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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Goku and Bulma fly off together, but where is their next destination? Bulma’s break from school will soon be over, and Goku has an offer from Kame Sen’nin for training. Not to mention the whole part of Bulma having to explain her new state of being to her parents! Things are definitely going to change a bit!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 6 – Kame Sen’nin’s Training

A golden cloud flew through the air, high above the ground and the terrain passing beneath it. Following the cloud, a golden trail was left behind for a short time before it faded away. Sitting atop this magical cloud, Goku and Bulma were discussing their next stop together.

“So, you’re taking that old pervert up on his offer of training, huh?” Bulma looked at Goku with a grin. She knew he would take the offer the moment that she’d found out about it.

“Yep!” Goku smiled brightly. “I want to train and get a lot stronger!”

“Hmm…why does that sound so right?” Bulma pondered as she sat in Goku’s lap, her arms still around his shoulders and his left arm around her waist.

“Probably because you’re a Saiyan now, Bulma.” Goku offered his best guess to his friend. “We’re a warrior race, so we enjoy getting stronger.”

“Seems like the best hypothesis right now.” Bulma agreed with a shrug. “But I definitely need to go see my parents. I need to tell them about all of…this.” She used her tail to motion towards her body. “Not to mention deal with school and stuff.”

“Should we go there first?” Goku offered without hesitation. If it helped Bulma, then it was fine with him.

“I’d appreciate it, but do you have something that you need to do first?” Bulma asked, which made Goku think for a moment.

“I guess if I’m going to be staying with the old turtle guy, then I should bring my futon and stuff from home.” Goku mused, trying to think of what he might need for an extended stay during his training.

“Then we should stop by your house first.” Bulma stated, perfectly content to make a detour and spend a little more time in Goku’s lap.

“Okay, thanks, Bulma!” Goku smiled at her while directing Nimbus towards his house on Mt. Paozu.

-Goku’s House-

“Hah…” Bulma stretched a bit while Goku gathered his things for his stay with Kame Sen’nin. “It hasn’t even been that long, but this place almost has a nostalgic feeling.” She smiled at the small hut, reminded of the day that she met Goku.

“Ready to go.” Goku plopped his folded up futon on top of the Flying Nimbus with a smile. “You’ll have to guide us back to your home, Bulma.”

“No problem.” Bulma waved it off. It wasn’t like Goku had ever been to West City before, so he had no idea which direction to go.

Goku hopped onto the Flying Nimbus and Bulma grinned as she sat down on his lap again, leaning back into his chest and enjoying the way his arms wrapped around her waist. “Fly, Nimbus!” Goku declared and the magical cloud shot off into the sky again.

-Capsule Corporation ~ West City-

“Wow, it’s huge!” Goku exclaimed in awe as he saw the massive dome that Bulma pointed out as her house. “The city is already massive…but even your house is big, Bulma!” A megalopolis like West City was something that the primitive living Goku hadn’t been able to comprehend until he saw it for the first time.

“It’s home.” Bulma laughed as they descended to the front lawn and hopped off the golden cloud. “Welcome to Capsule Corp, Goku!” She smiled at him. “Let me introduce you to my mom and dad.”

“Sure thing!” Goku nodded as they walked through the front door.

“Hmm, mom’s probably in the kitchen since I didn’t see her outside.” Bulma mused on where to find both of her parents in the massive building. “Dad’s almost always either in the garden or the lab, so it shouldn’t be hard to find him.”

As luck would have it, both of Bulma’s parents were in the kitchen together. Bikini was clearly about to cook something up for them, and Dr. Briefs was happily sat at the table just watching his lovely wife as she went about her preparations. Bulma felt like, just maybe, she was finally starting to understand the simple love that her parents showed to each other a bit better now.

“Mom! Dad!” Bulma smiled at her parents while announcing her presence.

Dr. Briefs and Bikini both perked up and looked over at their youngest child. “Honey, you’re back.” Bikini smiled brightly at her daughter.

“Hello dear, did you have a nice trip?” Dr. Briefs asked his daughter with a chuckle. It had only been a bit over a month since she’d set out on her little quest, but to have her back and in good health made his heart swell with joy.

“It was fun. A few hiccups here and there, but we got through everything fine.” Bulma smiled while motioning to Goku.

“Oh my!” Bikini let out a little gasp at seeing her daughter with a boy that looked a year or two younger than her Bulma. “Oh sweetheart, who is this handsome young man?” She giggled, looking Goku over.

Bulma smiled and lightly nudged Goku forward to introduce himself.

“My name is Son Goku, it’s nice to meet you both.” Goku gave the two a slight bow to be polite, just like his grandpa had taught him.

“I see you’ve made a new friend, dear.” Dr. Briefs smiled happily at that. “It’s nice to meet you, young Goku, I’m Dr. Briefs, Bulma’s father.”

“Nice to meet you, little Goku.” Bikini cooed at the cute young man. “My Bulma sure knows how to pick them!” Bulma felt her cheeks heat up at her mother’s words. “Would you like something to eat? We were just about to have lunch!”

“Mom!” Bulma gave her mother a look, but Bikini merely giggled at her daughter.

“Lunch?” Goku asked cheerfully, his tail wagging slightly at meeting Bulma’s parents and being offered a meal.

Bulma sighed a little before a smile pulled at her lips. “Honestly, I could eat.” She chuckled and sat at the table with her father and Goku. “Anyway, mom, dad, after lunch…there’s some things I need to share with you both. In private.” Bulma emphasized, catching her father’s eyes. To the older scientist that meant that they’d be using his private lab and equipment, not the corporation’s large onsite labs.

“Of course, dear.” Dr. Briefs nodded to his daughter.

“Tell us about your trip over lunch, Bulma!” Bikini smiled brightly at her daughter. “We can save the serious talk for later.”

“Right.” Bulma agreed with a smile. Her parents were nothing if not easygoing.

“While we eat, you can tell us about your new boyfriend.” Bikini tittered as she started cooking.

“Mom!” Bulma flushed and looked at Goku.

“Hmm?” Goku looked at her with a smile and his head slightly tilted.

This is going to be embarrassing, isn’t it?’ Bulma sighed at the coming conversation, already knowing her mother would be steering the conversation towards the relationship between Goku and herself.

The embarrassment of having to explain that she and Goku weren’t together like that was counteracted a bit when Bikini and Dr. Brief stared in stunned shock as they witnessed the appetites of two Saiyans for the first time. The entire table was cleared and Bikini had to call in some help from the employee cafeteria to keep up with Goku and Bulma’s seemingly bottomless stomachs.

-Dr. Brief’s Private Lab-

“Truly fascinating.” Dr. Briefs mumbled to himself while examining Goku and Bulma. Both were in black cotton shorts and Bulma had a matching black sports bra on as well. “And you say this tail gives you both the ability to transform into a giant ape or monkey-like form?”

“Yep.” Goku nodded, waving his tail around a bit.

Bulma moved her tail around and even held a can of beer from her father’s desk with it. “Fully prehensile too.”

“You’re still our little girl, honey.” Bikini assured her daughter with another warm hug. The fourth or fifth, but Bulma wasn’t counting as she returned the hug. Both of her parents’ first reaction to the reveal of her new species had been to pull her close and assure her that nothing would ever change between them; that she would always be their daughter and they’d never stop loving her.

