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Here we go again friends and fans! Another One Piece Plot Bunny!

One more ‘Different Devil Fruit Luffy’ story idea and this time we have our first Logia Fruit! I told you I had ideas for the other Fruit Types and not just Mythical Zoans!

This idea came about because of watching another Series and from one of my favorite videogames of all time, Okami! Let’s make things interesting with this Logia, and give it some magical qualities, similar to the Numa Numa no Mi/Swamp-Swamp Fruit’s infinite storage ability! But MORE, because of the various legends and stories surrounding this particular natural phenomenon!

I hope everyone reading this enjoys! Let’s actually see the power of Rotation used to its logical outcome!


Moya Moya no Mi

Mist-Mist Fruit

A young boy by the name of Monkey D. Luffy smiled as he happily walked through the forest around Fuusha Village. The boy was rather strong for his age, but being the grandson of the Marine Hero, Vice Admiral Garp ‘The Fist’, probably had something to do with that. According to the old Mayor, Woopslap, the entire Monkey D. Family were monstrously strong from birth. The currently six-year-old, black-haired boy was wearing the shirt that had the word ‘Anchor’ on it that Shanks and his crew had bought him the last time they’d docked at Fuusha Village along with a pair of denim shorts.

As he walked along, his stomach growled, prompting Luffy to change direction and head for a part of the forest where he knew some fruit tress grew. Luffy had a voracious appetite, and would eat most anything, though his favorite was meat. The boy grinned brightly as he came upon the stand of fruit trees. Unlike when he normally came here, something besides the ripe fruits among the branches caught his eye.

“Huh? What’s wrong with this fruit?” Luffy wondered as he saw an odd-looking fruit lying on the ground. The boy couldn’t even tell what the fruit was supposed to be. It didn’t look like anything that grew on these trees. It was covered in swirl markings though and was turquoise in color. The curious six-year-old picked up the fruit and looked it over. It was definitely weird. Was it bad? Had it gone rotten? Luffy sniffed the fruit, but it didn’t stink. He squeezed it gently, as Makino had shown him how to test fruits, but it didn’t feel soft like it was rotting inside. “It’s a mystery fruit.” Luffy nodded to himself as he held it. “I wonder what it tastes like?” Without hesitation Luffy bit into the strange-looking fruit and tore out a large piece. He chewed it and immediately his face screwed up in revulsion. He forced himself to swallow the chewed fruit in his mouth and tossed the rest of the fruit into the forest with the tantrum of a small child. “GROSS!” Luffy hacked and spit, trying to get the foul taste out of his mouth. “I’ll just eat the regular fruits.” He pouted, looking up at the trees and seeing the ripe fruits waiting for him.

Suddenly Luffy found himself among the branches of the trees. A thin mist dispersing around him. The confused six-year-old boy blinked at having moved without having moved his body. Luffy looked around, nearly falling out of the tree in the process, but didn’t see anyone or anything around him that could’ve moved him. This only further confused the boy, but the rumbling of his stomach put the concern aside for now. Luffy picked the first fruit off the tree and began eating. He’d figure out the mystery stuff later!

-Fuusha Village ~ The Next Day-

“SHANKS!!!” Luffy nearly barreled into the Captain of the Red Hair Pirates as the man descended the gangplank of his ship and stepped onto the docks of Fuusha Village.

“Whoa, Luffy!” Shanks laughed, catching the boy and ruffling his hair. “We weren’t even gone that long!”

“It’s been weeks!” Luffy argued, looking up at the man with a huge smile. “Where’s Uta?”

“Right here, Luffy.” A small girl, the same age as Luffy, trotted down the gangplank. She had semi-pale skin, bright purple eyes, and two-toned hair split perfectly down the middle, red on the right side, white on the left side. Her hair was tied up in the back, two loops (almost like rabbit ears) behind her head, while twin tails dropped down the sides, each tail ending with a loop of its own. She wore a yellow dress that stopped at her knees, brown boots on her feet, and she had headphones over her ears.

Uta was Shanks’s daughter. She and Luffy had initially not gotten along very well, but had become close friends over the Red Hair Pirates many visits to Fuusha Village. Now the two were nearly inseparable when the pirates came to town.

