeared on the field and both HERO Monsters where drawn into it. In a flash of red light the Hero appeared in his red armor with blue and gold accents, the full helmet with horns on either side and glowing green eyes within said helmet, along with his blue cape flowing behind him in a simulated wind.

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2500 ATK/1200 DEF

“Since I sent Elemental Hero Solidman to the graveyard by the effect of a Spell card, I can activate his graveyard effect and special summon one ‘HERO’ Monster back to the field in Defense Position! I choose my Elemental Hero Stratos!” Jaden brought the Monster card back and placed on his Duel Disk horizontally. Stratos reappeared in a swirl on wind before taking up a defensive position beside Sunriser.

Elemental Hero Stratos – Level 4 – WIND – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/300 DEF

“Sunriser’s effect activates!” Jaden declared, pointing at his Fusion Monster. “All of my Monsters gain 200ATK for each different Attribute that I control…and I count two!”

Elemental Hero Sunriser – LIGHT – Level 7 – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2900 ATK/1200 DEF

Elemental Hero Stratos – Level 4 – WIND – Warrior/Effect – 2200 ATK/300 DEF

“And, since Stratos was special summoned to the field, I can add another ‘HERO’ Monster from my Deck to my hand!” Jaden nearly cracked up when he saw Chazz’s eye twitch at all of the advantage that Jaden was building up on his first turn. “I choose Elemental Hero Ocean!” Jaden pulled the card from his Deck and showed it to Chazz before adding it to his hand.

“Is his turn going to end?” Syrus asked Chumley as the two watched the Duel in progress.

“Eventually…I think?” Chumley responded, the combos just continuing on as Jaden built his board.

“I play the Spell card Mask Charge!” Jaden placed the card into his Duel Disk. On the field the hologram appeared, showing a black-haired man in a blue outfit looking at a console that held a Sentai mask and a transforming gadget. “With this I can add one ‘HERO’ Monster and one ‘Change’ Quick-Play Spell card in my graveyard to my hand!” He pulled out the two cards out of the graveyard and showed them to Chazz, his picks were Solidman and Mask Change, before adding them to his hand. “To finish up, I’ll set one card face down and end my turn.” Jaden slid a card into his Spell/Trap Zone, the hologram appearing on the field as the turn changed over.

“About time!” Chazz drew for his turn, not at all hiding his annoyance with how much Jaden had accomplished in his first turn. “I play Graceful Charity!” He placed the Spell card on his Disk. The same hologram as Jaden’s appeared and Chazz drew his three cards. The raven-haired boy looked over his hand before discarding two of his cards to the graveyard. “I activate the Spell card Terraforming!” He played the card, the hologram showing a desolate planet being restored to life as a blue wave passed over it. “Now I can add one Field Spell card to my hand!” He searched his Deck and quickly found the card that he wanted. “I choose my Union Hangar card!” He showed the Field Spell to Jaden with a smirk.

“Union Hangar?” Alexis raised an eyebrow at the card. “Chazz doesn’t play Union Monsters…especially not the ones that particular card gives advantage to.”

“Did he make a new Deck and not tell anyone?” Jasmine nearly gaped that Chazz could keep such a thing a secret from anyone given his habit of bragging.

“What’re the chances he has the entire set of those cards though, right?” Mindy looked at her friends with some hope in her warm brown eyes.

“Some of them are pretty rare…” Drake agreed, even though his gut was telling him that Chazz more than likely had some outside help in acquiring the necessary cards for this new Deck of his.

“Now, I think I’ll activate my Union Hangar Field Spell.” Chazz placed the card into the slot on his Duel Disk after it opened. Once the slot closed, the field changed and turned into a massive hangar with a large, yellow, mechanized tower in the center. On the tower were huge, orange, steel containers labeled with different letters like ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘W’, and ‘Z’. “When this Field Spell is activated, I can add one LIGHT Machine Union Monster from my Deck to my hand!” He searched his Deck and grinned as he found the card that he wanted. “I choose my B-Buster Drake!” He showed the Monster to Jaden before adding it to his hand. “Now I’ll play the Continuous Spell card XYZ Combine!” He slid the new card into his Duel Disk. The hologram appeared, showing the Monsters X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, and Z-Metal Tank linking up with arcs of electricity connecting the three machines.

“Yes, yes, very good Chazz.” Crowler whispered to himself as he watched his Obelisk Blue use the new cards that he’d gifted him from the rare cards that had been delivered to the island earlier in the day. “Show that Slifer that he has no place in this Academy.”

“What does that card do, Chazz?” Jaden had never heard of it, but he did recognize the Monsters. They were famous for having been used by Seto Kaiba after all.

“You’ll find that out soon enough, slacker!” Chazz promised with a mocking grin. “I summon B-Buster Drake!” He placed the Monster on the field. A large green and yellow robotic dinosaur appeared on the field. It had black jet wings on its back along with two large, futuristic-looking cannons aimed forward.

B-Buster Drake – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1500 ATK/1800 DEF

“Now my Union Hangar Field Spell activates!” Chazz declared, pulling out his Deck from his Duel Disk. The tall, yellow, mechanized tower shifted. “When a LIGHT Machine Union Monster is normal or special summoned to my field, outside of the Damage Step, I can target it and equip an appropriate LIGHT Machine Union Monster with a different name from my Deck to it! I choose my A-Assault Core!” Chazz pulled the Monster from his Deck and added it to his Spell/Trap Zone. The appropriate orange container was set on the ground by the mechanized tower, the unit being labeled with an ‘A’. The door to the large box rolled up and Chazz’s chosen Monster emerged from it.

