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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Luffy, Vivi, Sanji, and Usopp travel down the milky road towards the challenges of the four vassals. Choosing the safest sounding option could be good or bad, they’ll have to find out! Meanwhile Zoro, Robin, and Nami trek through the forest together, looking for clues and a way out of the Upper Yard. Chopper and Mikita try and patch up the Going Merry as best as they can, but they may have problems of their own soon enough.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 51 – Satori, Vassal of God Enel

“That’s a huge forest.” Sanji muttered as the Karasumaru crested a hill on the wide milky road and the canopy of towering trees came into view.

“Is that on the map?” Luffy wondered, having not looked it over much.

“There is a forest…but nothing like this.” Usopp mentioned, looking at the old map of Skypiea.

“The original owner of that map lived two-hundred years ago, right?” Vivi remarked of the worn map. “Maybe it was old even then?”

“She’s right,” Sanji nodded as they drew closer and closer to the titanic trees in the distance. “It would take a thousand years for a forest to grow this large.”

“I kinda wanna climb one of them.” Luffy murmured as they got closer and closer t the towering trees. “Oh, I think I see the entrance!” He pointed out ahead of the Karasumaru.

The entrance to Upper Yard was marked by two large posts on either side of the milky road. Each post had a large shield (fitting for a giant) on it and emblazoned with the kanji for ‘God’. Behind the shields were crossed spears, equally massive, and on top were the skulls of bulls, but each skull was larger than the Karasumaru itself! Above the skulls were torches burning with fire to cast light in the shadowed area. Just past the torch posts were rows of Varse statues, each one slightly different from the others and all cast in eerie shadows by the flicker flames of the torches.

“Kaw! Kaw!” A bird loudly cried out, followed by the sounds of things moving about in the forest around the Straw Hats.

“Something’s out there!” Usopp glanced around, looking through the trees and the branches above with his sharp eyes.

“Well, it is a forest.” Luffy waved off with a grin. This place kind of reminded him of the forests around Mt. Corvo back on Dawn Island.

“Look at all of the ship wrecks.” Vivi pointed out that the Milky road was filled with destroyed ships, many of them half-submerged.

“Some of them look smashed…but others look like they were cut.” Sanji noticed the different types of damage to the vessels.

“What the hell?” Usopp spotted something in the dark of the forest just as it swung towards their small boat. “INCOMING!!!”

“Hmm?” Luffy looked at what was rapidly swinging towards them. “Is that a sickle?”

Indeed, what was approaching the Karasumaru was a massive steel blade swinging on a chain. Attached to the blade was a mask-like face surrounded by ‘hair’ made from what looked to be rope of some type. The blade swung behind the Karasumaru by only a couple meters. It sliced through the milky road and then one of the large shipwrecks on the opposite side of the bank without slowing down in the slightest.

“What the hell?!” Sanji bit out as the swinging blade swung back across the river like a pendulum.

Kruk Kruk Kruk

Chak Chak Chak Chak

He loud sounds of gears turning, along with ropes and chains pulling taunt was heard throughout the forest.

“There’s more coming!” Usopp warned, his eyes scanning the trees as he spread out his Observation as much as possible.

“Tirs El Rimal!” Vivi’s arms both turned to sand before exploding outwards in a wave. The next swinging sickle slammed into the left shield and punched the tip of the blade through the sand, but it was stopped dead and wouldn’t swing anymore. Likewise, the second blade after that slammed into the right side sand shield, only to be stopped in the same way.

“You’re amazing, Vivi-chan!” Sanji had hearts for eyes at seeing Vivi in action.

“Goro Goro no Pistol!” Luffy took aim and the piercing beam of lighting shot through the chains holding each of the stilled sickle blades up. The steel blades sank into the milky road instantly without support.

“There’s a whole gauntlet of them!” Usopp warned as more of the pendulum blades swung ahead of them, slashing through the milky road over and over again.

“What the hell is going on?!” Sanji bit out angrily. “What’s the point of having punishment if you kill the accused before they even get there?!”

“Goro Goro no Saber!” Luffy extended his index and middle finger before a bright blue-white blade of lightning formed from them. He leapt towards the nearest pendulum and slashed its chain, sending the blade flying off into the forest from the incomplete swing.

