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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Familia Myth: Journey to Hero! After their first team up as a three-man party, Bell, Lili, and Welf have found out they do pretty well together. But Bell needs to learn just what Argonaut is and how it works. While Welf has a promise to keep to Bell. There’s also the matter of how the girls of the Loki Familia are doing on their expedition too!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 20 – Desires, Explanations, and Forging

-Dungeon Floor Fifty ~Safe Point ~ Loki Familia Camp-

On top of a flat hill in the expansive fifty floor that was filled with an evergreen forest, many tents were set up. The sounds of activity were varied, but all were important for the continuation of the expedition. The Hephaestus Familia blacksmiths were hard at work providing maintenance to weapons and armor. Members of the Loki Familia were resting, cooking, or preparing bags of supplies for the ones that would be the Supporters past the Fiftieth Floor.

But for the Executives there was a noticeable restlessness about them, especially the younger members like Tione, Tiona, Bete, and Ais.

Tiona was holding her Urga and pacing in circles, her gaze switching between gazing down at the ground or looking up towards the incredibly high ceiling. The Amazon looked like she couldn’t sit still at all.

Tione wasn’t much better than her sister. The older of the twins was flipping one of her Kukri knives into the air and catching it over and over again with an unsatisfied look on her face. Tione’s eyes seemed to be staring at nothing, looking at something that wasn’t here, but far away.

Bete was practically stalking around the camp with his hands in his pockets. There was a look on his face that made even other members of the Loki Familia scurry out of his way. The Werewolf was clearly agitated, looking like he wanted to lash out at something. It was almost as if he were a caged beast, just waiting to be let out so that he could hunt.

“What’s going on with Bete and the others?” Raul Nord, the leader of the second team of Loki Familia, asked the two girls close to him.

“That’s what I wanna know…” Anakitty Autumn, Aki to her friends, replied, her cat-like eyes looking at their friends/superiors. Her black cat ears twitched a little and her tail swished back and forth slowly.

“Everyone’s even more intense than normal…” Line Arshe, a bespectacled girl with long black hair, mentioned as her eyes followed Bete.

Ais was standing near the edge of the hill, the side that dropped off into a sheer cliff, just staring out into the sea of pine trees and other evergreens. She kept thinking about it…Bell’s Falna…the stats that had broken the limit. ‘I want to know…’ Ais thought to herself. ‘I want to get stronger too.’ The blonde girl’s gaze was piercing before it slowly softened as she thought about Bell. ‘I…want to see you again…Bell.’ Her heart beat strongly in her chest, her cheeks felt slightly warm, but she didn’t know what to do with these feelings. ‘Why…does thinking about you, make me feel…so warm?


“Geez, what’s got everyone so weird since you came down here?” Tsubaki Collbrande, Title Cyclops, the Captain of the Hephaestus Familia asked the Amazon girl.

Tsubaki had dark skin (much like an Amazon’s), long black hair, red eyes, and wore an eyepatch over her left eye, similar to her Goddess. However, her eyepatch covered the opposite eye. She was very buxom and she kept her breasts secured in sarashi over which was a white top with pink edges, to finish her outfit she wore red hakama and sandals. Many had mistaken her for an Amazon in her life, but she was actually a Half-Dwarf, the result of a Human and a Dwarf having a child together.

“We saw this really amazing Adventurer we know on the way down to the Eighteenth Floor.” Tiona smiled brightly at Tsubaki. “Haven’t been able to sit still since.”

“Oh?” Tsubaki perked up at hearing about an Adventurer that Tiona considered amazing. “That sounds like the kind of Adventurer I’d like to snatch up for myself! What’s the name?”

“Bell Cranel!” Tiona giggled just thinking about him. He was just like the Argonaut from her favorite story when she was a little girl.

“Oho?” Tsubaki fished out a notepad with a pencil and wrote the name down quickly. “I’ll make a note of this one.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Was the loud call from the center of camp, prompting most of the Familia to head towards it for food.

After dinner it would be time to talk plans for descending deeper into the Dungeon. Loki Familia was aiming for Floor Fifty-Nine this time. They just had to make it past Floors Fifty-One through Fifty-Seven first without being incinerated by the Valgang Dragons on the Fifty-Eighth Floor. The powerful Dragons could blast their breath attack through multiple Floors to ‘snipe’ at Adventurers trying to go further down.

After dinner though, a certain Amazon sill found herself wound up.