“Uta!” Luffy beamed at his friend, pulling her into a hug.

“Heh.” Uta smiled and hugged him back.

“Let’s head to Makino’s place, we’ll tell you about our latest voyage while we party!” Shanks laughed, leading the two kids, along with his entire crew, into the small town and towards the local pub.


The festivities had started the second the Red Hair Pirates had entered the bar and didn’t show any signs of stopping even hours later. Makino, the owner, smiled happily as she served food and drinks to the pirates. The young woman found the crew nice enough, and they were certainly a boon for business. Makino always made sure to serve Luffy and Uta first, of course. They were just adorable together.

“Did you get better with your powers?” Luffy asked Uta eagerly, knowing that she had a power related to her singing. Uta was the best singer in his opinion.

“It’s a Devil Fruit, Luffy, the Uta Uta no Mi, I’ve told you that before.” Uta shook her head at her friend. Luffy never remembered names very well. That, or he ended up using a shortened nickname.

“Was it named after you?” Luffy tilted his head and Uta deadpanned at him.

“No…” Uta shook her head. Trust Luffy to ask the dumbest questions. She smiled after a moment though. “I did make some progress…but when I sing with my power, everyone still falls asleep.” Uta pouted adorably at not making the progress that she wanted with her Devil Fruit.

“Isn’t that the same as what always happens?” Luffy questioned, not looking impressed at all.

“Shut up!” Uta lightly pushed him, her cheeks puffing up at his remark. “You don’t have a Devil Fruit, so you don’t know how difficult it can be!”

“Oh yeah, mystery fruits!” Luffy’s face lit up and he smiled brightly at Uta. “Thanks for reminding me, Uta! I found a mystery fruit in the forest yesterday!”

“Eh?” Shanks, who had been watching over the kids, looked at Luffy after the boy’s exclamation. “You found a Devil Fruit in the forest, Luffy?”

“Did it look sort of like this?” Lucky Roo, a rather rotund member of the Red Hair Pirates, asked as he held up a sketchbook with a drawing on it. The round shape, curled stem, and the swirl markings were all really similar to the strange fruit that Luffy had found.

“Yeah.” Luffy nodded after looking at the drawing. “It was a blue…green…blue and green…”

“Turquoise?” Makino offered the color that Luffy clearly didn’t know the name of.

“I guess?” Luffy shrugged, not knowing the specific color.

“Where is the Devil Fruit now, Luffy?” Shanks asked, wanting to be careful with an unknown Devil Fruit.

“I ate it.” Luffy stated plainly.

Several audible facepalms were heard throughout the bar.

“Of course, you did…” Shanks sighed before cracking up. “You’re really an anchor now, Luffy!”

“Huh?!” Luffy looked shocked by the news.

“Dummy!” Uta gave Luffy a look as if he’d done the dumbest thing in the world. “Don’t you know better than to eat random things off the ground?”

“Yeah…it wasn’t very good.” Luffy laughed and Uta sighed at his dopey nature.

“Anyone that eats a Devil Fruit gains an ability of some kind, Luffy.” Shanks explained the concept to the boy again. “But in return, they’re hated by the sea and become hammers in the water. You’ll have to be careful near any body of water from now on.”

“Oh…no problem, I’ll just be a pirate that never falls off the ship!” Luffy declared with a grin.

“Do you know what ability you have?” Shanks questioned the boy. “Has anything strange happened since you ate the fruit?”

“Hmm…I did appear in the tree branches right after I ate it.” Luffy recalled as he folded his arms and thought about it. “There was this fog around me for a second too.”

“Fog?” Roo hummed thoughtfully. “…never heard of that before.” The round man quickly jogged out of the bar and towards their ship. There was something on board that might help them figure it out.

“What would a Fog Fruit even be called?” Benn Beckman, the First Mate of the Red Hair Pirates wondered aloud.

“Maybe we’ll be able to find out when Roo gets back.” Shanks shrugged, picking up his drink and taking a deep pull from the flagon.

