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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! The showdown begins! It’s Pirates vs Vassals in Upper Yard! The Vassals have homefield advantage, but the Straw Hats have numbers and plenty of power on their side! Who will come out the victor when Enel can sense what is happening and react to it from his throne? Plans may have to change or be fast-tracked before they normally would be. No plan survives contact with Luffy! Kek!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 52 – Straw Hats vs Vassals

“Exploding Star!” Usopp shot off one of his special shots from his slingshot and blew up an incoming Ball Cloud. From the cloud fell a large crab, now slightly scorched from the blast. “They really do have completely random things inside each of them!”

“Ho ho ho!” Satori spun around one of Sanji’s kicks and tried to strike him with his palm.

“Not happening!” Sanji redirected the palm strike with his foot, once more noticing the shockwave that left the rotund vassal’s hand.

“Perhaps another round of surprises is in order?” Satori leapt backwards, spinning through the air. As he moved, he repeatedly kicked more Ball Clouds towards other Ball Clouds, sending them all bouncing off each other and towards the Karasumaru.

“Incoming!” Sanji warned his friends loudly. These Ball Clouds and this vassal were getting on his nerves.

“Inhimar El Rimal!” Vivi reacted to the incoming attack. The sand flowing from her and around her shifted and small pellets (similar to Usopp’s Lead Stars) fired in all directions towards the incoming Ball Clouds.








The various Ball Clouds erupted upon being struck by the downpour of sand projectiles well before they were in range to hit the Karasumaru.

“Special Attack! Triple Tear Star!” Usopp launched three small orbs at Satori, and at the place his Observation predicted that the vassal would move towards.

“Ho ho ho!” Satori dodged around the attack as he bounced from one Ball Cloud to another. The projectiles each exploded, but not into a fiery blast; instead into clouds of a reddish gas that made Satori’s nose scrunch up just from smelling it. “Is that some kind of spice?!”

“Breathe in deep and get it into your eyes to find out!” Usopp challenged with a smirk.

“Épaule!” Sanji dropped from above Satori, looking to shatter the dumpling-like man’s shoulder with his heel.

“Nrkh!” Satori leapt backwards, barely avoiding the debilitating attack, and kicked a Ball Cloud at Sanji in retaliation. His Mantra was being stretched thin with multiple targets to keep track of.

“Have it back!” Sanji kicked the Ball Cloud back towards Satori with enough force to send it flying before whatever was inside could come out.

“For me? You shouldn’t have! Ho ho ho!” Satori laughed as the Ball Cloud exploded with flowers, revealing that some were completely harmless as well.

“You son of a…” Sanji growled at the round man.

“Now, now, now!” Satori bounced between several trees, shaking multiple Ball Clouds, but not setting them off. “Hoo hoo! Playtime is over!” He declared with a laugh. In Satori’s hand was a striped cane and the three dozen Ball Clouds that he’d gathered were in a straight line. He slipped a huge mask resembling a dragon over the Ball Cloud closest to him. “You might as well give up! I am a vassal. I know no rival!” Satori swung the cane around with a laugh while the long chain of Ball Clouds moved around like a living thing. “I told you that I’d let none of you leave this Trial alive!”

“Shut up! That’s not going to happen!” Luffy barked at the vassal.

“Ho ho! Oh yes, it will!” Satori retorted as he swung his cane at Luffy. “Surprise Ball Attack! Ball Dragon!” The strong of Ball Clouds raced towards Luffy like a real dragon.

“I’ll blow that thing away in one shot!” Luffy declared, planting his feet firmly on the colossal branch below him.

“Ho Ho Hooo! But which one is the fireball?!” Satori laughed as the Ball Dragon rushed towards Luffy. “My Ball Dragon is made of Surprise Clouds! Some are filled with blades, others explosives, but one is a special fire ball that will set off a massive chain reaction! Isn’t that exciting?”

“Heh!” Luffy smirked, and Satori briefly got a prediction of a massive explosion.