A-Assault Core – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1900 ATK/200 DEF

The machine was yellow and had treads on either side of it. A section of metal curved up from the back and hung over the main body (much like the tail of a scorpion) and aimed a cannon forward. The Union Monster rolled forward and combined with the B-Buster Drake. The green and yellow dinosaur leaping upwards and landing on the back of the tank with a shower of electricity connecting them together.

“Now, my B-Buster Drake is immune to all of your Monster Effects!” Chazz informed Jaden with a smirk, only to then shrug. “But that’s not important, because I’ll use Contact Fusion to banish B-Buster Drake, A-Assault Core, and the C-Crush Wyvern in my graveyard to special summon ABC-Dragon Buster!”

The three Machine Monsters shot into the air above the dueling field. The A-Assault core sparked with electricity as both the B-Buster Drake and the C-Crush Wyvern landed upon its back. The B-Buster Drake’s legs compacted downwards, locking together with the A-Assault Core, it’s left side then attached to the tail cannon of the Assault Core in another glow of electricity. The C-Crush Wyvern’s right wing disconnected and attached to the right side of the now connected B-Buster Drake, while the left cannon from the Buster Drake’s back attached to the left side of its body. The purple dragon-like machine then attached its body to the opposite side of the A-Assault Core’s main cannon as well, completing the Contact Fusion.

ABC-Dragon Buster – Level 8 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 3000 ATK/2800 DEF

“He has those three at least, plus their Fusion Monster.” Mindy grimaced, seeing the powerful Monster that Chazz had summoned on his first turn.

“Did he use his family’s wealth to buy them up and have them shipped here?” Jasmine questioned herself more than her friends.

“Weren’t some of those cards supposed to be part of the new shipment today?” Alexis noticed the fact that Chazz seemed to have a complete set of cards that should’ve been delivered to Duel Academy today.

“Well…that’s gonna be a challenge to overcome.” Drake looked at the current difference between Jaden and Chazz’s boards. “What else is Chazz planning to do?”

“Now the effect of my XYZ Combine Spell activates!” Chazz pointed at the hologram as it glowed. “When one of my LIGHT Machine Union Monsters is banished, I can special summon either X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, or Z-Metal Tank from my Deck!” He searched his Deck quickly and chose the Monster he wanted. “I special summon X-Head Cannon!” He placed the Monster card onto the field. In a shower of sparks, a blue and yellow machine, resembling the upper torso and arms of a humanoid, with a large spiked ball below and two massive cannons on its shoulders appeared on the field.

X-Head Cannon – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 1800 ATK/1500 DEF

“Now I’ll activate the Quick Effect of my ABC-Dragon Buster!” Chazz discarded a card from his hand to the graveyard. “By discarding one card, I can target one card on the field and banish it!” He had a cocky smirk on his face as he pointed at Sunriser. “I choose to banish your Elemental Hero Sunriser!” The ABC-Dragon Buster unleashed a blast from every one of its cannons, wiping Sunriser from the field in a large explosion. “Too bad for you, slacker!”

Elemental Hero Stratos – Level 4 – WIND – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/300 DEF

Stratos’s ATK returned to normal as Sunriser’s effect left the field.

“I enter Battle Phase!” Chazz already had a smile on his face as he declared his attack. “X-Head Cannon attacks your Stratos!”

“Not so fast, Chazz!” Jaden stopped his opponent. “I activate my face down card! The Quick-Play Spell card Mask Change!” The Spell card flipped face up, showing a Hero placing a mask onto their face as it glowed with a golden light. “With this card, I target one of the ‘HERO’ Monsters that I control and send them to the graveyard! In return, I can special summon a ‘Masked HERO’ from my Extra Deck with the same Attribute as the Monster I targeted!”

“You!” Chazz’s smile fell from his face, replaced by a sneer.

“I special summon Masked Hero Divine Wind in Defense Position!” Jaden declared as he moved Stratos into the graveyard and placed the Fusion Monster onto the field.

On the field, Stratos flew backwards into the Mask Change card which glowed brightly. A large cyclone erupted on Jaden’s side of the field as Masked Hero Divine Wind appeared. The Monster was a Sentai character with a suit of three different shades of green with white accents, red eyes on his helmet, and a white cape that flowed behind him in the winds that the Monster created. Divine wind crossed his arms and stood defensively in front of Jaden.

Masked Hero Divine Wind – Level 8 – WIND – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2700 ATK/1900 DEF

“Fine then, I’ll just destroy your new Hero instead!” Chazz declared with a scoff. “ABC-Dragon Buster attacks Divine Wind!”

The large machine combination focused every cannon onto Divine Wind and blasted the Hero over and over again, simulated explosions rocked the field as smoke rose up from the blasts. The smoke was blasted away as a powerful gale wind surrounded the Masked Hero and blocked the shots.

“What?!” Chazz barked out at seeing Jaden’s Monster survive.

“Divine Wind’s effect is that he can’t be destroyed by battle!” Jaden smiled at foiling Chazz’s attack. “Additionally, you can only attack with one Monster per Battle Phase while he’s on the field, and if I destroy one of your Monsters by battle with him, I get to draw a card!”

“Tch!” Chazz nearly spat at the effects of Divine Wind. “I’ll set one card face down and then I end my turn.” There wasn’t anything else that he could do to advance the game state in this situation. The hologram of the face down card appeared on the field and then the turn switched over.

“He really picked the best Monster for the situation.” Alexis smiled down at Jaden, unseen by anyone was the tension in her shoulders easing just a little.

“Hopefully Chazz doesn’t have the rest of the pieces to that Archetype…otherwise things could get bad.” Mindy worried a bit about what else Chazz could make if he had all of the pieces available to him.

“There’s also the Dragon Buster’s effect next turn. Divine Wind is immune to battle destruction, but not to being banished.” Jasmine noted as she looked at the field.

