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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Only one more Dragon Ball to go! But it’s way, way, waaaay, to the West! Even with the faster hovercar, Goku and Bulma won’t be covering that distance in a single trip. So, they’ll need to stop at a town to refuel and stock up on a few things. While they’re there, trouble might find them! Afterwards, it’s after the last Dragon Ball! Who will get the wish in the end? What wish will it be?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 5 – The Stolen Wish

“What a weird place this is.” Goku commented on the scenery passing by.

The two were driving through an area covered in massive mushrooms that towered over the land like trees. Goku had never seen such a thing in his life and was surprised by the towering fungi. Even Bulma hadn’t seen mushrooms like this before, though she thought she vaguely remembered something similar from class.

“I hope there’s a town around here.” Bulma looked at the fuel gauge on the car they’d gotten from Gyu-Mao and saw the needle near ‘E’ after traveling for so long. “We’re about out of fuel, and we need to restock on things like food and water for the Capsule House.”

To Bulma’s relief, they did indeed find a town before the tank ran empty. Passing through the forest of mushrooms, the two of them spotted a small town. As they followed the road into the town, Bulma caught sight of a sign bearing the name of the town.

“Kinoko Town, huh?” Bulma read off and glanced at the tree-sized mushrooms again. “Well, it fits.” Slowly driving through the streets filled with people going about their day, Bulma’s eyes searched the area for a fuel station. “Bingo!” The teen grinned when she spotted one. A moment after pulling up next to the pump a man in loose clothing with a long vest over his outfit came out to greet them.

“How may I help you two?” The older man smiled at them politely.

“We need the tank filled, it’s almost empty.” Bulma replied as she opened the door and got out of the car.

“Will liquid planium do, ma’am?” The station owner asked as he pulled the nozzle from the pump.

“Sure,” Bulma nodded, knowing that older models of hovercars could take that type of fuel without issue. “Also, is there anywhere we can refill our Capsule House’s water tank?”

“Of course, ma’am, we have a resupply depot at the end of this street.” The man pointed down the street in the right direction. “It has a large empty lot on one side, you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you,” Bulma gave the older man a smile. “Goku, wait for me, I’m going to go buy us some food to restock the pantry, and maybe get some new clothes.” She informed Goku with a grin.

“Okay.” Goku shrugged, not minding as he looked at the town and all of the people bustling about. There were even a lot of large animals that he hadn’t seen before being used as beasts of burden.

“Your tank is full, ma’am.” The station owner nodded to Bulma as he placed the nozzle back into the pump. “That’ll be 1,695 Zeni, please.”

“Here you go, keep the change.” Bulma handed the man a 2,000 Zeni bill.

“Thank you very much, ma’am.” The older man gave Bulma a short bow after accepting the bill.

“I’ll be back in a bit, Goku.” Bulma waved as she headed into the town.

“See you soon, Bulma.” Goku waved back with a smile.

A bit later and Bulma found the first shop she wanted to see. “Alright, Kinoko Town comes through!” She headed for the shop that had a large sign above the door declaring it a Capsule Shop. Entering it, a man in a dark robe smiled at her and welcomed her to his shop. “Hmm, not a ton of selection, but it’ll do.” Bulma remarked after looking over the Capsules on display.

“My shop is rather humble, only so much makes it out our way, young lady.” The shopkeeper chuckled at Bulma’s comment good-naturedly.

“It’s okay, I’ll just take these five.” Bulma grinned, pointing out the ones that she wanted. “Can you label them and put them in a case for me?”

“Of course.” The man easily gathered the Capsules that Bulma picked out and set about labelling them accordingly. “You’re total comes to 632,000 Zeni.” The shopkeeper informed Bulma as he placed the Capsules into the new case.

“No problem.” Bulma pulled out her wallet and swiped her card through the machine. Not like that much money would even be missed for an heiress of the Capsule Corporation.

“Thank you, and please come again, ma’am.” The man smiled at Bulma for the large sale.

“Now,” Bulma exited the Capsule Shop and headed down the street a bit. “Let’s grab some more appropriate clothing for this weather.” She fanned herself a bit from the temperature. “We must be next to a desert or something for it to be like this.”

-Clothing Shop-

“Is it to your liking, Miss?” The shopkeeper asked Bulma as the blue-haired girl looked at herself in the mirror.

“It’s not my usual style, but it’s certainly cooler than the clothes I was wearing.” Bulma looked over her new outfit in the mirror. She would call it ‘desert wear’ and it consisted of a white loose shirt and matching loose pants held up by a red sash belt, a golden-colored choker, a small blue vest jacket, gold armlets, and red sandals. She put her hair into a ponytail with a gold hairband to match the choker and the armlets. “Not too bad.” Bulma nodded to her appearance.

“You look lovely, Miss.” The shopkeeper agreed with her.

“How much do I owe you?” Bulma inquired as they made their way towards the front counter.

After settling the bill, Bulma needed to hit only two more locations; the supply depot to refill the Capsule Houses water tank, and then the market to restock the pantry. After having to feed Goku, the food supply was getting a bit scarce now.

-Fuel Station ~ Later-

“Ptoo! This town is dead no matter when I come.” A dark-skinned man in a long black coat with a white rabbit emblem on the left breast spat on the ground. He was slightly rotund and carried an automatic rifle with him and wore an aviator’s helmet with black rabbit ear attached to the top with goggles over his eyes.

“Not even any decent chicks.” His partner agreed. This man had a paler complexion and a matching outfit to his partner. His rifle was strapped to his back and he had a pistol holstered at his hip. He also had a smoking pipe hanging from the side of his lips, though there was no smoke rising from it.

“I’m back! I got a lot!” Bulma smiled at Goku. In her arms was a large paper bag filled with food that she hadn’t stored in the Capsule House.

“I smell food!” Goku instantly perked up. “I was getting hungry.”

“I figured.” Bulma giggled at him, setting the bag down in the car and handing Goku some meat buns she’d bought at a stand on the way back.

“Thank you, Bulma!” Goku beamed at her before taking his first bite. This bun tastes different than the ones he’d had in the Capsule House, probably different herbs and spices used on the meat, but they were still good!

“You’re welcome Goku.” Bulma smiled at him as she popped the cap off of a soda for herself and took a sip.

“Bleeah!” The rotund man spat out the apple in his mouth. “You call these apples?!” He kicked the small stand that he’d taken the apple from (without paying for it) and knocked the rest of the stall owner’s produce to the ground.

“What did you say, ugly?” The pipe-smoking man grabbed a nearby man by the front of his shirt.

“N-n-nothing, s-sir!” The innocent man stuttered out in fear. He really hadn’t said anything, the goons were just bored and trying to start trouble.

“Look at those two…” Bulma tsked at the men terrorizing people just because they had weapons.

“Are they bad people?” Goku asked after swallowing the food in his mouth.

“Who said that you could cross in front of me, boy?” The pale man demanded of a child. He’d only just turned in this direction and the small boy had been trying to get away, not crossing in front of him.

“Please! Forgive him! He’s just a child!” The boy’s mother wrapped him in her arms and shielded him with her body.

“So teach him!” The lanky man kicked the woman in the back, sending her sprawling.

“What the hell is their problem?” Bulma glared at the two goons.

“Hey, check it! A chick I’ve never seen before!” The shorter man grinned while pointing at Bulma with his thumb.

