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Hey friends and fans! I got another Tier Reward asking for more Goblins! The Original Writing progresses a bit further! We’ll have a completed book eventually! Won’t that be amazing?

The Koh Tribe finishes up winter preparations. Time to hunker down in their warm cave home and let the season of ice and snow pass. While that’s happening, the Goblins that’ve hit Level 100 will go through their Growth Phases and become Hobgoblins!


-Day 187-

“Hoah! Hoah! Hoah!”

“What’s all the noise?” Gobkoh questioned, looking up from his current experiment with his Magic.

“The hunting party apparently caught something big.” Rialin replied, looking towards the gate as it was opened fully. That took a little longer nowadays, since they’d repaired it with wood to reinforce it after it had been broken through before. The extra weight was good for defense, but made opening the gate slower over all.

“Huh, for them to be this excited, it must be something impressive.” Gobkoh stood up with Rialin and headed towards the gate.

“Chief!” Gobflen called out with a smile upon seeing Gobkoh. “We hunted a bear!”

It was true, the hunting party was working together to haul back a large Brown Bear. The group seemed to be made of a lot of the females from the Koh Tribe, with a few males that had joined from the former Mak Tribe. As soon as the large beast was inside the wall, the gate was shut completely again.

“Good work, Koh Tribe!” Gobkoh raised his voice to be heard over the excitement. All of the hunting party looked to their Chieftain with smiles at the praise. “Another large fur, plenty more meat, and tons of materials to make use of! The Tribe thanks you!”

“Yeah!” The hunting party cheered, raising spears, bows, and fists into the air in celebration.

“You should check out a few of them, Chief.” Gobwren grinned, having gone with the hunting party earlier in the morning.

“Yep, yep!” Neylin had a wide smile, showing off her fangs a little. “You’ll be surprised!”

“Hmm?” Rialin and Gobkoh looked at each other before turning back to the hunting party and using Analyze.

[Nisalin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 5, Spear Lv. 6, Shield Lv. 3, Leatherwork Lv. 3]

[Class – Spearman]

[Class Skills: Consecutive Strike, Spear Throw]

[Vawalin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Leatherwork Lv. 2, Weapon Crafting Lv. 4, Fire Making Lv. 5, Bow Lv. 6, Shield Lv. 2]

[Class – Archer]

[Class Skills: Multi-Arrow, Tracking Shot]

[Tayalin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 6, Spear Lv. 6, Shield Lv. 4, Leatherwork Lv. 2]

[Class – Spearman]

[Class Skills: Consecutive Strike, Spear Throw]

[Jisalin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 5, Spear Lv. 6, Shield Lv. 3, Fishing Lv. 2]

[Class – Spearman]

[Class Skills: Consecutive Strike, Spear Throw]

[Layalin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Weapon Crafting Lv. 4, Fire Making Lv. 6, Bow Lv. 6, Shield Lv. 4]

[Class – Archer]

[Class Skills: Multi-Arrow, Tracking Shot]

[Gobflen, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 4, Herbalism Lv. 4, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Leatherwork Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 6, Spear Lv. 3, Shield Lv. 4, Bow Lv. 4, Poison Maker]

[Class – Herbalist]

[Kaylin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 3, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 7, Bow Lv. 3, Shield Lv. 4, Knife Lv. 4, Cooking Lv. 6]

[Class – Cook]

[Class Skills: Ingredient Identification, Recipe]

[Gobhak, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 6, Knife Lv. 5, Axe Lv. 4, Shield Lv. 4, Skinning Lv. 5, Cooking Lv. 3]

[Class – Butcher]

[Class Skills: Precise Cut, Cleave]

[Gobtrok, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 2, Weapon Crafting Lv. 2, Fire Making Lv. 6, Knife Lv. 3, Axe Lv. 3, Shield Lv. 4, Cooking Lv. 5]

[Class – Cook]

[Class Skill: Ingredient Identification, Recipe]

[Fayelin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 4, Bow Lv. 4, Shield Lv. 4, Fishing Lv. 2, Sewing]

[Eryslin, Goblin, Level 100]

[Skills: Analyze Lv. 2, Martial Arts Lv. 5, Leatherwork Lv. 3, Weapon Crafting Lv. 3, Fire Making Lv. 4, Bow Lv. 4, Shield Lv. 4, Sewing]

“Ow…my head.” Gobkoh grimaced as the new information was shown to him one after another. “It’s good to see more Archers and Spearmen. Not to mention Cook and Butcher Classes.”