“I’ve got the next one, Luffy!” Vivi’s sand shield caught the next swinging blade, killing its momentum. Luffy easily cut the chain and then Vivi let it sink into the milky road.

“Something is underneath us?!” Sanji’s Observation picked up on a ‘voice’ just a couple seconds before a massive lamprey burst from the milky road and launched itself at them!

“Is that an eel?!” Usopp barely caught a glimpse of the creature.

“It’s a lamprey!” Sanji’s foot slammed into the aquatic creature and launched it dozens of meters away from their boat, blood flying out of the beast’s mouth. “They’re bloodsuckers! But I’ve never seen one so huge!”

“This milky road is dangerous! We can’t stay around here for too long!” Vivi declared as the Karasumaru left behind the pendulum blades. “Anyone on this river is forced to move forward.”

“There’s a giant statue over there!” Luffy pointed forward, where there was indeed a giant statue of a face, four openings at the bottom each had different words over them.

Trial of the Ball

Trial of the String

Trial of the Iron

Trial of the Swamp

“I guess each one leads to a different place?” Usopp surmised after looking at the approaching gates.

“So, we just pick one and deal with whatever the trial is?” Sanji looked between the four listed trials.

“They’re treating killing people like a game?!” Vivi ground her teeth at the lack of concern these vassals showed for human life.

“Which one do we choose?” Luffy questioned as he looked over the options. “Ball sounds like it would be the most fun!”

“It’s a punishment, basically an execution, it’s not going to be fun!” Usopp remarked sharply at Luffy for his method of choosing.

“Ball does sound like the most harmless…” Sanji nodded given the other choices.

“We should choose the trial that sounds the easiest. We’re trying to get to the others as soon as we can.” Vivi agreed with the choice to go with Ball.

“Alright, Ball it is.” Usopp steered the Karasumaru towards the gate on the far right. “But stay alert. We’re in the Upper Yard, ten-thousand meters above sea level. We don’t know what could happen.”

“It’s pitch black in here.” Sanji tried to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness.

“Weren’t there four entrances?” Usopp looked to his left in the darkness, but he couldn’t see where the wall that separated the four different tunnels was.

“One’s right and the others are wrong?” Luffy suggested with a grin.

“Don’t say stuff like that now!” Usopp snapped at Luffy. “What if we picked the wrong one?”

“If we’re wrong…let’s see…maybe we’ll fall off Sky Island?” Luffy offered up a possibility, still grinning in the darkness.

“Don’t say that!” Usopp cried out at the very idea. “Falling all the way back down to the Blue Sea…we’d watch our lives flash before our eyes a dozen times over! We might even see past lives!”

“Luffy, don’t talk like that.” Vivi lightly chastised him with a shake of her head.

“I see the end of the tunnel.” Sanji mentioned as a spot of light was seen in the darkness.

All four of the Straw Hats closed their eyes at the sudden reappearance of sunlight. The vast difference between the pitch black tunnel and the outside daylight made the action reflexive. It was only a second later that the group noticed the Karasumaru had sailed directly off a short cliff and into the open air.

“Huh?” Usopp blinked.

“Huh?” Sanji’s eyes widened.

“Huh?” Vivi’s jaw dropped.

“Huh?” Luffy gaped in shock.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” The four of them screamed as the boat fell straight down.

The Karasumaru slammed down into a pond of sea clouds, throwing the clouds into the air like they were fog. The two Wind Dials pushed the boat forward as the clouds fell back down and returned to the milky road river.

“Huff…huff…huff…we’re alive…” Vivi had a death grip around Luffy as she tried to steady her breathing.

“I…I…thought we were really going to fall ten-thousand meters…” Usopp’s eyes were wide, but staring up at the canopy unseeing. It looked like the fright had taken a good year or two off of his life.

“You jackass!” Sanji stomped on Luffy’s face, careful not to hit Vivi, of course. This is all your fault, you idiot!”

“Hahahahaha!” Luffy laughed, one arm around Vivi’s waist. “That was scary! I thought I was gonna die!”

“Where are we, anyway?” Sanji looked around.

“Look at all of the giant balls!” Luffy pointed to the floating spherical clouds.