“Whoa-ho! How did we miss that one?” The pipe-smoker questioned with a chuckle. The two started walking towards Bulma, leering at the beautiful teen the whole time.

“Hey, babe!” The rotund man grinned at her.

“You’ll have a bit more fun with us.” The taller man offered, a smirk on his face.

“Fat chance.” Bulma scoffed at the two. With Goku by her side she didn’t feel like she had anything to fear. “Who do you think you are, anyway?”

“Oh, come on! There’s no heart that doesn’t freeze in terror at the name of the Rabbit Mob.” The shorter goon said with surety.

“You must be new around here.” The pale man chuckled at Bulma.

“Too bad I don’t have time for a terrified heart freeze.” Bulma rolled her eyes. “Let’s go, Goku.” She made to get into the hovercar when the pipe-smoker pulled his pistol on her.

“Oh, a feisty one, eh?” He smirked at the teen. “You must not want to live to see old age.”

“Hey, Goku.” Bulma looked at her still eating friend. “These are definitely bad guys. Beat ‘em up for me, okay?”

“Okay.” Goku tossed the last of the meat bun he was eating into his mouth without a care.

“What?” The taller man scoffed at Goku, still holding Bulma at gunpoint. The boy only came up to his chest in height, a threat from him was laughable.

“You’re gonna beat us up?” The dark-skinned man laughed at Goku.

“Heh.” Goku grinned and in a blur the pipe-smoker’s pistol went flying out of his hand. Before the man could register the pain of the forceful disarming, Goku snapped off a side kick into his stomach and sent the man flying backwards until he hit the road.

“Gah…ack!” The goon couldn’t even speak as all the air had been knocked out of his lungs.

“One down…” Bulma remarked, leaning against the car with her arms crossed.

“You! You lousy little…” The rotund man didn’t get to finish his sentence. Before he could even bring his automatic rifle to bear, Goku’s fist crashed into his face. The goon lost hold of his rifle as his feet left the ground, he landed hard on his back as blood gushed from his broken nose. Both of his hands quickly went to his face to gingerly cradle the injury. “Muh bose!” The garbled words came out as the man rolled on the ground in pain.

“Huh…that wasn’t much of a fight.” Goku sighed at the weakness of the two goons.

“Good job, Goku!” Bulma praised him with a smile. “Now, let’s roll.”

“Hack…oww…” The taller man struggled to sit up as he removed a radio from his belt. “N-no one…makes fun…of the Rabbit Mob…” He breathed out before speaking into the radio. “Boss, sorry to trouble you, but…we need you. We’ve come up against a real strong one!”

“What’s he doing now?” Bulma huffed, hoping that the incident would’ve been resolved by now.

“R-RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!” The townspeople screamed as they ran into any building that they could and slammed the doors behind them in terror.

“They all…ran away?” Bulma was confused by the sudden rush. “What the hell is going on in this town?”

“They called someone named ‘Boss’.” Goku informed Bulma, his hearing much better than most people’s.

“You alright?” The tall goon helped the rotund goon to his feet.

“Dat kib…” The shorter man was still holding his broken nose.

“Don’t worry, I called the Boss.” The other man assured his injured partner with a smirk.

“What’re you two idiots doing now?” Bulma demanded of the goons. Seriously, why did they have to be such a nuisance?!

“Heh he he…your asses are grasses!” The rotund goon chuckled, his voice still sounding off from his broken nose.

“Nah! They’re carrots! And they’re about to get nibbled! Ha!” The taller man smirked with confidence.

“Carrots?” Goku tilted his head at the seeming threat. He was always briefly reminded of his Saiyan name when that particular vegetable was brought up.


An odd sound caught Bulma’s attention and she looked down the street to see a car approaching. It was an odd car, to say the least, the body made to look like a white rabbit. The two goons seemed excited to see it though as they waved their arms over their heads while calling out for their ‘Master’. The car came to a stop and the door on the left side opened upwards. The person that stepped out was a Rabbitman.

The Boss wore a traditional Chinese-styled outfit in green, with a large emblem on the front with the Kanji for ‘Rabbit’ on it. Beneath that was a purple gi with pink trim on the ends of his sleeves. He had sunglasses over his eyes and wore purple martial arts slippers as well.

“Master, Master, Master!” The two goons rushed over to their Boss.

“Shut off the waterworks, girlies.” The Boss Rabbit put his hands behind his back while looking at his subordinates. “Now, where’s the bozos that crossed us?”

“It was them, Boss!” The goons pointed at Goku and Bulma.

“A kid and a chick put the kibosh on ya?” The Boss Rabbit questioned them, annoyed by their failure.

“We’re not worthy…we’re not worthy…” The two men bowed and begged for forgiveness.

“Ha! So, that’s the Head Rabbit, huh?” Bulma snickered at the short Beastman.

“Ho yo!” The Rabbit Boss leapt through the air in a large forward flip, landing right in front of Bulma easily.

“Wah!” Bulma stumbled back against the hovercar.

“Press the flesh, cutie.” The Rabbit Boss held out his hand for a handshake.

“Huh?” Bulma blinked at the outstretched hand in confusion. With a grimace, she slapped his hand aside. “Hah! As if a babe like me would shake hands with a creep like you!” Bulma stuck her tongue out at him.

“Heh heh heh…too late, chickie. We touched.” The Boss Rabbit chuckled darkly.


In a small cloud of smoke, Bulma disappeared and in her place was a carrot.

“Now do ya get it?” The Rabbitman chuckled as he caught the carrot that had been Bulma.

“BULMA TURNED INTO A CARROT?!” Goku exclaimed in shock at what he’d just seen.

“Hahaha!” The Boss Rabbit laughed.

“Told you so!” Both of his goons jeered at Goku.

“Change her back, you!” Goku nearly snarled at the Rabbitman.

“Oh? You want to mix it up, bud?” The Boss Rabbit smirked at Goku, holding the carrot that was Bulma up as a hostage. “Or maybe all your life you’ve wanted to be a carrot?”

“My grampa told me stories about witches like you.” Goku growled at him. “People that use Magic to hurt and curse others.” He pulled the Nyoibō off his back as he stared into the sunglass covered eyes of the Rabbitman. “And in most of grampa’s stories, if the witch dies, their Magic goes with them!” In a blur of red, the Nyoibō slammed down atop the Boss Rabbit’s head with a loud thwacking sound.

“OWWWW!!!” The Rabbitman cried out in agony, grabbing his head in pain and not even realizing that the carrot had dropped from his hand after the unexpected blow.

Goku quickly picked up the carrot and held it securely against his chest. “Looks like one wasn’t enough.” He raised the Nyoibō one-handed, prepared to bring it down on the Rabbitman’s head again.

“H-hey! Wait, wait! Just think about it, pal!” The Boss Rabbit cried out through his splitting headache. “You have no guarantee that my Magic will come undone if I die! If I get iced, who turns your friend back into a dame?!”

“Change Bulma back and I won’t kill you.” Goku held up the carrot with a fierce look in his eyes.

“Okay! Okay! Whatever you say!” The Rabbit Boss agreed. His head was killing him and he could already feel the goose egg forming! “Okay!” He clapped twice and the carrot was engulfed in another cloud of smoke.

“Huh?” Bulma blinked, finding herself safely held in Goku’s left arm. “Why do I feel so…orange?”

“Bulma!” Goku gave her a one-armed hug with the arm he was holding her with. “You’re back!”

