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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Now that the Tower of Heaven is gone forever, the Dragon Family can return home. It’ll soon be time for the Fantasia Parade, but for now, Fairy Tail will carry on as they usually do. A certain Celestial Dragon Slayer has something she wants to do with a certain Magma Dragon Slayer too. Hehehehehe~

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 39 – Family and New Guild Building

“It’s nice to be home.” Lucy smiled brightly, looking out an opened second floor window of the Dragon’s Den. The forest was calm and peaceful, a gentle breeze blowing under a sunny sky. The birds chirped and sang among the trees and it was just a picturesque day.

The incident with Jellal and the Tower of Heaven had ended without much more fanfare. After the family had arrived back at Akane, Cana and Erza had freed her old friends. It was a tense meeting at first, but things had been cleared up by one of Erza’s old friends, Simon.


“Erza!” Sho roared once he was freed from his stone encasement. He prepared to use his Magic, only to feel the magic pressure from the rest of the Dragon Family nearly slam him into the sand of the beach. The teen nearly passed out as he physically felt the glares trying to bore holes into him. In his mind, he could only imagine being surrounded by multiple Dragons, the great beasts waiting for him to give them a reason to end his life.

“Stop it, Sho.” Simon spoke up firmly, making even Millianna and Wally look at him in surprise. “Erza freed us from Jellal’s manipulations, we should be thanking her.”

“She betrayed us.” Sho looked over at Simon angrily.

“No, it was Jellal that betrayed us.” Simon stated with complete surety. “I’ve known that for the last eight years.” The tall man gave Erza a smile. “Erza would never have left us there…not if she had any choice in the matter.”

“I’ll tell you four everything that happened that day…what Jellal did, and what he said to me.” Erza promised her old friends, calmly sitting on the beach in front of them and smiling when they all did the same after a long moment.

What followed was a story of betrayal and threats that had seen Erza set adrift from the Tower of Heaven, not to return until it had been completed. By the end of it, Millianna was hugging Erza, apologizing over and over again through her tears. Wally was hiding his own tears behind his hand and hanging his head in shame for what he’d done and how he’d acted while working for the man that had betrayed them all. Sho had the most sullen and listless look on his face, his hands fisted into the sand at learning the truth.

The four spent the rest of the time at Akane Resort under Erza’s guidance, learning about the outside world. Things like travel, commerce, and other interactions they’d need to learn now that they were free of the Tower of Heaven. During this time, the four made plans of their own, after politely declining the invitation to join Fairy Tail. There was a big world for them to finally see, and they wanted to see it with their own eyes.

Simon was going to try and find his little sister, Kagura. Wally was going to do the same, looking for his older brother, Richard. Millianna and Sho were both going to travel and see everything they could before trying to find a place of their own. Millianna was considering maybe joining a Guild someday, while Sho had no concrete ideas where his future would lead him yet. The day the four set out from Akane Resort, Erza had given each of them 500,000 Jewels to take care of themselves until they found work or settled down somewhere.

With tears, promises to write to each other, and plenty of hugs, the four former slaves set out to see the world and find their own place in it.

-End Flashback-

“Hah… I hope they’ll be alright.” Lucy sighed with a gentle smile on her lips.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Natsu spoke up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his chin on her shoulder.

“Natsu…” Lucy giggled as he pulled her flush against him. “Mmm~” She sighed in pleasure as Natsu breathed in her scent and left a warm kiss on her neck. “You’re eager…”

“Yep!” Natsu smiled at her with love and affection. “The others are checking out the new Guild Building since we got in too late last night to go see.”

“Hmmm…I guess that means we have the whole house to ourselves, huh?” Lucy turned around in his arms and gently leaned her forehead against his.

“We do.” Natsu kissed her lips softly.

“Good~” Lucy grinned sexily before capturing his lips in a more passionate kiss.

Clothing was quickly lost, left on the floor without a care, as the two stripped each other bare and hands freely roamed. Lucy bit her lips as she looked down at what her soon-to-be Mate was packing. The only thought in her mind was how much he was going to spoil her with his beast. Natsu only pulled her lips to his again, French kissing her and nearly stealing her breath away.

“Natsu~” Lucy panted, eagerly wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. “Bed.” She lightly nipped his earlobe, a playful growl in her husky tone. Natsu’s hands grabbed her ass, playing with her cheeks as he carried her to the Master Bedroom.

“Gorgeous…” Natsu rumbled in his chest as he laid Lucy on the large bed and just enjoyed the sight of her naked body.