Tiona swung her new greatsword around with one hand as if it was a regular saber. Tsubaki had forged the Executives of the Loki Familia new weapons with the Durandal Attribute, which made them unbreakable. They were necessary for dealing with those acid-spewing caterpillars from last time. Tiona’s new sword was dubbed Blade Rolan by Tsubaki.

“Grrrr…it just doesn’t feel right if it isn’t Urga.” Tiona grumbled after going through a flurry of slashes and strikes with the weapon.

“Didn’t I tell ya to get some rest, lass?” Gareth spoke up, walking over to Tiona with a grin under his beard.

“Oh, Gareth!” Tiona greeted the Dwarf with a smile. “But…I’m all wound up…can’t sit still at all!”

“Because of that lad ya saw on your way down here?” Gareth knew, but asked anyway.

“Yeah! It was just so amazing!” Tiona smiled brightly as she recalled Bell’s fight against the Red Minotaur. She swung her new greatsword through the air sharply. “Like a Hero straight outta legend! He went up against that big thing knowing that he was no match and beat it anyway!” Tiona easily maneuvered the greatsword higher, holding it in a thrusting position next to her face. The eighteen centimeter width of the blade had a nearly mirror finish and reflected the side of Tiona’s face as she vividly pictured the memory again. “Tomorrow I’m gonna fight just like him! I’ll protect Ais, Lefiya, everybody!” She declared, a large smile on her face.

“Seems I’m worryin’ over nothing, huh?” Gareth chuckled and then nodded at Tiona. “Shall we have a quick spar then?”

“Really?!” Tiona perked up at the offer.

“As long as you hit the hay right after.” Gareth instructed, walking over to a large clear area away from everything else.

It was little surprise to Tione when Tiona came into their tent a bit scuffed up a while later.

“I don’t think you’ve ever been this wound up before.” Tione sighed, shaking her head at her sister.

“Hehehe…” Tiona rubbed the back of her head. She looked around and noticed that the four-person rent they often shared didn’t have a third member tonight. “Didn’t you say that Lefiya might be joining us?”

“I offered, but she seemed to be doing alright after a pep talk.” Tione grinned at the thought of the orangette Elf. Lefiya had so much power, but didn’t seem to realize it after she’d witnessed what Riveria was capable of.

“That’s good then.” Tiona undid the pareo around her waist and set it aside. “Still, my blood is on fire. I’m pumped up after seeing Bell’s fight.”

“I know,” Tione let out a long exhale, she’d probably replayed Bell’s fight in her head several dozens of times already. “I feel the same way.” She admitted, slipping off her top and letting her breasts free. She didn’t care for the restriction on her chest while she slept. “But we need to be focused tomorrow. There’s no telling what we’ll find on the Fifty-Ninth Floor.”

“Yeah…” Tiona removed her necklaces, anklets, and armbands. “I just hope I can sleep tonight.”

“Come here.” Tione smiled softly at her sister after removing the last of her own jewelry and patting her bed roll.

“Thanks, Tione.” Tiona smiled and climbed into the bed roll with her sister.

“No problem.” Tione wrapped her arms around Tiona and pulled her close. “Goodnight, Tiona.” She placed a gentle kiss on her sister’s cheek.

“Goodnight, Tione.” Tiona returned the kiss, leaving one on her older twin’s cheek as well.

The sisters snuggled close and took comfort in each other’s presence. It had always been them together, ever since they’d left Telskyura behind when they were little girls. On nights when they couldn’t sleep well, they would cuddle up together and then sleep would come.

The burning Amazon blood within them would, however, ensure that both sisters dreamt of the same man that night.

-Hestia Familia Home-

“So, you got your Skill to work, huh?” Hestia spoke after hearing about what had happened in the Dungeon on Floor Eleven.

“I did…” Bell nodded, still thinking back to what he’d unleashed. “It was insanely powerful. I think whatever action I take becomes insanely powerful the longer I charge it…” He gave his best hypothesis on how Argonaut worked.

“I’m going to give you my best guess on it.” Hestia spoke after a moment to think. “That Skill is the power to turn the tables.” She smiled at him warmly. “It gives you the power to defeat enemies stronger than you are. The ability to come back from the most hopeless of situations. At least, it makes it possible.” Hestia’s blue eyes were nearly shining as she spoke. “This Skill is a key that only children obsessed with being a Hero receive. A key that unlocks your inner Hero!”

“A key…to become a Hero?” Bell leaned forward at her assessment of his Skill.

“This Skill drastically increases your strength when the battle comes down to a final blow. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, it gives you a chance to punch through and turn the tide.” Hestia leaned forward with a nod. “What you have there is…a Heroic Strike.” Hestia smiled lovingly at Bell. “Remember that.”