“Goku?” Bulma looked at how close they were and felt her cheeks warm a little. “What happened?”

“That rabbit guy turned you into a carrot when you touched his hand.” Goku pointed at the Rabbit Boss with a glare. “I made him turn you back.”

“Y-you promised you wouldn’t kill me!” The Rabbitman reminded Goku, slowly edging further and further back from the boy.

“And I won’t.” Goku agreed, though his glare never left. “Nyoibō, extend!” The red pole glowed slightly before shooting froward and drilling the Rabbit Boss straight in the face. The magic user was carried several meters by the staff before it stopped extending and the unconscious Beastman crashed into the ground.

“Boss!” The two goons suddenly realized how much trouble they were in.

“Thank you, Goku.” Bulma hugged Goku for saving her. She needed to repay him for this, even though he’d probably say that she didn’t need to.

“No problem, Bulma.” Goku smiled at her as they separated. “Just one last thing.” He turned his eyes on the two goons and before they could run, had clubbed them both over the head with his Nyoibō.

Goku tied the three members of the Rabbit Mob up with rope from the fuel station. He made sure to cover the Rabbit Boss’s hands with a sack as well, to prevent him from using his Magic on anyone else. Meanwhile, the townspeople started coming out of their homes in shock, seeing that the ones that had terrorized their small town for so long had been dealt with.

“H-How can we ever thank you two?” The owner of the fuel station questioned the pair.

“Just lock these guys up or whatever form of punishment you’d normally give thugs like them around here.” Bulma shrugged, looking between the tied up ‘Mob’ of three and the townspeople. “He seems to have to touch people skin-to-skin to make his Magic work, so just wear gloves when you handle him and you all should be fine.” Bulma’s analytical mind had quickly parsed out a likely hypothesis on how the Rabbitman’s power worked in a very short time.

“W-We’re free!” Someone in the crowd yelled and that set off a cacophony of cheers from the townspeople.

“Let’s go, Goku.” Bulma smiled at her friend as they hopped into the hovercar. “Only one left now!” She cheered as the townsfolk waved goodbye to the duo.

“Yep!” Goku grinned brightly at her as the hovercar left Kinoko Town behind, Bulma hitting the gas and speeding up once they were outside of the town proper.

-That Night-

“Wa-ha! It’s in the bag!” Bulma declared as she entered the Capsule House. They’d be closing in on the One-Star Ball tomorrow without fail. She was so close to getting her wish!

“There’s not much out here to hunt.” Goku mentioned, having been watching the scenery turn more and more into desert as they drove along.

“Don’t worry, I restocked the pantry, it’s even more packed than when I first set out on this journey.” Bulma assured him that he wouldn’t go hungry tonight with a smile.

“Really?” Goku smiled brightly at the new information. “Great! I’m hungry!”

“Of course, you are.” Bulma laughed a bit before recalling what had happened earlier today. “Hey, Goku, after dinner I’d like to thank you for saving me today.”

“Okay, but you’re already feeding me.” Goku looked perplexed as to what else he could be rewarded with. He had saved Bulma because she was his friend. That didn’t need to be paid back.

“You goof.” Bulma playfully rolled her eyes at him.

After dinner, once more showing Bulma just how much Goku could eat, she decided to go ahead and thank Goku. Bulma made sure that she had Goku’s attention as she gathered her pajamas before heading into the bathroom to bathe. Seeing that Goku was totally focused on her, Bulma pulled off her new vest. This was quickly followed by pulling down her shirt and letting her breasts free.

“Like them?” Bulma teased, shaking her tits a little as Goku watched them.

“Yeah, but why are you showing me?” Goku questioned her. After the deal with Kame Sen’nin, Bulma had explained why what the old hermit had wanted was improper in civilized society.

“This is my way of thanking you for saving me today, Goku.” Bulma smiled at the Saiyan. “So, get a good look, because this is only a onetime deal.”

“Okay.” Goku laughed and took a long look at Bulma’s breasts. They were nice, but he still didn’t understand Kame Sen’nin’s strong desire to look at them. He did feel something while looking at Bulma like this. But he didn’t know if it was because of the puberty thing that Bulma had briefly explained to him (while trying to educate him about the differences between boys and girls and how relationships worked) or not.

“Times up.” Bulma grinned, not bothering to cover up as she made her way into the bathroom to take her bath. ‘I think he liked that.’ She thought to herself as she closed the bathroom door behind her and set her pajamas to the side. She stripped out of the rest of her clothing and couldn’t help the small grin on her lips as she recalled Goku’s eyes looking at her topless. She’d have to have been blind not to see the interest slowly building in his curious gaze. “I guess that proves he’s not much younger than me after all.” Bulma giggled a little to herself.

-The Next Day-

“We’re so close now.” Bulma beamed as she looked at the Dragon Radar again. They were right on course towards the last Dragon Ball. It wouldn’t be long until they had all seven! “It’s hard to believe that I started this quest just under a month ago! We’ve collected all of these Dragon Balls so fast thanks to you, Goku!” She turned to look over her shoulder at him with a warm smile.

“No problem, Bulma.” Goku smiled back, chuckling at how happy she was. “I can’t wait to see that dragon!”

“You’ll see it soon enough.” Bulma promised as she refocused on the road. “We should get there in just a bit longer.”

“Hmm, it’s a good thing this car has enough space for three people.” Goku mentioned as he watched the scenery go by.

“Why’s that, Goku?” Bulma asked, confused by the seemingly random statement.

“After you get your wish, your perfect boyfriend will join us, right?” Goku replied simply. “We’ll need the space in the car to take him out of this desert.”

“Right, right.” Bulma nodded after a second. “You remembered.”

“Yep!” Goku smiled at Bulma. “I could always ride Nimbus if we needed more room though. Maybe your perfect boyfriend is a big strong guy?” He chuckled at the idea of having someone strong appear after Bulma’s wish. “I can’t wait to meet him!”

“Me neither.” Bulma agreed, though her response was not nearly as exuberant as when she’d first told Goku about her wish.

Neither of the two was paying particular attention to anything outside of the road and each other, so they completely missed the woman standing atop one of the towering mushrooms.

She was a fairly tall woman with blue eyes and long black hair with bangs. The woman was wearing a teal trench coat with a red star insignia on each shoulder, a brown belt with a pistol holster attached to it from the right hip, beige slacks, and brown combat boots. In her hand she held a radio with a long antenna sticking out of the top.

“Lord Pilaf, I am in area H-15 and one car has just passed through.” The woman spoke into the radio.

“That’s got to be the one! Commence the operation, Mai!” A somewhat high-pitched male voice ordered from the other side of the radio.

“Yes, M’Lord!” Mai replied promptly. “Soba! Can you see the car?” She questioned, using her partner’s codename.

“So ba, so good!” He called back over the radio.

“They’ve got them, the Dragon Balls.” Mai stated into the radio. “Disable the vehicle and take them immediately!”

“Hmm?” Goku saw something coming at the hovercar. The object approached so quickly that it had impacted the side of their vehicle before Goku could even speak up.


An explosion rocked the car as the RPG round detonated.

The hovercar that Gyu-Mao had given Goku and Bulma broke into pieces from the force. Bulma and Goku were tossed out of the moving vehicle and to Bulma everything suddenly seemed to be going in slow motion.