“Eh?” Satori didn’t understand why Luffy would attack his Ball Dragon while knowing the danger. His Mantra couldn’t predict such a thing.

“RAIKEN!!!” Luffys right arm turned into a crackling storm of lightning before he threw his fist forward at the incoming chain of Ball Clouds. The clouds were fried and sent flying away along with the torrent of lightning through the forest.


As Satori had said, the special fireball set off a chain reaction. The lightning attack had detonated every explosive, set off each and every one of the surprise clouds, and the special fire ball cloud too. But they were far enough away that it didn’t matter much to the Straw Hats even as a few of the towering trees collapsed in the distance.

“Th-Tha-That w-was G-God Enel’s…” Satori was gaping at what he’d just seen Luffy do!

“Exploding Star!” Usopp took the vassal’s stunned state as the opening it was, launching his attack and blowing up the Ball Cloud that Satori stood on.

“Eh?!” Satori felt his footing disappear from below him.

“Dafn Al Sahra’.” Vivi’s sand rushed forward to cover Satori completely, trapping the vassal in heavy sand that continued to increase the pressure as it squeezed his round body.

“Hey?! Wait! No!” Satori tried to struggle out of the sand, but found that he couldn’t move at all. Worse, his palms were pressed up against his sides, so he couldn’t use his Impact Dials to try and escape!

“Keep him nice and still, Vivi-chan.” Sanji glared at Satori. “Don’t let that dumpling bastard move a centimeter.”

“Not fair!” Satori continued to try and struggle. “You cowards! Four against one?!”

“Fair?” Sanji nearly growled at the rotund man in front of him. “You kidnapped our nakama without warning. You made the cute angel cry…and then tried to kill her, twice! So, you tell me who is the coward!”

“That’s right!” Usopp pointed at the trapped vassal. “You guys started this when you attacked us!”

“Your Haki could use some work too.” Luffy grinned at Satori. “Being able to predict your opponent’s moves is really handy in a fight. But your focus is way too narrow. Shishishishi!”

“Observation Haki won’t help you if you can’t move at all.” Vivi tightened the grip her sand had on Satori, making the vassal grunt in pain.

“Stop! You fools!” Satori demanded, panic slipping into his voice. “Don’t you know what you’re doing?! I’m a vassal! I serve the God Enel! Let go!” He resumed his futile attempts to escape the sand encasing him. “Hey, are you listening?! Not submitting to the judgment of a vassal is considered a Class-1 Offense! If you so much as lay a hand on me you’re as good as declaring war on the Almighty Enel!”

“Shut up!” Sanji leapt high into the air and began to spin as he descended. The rotation force added more and more power to the kick he was about to unleash upon the Satori.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Satori thrashed his head around, the only part of his body that he could move. “Stop! Stop! I’m not good with pain!”

“Concassé!” Sanji’s heel slammed down on Satori’s head with all the Armament Haki he could put into it. A sickening crack followed the impact as the vassal’s skull and neck both broke under the force of the heel drop.

“Well, that’s one vassal done.” Luffy noted as Vivi’s sand dropped Satori onto one of the titanic tree branches not too far from the milky road that the Karasumaru was traveling along.

“Serves him right.” Vivi turned away from the body. She didn’t like killing and death. The vassals clearly made a game out of it though, and that lost them any sympathy from the princess.

“One second.” Usopp hopped off the Karasumaru onto the branch where Satori’s body lay. “I want to check something.”

“What are you checking?” Luffy questioned Usopp curiously as the gunman began to work the gloves off of Satori’s hands.

“That weird shockwave thing he kept doing.” Usopp got the first glove off. “I thought it was weird…and I was right.” He turned the dead vassal’s hand over to reveal a spiral shell attached to his palm. “He’s using a Dial!”

“Huh?” Sanji looked at the Dial on Satori’s hand. “He was. What kind do you think it is?”

“A shockwave Dial?” Usopp shrugged as he quickly took the Dial off of Satori and looked at it curiously. “Whatever type it is, I’m taking it.” He grinned as he went after the other hand as well.