“Balls made of island cloud…” Vivi realized after a second. “Didn’t Conis mention them? Ball Clouds, right?”

“They look like giant snowballs!” Luffy grinned at the hundreds of large clouds floating around the massive forest.

“The milky road winds through the forest.” Usopp noticed, finally having gotten his wits back after the terror of the sudden fall. “But what’s the challenge supposed to be?”

“Maybe we did choose the right path?” Luffy suggested with a grin. “If we’d taken the other paths, we might’ve been a in a ton of danger right now.”

“Maybe…but I kind of doubt it.” Vivi eyed the forest around them warily.

“Vivi’s right, this is supposed to be a punishment, there’s bound to be danger lurking around.” Sanji agreed with the princess.

“We’re going higher and higher.” Usopp noticed as the Karasumaru climbed up a large hill formed by the milky road.

“You think we have time for a snack?” Luffy questioned, clearly unconcerned by the situation. “I’m a little hungry.”

“We just ate lunch not that long ago, you glutton!” Sanji shot back at Luffy with sharp teeth. He turned forward to continue steering the boat, having taken over for Usopp when the gunman had been nearly catatonic. ‘This is strange though. This Enel guy is supposed to have four vassals. I figured each gate would lead to one of them. Is that not how these trials work?

“There’s a small ‘voice’ in that cloud.” Vivi pointed to one of the Ball Clouds that was going to pass nearby their boat.

“I’ll check it out.” Usopp pulled out his slingshot and one of his special stars. “Loud Star!” He released the shot and as soon as the pellet hit the Ball Cloud it exploded with loud bang, but no fire.

“HISSSS!” A large snake shot out of the cloud, hissing angrily at being disturbed.

“A snake?” Luffy blinked at the serpent as the Ball Cloud floated away from them.

“Are these things all snake nests?” Sanji eyed the hundreds of Ball Clouds surrounding them.

“Sanji! Incoming!” Usopp pointed out a Ball Cloud that was drifting into the path of the Karasumaru.

“I’ll kick it far away.” Sanji stood up a punted the cloud with enough force to knock it away from the milky road.


Only for this Ball Cloud to explode.

The four Straw Hats were all covered in traces of soot as they stared at where the cloud had just been.

“Why did that one explode?!” Usopp demanded of the forest loudly.

“Are they all booby-trapped?” Vivi guessed, now eyeing every Ball Cloud in sight with apprehension.

“Ho ho ho! You never know what’s inside them! They’re Surprise Clouds!”

“Who’s there?!” Usopp whirled around as a presence entered his Observation range. Both Vivi and Sanji mimicked him, but all three found Luffy already looking at the speaker.

“Ho ho ho! Heso!” The speaker was a round-shaped man with fair skin and long, dark red hair. He was clad in a white, full-body jumpsuit, which had a vertical line of golden rings that ran from front to back, an orange hat similar in style to a Capello Romano, orange gloves, shoes, and large, yellow sunglasses that completely obscured his eyes, and he had small white wings on his back. “You did well to choose my Trial of the Ball! Ho ho ho!” He stood up on top of the Ball Cloud that he’d been sitting on. “I am Satori of the Forest, one of the vassals of God Enel! Welcome to the Forest of No Return!”

“You’re the one giving us the challenge? You’re a ball yourself!” Luffy pointed out to the rotund man that had started dancing on top of the cloud, bouncing from one foot to the other.

“Stop dancing around!” Sanji yelled at the vassal.

“He looks kind of stupid.” Usopp mentioned, staring up at the spherical man.

“Is he really one of this Enel’s vassals?” Vivi was even starting to look skeptical.

“HEY DUMPLING! NAMI AND THE OTHERS BETTER BE OKAY!!!” Sanji shouted at Satori with a glare.

“You mean the hostages? I don’t know. They’re as good as dead, even if they manage to get off the altar.” Satori replied with a grin. “Every road here leads to death!”

“WHAT?!” Sanji looked like he was a second away from launching himself at the vassal.

“But you should be more worried about yourselves!” Satori warned them with a mocking smile. “You have to defeat me if you want to get out of here alive!” He bounced to another Ball Cloud with a laugh. “Ho ho ho!” He kicked off the second Ball cloud and rocketed towards the Karasumaru. “Slingshot directly at my face.”