As it turned out, what Lucky Roo was bringing back was a somewhat thick book. He flipped through it for a while everyone watched on. After going through the majority of the book, Roo stopped on a page and seemed to be considering it. “Maybe this one?” He turned the book around and pointed at the specific page.

“Moya Moya no Mi?” Shanks raised an eyebrow at the name. “Mist-Mist Fruit, huh?” He read over the, very brief, description of the Devil Fruit in the book. “A Logia.”

“What’s that book?” Luffy looked curiously at it.

“An encyclopedia of Devil Fruits that we took from a Marine ship a while back.” Shanks answered simply. “It looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you, Luffy. Your power is mist…so it’s not exactly a power-based fruit, despite being a Logia.”

“What’s a Logia?” Luffy’s simple question revealed that he knew literally nothing about Devil Fruits.

That led to a somewhat lengthy discussion on Devil Fruits. Shanks and the crew using simpler words for the young Luffy to help him understand the three categories of Devil Fruits as well as the general idea of what kinds of powers each type bestowed.

The fact that the party atmosphere barely died down at all was a testament to how much the Red Hair Pirates loved their partying.

-One Year Later-

“And don’t come back!” Luffy hollered at the dirty mountain bandits before engulfing them in his mist. When the fog cleared, all of the bandits were gone, as if they’d never been there in the first place.

“Where did you send them, Luffy?” Makino questioned the boy curiously.

“To the ravine that grampa threw me down the last time he was here.” Luffy hopped up onto the bar stool, eagerly waiting for his lunch.

“Didn’t you say that there was a giant tiger den there?” Makino recalled that particular story from Luffy. Garp really should go easier on his grandson, in Makino’s opinion.

“Yep.” Luffy nodded, apparently not seeing the danger for what it was. He’d survived against the giant tiger, surely adults could too, right? “They were talking bad about Shanks and his crew! I wasn’t going to let them get away with that!” No one insulted his friends and got away with it!

“Well, thanks for sticking up for us, Anchor!” Shanks laughed loudly as the Red Hair Pirates walked into the bar in good cheer.

“Shanks!” Luffy beamed at his friend. “Uta!” He was off the bar stool and across the bar in a cloud of mist to hug the girl the second that he saw her.

“Hi, Luffy!” Uta smiled at him, returning the hug. “You’re using your Devil Fruit better now.” She was almost jealous of how much progress he’d made over the last year.

“Yeah!” Luffy had his big grin on his face. “Grampa was a jerk and trained me really hard when he came back though.” He made a face and Uta couldn’t help but giggle at him.

“Your grandpa put you through the ringer, huh?” Shanks laughed, messing up Luffy’s hair.

“He keeps saying he’ll make me a Marine.” Luffy pouted, following Shanks towards the bar. “But I wanna be a pirate!”

“I’m sure old Garp was thrilled to hear that.” Yasopp, Shanks’s Head Gunner, laughed as he dropped into a seat at a nearby table.

In the last year since Luffy had eaten his Devil Fruit, his grandpa had trained him rigorously in how to use it. The Vice-Admiral had decades of experience training Marines of all kinds, with or without a Devil Fruit. He knew the basic ins-and-outs of all three types, and had forced Luffy to think outside the box with his Fruit since it didn’t offer him any direct offensive power.

These harsh lessons had led to Luffy figuring out how to shift into mist and move at rather impressive speeds. He’d also figure out that his mist had some odd properties when he focused on it. Including the strange ability to transport anything that wasn’t connected or tethered to the ground away. Luffy, the simple child that he was, had called it his Mist Gate. It had its limitations, of course, Luffy could only transport to places that he’d been to himself. But it certainly made getting around Fuusha Village easier. Luffy could simply move through his Mist Gate and be anywhere in the village near instantly.

“Tell me about your latest voyage!” Luffy was eager to hear about the Red Hair crew’s newest adventure.

“Oh?” Uta grinned smugly (it was adorable, really). “You want to know, huh?”

“Yeah!” Luffy nodded excitedly. “It’s no fair that you get to go and I don’t!”