“We still need to hurry and find the others too.” Vivi reminded the men as Usopp collected the second Dial from Satori’s other hand.

“Right.” Luffy nodded and hopped back into the Karasumaru with Vivi.

“Robin! Mikita! Nami! I’m coming to save you!” Sanji declared as he jumped back into the Karasumaru as well. “Hurry up, Usopp!” He barked with sharp teeth as the gunman searched the dead vassal for any other Dials.

“I’m coming! Give me a sec!” Usopp called out, a grin spreading across his face as he pulled another Dial from a hidden pocket within one of the yellow rings running down the vassal’s outfit. This Dial was clearly different from the two that had been on Satori’s hands. For one, instead on an orangish color, it was a beige color instead. “Not sure what you are, but we’ll find out later.” Usopp spoke to the shell before carefully placing all three into his small satchel.

“Let’s go!” Luffy pointed forward with a grin as soon as Usopp joined them in the Karasumaru. The little Dial Boat moved forward as Sanji pressed down on the accelerator.

-Sacrificial Altar-

“Fuza!” Shura called out to his mount while weaving around the punches and strikes of Mikita and Chopper.

“Kaw!” Fuza opened its beak and exhaled a gout of fire at the pirates.

“Stop that!” Chopper shouted as he quickly stomped out any small fires that started on the Going Merry.

“Asshole!” Mikita went for a low kick, which Shura leapt over and tried to strike her with his Heat Javelin. Mikita saw that coming easily and weaved around the weapon before bringing her one ton fist down on Shura’s outstretched arm.

“Your Mantra is annoying.” Shura retreated before his arm was hit. “How do you Blue Sea people have a power only reserved for the faithful?”

“No idea what Mantra is, but we’re using Observation Haki.” Mikita replied to the man, even as they both used their Observation to try and find any opening to exploit. Prediction after prediction was made as they each sized the other up.

“Kaw!” Fuza blasted flames at Chopper while flapping its wings to ascend into the air.

“Get back here!” Chopper shouted up at the bird. The flames were hot, but he pushed through to try and subdue the fire-breathing bird.

“Damn it!” Shura glanced over at Chopper and Fuza.

“Where’re you looking?!” Mikita lashed out with a roundhouse kick seeing that Shura’s focus was split.

“Gkh!” Shura backstepped quickly, barely avoiding the kick and feeling the wind from it. “Die!” He thrust forward with his Heat Javelin again.

“Nope!” Mikita hopped backwards to avoid the weapon.

Just a bit more.’ Shura thought as he saw how much Mikita was moving around.

“Damn you!” Chopper threw a bucket at the airborne Fuza.

“Kaw!” Fuza flapped its large wings and dodged the projectile easily.

The fight continued to go back and forth for a bit longer. The Observation Haki made it difficult for either side to strike successfully against the other. It wasn’t until the Mikita and Chopper felt like they were slowing down that they realized something was wrong. The wide smirk on Shura’s face was just the final confirmation.

“This is the Trial of String!” Shura declared with a mocking laugh. “You won’t be able to move anymore!” He declared, looking between Mikita and Chopper as both struggled against the nearly invisible String Clouds that he’d deployed around the ship they were fighting on.

“What the hell?!” Mikita growled as she felt things all around her body while she struggled to move.

“Something is on me?” Chopper tried to move, but whatever was wrapped around his body was incredibly strong. He could still move at the moment…but every movement got harder and harder. “Is this some kind of string?!”

“String Cloud.” Shura confirmed for the Zoan with a smirk. “Nearly invisible, but with high tensile strength. You don’t even notice that you’re being covered in it as you move around until it’s too late!” He took aim with his Heat Javelin, ready to kill Mikita now that she couldn’t move anymore. “Now, you’ll offer your lives to Almighty Enel!”

“You bastard!” Mikita snarled at the vassal. Changing her weight wouldn’t help her much here. If the tensile strength of these String Clouds was this high, falling while they were wrapped around her might end up with her sliced apart by them when they were pulled taut.