“Yes…” Bell leaned forward just that much more to claim her lips without even thinking about it.

“Mmm…” Hestia hummed in pleasure as their lips met and she returned the kiss.

“I love you, Hestia.” Bell spoke from the heart, a smile full of tenderness for his Goddess lover on his lips.

“Love you too, Bell.” Hestia snuggled into his arms, just enjoying being held and loved by him as they sat on the couch together.

-Hostess of Fertility ~ The Next Morning-

“Is that so? You have a new ally.” Ryu took in what Bell had just told her.

“Yes, though it might only be temporary that he stays with our Party.” Bell nodded, recalling the agreement that he and Welf had made. “We’re seeing how it goes in the Dungeon for now while he works towards Level Two.”

“Mr. Cranel…” Ryu uncrossed her arms, letting them hang by her sides. “Is this person worthy of your trust?” Her dark eyes looking into his rubellite gaze.

“Miss Ryu?” Bell tilted his head slightly in confusion.

“My apologies.” Ryu rephrased her question. “I didn’t mean to imply anything. But things change when Adventurers from different Familias form a battle party together.

“Ah!” Bell caught on to what Ryu was saying now. “He’s one of Hephaestus Familia’s Smiths. Our Goddesses are close, so there shouldn’t be any problems.” He smiled at the beautiful Elf Waitress. “His name is Welf Crozzo, and…”

“Crozzo?” Ryu uncharacteristically interrupted Bell in mid-sentence. “That name is one that many Elves cannot ignore.”

“Huh?” Bell hadn’t been expecting this new bit of information. Why would Elves, specifically, be unable to ignore the name Crozzo? “Could you tell me why, Miss Ryu?”

“Very well.” Ryu agreed without issue. “Be warned, this information is not meant to make you change your opinions at all. It is merely history.” Once Bell nodded, Ryu continued. “The family of Magic Swordsmiths known as ‘Crozzo’ resided in the Kingdom of Rakia, a country rather close to Orario. Every one of its citizens follow a single Deity. They are one Familia.” Bell widened his eyes at that bit of information. He didn’t know a Familia could be the size of a country! “The Crozzo Family produced a large supply of Magic Swords in order to gain favor with their Ruler and acquire nobility. Due to their Deity being a God of War, Rakia was extremely aggressive. The full power of Crozzo’s Magic Swords was unleashed many times within the country’s long history of repetitive wars.”

Bell swallowed reflexively. He’d only heard stories about what Crozzo Magic Swords were supposed to be capable of from Lili…but equipping an army with them sounded beyond dangerous.

“An army of soldiers equipped with Magic Swords. Can you envision that, Mr. Cranel?” Ryu questioned Bell in a calm, flat tone. “Rakia had tremendous firepower at their beck and call in those days. With no need to strategize, they laid waste to their enemies, burning them out of existence with overwhelming force.” The Elf Waitress continued as Bell listened on. “Victory after victory, an unstoppable, seemingly immortal army. Rakia reaped the benefits of Magic Swords. Nothing could stop their advance. The wars they waged changed the face of the world. Not a single blade of grass escaped the inferno, leaving a barren wasteland of ash.” Ryu caught Bell’s eyes again. “Eventually the fires of war reached an Elvish forest.”

“…So, the Elves were chased out of their home?” Bell, ever the kind young man, sympathized with the Elves’ plight.

“They were smoked out as their homeland burned.” Ryu corrected the somewhat naïve interpretation that Bell had spoken. “The surviving Elves joined a Familia to receive a Blessing. They sought revenge on Rakia with the help of their new allies.” Ryu held up her hands in a half-shrug. “By that time, Rakia no longer had Magic Swords and suffered many casualties. The Elves’ mission was a success.” She let a brief sigh escape her lips before she continued. “For those on the receiving end of Magic Swords, hating the Crozzo Family might be a case of misplaced anger, but there are many who cannot let go of the past. That is why the name ‘Crozzo’ is a name that many Elves cannot ignore.”

“And…for you…Miss Ryu?” Bell looked at her, half expecting to see anger on her face or in her eyes.

“No, I harbor no ill will.” Ryu’s response was blunt and there wasn’t a hint of anger anywhere in her expression.

“You don’t?” Bell was shocked at her words, especially after what she’d just told him.

“These are nothing more than events of the past.” Ryu placed her hand over her chest. “Also, my own homeland was not directly affected.” Her reasoning was simple, but sensible.