“Lead Star!” Usopp fired a lead pellet from his slingshot straight at Satori. “Wait what?”

“Ho ho!” Satori spun his spherical body in the air to dodge the shot. “Side kick, right leg.”

“Côtelette!” Sanji blinked, his kick slowing by a fraction of a second at being predicted, allowing Satori to bring up his palm against Sanji. “Palm strike.” Sanji’s left foot rose and knocked the arm off course.

“Huh?!” A blast of pressure emitted from Satori’s gloved hand and the vassal spun away from Sanji, while Sanji landed back on the Karasumaru. “Impossible! That was Mantra! How can a non-believer have it?! How can ANY Blue Sea dweller have it?!”

“Mantra?” Luffy tilted his head at the unknow term.

“He made some kind of shockwave with his palm.” Vivi pointed out the attack that Sanji had been able to redirect.

“So, he does have Observation.” Usopp confirmed how Satori had predicted their moves.

“Was he trying to knock me away from the boat?” Sanji questioned, wondering about the angle of the attack he’d seen coming thanks to his Observation Haki.

“Mantra is a power granted only to the faithful. How do you have it?!” Satori demanded; his smile was long gone now.

“We call it Observation Haki on the Blue Sea.” Luffy answered while cracking his knuckles. “But that’s about to be the LEAST of your problems.”

Sand began to swirl around Vivi’s body as she focused her Observation. Be it offense or defense, she wouldn’t be caught off guard and would keep herself and her nakama safe.

“Let’s see who has the better Haki.” Sanji tossed his cigarette butt into the milky road and glared at Satori.

“Four on one…” Usopp readied his slingshot. “I don’t need Observation to predict how this is going to go.” With his nakama at his side, there was nothing to fear.

“Ho ho ho!” Satori bounced atop another Ball Cloud. “We’ll see, you blasphemous criminals! I’ll show you the power of a vassal of God Enel!” He raised both of his gloved hands, palms facing the Straw Hats. “My Trial of the Ball usually has a ten percent survival rate. But I’ll personally make sure none of you leave here alive. Hoo hoo!”

-Going Merry-

“What? Are there only two sacrificial lambs to kill?” A man riding a large bird demanded, looking down at Mikita and Chopper.

The man had black hair and a matching thin, pointed mustache that split into two parts. On his head there rested an aviator hat decorated with wings, and a pair of goggles on the front. His attire was composed of an orange fur-lined jacket, with brown swollen sleeves decorated by beige spots; loose matching orange pants held up by a belt, fur-lined gloves and boots, and a purple scarf around his neck. On his back there were two small white wings. In his hand he held a large jousting lance.

“Who the hell are you?” Mikita demanded of the man. She wasn’t afraid of this guy, though she did spread out her Observation to prepare for any sudden attacks.

“Kaw!” The large bird he was riding squawked, flames emerging from its beak.

“The bird breathes fire?!” Chopper shifted into his Heavy Point form and prepared to fight.

“I’m Shura, the Sky Rider, one of God Enel’s vassals.” Shura introduced himself with a grin. “I’ve come to sacrifice those left upon the altar.”

“We don’t feel like dying.” Mikita stated plainly, glaring up at Shura.

“Then perhaps I’ll just burn your ship?” Shura offered in a faux magnanimous tone.

“Don’t you dare!” Chopper yelled at the man.

“I suppose I could start by killing the ones that escaped the altar.” Shura hummed thoughtfully, the smug grin on his face annoying both Mikita and Chopper.

“Hell no!” The two pirates denied the vassal vehemently.

“So, you don’t want me to kill your comrades. You don’t want me to burn your ship. And you don’t want to die.” Shura placed his left hand onto his head with a sigh. “You two aren’t leaving me with a lot of options.” His eyes narrowed on Mikita and Chopper. “You’re both a pair of spoiled brats. You make me sick. You’re not prepared to make a sacrifice, and yet you intend to live?!” He pointed his lance down at the two pirates. “For one to live, another must die. That is the way of this world.”

“That’s a messed up way to look at things.” Mikita retorted with a scowl on her pretty face.

“No one has to die for you to live. You can live together.” Chopper didn’t understand Shura’s philosophy at all. On Drum Island, everyone pitched in to help and make life on the Winter Island as comfortable as possible. Seeing someone in complete opposition to that was just weird to the reindeer.