No, no, no!’ Chopper screamed in his mind as he saw his nakama about to be killed. ‘I have to do something! But I can’t move! The strings are wrapped around my entire body!’ The reindeer struggled until he realized a solution. ‘My body!’ With a thought, Chopper shrank down to his Hybrid Form and felt the strings fall off his much smaller body. Without a second of hesitation, Chopper reached into his pocket and pulled out one of his yellow Rumble Balls. “Rumble!” He tossed the pill into his mouth and cracked I open with his teeth before swallowing it down. “HORN POINT!” He transformed, his upper body getting bulkier as his antlers became massive weapons with spear-like points. He launched himself at Shura’s back without even a second of thought.

“What?!” Shura had just enough time to turn around and try to block sudden attack from the previously immobilized Chopper. His Heat Javelin stopped a few of the antler points, but not all of them. “Grkh…” Blood hit the deck of the Going Merry, both from the stab wounds in Shura’s stomach, as well as from his mouth.

“REEAAAUUGGHH!!!” Chopper made a very reindeer-like sound as he thrashed his head violently and tossed Shura off of his massive antlers.

“Gah!” Shura cried out in pain, coughing up more blood as his hands tried to cover the multiple stab wounds in his guts. “Heuh…heuh…ack…” Shura couldn’t speak properly. His body going into shock as vital organs hemorrhaged blood inside of him that quickly flowed out of the various stab wounds.

“Holy shit…” Mikita blinked at seeing the more ‘beast’ side of Chopper that only came out when he was fighting to protect his friends.

“Kuh…grrgle…” Shura spit up more blood as his body tremored briefly before going limp.

“Kaw!” Fuza flew close, breathing fire towards Chopper and Mikita in an attempt to get to its master.

“Stop that!” Chopper roared out at the bird. “Jumping Point!” His body shifted again, becoming much more human-like with powerful legs. Chopper leapt upwards and grabbed onto Fuza’s neck. “Heavy Point!” He shifted into his bulkiest form and dragged the bird down to the deck.

“Hold the bird down, Chopper!” Mikita stepped out of the receding flames mostly unharmed. The thin String Clouds had evaporated however, leaving her free to move.

“Got it!” Chopper forced Fuza’s head against the deck, the squawking bird letting off small blasts of flames to try and escape the hold.

“One-Thousand Kilo Stomp!” Mikita stomped on the massive bird’s head with her heavy leg.

A bird’s bones are hollow, allowing for much more oxygen to be carried through their bodies to keep up with the energy intensive activity of flight. This also makes their skeletons ill-equipped to deal with large amounts of pressure and force applied to their bodies. So, when a metric ton comes dropping down on even a large bird’s head, the skull has no chance of surviving the impact.


Fuza instantly went limp, the struggling bird stopping all movement as its skull was crushed.

“Hah…hah…” Chopper heaved out as he let go of the dead bird. “The ship is…still okay…right?”

“Yeah,” Mikita looked around, seeing a few spots of damage here and there, mostly from the flames. “I think we’re fine.” She smiled at Chopper brightly. “Thanks for the save.”

“No problem.” Chopper returned the smile, the adrenaline in his system keeping him from doing his normal ‘happy dance’ at getting praise. He needed to calm down first before his normal reactions would return.

“Let’s take his stuff and then dump both of their bodies into the pond for the Sky Sharks.” Mikita looked over the two dead enemies. “I bet that weird lance of his has a Dial in it.”

“Huh…” Chopper looked thoughtful for a moment. “I wonder…” He pried open the dead Fuza’s beak and spotted the strange shell inside immediately. “There is a Dial in here!” He plucked it out and held it up for Mikita to see. “A Flame Dial, right?”

“I think that’s what Conis called it.” Mikita agreed as she picked up the fallen lance and handed it to Chopper. “I’ll search his pockets for more before we dump them both.”