“Jaden will figure something out.” Drake would continue to believe in his friend. ‘Show them what you can do, Jaden. If they doubt you can be the next King of Games, then let your dueling prove them wrong.’ That was the only way to reach the top of the Dueling World anyway…to defeat all the challengers that stood before you.

Crowler was biting his handkerchief in aggravation. “How lucky can that Slifer get?” That should’ve been the first blow of the Duel, one that would leave Jaden with a mere 1,000 Life Points! Why wasn’t his plan working?!

“I draw!” Jaden drew for his turn and looked at his hand. “Alright! I summon Elemental Hero Solidman!” He placed the Monster on the field and in a flash of light the armored, shield-bearing Hero appeared again.

Elemental Hero Solidman – Level 4 – EARTH – Warrior/Effect – 1300 ATK/1100 DEF

“I activate Solidman’s effect!” Jaden declared as Solidman glowed with a white light for a moment. “I can special summon a Level 4 or lower ‘HERO’ Monster from my hand! I special summon Elemental Hero Blazeman!” He added the new Monster card to his field. A flash of fire appeared and from it leapt a Sentai-based Hero in a red, black, and white spandex suit. His wrist guards, boots, armor and mask were all red, and both the back of his helmeted head and his black gloved fists were emitting flames as he landed on the field.

Elemental Hero Blazeman – Level 4 – FIRE – Warrior/Effect – 1200 ATK/1800 DEF

“Blazeman’s effect activates!” Jaden declared as Blazeman briefly erupted into flames. “I can add one Polymerization from my Deck to my hand!” He pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk and quickly found the Spell card. Jaden showed the card to Chazz and then placed it into his hand. “Now I activate Monster Reborn!” He activated the spell from his hand. “And I’ll bring back my Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” The hologram of the Spell card glowed before a cloud of black smoke appeared and cleared away to reveal the black armored Hero.

Elemental Hero Shadow Mist – Level 4 – DARK – Warrior/Effect – 1000 ATK/1500 DEF

“When Shadow Mist is special summoned, I can add one ‘Change’ Quick-Play Spell card from my Deck to my hand!” Jaden didn’t waste any time finding the card in his Deck and adding it to his hand, letting the Disk auto-shuffle his Deck again. “Now I’ll activate the Polymerization that I got from Blazeman’s effect!” He played the Spell card with a smile. “I fuse Elemental Hero Solidman with Masked Hero Divine Wind, to special summon, Elemental Hero Great Tornado!”

The two Monsters leapt into the glowing Polymerization card and vanished. A towering tornado spun to life from the glowing card, and when it dispersed another new Hero was on the field. The Hero was suited up in an outfit of green and gold, with a ragged black cloak thrown over their shoulders and a massive gauntlet on their right arm. Their head was in a matching green and gold helmet with glowing blue eyes.

Elemental Hero Great Tornado – Level 8 – WIND – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2800 ATK/2200 DEF

“Big deal! It’s still not strong enough to touch my ABC-Dragon Buster!” Chazz scoffed at the ATK of the new Hero.

“You would be right, if Great Tornado didn’t have an effect!” Jaden grinned widely at Chazz. “When Great Tornado is Fusion Summoned, the ATK and DEF of all Monsters that you currently control is halved.”

“WHAT?!” Chazz cried out watching his two Monsters’ ATK/DEF fall.

ABC-Dragon Buster – Level 8 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 1500 ATK/1400 DEF

X-Head Cannon – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 900 ATK/750 DEF

“And since Solidman is in the graveyard from the effects of a Spell card again, I can target one ‘HERO’ Monster in my graveyard and special summon it to the field in Defense Position!”

“I activate ABC-Dragon Buster’s effect!” Chazz discarded a card from his hand to the graveyard. “I banish your Elemental Hero Great Tornado!”

“They made a chain.” Jasmine quickly parsed out how the effects would resolve.

ABC-Dragon Buster blasted Great Tornado with every cannon it had, banishing it form the field. Jaden moved the Monster to the banished zone and continued his play from Solidman’s effect.

“I special summon Elemental Hero Stratos, in Defense Position!” Jaden placed the Monster back on the field horizontally. Stratos reappeared in a swirl on wind before taking up a defensive position in front of Jaden.

Elemental Hero Stratos – Level 4 – WIND – Warrior/Effect – 1800 ATK/300 DEF

“Now, I enter Battle Phase! Elemental Hero Shadow Mist attacks your X-Head Cannon!” Jaden pointed at the weakened machine. Shadow Mist vanished into black mist and rushed straight through the X-Head Cannon. The Machine Monster sparked before shattering into pixels and disappearing from the field.

“Tch!” Chazz placed his Monster into the graveyard, he was nearly grinding his teeth that Jaden had ‘drawn first blood’ in this Duel.

Chazz – 3,900

Jaden – 4,000

“I set one card face down and end my turn.” Jaden slid the card into his Disk and handed the turn over to Chazz. The bright smile on his face and the light in his eyes showed everyone watching how much fun he was having during this Duel.

“I draw!” Chazz drew for turn and looked at the two cards in his hand, then at his weakened ABC-Dragon Buster on the field. “I summon V-Tiger Jet!” He placed the Monster onto the field. In a flash of light a teal and gold jet styled like a tiger flew through the air around the field before coming to hover in front of Chazz.

