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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Finals are drawing closer! Time to prepare! Much studying to be done and the practical is still a mystery! How will the students get through it all? Well, there is a plan for them to spend summer break training…so, perhaps the location might also be a reward? Maybe….

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 32 – Preparations for Finals and Summer Plans

“Summer vacation is close at hand.” Aizawa mentioned during homeroom, looking at his students. “Of course, it would be completely irrational for all of you to take a whole month off.”

“Don’t tell me…” Kaminari was already concerned about what Aizawa was going to say.

“You’ll be doing a summer training campo in the woods.” Aizawa informed them all flatly.

“I freaking knew it! Nice!” Kaminari cheered as the rest of the class began to speak up as well. This was at least something different from their normal training!

“Truth or dare!” Mina nearly bounced out of her seat as she threw her hands into the air with a bright smile.

“Are we going to a place with an onsen?” Chikuchi asked with a curious look. She hadn’t been to a hot spring in a while, and it would be awesome to have one around for the summer training!

“Fireworks would be nice.” Tsuyu put her index finger on her chin, imaging it with a cute grin.

“Making curry and other meals, yes?” Iida recalled some of the summer trips that Somei Private Academy had done while he’d attended.

“Since we’ll be out in nature, our training activities will change too.” Sero mentioned with a grin at the change of pace.

“So, it’s all about making the right decisions regardless of environment…cool.” Sato nodded at what was probably the basic idea of the summer training.

“All of us living together?! I’m pumped!” Kirishima punched his fist into the air with a cheer.

“However,” Aizawa’s eyes glowed red and his hair rose up slightly. The class was immediately silent. “Anyone that doesn’t pass the upcoming final exams is in for summer school hell, right here.”

“Do your best, guys!” Kirishima turned to his classmates to encourage them all.

“So, freaking stupid.” Bakugo grumbled out at the idiots that were close to failing.

As the class began to talk amongst themselves, Izuku and Momo were planning with the others that wanted help for the study group. With the number of people that they would have, it only made sense that Momo would host it at her home, of course. The ravenette was practically bouncing in her seat from joy. Many of the students could only smile at the adorable sight, even as Momo accidentally flaunted her vast wealth while talking about teas, snack, and how best to arrange the Main Hall.

-Hidden Location-

“The Hero Killer…I never thought he’d be caught, but for the most part, he performed as expected.” All for One mused as he used his Electric Imaging Quirk to look at what was shown on the screen in front of him, a picture of Shigaraki Tomura. “Those wanting to rampage, those sympathetic to the cause…all sorts. That was the catalyst needed for them to seek out the League of Villains. Now, it is Tomura’s job to unify them.”

“Can the child do it, I wonder?” Garaki made his doubts known without speaking directly against All for One’s plans. “I still believe that if you came to the forefront, this would proceed smoothly, master.”

“Heh…for that to happen, you’ll have to hurry and fix my body, Doctor.” All for One chuckled lightly to not disturb his weakened body.

“It took us almost five years to acquire Hyper Regeneration.” Garaki sighed heavily at the length of time needed to find the powerful Quirk. “But that type of Quirk does no good if your body has already healed.” That was the limitation of most Healing Quirks, the injury still had to be in a state of active healing for any of the Quirks to be effective. Wounds that had healed, even if they left behind horrid scars or missing pieces, couldn’t be fixed by Healing or Regeneration Quirks. ‘Or not any of the ones that we’ve been able to find with my extensive medical records access, at least.’ Such a setback and stalled their plans for years already.

“It’s fine.” All for One reached out and touched the screen with Tomura’s face on it. “We’ll let him do the heavy lifting. All to prepare him to be the next me.” He gently rested his chin on his left fist. “I know that boy will rise to the occasion. He was born twisted. So, enjoy it while you can, All Might. This transient peace of yours.” All for One scowled in place of glaring, since he’d lost his eyes.

-Yaoyorozu Estate-

“Ah, welcome, you all must be Momo’s friends.” Yaoyorozu Robin smiled at the teens when they entered the large mansion.

She’s an absolute MILF!’ Nearly every student in the study group thought simultaneously. Most of the boys quickly bowed to the woman and thanked her for letting them come over. This was one half politeness, and one half hiding the red on their faces. Even a couple of the girls followed suit, lightly flushed from seeing where Momo clearly got her beauty from.