“I’m already a member of the crew.” Uta playfully stuck her tongue out at Luffy.

“Shanks! Take me with you guys’ next time!” Luffy turned to Shanks while nearly hopping up and down.

“Wait another ten years, Luffy.” Shanks laughed at the boy.

“But Uta is the same age as me!” Luffy pointed out the unfairness as he saw it.

“Heh.” Uta looked very pleased with herself.

-A Week Later-

Luffy hugged the sniffling Uta. He’d been holding his friend and sharing in her tears for hours now. Shanks’s treasured straw hat now sat atop his head.

Shanks had told Uta to stay with Luffy in Fuusha Village instead of sailing away with them again. The Red Hair Pirates were planning to return to the Grand Line, the Pirate’s Graveyard, and Shanks didn’t want to risk Uta’s safety as they sailed beyond the Red Line and into the New World.

Unknown to either of the kids, the Devil Fruit that the Red Hair Pirates had stolen was drawing a lot of attention towards Shanks. Attention that the man didn’t want aimed at his daughter. Leaving her with Luffy in the safety of Fuusha Village was the best thing that he could do for her now. No one would target her here. Shanks would be free to deal with whatever may come his way with his crew at his back. Knowing that Uta was safe meant he could take on the world if it tried to come at him.

-A Month Later-

“That blasted Red Hair!” Garp grumbled loudly, dragging Luffy along no matter how much his grandson struggled.

“Let go, grampa!” Luffy tried to pull his arm out of Garp’s grip. For some reason, he couldn’t turn his arm into mist to escape.

“Quiet, brat!” Garp barked at his grandson, his face showing some wrinkles nowadays. “We’ve got more training to do! You’re going to be a great Marine when I get through with you!”

“I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” Luffy shouted back, only to get a bump on the head for his declaration.

“No grandson of mine is going to be a pirate!” Garp denied forcefully.

“Hey! Don’t hit Luffy like that!” Uta swatted at Garp’s leg ineffectively.

“He had it coming.” Garp ruffled Uta’s hair gently. “You’re more well-behaved, but you’ll go through some training too.” He smiled at the small girl.

“Where are we going, anyway?” Luffy grumbled, still being dragged along.

“To see an acquaintance of mine.” Garp answered simply. “You two will be staying with her for a while between the times I visit to train you up.” Honestly, the old Marine wondered how he’d gotten saddled with another infamous pirate’s child. First Roger, and now Red Hair! He wasn’t running a foster home! But he didn’t believe that a child was guilty of their parent’s sins. Uta had done nothing to earn the wrath that a large portion of the Marines would throw on her just for being Shanks’s daughter.

That was how Luffy and Uta met Curly Dadan and her Bandit Clan. The woman had complained about two more mouths to feed, but Garp had given them an ultimatum: Take care of the kids, or prison. Naturally, Dadan and her bandits promised to look after the children.

Uta and Luffy were inseparable during their time with the Dadan Clan. Meeting Ace (and Luffy being spat on) had led to both of the younger kids chasing after the older boy. Just living in the Corvo Mountains meant that the youngsters would grow stronger. Most of the beasts that lived within the forests of these mountains in the middle of Dawn Island where massive compared to their average sizes. It was a dangerous place and not many people would willingly traverse the forests if they could help it.

After a few months, Luffy and Uta had followed Ace all the way to Grey Terminal and met Sabo, Ace’s friend. The blonde had been skeptical of the younger kids, especially Uta (since she was a girl), but that had gotten him a punch to the face from the girl herself. The four children slowly became friends after that initial meeting. Ace and Sabo gaped at what Luffy and Uta could do with their Devil Fruits. That gaping had quickly transformed into mischievous smiles before the older boys had offered to let Uta and Luffy tag along with them the next time they snuck into the Goa Kingdom.

-Goa Kingdom-

“Get back here you little thieves!” A man roared, a cleaver raised high above his head as he chased after Ace, Sabo, and Luffy.

“Damn it, Luffy!” Ace cursed at the younger boy. “Why’d you have to do that?!”

“The meat looked tasty!” Luffy replied, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

“You didn’t have to take the entire butcher shop supply!” Sabo called back as they turned a corner.