V-Tiger Jet – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 1600 ATK/1800 DEF

“I activate the Continuous Spell card Frontline Base!” Chazz slotted the card into his Duel Disk and the hologram appeared, showing the Monsters known as Blade Knight and Dark Dragon on a castle rampart. “With this card active, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower Union Monster from my hand every turn.” The fact that had been the last card in his hand made its effect less than worthless right now though. “I banish the Trap card Union Scramble from my graveyard to activate its graveyard effect!” He pulled the Trap card out of his graveyard and showed it to Jaden before placing it in the banished zone. “I can return one of my banished LIGHT Machine Normal Monsters or LIGHT Machine Union Monsters to my hand!” Chazz pulled his B-Buster Drake from the banished zone, making it the only card in his hand. “I activate ABC-Dragon Buster’s effect! I discard B-Buster Drake and banish your Stratos!” He placed the newly retrieved Monster card into the graveyard. ABC-Dragon Buster unleashed blast after blast onto Stratos, sending the Monster to the banished zone.

“He could’ve just attacked it.” Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Chazz’s play. He had gotten back his B-Buster Drake, and with Frontline Base he could’ve special summoned it to the field giving him three Monsters that were all more powerful than Jaden’s Monsters.

“He’s preventing recursion.” Mindy spoke up, eyeing the field and quickly figuring out Chazz’s intentions. “Jaden has another Solidman in hand if I’m right, and Mask Change should be his set card. Stratos is too big a risk to let it be sent to the graveyard and then be special summoned again, which would let it use one of its two effects.” She looked at her friends with a grin. “Swarm and Recursion is one way I play my Deck, so I get what Chazz is trying to prevent.”

“Right,” Jasmine chuckled at Mindy. “A few of your beasts activate effects to special summon more of themselves if they are sent to the graveyard, but not if they’re banished.” Mindy nodded with a giggle at the frustration that she could cause with the different variations of her Deck.

“If Chazz special summoned B-Buster Drake, then attacked all three of Jaden’s Monsters, he’d score some decent damage, but then Jaden would just summon Solidman next turn, activate Mask Change to send it to the graveyard and get another Masked Hero on the field. Then he could activate Solidman’s graveyard effect, special summon Stratos, and then Jaden could get another HERO from his Deck to his hand or he could pop one of Chazz’s Spell or Trap cards.” Drake ran through the paly in his head. “It does make more sense to banish Stratos and remove it from being able to be cycled anymore.”

“I activate the Quick-Play Spell card Unauthorized Reactivation!” Chazz activated his face down card. The Spell card flipped face up, showing a machine with a black and red aura around it and a single glowing red eye. “This lets me target one Machine Monster that I control and equip an appropriate Machine Union Monster to it from my hand or Deck!” Seeing as he didn’t have a hand, Chazz pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk and searched through it. “I attached W-Wing Catapult to my V-Tiger Jet!” He set the Union Monster into the Spell/Trap card zone behind his Monster. The two linked up in a shower of sparks and electricity the V-Tiger Jet now sitting atop the W-Wing Catapult.

W-Wing Catapult – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1300 ATK/1500 DEF

“This union boosts V-Tiger Jet’s ATK and DEF by 400 points!” Chazz announced as his Monster’s numbers rose.

V-Tiger Jet – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 2000 ATK/2200 DEF

“But now that they’re both on the field and can use Contact Fusion to summon my VW-Tiger Catapult!” He moved both of his Monsters to the banished zone and placed the Fusion Monster onto the field. The holograms of V-Tiger Jet and W-Wing Catapult shifted as they physically merged and connected their systems together to become the Fusion Monster.

VW-Tiger Catapult – Level 6 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 2000 ATK/2100 DEF

“Because my two Machine Monsters were banished, my XYZ Combine Continuous Spell activates, letting me search for another part of my combo!” Chazz grinned as he searched his Deck again and pulled out the Monster that he wanted. “I special summon Y-Dragon Head!” He placed the card onto the field. A flash of light appeared and a red machine in the shape of a dragon hovered on the field.

Y-Dragon Head – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1500 ATK/1600 DEF

“Now I activate Union Hangar again!” Chazz declared, and the yellow mechanized tower shifted. “By special summoning Y-Dragon Head, I can equip one appropriate LIGHT Machine Union Monster from my Deck to it! I choose Z-Metal Tank!” Chazz searched his Deck and quickly placed the Monster in the Spell/Trap Zone behind the Y-Dragon Head. The appropriate orange container was set on the ground by the mechanized tower, the unit being labeled with a ‘Z’. The door to the large box rolled up and Chazz’s chosen Monster emerged from it. It was a yellow machine, with two large, armored sets of treads on its sides. It had two large exhaust pipes on its back and what appeared to be a mechanical eye on the front.

Z-Metal Tank – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1500 ATK/1300 DEF

“The union raises Y-Dragon Head’s ATK and DEF by 600 points!” Chazz was on a roll now, the gleam in his eyes and the self-assured smile on his face practically screaming what he planned to do next.

Y-Dragon Head – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 2100 ATK/2200 DEF

“I enter Battle Phase!” Chazz declared with a hostile smirk. “VW-Tiger Catapult attacks Elemental Hero Shadow Mist!” The fused machine unleashed a barrage of missiles upon the Hero, shattering Jaden’s Monster into pixels.

Chazz – 3,900

Jaden – 3,000

“I activate Shadow Mist’s effect!” Jaden declared before Chazz could continue his attack. “When Elemental Hero Shadow Mist is sent to the graveyard, I can add one ‘HERO’ Monster to my hand other than another Shadow Mist!” He searched his Deck and found the second copy of Stratos with a smile, this one being the one that Alexis had traded to him. “I choose Elemental Hero Stratos!” He showed the Monster to Chazz and added it to his hand.

“Big deal!” Chazz brushed it off without a care certain that he was going to win now. “Y-Dragon Head attack Blazeman!” He pointed at the fiery Hero. The unionized mechanical dragon opened its jaws and blasted Blazeman with a concentrated bolt of lightning, erasing the Monster from the field.