“Mmm, come here...” Lucy opened her arms, asking for a hug, one she was quickly given as Natsu leaned over her and wrapped his strong arms around her.

The two were quickly lost in each other, unconcerned with anything else. Natsu’s fingers moved through Lucy’s long, golden locks as their tongues danced. Lucy’s hands weren’t idle either, running over Natsu’s defined muscles as the heat in the room built up. The windows were open, Natsu knowing from experience how much heat he could fill the surrounding air with during lovemaking.

“Lucy.” Natsu rumbled her name as he pulled back from her lips. He glided his length against her wet sex and made Lucy moan.

“Aaahhh…Natsu~” Lucy mewled at the feeling, rolling her hips a little to increase the pleasurable friction. The two locked eyes, Lucy’s brown dragon eyes met Natsu’s amber gaze and she gave him a beautiful smile. “Give it to me.” She nearly purred and Natsu gently gave her what she desired.

“Fuck~” Natsu groaned at the sensation. Lucy was eager to accept him, but it was clear that she’d never done this before. The tightness was similar to what he’d experienced with his other Mates the first time they’d become one and consummated their bond. He could feel Lucy’s fingernails clawing at his back as she gasped and moaned from the feeling of being stretched for the first time.

“Ah…mmmh…Natsu, you’re…oh…” Lucy lost her voice as his first slow, continuous thrust reached deeper than she thought possible. Her entire body trembled in pleasure when she felt Natsu touch her deepest spot briefly. “Yes~”

“Fuck, Lucy…” Natsu barely stopped his hips, wanting to let Lucy get used to the feeling of being one with him.

Lucy couldn’t help it, even through the pleasure making her mind hazy, she giggled at his words. “That’s the idea, Natsu~” She pulled his lips to hers again.

“Hmph…” Natsu snorted, light smoke escaping his nostrils in the process, as he pulled back from her lips. “You’re asking for it, Lucy.”

“Slow and tender, Natsu.” Lucy encouraged him to move by moving her hips, once more moaning as the tip of his dick touched her deepest spot.

“Whatever you want, Lucy.” Natsu promised her, their lips meeting again as he pulled his hips back, slowing dragging his length from her depths, only to reverse and bury himself to the hilt inside of her again.

The two moaned together, muffled by their near-constant lip lock, as the pace began to pick up. The lovers only took a short time to find the rhythm between them that was uniquely theirs. No words were spoken as they made love. None were needed. Their bodies communicated anything and everything they wanted to each other. Their love, desire, the heat building between them, all of it was experienced together on a deeper level than mere words could ever hope to express.

The heat filled the room but the two paid it no mind. The air began to glow as the primal, carnal act of Mating took place and Lucy’s Magic swelled in response. The two of them had no thoughts for anything but each other right now. Their bodies moving in sync, chasing the peak of their shared pleasure while passion and love flowed through them like the blood in their veins. Time became a foreign concept to them, the constant motions of their hips as they mated for the first time was all that they knew. Lucy moaned and locked her legs around Natsu’s waist. She felt it! The rush of the impending climax! Every instinct within her sang as she cried out in rapture for Natsu. On the most instinctive and primal level, she needed Natsu to fill her with his seed! Natsu was already approaching his own peak when he felt Lucy tremble in his arms. The two separated their lips to moan loudly, flames and sparkling lights danced in the air around them. Their slit, dragon eyes met, and Lucy instantly knew what she needed to do.

Natsu gently latched onto the juncture between Lucy’s shoulder and neck, guiding her by example. Lucy kissed the same spot on Natsu before her mouth opened, revealing her fangs, and she bit him. Natsu returned the bite and their Magic spiked sharply. Flames and heat emerged from Natsu, while Lucy shone like starlight, their coupling came to the pinnacle as the room was filled with their separate Magics before they blended together in the air. Magic was exchanged between the new Mates, tying them both together far deeper than any other bond could ever hope to. While these physical marks would fade, the Magical Mark that lay within was now part of them and it would remain there until the end of their days. This ancient, ritual was rewarded by the insanely powerful climax that they crashed into as one. Natsu removed his fangs and roared as his seed filled Lucy completely. Lucy released her own roar of passion and climax as the molten heat filled her womb and her legs locked tightly around Natsu’s hips to keep him buried as deeply as possible inside of her.

“I love you, Lucy.” Natsu held himself above his new Mate before leaning down to capture her lips again.

“I love you too, Natsu~” Lucy mewled when their lips separated again.