Luffy had been lured by the smell of meat as they’d made their way through the Goa Kingdom. Ace and Sabo had tried to stop him, but Luffy’s mist body made that impossible. They’d ended up following him to a shop that butchered, cured, smoked, and cooked various meats. Needless to say, the roar of Luffy’s stomach was the last thing the workers heard before the entire shop was engulfed in mist. When the fog had cleared, every scrap of meat in the shop was gone and Luffy was running away with bright laughter at his haul.

That was what had led to their current situation.

“Corner!” Ace called out and all three boys dashed around it.

The second that they were out of sight, Luffy opened a Mist Gate and all three of them ran through it. All the butcher saw when he rounded the corner was some fading wisps of mist. “Where’d they go?” He looked around the dead end alley perplexed.

-Grey Terminal-

“Hah…hah…” Ace and Sabo panted after coming out of the cloud of mist that had just appeared in the area. Luffy was also breathing heavily from their run from the furious butcher.

“What did you do, Luffy?” Uta quickly figured out that something had gone wrong, and who the most likely culprit was.

“Nothing…” Luffy looked off to the side, only to receive two fists to the back of his head.

“Like hell!” Ace roared with sharp teeth.

“You totally messed up the plan!” Sabo, also with sharp teeth, yelled at Luffy.

“What did he do?” Uta sighed at seeing how angry Sabo and Ace were.

After an explanation of what Luffy had done, ruining the initial plan to spend the day pickpocketing the wealthy nobles, Uta had flicked Luffy in the forehead for being a dope. Luffy, rubbing his forehead, had then reached into a cloud of mist he made and pulled out a large leg of perfectly cooked meat. He bit into it and was instantly all smiles again.

That was a newer discovery of Luffy’s Devil Fruit. Not only could his Mist Gate transfer things, but it could store them too! Luffy had dubbed it his Mist Space, and had taken to storing things inside of it. The Mist Gate and the Mist Space didn’t seem to interact at all with each other. Not to mention the Mist Space seemed to have an oddly slow flow of time…if time didn’t just outright stop entirely. Case in point, the meat that Luffy was eating was the same meat that had been cooking at the shop several minutes ago. When he’d pulled it from his Mist Space, it was as if the meat had just come off the grill, still perfectly hot and fresh.

“Give us some too!” Sabo and Ace demanded.

“Nuh uh!” Luffy shook his head and ran away with the leg of meat still in hand.

“Luffy, be nice.” Uta pouted at him. Her purple eyes tearing up just slightly.

“Okay…” Luffy created more mist and pulled out meat for the three of them as well.

“Heh.” Uta’s grin showed that she was entirely too pleased with herself.

“Did your plan work at least?” Sabo questioned as they ate.

“Yep!” Uta patted the sack next to her. “I sang in one of the squares and got a lot of money.”

The various nobles of Goa Kingdom certainly had more money than sense. Some of them had enjoyed the small girl’s singing and had tossed rolls of Beri bills into her bag. After several songs, a rather pushy noble had asked about hiring her for his home. Uta had refused, of course, but the man hadn’t wanted to take no for an answer. So, she’d activated her Devil Fruit and sang, putting everyone in the plaza to sleep in seconds. Uta had then grabbed her sack filled with Beri and ran back to their meetup spot in Grey Terminal.

“Well, at least one of us made money today.” Ace glared at Luffy.

“We got meat though!” Luffy pointed out. In his mind that was equally valuable!

“Yeah, that’s great and all, but we’re going to have to stay out of the Elite District for a while now.” Sabo pointed out to Luffy. “We don’t want people remembering our faces.”

“Then we’ll just have to get money from the Central District.” Ace sighed at the fact that they’d not get as much for their treasure stash.

-Months Later-

Sabo was gone.

Ace, Luffy, and Uta were all devastated by the loss of their brother.

