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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Natsu and Erza versus Jellal atop the split in half Tower of Heaven! Time for the Dragons to rage! Jellal has a lot of Magic Power, and his Heavenly Body Magic is powerful too. Can he overcome two Dragon Slayers that want him dead though?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 38 – The Tower Falls

“Meteor!” Jellal incanted and his glowing body vanished from Natsu and Erza’s sight.

“Guh!” Natsu was launched forward as something hit him from behind with a ton of force.

“Gak!” Erza was kicked into the wall by a golden blur, the stonework and masonry nearly exploding from the impact.

“No attack from either of you will ever hit me again.” Jellal declared with a smirk, his glowing body coming to a stop a few meters away from Natsu. He couldn’t stand any closer as the lava that the Tower of Heaven was being melted into prevented it. “I had expected more from Dragon Slayers. Your power isn’t living up to the awe that your tales inspire.”

“I was about to say the same thing to you.” Natsu pushed himself up and shook his body a bit. The Magma Dragon Slayer standing amongst the bubbling hot lava like it was nothing.

“That speed of yours is annoying, Jellal.” Erza walked out of the cratered wall without even a mark on her Earth Dragon’s Granite Scales. “But you’re lacking power.”

Jellal’s body exploded with golden light again. “Then I’ll just finish you both quickly.” He rocketed high into the air and moved his hands into a specific position. His left hand splayed out, palm up, while his right hand was in the left palm, the index and middle finger extended. “I’ll let you experience what true Destruction Magic is like! Seven Stars, pass your judgment upon them! Grand Chariot!”

Seven powerful beams of Magic blasted the area that Natsu and Erza were in, the floor exploded and one of the outside walls multiple floors down exploded outwards from the power. Another massive, gaping hole was left in the destroyed Tower of Heaven now.

“This kind of Destruction Magic is like being hit by a falling meteor.” Jellal smirked as he landed on the other side of the split tower. “You’ll both be lucky if your bodies are still in one piece.”

“Okay…ow…I’ll admit that one hurt a bit.” Natsu spoke up as the dust started to clear.

“My armor actually cracked.” Erza grimaced, many of the scales across her body shattered or missing entirely.

“Good thing we have snacks.” Natsu grinned, showing off his fangs.

“Indeed.” Erza smirked a little, stomping her foot and sending tons of small rock, masonry, and grit into the air.

The earthen material was quickly drawn into the two Dragon Slayers’ mouths as they inhaled deeply. Their cheeks puffed out like chipmunks before they began to chew, crushing the rocks with their fangs and swallowing them down, the material near instantly converted into magic power to refill their reserves a good amount.

“You…you both…YOU DARE EAT MY TOWER RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?!” Jellal bellowed in rage, his golden magic power flaring around him and sending out a strong shockwave.

“Yeah, we do.” Erza and Natsu retorted as their own magic power exploded off their bodies. Erza’s granite scales reformed; the damage repaired instantly. Natsu’s body began to produce lava to cover him as well, adding another layer of defense that would make physically striking him near suicidal.

“I’m going to finish you in an instant!” Jellal promised, his face a rictus of rage. He raised his arms above his head and crossed his hands over each other. His magic power flared wildly as it increased more and more. The debris around them was blasted away and both Dragon Slayers grimaced as the feel of Jellal’s Magic changed.

“What the hell?” Natsu had a disgusted look on his face. It was like the air had gone foul and there was a disturbing feeling building up. “This Magic…it gives me the creeps.”

“It’s making the light and shadow stretch in opposite directions!” Erza noticed that while the immensely bright golden glow coming from Jellal should have made the shadows long behind them. It was instead pulling their shadows towards it in clear defiance of the natural order of things. “This Magic is…”

“Drop down into the deep darkness, Dragon Slayers!” Jellal roared over the howling wind caused by the immense buildup of magic power that he needed for this particular spell.

A black void appeared above Jellal. The spot of darkness expanded as more and more magic power was poured into it. As Jellal moved his hands apart, the void grew larger and larger, starting to show what looked like stars within. It was as if the night sky had been condensed into the space of the void.