Chazz – 3,900

Jaden – 2,100

“Now my ABC-Dragon Buster attacks you directly!” Chazz glared at Jaden as his weakened Fusion Monster unloaded a salvo of lasers onto the Slifer. Simulated explosions rocked the field and holographic smoke filled the air for a few seconds.

Chazz – 3,900

Jaden – 600

“Woo…” Jaden waved his hand in front of him. “That didn’t tickle.” He looked at his Life Points with a grimace, but his eyes were burning with determination at the challenge of his current situation.

“Jaden…” Alexis clenched the railing in front of her tightly.

“Shit, Chazz actually took a substantial lead.” Jasmine frowned at the sudden turn in the Duel.

“Jaden could still get out of this though…right?” Mindy questioned, looking at the vast disparity in both Life Points and field state.

“He can, but it’ll require one hell of a combo.” Drake knew a good amount about Jaden’s Deck, but couldn’t say for sure if his best friend would be able to get the cards that he needed together this turn. “We just have to believe that he can pull it off.”

In the teacher’s viewing box Crowler was nearly delirious at the sudden turnaround. “Yes, Chazz, wipe him out! Show that Slifer slacker where he belongs! Make him rue the day that he came to this Academy!” Only the fact that he was off by himself kept his exclamations from being heard by the other faculty.

“I’ll end my turn with that, Slifer slacker.” Chazz was riding high. Victory was so close now! Just one more turn and he’d beat Jaden and pay him back for the humiliating defeat of their first Duel!

“My draw!” Jaden drew for his turn. Looking over his hand, he put together a plan that he hoped would turn this around. “I summon Elemental Hero Liquidman!” He set the card on his Duel Disk. A splash of water and the blue-suited Hero appeared on the field, clearly based off Sentai with a fish-like motif.

Elemental Hero Liquidman – Level 4 – WATER – Warrior/Effect – 1400 ATK/1300 DEF

“Liquidman’s effect activates!” Jaden declared as the Hero was surrounded by a blue glow. “Since he was special summoned, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower ‘HERO’ Monster from my graveyard! I special summon Elemental Hero Blazeman!” Jaden pulled the Monster out of the graveyard and placed in on the field next to Liquidman. A flame erupted from the field and Blazeman jumped through it, standing next to Liquidman.

Elemental Hero Blazeman – Level 4 – FIRE – Warrior/Effect – 1200 ATK/1800 DEF

“Blazeman’s effect activates!” Jaden pointed at his new Monster or flared with a red aura. “When he’s normal or special summoned, I can add one Polymerization from my Deck!” He pulled his Deck from his Duel Disk and quickly found the Spell card; he showed it to Chazz before adding it to his hand. “Now, I activate that Polymerization!” Jaden slotted the Spell card and watched the hologram appear on the field. “I fuse the Blazeman on my field with the Elemental Hero Ocean in my hand!” He swiped Ocean over his Duel Disk so that the device would read the play as legitimate. A hologram of Elemental Hero Ocean appeared and leapt into the glowing Polymerization card with Blazeman. “I fusion summon Elemental Hero Absolute Zero!” Jaden grinned as he got to play his brand new Fusion Monster that he’d gotten from Dorothy.

The glowing Polymerization card froze over into a block of ice. The ice shattered to reveal the new Hero. Absolute Zero was decked out in all white armor, a white cape, and a black bodysuit beneath. His helmet covered his entire head and face, and two cold, blue eyes looked out at the field.

Elemental Hero Absolute Zero – Level 8 – WATER – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2500 ATK/2000 DEF

“Absolute Zero’s effect activates!” Jaden stated as a frosty aura surrounded the Hero Monster. “He gets an extra 500 ATK for every WATER Attribute Monster on the field other than himself!”

Elemental Hero Absolute Zero – Level 8 – WATER – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

“Now I activate the Equip Spell card Favorite Hero!” Jaden smiled brightly as he played the card. “I’m equipping it to my Absolute Zero!” The ice-based Hero glowed with a golden light. “I enter Battle Phase, which activates Favorite Hero’s effect and let’s me play a Field Spell from my Deck!” He searched his Deck and found the card he was looking for near the middle. “I activate the Field Spell card Skyscraper!” Jaden placed it into the opened slot and watched as it closed. The Union Hangar Field Spell was suddenly surrounded by a city as skyscrapers shot out of the ground around it. “Now that I have a Field Spell active, Favorite Hero’s second effect activates! It adds Absolute Zero’s original DEF to his ATK!” The golden aura around Absolute Zero flared brightly in response.

Elemental Hero Absolute Zero – Level 8 – WATER – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 5000 ATK/2000 DEF

“Hell yeah!” Mindy and Jasmine cheered for Jaden’s combo.

“This should help close the gap in Life Points.” Drake smirked down at the field.

Alexis was silent, her entire focus on the field below and how Jaden was playing.

“Damn that card!” Crowler nearly tore through his handkerchief as he saw the Favorite Hero card again. “Don’t you dare let him defeat you after I gave you all of those rare cards, Chazz!”

“Absolute Zero attacks your Y-Dragon Head!” Jaden pointed at the unionized Monster. Absolute Zero unleashed a blast of lethally cold ice, but the Y-Dragon Head detached from the Z-Metal Tank and left it to take the blow instead. The Z-Metal Tank exploded into pixels as the ice shattered around it.

Chazz – 1,000

Jaden – 600

“Now, Liquidman attacks your ABC-Dragon Buster!” Jaden pointed at the weakened Fusion Monster still on the field. “And when an ‘Elemental Hero’ Monster attacks a Monster with ATK higher than its own, while Skyscraper is on the field, they gain 1,000 ATK!”