I’m going to die…’ The strangely calm thought passed through Bulma’s head as the remains of the hovercar crashed into one of the massive mushrooms. She was falling towards the ground at far too great a speed to not die.

“BULMA!” Goku’s voice pierced the surreal fog that the girl had been in as his arms wrapped around her securely. With a spin, Goku put his body between Bulma and the ground. “Oof!” Goku gasped as his back hit the ground and he skidded along the sandy dirt. He held Bulma carefully the whole time though, making sure that his less durable friend didn’t get hurt.

A mechanical suit crashed down next to the destroyed hovercar. Goku blinked at the strange machine that he’d never seen before. The claws of the suit tossed aside the wreckage until the pilot found Bulma’s suitcase containing the Dragon Balls.

“Eureka!” The suitcase was closed and then clenched in the mechanical claws of the suit. “Thanks for the Dragon Balls, chumps!” The pilot, a Dogman in a ninja outfit, mocked the two before blasting off into the air and flying away.

“Who was that?” Goku was still a bit confused about the series of events that had just happened. Looking down at his chest, he spoke to Bulma. “Are you alright?”

“I…I’m okay…” Bulma barely seemed to believe it herself. She was startled, that was for sure, but aside from her mind running a bit wild from the sudden adrenaline rush, there was nothing wrong with her at all. “You saved me, Goku.”

“I just didn’t want you to get hurt, Bulma.” Goku smiled at her as they both sat up.

“Goku.” Bulma smiled before pulling him into a warm hug and kissing the top of his head, his mass of black hair tickled a bit. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem.” Goku returned the hug and didn’t even think to mention that Bulma was pressing his face into her chest. The new clothes that she had bought in Kinoko Town meant that his face was pressed into her cleavage.

“What the hell was that about?” Bulma questioned after letting go of Goku a minute later. It only took her genius intellect a couple of seconds to parse through everything that had happened. “Wait a minute! That jerk stole our Dragon Balls!”

“Yeah, he said something about that.” Goku nodded, recalling the Dogman’s rude farewell.

“Can you track him down with your cloud?” Bulma didn’t have any aerial vehicle Capsules on her.

“Nimbus!” Goku yelled loudly and a moment later the golden cloud dropped down from the sky. He jumped onto the magical cloud and blasted off into the air. “Hmm…where’d he go?” Goku looked around for any trace of the machine he’d seen earlier as he flew over the desert area. “There it is!” He spotted the robotic suit and dived down towards it. “Hey you!” Goku yelled, his Nyoibō at the ready.

The suit was empty, however.

“Huh? Where are you?” Goku looked around, but didn’t see any trace of the Dogman from earlier. He took a deep breath through his nose to try and pick up the guy’s scent and found two of them. “Hmm, the second one has that little bit that makes me sure that it’s a female’s scent. Does that mean there’s two people that stole our Dragon Balls?” Goku hopped back on the Flying Nimbus and shot back up into the air, trying to spot anyone or any cars. “There’s no one around…” The Saiyan was confused as he had Nimbus fly him back towards Bulma.

“Goku!” Bulma waved him down as the Nimbus returned. “What’s the news?”

“The robot thing was there, but the guy wasn’t.” Goku informed her. “But I smelled two scents, one of them was female, so he must’ve had a partner.”

“Damn it!” Bulma cursed as she put the pieces together. “I shouldn’t be surprised that other people might know about the Dragon Balls. They were chronicled in ancient documents after all.” The city girl sank to her knees. “They must’ve had the last Dragon Ball already…with the ones they stole from us, they have all seven!”

“I’ve still got mine.” Goku pointed out the small bag that he kept tied to his waist.

“That’s right!” Bulma shot to her feet with a laugh. “Nyah, nyah! You missed one, you damn thieves!” She pointed in the direction that Goku had flown in from. “We’ll use the Dragon Radar to track them down! And it’ll still be me that gets the Dragon’s wish!”

“Yeah!” Goku cheered along with her, just happy that Bulma had a plan and wasn’t sad.

“Time to use one of the Capsules that I bought back in Kinoko Town.” Bulma pulled out the new case from her pocket. After opening it and selecting the right Capsule, she clicked the top and tossed it a good distance away.


The strange blast went off along with the normal cloud of smoke. When it cleared, a car very similar to the one Bulma had been driving when she met Goku had appeared.

“Let’s hunt down the thieves’ lair, Goku!” Bulma declared as she hopped into the car quickly and brought out the Dragon Radar.

“Coming!” Goku ran around to the other side of the vehicle and jumped into the only other seat in the vehicle.

-Pilaf Castle-

“I wish you’d have counted the balls before you took them.” A short, blue, imp-like creature spoke to Mai and Shu. He was dressed in a green, red, and black tunic with a frill around the neck. He also wore blue pants and black shoes along with a multi-colored hat that sat on his bald head like a bowl. In the middle of his tunic, was the kanji for ‘fried rice’.

“Y-Yes, Lord Pilaf, sir, we’re so sorry.” Mai apologized while bowing.

“I guess I didn’t use my noodle…” Shu apologized as well, bowing to Pilaf.

“Well, no matter.” Pilaf waved the screw up off. “It appears the final ball is coming towards us.” He commented while looking at a screen. “Heh heh heh! This simply must be my lucky day!” Pilaf laughed at his current good fortune. “What a gift these Dragon Balls are!” He clenched his fists in front of his chest. “A no-fuss recipe for world domination!”

“Lord Pilaf, they’re here.” Mai reported, seeing a car stop in front of the castle on one of the security screens.

“Already?!” Pilaf looked at the screen in surprise. “They must be those new ‘instant’ enemies.”

-Bulma and Goku-

“Whoa, this place is big!” Goku looked up at the castle that they’d stopped at.

“My radar says that the Dragon Balls are here.” Bulma looked at the device in her hands. “Now we just take them back from these thieves!” She pointed at the large gate at the bottom of the castle.

The two quickly entered the castle, Goku easily able to open the large gate through sheer strength. Bulma snuck along the wall, and Goku mimicked her actions, going in front since he could handle whatever might come at them. As they were sneaking along, Goku noticed something on the stone floor.

“What’s this?” Goku wondered.

“An arrow?” Bulma looked over his shoulder at the red arrow mark on the floor. “There must be something in this direction.”

“There’s another one.” Goku pointed out a bit further down the corridor.

The two continued to move along the wall, now following the arrows to see where they led. They rounded two corners only to come to a dead end though.

“It’s just a dead end?” Goku was confused by the lack of anything.

“There’s a screen on the wall…and a camera?” Bulma noticed the two devices an wondered what they were for.


A stone wall slammed down behind them, trapping the pair in a stone room.

“Oh, damn it! It’s a trap!” Bulma yelled, mostly at herself for not having realized the obvious.

-Control Room-

“Well, that was easy.” Mai nearly deadpanned at the two for just walking straight into a trap.

“I never believed that there were people that stupid.” Pilaf did deadpan at the lack of intelligence they’d just witnessed.

-Trap Room-

“Hyah!” Goku slammed his fist into the stone wall that had dropped down behind them. To his surprise, the bricks didn’t give way. There was a small crack at best, and Goku’s fist was lightly red from impacting the solid surface. “I can’t even punch through it?”

“What?” Bulma had seen Goku’s strength plenty of times. “What is this stuff made from?”

The screen turning on by itself caught their attention. What appeared on it was an imp-like person that neither of them had ever met. “Hey! You! I am Pilaf the Great!”