The two cuddled close, just enjoying the afterglow together, not caring about anything else right now. Lucy breathed in Natsu’s scent as her left hand gently ran over her tummy. The dragon instinct within was rumbling in satisfaction, the very idea that she might be pregnant was making her smile.

It was impossible, of course, Porlyusica’s contraceptive potion had never once failed in all the years she’d made it. Not even during the height of the ‘Season’ for the Dragon’s Den, when the Dragon Slayers let themselves give in to their instincts fully and spent the better part of a week on nothing but lovemaking and outright fucking.

“Natsu…” Lucy smiled and buried her face into his chest with a warm giggle. “You’re insatiable.”

“I’ve built up a lot of stamina over the years.” Natsu’ mumbled into her soft blonde hair, his hand trailing up and down her back slowly.

“I can feel that.” Lucy kissed his chest lightly.

“You want to be on top this time?” Natsu asked with a wide grin.

“I don’t know…” Lucy teased, pressing her breasts against his chest, the friction of her hard nipples on his skin was amazing. “Will you play with my tits if I ride you?” She licked his neck, tasting him and letting a low rumble pass her throat. “You neglected them, you know?” That wasn’t really his fault though, given that their lips had barely separated the whole time.

“Let me fix that.” Natsu’s grin was outright predatory as he rolled them over. Lucy was soon straddling him and holding his head to her chest as Natsu lavished her breasts with his all of his affection, fondling, groping, teasing her nipples, pinching them, and sucking on them.

“Haah…fuck~ Suck on them!” Lucy moaned, rolling her hips against Natsu’s hard cock. “You’re gonna…make me…crazy!” She threw her head back and let out a lewd, wanton moan.


“AAH!” Lucy yelped as a sharp swat hit her left ass cheek. “Natsu…” She looked down at her Mate with a little glare. “Do that again~” The glare turned into a naughty smile.


“Yessss~” Lucy mewled, eagerly pushing her ass back into Natsu’s warm hands. “Do whatever you want to me, Natsu!” She moaned loudly, the speed of her hips increasing, producing more of that addicting friction.

Lucy…” Natsu rumbled out, the sound coming from deep in his chest.

Oh fuck…’ Lucy realized that she might’ve unleashed a beast she couldn’t possibly deal with alone. ‘Why does THAT turn me on so much?!’ The Celestial Spirit Mage wondered for all of a second, before Natsu easily used his hold on her perfect ass to lift her up and then drop her back onto his hard cock. “Aaaaahhhh!” Lucy squealed, but didn’t have the time to be embarrassed at the noise before Natsu was bouncing her up and down in his lap.

“My Lucy.” Natsu declared before going back to her bouncing tits and making Lucy nearly come undone from the intensity of her Mate’s affections.

“Y-Yours…yes!” Lucy confirmed happily, wrapping her arms around his head to keep his talented mouth on her sensitive breasts.

-New Fairy Tail Guild Hall ~ Afternoon-

“Whoa…” Natsu blinked at seeing the new building for the first time.

“Wow!” Lucy gushed, a bright smile on her face that matched the glow about her from the activities that she and Natsu had just finished with a while ago.

The new building was extravagantly different from the former building. While it retained the general shape of the former building and consisted of three floors, the new construction strongly resembled a castle in appearance, having battlements on top of its two upper floors, while the ground floor had a roof made up of many small, square tiles of different size. Over the battlements several large torches were lined up. Topping the building and the last floor was a small, tower-like dome containing a large bell, which had a pointed roof made of tiles; two more towers were present at both sides of the main entrance, these having elongated glass windows running through them and weathercocks shaped like the Fairy Tail guild symbol on their tile tops. The front part of the top floor had a large banner with the guild’s insignia on it, while two smaller banners placed at its sides, some meters away from it, bear, respectively, the Magic Council's emblem and the emblem of the Rune Knights, which was probably Makarov’s idea to show that Fairy Tail still had the support of the Council.

Surrounding the new Guild Hall was a fence composed of stone overtopped by decorative iron railing, with some pillars over-topped by torches along its length and an open gate that gave access to the guild itself. This gate possessed an upper part covered in tiles, with railing below it, giving it some resemblance to an open portcullis, above which there was a large sign bearing the guild's name, with ornate decorations above that. This included a pair of detailed statues of fairies, each wearing a dress and possessing a pair of wings and elongated ears sitting on top of the gate. In front of the building, inside the fence, was what appeared to be an open air café, that contained a little over two dozen tables, each complete with a pair of benches at the sides, and with some of them bearing striped beach umbrellas for shade.