“Mhmm…” Rialin was holding her forehead as well. “It’s great that so many hit level one-hundred.”

“Given that most of them were at ninety-six and ninety-seven, it was a good idea to send them hunting as much as possible before it got too cold.” Gobkoh grinned at the plan working even better than expected. “I didn’t expect them to run into a Brown Bear. It must’ve been preparing for hibernation.”

“Eryslin and Fayelin both have the Sewing Skill too…when did they get that?” Rialin wondered curiously.

“Sewing?” Eryslin looked at Rialin when she heard the word. “I got it while using the thread we made to stitch up the wash cloths and towels.”

“Me too.” Fayelin smiled at Gobkoh and Rialin. “We’re hoping to level it up when we have more time and more thread.”

“Then we’ll have to make sure that we have plenty for the both of you to work with.” Gobkoh nodded to the two Goblin girls. “Leatherwork is for leathers, hides, furs, and such…so I guess Sewing is for textiles? Maybe a Weaver Class?”

“That means clothes that are made from thread and stuff, right?” Rialin perked up, a smile on her face. “That would be great! It was hot in the summer with the pelt clothing.”

“Clothing is or goal!” Fayelin nodded happily. “Plus we want to make more twine, thread, and rope to use.”

“If we can make enough, then everyone in the Tribe can have clothes for each season.” Eryslin was also excited, the normally reserved Goblin bouncing slightly where she stood. “Plus, Rialin’s Talisman Crafting works with different materials, so we’d be helping her too.” She smiled at Rialin brightly.

“Thank you, Eryslin, Fayelin.” Rialin hugged both of the girls for a second. It would be good to test her Talisman Crafting with threads and see what effect it had on the end product.

“We’ll all look forward to what you two make in the future.” Gobkoh encouraged Fayelin and Eryslin with a smile and nod. Having Weavers would be a boon for the Tribe. Clothing, sheets, blankets, towels, rags, there was so much that weaving could bring to the Koh Tribe. Combining it with Breelin and Hylalin’s growing Leatherwork Skills and there was no telling how much improvement could be made! ‘Not to mention what could happen if the four of them unlock Classes from their crafting Skills.’ Gobkoh mused to himself. There was a small chance that the resulting Classes might even come with the ability to imbue their creations with magical effects.

Gobkoh and Rialin watched as the Brown Bear was hauled off by the hunting group towards the fenced off butchering area. They’d soon have another large fur for their cave home, a second bear skull to add above the hearth, plenty more meat for their larder, and that wasn’t even counting the bones and other materials the bear represented.

“Should we get back to what we were doing?” Rialin grinned at her Mate.

“I think so.” Gobkoh teased her playfully, pecking her cheek as they walked back over to where they’d been working with their respective Magics towards a specific goal.

Sitting at the table they’d been working at, Rialin and Gobkoh picked up the materials they’d been working with. The Lunar Wolf’s two largest fangs. They’d found that the massive wolf’s teeth were different from a Gray Wolf’s, being sharp like a knife on the edges as well as coming to a penetrating point at the tip. That made them perfect for weapons, and in the hands of a Goblin, the fangs were about the size of shortswords. If they all grew roughly the size of En after becoming Hobgoblins, then they’d have some good-sized daggers instead.

To Gobkoh’s Spirit Sight Skill, both of the large fangs had small Light Spirits clinging to them, the opposite of the Dark Spirits that normally hovered around dead things. It was an interesting find and made Gobkoh consider adding some of the smaller fangs to his Shaman Staff to give it a connection to Light Spirits as well. But for now, he and Rialin were working together to try and make the two large fangs into Magical Weapons.

“They’re difficult to carve at all.” Rialin grimaced, while she used a sharp rock on the end of a small stick to slowly make progress on carving the Talisman pattern into the fangs. “It’s my first time using the Light Pattern too, so I don’t want to mess it up.”