“Both of you together, bow to your death!” Jellal howled as the void of space continued to grow larger. “Heavenly Body Magic: Altairis!” He launched the large sphere of space and void straight at the Dragon Slayers.

One thing to note about Dragons as a species. There were very few cowards among them. Even against a clearly superior opponent, most of the proud species would rather die fighting than to flee in terror. This was also true of Dragon Slayers when their instincts were heightened to the max like Natsu and Erza’s were right now.

“Earth Dragon’s Mountain Rise!” Erza roared as her magic power shattered the entire top of the tower half that they were in. Natsu leapt to the other side of the tower as all of the earth and masonry twisted together under Erza’s power. A massive boulder slammed into the void of blackness and began to break down where it was in direct contact with Jellal’s spell.

“You can’t fill the void of heavenly bodies with some rocks, Erza!” Jellal taunted as his Altairis spell slowly tore apart Erza’s mass of rock.

“Jellal!” Erza roared and her massive boulder glowed a dark green, brown, and red as her magic power filled it further. The rock stopped breaking down and began to push back the void.

“Impossible!” Jellal shoved both of his hands forward, trying to push Altairis at Erza. “Just die!”

Natsu wasn’t staying idle during this clash, unbeknownst to Jellal. The Magma Dragon Slayer’s jaws were filled with fangs as he delved ever deeper into his magic power. He opened his mouth and tiny fragments of molten lava formed. The ball of magma was compressed as waves of fire washed over it one after another. More and more material was added as the heat became high enough to literally boil iron. “Magma Dragon’s Cataclysmic Eruption Fang!” Natsu threw his head forward and unleashed a beam of the super-heated magma at Jellal.

“Gragh!” Jellal’s skin burned just from sheer proximity as a beam of something nearly hit him. Only his Heavenly Body Magic saved him by letting him react in time. That meant he had to abandon the power clash between his spell and Erza’s too. That proved to be a literal life saver though.

The beam of super-heated magma carved through the other side of the tower, leaving a brightly glowing line of melted and scorched stone behind. A half second later and all of the condensed heat and lava violently exploded, blowing the top part of the Tower of Heaven away in a massive eruption of lava and fire.

Jellal could only gape at seeing so much of his tower vanish in an instant. “Gaaahhh!” He had nearly forgotten about the small mountain barreling towards him until it crashed into him and sent him barreling down through floor after floor of what remained of the tower. Every floor was crushed beneath the immense weight of Erza’s spell, and Jellal was at the bottom of it all being crushed to the point that even through his Heavenly Body Magic he was taking a lot of damage.

-Dragon Slayers, Juvia, and Happy-

“Was that Natsu?!” Lucy gaped at seeing the upper part of the Tower of Heaven vanish in a blast of fire and lava.

“Yep.” Mira smirked up at the destruction. “He’s pissed.”

“And that’s Erza.” Cana pointed out as a small mountain seemingly formed from nowhere and began to crush the tower floor by floor.

“We might want to leave…” Happy mentioned as the Tower of Heaven was being reduced to rubble. Rocks and lava were falling down upon the island as the Magma Dragon and Earth Dragon raged against the one that dared to threaten them and their family.

“That might be for the best.” Lisanna agreed as she looked around, seeing the hundreds of bodies of the fanatical Dark Mages littering the island. Everything around the base of the tower was destroyed, on fire, submerged in water, or just plain gone after the rampage of the Dragon Slayers and Juvia.

“What about Natsu and Erza?” Juvia questioned as they all climbed onto Happy’s giant back.

“We’ll pick them up when they’re done.” Cana smiled at her.

“They won’t lose.” Mira nodded, having full faith in her Mate and Dragon Sister.

“Aye!” Happy agreed as he flapped his white wings and the group was airborne.

“Do you still have those four, Cana?” Lisanna looked at the Booze Dragon Slayer.

“Right here.” Cana held up four cards, each card depicted a vaguely humanoid shape that was encased in rock. “I’ll let them out for Erza to deal with once we get back to Akane.”

“They have a lot to answer for.” Lucy glared at the cards, her slitted brown eyes trying to burn holes through them.