“Sure thing, Mikita.” Chopper nodded to his friend while taking the two items he was holding down into the holds for safe keeping.

-Enel’s Throne-

“How?” Enel’s brow furrowed in confusion and aggravation. “Two vassals…and so quickly?” A few sparks leapt from his skin, showing his agitation with the current situation. “It seems I need to move up my schedule before I deal with these Blue Sea dwellers.”

-Trial of the Swamp-

“So…both Satori and Shura have fallen?” A man spoke, sitting atop an ancient ruined statue. He was a tall, dark-skinned man with an unusual hairstyle. His hair had a row of upward-pointing tufts or rasta-styled dreadlocks from ear to ear. He had a pair of wings on his back that marked him as a Birkan. He wore a matching purple jacket and pants, black gloves and shoes (which both sported some type of Dial attached to them), a pink shirt, and a blue tie-like scarf around his neck. He also had a large, white belt around his waist with a red circle in his center. “They let their Mantra slip. How weak.” He grumbled out. “Still, we may have underestimated these Blue Sea people. They’re no ordinary intruders.” He felt out as far as he could with his Mantra. “I can’t ignore this…nobody is getting off this island. Right now…” He clenched his jaw tightly. “Mmmm…mmmm…mmm…mmm…mmmm!” He glared out into the forest, seemingly not realizing that he couldn’t speak properly if he didn’t unclench his jaw.

This rather dim man was Gedatsu, one of the remaining two vassals of Enel.

-Trial of the Iron-

A bald and muscular man of average height with somewhat tanned skin sat atop a large rock. He had a pair of small wings sprouting from his back which extend down to near his waist, denoting him as a Birkan. He had a small mustache and beard around his mouth, and wore a pair of small sunglasses over his eyes. His outfit consisted of a green sleeveless shirt, gray pants with several pockets, a long and flowing white sash around his waist, and dark leather boots with bandages around the soles.

This was the ‘Sky breeder’ Ohm, another of the remaining two vassals of Enel.

“Do you hear the lamentations of the fallen, Holy?” Ohm spoke to the absolutely massive dog sitting next to him, dwarfing even the boulder that Ohm was sitting on.

“Woof.” The beige dog barked in response.

Both of them let the wind blow by them as they looked out over a grassy plain filled with dozens of skulls atop wooden posts. All victims of Ohm’s ‘Trial of the Iron’ over the last six years.

“So many challengers, and yet the outcome is always the same.” Ohm sighed at the lack of challenge. “Shura died after going to the sacrificial altar, a loss for us. Satori was killed when the intruders overcame his trial. A lot of things are happening today.” His tone remained flat and calm even as he spoke of the deaths of the other vassals. “I have no doubt that the Shandians will soon learn of this and try to take advantage, they’ll want to lead an all-out assault. They hope to challenge God Enel, but I’ll cut them all down before they get anywhere near him.” Ohm adjusted his sunglasses with his middle finger, pushing them up the bridge of his nose. “The sun will soon set, and for the enemies of Enel, there will be no dawn.”

-Hidden Shandian Village-

“Let’s get this straight, Aisa. According to your Mantra, two of them are down?” Wyper questioned a small girl that stood before him. He was the descendant of the legendary warrior, Kalgara.

Wyper was a tall, muscular Shandian, and as such, had a pair of little wings on his back. He was covered by various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face. He had very long dark brown hair that was arranged in a mohawk that flowed into a segmented braid that went slightly past his waist, and he has small spherical earrings. Wyper always goes shirtless, and is also shoeless. He normally wore a grass skirt, with a rope belt decorated by three small ornaments that look like claws around his waist. More often than not, he was seen smoking.

“Uh huh…two of them just disappeared. God Enel’s vassals, I think.” A young girl of only nine-years-old spoke up from behind the legs of a young woman.

Aisa was a small Shandian girl. She wore a fur dress and cap, her dress was a shade of brown, and her cap was yellow-white, with white cloth on the sides. She had simple sandals on her feet. At her side she carried a tan satchel, with yellow buckles.