“Ah, I see…” Bell got out, his mind still processing. ‘That’s surprising…Elves are usually very protective of each other when it comes to other Races.’ He knew that much about the long-lived forest dwellers at least.

“Breakfast is served!” Syr giggled as she approached the table with a tray. The silver-haired girl smiled as she placed a plat in front of Bell and then one in front of Ryu. A teapot was then put on the table along with two teacups.

“Miss Syr…you’re in a good mood this morning.” Bell smiled at the waitress, happy to see her clearly enjoying the morning.

“Syr…why did you serve me breakfast too?” Ryu blinked at the setup on the table. It was like she and Mr. Cranel were having breakfast together.

“Hehehe…” Syr giggled as she waved off Ryu’s question before turning to Bell. “Yes, it’s a good morning, so I’m in a good mood.”

“That’s great.” Bell smiled at the happy girl. “But…you didn’t need to make me breakfast.” He chuckled sheepishly. “I was just here to inform Miss Ryu of the addition to my battle party in the Dungeon, since she was the one that suggested it.”

“Nonsense!” Syr shook her head once. “Since you’re here, we might as well feed you.” She looked over at Ryu for a second before turning her eyes back to Bell. “Besides…Ryu is already done with her morning chores and hasn’t had breakfast yet. You two can eat together and Mama Mia won’t mind at all!” She clapped her hands together with a grin.

“Oh…th-that’s very kind of you.” Bell realized what this situation looked like and tried not to make anything out of it. ‘It’s just breakfast with a friend. No big deal.’ The fact that said friend was a beautiful Elf woman shouldn’t matter. But deep down…in a part of Bell’s mind that he tried to ignore…he knew that his feelings for Miss Ryu were growing into something. That ‘something’ may become feelings that went beyond friendship if Bell didn’t keep himself in check.

“Syr…” Ryu looked into her friend’s eyes curiously. ‘Doesn’t Syr have feelings for Mr. Cranel?’ She wondered, having been fully ready to support Syr in courting Bell…even if a small part of herself felt differently.

“The tea is an Elven blend that Ryu likes, so I hope you’ll enjoy it too, Bell.” Syr smiled at him as she poured the drink into each of their cups.

“I’m sure it’ll be great if Miss Ryu likes it.” Bell smiled at Ryu, not knowing that the lovely Elf was now fighting to keep her cheeks from turning pink. Her mastery of keeping her face blank was being put to the test over such a simple thing.

-Late Morning ~ Welf’s Smithy-

“Right on time, Bell.” Welf answered the door a moment after Bell had knocked on it. “I’ve just been getting set up.” He opened the door wide and invited Bell inside.

“Whoa…” Bell looked around, surprised at the private workshop that Welf had.

“This is workshop assigned to me by Lady Hephaestus.” Welf chuckled at Bell’s reaction. “Every member has their own private workspace. Only Hephaestus Familia does that.”

“You mean it’s not normal for Smiths to have their own workspace?” Bell knew little to nothing about blacksmithing.

“Doubt it.” Welf shook his head once. “It’d be cheaper to build one large workshop. More efficient too.”

“Then why?” Bell couldn’t help but ask.

“So other Smiths don’t see your techniques.” Welf folded his arms across his chest with a chuckle. “My way is mine, yeah? They’re my allies and my rivals. That’s the way Lady Hephaestus wants it.” For a split second, Bell could’ve sworn he saw an image of Hephaestus behind Welf as he explained the Familia’s workings. “But enough about the workshop.” He walked over near the anvil and sat on a stool before patting the top of a small pedestal, clearly wanting Bell to stand on it. “For starts, I need your measurements. I can take it from there.”

“My measurements?” Bell asked as he walked over and stood atop the pedestal.

“I promised, didn’t I?” Welf picked up a flexible measuring tape with a grin. “That I would make all of your equipment.” He motioned for Bell to hold his arms out wide. “For that, I need your measurements to make sure everything is the perfect size.”

“Oh, I get it.” Bell held his arms out as Welf started measuring him.

“Might as well have everything tailor-made, right?” Welf grinned as he wrote down the first measurement. “If we’re going to have a contract, this is basic necessary information. To make you better armor and better weapons, I’ll need to make them the appropriate size, length, and weight to fit your fighting style and increase their ease of use when you wield them.”

“Right.” Bell agreed, seeing as Welf was the Smith and would know such things.

“Any requests, Bell?” Welf asked after taking down another measurement. “Just say the word and I’ll make anything for you.”