“We have an open air café now?” Lucy looked over the area, seeing many of the guild members lounging around and enjoying the nice weather.

“Is this a gift shop?” Natsu pointed out the new stand filled with Fairy Tail merchandise.

“Welcome to the shop…” Max Alors smiled, and then realized who it was. “Ah, Natsu, Lucy, welcome back!”

“Hey you two!” Cana grinned knowingly at Natsu and Lucy from the main doorway. “Come check out the inside!”

“Cana!” Lucy pouted cutely at her Dragon Sister.

“It’s different…” Natsu blinked at the new interior of the Guild Hall.

“Wow, it’s pretty in here!” Lucy exclaimed, seeing the neat and clean interior filled with tables.

“The waitresses have new uniforms too.” Lisanna smiled at them wearing one of the said uniforms, a form-fitting, strapless black dress that left a good amount of cleavage visible and stopped at mid-thigh and was emblazoned with the Guild’s name and emblem. The dress was paired with white, thigh-high boots as well.

“Why do I get the feeling that Master designed them?” Lucy deadpanned at the uniform.

“That’s not all that’s new either.” Cana grinned, leading them towards the back and outside. “See? There’s a pool out back now!”

Indeed, there was a large, in-ground swimming pool in the back courtyard. The water was crystal clear and it was being enjoyed by multiple members of the guild. Bisca and Alzack waved to them with smile, neither of the Gun Mages taking their eyes off of each other for long. Jet and Droy were both in swim trunks while they sat on the edge of the pool, letting their legs and feet dangle in the water.

“Lucy! You’re back!” Levy beamed at her friend, the bluenette Script Mage in a white bikini and holding a beach ball.

“Hi Levy!” Lucy waved with a smile before Cana continued their impromptu tour of the new Guild Hall.

“Downstairs we have a game room.” Cana grinned, showing off the new basement area, filled with various games like darts and billiards. Reedus was in the middle of a game of billiards and about to take a shot while his opponent laughed and drank from a flagon.

“Neat.” Natsu grinned while imagining beating Gray in every game in the basement area already.

“But the biggest difference is that anybody can go to the second floor now!” Cana pointed up at the floor and both Natsu and Lucy realized that many members were walking around that weren’t S-Class.

“I can go to the second floor now?” Lucy smiled at the idea, wondering what was different from the first building compared to the new building when it came to the second floor.

“Yep!” Cana grinned at her Dragon Sister. “Butt you can’t take an S-Class Quest without being an S-Class yourself, of course.” Those Quests were still being watched over carefully by the employees that Makarov hired to help with such things.

“Ah, the final two have returned. Welcome back!” Makarov greeted Natsu and Lucy with a grin. He was followed by a very familiar young woman. “This is our newest member, Juvia Lockser, isn’t she a cutie?” The Master grinned brightly at having another lovely woman in the guild.

“Please treat Juvia well.” Juvia smiled at them warmly. She had a new outfit that neither Lucy nor Natsu had seen her wear before. A long, blue, body-hugging dress with two white lines running down from the collar, over her breasts, and down to the hem at her ankles, it also had white fur around the ends of the sleeves, and a brown belt around her waist. A navy blue stole was over her shoulders, also lined with white fur, and a matching, fur-trimmed, navy hat sat atop her head. Her blue hair was no longer rolled, allowing the long locks to flow freely down her back and around her face. “Juvia hopes that you like her Fairy Tail mark, Natsu-sama.” Juvia moved her left leg to the side, revealing that her dress had a long slit up that side, nearly to her hip. On the upper part of her bare thigh was a red Fairy Tail mark. “Cana, Mira, Erza, and Lisanna all suggested that I get it in red.” She blushed cutely. The sudden reveal of her mark also showed that she was wearing brown thigh-high boots.

“You look great, Juvia.” Natsu complimented her with a smile.

“You’ve got style, girl!” Lucy praised her friend brightly.

“Th-Thank you both.” Juvia’s face turned red from the compliments while her heart soared internally.

“As you all are aware, Juvia was previously a member of Phantom Lord.” Makarov looked between them. “But that’s in the past now! She’s one of us, so make sure that you get along.”

“Of course, gramps!” Natsu laughed. “Juvia is already a friend and we enjoy her company.”

“Yep!” Lucy nodded along with Cana.

Juvia shifted side-to-side a bit, clearly still not used to the overwhelming acceptance from her new friends and crush. It was a wonderful feeling that the Water Mage knew she would never tire of.