Sabo’s father, Outlook III, had spotted his runaway son in the Elite District while they’d been taking some money from the overly wealthy nobles. That had led to the Bluejam Pirates coming after them, hired by the aristocrat. The pirates didn’t know what hit them. Uta, having made some progress with her own Devil Fruit, had sang (screamed) at them, unleashing a devastating soundwave. The disorientated pirates had no chance to react beyond screaming as a massive cloud of mist engulfed them and they all vanished. The guards in the Elite District would respond to a raised alarm that pirates had infiltrated. The thirty-ish members of the Bluejam Pirates were quickly overwhelmed by hundreds of the guards that protected the aristocrats.

Outlook III had run in terror, screaming promises of getting Sabo back in-line no matter how much money it took.

The very same night, Grey Terminal was burned to ashes.

Sabo had snuck away from their tree-fort home in the forest. Leaving them a note that he was setting sail, and that he wouldn’t put them in danger.

The three had rushed off to try and get their sworn brother back. Only to see a small ship with Sabo’s flag on it get blown to pieces by the massive ship that was sailing into the harbor of the Goa Kingdom. Ace (as the oldest brother) had dragged away a screaming Luffy while a despondent Uta had followed along quietly.

It was only later the children would find out that their brother had been killed by a World Noble, a Celestial Dragon.

The three would never forget it.

-Years Later-

Ace had set sail, out to become a pirate and chase his dreams and adventure on the high seas.

Garp was furious when he’d come to pick the young man up to enlist in the Marines. But there wasn’t much he could do about it.

Now, Luffy and Uta were sitting on a hill watching the sun set. The two teens were leaning against each other, Uta’s head on Luffy’s shoulder, and Luffy’s head gently resting atop hers. Uta recalled just how blunt and direct she’d had to be to get Luffy to realize that she liked him as more than a friend. But once that had finally sunk in, Luffy reciprocated her feelings and the two had become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Their relationship had prompted Makino to explain the ‘birds and the bees’ to Uta and Luffy, with some assistance from the village doctor. Luffy had needed multiple explanations, as he asked questions about anything he didn’t know. Uta had simply been red-faced whenever she looked at Luffy for the next few days.

“It’ll be our time to set sail, soon enough.” Uta murmured softly.

“Just a few years.” Luffy agreed as they watched the sunset.

“I think we’re already doing pretty well.” Uta grinned, snuggling into him a bit more. “The future Pirate King and the World’s Greatest Singer.” She would be once her voice was known to the world. But for that, they’d need some Transponder Snails to let her sing for others as they sailed.

“Shishishishi…” Luffy laughed and gently tightened his arm around her waist. “Plus, we have a lot of money.” He mentioned of their shared savings.

The trio of Ace, Luffy, and Uta had paid a visit to Sabo’s father shortly after their brother’s death. The man and his wife had woken up to find their large mansion filled with thick mist, three small figures looking at them from within. As they cried out in shock, everything had disappeared, even the very bed they were lying in. The couple had fallen to the floor, only to watch as the three figures vanished with the last of the mist. Not a single thing that hadn’t been nailed down was left in the mansion as Outlook III and his wife, Didit, investigated their home once the sun had risen. That had left the servants in confusion and rumors had quickly spread. Outlook III had ended up needing to spend a substantial amount from his savings to replace everything and not lose favor with the King of Goa. His family had nearly been destitute, but he’d been able to hide it, albeit barely.

The vast majority of that stolen wealth still resided in Luffy’s Mist Space to this day. Ace had received his one-third share, of course, and everything that could be pawned off and sold had been, anything they wanted to keep, they kept, but most of the money was now in the form of Beri bills and coins. Luffy and Uta’s share was safely stashed away for when they needed it.

-Luffy and Uta ~ Age 17-

“Mmm~ Luffy…” Uta moaned, pressing herself against Luffy.

“Uta.” Luffy kissed her neck, his hands roaming her body.

The two had certainly deepened their relationship over the last couple of years. Now being sexually active with each other, to a very regular degree, much to the hidden laughter of the villagers. The two were all over each other when no one was around, or when they thought no one was around, at any rate.

Makino had been the one to make sure that they were being safe about it. Helping Uta get on contraceptives to prevent pregnancy so that their plans to sail out into the world as pirates wouldn’t be messed up. The barmaid hadn’t expected the thanks that she’d received from Luffy and Uta for it. That was for sure.