“Huh?” Bulma blinked at the sudden introduction. “So, you’re the one that stole my Dragon Balls?!”

“All except for one, my dear.” Pilaf held up one finger. “You have the ball with four stars in it. Give it to me now…and you shall remain on the side of Pilaf!”

“I’ll take a side of udon…as in U don get nothin’!” Bulma snarked back, sticking her tongue out at Pilaf.

“Grrr…” Pilaf growled at the disrespect. “Very well then…if you refuse to cooperate…then I’m going to have to do something nasty!” A section of the ceiling in the trap room opened and a robotic claw grabbed Bulma around the waist and hauled her up.

“Bulma!” Goku leapt after the robotic arm but the ceiling closed and his hand smacked into the reinforced stone. His eyes immediately went to the screen as he landed, seeing Bulma on the other side now.

-Control Room-

“What do you think you’re gonna to do?!” Bulma yelled as she struggled against the robotic arm holding her off the floor. “Let me go, you thieves!”

“Heh heh heh…if you have any hope of avoiding shame…tell me where the Dragon Ball is!” Pilaf demanded while pointing at the struggling Bulma.

“Feh! I got just one thing to tell you, runt!” Bulma raised her middle finger and flipped him off.

“So, you like being subjected to humiliating acts, eh?” Pilaf took a couple steps closer to Bulma. “All right, then…” He made small grabbing motions with his hands. Bulma leaned back as far as the robotic arm would allow, a look of disgust on her face. “Mwah!” Pilaf kissed his hand and then blew it at Bulma. Behind him, both Shu and Mai turned away with red faces.

“Huh?” Bulma blinked at the action.

“W-well?! A-are you r-ready to talk now?!” Pilaf demanded, his blue face slightly purple now.

“What was that?” Bulma questioned the little imp.

“I-I-I-I blew you a kiss…” Pilaf declared.



“He said the ‘K’ word!”

Mai and Shu’s words only made Bulma more perplexed.

“Yeah? And…?” Bulma raised one eyebrow, confused as to why the little runt thought that would matter.

“Huh?!” Pilaf reeled back as if he’d been struck.

“Phew…” Bulma exhaled in relief. “The way things are going I thought you were going to strip me nude and do a ‘Slurp-Slurp’, or a ‘Puff-Puff’, or a ‘Pat-Pat’, or even a ‘Grope-Grope’.”

“AUGH!!!” Pilaf reeled again. “What a diseased mind! How can you even stand to think such hideous things?!”

“Sh-She’s a perv!” Shu and Mai claimed, shaking behind from Bulma’s words.

“What’re you guys, five?” Bulma questioned, not believing any adults could be so childish about sexual things in this day and age.

Pilaf slapped his hand on a button nearby and the robot arm nearly threw Bulma back into the trap room.

-Trap Room-

“Aaahhh!” Bulma fell form the ceiling only to not meet the hard stone floor, but something much gentler.

“I’ve got you, Bulma!” Goku had caught her carefully and gently set her on her feet.

“Thanks, Goku.” Bulma smiled at him. “These damn thieves! It’s like talking to children!”

“Hey, Bulma?” Goku got her attention. “What’s a ‘slurp-slurp’? And what’s a ‘puff-puff’?”

“Oh damn…” Bulma looked between Goku and the screen showing the room that she’d just been in. “I…I’ll tell you after we get out of this, Goku.” She decided to put that off for as long as possible right now.

“Oh, okay.” Goku shrugged without a care.


A thick off-white smoke began to pour into the small room. Bulma and Goku both moved to the back wall to get away from it.

“What now?!” Bulma cried out as the small room began to fill up with the smoke.

“Ugh! It smells weird!” Goku wrinkled his nose.

Soon enough, both felt woozy and then blacked out.

A few minutes later and the stone wall rose up to show Pilaf, Mai, and Shu. Both Shu and Mai were wearing gas masks, while Pilaf was not.

“Ha ha ha! Sleeping like babies!” Pilaf laughed at the unconscious pair. “Now let’s go find that…tha…drago…gon…ba…buh…” Pilaf wobbled on his feet before falling backwards unconscious.

“Lord Pilaf!” Shu cried out.

“He didn’t put his gas mask on!” Mai chastised the imp. “Take him to his room. I’ll find the Dragon Ball.”

“Right.” Shu picked Pilaf up, hands beneath the imp’s arms, and dragged him out of the trap room.

“Now…where to start?” Mai walked into the now opened corridor and glanced at Bulma first, then her eyes zeroed in on the small bag at Goku’s waist. Grabbing it, she opened it to find the Four-Star ball. “The Dragon Ball!” She smiled beneath her gas mask and quickly left the room, closing the wall behind her to trap Bulma and Goku inside.


“Huh?” Goku woke up and wondered why he was sleeping on a stone floor. Shaking his head, clarity slowly returned to him and he remembered what happened. “Bulma?!” He looked around and sighed in relief when he spotted her sleeping against the wall. “Bulma! Bulma! Wake up!” He lightly shook the girl.

“Mmgh…wha…?” Bulma’s eye opened blearily. “Goku…? What’s going…on?” A fraction of a second later and her blue eyes widened as she shot to her feet. “The Dragon Balls!”

“Yeah…they took mine.” Goku picked up the empty bag he kept his grampa’s memento in.

“Damn it!” Bulma cursed angrily, stomping her foot. “How long have we been asleep?! Did those thieves already make their wish?!”

“I don’t know.” Goku looked around the stone room. “There’s no way to tell time in here.”

“We need to escape!” Bulma decided first and foremost. “Whether they’ve made their wish or not, we can’t trust that they’ll let us live afterwards.”

-Outside ~ In front of Pilaf’s Castle-

“Ugh…still feeling…a little boiled…” Pilaf held his head; his small size made the knockout gas much more effective. But they’d wasted enough time while he was unconscious! Night had already fallen while he’d been knocked out. “You’ve done well, my colonels! All seven are now ours!”

“Yes, sir!” Shu held up the box containing all seven of the Dragon Balls.

“Heh heh heh…and now, there shall be no power on Earth over Pilaf!” Pilaf declared with a cackle. He was so close to world domination that he could taste it.

-Trap Room-

“Urgh!” Goku slammed his strongest kick into the wall, but still only succeeded in barely making a crack.

“Damn it…” Bulma hissed under her breath. ‘How are we supposed to escape?! These walls aren’t normal bricks. Even Goku can’t break them! Maybe if he had something explosive that could blast…apart…rock…’ The memory of Kame Sen’nin’s Kamehameha came back to her. “Goku! The things, the blast, the turtle lech!”

“Huh?” Goku tilted his head, unable to figure out what Bulma was trying to say.

“The Kamehameha! The thing you copied from that old pervert! Use that!” Bulma smiled brightly at Goku.

“Oh!” Goku caught on quickly. “Right! But I don’t have much practice with it.”

“It’s fine. As long as it makes a hole that we can get out of, we’ll be fine!” Bulma assured him.

“I’m getting hungry too…so I’ll probably only have one shot.” Goku focused and took up the proper stance.

Damn…he’s right. Goku had breakfast, but we were ambushed before lunch! It could be the middle of the night or even the next day for all we know! He has to be getting hungry.’ Bulma worried about possibly having to drag Goku along with her if he used up too much of his energy.