“Take your time, love, the Light Spirits don’t seem to have any intention of leaving the fangs.” Gobkoh assured her calmly. Using his Spirit Sight and Rialin’s Talisman Crafting meant that they could always know what patterns would fit best with which bones. That would increase the effect of the Talisman Crafting a good amount and produce better results when Rialin was finished.

“I almost wish we had more fangs of this size.” Rialin mentioned after a few moments of silence. “If we can make Magic Weapons for everyone, then our Tribe would be even stronger.”

“We barely took down one Lunar Wolf…I’d rather such beasts didn’t attack us regularly.” Gobkoh chuckled and then broke out into laughter at the look Rialin was giving him.

“You know what I meant.” Rialin pouted at her Mate.

“I do, I do.” Gobkoh nodded to show his agreement with her. “But you’re already making Magic Arrows for the archers, and every bow we make now has your Weapon Enchant added to it to increase power and range. You’re doing more than enough to strengthen the Tribe, love.”

“Thank you, Gobkoh, that means a lot.” Rialin relaxed a bit while giving him a smile.

“Any time, Rialin, you’re amazing and you should never feel like you aren’t doing enough.” Gobkoh smiled warmly at his Mate.

“Love you.” Rialin beamed at him.

“Love you too.” Gobkoh returned her declaration with the same feelings.

-Day 188-

“Almost…” Rialin etched the large fang with the proper Talisman Pattern a bit further. She was almost done with the Light Pattern, and if this worked, then she and Gobkoh would have Magic Weapons. “There…we…are.” Rialin sighed at finishing the pattern without messing up.

“It looks cool.” Gobkoh complimented, seeing the large fang with the pattern etched into it.

“Give it a try.” Rialin held up the finished fang to her Mate with a smile.

Gobkoh accepted the fang and looked it over for a brief moment. This was a culmination of both Rialin’s Weapon Enchant and Talisman Crafting Skills working together. Once the War Priestess added her blood to some of their primitive ink and filled in this newly carved pattern, the Magic should never leave it unless it was destroyed.

Gobkoh poured his mana into the carved fang and used his Spirit Sight to watch as the Light Spirits became more active. The bright little balls of light began to multiply and shine brighter and brighter. Soon the fang was hard to look at directly, and Gobkoh tried to focus the Spirits into a point. The light became a beam, focusing into a cone of light that the Shaman could direct like a flashlight.

“Neat.” Gobkoh grinned as he directed the intense beam of light around. “That flash could blind an enemy for a bit.”

“Yep.” Rialin was keeping her eyes closed until the spots in her vision went away. “Would make it really easy to distract them and make an opening to attack.”

“Might need a way to regulate just how much light it produces…or at least direct it only towards an enemy.” Gobkoh mentioned as he stopped sending mana into the fang and the glow faded away.

“I can add that with a couple of small symbols, I think.” Rialin nodded, her eyes opened again after being blinded by the bright light from the fang.

“Flash Fang daggers?” Gobkoh offered a name to the soon-to-be completed weapons.

“That certainly fits.” Rialin laughed as she accepted the fang back from Gobkoh.

“I’ll let you finish these up then.” Gobkoh smiled at his Mate. “While I add some of the smaller fangs to my Shaman Staff.” He laid his staff on the table and placed a few of the smaller Lunar Wolf fangs next to it. “This is the first upgrade in a bit.”

“It has been awhile, huh?” Rialin recalled when Gobkoh had added the Capra Horn Skull to his staff.

Gobkoh thought about how best to add the fangs to his current staff. As long as he used natural materials, then it would work with his Medium Crafting Skill. ‘Could I just hammer them into the staff itself?’ The Shaman considered the idea for a moment. That would incorporate the fangs into the staff as a whole. It was also easy, given the sharpness of the fangs’ points.

Picking up a small hammer (really just a rock with a flat side secured to a sturdy stick) Gobkoh placed the first fang against the wood and gently began tapping it into the staff. Using Spirit Sight and Spirit Guide, the Shaman made sure that his addition didn’t upset the little spirits that already resided in his Medium. After the first fang was nailed into the staff, now looking like a white notch in the wood, Gobkoh smiled. The Light Spirits were mingling with the Plant and Earth Spirits in the staff without issue.