“What was that?!” Michello cried out in shock, his cat tail stiff and the fur on it standing on end at seeing the upper portion of the Tower of Heaven explode.

The Council had gotten all of their Scrying and Clairvoyance Magics activated only a minute or two after Siegrain had disappeared and revealed himself to have been a Thought Projection. All of the various spells were focused on a single area: the Tower of Heaven. Now the Council was watching as the tower was torn apart along with the island it sat on.

“Is that…Fairy Tail?!” Org gaped as the giant form of Happy was seen hovering in the sky off the coast of the small island.

“What are THEY doing there?!” Belno demanded as they all watched the Tower of Heaven get crushed under a small mountain.

“I believe they’re fighting Siegrain…or Jellal…whoever he really is.” Yajima pointed out as a golden streak of light burst through the mountain of rock and flew at what were clearly two other Mages.

-Tower of Heaven-

“Hah…hah…hah…” Jellal was breathing heavily, even though his Heavily Body Magic was still glowing with power. There were many bruises, cuts, and other injuries littering his body from the onslaught of Erza and Natsu. He wiped blood from his mouth as his wide eyes glared hatefully at the Dragon Slayers. “Im-Impossible! I can’t be defeated! It’s my destiny to create a land of freedom!” He launched himself higher into the air as the dust and debris fell over the island. “In my fear and pain, Zeref whispered to me! He showed me Magic and I learned how to achieve true freedom!”

“You tried to make it by stealing the freedom of everybody else!” Natsu roared at the madman.

“Only the will to change the world can alter history!” Jellal’s right index and middle finger glowed as he rapidly wrote a seal script in the air. “Why don’t you stupid people understand that?!”

The Magic Circle he drew was intricate, and consisted of a glyph in the center with two squares surrounding it, one at an angle to create a rough eight-point star. At each of the points of the angled square was another square with a different glyph inside of each. Surrounding the squares were two concentric rings of rectangles that each contained a glyph of their own, eight in the inner ring and twelve in the outer ring. The seal glowed with an incredible amount of power as Jellal prepared to unleash it.

“Is that Abyss Break?!” Erza snarled at the type of Magic Jellal was using. That particular spell could wipe out an entire town by itself! “Earth Dragon’s Roar!” From Erza’s mouth the spiraling wave of rock and dirt barreled into the Abyss Break seal and destroyed it before it could activate. Jellal was forced to move away in a streak of golden light to avoid being hit head on by the Roar.

“You think you’ll get freedom by taking it from others?!” Natsu rocketed into the air with a roar. “You’re no better than the slavers that kept you here!”

Jellal’s eyes widened in manic rage at being compared to the slavers that had tortured and tormented him as a boy. He was NOTHING like those weaklings! “HYAH!!!” From his hands a blast of golden light was fired at Natsu.

“Grrrraaaahhh!” Natsu collided with the beam and tore through it even as part of his lava scales were blasted away. Jellal’s eyes widened as he would swear that he saw the aura of a Dragon around Natsu. “Magma’s Dragon’s Erupting Fist!” The fist of bubbling lava slammed into Jellal’s face with enough force to shatter iron. It then erupted into a blast of lava that rocketed Jellal back down into the ground and exploded again.

“Earth Dragon’s Cleaving Talons!” Erza was nearly on top of Jellal as soon as Natsu’s spell ended. She ignored the heat of the lava around her and what was still burning Jellal. Her wickedly sharp earthen claws tore into the madman that had betrayed her, had betrayed them all! Blood flew through the air as the spell punctured the protective golden glow of Jellal’s Heavenly Body Magic.

“Aaarrggghhh!” Jellal howled with pain and mad rage. He slammed his hand into the granite scales covering Erza’s chest and let off a tremendous burst of his golden Magic that sent Erza skidding backwards. “Hah…I…hah…I will NOT fall here! I am the one…the only one…that can attain true freedom!”

“No one that listens to ghosts will ever be free!” Erza roared at back at him, the claws around her hand reshaping themselves into a new form. “Earth Dragon’s Crushing Fists!” The now hammer-like stone encasing her hands would shatter nearly anything, and Erza was planning to crush Jellal beneath them.