“Love you too, mom.” Bulma replied, gently squeezing her mom back.

“Anatomically, you could pass for a human by looks.” Dr. Briefs smiled at his daughter. “However, even a rudimentary examination by a medical professional would be able to note some differences in your reflexes and your senses.” The man was still writing a few things down as he spoke. “I’d like to get blood samples from both of you if possible.” He looked at Bulma and Goku one after the other. “Just to get some genetic data and look out for anything that may indicate potential problems.” Among Dr. Briefs’ many degrees from his decades of schooling was a Medical Doctorate and a PhD in Biology.

“Sure thing, dad.” Bulma agreed with a shrug. “You didn’t have time to get a sample from Jaco back in the day. So, this will be your first chance to study extraterrestrial biology.”

“Indeed!” Dr. Briefs chuckled as he prepared two syringes along with alcohol and swabs.

“What’s this?” Goku questioned, watching Bulma get her arm swabbed with alcohol.

“My dad is using that syringe to draw blood for a sample so that he can study it, Goku.” Bulma explained to him simply.

“If…I could…pierce the skin…there we go!” Dr. Briefs finally got the needle to pierce Bulma’s skin and slowly drew the blood sample from his daughter. “I must say, any more pressure and I would worry about breaking the syringe before the needle punctured your skin, honey.”

“Saiyan durability, right?” Bulma smiled at her dad as he collected the sample and then withdrew the needle. A small bandage was placed over the injection site and Bulma was done.

“Your turn, young Goku.” Dr. Briefs smiled at the boy and patted the chair that Bulma had just vacated. He had a second syringe in his hand, ready to go.

“Okay.” Goku plopped down into the chair and held out his arm.

Once more, Dr. Briefs struggled a bit to get the needle to penetrate Goku’s skin, but once it was in, the procedure went normally. The older man drew the blood sample and quickly labeled it with Goku’s name to prevent any mix-ups. He placed a bandage on the injection area to finish.

“Alright, you’re all done.” Dr. Briefs smiled at Goku and watched the boy hop out of the chair.

“Hey, mom, dad, I’ve decided to graduate early.” Bulma spoke up as she put on her clothes over the black shorts and sports bra.

“Oh? You never seemed interested when your father brought it up before, honey.” Bikini blinked at her daughter.

“Yeah, but now I feel like just lazing around at school, bored, is a waste of time.” Bulma told her parents, side-glancing at Goku while she spoke. “I want to join Goku at his martial arts training as soon as possible.”

“Martial Arts?” Dr. Briefs cocked his head to the side a bit. “Now that’s not something I ever expected from you, dear.” He chortled a bit. “Could I ask you to write up a report on all of your observations of Saiyans before you head out?” That raw, first-hand data would be necessary to start his research on the extraterrestrial species.

“I’ll do that when I get back, dad.” Bulma promised as she watched Goku finish dressing. “I’ll have to come back to take the graduation test and stuff anyway.”

“Right, right…I’ll make sure the Board of Education has the tests ready for you by the time you get back, dear.” Dr. Briefs promised his daughter with a smile.

When the head of Capsule Corporation talked, even the government listened. Arranging such a test for his daughter was as simple as making the request.

With hugs and farewells, Bulma and Goku got back on the Flying Nimbus together. The ‘Oh my!’ from Bikini had made Bulma pout at her mother. Just because she was sitting in Goku’s lap didn’t mean she needed any commentary on it! The golden cloud blasted into the sky while Bulma waved to her parents.

“To the old turtle guy’s house!” Goku pointed forward and the magical cloud zipped off in the designated direction.

-Kame House ~ Later-

“Alright! There it is!” Goku grinned, pointing at the small island that had just come into view.

“I’d never have been able to see that far before.” Bulma blinked at already being able to clearly see the pink house in the distance. “Man…that’s a small island.”

“I told you.” Goku chuckled at the girl in his lap.

The Nimbus stopped on the beach and the two Saiyans hopped off the magical cloud. Goku easily picked up his futon and other possessions and carried them to the front door. Bulma looked around the tiny island, noting that it really was barely anything more than some rock, sandy dirt, sand, and a few palm trees. She’d honestly be surprised if it was even marked on any maps.

“Hey, old timer! It’s me!” Goku shouted as he stood at the door.

There was no response though.

“Huh?” Goku blinked at the lack of response. “Is he out?”

“I don’t think so.” Bulma’s newly sharpened hearing picked up a voice coming from inside the house.

“And a one, and a two, and a one, and a two!" A woman’s voice counted aloud.

“Ugh…” Bulma facepalmed as she and Goku looked through the wide open window. Sitting before the TV was Kame Sen’nin, nearly panting as he watched a workout program with two ladies doing leg lifts.

“A one, and a two…” The old man counted off as well, though he wasn’t doing the exercise, just enjoying the view.

“Hey! You are here!” Goku hopped through the large open window easily, even carrying his stuff.

“Don’t bother, Goku, he’s clearly not listening.” Bulma grumbled at the old pervert. She actually surprised herself by being able to mimic Goku and leap through the window easily.

“HEY HERMIT!!!” Goku bellowed right beside Kame Sen’nin’s ear.

“GAH!” The old man fell to his side in shock, his trance-like focus on the exercising women broken. “Huh? Oh…what’re you two doing here? Don’t scare me like that!”

“I came here to get trained.” Goku smiled at Kame Sen’nin.

“Trained?” The old master blinked behind his sunglasses. “Right…right…I did offer, didn’t I?” He stood up, the program finishing on the TV as the two ladies waved goodbye to the viewers. Kame Sen’nin was currently wearing a plain t-shirt with a logo over the left breast that read ‘Pennzoil’, along with some shorts and his standard turtle shell upon his back. “I didn’t expect you to be here so soon.” His eyes wandered over to Bulma behind his shades. “I see you brought your lovely lady friend.”

“Stuff it, you old pervert.” Bulma glared at Kame Sen’nin. “I came to join Goku’s training. She waved her Saiyan tail to catch the old man’s attention. “Some things happened and now I’m like Goku. I want to get stronger…it’s like a need, or an instinct.”

“I see.” Kame Sen’nin nodded as he moved over to the low table in the middle of the room. He poured himself a beer and took a sip while mulling the new information over in his head. “My training is awfully tough, you know?”

“I don’t care! I just wanna be more powerful than you, that’s all!” Goku grinned as he set his stuff beside the table.

“Oh ho, ho, really?!” Kame Sen’nin laughed at Goku’s words. “More powerful than me, eh?” He took another sip of his beer. “Well, I already agreed to train you, so that’s not a problem.” Kame Sen’nin looked at Bulma for a long moment.

“What?” Bulma questioned the old man for his long stare.

“My training doesn’t come free…but you provide your own payment already.” Kame Sen’nin chuckled with a perverted grin.

“Ugh…really?” Bulma rolled her eyes at the old man. “What, were you going to make Goku go find you a pretty girl if you hadn’t made your offer?”

“Perhaps…” Kame Sen’nin looked off to the side.

“I’m starting to reconsider this…” Bulma deadpanned at the old man.

“Aw, c’mon Bulma!” Goku looked at her with a bright grin. “He trained my grandpa, and we saw how strong he is back at Frypan Mountain! He’s got to be the best, right?”