“If one escapes the sacrificial altar, another must pay with death. There must be a sacrifice. Sacrifice is law!” Shura declared as he readied his lance. “Offer your lives to the Almighty!” he launched himself at Chopper first, seeing the larger opponent as more of a threat.

“Whoa!” Chopper leapt back, his Observation predicting the motion of Shura’s thrust.

“Huh? Mantra?!” Shura was a master of Mantra; he’d recognize someone using it instantly.

“Fuck off!” Mikita’s fist came barreling towards Shura from the side.

“Heh!” Shura’s grin widened as his Mantra predicted the path of Mikita’s swing. He easily dodged and leapt back to the perfect distance to use his jousting lance. “Die!”

“Nope.” Mikita had a grin on her lips as she barely moved to dodge the lance. She held out her arm and clotheslined Shura who was unable to change the course of his leaping charge. Of course, both her body and said limb now weighed roughly two metric tons, so Shura’s face slamming into it barely made Mikita move.

“Gah!” Shura staggered backwards, his nose bleeding and his entire face radiating pain.

“Take this!” Chopper’s fist slammed into Shura, who hastily raised his left arm to guard. The vassal was sent skidding back from the punch.

Damn it, my Mantra!’ Shura ground his teeth at having his focus broken. If he couldn’t collect himself, then his Mantra wouldn’t work. “Fuza!”

“Kaw!” Fuza, the giant bird that Shura rode, opened its beak and blasted forth a stream of flames.

“Hey, damn it! You’re going to burn the ship!” Mikita cursed at the flame spewing bird.

“Stop it!” Chopper was already stomping out any small fires that caught as fast as he could.

“I took you too lightly because you were sacrifices.” Shura had regained his composure after a short moment to steady himself. “I won’t make that mistake again.” He leveled his lance at the pirates as the metal began to glow red with heat. “Prepare to face the Trial of the String!”

-Gan Fall’s Home-

“This year, the pumpkins are growing well.” Gan Fall mentioned as he watered his garden of pumpkins.

“How can I ever thank you?” Pagaya questioned, sitting on the porch of the small hut that Gan Fall had built for himself in this hidden place between the clouds. “I’m sorry to be such a burden.”

“As an accomplice, you’re still in danger. Rest while you can. Enel’s Mantra will not reach you here.” Gan Fall assured the other man kindly. The soft harp music that Conis was playing was truly serene, even though the young woman clearly didn’t feel serene herself.

“Thank you for your hospitality.” Pagaya bowed his head to Gan Fall for sheltering him and Conis.

“Try that juice beside you.” Gan Fall pointed to a pitcher next to Pagaya. “Freshly pressed from the pumpkins in my garden. It’s quite delicious if I say so myself.”

“Ah, yes.” Pagaya poured some of the juice into a cup and sipped it. “Oh my! That is good! Conis! Conis, come try this!” Pagaya tried to be as upbeat as possible, but Conis’s expression didn’t change as she continued to play her harp with her Sky Fox, Suu, beside her.

“Child…on the Blue Sea below, there are a class of people called ‘Pirates’. Have you heard the term?” Gan Fall questioned Pagaya, though Conis looked at Gan Fall as well.

“No…I’m sorry.” Pagaya shook his head.

“They are criminals who sail the seas in search of plunder. These people fly a black flag with a skull atop their ship’s mast.” Gan Fall outlined for the two Skypieans. “Those Straw Hats are probably such people.”

“You’re saying they were criminals from the start?!” Pagaya looked startled at the information.

“Well, perhaps ‘Outsiders’ is a better term.” Gan Fall continued to water his pumpkins. “In every realm, there are those that refuse to play by the rules. Right now, are you any different than them?” He questioned, and noticed both Conis and Pagaya perk up at the comparison. “It’s all a matter of perspective. Those who’s actions make them heroes in times of war, might, under other circumstances, be branded as murderers.” He let out a wistful sigh. “I too have made friends with pirates. Over twenty years ago, when I was still ‘God’, they came here. They were a heroic, lively bunch. I was sad to part with them.”