“SHUT UP!!!” Jellal coated his hands in his own blood and then filled it with his magic power. “You won’t stand in my way anymore! I WILL achieve the true freedom in this world!” He began clapped his hands together, sending dome of the blood flying, and then pointed both of them at the ground, with only his index and middle fingers extended. Jellal’s magic power exploded off of him shaking the ground and vibrating the air. Slowly, he raised his right hand into the air, leaving his left to point at the ground. Dark clouds formed rapidly in the sky, swirling around as magic power began to buildup and condense in the eye of the maelstrom. “True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema!”

“Free yourself first, Jellal!” Erza nearly blurred forward and slammed both of her stone fists down onto Jellal. An explosion of dirt, stone, and dust was thrown up from the impact.

“Hakh!” Jellal spat up a large amount of blood as all of his magic power was focused on the Sema spell. His body now lacked most of its protection and paid the price from taking Erza’s spell full force.

“No…” Jellal rasped out through the blood and pain. “…I won’t…” He kicked Erza off of him with a golden blast and shakily stood up. “Everything…everything…is for freedom…my…freedom…” Jellal channeled every bit of his magic power upwards into the Sema spell. A brightly glowing red sphere of Magic had formed in the center of the maelstrom of black clouds. Jellal was close to bringing down a meteor upon the island that would not only wipe it from existence, but would send a massive tsunami in all directions. Such a phenomenon would destroy every coastal town that bordered the Ka Elm Sea.

“Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Black Sky…” Natsu chanted, the area around him wavering from the heat, the ground nothing but bubbling lava, and the air bursting into flames here and there as more and more magic power was built up. He crossed his arms as a swirling mix of lava and ash built up inf front of him, spinning faster and faster as the temperature skyrocketed. “Pyroclastic Obsidian Blade!”

Jellal felt nothing, heard nothing, but the fleeting Heavenly Body Magic that enhanced all of his physical attributes, including his perception and reaction times, let him slowly look down at his chest.

There was nothing there.

A gaping hole now existed in Jellal’s torso from just below his collarbone to his bellybutton. The edges of the hole were completely smooth, as if they’d simply stopped existing. With the last remnants of his life, Jellal Fernandez looked upwards at Natsu and Erza just as the burning pyroclastic flow rushed towards him. There was no sadness or remorse in the madman’s eyes, only a look of disbelief as the cloud of ash and lava passed through the gaping hole in his chest and consumed him entirely. His skin burned away instantly, his flesh carbonized and broke like charcoal, and even his bones were turned to ashes and fragments as the pyroclastic flow roared from the center of the island out into the sea.

The red orb of Magic, along with the swirling black clouds above, broke apart into ethernano as the spell failed from the lack of focus and the loss of the constant magic power being supplied.


“What was that?” Gran Doma pointed out a pitch-black object that left the ruins of the Tower of Heaven at ludicrous speeds, separating the surface of the ocean cleanly as if it were a blade cutting through paper.

“I…I have no idea…” Leiji blinked, having barely seen the object, rather noticing the aftereffects on the water.

An instant later and all of the Council watched as the massive pyroclasm exploded out of the ruins and blasted across the island and out into the sea for hundreds of meters.

“WAS THAT SPELL?!” Crawford gaped in shock and some terror at the level of power required to use such a spell.

“Meddle not with Dragons, for you and your lands are easily sundered…” Yajima breathed out an old warning he’d learned in his youth. The line was from a book he’d read about the species that was considered the most powerful to have ever lived on Earthland.

-Dragon Family and Happy-

“What the hell?!” Lucy couldn’t help but yell as she saw a spell, that had to come from Natsu, tear through the rubble and ruins of the small island and then blast its way across the ocean.

“Huh, he actually used his Secret Art.” Lisanna murmured just loud enough to be heard.

“Secret Art?” Juvia blinked at the devastation she’d just witnessed. She knew that Natsu was strong, of course, but this level of power was insane for most Mages to ever attain.

“You could think of it as a spell that a Dragon Slayer only uses to kill.” Cana informed the Water Mage, her brown eyes still locked on the ruins below.

“Lisanna used hers to kill the owl-headed assassin.” Mira pointed out. “Wait…right, you didn’t see it, you were dealing with all of the Dark Mages.”