“G-Get ready…I’m about to summon the Dragon God.” Pilaf shook a little as he stood before the seven Dragon Balls laid out on the ground. All seven of the spheres were glowing with golden light, pulsing in time with each other.

-Trap Room-

“Ka…Me…Ha…Me…” Goku held his cupped hands at his side, pushing every bit of his energy that he could just barely grasp into the space between his palms. He had very little practice with this technique, so there was a good chance of losing control…but he’d give it his all to try and break out of here. “HA!!!”

The blue beam blasted forth as Goku threw his hands forward. The stone wall was hit and a thick cloud of dust obscured their vision along with the bright light of the beam itself. Goku kept pushing, dragging up all of his power to force into the Kamehameha. He would succeed! He would get them out of here!


Goku felt the instant that his attack broke through, but he had nothing left to give to ensure the damage would be enough. He nearly hit his knees, his breath coming in gasps a sweat started running down his face. Looking up at the damage he’d been able to do, he was happy to see a hole straight through the wall. “Is…that hole…big enough, Bulma?”

“I think I could squeeze through here…” Bulma looked at the width of the circular hole. “But your shoulders are wider than mine…there’s no way that you’ll fit.” She worried, not willing to leave him behind.


“Dragon, come forth! Grant me this wish!” Pilaf declared loudly and all seven Dragon Balls shone with nearly blinding light.

The area seemed to darken further as lightning struck the seven balls and a beam of golden light emerged from them The beam wound and bent through the air, twisting around like a serpent over and over again. The golden energy slowly solidified into an immense shape of green scales, four limbs tipped with claws, two brown antlers on the head, jaws filled with fangs, pure red eyes, and two long, flowing whiskers coming from the muzzle. It was an Eastern Dragon. But not just any dragon.

This was the Dragon God, Shenron.

-Trap Room-

“What’s that light?” Bulma looked through the hole that Goku had made and gasped. Even from her limited view, she could see the long, winding body of Shenron moving through the air. “Goku! It’s the dragon! They just summoned the dragon!”

“Huh?” Goku wobbled over to the hole and looked through it. “Wow! A real dragon!” The Saiyan awed at the majestic being, watching the great dragon’s head come to stop in front of Pilaf. “Hey…I think he’s about to make his wish!”

“No!” Bulma growled as she looked through the hole too. “I refuse to let him have whatever he wants! That fucking little imp!” She swore fiercely.

“Through the hole then.” Goku smiled at Bulma and gently pushed her into the tight space.

“Goku! Wait! What about you?!” Bulma questioned, even as she squeezed through the small hole and outside.

“I can’t fit.” Goku clearly didn’t understand that she didn’t want to leave him behind. “Go stop their wish.” He encouraged Bulma through the hole once she had passed through it.

“Right…I-I’ll be right back, Goku! I won’t leave you here!” Bulma promised as she sprinted for all she was worth towards Shenron.

“In-incredible…” Pilaf stare up at the Dragon God in awe.

“It’s bigger than a dinosaur…” Mai craned her neck to look up at Shenron’s titanic form.

“W-wow…” Shu could only gape at the sight of the Dragon God before them.

REFLECT UPON YOUR DESIRES, MORTALS.” Shenron’s voice was both like thunder and yet soft as a breeze. It was an ethereal mix that shouldn’t be possible at all. “FOR I SHALL GRANT ANY WISH…BUT ONLY ONE…

Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! What do I wish for?!’ Bulma was nearly panicking as she rushed headlong towards Shenron. Now that this moment was on a very short clock, her mind was blanking!

“Okay…right…the wish…” Pilaf stumbled over his words now that the time had finally come.

What do I wish for? What? What? What? What?’ Bulma questioned herself over and over again. ‘The perfect boyfriend? No! What would dragging some stranger here do?! I have to wish for something that I want!’ But that thought sparked a memory from just before she set off on this journey.

Isn’t a wish for someone else’s sake one of the best wishes that you can make?” Bulma’s mother, Bikini, had asked her daughter before she’d left home.

At the time, Bulma had nearly scoffed at the idea. But after being on this journey with Goku…after seeing him help others selflessly…after he’d saved her multiple times…. The answer was quickly clear to Bulma, as if there was nothing else she could possibly wish for.

“Okay!” Pilaf raised his hands towards Shenron. “I wish to rule the-”

“I WISH THAT I COULD KEEP GOKU FROM BEING ALONE!!!” Bulma yelled from the depths of her heart.

“Eh?!” Pilaf, Mai, and Shu all turned to look at Bulma in shock at her sudden appearance.

Unbeknownst to the ones below him, Shenron had a very powerful ability to discern the wishes that were spoken to him, as well as the hearts of those that made those wishes. As a Dragon God, this was merely a facet of his existence. So, upon hearing Bulma’s wish, Shenron saw into her heart and the true desire that she was asking of him.

She wanted to keep Goku from being alone.

She believed that Goku was lonely from being the only Saiyan on Earth.

She didn’t care what it took to keep Goku from being alone.

She wanted to understand Goku, to let him know that she would always be there for him.

All of this took only 1/100th of a second for Shenron to discern.

SO BE IT.” Shenron’s red eyes glowed and Bulma felt something fill her entire being.

Everything suddenly felt like it was too loud, too bright, too smelly! Her mind couldn’t keep up with all of the information coming in! She felt like she was constrained by her own skin! Her whole body felt hot! Her head was getting fuzzy…. There went her hearing…her sense of smell…her sight…. The last thing Bulma felt before she passed out was an intense pain right where her tail bone should be.

YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED.” Shenron declared as Bulma hit the sandy ground unconscious. “FARE YOU WELL.” With that the Dragon God turned into pure golden energy and the Dragon Balls floated high up into the air. In less tan the time it took to blink, the seven orbs blasted away from each other and flew across the sky like shooting stars in every direction.

“Huh?! But! I! Uh! Why?!” Pilaf looked at the night sky in confusion. Finally his gaze landed on the pervert girl lying on the sandy ground. “Get them!” He screeched in rage. “Her and the boy both! I want them to suffer before they die!”

“Yes, sir!” Mai and Shu snapped to attention after being stunned by Shenron’s disappearance. Both of them rushed over towards the unconscious Bulma and quickly secured her.

Several minutes later and sleeping gas would once more fill the Trap Room, and in such quantities that even the hole in the wall couldn’t ventilate it fast enough to keep the exhausted Goku from passing out.

-Later ~ Glass Ceiling Room-

“Uuhh…my head…” Bulma grumbled as she pushed herself up off the cold metal floor. “Where?”

“Bulma!” Goku beamed at his friend, seeing her finally wake up. He’d been trying for a while to wake her up to no avail.

“Goku…?” Bulma shook her head and sat down on the floor like he was. “Where are we?”

“How DARE you dampen my dreams of conquest just when they were about to boil?!” Pilaf’s aggravated voice yelled through a speaker near the top of the rectangular room of steel. “You have all sealed your DOOM!” The blue imp declared furiously. “But don’t worry…heh heh heh…Pilaf is a mild and tender Master, so I will let you die very slowly!” His hideous chuckles told of his desire to see them dead. “You may have noticed that your ceiling is a sheet of glass. The afternoon sun is brutal here, and it will soon turn the interior of your cell into a veritable rice cooker! Shrivel up and die! Gyahahaha! I look forward to tomorrow!” With a click the speaker cut off.

“You bastard!” Bulma cursed at the silent speaker.