“Hmmm…” Bell looked thoughtful as Welf continued to take measurements. ‘Aside from the new spear, and redoing the light armor to fit me even better?’ His eyes flicked over the smithy until they landed on a knife hung up on the wall. “Ah, what about a new knife? I got the Red Minotaur’s horn as a Drop Item, could you use that?”

“Yeah, that’s fine, but…is that all you want?” Welf almost looked perplexed by the request.

“A new knife and a new spear would have all of my main weapons replaced and improved, so that would be great.” Bell smiled at Welf, happy that he’d be upgrading his whole kit.

“So, Bell…” Welf took down the last measurement and sat down on his stool again. “You really aren’t after a Magic Sword, are you?”

“No, why?” Bell questioned as he stepped off the pedestal.

“I never thought someone would go for my work over a Magic Sword.” Welf closed his eyes and let out a sigh. A few second later and it was replaced with a soft, happy smile. “You really caught me off guard there. I’m sorry for testing you like that.”

“That was a test?” Bell blinked, the hidden meaning behind Welf’s offer of making him anything having flown right over his head.

“Ha!” Welf cracked up, slapping his knee and laughing loudly at Bell’s cluelessness of the situation. It took him several moments to calm down and refocus on the task ahead. “Sorry about that…woo…never thought I’d laugh so hard about actually having someone wanting my work and not a Crozzo Magic Sword.”

“No problem…?” Bell didn’t really know what else to say at this point.

“Got a bit side-tracked.” Welf refocused and nodded toward a crate nearby the forge. “Little Lili dropped that off earlier this morning before going to sell the rest of the materials to my Familia. So, I have the materials for your new spear ready to go. Why didn’t you come with her to negotiate the prices?”

“Lili says I’m bad at haggling…” Bell admitted reluctantly. “She said that I give in too easily, so she’d take care of getting the best prices for our Drop Items and Monster Parts today.”

“Heh…I’ve only known Little Lili for a couple of days and that sounds like her.” Welf chuckled lightly. “But the appraisers here will offer more than the Guild Exchange, if you can haggle it out of them.”

“That tough, huh?” Bell sat down and rummaged through his backpack for the Red Minotaur’s horn.

“I might actually finish the new knife before the haggling is done…and that’s not an exaggeration.” Welf informed Bell with a grin.

“Here.” Bell pulled the red horn out of his backpack and handed it to Welf. “Can you use this? It comes from a strengthened species Minotaur, but I don’t know if that would be good or bad from a Smith’s perspective.”

“Hmm…” Welf took the horn and started looking it over carefully. “I don’t think Minotaur horns are usually this red color. It seems denser than the average horn too, from what little experience I have with the material.” He eyed the bottom cross section with a professional gaze. “I can make a damn fine blade out of this by hammering it into shape and giving it a good edge.” Welf looked over the horn again before holding it with just his left hand. “Bell, I’d like to take my time with this one. Can you let me do my own thing?”

“Of course.” Bell agreed, not wanting to impeded Welf’s work, and sure that the Smith would make something amazing from the horn anyway.

What followed was the forge being raised to the appropriate temperature, while Welf prepared the horn and the Dragon Materials that Lili had dropped off for him earlier. Bell went around and opened all of the windows and even the door to ventilate and help cool the smithy down a little.

“Thanks Bell, it gets damn hot in here without opening the windows.” Welf checked the temperature of his forge. “There’s an ore that can only be found in the Dungeon called Adamantite. Minotaur horns share many properties with it, which makes them perfect for forging weapons. But I can’t do anything with it until it gets hot enough.”

“Um…” Bell didn’t know how to ask what he was curious about.

“Got a question?” Welf easily noticed. “Fire away. Aske me anything. We have a direct contract. I don’t want to keep anything from you.”

“Why…hmm…” Bell tried to think of how to ask his question tactfully, but couldn’t come up with anything. “Why don’t…you make Magic Swords?”

“…There are a few reasons.” Welf spoke up after a few seconds of silence. “Thing is, I hate Magic Swords.” He pumped the bellows a bit more, raising the temperature higher. “Truth be told, I’ve had plenty of customers. Too many. And they all wanted Magic Swords. But none of them looked at my work.” Welf sighed just remembering it all. “Magic Sword, Magic Sword, Magic Sword…you’re the only person that didn’t ask for one. Every single one of them wants that power, and it's messing with their heads.” He grimaced as the flames rose in his forge. “So, I turned them all away.”

“I see…” Bell felt like he could empathize with Welf a bit. Always having his work overlooked must’ve been similar to how Bell felt when he was rejected over and over again before he met Hestia. “But that can’t be the only reason…can it?”