“I guess…” Bulma conceded, while Kame Sen’nin chuckled a little at the praise. “Look, old man, I’m going to join Goku in this training…but I need to finish up some things with school back in West City first. It shouldn’t take more than a week at most.” She slapped her hands down on the table and glared into the old man’s eyes through his sunglasses. “But if I come back to find out that you’ve put any of your pervert tendencies into Goku’s head, I’ll make you regret it!”

“O-Of course! I’d n-never do such a thing…heh...” Kame Sen’nin smiled as best as he could while leaning away from the irate girl. ‘Is she growling?

“Good.” Bulma sat back with a sharp nod.

“Someone’s coming.” Goku had caught sight of a small boat approaching while glancing out of the window.

“Eh?” Kame Sen’nin stood up to look out the window as well. “Now who could that be?” He went to the front door and stepped outside with Goku and Bulma following behind.

“Hup!” The short boy on the boat leapt from the vessel while it was still a fair distance from the shore. He flipped through the air in what would’ve been an impressive display of physical skill…if he’d managed to stick the landing.


The boy’s head was buried in the sand of the small beach from his failed landing. His legs and feet flailed about as he couldn’t get his arms against the sand to push himself out.

“…what now?” Kame Sen’nin sighed as he looked down at the flailing stranger. “Pull him out, Goku.”

“Okay.” Goku grabbed one of the flailing legs, making the trapped boy go still. With a single upward jerk, the boy’s head was freed of the sand and Goku set him down gently.

“Thank you…” The boy brushed the sand off himself, clearly trying to move on from his failed show of skill. His head was bald and his forehead bore six small, round scars from moxibustion burns, denoting his past as a monk. He wore a yellow short sleeved Chinese garb with the sleeves folded to make it sleeveless and adorned with purple straps on each side, orange Chinese pants with a purple belt around his waist, white shins wraps, and ochre Chinese toe shoes. After he was mostly free of sand, the boy turned to Kame Sen’nin with a smile and a respectful bow. “You are the August Muten Roshi, the Invincible Old Master?”

“None other.” Kame Sen’nin nodded to the boy.

“I have traveled from a village in the distant East. I am called Krillin! My only wish is to train under you, August Muten Roshi.” Krillin requested, only raising his head to look up at Kame Sen’nin while maintaining his bow.

“Well, well, isn’t that nice?” Kame Sen’nin replied, having heard such things from hundreds and hundreds of would-be disciples over the decades. “Too bad I so rarely take disciples. Enjoy your trip home.”

“Please take this token of my admiration.” Krillin handed him a magazine, and Bulma barely held back a groan when she saw the risqué cover.

How does a kid like him even get a magazine like that?’ Bulma couldn’t help but wonder how Krillin had acquired such a thing.

“Perhaps I've been too hasty.” Kame Sen’nin quickly grabbed the magazine and opened it up. “Ahem…yes, yes…hasty.”

“Old pervert.” Bulma barely stopped herself from facepalming. Seriously, old Martial Arts hermits weren’t like this in the movies at all!

“Then it is to the master’s liking?” Krillin grinned, seeing Kame Sen’nin flip through a few pages. Not getting a response, he turned to the other two people on the island. His eyes quickly looked Bulma up and down, his cheeks gaining a hint of color to them, before fixing his gaze on Goku. “And who are you? A disciple?”

“Uh huh! I’m Son Goku.” Goku introduced himself with a smile.

“I see.” Krillin looked Goku over, but didn’t seem impressed, even though Goku was taller than him by a good amount. “You don’t look like you’d have the stomach for it.”

“Oh, I have plenty of stomach!” Goku chuckled, not familiar with that particular turn of phrase.

“Heh. An attempt at wit. Was that what that was?” Krillin shook his head and looked back at Bulma. “And who are you?”

“Bulma, I’m going to be training here with Goku.” Bulma informed the short boy.

“Train here?! But you’re a girl!” Krillin exclaimed thoughtlessly. To be fair, back at the temple he was from, girls were not accepted for training.

“Screw you too, pachinko head!” Bulma flipped Krillin off with a glare.

“How dare you?!” Krillin shot back with a growl. “All who aspire to master Martial Arts shave their heads in order to unfetter their Ki! Take the venerable Muten Roshi as an example!”

“Actually…I’m just bald.” Kame Sen’nin spoke up, looking up from his new magazine.

“……” Krillin slowly closed his mouth, trying to save face.

“Hehehe!” Goku laughed at the look on the other boy’s face.

“Now, Krillin, was it?” Kame Sen’nin approached the short boy.

“Master.” Krillin bowed to the old man.

“To receive the gift of my training, you must bring me one thing…one, true hotty.” Kame Sen’nin declared, and this time Bulma did facepalm at the old man. “But…do you think you know my tastes?”

Krillin began whispering into Kame Sen’nin’s ear for a long moment, the old man clearly getting riled up as his breathing increased. “…and have I left anything out?”

Aaahhh! There’s hope for this young generation yet!” Kame Sen’nin declared with a wide smile.

“The master flatters his humble servant.” Krillin bowed with a grin.

“Alrighty!” Kame Sen’nin cheered. “Get out there with Goku on his Flying Nimbus and find me one!”

“Flying…Nimbus?” Krillin blinked at the unfamiliar term.

“This.” Goku patted the golden cloud with a smile.

“You can ride a cloud?” Krillin looked at Goku doubtfully.

“Yeah, it’s fun!” Goku hopped onto the cloud with ease.

“Well, alright then.” Krillin hopped up…and fell straight through the magical cloud.

“Wah!” Krillin gasped as he looked up at the cloud in confusion. “What?! Is this some kind of trick?!”

“Pffft!” Bulma couldn’t help it. “Hahahaha!” She laughed, pointing at the bewildered boy. At least she wasn’t the only one that couldn’t ride the cloud.

“Hmm! The cloud can’t be ridden unless one if pure of heart!” Kame Sen’nin stared hard at Krillin. “And that means…you came to train for impure motives?!”

“No way!” Krillin quickly scrambled to his feet. “I just want to be a really great fighter and get more popular with the girls!”

“And that’s not ‘impure’ to you…?” Kame Sen’nin deadpanned at the boy.

While Krillin and Kame Sen’nin were having their little debate, Bulma approached Goku. “Alright, Goku, I’ll be back in about a week.”

“Right.” Goku nodded to her with a smile. “I’ll be waiting for you, Bulma.”

Waiting for me…’ Bulma felt her cheeks heating up a little even knowing that Goku hadn’t meant it romantically. “Don’t let that old pervert put any weird ideas into your head, alright?”

“Okay.” Goku agreed without issue. He accepted the hug that Bulma offered and without even thinking about it, their tails entwined. “I can’t wait to train with you, Bulma!”

“Me too, Goku.” Bulma smiled warmly at him as they separated.

“Time’s a wasting, boys!” Kame Sen’nin spoke up gesturing Krillin towards Goku. “Find me a hotty like your fellow disciple!” He grinned broadly while pointing his staff at Bulma.

“Lech!” Bulma snapped at the old man.

“That sounds really hard. During our whole journey together, I never saw another girl that was as pretty as Bulma.” Goku looked at Kame Sen’nin confused.

“Goku…” Bulma knew her cheeks were red, but how could she not feel her heart flutter a little at his words?

“Oh ho…not bad, m’boy!” Kame Sen’nin chuckled in appreciation of Goku’s unintentional charm.