“Like I’d let you!” Chazz shouted at Jaden. “I activate the Quick-Effect of my ABC-Dragon Buster! I tribute my ABC-Dragon Buster, target three of my banished LIGHT Machine Union Monsters, and then special summon them!” Chazz moved his Fusion Monster into the graveyard. On the field, the Monster shattered into pixels before Liquidman could attack it. “I special summon W-Wing Catapult, C-Crush Wyvern, and A-Assault Core, all in Defense Position!” He placed his chosen Monsters on the field, filling his board with five Monsters total.

W-Wing Catapult – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1300 ATK/1500 DEF

C-Crush Wyvern – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1200 ATK/2000 DEF

A-Assault Core – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1900 ATK/200 DEF

“I activate my Field Spell card Union Hangar!” Chazz stated as the yellow, mechanized tower began to move again. “With Union Hangar’s effect, I’ll attach B-Buster Drake from my Deck to A-Assault Core!” The appropriately marked orange container was lowered to the ground by the mechanized tower, the outside of the steel container marked with a ‘B’. The door rolled up and the green and yellow robotic dinosaur emerged from within. The two Monsters linked up with arcs of electricity guiding them together, the B-Buster Drake now riding atop the A-Assault Core.

“I’ll have Liquidman attack you’re A-Assault Core, then!” Jaden chose the target for Liquidman’s attack. The Hero blasted the A-Assault Core with a thin pressurized stream of water. But the A-Assault Core jettisoned the B-Buster Drake off of it and into the path of the attack instead. The pressured water sliced the robotic dinosaur in half and B-Buster Drake exploded into pixels with no damage done to Chazz.

“When my B-Buster Drake is sent to the graveyard, I can add one Union Monster from my Deck to my hand!” Chazz searched his Deck quickly and chose his Monster. “I add Y-Dragon Head to my hand!” He showed the Monster to Jaden and it became the only card in his hand.

“Well, I can’t do much about that.” Jaden didn’t have any more Monsters to attack with. “I end my turn.”

“I draw!” Chazz drew for his turn and looked at the two cards in his hand contemplatively. Jaden practically saw the lightbulb go on over Chazz’s head as the Obelisk gained a vicious grin. “I activate Pot of Greed!” Chazz played the spell, a hologram of a green and blue pot with a disturbingly grinning face appeared on the field for a second as Chazz drew two more cards. “I banish the C-Crush Wyvern and the A-Assault Core on my field, along with the B-Buster Drake in my graveyard to Contact Fusion Summon another ABC-Dragon Buster!” Chazz moved the three Monsters to the banished zone.

“HE HAS ANOTHER ONE?!” Jasmine cried out in shock that Chazz had gotten his hands on multiple copies of such a rare card.

“How the hell did he do that?!” Mindy’s eyes were wide in shock as the massive Fusion Monster reappeared on the field.

“Jaden…you can still win this.” Alexis spoke aloud, probably not even realizing it herself.

“Those cards are supposed to be rare and new…how could he have possibly gotten so many?” Drake narrowed his eyes at the field. It would seem that Alexis’s suspicions of Crowler’s interference were probably right on the money.

“Yes!” Crowler cried out in jubilation! “You can’t lose now, Chazz!” He didn’t even notice that he was being side-eyed by multiple members of the faculty for his blatant favoritism.

ABC-Dragon Buster – Level 8 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 3000 ATK/2800 DEF

“I’m sure you remember this guy, Jaden!” Chazz crowed mockingly. “And you probably remember his effect too!” The reminder that the ABC-Dragon Buster could banish cards from the field was not needed, but Chazz did so love to gloat. “By banishing my LIGHT Machine Union Monsters, my XYZ Combine Spell card activates! Which allows me to special summon my X-Head Cannon from my Deck!” Chazz quickly found the Monster and summoned it to the field. In a flash of light the Monster appeared, aiming its cannons at Jaden’s side of the field.

X-Head Cannon – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 1800 ATK/1500 DEF

“Now, I’ll attach my Y-Dragon Head to my X-Head Cannon!” Chazz moved the Y-Dragon Head to the Spell/Trap Zone behind the X-Head Cannon. The two Monsters synced up as sparks pulled them together, resulting in X-Head Cannon sitting atop the Y-Dragon Head. “Which will increase X-Head Cannon’s ATK and DEF by 400 points!”

X-Head Cannon – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine – 2200 ATK/1900 DEF

“I activate the effect of Frontline Base!” Chazz declared as the Continuous Spell card glowed. “That lets me special summon the Y-Dragon Head from my hand!” He placed the identical Monster on the field, the red robotic dragon appeared in another flash of light.

Y-Dragon Head – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1500 ATK/1600 DEF

“That triggers my Union Hangar Field Spell to activate again!” Chazz was nearly laughing as he searched his Deck again for the appropriate Monster. The mechanized, yellow tower moved the orange containers around. “I attach Z-Metal Tank to the new Y-Dragon Head!” The orange crate with the ‘Z’ on the side was placed on the ground by the tower. The door rolled up and the Z-Metal Tank rolled out to attach to the Y-Dragon Head as sparks of electricity locked them together.

Z-Metal Tank – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 1500 ATK/1300 DEF

“And the union raises Y-Dragon Head’s ATK and DEF by 600 points!” Chazz felt like he was unstoppable right now. He was going to do it! He’d humiliate Jaden in front of the entire Academy!

Y-Dragon Head – Level 4 – LIGHT – Machine/Union/Effect – 2100 ATK/2200 DEF

“I banish my X-Head Cannon, the attached Y-Dragon Head, and the Attached Z-Metal Tank to Contact Fusion Summon my XYZ-Dragon Cannon!” Chazz moved all three Monsters into the banished zone and placed the new Fusion Monster on the field. The holograms of X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, and Z-Metal Tank all lined up, one above the other as brilliant arcs of electricity brought them together in sync.