“The Main Hall is to the left; everything is prepared for you all.” Robin smiled softly at the students. “Ah…” Her blue eyes found Izuku’s green. “You must be Midoriya-kun.” The smile became a knowing grin.

“Y-Yes, ma’am.” Izuku nodded, doing everything in his power not to lock up in front of his girlfriend’s mother.

“It’s a pleasure to meet my daughter’s boyfriend.” Robin smiled pleasantly, but the undercurrent of amusement at watching Izuku tense up was unmistakable.

“Okay, time to go.” Kyoka, Ochako, Tsuyu, Chikuchi, and Camie all spoke simultaneously and began to usher the others towards the Main Hall that they’d been pointed towards. They all felt it would be better for Izuku and Momo to have this little meeting privately.

“Mother…” Momo was flushed a bright red at what was happening.

“Now, now, dear…it’s only right that I meet your boyfriend.” Robin barely held in a little giggle at seeing both her daughter and Izuku getting so flustered. “You’re lucky that your father is at the office today, or it would be a full meeting.”

“Please don’t…” Momo looked yup at her mother with a cute little pout.

“Fufufu…” Robin did giggle this time. “I won’t keep you two for very long.” She promised them both. “But let’s go sit and talk for a bit.”

“Y-Yes, ma’am.” Izuku agreed, gently taking Momo’s hand in his.

“Alright…” Momo agreed, gently squeezing Izuku’s hand as the two drew comfort from each other.

“Wonderful.” Robin smiled brightly. “Follow me.” She turned and led the couple towards a sitting room down the right side hallway.

Even Izuku, as much of a polite young man that he was, had to physically force his eyes not to drop down while following behind Robin. Momo gave him a warm smile when she saw that he was firmly keeping his eyes on the back of her mother’s head, instead of letting his eyes wander. She’d seen grown men lose that battle instantly when it came to her mother.

-Main Hall-

“Please, enjoy your refreshments.” A maid bowed to the teens all sitting at the long table in the Hall. She left them to their snacks and closed the door behind her.

“Anyone else feeling kind of out of place?” Sato asked the table at large.

“Me.” Everyone replied instantly.

“I feel like if I touch anything, I’m going to be in debt for the rest of my life.” Kaminari squirmed a little in his seat.

“Same.” Chikuchi nodded, looking around the opulent and lavish room.

“I’m pretty sure my house can fit in this Hall a couple times over…” Ochako gaped at the sheer size.

“Yeah, mine too…” Sero looked up at the chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling.

“This mansion is almost the same size as the apartment where I live.” Mina remarked, the pink girl looking around to try and take in everything.

“Kero, it’s amazing that Momo’s family is so well off.” Tsuyu was also taking in the room while reaching for a tray of snacks. “But it shouldn’t change how we see Momo.”

“Agreed.” Kyoka nodded to Tsuyu with a grin. “Yaomomo is Yaomomo, no matter how big the class difference is.”

“Preach, sister!” Camie laughed as the tension in the Hall began to ease noticeably.

“This tea is magnifique!” Aoyama smiled after taking his first sip.

“I was surprised that you showed up, no offense. You just didn’t seem like you cared munch when we brought up the study group.” Toru spoke up to the Naval Laser user.

“My…Papa and Maman were not pleased…with my seventeenth place ranking in the midterms.” Aoyama admitted with a slight shiver of his body. “I decided to take the help this time around.” He’d lost so many privileges for his poor showing on the midterms and was really hoping to get them back by passing the finals.

“Ah.” The group of teens all made the same understanding expression and noise at the same time.

-Sitting Room-

“Tea?” Robin offered to Izuku politely.

“Th-Thank you.” Izuku nodded to the woman.

“No need to be so nervous.” Robin poured the tea with a grin. “I don’t bite.”

“Mother, please don’t tease Izuku.” Momo looked unamused by Robin’s antics.

“Nonsense, that’s part of my job as a parent.” Robin waved off with a giggle. Momo didn’t seem to agree, but just took her tea and sipped from it quietly.

“Now, to get to the heart of this little meeting.” Robin placed her teacup down after taking a sip. “Midoriya, what are your intentions with my daughter?”

“I would like to date her, ma’am.” Izuku bowed his head for a moment. “Momo is intelligent, kind, wonderful, and beautiful inside and out. I’m sometimes surprised that she wants to be with me, but I’ll do everything in my power to make her happy.” He spoke strongly as he looked into Robin’s eyes with nothing but pure honesty.