“I’ll be back soon.” Bulma hugged Goku again before pulling out a Hoi-Poi Capsule and tossing it a good distance away.


The cloud of smoke cleared to reveal a one person jetcopter.

“Bye, Bulma!” Goku waved as the blue-haired Saiyan got into the vehicle. The three guys watched the vehicle rise into the air and then blast forward until it was only a tiny dot in the sky.

“Now! Hop to it, Krillin!” Kame Sen’nin urged the boy forward. “You’re burning daylight!”

“Yes, master!” Krillin tried to get onto the Nimbus again, but eventually had to settle with clinging to Goku’s back.


“Hey! Can’t you fly a little lower?!” Krillin asked, nervously looking down at the ground below. “If I lose my grip on you, I’m headed all the way down!”

“You’d be able to ride the Nimbus with me if you’d stop thinking bad thoughts.” Goku pointed out as they flew over a small farming village.

“Listen you!” Krillin retorted.

“Hmm, not many people out here.” Goku had clearly already moved on from the topic as he scanned the area for a ‘hotty’ to help Krillin out.

“Uh, Goku, there’s no one out here.” Krillin mentioned, seeing the farmland turn into brushland and then into mostly rocky, barren land.

“But I hear something.” Goku told him, following the faint noises that his ears were picking up in the distance.


Wee-oo, Wee-oo, Wee-oo

The sound of police sirens blared out as two hovercars chased after a single-wheeled motorbike. The sound of machinegun fire rang out as the police cars opened fire on the escaping criminal.

“Pull over or we’ll shoot!” One policeman’s voice blared out over a speaker attached to his car.

“We’re already shooting!” The other officer in the car shouted back as he leaned out of the window and fired his sidearm at the fleeing criminal.

“Hah!” The criminal, a lovely blonde woman with green eyes wearing a light-green belly-baring crop tank top, yellow shorts with a red belt, brown fingerless gloves and red shoes, mocked as she pulled the pin on a grenade with her teeth and then chucked it behind her at the pursuing vehicles.


The hovercar on the left rocked high off the ground as the grenade detonated near it. Shrapnel tearing through the car and wrecking its hover functionality. The vehicle crashed into the ground, skidding along the rocky terrain, and slammed into the side of one of the many cliffs that littered the area. It was only by luck that the two officers inside were only dazed and bruised, rather than dead.

“You devil!” The other car increased the speed of its pursuit of the woman.

“Heh heh heh!” The woman drove her vehicle straight up the steep incline of the cliff to her right. She crested the top and then rolled down the other side, picking up enough speed to zip across the flat ground below and make some distance from the pursuing police car.

“Get her!” One of the two policemen bellowed as the machinegun fire restarted, the speed at which they were traveling at, compounded by the rough terrain, making their shots go wide.

The woman pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and pumped it before pointing it behind her at the cop car. “Heh!” She smirked viciously while the pursuing policemen panicked and tried to evade the incoming shot.

The blonde woman’s long hair was caught by the wind, a strand of it flicking her nose in just the right way to trigger a sneeze.

“Agh! Not now!” The woman cried out.


She sneezed and like a switch being flipped her hair changed color to a dark blue, and her eyes became a dark brown. She lost her grip on the mono-wheeled bike as it skidded to a stop, ending up on her butt on the rocky ground. The police car came to a stop behind her and both policemen hopped out with their pistols drawn.

“O-Okay, Launch! You’re under arrest! D-Don’t do anything scary!” The younger of the two policemen held the woman at gunpoint.

“I-If you do, we’ll shoot!” The older police officer warned her, holding up his pistol while removing the handcuffs from his belt.

“Wh-Who are you?!” The blue-haired woman scooted backwards on the ground. “What do you want from me?”

“Wh-What do you mean ‘Who are you?’ we’re the police! You know that!” The younger officer steadied his weapon.

“Do you think I did something wrong?” Launch questioned the man in confusion.

“Let’s just arrest her and get this over with.” The older policeman approached with his handcuffs at the ready.

“EEK! Somebody, help me!” Launch cried out in fear.

In the air above the scene, Goku and Krillin looked down from the Flying Nimbus.

“I told you I heard something!” Goku pointed out the situation below them.

“It’s a girl! And she’s being attacked!” Krillin exclaimed as he saw the scene.

“Shouldn’t we rescue her now?” Goku looked over his shoulder at Krillin.

“Well…yeah. Rescuing always looks cool…” Krillin gulped as he saw the severity of the situation. “But we’re not even disciples yet…and they’ve got guns. They saying goes that Gods help those that help themselves, right?”

“If we’re supposed to do it, then let’s do it!” Goku declared sending the Nimbus into a dive towards the ground.

“N-N-No!” Krillin cried out as they dropped.

Goku jumped off the cloud, Krillin still on his back, and landed behind the two officers.

“Wh-What the?!” The older officer gaped at what they’d just seen.

“Wh-Who the heck are you?!” The younger policeman demanded of the two boys.

“We’re here to rescue that girl.” Goku stated plainly, staring the two armed men down. Only to feel Krillin drop from his back and see him go scurrying off behind the nearest cliff.

“Let me just tell you up front…” Krillin peeked out from behind the rock. “I have nothing to do with this lunatic! He takes full responsibility!”

“So! Kids playin’ heroes, eh?” The younger officer approached Goku, his pistol still held at the ready. “Well, stay outta the way or we’ll arrest you too!”

“Hyah!” Goku smacked the pistol out of the officer’s hand and then sent a high kick crashing into the man’s jaw from below. The officer lifted off his feet and hit the ground with a thud.

“H-Hey!” The older officer cried out in shock. He was hit with a skipping sidekick that sent him crashing into the cliff wall before he could get a shot off.

Both policemen were unconscious, but not severely injured.

“Huh…I thought they’d be tougher.” Goku blinked at how easily he’d taken the two men down.

“Oh, thank you, thank you!” Launch beamed at Goku. “How can I ever repay your kindness?”

“Please, it was nothing!” Krillin swaggered out from behind the cliff with a smile.

“Hey, Krillin, do you think master means someone like her?” Goku looked at the bald soon-to-be disciple.

“I have a feeling she’ll do just fine.” Krillin smiled up at Launch.

“Will you come with us, lady?” Goku asked the blue-haired woman with a bright grin.

“Oh, yes, alright.” Launch agreed and was surprised when Goku helped her onto a golden cloud that he called the Flying Nimbus. “Um, where are we going?” She asked as Goku sat in front of her with Krillin clinging to his back.

-Kame House-

“Oh my!” Launch gushed at the small house on the little island. “It looks so cozy!”

“So you like it, eh?” Krillin chuckled at the pretty woman. “Wait a moment and I shall fetch the master.” He quickly pushed Goku aside as best he could and entered the house.

“Why did you bring me here?’ Launch asked Goku as they waited for Krillin to come back with the master. “Is there something that I can do?”

“I think the old hermit needs a woman around.” Goku shrugged, not really understanding Kame Sen’nin’s perverseness.

“Oh? Like for cooking and stuff? I can do that!” Launch smiled at the thought. “This could help me out too, you see, I’m being pursued.”

“By those guys from earlier?” Goku tilted his head curiously. “Who are they?”

“They’re the police.” Launch admitted with a bashful smile.