“There is another member as well.” Erza informed Natsu and Lucy as she walked over to them with a plate in hand. The said plate had a large slice of strawberry cake on it, which had a few bites missing already. “No starting fights though.” She looked at Natsu specifically when she said the last part.

“Come greet your fellow guild members!” Makarov called out to a specific table.

“Tch.” Gajeel Redfox turned around on the bench, revealing that he’d been eating some random metal.

“Gajeel…” Natsu narrowed his eyes at the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“You actually let him join?” Lucy looked at Makarov with a raised eyebrow.

“Calm down.” Makarov waved off the suspicion. “He was acting under Jose’s orders. But he’s here to try and learn a better way. They say that yesterday’s enemy can be today’s friend, you know!” His words might’ve had a bit more impact if he didn’t get distracted by one of the passing waitresses in the new uniform.

“What kind of jobs would he even go on?” Natsu questioned, his gaze never breaking from Gajeel’s. “He’s not exactly the friendly type.”

“Relax. I’m not here to make friends.” Gajeel replied flatly as he walked right up to Natsu. “I’m just here for work. Any guild would’ve done. This place makes me sick, so don’t think I’m going to be buddy-buddy with any of you.”

“What’d you say?” Natsu’s let a growl enter his voice.

“You heard me, Salamander.” Gajeel growled right back.

“It is the responsibility of the elders to take in the youngsters that’ve lost their way and put them back on the correct path.” Makarov commented, hoping that the two Dragon Slayers didn’t start fighting in the middle of the new Guild Hall.

“Can this guy even learn anything?” Natsu questioned, the barb not lost on anyone.

“Huh?” Gajeel got in Natsu’s face. Now both Dragon Slayers were growling at each other.

“They’re acting more like dogs than dragons, huh?” Macao laughed from a nearby table.

“Aye, sir!” Happy agreed with a half-eaten fish in his mouth.

“Do we need to get some muzzles and keep them on opposite sides of the guild from each other?” Wakaba slapped his hand on the table as he laughed.

“Gajeel, will you be nice?” Levy came in from the back courtyard, still in her white bikini, but now with a towel around her shoulders as she dried her blue locks.

“Tsk.” Gajeel scoffed, looking away from Natsu and focusing on Levy. His red, slitted eyes quickly gave her a once over, before following a droplet of water down her chest and across her trim stomach.

“You’re part of Fairy Tail now; would it kill you to be more friendly?” Levy leaned forward, looking at him with a tilt of her head. She pretended not to notice the way his eyes glanced down at her cleavage. She may not be as busty as some members of the guild, but she was a young woman and hand a nice pair of handfuls.

“Oh?” Cana raised an eyebrow when Gajeel turned away from the brewing fight and returned to his seat.

“Hmm.” Erza had a little grin on her lips as well.

“I didn’t know you had it in you Levy.” Lisanna giggled as she’d stopped to watch, also to intervene if a fight did start.

“Levy…” Lucy looked at her friend and fellow book lover.

“Don’t…” Levy locked eyes with Lucy.

“I really want to though.” Lucy couldn’t stop the grin spreading across her lips.

“Don’t you do it, Lucy…” Levy was almost pouting at her friend.

“Alright, alright, I won’t.” Lucy held up her hands with a little giggle.

“Thank you.” Levy sighed in relief.

“Nice Dragon Taming though.” Lucy complimented a second later.

“LUCY!!!” Levy’s entire face went deep red and she playfully swatted at the blonde.

The bright laughter from all of the Dragon Sisters filled the air as they assured Levy that they were only playing. The bookworm sighed at them all, her cheeks only a faint pink now.

The teasing went over Natsu’s head, partially because he was looking for Mira, and partially because he didn’t understand the hidden meaning.

“C’mon, Mira’s show is about to start.” Cana guided the group to a free table near the stage that had been built near the front of the guild hall.

“NO!!!” Levy suddenly cried out, her face back to bright red. “It’s not like that!”

“Sorry, sorry, jumped the gun there.” Erza apologized to the Script Mage.

“Juvia has never seen Gajeel back down from a potential fight like that, Miss Levy.” Juvia commented as the group sat down at the table together. “You seem to be a very positive influence on him.” The fact that the Water Mage was fighting down her own blush after hearing what Erza had asked was blatantly obvious.

“I’m just trying to be a good guildmate.” Levy shook her head back and forth, her blue hair swaying about.