“Izuku…” Momo placed her hand over her heart as she felt it thump in her chest. Her face was warm and she knew that she was smiling brightly without even thinking about it.

“Fufufu…” Robin giggled behind her hand. “You’re quite the sweet boy, Midoriya-kun.” She gently placed her hand on her cheek. “A mother worries, you know? Especially given the standing our family has. There are many, in our circles, whose sons have shown interest in our daughter since she’s only a couple years from marrying age.”

“No.” Momo denied, almost pouting at being reminded of that. She held onto Izuku’s hand again. “I have no interest in any of them.”

“Which is why we’ve turned away all such talks and offers, Momo-chan.” Robin reassured her daughter with a soft smile. “Both your father and I want you to be able to find your own happiness, like we did.” To be fair, Robin and Momo’s father had both been a part of the same societal level even as children. That was how they’d met. Momo and Izuku’s relationship had come about entirely because they’d met at U.A., and it would be looked at rather differently by those of high society.

“So, is it okay if we keep dating?” Izuku hoped for a positive answer.

“Oh, I no problems with it, Midoriya-kun.” Robin smiled brightly at the young man.

“Thank you, mother!” Momo wrapped Izuku in a tight hug and buried her face into his neck. Izuku wrapped his arms around her and held her close, a big smile on his face the whole time.

“Thank you very much, Yaoyorozu-san.” Izuku turned his grateful smile onto Robin.

“Fufufu…of course, but you will have to meet my husband for his approval too.” Robin grinned at Izuku, seeing the young man lock up was amusing. “I’m sure he’ll want to have a ‘man-to-man’ talk with you about his expectations for dating our little Momo.”

“Y-Yes, of c-course…” Izuku nodded robotically to Robin. Momo just squeezed him a little tighter. “Do you have expectations, Yaoyorozu-san?” It was probably best to find out what they could be now, instead of later.

“Oh, nothing that would hinder your relationship.” Robin waved off and picked up her teacup to take a sip. “But…in a few more years, after you’re both Heroes and all, a grandchild would be nice. Or two…three maybe… Fufufu.” She giggled softly.

“MOTHER!!!” Momo’s face was burning red as she snapped a sharp gaze onto Robin. The sheer embarrassment Momo was feeling nearly washing over the older woman as Robin hid her grin behind her teacup.

“G-Gr-Gran-Grandchildren…” Izuku was putting a tomato to shame with how red his face was. The young man looked a few seconds away from completely shorting out.

“Fufufu, how adorable you two are.” Robin was having far too much fun with this. But the privilege of being a parent should be taken when it came along.

-U.A. ~ Principal Nezu’s Office-

“Hmm…that’s still bugging me.” Nezu once more looked at the ever-shortening list of medical professionals that the investigation team was going through. One name in particular was starting to stand out more and more with how well it fit all of their search criteria. “Garaki, why does that name seem familiar?” The chimera rubbed his chin in a pondering manner. The man had all of the PhDs and relevant years of experience, but he was listed as Quirkless as well. But his list of charitable work along with setting up clinics, orphanages, and retirement homes across the country was nagging at Nezu’s hyper-intelligent mind.

“Something on your mind, Nezu?” A woman’s voice spoke to the principal through his computer. She was blonde and had blue eyes, and her Japanese was rough, which is why Nezu normally spoke English with her.

“Just considering the information I have left on the last several names to investigate.” Nezu replied to the woman. “Does the name Garaki Kyudai sound familiar to you at all?”

“Hmm…not really.” The woman mumbled before a look came over her face. “Wait, isn’t that the name of the one that came up with the Quirk Singularity Theory? Like over a hundred years ago?” She questioned as if she was trying to refresh her own memory. “I’m pretty sure that name was briefly brought up in History Class back in school when we were studying the era called the ‘Dawn of Quirks’ and all that.”

“Ah, that was it.” Nezu’s mind clicked as the missing piece fell into place. “Well, it’s not impossible for two people to have the same name, especially a century apart.” He refocused on his conversation. “So, how was getting into contact with the U.S. Hero Commission?”

“They’re curious, of course, and are asking why you want to work with such a specific American Hero.” The woman answered, waving her hand around as if that was an occurrence that she was familiar with.

“I’ll compile our initial investigation findings into a detailed report for them shortly.” Nezu nodded to the woman. “I believe once they understand the severity of this threat, that we’ll be talking directly about assistance in handling it rather quickly.”