“I think three more will be good.” Gobkoh murmured to himself with a nod. He picked up the next fang and began to gently hammer it into the staff a quarter turn from where the first one was. If he put a fang in each direction, then he’d have four in his staff and that should impart plenty of Light Spirits to work with, even in the dead of night.

Rialin and Gobkoh worked in mostly silence together until Gobkoh finished. The Shaman admired what his Spirit Sight showed him as the Light Spirits happily mingled with the other Spirits in his Medium. They didn’t even fight against the Dark Spirits that resided in the Capra Horn Skull atop his staff, which had been a concern when he’d decided to use the fangs.

[Shaman Staff – Medium for Spirit Magic, Attuned to Plant, Fire, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark Aligned Spirits]

“Nice.” Gobkoh smiled at what his Analyze showed him. The upgrade had gone well, and was even easier than he’d thought it would be.

“You think the Brown Bear’s bones might be good for a Talisman?” Rialin asked after finishing with the first fang.

“I’d think so…it had that one Skill that was really useful.” Gobkoh thought back to when they’d taken down a Brown Bear in the past. “The Skill it had, ‘Hearty’, increased its Durability and sped up its healing over time. Even if we could only get a portion of that in Talisman form, it would be a major boon for the Tribe.”

“Maybe I could work its bones into belts? We have plenty of leather, we could make some into strips.” Rialin’s eyes were bright as the gears turned in her head.

“Have I told you that your incredibly cute when you’re showing off your intelligence?” Gobkoh grinned at his Mate.

“You have…but I always like hearing it.” Rialin giggled at Gobkoh, her eyes meeting his before they both leaned over the table and kissed each other.

-Day 190-

“Talk to me, little ones.” Gobkoh urged the tiny spirits that he could see through his Skill. He was staring at a patch of frost on the ground, the first true frost they’d had so far.

Why was the Shaman staring at a patch of frost? Why was he talking to the spirits about it? It was for the simple reason that a new spirit that he’d never seen before was floating on the ice and slightly above it. It had a mixture of the blue of a Water Spirit and the gray color of a Wind Spirit. Given that said Spirits were only on the icy frost, Gobkoh had come to the conclusion that these were Ice Spirits.

“I think I get how to make you…but are you transient existences?” Gobkoh prodded the little balls of light for an answer. If Ice Spirits could only exist where ice existed, then they were transient and would always fade away into Water and Wind Spirits as soon as the temperature increased. Which would mean he couldn’t add anything to his Staff to grant it some attunement to Ice Spirits. “To be fair, I haven’t even found anything to add Water to my staff’s attunement.” Gobkoh sighed to himself.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried or anything. The pond had plenty of Water Spirits…but nothing they loved and clung to like the other materials that made up his Shaman Staff. If he had something like that, then he could perhaps make Ice Spirits through his Spirit Guide and Spirit Unification Skills. It shouldn’t be too different than making mud form by mixing Water and Earth Spirits together, though that process didn’t produce ‘Mud Spirits’ so much as forced a lot of Earth and Water Spirits together all at once.

“Is there something that you love that I could keep with me?” Gobkoh questioned the little Ice Spirits with his Spirit Communication Skill. Naturally the small points of light couldn’t answer with words, but the vague notions he got from the cluster of spirits didn’t seem to indicate any such thing existing around here.

By the cave entrance, Neylin and Rialin were watching Gobkoh mutter to the frost on the ground.

“If I ever gain Magic, will I do that?” Neylin looked at Rialin curiously.

“I have Magic, but I don’t do that.” Rialin shook her head with a giggle. “It might just be for Spirit Magic.” She looked at her Mate fondly. “Gobkoh says that if he could use Ice Magic, then he could create a frozen room in the cave where we could freeze food and make it last a long time without worrying about it going bad.”