“Do you know why the Crozzo Family can make Magic Swords in the first place?” Welf asked as the forge finally got to the temperature that he wanted it at.

“No…I don’t think I’ve ever heard the ‘why’, only the end result.” Bell replied as he watched Welf put the horn into the forge to start heating it up.

“Thee was once an ordinary man with the name ‘Crozzo’. That man put his life on the line to save someone from a Monster. That someone happened to be one of the ‘Gods’ Favored Children’…a Spirit. The Spirit wanted to save the man that was bleeding out from his injuries. So, it gave him some of its own blood.” Welf told the tale of the origin of the first Crozzo. The same story that he’d learned from his father and grandfather as a small child.

“Then that means the Crozzo Family has…” Bell couldn’t even finish the sentence before Welf confirmed it.

“Yeah…we have Spirit blood running through us.” Welf watched the horn in the forge closely, making sure it turned the proper color before he pulled it out and began hammering it. “That ancestor made a full recovery after drinking the Spirit’s blood. A full-blown Miracle. But on top of that, the ancestor could use Magic as well as forge Magic Swords.” The horn wasn’t quite there yet…just a bit more time. “Those abilities weren’t passed down to his children in the same way, but that all changed when his descendants received a Blessing many generations ago.”

“Oh?” Bell only took a half-second to figure it out. “A Skill?”

“Yeah. One that allows us to make Magic Swords.” Welf nodded, still watching the heating of the Minotaur horn. “From there it’s what everyone knows. The Crozzo Family gained status by selling Magic Swords to Rakia. The Kingdom became damn near invincible because of their swords. The accolades kept coming…and the Crozzos got cocky. They kept making Magic Swords to satisfy their greed.” Welf saw the color of the horn change and reached for his smithing tongs. “The Elves watched their forests burn to the ground. The Spirits that lost their homes directed their hatred at Magic Swords and the Crozzo Family. Until one war. Every Magic Sword on the battlefield suddenly shattered for no reason.” Bell audibly gasped at the sudden twist in the tale. “Rakia was completely dependent on them, and the Kingdom lost every battle after that. No one knows why, but the Crozzo Family lost their ability to forge Magic Swords. Their claim to status gone, they lost everything almost overnight. I’m sure Spirits cursed the family to get revenge.”

“But, wait? Can’t you make Magic Swords, Welf?” Bell was now puzzled about Welf’s apparent ability to do so when no other Crozzo could.

“Yeah, I can. No clue why though.” Welf shrugged as he took the super-heated horn out of his forge and set it on his anvil.

Maybe the Spirits’ curse ran out? They’re satisfied? Or maybe it’s just Welf?’ Bell pondered on why Welf’s ability had come about at all given what he now knew.

“I know they were trying to restore the family name, but I’m grateful to granddad and my old man for cramming these forging techniques into my head.” Welf admitted as he picked up his smithing hammer. “I didn’t hate it. Being a shop hand, working with granddad and my old man. The thing was…once they learned what I could do, they insisted that I forge Magic Swords.” He raised the hammer, preparing to make the first strike against the now malleable horn. “Wanted me to make a tool to get the King’s attention, but they never talked about that part.” HE brought the hammer down on the horn with forced and precision, sparks lightly flying off the material. “But it’s wrong. That’s not what weapons are for, not even close.” Welf didn’t yell, but the sheer intensity of his words made his voice rumble like a volcano. “They aren’t political tools or a way to raise morale.” He struck the horn again and again in a steady rhythm, slowly molding it into the shape he desired. “A weapon is part of its wielder. No matter what desperate situation someone is in, they must always be able to count on their weapon.” The sound of hammer striking metal rang throughout the smithy. “Weapon and wielder become one the moment someone takes hold of the hilt.”

Bell was sweating both from the intense heat as well as Welf’s intensity as he spoke and worked.

“And the Smith’s job is to make a weapon capable of that.” Welf continued to pound the horn into shape with the hammer, occasionally flipping it to the other side to strike it and ensure uniformity. “We push metal to its limit with the hottest flames. A weapon can only be made when we bring everything to bear.” Welf almost appeared to be emitting flames himself as he poured himself into the act of creation. “What’ll happen if we half-ass it? Fail to pour blood and sweat into it? Forget what it means to be a Smith?”

Bell’s fists clenched without him even noticing it. His heart moved by Welf’s passion and beliefs of what it meant to be a Smith. The sheer fact that the redhead wasn’t yelling, but his words carried the same force, was incredible.