“Hey, Bulma, I saw the Dragon Balls fly off in every direction...like, BLAM!” Goku told Bulma what he’d seen after Shenron vanished.

“Yeah…” Bulma ran her hands through her hair, trying to distract herself from the impending death that they’d just been promised. “After a wish is made, they scatter themselves across the Earth again.”

“You mean the Dragon Ball that my grampa left me is lost?!” Goku gaped at Bulma.

“Sorry, but that’s how it works.” Bulma apologized genuinely. She cursed herself for not telling him sooner. She cursed her past self for trying to take advantage of Goku. “We can’t gather them for a while anyway.”

“We can’t?” Goku questioned confused. “Is the Dragon Radar broken?”

“No, nothing like that.” Bulma shook her head. “Once a wish is granted, it supposedly takes a full year before the Dragon balls can be used again. Until that time, they’re just round rocks, and they can’t be tracked.”

“A whole year, huh?” Goku sighed at having to wait to go find his grampa’s memento.

“I’m sorry, Goku.” Bulma’s tail moved and gently wrapped around Goku’s to offer comfort.

It took a few seconds for that bit of information to process in Bulma’s mind.

“EH?!” Bulma looked at the monkey-like tail that responded to her thoughts. It moved how she wanted it to move, and she then realized that she could feel it!

“Oh yeah, I was going to ask about that.” Goku mentioned as Bulma stared in disbelief at her own tail. “I thought you were a Human? But you had a tail when I woke up in this room. Did yours just grow in late or something?” The pure curiosity in Goku’s voice made Bulma look at him. When their eyes met, she saw something that she hadn’t seen before, a light of interest and awe as he looked at her.

“No…I…” Bulma didn’t know how to explain this. It wasn’t until her memory came back about her wish to Shenron that it all clicked into place. “The wish!”

“The wish to Shenron?” Goku tilted his head in confusion.

“Yes!” Bulma nodded quickly. “I wished that I could keep you from being alone.” She admitted with some pink now coloring her cheeks. “Shenron must’ve decided that I meant I wanted to be a Saiyan like you, so that you wouldn’t be alone anymore.”

“Bulma…” Goku didn’t know what to say to that. Bulma had a family back in the city. She had been human her whole life. But she’d changed her very being, become a Saiyan like him, just to keep him from being alone.

“I’ll always be here for you, Goku.” Bulma smiled at him. The first person in her life that had made her feel like she had a real friend.

“Bulma.” Goku wrapped his arms around her in the warmest hug that he could possibly offer. Bulma hugged him back, a smile on her face as they just held each other.

The gentle moment was interrupted as both of their stomachs growled loudly.

“I’m hungry.” Bulma looked a Goku with a lopsided smile.

“Me too.” Goku nodded, a grin spreading on his face.

“Hahahahahaha!” Both of them burst into laughter and hugged each other again until their chuckles subsided.

“We need to get out of here.” Bulma looked at the steel walls and the incredibly thick glass up top. “Neither of us are old enough to die her, and especially not because of that little shit!” Bulma cursed at Pilaf.

“Are you sure the glass is too strong?” Goku eyed the distance and knew he could make that jump.

“Yeah…not only is it thick, it’s clearly not normal glass.” Bulma grimaced; she knew what to look for in materials like this. Being a genius had many benefits after all.

“What do we do?” Goku looked around some more, but it was the same four walls, floor, and glass ceiling.

“I’m not sure.” Bulma admitted with her hands clenched into fists. She glared up at the glass ceiling and noticed the very edge of the moon peeking over the side. “Wait…what day is it?” Bulma mumbled to herself, trying to figure out the date so that she could estimate.

“What’s going on, Bulma?” Goku asked, curious as to what she was mumbling to herself about. He saw her tail flicking side to side and watched it for a moment.

“Goku…I have an idea…but I need you to tell me if it’s crazy or not.” Bulma looked at him closely.

“What’s your idea?” Goku questioned his friend curiously.

“I think tonight is a full moon.” Bulma stated and even the somewhat dense Goku instantly caught on as his eyes widened.

“Bulma…I don’t know if we’d end up attacking each other.” Goku spoke his worry immediately.

“But we’d be big enough and strong enough to break out of here, right?” Bulma urged him to consider it.

“Probably…” Goku nodded at her words. “But we can’t control ourselves…Oozaru rampage and destroy…that’s all.” Bulma saw in his eyes that he was worried about hurting her.

“If we’re both Oozaru, then wouldn’t we work together to destroy, rather than attack each other?” Bulma took his hands in hers with a smile.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Bulma.” Goku looked into her eyes.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Goku.” Bulma looked right back into his gaze.

No more words were said, they didn’t need to be, their eyes conveyed their shared answer.

“On three?” Bulma suggested, seeing out of the corner of her eyes that the silvery moonlight was starting to fill the glass-topped room.

“1…” Goku nodded to her.

“2…” Bulma nodded back to him with a reassuring smile

“3!” They both looked up at the full moon through the glass ceiling.

For a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen…but then both of their bodies jolted.







“grrrRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Both Goku and Bulma roared as their bodies began to change.

Muscles bulged as their canine teeth turned to fangs. Their eyes lost their pupil and iris, turning white. They both began to grow larger and larger, clothing tearing as it was pushed beyond its breaking point. Their ears pointed, becoming larger as thick brown fur covered their bodies. Their faces changed shape and powerful muzzle-like jaws filled with fangs formed just as the two hit their heads on the thick glass above them.

-Pilaf and Co’s Bed Chamber-

“Mm? What’s going on?” Pilaf muttered irritably at having been woken up from the noise.

“Getting rowdy, huh?” Mai grumbled, rubbing at her eyes.

“The nerve of them!” Shu looked blearily in the direction that the noise was coming from.

“Is the castle shaking?” Pilaf looked around as the tremors got strong enough to not only feel, but see, as things fell off the walls.

“ROOOOAAAARRRRR!!!” A massive monkey monster roared as it tore the roof off of the room.

“WHAT IS THAT THING?!” All three screamed in shock and panic.

“RRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!” A second roar was heard, just before a fist punched through the wall, taking the entire left side of the room with it. The face of a second monkey monster was seen through the new gaping hole, glowering at the three in the room.

“RUN!!!” Pilaf was the first one out of his bed, followed swiftly by Mai and Shu.

This proved to be wise, as the first monster slammed its fist down on the beds and through the floor as if the building was made of paper instead of brick and masonry.

While the Pilaf Gang ran for their lives, both of the Oozaru roared and smashed very part of the castle in sight. Every tower was toppled, every dome crushed. Nothing escaped the rampage and rage of the transformed Saiyans.

“Start the plane! Start the plane!” Pilaf ordered as the three made it to the hangar.

Mai jumped into the cockpit first, quickly turning the plane on and getting the front propeller to start spinning. Shu and Pilaf piled in behind her on back seat and slammed the door shut behind them. The play began to roll forwards as Mai hit the button to automatically open the hangar doors.

“Take off! Take off! Take off!” Pilaf repeated over and over again in terror.

“Yes, sir!” Mai pushed the plane as hard as she could, the tail nearly hitting the top of the hangar door as she rushed through it. The plane began to ascend off the sandy dirt and rise into the air.

“We made it! We made it!” Shu cried out as the ground got further below them.

“We’re safe!” Pilaf nearly collapsed into the seat in relief as they flew farther and farther away from the castle.