“Luffy…Uta…are…are you sure?” Makino looked at Luffy, sitting on the bed, and then at Uta, who was already working on the buttons of the older woman’s shirt.

“Very sure.” Uta nodded, pulling open Makino’s shirt to reveal a simple bra.

“Yeah, we want to thank you for all of the years you’ve helped us.” Luffy smiled at Makino warmly.

“If…if you’re okay with me.” Makino gave in, not that she’d resisted much to begin with. She had some experience, but there wasn’t any man in Fuusha Village that she could honestly say she wanted to marry. Uta pulled her shirt odd and Makino removed her bra to reveal her tits to Luffy’s gaze.

“You’re pretty, Makino.” Luffy’s genuine compliment brought a smile to Makino’s face as she undid her long skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“She is.” Uta agreed, slipping out of her white dress and revealing that she was completely nude beneath it. She hadn’t even bothered with any underwear when she’d gone to get Makino.

Makino moved forward, leaning down a little to kiss the sitting Luffy. She hummed when his warm hands trailed along her bare skin. Luffy pulled her into his lap, and the two deepened their kissing. Feeling Uta’s bare body pressing up against her back made Makino moan hotly. The girl had certainly blossomed into a beautiful woman over the years. She was buxom, curvy, and sweet. Something that many men of the village probably fantasized about.

The bar owner almost couldn’t believe how fine of a man Luffy had become. He was muscled, toned, and his cock wasn’t anything to scoff at. It was honestly making her wonder if she’d be able to take it all.

“Makino…that feels good.” Luffy groaned as Makino began to stroke his length. He let a low rumble out when she kneeled between his legs and kissed the tip of his cock.

“Let’s get you prepared, Luffy.” Makino gave him a lustful gaze before taking him between her lips. She steadily worked her way down his shaft. Her tongue cradling the underside of his length as she took more and more of him. Makino felt his hand touch the back of her head when she was a bit over halfway. She gagged a little as she took him into her throat.

“Don’t hog him…” Uta kneeled next to Makino, her tongue coming out to join Makino’s in pleasuring Luffy.

Luffy began to breath harder as Makino and Uta took turns to suck his dick. He’d been curious about sex, he and Uta had fooled around a lot and done just about everything except sex so far, but he’d never imagined that Uta would suggest they do something like this. Makino took him deeper, making sexy noises as she bobbed her head. Luffy was almost in a daze as he ran his fingers through her dark-green locks.

“No fair…” Uta pouted a little, her hands running over Makino’s body as the bar owner deepthroated Luffy. She was impressed that Makino was capable of taking Luffy so well. Uta moaned hotly as she saw Luffy crash over the edge when Makino managed to take him to the base.

Makino swallowed a few times with Luffy’s length buried in her throat. ‘Oh damn…so much!’ Makino swallowed down Luffy’s load with wide eyes. She probably should’ve expected Luffy to be an overachiever in this area. Thankfully the first load stopped before air became a problem. Makino slowly pulled back, lavishing his entire cock with her tongue the whole way. When she let him slip form between her lips, she looked up at him with smoldering eyes.

“Mmm~” Uta saw her chance and took the head of Luffy’s cock between her lips, tasting the final shot from his first load of the night.

“Makino…” Luffy breathed out to the woman he’d known his whole life. Even Uta had some trouble doing that, yet Makino had managed it the first time that they were together.

“Luffyyyyy!” Makino almost squealed when Luffy picked her up like she weighed nothing. She was on her back in the bed and before she could even get her bearings, Luffy was between her legs. She gasped when his hot breath ghosted over her wet sex. Makino threw her head back with a cry of pleasure when Luffy buried his face and began to lick and explore her pussy with his tongue. “Mmm~ Luffy, like that…yes~” She took hold of his head and gently guided him to where it felt best. She hadn’t expected to receive this tonight, but she wasn’t going to complain!

“Yes…he’s good at that~” Uta mewled into Makino’s ear, before kissing the woman’s lips.