“I hate Magic Swords. They always break, leaving their wielder behind.” Welf struck the horn again, not too hard and not too light. “I loathe Magic Swords. That power rots people from the inside. The wielder’s pride…the Smith’s dignity…everyone and everything…” He raised the hammer again and his voice finally raised enough to be called a yell. “I refuse to make Magic Swords! Even if I did, I would never sell one!” He brought the hammer down again and the sounds of forging continued to fill the air, even as Welf’s words faded away.


“It’s done.” Welf took off the bandana from his head and wiped his face with it. He smiled as he looked over his newest creation. “What do you think, Bell?” He presented the knife to its owner with a grin.

“Woah…” Bell looked at the crimson blade with wide eyes. Carefully picking it up, he could feel the difference from his previous knife easily. “This…this is pretty powerful, isn’t it?”

“I had good material.” Welf smiled at the look on Bell’s face. “Out of all my work so far, this has gotta be my best. Please take it, Bell.” He grinned at his contracted Adventurer, and new friend.

“It’s awesome.” Bell marveled at his new knife.

“What should we call it?” Welf took on a thinking pose for a moment. “How about Ushiwakamaru? It’s an ancient warrior’s name that’s derived from the word for ‘bull’ in the Far East.”

“Does it really need a name like that?” Bell blinked, not really minding, but also not understanding Welf’s naming scheme.

“You don’t like Ushiwakamaru?” Welf questioned and racked his brain for a second. “What about Minotan, then?”

Oh no…no, no, no…that’s worse!’ Bell shook his head. “Ushiwakamaru is fine.”

“Good. I mean, we have to call such a good weapon something.” Welf smiled at the crimson knife. “It would be an insult to the weapon not to give it a name.”

“Really?” Bell had considered that. Perhaps there was a whole Code of Smithing that he simply didn’t know about.

“Well, since the knife is done, how about we get started on the new spear?” Welf already had the forge going and the materials ready. They might as well keep going since they had the day off.

“Sure thing!” Bell agreed, willing to help however he could.

“Alright! That’s what I like to hear!” Welf clapped Bell on the shoulder as he moved over to the materials for the spear. “Dragon Fangs, Dragon Hide, and a Dragon Horn. All good materials, especially for an Upper Floor Monster like the Infant Dragon.”

“Aren’t Infant Dragons classed as Level Two Monsters?” Bell raised an eyebrow at Welf.

“Yeah, but they only spawn on the Eleventh and Twelfth Floors, which are still Upper Floors.” Welf pointed out. “Dragon Materials only get better the deeper into the Dungeon that you go. The Dragon Type Monsters only get stronger and stronger and their Drop Items and Parts become equally more sought after for material by us Smiths.”

“So, what’re you thinking at the moment?” Bell was interested I how Welf was planning to use the materials.

“The fangs and horn will definitely go towards making the blade itself.” Welf hummed in thought, wanting to make an even better version of the Kokutoge he’d originally made. “The Dragon Hide can easily be processed a bit further into a really durable leather that I can use for the shaft of the spear.”

“Sounds good to me.” Bell could already picture the improved spear in his mind.

“With a bit of Runecraft, I might be able to impart the ability to channel your Fire Spell through the length of the spear and into the blade.” Welf mused, knowing that Runecraft didn’t produce the same efficacy of someone with the Blacksmith Developmental Ability. “If only I could hit Level Two and get the Ability…it would be even better.” He muttered to himself.

Bell didn’t hear that part though. In his mind, the new and improved spear he’d initially envisioned…well, it now had a fiery blade as he wielded it in his daydream. Monsters of the Dungeon fell in droves against the new and improved Level Two Bell Cranel!

“Bell? You still with me?” Welf waved his hand in front of Bell’s face.

“Huh? Oh! Yeah, let’s get started, Welf!” Bell really hoped that Welf couldn’t figure out what he’d been daydreaming.

“Great!” Welf smiled at Bell. “First, I’ll get some iron, adding the fangs and horn to it will make a good carbon steel that I’ll make into a billet before stretching it out to form the blade. You’re first job is going to be getting us some lunch, because neither of us has eaten since this morning!”

“Eh?” Bell blinked at the task, only for his stomach to growl and remind him that it had been hours since his breakfast with Ryu.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.” Bell nodded, willing to help out however he could. “You like sandwiches?”

“Club, if you can get it.” Welf nodded as he was gathering the iron he wanted to fuse with the fangs and horn.