XYZ-Dragon Cannon – Level 8 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 2800 ATK/2600 DEF

“Another Monster with the effect to remove a Monster from the field…but this is a destruction effect.” Alexis nearly bent the metal railing in front of her as her grip increased, turning her knuckles white.

“Is he really doing what I think he’s going to do?” Drake looked at Chazz’s field and saw all of the necessary parts required.

“This is almost overkill…” Jasmine was starting to wonder how Jaden was supposed to stop Chazz at this point.

“Maybe Jaden’s face down card will get him out of this?” Mindy didn’t sound like she believed her own words, even as she spoke them.

“Don’t think I’m done just yet, slacker!” Chazz may as well have been drilling holes into Jaden’s head with how piercing his glare was. “I’m going to crush you so thoroughly that you’ll never Duel again!” Jaden narrowed his own eyes at Chazz’s words. “I banish my VW-Tiger Catapult and my XYZ-Dragon Cannon to Contact Fusion Summon VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon!” He moved the two Fusion Monsters to the banished Zone and paced the new one next to his ABC-Dragon Buster with a near manic smile.

On the field, the XYZ-Dragon Cannon and the VW-Tiger Catapult both flew into the air. The five Monsters separated and then recombined. It was like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon. The five machines combined into one towering humanoid robot. The machine Monster had large cannons now focused on Jaden’s field, ready to unleash devastation upon him.

VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon – Level 8 – LIGHT – Machine/Fusion/Effect – 3000 ATK/2800 DEF

“I activate VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon’s effect!” Chazz declared and the cannons focused on the target that Chazz pointed to. “I can target one card you control and banish it without cost! So, let’s get rid of that annoying Favorite Hero card!” The cannons fired and the Spell card was wiped out in a simulated explosion.

Elemental Hero Absolute Zero – Level 8 – WATER – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 3000 ATK/2000 DEF

Absolute Zero’s ATK fell with the loss of the Spell card, now being even with both of Chazz’s Monsters.

“While I’m at it, I’ll get rid of your Absolute Zero too!” Chazz sneered, discarding a card to the graveyard to activate ABC-Dragon Buster’s banishing effect, leaving him with only a single card in hand.

“I don’t think so, Chazz!” Jaden had a smirk of his own as he flipped his face down card up. “I activate Mask Change!” The look of sheer excitement on his face made a certain Obelisk Queen’s heart thump in her chest when she saw it. “I send Absolute Zero to the graveyard to special summon Masked Hero Acid!”

On the field Absolute Zero leapt out of the way of ABC-Dragon Buster’s cannon fire, and then rushed to hit the glowing Spell card. The Hero that appeared from the glowing card was clearly based on old school Sentai. With a blue armored suit, red chest armor with a golden star-like piece over it, a holster on his waist for the odd-looking gun he held in his right hand, and a mask with two large red eyes, and a silver ornamentation the ran the length of the face before branching out to the sides at the top of the head and at the chin.

Masked Hero Acid – Level 8 – WATER – Warrior/Fusion/Effect – 2600 ATK/2100 DEF

“You summoned a weaker Monster?” Chazz was nearly laughing at Jaden.

“You’re not the only one with destruction effects, Chazz.” Jaden smiled at his opponent; he wouldn’t let his fun be ruined by Chazz’s bad attitude! “You see, when Absolute Zero leaves the field for any reason, he takes all of the Monsters that you control with him!”

“What?!” Chazz’s eyes widened as he saw a creeping frost cover his side of the field. The bitingly cold frost quickly covered his machines, entombing them in ice. A thick mist rose off the frozen Monsters before a crack was heard. All of Chazz’s monsters shattered into pieces. The chunks of ice slammed into the floor and shattered into pixels as W-Wing Catapult, Y-Dragon Head, ABC-Dragon Buster, and VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon were destroyed.

“One last thing, Chazz!” Jaden pointed to Masked Hero Acid. “When Acid is special summoned, he destroys all of the Spell and Trap cards that you control!” The Hero raised his strange gun into the air and fired it three times. A strange purple rain fell on Chazz’s field. Frontline Base and XYZ Combine both slowly dissolved before exploding into pixels as they were destroyed. Union Hangar melted and fell apart around Chazz, making the Obelisk Blue student stumble backwards in shock.

“This…this can’t be happening…” Chazz tried to deny the reality in front of him with all his might. His entire board had been wiped clean in a single turn, even when he’d had his most powerful Monsters on the field. “I…I…end my turn…” He barely forced the words out, feeling his legs about to give out from under him.

“I draw.” Jaden drew for turn, not that he really needed anything to finish this Duel up. “Masked Hero Acid attacks for game!” Jaden pointed at the stunned Chazz. Masked Hero Acid aimed his gun at the shocked Obelisk student and fired a single shot that splashed against Chazz’s chest, but the simulated acid only made Chazz collapse to his knees as his loss set in.

Chazz – 0

Jaden – 600

“That’s game!” Jaden pointed at Chazz with a smile. “Great Duel, Chazz! That’s what I meant when I told you to come at me with your best last time!” He was on a high from such a great Duel and the victory only made it stronger!

“Jaden Yuki wins!” Chancellor Sheppard’s voice came over the speakers, and the man’s face appeared on all of the large screens. The eruption of cheers from the students nearly drowned him out though as the victory of the stunning Duel finally registered with everyone.

“He did it! He did it!” Mindy nearly glomped Jasmine in a hug, jumping up and down with a beautiful smile on her face.

“That was awesome!” Jasmine agreed, bouncing on her heels with Mindy in her arms. She gave Mindy a radiant smile that never failed to make the other girl smile more.

“Hah…” Alexis released a breath that she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “Jaden…” The smile on her face was gorgeous to anyone that saw it; which was only Drake as the tension in his shoulders relaxed.