“Is that why one section of the buildings and the island was burning when I got back?” Lucy looked between Lisanna and Mira.

“Yep! Lisanna’s a powerhouse!” Mira grinned at her little sister.

“Mira…” Lisanna sighed as she was pulled into a hug. She hated killing, outside of hunting for food, but would do so against people like Trinity Raven. That never meant that she liked it, though. It was simply an aspect of her Dragon Slayer instincts that she’d come to terms with over time.

-Ruins of the Tower of Heaven-

“It’s over.” Erza watched the pyroclastic flow sink into the sea, the water boiling and hissing loudly from the heat, steam clouds rising into the air.

“Yeah.” Natsu stood by her side as their defensive spell fell from their bodies.

“After eight years…” Erza exhaled with deep relief as a small smile formed on her face.

There was no instinctive desire to roar out their victory. This hadn’t been a fight against any Dragonkin, nor another Dragon Slayer. To the now satisfied instincts of both Erza and Natsu, this had been nothing more than a reaction to a threat against their family. There had been a lot of emotions tied into this incident…but that was their higher level thinking and feelings. None of that mattered to the primal dragon instincts that were a part of them.

“Thank you, Natsu.” Erza leaned into him with a gentle smile as she breathed in her Mate’s scent. It never failed to soothe her heart.

“Any time, Erza.” Natsu assured her, softly nuzzling her red hair and taking in her scent. Knowing that she was here and safe cooled any lingering embers of rage within him.

“Let’s sink this horrible place.” Erza whispered to Natsu as they took comfort in each other’s presence.

“Sure.” Natsu replied easily, tilting his head down to capture her lips in a loving kiss.

“Mmm…” Erza hummed lowly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her body flush against his.

The Mates separated after a long kiss and moved towards the center of the island, where Erza’s Secret Art had split the land. Both placed their hands on the rocky ground and pulsed their Magic through it. Deeper and deeper their Magic dove, down through the rock, through the bedrock, and deeper still. Until Natsu found exactly what he was looking for. Deep beneath the island, below the seabed, a large pool of magma moved beneath the earth as geothermal heat kept it molten.

“Found it.” Natsu informed Erza. “Can you make some pathways?”

“Yes.” Erza replied, neither of them having opened their eyes.

Erza’s used her Earth Magic to crack the earth and rock. Fractures opened up in the bedrock, through the stone, and towards the surface of the small island, stopping just beneath the ground they stood upon.

“Thanks.” Natsu had felt the earth shift as the fractures formed and made pathways for the magma to travel through. “Just need to…” He pulsed his Magic deep into the magma chamber far below. The molten rock roiled and became hotter, pressure began to rapidly build up. What would normally taken decades or centuries happening in mere minutes. “There we go.” Natsu opened his eyes and stood up along with Erza. The pressure that now existed far below their feet was would rocket the magma up through the new fissures and cause an eruption that would wipe the small island off the map.

“Let’s get back to the others.” Erza took Natsu’s hand in hers, entwining their fingers as they walked towards the shore together.

“We do still have some time left on our vacation.” Natsu chuckled as he thought about the remaining days they still had at Akane Resort.

“We do.” Erza agreed, though in the back of her mind, she knew that a long talk with her old friends would be needed as well. For now though, she’d just be glad that they hadn’t been killed. ‘I’ll have to make sure they’re collected before the island erupts.’ The Earth Dragon Slayer thought to herself as she gently led Natsu towards the area the ship that had brought her here had docked at.

It was no surprise to either of them to find the ship burned black and half sunk in the shallows. Along with the pier, and everything else in the immediate vicinity. The Dragon Slayers had given in to their instincts and laid waste to everything in their path to getting Erza back. Not seeing her friends on the beach where she’d trapped them all, Erza looked around a bit, breathing in deeply to try and find their scents.

“Natsu! Erza!” Happy called out as he glided down towards them with the rest of the family on his back.

“Happy!” Natsu beamed at his friend. “We’re done here.”

“Aye, sir!” Happy agreed, as he landed.