“Why’re they chasing you?” Goku asked the woman, not knowing what police were since Bulma hadn’t taught him about them.

“Well…judging by all of this money in my bag,” Launch opened the brown satchel she had been carrying with her. “I probably held up a bank again.”

“Held up a bank?” Goku blinked, wondering what a bank was and how heavy it might be.

“It’s only fair that I tell you.” Launch placed her hands on her chest. “See, when I sneeze, I change personalities.”

“Okay.” Goku didn’t know what that meant, but was sure that Launch would explain it better later.

“Woohoo!” Kame Sen’nin cheered loudly from the window, startling Launch.

“Eeeek!” Launch took a startled step back from the sudden noise.

“M’boys, you’ve done it!” Kame Sen’nin cheered with a massive smile.

“Thank you, master.” Krillin bowed with a grin.

“Okey-dokey! I hereby accept you as my disciple, Krillin!” Kame Sen’nin declared with a nod to the boy. He quickly headed outside to meet the pretty lady. “W-Welcome, my dear, to my h-humble abode.”

“Thank you so much! My name is Launch, and I was rescued by your grandsons!” Launch smiled at the old man.

“My ‘grandsons’, eh?” Kame Sen’nin looked at Goku and Krillin before turning back to Launch. “Heh heh, lovely…” He chuckled a little. “But I should tell you that they’re not my grandsons…they’re my little brothers.”

Launch, Krillin, and Goku all face-faulted at the ridiculous statement.

“Ho ho ho…just a little joke.” Kame Sen’nin rubbed the back of his head with a strained laugh.

“Ha ha ha…obviously.” Launch agreed with him, her laugh clearly fake.

“Ahem. Yes. In fact, I am the Muten Roshi, and I’m teaching them Bud­ō.” Kame Sen’nin informed Launch.

“Oooh! Martial Arts! No wonder they’re so strong!” Launch smiled at the boys.

“Ho ho…so, my trainings come in handy already, has it?” Kame Sen’nin chuckled.

“But you haven’t started training us yet…” Goku spoke up.

Say there, Miss Launch…” Kame Sen’nin spoke loudly over Goku. “If you’re free, would you like to join me in a bath…NO! I mean…join us on our island for a time?”

“If I won’t be too much trouble, I’d love too!” Launch agreed with a bright smile.

“T-Trouble? Don’t be silly! You can stay here forever as far as I’m concerned!” Kame Sen’nin assured the pretty young woman. Then, to the stumped looks of all three of the others, the old man began to dance around. “Wahahaha! Woo-hoo-hoo! I feel good!” After a moment, Kame Sen’nin gathered himself and stood before Launch. “How about I teach you some Martial Arts too, honey?”

“What? Me?” Launch pointed at herself. “Gosh, it sounds like fun, but your training must be so rigorous…”

“Oh, no, no…I’m not suggesting that you try the advanced course.” Kame Sen’nin shook his head. “Just a little recreational training, for the health of your body and soul…especially your b-body.” He barely refrained from giggling.

“This is an opportunity that you can’t pass up, Miss Launch!” Krillin exclaimed to the blue-haired woman. “There isn’t a Martial Artist in the world who wouldn’t kill to be trained by the venerable, unexcelled, invincible Muten Roshi!”

“My, I had no idea you were such a celebrity!” Launch covered her mouth with her hands demurely.

“Well, I don’t like to brag, but…” Kame Sen’nin rubbed the back of his head with a big smile.

“Come on…let’s start training already!” Goku urged, his patience running out.

“You’re my kind of student.” Kame Sen’nin whispered to Krillin for playing wingman.

“I live to serve, master.” Krillin gave a short bow, a grin on his face.

“Okay! Time’s a wasting! Get into this uniform!” Kame Sen’nin handed Launch a box.

“Yes sir!” Launch smiled as she took the box from the old man.

“Uniform?” Krillin blinked, wondering what type of uniform it was.

Launch set the box on the ground and began pulling up the hem of her tank top. Kame Sen’nin watched intently form behind his sunglasses the whole time. Just before Launch’s breasts would’ve been exposed, Krillin’s mouth got the better of him.

“Hot-cha! You’re going to change here?!” Krillin had a wide smile on his face at the unexpected show.

“Oh! You’re right! I should change inside!” Launch dropped the hem of her shirt and quickly took the box inside.

Goku blinked, wondering why it mattered, before his lessons with Bulma resurfaced in his mind.

“Did I say that you were ‘my kind of student’?” Kame Sen’nin glared at Krillin for stopping the impromptu show.

“F-Forgive me…” Krillin looked at the ground.

A few minutes later and Launch emerged from the house. The pretty young woman was wearing a black leotard with lacey frills on the hems and two equally lacey straps going over her shoulders. The garment left much of her cleavage bare and was paired with thigh-high stockings to match. It was clearly a type of lingerie.

“Um…maybe the packages got mixed up?” Launch questioned, before looking at the three males and seeing them in matching lingerie.

“Please! Don’t insult the traditional uniform of the Kame School!” Kame Sen’nin requested, his eyes burning the image of Launch into his brain behind his sunglasses. Launch face-faulted at the man’s words.

“Heh…good one.” Krillin chuckled at the old master’s guile.

“Let the training begin!” Kame Sen’nin declared, but before anything could happen, a wasp buzzed around his head. “Ack! Shoo wasp, shoo!” He waved his hand and a gust of wind was kicked up, sending the bug away. But the gust kicked up some dust and Launch reacted.

“Ah…ah…r-run away…quick…achoo!” Launch sneezed, her hair turned blonde and her eyes turned green, shocking all three of the guys.

“Eh?!” They gaped at the shift that Launch had just undergone.

“Where the heck am I?” Launch questioned, looking around confused. Even her voice sounded rougher now. “Doesn’t look like any jail I’ve ever seen…” Her green eyes spotted Krillin, Goku, and Kame Sen’nin. “You brought me here!” In a blur she pulled a small uzi out of seemingly nowhere and opened fire. “Think you can dress me up like a doll?!” The wild woman demanded, having caught sight of what she was wearing.

“Ow, ow, ow!” Kame Sen’nin cried out, getting nailed with a few rounds.

“Eeyah!” Krillin felt at least two graze him as he threw himself to the side.

“Ow, hey, ow, stop it!” Goku tanked the bullets, the projectiles leaving small red marks on his skin, before he leapt forward. “I said stop it!” He kicked the gun out of Launch’s hand, sending it sailing off into the ocean. The next thing Launch felt was being taken down to the sand and then she saw Goku’s fierce eyes looking down at her just as his fist stopped directly in front of her face, sending up a gust of air.

“What the?” Launch blinked at the young man nearly on top of her. “H-How…ah…achoo!” The dust in the air made her sneeze again, reverting her to the blue-haired Launch again.

“You’re back?” Goku blinked at seeing Launch as he knew her.

“Oops…” Launch looked at their position and then at Krillin and Kame Sen’nin, both marked by gunfire. “S-Sorry…I warned you about my sneezes…right?” Goku stood and then helped her to her feet. “I hope I didn’t do anything too obnoxious.”

“Oh…n-no…not at all…” Kame Sen’nin assured her as he got back to his feet.