“Sure thing.” Bell was out the door and jogging back towards main streets quickly.

“Two-point-nine million!” Lili’s voice demanded from the Hephaestus shop that was closest to Welf’s smithy.

“I said, two million!” A gruff man’s voice argued back.

“You aren’t swindling me! These are Infant Dragon materials! That’s a Rare Monster! So, the price of its materials reflects the scarcity!” Lili pointed out.

“Dandul…just give her the price she wants already…it’s been hours!!!” Another man’s voice called out.

“I’m getting these materials for the best price!” Dandul, who turned out to be a Dwarf man, called out to an exasperated-looking Cow Man (the ears and small horns showing off his Race). Said Cow Man began lightly banging his head against the wall while muttering about stubborn Dwarves.

“Still haggling, Lili?” Bell asked as he walked over to his girlfriend.

“Master Bell!” Lili turned to him and hugged him, snuggling more as Bell returned the hug.

“Bell…Bell Cranel? Rabbit Foot?!” Dandul suddenly seemed less sure of his stubbornness.

“Yeah.” Bell nodded to the Dwarf.

“So…about that two-point-nine million?” Lili, still pressed into Bell’s side with his arm around her, smirked at the Dwarf man that had been trying to get her to part with nine-hundred-thousand Valis all morning.

“I…ugh…fine.” Dandul sighed so heavily his beard moved from the force of his breath. “I accept your offer of two-point-nine million.”

“Thank you very much, sir!” Lili beamed at him, as if their hours of arguing hadn’t even happened. But if one looked closer, they’d see that Lili was relishing her victory and the gain of almost a million Valis. Winning the haggling was great, but the Hestia Familia had debt to pay! Lili wasn’t giving up on single Valis, damn it!

“Please wait while we prepare your payment.” Dandul grumbled, but walked into the back with the Cow Man to get the Valis.

“So, what’re you up to around here, Master Bell?” Lili smiled up at her boyfriend.

“I’m helping Welf a bit while he’s making my new weapons. He sent me to get lunch for us.” Bell squeezed her gently into his side.

“I’ll come with you!” Lili grinned at getting to have lunch with him. “Maybe I can reward you for helping me end this haggling?” She licked her lips and her smoldering brown eyes gazed into Bell’s ruby red.

“I really shouldn’t take too long…” Bell was very tempted. But it wouldn’t be right to make Welf wait.

“Tonight then~” Lili promised with a grin. Her hand ghosted over the front of his pants for a second, getting a feel, and Bell nearly reconsidered not accepting the reward as soon as possible.

A Hero should keep his promises.’ Bell reminded himself over and over like a mantra. The mental noise didn’t do much to block out Lili’s teasing snickering.

-End Chapter-


Woo! A bit happened as we progress further in Bell’s path to become a Hero!

Ais, Tione, and Tiona want their Bunny! Kek!

Hestia helps Bell figure out what Argonaut is and they spend time cuddling! Cute!

Bell tells Ryu about adding Welf to the battle party, and Bell learns of the history of Crozzo’s Magic Sword and what Rakia did with them.

Syr takes this chance to have them both enjoy breakfast together! Hehehe! Let the matchmaking begin!

Welf forges Ushiwakamaru for Bell! Lili provides some of the harvested Dragon Materials to Welf to make Bell’s new spear! Then starts an hours long haggling war with a Dwarf man from Hephaestus Familia for the rest of them! Lol!

No one beats Lili at haggling! And Bell was useful for it after all! Rewards tonight? YES! Hehehe~

Where does our Rabbit-like Hero go from here?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you think with a review!

Until next time, later!


Christian Jeffress

Oh, if you like forging at all you might want to check out Kyle Royer on YouTube, he is a master smith that creates blades with absolutely gorgeous Damascus patterns. My favorite being the mosaic Damascus pattern he used on the two swords he’s made. That Works, Alec Steele, and AWE me (Man at Arms: Reforged) are also great forging channels.

Jack Blaze

Stop Cow Man Abuse Via Long Haggling (I couldn't resist)

Hayden Stuart

So the Crozzo family contributed to elf genocide? That’s interesting, is that from the light novel or is that your idea? Either way, hell of a way to add some depth to the story, great job as always!


Rakia being near-genocidal bastards is Canon. The Crozzo Family's Magic Swords being used to facilitate it is also Canon, even if the Crozzos themselves didn't participate in the fighting directly.

Robert Walker

Happy New Year!!! It's good to see you back, and this story back as well, truly.


I was only gone for a couple days. Glad you enjoyed the update though!