“Erza!” The rest of the Dragon Sisters nearly glomped the redhead as they all latched onto her. Hugs and kisses were shared as they all reaffirmed that Erza was safe and well.

“So much love.” Juvia mumbled to herself quietly as she saw the spontaneous cuddle pile that had formed the instant the Dragon Family saw Erza.

“Did any of you see my old friends?” Erza asked after a moment to get her breath back. Mira had nearly left her lightheaded after the last kiss, the She-Devil having poured all of her love and relief into the lip lock. The amount of tongue had been more than usual as well, not that Erza minded at all.

“I’ve got them right here.” Cana held up the four cards and Erza sighed in relief. “I figured you would want to deal with them yourself, since you just left them trapped and didn’t finish them off.”

“Thank you, Cana.” Erza smiled at her Dragon Sister and accepted the four cards from her.

“We really should head out though.” Natsu mentioned as he gently swept Erza off her feet and into a bridal carry. He leapt upwards onto Happy’s back and then sat down with Erza in his lap.

“Okay, but why so quickly?” Lucy questioned as the Dragon Sisters all climbed on Happy’s back as well.

“Natsu and I have triggered an eruption to happen on this island.” Erza explained simply, already snuggling into Natsu’s embrace as she sat in his lap. “It won’t be here anymore after that.”

“Oh that makes sense…YOU WHAT?!” Lucy freaked out after hearing about the impending eruption.

“Time to go!” Happy flapped his wings a few times, getting into the sky. His Aera Magic glowed a bright white for a second before he shot across the sky and away from the doomed island.

A few minutes later, with the ruined island in the distance, the promised eruption happened.


All over the small islands pockets of magma exploded out of the ground, shattering the rocky island into fragments. This all culminated into one large burst of lava breaching the surface and scattering the fragments across the nearby ocean. Fifty meters beneath the surface of the sea, the island exploded outwards as magma burst through all of the fractures that Erza had made. The foundation of the island shattered and began to slide deeper into the sea, submerging the remaining molten stump well below where any ship hull would ever have to worry about hitting it.

Just like that, the place which had been a nightmare to countless people that had been kidnapped and forced into slavery and death, vanished without a trace. Only the roiling sea emitting large clouds of steam high into the air for the next few hours would mark what had occurred, and even that would fade away rather quickly.


“Did…did they just sink an island?!” Org gaped at the steaming ocean through the various spells that were letting the Council view the happenings in the Ka Elm Sea.

“I think their handling of this situation technically earns them an official commendation from the Magic Council.” Ultear spoke up, still watching the various spells and knowing that another of her former Master’s plans had gone up in smoke. ‘Or I guess steam, in this case.’ She smothered her grin and the dark chuckles that she wanted to let free.

“Do…do we have to?” Michello winced, never having been one to hide his dislike of the Fairy Tail Guild and their destructive and rambunctious ways.

“According to the Council Charter, chapter six, subsection D, paragraph four…” Yajima began to recite the law that was on the books. His impeccable memory, even in his advanced age, often left his fellow Council members stunned.

-End Chapter-



ARE WE DONE?! Anyone else? Hmm? Anyone?

Jellal is dead and gone. Along with his large group of fanatical Dark Mages, the Tower of Heaven, and even their fucking island!

Turns out, changing the past and making Natsu and his Family stronger, makes Jellal, his assassins, and his flunkies, not such a big deal.

With Erza safe and sound, the Dragon Slayers will return to the Dragon’s Den, to cuddle up at home, soon enough.

Perhaps they’ll have a little down time before some other thing needing Fairy Tail’s support comes up?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



This is how Fairy Tail should have been. One of my friends biggest complaints is that the mages of Fairy Tail all to often get out of situations they shouldn't have because of 'the power of friendship' and it irks him. I agree with him and say this is the way. As for Jellal the truth is somethings just need to fucking die and he was one of them the little shit.

Mr. Khaos

This is great lol. I'm curious though, wouldn't causing a island to erupted to the point of destruction cause tsunami anyway?


Not the 'break away' that the island did. Like I mentioned, the chunks of the island broke apart and slid into the ocean, rather than going off like Fuji, Krakatoa, or Vesuvius.