“Might be a waste of time.” Natsu shrugged sitting between Cana and Lucy.

“I’m not so sure.” Lisanna grinned, motioning with her eyes. The ladies caught on and subtly looked in the direction, only to se that Gajeel had moved tables and was now sitting at the one behind theirs, on the bench closest to Levy’s position.

“This is going to be fun.” Cana chuckled before taking a sip of her ale.

“Be nice, Cana.” Erza grinned at her Dragon Sister.

Two curtains pulled aside as the lights in the guild hall dimmed. A spotlight shown on the stage, revealing Mira in an animal print dress with slits up the sides. She was sitting on a stool with a guitar in her hands which she began to play.

“I stroke the desk that belonged to you… As the shadows fall, I’m alone again tonight…” Mira sang beautifully, in total contrast to her moniker of She-Devil. “I look to the sky and make my prayer… You’re under the same sky!” Smiles bloomed across all of the Fairy Tail members as they listened. “When the tears well up and your body starts to shake… When the darkness is about to swallow you… Never forget that you have a place… A place to come back to…”

“What a pretty song.” Lucy smiled at the music.

“It’s a song for Mages going out on Quests.” Lisanna told her softly.

“…and those who wait here for you!” Mira finished the first verse with a smile, her eyes focused on her family.

“Hmph!” Gajeel scoffed audibly at the song. Not only was it not to his tastes, it was something he’d never experienced in all his years as a Guild Mage.

“You got something to say?” Natsu stood up and glared at Gajeel.

“Shut up!” An empty flagon beaned Natsu in the head. “Mira’s still singing!”

“Who threw that?!” Natsu flipped the table in front of him, making sure it would easily clear the heads of his Mates and Levy as he glared into the darkened Guild Hall.

“Hey!” Gajeel’s hand touched the flying table and lifted it even higher, tossing it in the general direction the flagon had flown from.

The sudden flipping of the table had been unexpected, but for S-Class Mages like Erza and Cana, they’d both been able to save their respective food or beverage. That also meant that their eyes caught the fact that Gajeel’s hand had moved directly over Levy’s head, protecting the girl even if she wasn’t in danger from the wooden table at all.

“Well…should’ve seen this coming.” Lucy sighed as a guild brawl started.

“A real man would listen to my sister’s songs!” Elfman tossed aside two guild members to get at Natsu and Gajeel.

“Shut up!” Gajeel socked the Take Over Mage in the face, sending him crashing into another table.

“Well,” Mira’s smile became a wicked grin. “I guess this isn’t the time to be singing ballads.” She used her Transformation Magic to change outfits. Now she was wearing a black leather tube top and matching miniskirt with fishnet stockings on her legs and high-heeled boots on her feet. “Let’s rock out!” She strummed the chords of her guitar loudly, encouraging the violence.

Makarov watched the brawl and the destruction with tears pouring down his face. “Couldn’t you brats have waited until after the reporter from Sorcerer Weekly had done their interviews tomorrow?!”

“Nothing like a brawl to christen the ne Guild Hall!” Natsu laughed brightly, finding that the Fairy Tail spirit never changed.

“Damn it, Natsu!” Gray yelled, tackling the Magma Dragon Slayer from behind. “Stop starting fights!”

He was then clocked in the back of the head with a barstool.

“Look who’s talking, Gray!” Ur laughed, having been the one to throw said barstool at her former apprentice.

“Well, it wouldn’t be Fairy Tail without the rambunctiousness, right?” Lisanna giggled while she, Levy, and Lucy did their best to stay out of the fighting.

“I guess.” Levy shrugged, still in her white bikini and not in any mood to fight while wearing it.

“Why not.” Lucy sighed moving her head aside as a plate with food still on it went flying past to smash into the face of Wakaba.

As the brawl continued, everyone in the Guild agreed, even if silently, that it was good to have their Guild Hall back and better than ever.

-End Chapter-


Lucy and Natsu consummate their love and become Mates! So sweet!

The new Guild Hall is done and has MANY upgrades!

Juvia and Gajeel are officially members of Fairy Tail!

Levy is complimented on her ‘Taming’ of Gajeel! Much to her flustered embarrassment! Kek! Nothing like that has even happened!

It’s good to be home!

Now the Fantasia Parade is drawing closer! Will a certain someone ruin it?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Liked it as usual. Just wanted to say, had a funny idea where Erza tries to eat strawberry rock cake and loves it while everyone, but her family thinks she's crazy lol

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another fun and entertaining chapter