Kame Sen’nin had declared that his island wasn’t big enough to train on and that they’d have to move. After the old master had changed into his traditional martial artist clothing, and then capsulized his house, they’d used another capsule, which revealed a hovercraft, to cross the ocean for many kilometers. They arrived on a much larger island as the sun began to dip low into the sky. It was clearly populated by a decent number of people just by how many houses were visible as they got to the shore.

After getting the house set up on the island safely, Kame Sen’nin spoke to Goku and Krillin. “Alrighty! How about jumping right into a little quick training before dinner, eh?”

“We are honored, master.” Krillin bowed to the old man.

“Sure!” Goku smiled brightly at finally getting to the training.

“Um…me too?” Launch pointed to herself.

“You, my dear, may do what you like!” Kame Sen’nin smiled at Launch, preferring anything that would keep another personality-changing sneeze from happening.

“In that case, I’ll cook dinner for all of you!” Launch smiled brightly. “Ah…ah…”

“Geeh!” Kame Sen’nin and Krillin bolted as it looked like Launch was about to sneeze.

Yawn~ Oh my, I’m a little sleepy.” Launch giggled before blinking since only Goku was still standing in front of her. “Well, have fun!” She waved as Goku jogged over to where Krillin and Kame Sen’nin were hiding behind a good-sized rock.

“It was just a yawn?” Krillin gaped.

“C-Coward! How are you ever going to be a combat master if you’re afraid of a l-little y-yawn?” Kame Sen’nin chided the boy, clearly ignoring that he’d run away too.

“Can we start now?” Goku questioned, eager to get to training.

“Okay! Training. Krillin, do you have any knowledge of the Martial Arts?” Kame Sen’nin questioned the boy.

“Yes! I trained at Orin Temple for eight years!” Krillin informed with a confident grin.

“I see…then you should both have a solid grasp of the fundamentals at least.” Kame Sen’nin nodded. “All right, let’s see what you’ve got, eh?” He pointed to a tree a distance away from the boulder they were standing beside. “It is precisely one-hundred meters from this boulder to that tree over there. How many seconds will it take you to run it?” Seeing the confused looks on the boys’ faces, he clarified. “Not that a fast runner automatically makes a good Martial Artist, but it doesn’t hurt to have strong legs, you know?”

“Heh heh heh!” Krillin chuckled, stepping up. “Let me go first! You’ll see legs good enough to qualify for the Olympics…if I wanted.”

Kame Sen’nin moved to stand by the tree with a stopwatch. Krillin took his starting position and waited for the signal to begin. Goku sat on the boulder with a bright grin, eager to see what his fellow disciple could do.

“Ready…set…go!” Kame Sen’nin dropped his arm and Krillin was off like a shot.

Krillin ran as fast as he could, putting everything he had into his legs. He wanted to impress Kame Sen’nin and prove his superiority to Goku and ‘the girl’ from earlier. He crossed the ‘finish line’ in a blur while the old master clicked the stopwatch.

“Unbelievable! One-hundred meters in only ten point four seconds! What a feat! And what feet!” Kame Sen’nin was honestly impressed with the boy’s speed.

“Hah…hah…ten point four, huh?” Krillin breathed heavily from the sprint. “Actually, my personal best is ten point one. But…under the circumstances…I guess it’s not too bad. Hahaha…”

“Can I go now?!” Goku called out from the boulder, nearly bouncing on his feet in excitement.

He’s not even taking a running position?’ Krillin thought to himself while suppressing a grin. It looked like he’d be winning this little race.

“Yeah, yeah, sure!” Kame Sen’nin called back to him. “Ready…set…go!” He dropped his arm and Goku burst forward in a blurring speed. The blur kicked up a breeze as it rushed past the old master, moving his white beard and mustache, as he clicked the stopwatch. “E-Eight…point five s-seconds…?” Kame Sen’nin blinked at the watch.

“EH?!” Krillin gaped at the time. “W-What kind of training did you have?” He asked Goku in shock.

“Is that fast?” Goku asked with a smile. He’d run as fast as he could, so he was hoping that he’d done well.

“Well, now…that was incredible…you’re both quite amazing.” Kame Sen’nin nodded to them both. “But you’re both still within human limits! In order to become a master of Martial Arts, you must break the wall of humanity! That is your challenge!” He slipped off his turtle shell and handed Krillin the stopwatch. “Krillin, clock my time for me.”

“V-Venerable master…y-you’re going to run too?” Krillin questioned as he took the stopwatch. The old man just lightly jogged over to the boulder that they were using as a starting line.

“Whenever you’re ready!” Kame Sen’nin called out to the boys.

“Ready…set…go!” Krillin dropped his arm and the old master exploded forward, kicking up a massive dust cloud at the start. He stopped exactly one step past the boys, all of his momentum instantly vanishing, and stood perfectly still mid-step. The sheer bodily control required for such a feat was not lost on either boy.

“How many seconds was that?” Kame Sen’nin asked Krillin.

“F-Fi-Five…p-point s-s-six…” Krillin could barely stutter out the time from sheer shock.

“W-Whoa…” Goku gaped at the speed he’d just seen.

“Five point six, eh?” Kame Sen’nin nodded as he picked up his turtle shell again. “Not too bad for an old codger.” He placed the shell back onto his back and turned to face the boys. “That is what I mean by breaking the human wall! At your age, with training and discipline, you should be able to break five seconds!”

“Old timer, you’re amazing!” Goku proclaimed with excitement.

“All that running has got me thirsty! Goku, run and get me a beer!” Kame Sen’nin instructed with a grin.

“What’s a beer?” Goku had no idea what the old man wanted him to get.

“P-Please, master, allow me!” Krillin finally shook himself out of his shock and ran back towards the house. If he wanted to become the favored student, then he needed to win brownie points where he could.

“Hmm, in order to master the martial way, one must also possess knowledge.” Kame Sen’nin looked at Goku. “I think we’ll have to work on that area…”

“Heh heh heh…” Goku scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

“Excuse me!” Krillin called out as he entered the house. “I come for a beer for the master!”

“Of course!” Launch smiled as she opened the refrigerator and handed a cold can to Krillin. “Ah…achoo!”

Both Goku and Kame Sen’nin turned to look at the house at hearing the loud sneeze.

“That wasn’t a yawn…” Kame Sen’nin stated.

“Nope.” Goku agreed.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Krillin bolted out of the house with the blonde-haired Launch chasing him with a large knife.

“Get your damn hands off MY beer!” Launch yelled at the running boy.

“Hmm, I think Krillin is getting closer to the wall of humanity already.” Kame Sen’nin remarked before realizing that the boy was running towards them. “EH?!”

“Hi, Launch!” Goku waved to the violent woman, making her slow down and come to a stop in front of him. Krillin didn’t slow down, bolting away another hundred meters at least before stopping to catch his breath.

“Uh…h-hey…you…” Launch looked at Goku, her green eyes giving the young man a once over.

“I’m Son Goku…don’t you remember?” He smiled at the blonde woman.

“The other me and I don’t share memories…Goku.” Launch explained, testing out his name for the first time.

“Oh, that must be weird.” Goku looked understanding, much to Launch’s confusion. But to Goku, it reminded him of transforming into an Oozaru and waking up the next morning surrounded by destruction, not recalling what he’d done.

“Ah…ah…achoo!” And like that, blonde Launch was replaced by bluenette Launch. “Oh…did I do something?” She looked warily at the knife in her hand, having been using it to prepare dinner before she’d sneezed.