“That works out perfectly. It seems heaven has answered our prayers! Now is the time to destroy Enel’s vassals!” Wyper declared loudly to the surrounding Shandian warriors. A loud cheer rose up from all of the young men. “Make ready for war! We’ll launch our attack immediately!”

“YEAH!!!” The warriors roared back as they rushed to get their weapons, and Dial-powered gear to traverse the cloud sea.

“When are you going to get over your fear of Wyper?” The woman that Aisa was hiding behind asked the young girl.

She was a tall, black-haired woman, with two large bangs parted to either side of her face in the front, and a long and elaborate ponytail in the back. She had dark green eyes, and her lips were covered with pink lipstick. Like all Shandians, she had two small wings on her back. She wore an outfit with a light purple cleavage revealing tunic with a darker pattern that exposed her stomach, and light-red pants that were open on the inside of her legs.

This was Raki, one of the few Shandian female warriors.

“Raki…” Aisa held onto the woman’s pant leg to prevent her from walking away.

“What is it?” Raki looked down at the young girl, but seeing the uncertain and fearful look on Aisa’s face, Raki knelt down to be at eye-level with the girl.

“The vassals that vanished…they weren’t defeated by Gan Fall…” Aisa spoke up, making Raki’s eyes widen slightly. “It was other people…but I don’t know who. They’re really scary though.”

Not by Gan Fall?’ Raki thought to herself. That may not bode well for them. Gan Fall was one of the few that could fight at an even level with the vassals. Aside from Wyper, at any rate. But if Aisa said it wasn’t Gan Fall…then who was in Upper Yard right now?

“Be careful, Raki.” Aisa requested, looking into the warrior woman’s eyes.

“Hey. Give me your bag.” Raki pointed at the satchel at Aisa’s hip.

“What?! No way! This is my secret bag! It’s where I keep my treasure!” Aisa denied, holding the satchel with both hands.

“Yes, I know.” Raki smiled lightly at Aisa. “Let me help you gather some.” She placed her finger over her lips as her voice dropped to a whisper.

“Really?” Aisa whispered back, not expecting Raki to gather more vearth for her.

Unseen by the two girls, Wyper glared at them and the small bag of dirt. In his eyes, all of Upper Yard belonged to the Shandians. It had been stolen from them by the Sky People! There could be no peace between them, no matter how many peace talks the Chief had with the ‘God’ of Skypiea. Only the death of ‘God’ would allow the Shandians to reclaim their rightful homeland again.

“Whether it’s Enel or that old man Gan Fall, the one who bears the Title of ‘God’ must die.” Wyper muttered to himself.

The gathered warriors were quick to leave the village before the Chief could order them to stop. The old man had a good relationship with Gan Fall, their many months and years of peace talks having nearly ended the centuries of war and bloodshed. But as the Chief watched the warriors leave, panting from having run across their village to try and stop the young fools, he could only look towards the statute of their legendary warrior, Kalgara, and pray for the safety of them all.

“We’ll never get this chance again!” Wyper called out to all of the other warriors as they traveled over the sea clouds. “Two of the vassals have fallen! Now it is time to take down the vassal and kill the false ‘God’!”

“YEAH!!!” The warriors roared back, all eager to follow Wyper.

“Everyone comes back alive!” Wyper commanded loudly, his voice filled with passion for his people and their upcoming battle. “LIGHT THE FIRE OF SHANDORA!!!”

“UUUOOOHHH!!!” The rest of the warriors howled their battle cries as Upper Yard was seen on the horizon.

-Nami, Zoro, Robin-

“Hey, Nami! What are we looking for?” Zoro questioned as he and Robin followed the navigator through the forest.

“Just be quiet and follow me!” Nami yelled back at him. “We have to get to the seaside!”

“So when we reach the shore, you’ll tell us what you saw?” Robin questioned, following behind Nami curiously.