“Hmm, that would be useful.” Neylin nodded thoughtfully. “We preserve meat and stuff by smoking it mostly, but even that only lasts a few weeks.” Seeing Gobkoh still talking to the patch of frost on the ground, Neylin looked at Rialin again. “Why didn’t you use that Mana Potion thing you got from the Druid Trader a while back? Wouldn’t that have fixed the Chief up when he used up all of his mana?” The question had been niggling in the back of her mind since the incident.

“Gobkoh said it was for emergencies only.” Rialin answered, looking between Gobkoh and Neylin. “Because it can restore some mana almost instantly, Gobkoh says it should only be used during a battle where he still needs to fight after using up his mana.”

“Huh, I guess that makes some sense.” Neylin hummed as she thought it over. “Is it the same for the Healing Potion too?”

“Not quite, that’s for emergencies, but it can be used on anyone that needs it. If someone got hurt badly on a hunt and our Healers couldn’t save them fast enough, then Gobkoh says we’d use the Healing Potion to heal them as much as possible. Then it would be up to Yualin, Saelin, and Gobflen to finish the healing after that.”

“The Chief really is always thinking ahead, huh?” Neylin laughed, her hands behind her head and a grin on her face.

“Yep!” Rialin chirped cutely, a giggle in her voice.

“I know that I don’t have Magic…but if he’s talking to Ice Spirits right now…couldn’t he use them to make that freezer room he wants?” Neylin asked what she clearly thought was a dumb question since she didn’t have Magic or know much about it.

“I…um…huh…” Rialin blinked as she realized the simple logic of Neylin’s statement. “You should probably go mention that.” She laughed at Gobkoh being so engrossed with talking to the spirits, that he hadn’t made use of them yet.

“Sure thing!” Neylin bounced over to Gobkoh.

A few moments of talking between the two later, and Rialin burst out laughing as Gobkoh quickly stood up and rushed into the cave. He passed her so quickly that Rialin wasn’t sure that he’d actually seen her standing there.

“This should do.” Gobkoh nodded at the small cavern near the back of the cave. It was down a small slope and wasn’t really big enough to make much use of. “But I can fix that.” The Shaman raised his staff and the eyes of the Capra Horn Skull glowed with green-brown light.

The stone of the cave made a strange sound as it was manipulated under Gobkoh’s Magic. The Earth Spirits followed his instructions through Spirit Guide and Spirit Unification and the small cavern began to expand. The stone was compressed, becoming denser, stronger, and the room’s floor, walls, and ceiling were all made smooth. Expanding the cavern further back, Gobkoh knew it was best to make sure that the space wouldn’t have to worry about heating up from the outside weather.

“This far in should be fine, I think.” Gobkoh nodded to himself, given the distance from the entrance of the cave to this newly expanded cavern room, the outside temperature shouldn’t matter. Once he froze the room, it should stay cold for a long, long time. If it ever started to melt, he could simply use what ice remained to utilize Ice Magic and freeze it again. A large freezer for their meat and foraged foods would see the Koh Tribe eating pretty much whatever they wanted, even during the winter!

The rest of the Tribe could only watch on, both in curiosity and amusement, as their Chieftain rushed back out of their cave home and into the frost-covered ground. Seeing Gobkoh raising his staff, the watchers eagerly waited for a showing of Magic again.

“Ice Spirits, dance upon the wind. Wind Spirits, blow away heat as you carry your icy brethren. Water Spirits, join with the cold and freeze.” Gobkoh used Spirit Communication, Spirit Guide, and Spirit Unification simultaneously as he worked this new Magic for the first time.

Frost lifted from the ground, sparkling lightly in the cool air and sunlight. The wind blew in a chilling breeze as water gathered before Gobkoh. The frost began to grow thicker, until it was more like snow. The snow then became like hail and then the small pieces of ice began to freeze together into a single large chunk. The wind and water continued to swirl around the slowly growing mass of ice as Gobkoh guided the Magic along. The Chieftain led the large ball of ice into the cave, past the warm hearth with burning logs within to keep the cave home warm, and into the back of the cave.