“Well, I can introduce you to Zone, that’s not a problem, I’ve worked with him plenty of times in the past.” The woman chuckled lightly. “With how he moves up and down the East Coast to wherever he’s needed, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind making a trip across the globe if it would help stop the things that you’ve shared with me.” Her blue eyes hardened slightly at recalling even the little that Nezu had shared with her so far.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Nezu smiled thankfully at the woman. “I’m trying to get into talks with the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Heroics as well. But that’s a little more, slow going, since I don’t have a contact like you there.”

“Is there a particular Hero that you’re hoping to get help from?” The woman questioned curiously. “I might’ve worked with them at some point.”

“I’m hoping to get the Hero known as Law to help with bringing this case to a close once we move on to that point.” Nezu sighed at all of the international reaching out that he’d been doing since starting this investigation into the Nomu and the League of Villains.

“Law, huh?” The woman nodded while thinking about what she knew of the UK-based Hero. “I think I’m starting to see the pattern with the Heroes that you’re requesting.”

“It does become rather obvious once you know a few of them, huh?” Nezu chuckled at the quick wit of the woman. “But I believe the help of such Heroes may be imperative to keep this situation from exploding into a worst case scenario.”

“I’d be willing to come and help out when the time comes.” The woman offered with a firm nod.

“We’d love to have you, but that might be a harder sell than getting Zone’s assistance.” Nezu reminded the woman with a sigh.

“The perils of being Number One.” The woman grimaced at the restrictions that she had when it came to leaving the States because of her position. “Still, once that report is ready, I’ll make sure to present it myself so that they see how serious it is.”

“That would be very much appreciated, Miss Bate.” Nezu smiled at the woman thankfully.

“You’ll have to call me by my Hero Name while we’re working together, Nezu.” The blonde chuckled at the chimera.

“Of course, Star and Stripe.” Nezu returned the good-natured chuckle just before the video call ended. “Her help will be invaluable in getting the cooperation of the U.S. Commission when the time comes.” He looked over the information he had on the Pro Hero known as Zone again. The only problem his High Specs Quirk could predict was the Warp Quirk that the League of Villains had access to. It took time for Zone’s Quirk to go into full effect, and for a Warp Quirk even a short amount of time could be a large window for them to escape. “So many variables to parse through to make sure this is a success.” Nezu got back to work on the investigation, making note to keep Garaki as a person of interest.

-Class 1-A ~ The Next Day-

“Ugh…I’m not feeling confident about the finals at all…” Kaminari slumped over his desk. “Even with the study group…I’ve never been good with tests like this!” He ruffled his hair with both hands.

“Hahaha…cheer up, we still have plenty of time to study up!” Mina laughed brightly, not letting the stress get to her.

“Ashido, Kaminari! Let’s do our best!” Izuku, as both a friend and the Class Rep, smiled at the two encouragingly. “It’s be great if we could all go to the training camp together, right?!” Left unsaid was that Izuku was currently fourth place in the class rankings.

“Yes! It is only a matter of dedication and focus!” Iida chopped the air once. “I believe that everyone in our class can pass this exam!” His words were appreciated, but as the number two of the class, both Mina and Kaminari knew he’d have no issue with the written test. Iida thrived on such things after all.

“Haven’t you been attending class? How could you possibly fail?” Todoroki, currently ranked fifth in the class, questioned the bottom-ranking pair.

“Words hurt you know?!” Kaminari grabbed his chest in faux pain at the bluntness from his classmate.

“Boo~!” Mina stuck her tongue out at Todoroki for his lack of tact.

“Hadō Nejire, to the staff meeting room please. All Might-sensei would like to speak with you.” The PA System rang throughout the campus.

“Huh? Hadō-senpai?” Izuku blinked at hearing the name of the upperclassman that he’d met back in Hosu.

-Staff Meeting Room-

“You wanted to see me, All Might?” Nejire closed the door behind her and nearly floated over to the couch opposite of the one All Might was sitting on.

“Yes, young Hadō, thank you for coming so promptly.” Toshinori smiled at the girl. He was wearing his yellow pinstripe suit, but it was baggy on him in his thin form. “Given recent events, I feel that it’s time to talk to you about the history of One for All. How it came to be. How it was passed down. And the reason that I needed to pass it down myself.”