“Great Duel, Jaden, never doubted you for a second.” Drake chuckled under his breath, applauding loudly for his best friend.

“Simply brilliant, Jaden.” Bastion applauded his acquaintance with a smile. “I can’t wait to welcome you to Ra Yellow.” Left unsaid were the hundreds of thoughts running through the genius teen’s mind as he considered all of the variables that he’d seen from Jaden’s Deck during this Duel.

“No, no, no!” Crowler did tear his handkerchief as he saw Chazz lose. “Even with all of those rare cards?! How could he possibly lose?!”

“What rare cards are you talking about, Crowler?” Fonda Fontaine questioned her colleague and fellow Head of Obelisk.

“Uh, what?! Nothing! Nothing at all!” Crowler shook his head and nearly stalked off. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do!”

“You showed us all something, Jaden Yuki.” Chancellor Shepherd spoke, his voice through the speakers able to quiet the large arena. He looked down at the Slifer Red student from the faculty viewing area, the look was seen by all thanks to the giant screens around the stadium-like building. “Your trust in your Deck, your belief in your Monsters, your own skills, and your Dueling spirit that doesn’t falter, no matter what opponent you face. I think everyone here acknowledges that.” More than a few heads were nodding, both teacher and student alike. “Accordingly, Mr. Yuki, as our winner you’ve earned your promotion to Ra Yellow!”

“CONGRATULATIONS!!!” The cheer rang out from Slifer students, Ra students, and even three lovely Obelisk students.

“I’m super impressed, Jaden!” Chumley yelled out from his seat. “You’re amazing!”

“I am, aren’t I?” Jaden joked with a laugh. He waved to the cheering crowd and headed off the Dueling field. He was riding high on his victory, but he still wanted to watch his friends Duel and win too!

“So…” Jasmine sidled up to Alexis’s right side.

“Jaden just got promoted…” Mindy slid into her friend’s left side.

“He’s definitely earned it.” Alexis was still smiling at Jaden’s flipping the table win.

“Now that he’s a Ra…nobody would say much…” Jasmine began, looking at Mindy with a wink.

“…If you two were to start dating.” Mindy finished the sentence, a giggle in her voice.

“Just because Jaden’s getting promoted doesn’t mean I’m interested in dating anymore than I was before.” Alexis deadpanned at her friends.

“Mhmm…I suppose that’s why your cheeks are turning pink?” Jasmine teased, playfully touching Alexis’s cheek with the tip of her finger.

“Oh, is our Lexi in denial?” Mindy laughed, wrapping her arms around Alexis in a hug.

“I am not.” Alexis sighed as Jasmine joined the hug too.

“You might want to start considering it…with a win like that, he’s definitely going to be attracting attention.” Mindy spoke up, the giggle in her voice gone.

“Mindy is right, Lexi, you don’t want some other girl snatching him up, right?” Jasmine cautioned her friend, gently squeezing her a little.

“It’s not like that.” Alexis shook her head at her friends. Left unsaid was the brief feeling of annoyance that had flickered to life within her at the thought of some other girl making a move on Jaden.

Just gonna pretend I didn’t hear the girls plotting on Jaden.’ Drake wisely decided to mind his own business when it came to this situation. “I’d still ship it though.” He chuckled to himself as he thought of Jaden and Alexis getting together.

-End Chapter-



Jaden topples Chazz’s new Deck of rare cards!

And in the process, earns his promotion to Ra Yellow!

Will he accept it though? Will Drake earn his own promotion and join Jaden in the Ra dorms?

Will Jasmine and Mindy keep trying to hook Alexis and Jaden up?

Who Duels next in these Promotion Exams?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Love this series. The way you write out the duel, the commentary, all of it. But what I especially like is how you use actual cards instead of some fake cards like I see in some fics. Not to mention you’re using some of the more fun Archetype( Red-Eyes, E-Hero, Harpie, Cyber Angel) in the games and giving them more of their cards over time as to not make them overpowered.


Thank you very much! I appreciate that! A big thanks goes to my buddy, Ori, who makes these Duels for me so that we actually have fun and interesting Duels, instead of the crap ones from Canon. If I use any made up or Original Cards, it'll be VERY few and far between...normally just to give an Archetype a specific card function that it doesn't have in Canon but could realistically be a thing IRL.


Personally I love OC/SI stories like this. It gives us a chance to see some of the ideas and Archetype that were never really shown off and didn’t see any of their good support till after the series was done. Like most of the Red Eyes cards weren’t introduced until near the end of Zexal if my info is correct. Heck I’ve had stories ideas where an OC character would be introduced to one of the series and would have a series mechanic focused deck. For GX it would be Fusion/Ritual, 5Ds would be Synchro, so on and so forth. One idea was to have an OC go through GX with a FrightFur deck, which is 98% fusion oriented with the exception of 3 monsters who are pendulum monsters.


I wish my favorite madolche archetype had more cards, its not competitive but I enjoyed the look on my friends face when I got out three waltz and proceeded to out burn his actual burn deck. Beating him up with desert themed doll monsters was a pleasure, especially since queen could bounce that darn marshmallon. Anywhosit enjoyed the chapter and geez jadens turn was long. That's why I can't get into competive yugioh.


Yeah, competitive is long turns, but the Duels are interesting sometimes. Other times it's boring as hell because it's clear that one Player's Deck is literally made to NOT let the other Player actually play the game.


Now this was hardcore! Love the board breaking strategy! And it was always crazy that Crowler dropped Chazz when HE was the one who put all the dreams in the heads of the arrogant ones. It be no wonder that Obelisk only has a handful of high ranking players


Glad you enjoyed it! Thank my buddy, Ori, for creating these Duels for me so that we have exciting and fun Duels to read about!