“Now, the sun has begun to set and a delicious dinner awaits at home.” Kame Sen’nin told the boys, not that they couldn’t smell it coming from the house. “The real training will begin in earnest tomorrow, but before we adjourn, I shall test you once more.”

“Are we going to run again?” Goku asked curiously.

“A foot race may be involved, yes, but that will not be all.” Kame Sen’nin looked around the ground before reaching down and picking up a rock. He pulled a permanent marker from his pocket and wrote on the flat side of the rock for a second before showing it to the boys. “Take a good look at this rock.” On the rock was the kanji for ‘turtle’ now. “Have you examined it?”

“Y-Yes but…” Krillin had no idea where the old master was going with this.

“What’re you gonna do with it?” Goku questioned.

“I’m gonna do this!” Kame Sen’nin threw the rock far off the nearby cliff and down into the jungle below. “Ho ho, quite a throw, eh?”

“Is this a test to see how far we can throw a rock?” Krillin looked perplexed.

“I don’t get your training, old timer.” Goku shook his head, looking at the general area that the rock had disappeared into the forest.

“No, lads, it’s not a rock-throwing test. It’s a rock-finding test!” Kame Sen’nin chuckled at them.

“Huh?” Goku blinked.

“Y-Y-You mean t-the r-r-rock that y-you j-just th-threw?!” Krillin gaped at the old man in shock.

“Yup!” Kame Sen’nin nodded. “Don’t flatter yourselves that retrieving an object is beneath you! It requires quite a lot of mental power and concentration...and in this case, a hardy constitution and plenty of stamina!” He stared the two down firmly. “The one who brings that rock back to me is the winner! And only the winner…gets dinner!”

“WAAH!!!” Goku and Krillin exclaimed at the penalty for losing.

“Not only that…” Kame Sen’nin looked at his watch. “If neither of you has found it within thirty minutes, neither of you gets to eat!” He chuckled as both of his new students rushed off towards the cliff. “I wonder which of you will find it?”

“Dang it! There aren’t any footholds! We’ll have to go around!” Krillin looked down at the sheer cliff with a  grimace.

“Hup!” Goku leapt from the cliff without hesitation.

“This is a hell of a way to tell me you’ve got a death wish!” Krillin shouted at the falling Goku.

“I did stuff like this all the time back in the mountains!” Goku yelled back as the forest canopy rapidly approached. “Look! Here’s a perfect branch!” He grabbed the branch and slowed his momentum as he swung from it.


Only for the branch to break before it had killed his momentum.

“Gak!” Goku crashed through the remaining branches and hit the jungle floor with a thump. “Dinner! Remember dinner!” He got up quickly and started running through the jungle. “Rock! Here rock!”

“Is he even human?” Krillin could only stare at what Goku had just done. “Gah! He’s got a huge lead now!” The former monk rushed to go around the cliff before coming to a stop as he thought about the test. “Wait a minute. No way anybody could find one tiny rock in that jungle in only thirty minutes.” Krillin smirked to himself as he decided on a different path to success. “Heh heh, that’s it, that’s it…”

He quickly ran down the large hill and towards the closest home he could spot. Krillin stopped to look around before grinning as he found a rock that was close enough in size and shape to the one that Kame Sen’nin had thrown. He picked up the rock and then went to knock on the door of the house. The woman that answered gave him an odd look when he asked to borrow a permanent marker, but let him use one anyway. Krillin thanked her before writing the kanji for ‘turtle’ on the rock and returning the marker. He rushed back up the hill with a wide grin.


“Hmm…” Goku sniffed around the jungle, faintly smelling the various scents that permeated the area. One stood out a little though, a scent that wasn’t from any animal that, but was familiar to him after today. “The turtle guy’s scent is getting stronger. It’s gotta be close!”


“I have to make it look like I really worked to find it…” Krillin grinned as he peeked out from behind a rock and saw Kame Sen’nin standing before Kame House, clearly waiting for the two of them to return. With his plan set, Krillin prepared to give a convincing performance.

“Hmm?” Kame Sen’nin looked up when he saw Krillin running towards him.

“M-Master…huff…huff…I have finally found it!” Krillin held up his counterfeit rock, panting and gasping as if he’d run a marathon.

“Really, Krillin? That was quick!” Kame Sen’nin accepted the rock. “Let’s see, let’s see…” He then promptly threw it back, knocking Krillin upside the head with it.

“Ow!” Krillin held his head in pain from the blow.

“You thought you could fool me?!” Kame Sen’nin barked at the bald boy. “That wasn’t even close to my handwriting! Now go find it for real!”

“F-Forgive me!” Krillin quickly ran off towards the jungle.


“Ugh…blast it!” Krillin grumbled as he tried his best to search for the stone. “How is anyone supposed to find anything in this jungle?”

“Growr!” A Saber-toothed cat leapt at him from the brush, looking to make him a meal.

“WAH!!!” Krillin leapt over the pouncing cat and dropped the strongest elbow he could on top of its head, knocking the predator out cold. “Th-That was close…” He panted at the experience. The thumping steps of a triceratops got his attention as the dinosaur made its way through the jungle not too far away. “What’s up with this jungle?”

“Wahoo! I found it!” Goku’s voice came from further away.

Krillin rushed towards the sound in disbelief. “Goku, is that you?! Don’t tell me you actually found that rock?!”

“Heh heh heh!” Goku laughed, holding the rock that Kame Sen’nin had thrown. “I’m gonna get dinner!”

“Gak! B-But how?!” Krillin gaped at seeing Goku with the rock.

“The old timer got his scent on it!” Goku sniffed the rock to demonstrate.

“What are you…a dog?” Krillin looked at Goku like the other boy was nuts. “I don’t believe this, let me see that.” He held his hand out to examine the stone.

“You, see? There’s that mark, right there.” Goku held out the rock to show Krillin.

“Wahaha! Fool!” Krillin snatched the rock and bolted in the opposite direction.

“HEY!!!” Goku yelled as he gave chase through the jungle. “Hold up, you cheater! That’s not fair!”

“All’s far in love, war, and dinnertime! Bwahahaha!” Krillin shouted back as he raced away from Goku as fast as he could.

However, the previous one-hundred meter dash test had already proven that Goku was faster than Krillin. The Saiyan’s better conditioning on top of his longer stride from being almost as tall as Kame Sen’nin was quickly closing the gap. Krillin realized that there was no chance to outrun Goku all the way back to Kame House.

“Alright! If it’s a fight you want!” Krillin stuffed the rock into his shirt and took up a stance.

“Oh? You wanna spar?!” Goku took his own stance as Krillin leapt at him with a kick.

Goku blocked the kick and lashed out with a jab towards Krillin’s stomach. The former monk hopped backwards to dodge, only to have Goku bearing down on him instantly. Punches and kicks flew between the two boys, each one blocked or parried, until Krillin feinted going high with a kick only to drop it towards Goku’s midsection.

“What?!” Krillin gaped as his foot passed through Goku entirely. The Goku before him faded away, revealing that it was an after image. “GAH!!!” He cried out as a kicked landed against his back and sent him sprawling into the grass and dirt.

“Say uncle?” Goku stomped on Krillin’s back, holding him down with his weight.

“Uncle! Uncle, uncle, uncle!” Krillin called out and Goku removed his foot.