“Shouldn’t Ryukyu be here too?” Nejire tilted her head slightly. As Ryukyu’s protégé, Nejire thought that the Dragoon Hero should be around for a discussion like this. After accepting One for All, she’d had a massive boost to her energy and her Quirk was much stronger because of it. She’d had to tighten her control and steadily work to integrate the massive amount of power into her Quirk and how she used it. Ryukyu had been there for her every step of the way, just as All Might had. So, it seemed perfectly normal to Nejire to have discussions like this with both her Pro Hero mentor as well as her One for All predecessor.

“I plan to have a meeting with both of you soon enough, but for this particular discussion I feel it’s best to have it one-to-one, from predecessor to successor.” Toshinori smiled at the girl, even though he was having conflicting emotions within. He hated bringing up the past when it involved him, but that was part of his role as one of the inheritors of One for All. He needed his successor to know everything about the Quirk that he did.

“Okay!” Nejire smiled right back, the airhead was quite intelligent under her friendly and outgoing personality. It was a fantastic combination for a future Pro Hero to have.

“Have some tea.” Toshinori poured his successor a cup. “This is going to be a long talk.” He was happy with his choice of successor. Nejire was not only strong and kind-hearted, but the girl’s Quirk was so unlike how he fought that Toshinori was sure that no one would ever be able to connect the two of them together. That would let the secret of One for All remain a secret.

“Hmm,” Nejire sipped the green tea with a smile before setting it back on the coffee table between them. “Alright, I’m ready to learn.” She leaned forward a little to show Toshinori that he had her undivided attention.

“As you already know, One for All is a unique Quirk that can be passed down so long as the current holder wills it to pass on.” Toshinori began what would be a lengthy story. “It cannot be stolen, but it can be given to an unwilling recipient. That is because of its origin. One for All was originally derived from a different Quirk altogether.” He stopped for just a moment, the memories of the monster he thought he’d killed five years ago resurfacing. “All for One. A Quirk that lets the user steal other Quirks…as well as grant those stolen Quirks to others.”

“All for One…” Nejire hummed thoughtfully for a moment. “Does that mean it’s a Quirk designed to take everything for its user?” She had a full year as Ryukyu’s protégé, she wasn’t slow on the uptake.

“Perhaps,” Toshinori sighed a bit. “No one knows why the Quirk was named that by its wielder. But this was back during the ‘Dawn of Quirks’, before the world had even had a chance to adapt to the changes.” Toshinori looked into Nejire’s blue eyes. “You may have even heard about this, it’s still a bit of an urban legend today if you know where to look.” He continued to tell his successor of All for One and how One for All came about from it. The two brothers that had started this so long ago, and how Nejire now fit into it all.

-U.A. Cafeteria ~ Lunch-

“The academic tests will just be stuff we learned in class. That’s manageable,” Izuku spoke as a multiple members of 1-A sat down at a table together. “But the practical? That’s more unnerving because we don’t know what it is.”

“I can’t imagine it’ll consist of anything particularly unusual.” Iida replied as he picked up his chopsticks.

“So, about the academic subjects being manageable…” Ochako had a flat expression, having placed thirteenth on the midterms.

“It’s probably just a comprehensive test of everything from the first semester, right?” Camie shrugged, not particularly worried about it herself. She’d made it into the top ten at the ninth place on the midterms.

“That’s all that Aizawa-sensei has told us.” Tsuyu nodded as she took her first bite of lunch.

“So, that’s battle training, rescue training, and basic training, right?” Ochako went over the classes they’d done in her head.

“Yes.” Momo nodded, looking determined to succeed. It was also adorable though and made Izuku and the girls smile. “That means in addition to our academic studies, we need to keep ourselves in top shape physically as well.”

“Exactly.” Izuku agreed with her. “Since we won’t know what the practical is, we can only keep ourselves ready for any…ow!” He was cut off as an elbow bounced off his head.

Everyone at the table turned to look at the one behind Izuku, only to see Monoma from Class 1-B.

“Ah, sorry, My tray just couldn’t get around that big head of yours.” Monoma apologized insincerely.

“You’re Monoma from Class 1-B, right?” Iida shot a sharp look at the other boy. “How dare you strike another student?!”

“I heard it was two of you guys that ran into the Hero Killer.” Monoma spoke up with a mirthless grin. “I guess the Sports Festival wasn’t enough for you? You just keep getting attention for one stunt after another, huh, Class 1-A?”