“…” Conis didn’t speak, but her mouth opened for a moment before closing again. She was clearly considering what Gan Fall had said before speaking.

“You may not know it, child, but Skypiea is a land that has always had fighting.” Gan Fall stared off into the distance with a sigh. “Our kind, the Sky People, and the Shandians, have been locked in perpetual war. And the Shandians still challenge Enel to this day.”

“When you were God, you sought to appease the Shandians as a way to end centuries of bloodshed, and bring peace to our island at last.” Pagaya recalled the time when Gan Fall had been God over Skypiea.

“And I was so close to succeeding, before Enel stole my seat as God.” Gan Fall lamented, looking at the ground in shame. “Forgive me…for all of my efforts, I accomplished nothing.”

“What are you saying? There’s no need to apologize!” Pagaya waved his hand in front of him. Gan Fall had been the only ‘God’ to ever try a peaceful approach with the Shandians, and it had slowly started to work over the years. If anyone was to blame, it was Enel.

“There is an ancient legend here in Skypiea. Many ages ago, on the day when the sacred Upper Yard was born. A beautiful sound rang out from the island and enveloped the land. It was on that day that the fighting between the Shandians and the Sky People began.” Gan Fall went back to watering his pumpkins. “That is why I believe that the next time we hear the ‘Song of the Island’ the fighting will stop.”

“The song of the island…?” Conis repeated, having never heard of such a thing before.

“The sacred land will sing once more. I believe this with all of my heart.” Gan Fall smiled at Conis, the belief that peace would finally come to Skypiea showing brightly on his wrinkled face.

-Nami, Zoro, and Robin-

“You really find that well so strange?” Zoro questioned Robin, watching the Archaeologist’s back as she studied the old well that they’d found.

“Don’t you?” Robin briefly looked over her shoulder at Zoro. “Look at it, it’s underneath the tree.” Indeed, the stone well was almost completely covered by the immense roots of one of the titanic trees that made up the forest. “Nature and civilization are totally out of sync.”

“In any case, we should get back to following that cloud river. We’ll never get anywhere wandering around in this forest.” Zoro looked back in the direction they’d come from, just barely able to see the river that they’d been following before. “So much for finding this ‘God’ person.”

“Whoever built this well, couldn’t have known that a tree would grow like this.” Robin looked at a vial that had a small sample of the well’s water in it. Her Devil Fruit always proved useful for such Archeological tasks. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” She gently rested her left hand on the rim of the stone well. The placement of the well made no sense to Robin. It was almost as if the tree had moved to encompass the area this well had been dug in.

“Hey, Nami, what do you see from up there?!” Zoro hollered up to a large tree branch that the navigator had climbed up to in an attempt to spot a landmark to head towards.

“The sacred land of ‘God’…Upper Yard.” Nami pulled the binoculars she’d been using away from her eyes.

“Hey, say something!” Zoro called up to her again. “Is it the ‘God’?”

“Did you see something?” Robin asked as she walked over to stand nearby Zoro, placing the last of her samples from the well into her bag.

“This island…no way…” Nami couldn’t believe it. But she’d seen it with her own eyes…but that didn’t change that what she saw seemed impossible. “Is Upper Yard…from the Blue Sea?”

-End Chapter-


Two of Enel’s vassals have fucked around, and now they’re about to find out!

Mess with the Straw Hats, get your ass beat! That’s how things work!

Gan Fall was almost successful in reaching peace with the Shandians before Enel stole his position. That Egomaniacal, God Complex fucker! Years of talks and peaceful solutions had almost ended centuries of war! What a dick!

Nami has spotted something that leads her to believe that Upper Yard used to be part of the Blue Sea, even though that seems impossible. What will become of that?

Enel might have to change his plans if he suddenly ‘hears’ two of his vassals going silent almost simultaneously, huh? I believe that Upper Yard is about to become a warzone.

What’s next for our favorite pirate crew?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



So cool to see Luffy making a lighting sword i hope to see one day a fanart in your story speaking of it , congratulation for all the rank-up

Boss Redd

Curb stopping confirmed unless those priests are stronger than they are in cannon all of them only have observation haki

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for the really great chapter. I hope they manage to get some of the gold there, either the Golden Bell, or the golden pillar. Maybe even some of the designs for the ship that Enel has.