“What was that?” Krillin demanded, wanting to know how Goku had done what he did.

“After Image Technique.” Goku stated simply, holding onto the collar of Krillin’s shirt until he retrieved the rock. He sniffed it once to make sure the old timer’s scent was on it before smiling. “My grampa taught me all of the proper forms, the Janken, and the After Image Technique before he died.” Goku told Krillin before he grinned at the bald boy. “Later!” He then rushed off in a dead sprint.

“Hey!” Krillin yelled out as he gave chase.

-Kame House-

“Ah! No question, this is the rock that I threw!” Kame Sen’nin nodded at the rock in his hand. He also shot a look at Krillin, making the former monk look down at the ground for his previous attempt at deception. “This match goes to you, Goku!”

“Thanks!” Goku smiled brightly at the old master.

A short time later and three of the four residents were sitting around the table enjoying the meal that Launch had cooked.

“Wahaha! My dear Launch, you are such a good cook!” Kame Sen’nin exclaimed with a laugh, happily enjoying the food with some booze.

“Thank you, master! I picked out the fish at the market myself!” Launch laughed brightly as she served another bowl of rice to Goku.

“The fish is poisonous.” Goku mentioned after taking his first bite of the fugu pufferfish.

“Eh?” Kame Sen’nin stopped the bite of the same fish halfway to his mouth. “Poison?”

“Yeah.” Goku nodded, washing the fish down with some tea. “It kinda numbs my tongue like that time I ate a weird toad in the mountains. Grampa told me that was because the toad was poisonous.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry, I thought I had removed the poison properly!” Launch apologized to them both.

Huh…maybe it’s a good thing I wasn’t allowed to eat dinner.’ Krillin felt like he’d just dodged a bullet with the reveal of the poisonous fugu.

“The poison toad only made my belly hot for about an hour, so it doesn’t bother me.” Goku shrugged off the mistake with a smile. “All of the food is great!”

“Exactly!” Kame Sen’nin assured the pretty young woman with a big smile. “We’ll just set the fugu aside and enjoy the rest of your delicious food, Launch!”

“You two are so kind!” Launch smiled happily at the both of them, eagerly serving the rest of her food.

-Next Morning-


“Mmm…mornin’ already?” Kame Sen’nin turned off the alarm clock as he sat up from the futon in the living room. He looked out the window to see the barest hint of the sunrise peeking above the horizon. “Wake up, Krillin! It’s time for training!” He spoke loud enough to wake the boy as he began to change from his pajamas and into his traditional martial arts clothing.

“Nnh…wha?” Krillin asked, still half asleep. “Ish only four thirty in the mornin’…”

“Are you going to be a crybaby, or are you going to get up and train?” Kame Sen’nin questioned rhetorically before he headed for the stairs. “Feh. If Launch didn’t have that other personality, then I’d have settled down with her last night. Instead…I’m stuck with this fool!”

He made his way to the door of the only bedroom, which he’d politely given to Launch…hoping to win brownie points with the pretty lady. He quietly opened the door, not wanting to wake Launch, but having to retrieve Goku for training.

Arrh! Goku, you lucky little monkey-butted…’ Kame Sen’nin thought to himself, seeing Goku on the opposite side of Launch. ‘You would be the only one that can put up with her…and the only one that shows no interest!’ He took two quiet steps towards the bed before a thought occurred to him. ‘I suppose it couldn’t hurt to take a peek. I wonder what Miss Launch wears to bed?’ His reaching hand was quickly retracted when he saw that Launch’s hair was currently blonde. ‘Oh no! She’s in her violent form! I-If she wakes up while she’s like this…’ The old master quickly shook the thought out of his head. ‘I’ve got to wake up Goku only…and carefully!’ He backed out of the room quietly and retrieved a broom from the nearby hall closet. Carefully sliding back into the room, he used the broom handle to reach Goku’s head and tap him a few times.

“Huh?” Goku blinked as he woke up. He sat up quickly, revealing that he was sleeping in just his boxers, and spotted Kame Sen’nin with a broom in hand. “Mornin’ Master!” He greeted with a smile.

“Shh! Shhh!” Kame Sen’nin tried to shush him, but the damage was done.

“Hmmm?” Launch sat up and looked at Kame Sen’nin with a glare, sending the old man scurrying backwards out of the room. She then turned her green eyes onto Goku lying beside her.

“Good morning.” Goku smiled at Launch.

“So…you slept next to me, huh?” Launch looked at Goku sharply, clearly debating on whether to pull a gun on him.

“Can’t be helped, there aren’t enough futons to go around.” Goku explained their sleeping arrangement.

Launch eyed Goku up and down, focusing on his toned chest and abs and his strong-looking arms. “Well, we might as well make the most of it.” The blonde grinned as she tossed off the blanket, revealing that she had slept in a tank top and panties, and then straddled Goku. For the Saiyan’s part, he merely blinked up at Launch as she ran her hands over his chest and abs.

“Wait a minute!” Kame Sen’nin peeked into the room with a panicked shout. Launched looked over at the old pervert with an annoyed glare. “Despite his looks, he can’t be more than fourteen at most!”

“Bullshit!” Launch shouted at the old man. She looked over Goku’s body, the toned muscles and his height compared to hers. “I call bullshit!” She whipped around to glare at the old man.

“I’m fourteen.” Goku nodded simply to Launch, having not done anything to stop her wandering hands the whole time, nor to remove her from straddling him.

“How?!” Launch questioned as she rolled off of Goku, she almost had a pout on her face.

“Something about being a Saiyan.” Goku shrugged as he got out of the bed with a grin. “Is it time for training, Master?”

“Y-Yes…meet us outside as soon as you get changed.” Kame Sen’nin nodded before bolting down the stairs to safety.

“Okay!” Goku called out as he went to get his clothes.

“H-hey…Goku.” Launch called out to him from the bed.

“Yeah?” Goku looked over at Launch curiously.

“You’re the only one allowed to share the bed with me, okay?” Launch stated as she covered herself back up with the blanket, clearly looking to get a bit more sleep.

“Sure thing, Launch!” Goku smiled at her. “You’re warm!” He complimented her before leaving the room and heading downstairs.

“So are you…” Launch mumbled as she rolled over and closed her eyes. ‘A body like his just isn’t fair at that age!’ She lamented before snuggling back into the pillow and nodding off a few moments later. Waking up before five in the morning was not something she was planning on doing if she could help it.

-End Chapter-


Bulma and Goku go to Capsule Corp and meet her parents!

The loving parents don’t care what species Bulma is, she’s still their daughter and they’ll love her forever!

But Dr. Briefs DOES now get to study extraterrestrial biology for the first time ever! I’m sure that makes the scientist quite happy!

Krillin and Launch appear!

Now, the training will begin in earnest!

As soon as Bulma gets back….

Just how strong will the three disciples become?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 11

Bulma – 8

Krillin – 8

Roshi – 139

Launch – 5

Until I get your reviews, later!



Did they leave a note so that bulma knows where they are this time?


Kai just a question is this just going to be on Patreon or are you going to Cross, post this on Fanfiction and Archive of our own?


Eventually, but I'd like to finish a current story before posting any more of them on the free sites.


technically wouldnt goku's powerlevel be higher at this point in time? goku should be around 20-25 krillen should be about 17-20