“Water Spirits…spread!” Gobkoh waved his staff and the water swirling around the large mass of ice splattered over the walls and ceiling of the newly created room. “Ice Spirits, Wind Spirits, fill the air with your chill…render water into ice.” He instructed, working his mana along with the Spirits’ mana into the appropriate effect. The ice settled on the floor in the center of the room, quickly freezing to it. The wind whipped around the enclosed space, rapidly dropping the temperature until it was bitingly cold. When the Magic settled down, the freezer room was covered in ice completely. The temperature would freeze anything left inside for enough time.

“Wow…” Rialin’s breath came out in a cloud of white fog. “So, this is the freezer room you were talking about?”

“Yep.” Gobkoh’s breath was also fog. “With this room, we can keep all of our food frozen for as long as we need. We won’t have to worry about it going bad.” The fact that Goblins could eat rotten meat was left unsaid. While they could do so, they all much preferred a freshly-cooked meal to raw or spoiled meat.

“I feel like we should build some shelves instead of just throwing the food on the floor.” Kaylin mentioned, looking around the large freezer room.

“Yeah, it would give us more space to use.” Gobtrok nodded, his eyes on the mass of ice in the center of the room.

“We still have some of the bear…we could store it in here.” Gobhak nodded as he looked happy with the space. “Can we freeze already cooked or smoked foods?”

“Yeah, as long as they’re cool throughout, just store them in here on a plate or in a bowl and they’ll freeze. Then, when you want to eat them, take them out and let them thaw, then you can reheat them and it’ll be almost like having it fresh again.” Gobkoh nodded, getting surprised sounds of awe from the rest of the Tribe that had come to see the new freezer.

“Then we have a lot of smoked food to move.” Kaylin clapped, getting Gobtrok and Gobhak’s attention. The Head Cook was in her element as she nearly dragged both males out of the freezer and towards the pantry room they currently kept their food stored in.

“I’m starting to think that winter may not be so bad.” Rialin giggled as she a=walked out of the new freezer with Gobkoh.

“I hope not.” Gobkoh smiled at her. “But every improvement we can make to our home should be done. That way our Tribe can live here for as long as possible.”

“Mhmm,” Rialin leaned into him with a warm smile. “And raise our children here too.” Her eyes were filled with love and warmth, but Gobkoh caught the teasing lilt in her voice.

“I know you’re not that baby-crazy, Rialin.” Gobkoh pecked her lips and Rialin giggled.

“I didn’t hear a ‘no’~” Rialin teased, pressing her body against his.

“Come here, you.” Gobkoh laughed, picking his Mate up and carrying her to their bedchambers with a wide grin.

“You brute~” Rialin giggled the whole way, leaving light kisses on his neck.

-End Chapter-


More Level 100’s! Yes!

More Bear meat! Yay!

The Koh Tribe now has a freezer! Fuck yes!

Magic really is very convenient, isn’t it?

The Koh Tribe is settling in for the three months of winter to come. Good thing they have food, clothing, water, and a warm shelter!

Gobkoh and Rialin are at it again! The horny little Gobbos they are!

What will happen to the Tribe come the spring?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I can update this again, later!



Loving this so much. Now more Goblins are lv 100, almost a full tribe of Hobgoblins! Ontop of that, there's even their crazy Chief who talks to random patches of Ice lol. Anyway, I can't wait to read even more of this. See ya next time.


Kek! Glad you enjoyed it! Yes! More Hobgoblins! The ice has things to say too, you know! lol


Can’t wait until the next chapter love some more goblins

Thomas E Nellis

Muahahahhah! Soon the tribe will be having a massive population bloom. As they all grow stronger and bonds form, the inevitability of horde of children draws near. And since the new style of taking in and protecting their young this new tribe will be massive. The addition of a freezer means more food for more mouths. Also the upgrade to our fav shaman’s staff means the time has come. Messiah jokes coming in hot. He is now the light of the tribe. Everything that the sun touches is the tribe’s. He was born with the eternal flame, fireball, and now he shall make his tribe blaze with the glory of holy darkness, earth, light, fire, and wind!


Big Gobbo Tribe! Everything around them is theirs! Come springtime, they might just meet some of their neighbors too!

Mr. Khaos

Great chapter lol, can't wait for more crazy goblins XD