“Yes. I have to verify this up close!” Nami replied, continuing through the massive forest in the direction that she’d spotted the object that had raised a seemingly impossible question in her mind. “Even I’m not completely sure of what I saw!”

The trio continued through the forest in a straight line for the most part. Nami’s unerring sense of direction keeping them on track. As they finally made it to the area that Nami had spotted with the binoculars from high up in the trees, none of them could stop the widening of their eyes.

“Hah…hah…take a look.” Nami walked over to the structure and placed her hand on the stone. “Doesn’t it look familiar?”

“What’s going on?” Zoro could only stare at the structure in confusion. “How can something that we saw on the ground be up here?” He looked between Nami and Robin. “It’s the same thing, right?”

“No, it’s not.” Robin shook her head, her eyes already inspecting every bit of the structure as she got closer to examine it more thoroughly. “This is just a fragment of what we saw on the ground. In other words, this island was once on the ground.” She placed her hand on the structure just like Nami. “That also explains why this island isn’t made of clouds like the other floating islands.”

“I thought there was something funny about that building.” Nami recalled Cricket’s house. “How it had a second floor, but no stairs, and how it was built right on the edge of the cliff.” She turned to look at Robin and Zoro. “That was no natural cliff…the island was ripped apart.” All three pirates could only look at the cloud seas and the other half of the structure that Cricket had made into his home. “This is the landmass that was torn away. This floating island is a part of Jaya!”

So, ages ago, for whatever reason…the island of Jaya was split apart and this part ended up here.” Zoro simplified the reality that they’d just uncovered.

“So the ‘El Dorado’ that Noland claimed was once on the island didn’t sink to the bottom of the sea four-hundred years ago.” Robin now understood why little to no trace of the fabled city had ever been found.

“All this time, the missing Jaya was floating in the sky!” Nami breathed out, completely stunned by the revelation, even with the proof right in front of her eyes.

-End Chapter-


Satori and Shura are dead, as is Fuza the bird.

The Straw Hats have even collected a few Dials now.

Because of Aisa’s natural-born talent for Observation Haki, she instantly heard Shura and Satori’s ‘voices’ vanish. Wyper rallies the Shandian warriors together for a charge to take back Upper Yard!

Nami, Robin, and Zoro have discovered that Upper Yard is actually a missing half of Jaya! But they have no idea HOW the fuck the chunk of island got into the sky.

Enel, Gedatsu, and Ohm have felt the death of Satori and Shura. Both of the remaining vassals are anticipating the battles to come. Meanwhile, Enel is thinking of what he needs to get done before Luffy and the Straw Hats catch up to him.

Here are the translations for Vivi’s moves used in this chapter:

Inhimar El Rimal – Sand Downpour

Dafn Al Sahra' – Desert Burial

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Ant Franklin

I'm upset with myself that it took me this long to read this chapter. But I did pick up on the fact that Enel still has the power of the rumble rumble fruit, so does that mean that garp misdiagnosed just his fruit or all three? Also this chapter is awesome and the possibilities of which potential God fruit luffy has eaten if it was a misdiagnosis is kinda scary especially if you choose one of the more violent pantheons


No, no, no... Read the Author's Notes, or even the comments on this chapter. Enel doesn't have the Goro Goro no Mi! He has the Biri Biri no Mi, a Devil Fruit that I created which you could translate as the Zap-Zap Fruit, a Paramecia 'electric' Fruit as compared to Luffy's 'lightning' Logia Fruit.

Ant Franklin

My bad it's been a while since I read that authors note but still the things he will do to Enel since he has an insular body are staggering

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another excellent and highly entertaining at the time. Absolutely loveD the fights and seeing those guys getting absolutely wrecked. It might be cool to see Vivi use something like sand coffin, or see if you could use things like iron or steel sand. I bet she could use some great combo attacks with Luffy if she could. If they manage to get their families on a good portion of gold, they should have enough money to make an absolutely awesome chef at water seven as well. Oh, and that cloud string also seems pretty useful, maybe to make clothes, or even incredibly strong sails.