“That wasn’t a stunt.” Todoroki spoke up with his usual cool tone while side-eyeing Monoma. “You shouldn’t assume that everyone’s after attention like you are.” He went back to slurping his soba, having said his piece.

“I’m just worried that, one of these days, we’re all going to get caught up in some of your antics. Scary…” Monoma was cut off as a strong hand chopped the side of his neck and dropped him to the floor.

“That’s not funny.” Kendo Itsuka chastised her classmate. “Sorry about him. He’s way too competitive about our classes for some reason.”

“Kendo-san.” Izuku nodded to the orange-haired girl, having met her before with Momo when all of the first year Class Reps had to meet and introduce themselves to each other shortly after being chosen. “I overheard you guys saying that you’re not sure about the practical exam.” Kendo smiled at the group. “Between you and me, I hear it’ll be a battle against robots, like in the entrance exam.”

“Huh? Really? How do you know that?” Izuku asked, curious as to where she’d gotten the information.

“I know an older student that told me.” Kendo pointed her thumb at herself. “It’s a little unfair, I know…”

“Not unfair at all! Preliminary intel gathering is just one aspect of the exam. Of course, why not just ask second or third year students? Why didn’t I think of that?” Izuku was on a muttering spree and Kendo raised an eyebrow at the storm of words pouring from Izuku. His girlfriends only giggled at seeing Izuku’s little habit again.

“Kendo, you fool. We finally had an intel advantage over them.” Monoma spoke up from where he was be held up off the floor by Kendo. “This was our chance to show up the detestable Class 1-A…” He was cut off again as Kendo chopped him over the head this time.

“They’re not detestable.” Kendo corrected, dragging Monoma away from the group. “And it’s called being considerate of others.”

“Talk about Big Sister energy.” Camie snickered while watching Kendo drag Monoma back towards one of the tables that Class 1-B was sitting at.

“Well, at least we know what the practical is going to be now.” Ochako breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just because we know doesn’t mean that we can slack off though.” Tsuyu pointed out to simply.

“Asui-san is correct!” Iida nodded to Tsuyu with a small smile. “Now that we know, we must still give our all to our studies and our training until the day of the finals!”

“Yeah!” Camie, Ochako, and Izuku cheered.

Todoroki just slurped his soba while watching them.

-End Chapter-


Studying for finals…the bane of all high schoolers!

Things are beginning to move into the next Arc now. Plus, other things are happening outside of the student’s knowledge.

Nezu and the other Investigative Heroes are narrowing down the list of Medical Professionals that could have any chance of making the Nomu. Garaki’s name is now a person of interest in Nezu’s mind. The chimera principal is even reaching out internationally ahead of time to make sure the situation can be handled before it become a worst case scenario.

You know, like a hyper-intelligent Pro Hero WOULD do if the manga wasn’t a Shonen.

And the reveal happened! It was Nejire who became the Ninth Holder of One for All! Now her Quirk has all of that stockpiled power to work with! *Cackles*

Also, I disregard everything about One for All aside from it stockpiling power. If you don’t like that…sorry, not sorry. So, Nejire will live a normal lifespan and she won’t be getting seven new Quirks that she has to learn how to use. Seriously…Horikoshi complicated One for All way more than he needed to.

How will the final exams go?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Randy Burns

This is a fun little alternative universe isn't it? Good to see Star and Stripe make a cameo


So much better...! Canon MHA is an absolute goldmine of storytelling, but a disastrous way of expressing the story itself. Hell, I know that some fanfics and alternated storyline is much better and actually make sense of in terms of world-building and stuff.

Thomas E Nellis

I love how you write Robin in this. The whole scene of the home, her teasing, and everyone’s reactions to Momo’s home being where they study. You always write Nezu very well so his scene was also great. The end of the chapter is again another opurtunity to show how disciplined and logical the majority of UA is by the simple fact that Copycat boi can shout about the final practical and no one reacts negatively they just accept that and take the information in stride. Spectacular work. Can’t wait for more.

Speedster 352

So who got one for all was it mirio like originally planned?


Glad you liked it, Thomas! Robin is fun to write like this! Teasing Mama that enjoys flustering her daughter. So cute!


What? Did you not read the chapter? The bottom author's note even further confirms that it was NEJIRE that became the Ninth Holder. Why would you EVER think it was Mirio?