“ROOOAAAARRR!!!” Both Oozaru let out roars and chucked large pieces of the half-demolished castle at the plane.

The rubble destroyed the tail of the plane and sent it careening towards the ground.

“AAAAAIIIIEEEE!!!” The three in the cockpit screamed as they lost altitude and crashed in the desert.

“GRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!” Both of the Oozaru released bellowing roars that resounded throughout the desert.

With parts of the castle still standing, the mindless Oozaru continued to smash and stomp on everything in sight. There would be little more than gravel and fragments left by the time the two beasts were done.

Even Oozaru had their limits though. And both Goku and Bulma had been hungry before they’d transformed. A bit before the morning sun would rise, the two would instinctively make a pseudo nest for themselves and curl up together as their exhaustion outweighed their rage and aggression.


The warm sunlight got into Bulma’s eyes. She tried to turn away, and snuggled into the warmth that she was holding on to. Unfortunately for the teen, the damage was done. “Stupid sun…” Bulma grumbled as she opened her eyes.

She wasn’t expecting to see Goku’s face first thing when she woke up this morning. Looking at him sleeping, a small smile made its way to her face. Bulma finally had the presence of mind to check around herself. She and Goku were in the shade of some rubble, the morning sun only just high enough to peek into the space and wake her up it seemed.

The next thing Bulma did was take stock of herself. It was then that she realized that she was naked. ‘Why doesn’t that bother me as much as it should?’ She wondered, not used to sleeping next to anybody, and especially not naked. She didn’t even need to look to know that Goku was naked too. She could feel his skin on hers and the warmth might’ve had a good chance to lull her back to sleep if her mind wasn’t already engaged.

“Looks like the plan worked.” Bulma mumbled lowly, seeing the destruction of everything around them, but neither she nor Goku were injured at all.

“Mnrgh…” Goku rumbled a bit in his chest and throat. His eyes slowly opened and he blearily looked around before his gaze focused on Bulma’s face. “Good morning…”

“Morning.” Bulma smiled at him and felt something tighten gently around her tail. Glancing down she saw that their tails were entwined around each other and probably had been the whole time. It felt…right.

“Are you okay?” Goku’s first question was about her wellbeing and Bulma’s smile became even warmer.

“Yeah, just fine.” Bulma assured him. “The plan worked perfectly.”

“That’s good.” Goku grinned at her, the two content to just lay there together for a while longer.

“We probably should get up.” Bulma mentioned with a sigh, slowly letting go of Goku and unwinding their tails. She would just pretend not to have seen and felt his manliness against her for now.

“We need clothes, huh?” Goku looked down at his nakedness and then at Bulma’s.

“Yeah, if we can find my Capsule Case, I’ll get out the House Capsule and we can get dressed.” Bulma had no idea where they might find it though. “Are you staring at my butt?” She teased, looking over her shoulder at him.

“Your tail too.” Goku nodded to her with honesty.

“Well, I guess that’s fine.” Bulma shrugged, a light laugh escaping her. Maybe Goku hadn’t been reacting to her as much because they’d been different species? Even if they were anatomically near-identical, that didn’t mean that they were biologically compatible after all. ‘Questions for later.’ Bulma decided as she stretched and felt her joints pop a bit.

It took them almost an hour and a half to find Bulma’s suitcase. To her surprise, Bulma had been able to find it via scent when she’d finally gotten close enough to its general area. That was another thing that really drove home that she was no longer Human. But the girl rolled with it for now, it didn’t seem all that important at the moment anyway. She chalked up that change in mindset to her new Saiyan brain and instincts.

“Come on, Goku!” Bulma called out to him after the Capsule House had appeared in its normal cloud of smoke.

“Coming, Bulma!” Goku jogged over, holding his Nyoibō in hand with a bright smile on his face. He wouldn’t leave this precious gift from his grandfather behind.

“Let’s get washed up, we’re both covered in dirt and dust.” Bulma led Goku into the bathroom as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The fact that she hadn’t minded her nakedness nor Goku’s was something that only briefly crossed her mind. “In the tub, I’ll was you first.” Bulma instructed with a grin.

“Thanks, Bulma!” Goku smiled at her as he hopped into the tub. “I’ll wash your back next!”

“Alright,” Bulma agreed even as her tail reached out and picked up the long-handled bath brush. “But I can wash my own butt.” She grinned, using the line he’d spoke to her the first time she’d given him a bath.

“Hehehe, yep!” Goku laughed as Bulma soaked his hair.

Almost two hours later, after bathing, putting on clothes (Goku now wearing a baggy t-shirt and some baggy basketball shorts that Bulma sometimes lazed around in), and then feeding two hungry Saiyan bellies, the two left the Capsule House and the near empty pantry. Bulma capsulized the house and looked at her crushed car.

“It was brand new…” Bulma lamented the loss of the vehicle that she’d literally just bought the other day. “Now how’re we getting out of this desert?”

“Hmm, I think I have an idea.” Goku nodded to himself. “Nimbus!” He yelled out towards the sky. A moment later and the magical cloud descended and stopped in front of Goku. Without hesitation, Goku hopped onto the cloud and then looked at Bulma with a smile. “Hop on!”

“Goku…I can’t ride the Nimbus.” Bulma shook her head, passing her hand through the golden cloud to show him.

Goku took hold of her waist and lifted her up before setting her on his lap. “Hop on.” He laughed and Bulma blinked as she realized that she could ride the Nimbus as long as she was sitting on Goku’s lap.

“Hahahaha!” Bulma burst into laughter and turned sideways in Goku’s lap. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “You’re not nearly as dense as you used to be, huh?” She giggled at him.

“Nope! You taught me well, Bulma.” Goku declared and Bulma hugged him again with a warm smile. “Ready to go?”

“Yep!” Bulma agreed happily, her arms still around his neck and his left arm around her waist.

“Go, Nimbus!” Goku pointed upwards and the magical cloud flew into the air, sending Bulma’s long blue hair flying behind her.

“This is amazing!” Bulma cheered as the ground passed below them and they headed off towards their next adventure, whatever that would be.

-End Chapter-


The Rabbit Mob easily dealt with! No moon shenanigans here, it’s prison time or perhaps execution for those three! Whatever the law of Kinoko Town sentences them to!

Then the Dragon balls were stolen! Pilaf, Mai, and Shu, sure bit off WAY more than they could chew, huh?

Bulma stole the wish, and having a real friend for the first time made her wish for something solely for someone else’s benefit.

Now, Bulma is a Saiyan too! That’ll require some explanation with her family, but I’m sure it’ll work out!

Two Oozaru decimating Pilaf’s castle should provide TWICE the trauma for the little imp and his subordinates!

Now that the first journey for the Dragon Balls is finished, what will the next part of the adventure entail?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 11

Goku (Oozaru) – 110

Bulma (Human) – 2

Bulma (Saiyan) – 8

Bulma (Oozaru) - 80

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Absolutely loving the story, and I’m excited to see more of it in the future hopefully. Also, now that he has another of his kind to train with, I imagine his progress will be even more impressive, especially with a genius mind helping push things forward.


Glad you like it! Things will definitely continue to change bit by bit as we progress further into the story.


Well second fic I've seen with a Saiyan Bulma the other one is by Primal Vortex


Funny thing is, my Challenge is older than Vortex's story, but he didn't know about it at all when he wrote his first chapter, which we both have laughed about together.