“Hmm?” Luffy pulled back for a breath as Makino panted. Seeing her clit, Luffy gently ran his thumb against it.

“Luffy…mmm~” Makino mewled at the shock of pleasure.

“Shishishishi…” Luffy chuckled lightly as he did it again. Uta adored it when he played with her like this. He was glad that it worked on Makino too.

“LUFFY!!!” Makino moaned loudly as her hips bucked up off the bed and she orgasmed. Luffy had placed his lips over her clit and spun his tongue in circles. The stimulation sent a bolt of pleasure crashing into Makino’s brain and her legs wrapped around his head as she orgasmed hard.

“Me too.” Uta straddled Makino’s head and gently lowered her wet heat to the woman’s lips. “Please, Makino~”

Makino had no experience with other women, but she was far too dazed and awash in pleasure to argue. She licked Uta’s pussy, making the younger woman moan. Makino’s tongue gently delved into Uta’s pussy, tasting the girl and making Uta’s hips roll at the pleasure.

“Mmm…yes~” Uta bit her lip as Makino licked her sex. She’d been curious what being with another woman would be like and so far, she was a fan! Uta moved her hips against Makino’s tongue, the heat and pleasure building up in her body. She was close…so fucking close!

“Hah!” Luffy pulled himself free of Makino’s limp legs. He smiled at seeing Uta enjoying herself with Makino while he settled between the older woman’s thighs. Luffy reached forward and gently took Uta’s tits into his hands. He began to grope and fondle them gently before brushing his thumbs over her nipples.

“Fuck~” Uta climaxed when Luffy pinched her nipples. Throwing her head back to moan out her release, she shook and spasmed atop Makino while the bar owner continued to lick and suck on her pussy. “Ma-Makino…nooo~” She was too sensitive! Luffy pulled her back into his chest, removing her from the reach of Makino’s lips and tongue. “Hah…hah…Luffy.” Uta turned her head to capture his lips, tasting Makino on them as their tongues intertwined.

“Let’s move on to the next part.” Makino encouraged, having regained her wits. She gently pulled Uta to lie on top of her, their breasts pressing together lewdly, before her hands reached back and took hold of Uta’s wonderful ass. “You know what to do, right Luffy?” Makino spread Uta’s ass cheeks, revealing both of the younger woman’s holes to Luffy.

“Yeah.” Luffy’s eyes were locked onto Uta’s exposed ass and pussy. He gently guided himself towards Uta’s dripping heat and pressed the head of his cock inside.

“Aahhh…Luffy…” Uta mewled as she felt his large cock slowly enter her for the first time. “I’ve wanted this…for so long~”

“Ooh…yes, that’s it…gentle at first, Luffy.” Makino encouraged him as she watched the joyful look on Uta’s face. “Once you’re both ready, then you can move.” Luffy acknowledged her words. He waited until Uta gave a roll of her hips that sent pleasure racing through him.

“More.” Uta moved her hips again, filling herself with more of Luffy’s cock, while simultaneously rubbing her pussy against Makino’s. The singer’s purple eyes were hazy and her tongue was starting to loll out of her mouth as she panted.

“Uta.” Luffy pulled back slowly, making Uta mewl in pleasure. He reversed and filled her up in one long thrust right after, the slap of his hips against her ass filling the room for an instant.

“Luffy! Yes! More!” Uta felt him take hold of her hips and the speed of his thrusts increased rapidly. The clapping sound of Luffy bottoming out inside of her each time was loud, and Uta threw her hips back to meet each thrust as best she could.

“Ah…ah…mmm!” Makino moaned and mewled as the movement rubbed her and Uta together. Their slick pussy’s gliding against each other while their tits bounced and their nipples dragged against one another.

“Fuck…” Luffy panted out as he continued to thrust into Uta’s wonderful heat. He never imagined that sex would feel this good! Uta was soft, tight, hot, wet, and perfect, he couldn’t get enough of her! He increased the power of his thrusts and the clapping sound got louder.

“LUFFY!!!” Uta climaxed from the more powerful thrusts. But Luffy didn’t slow down at all. If anything, the spasming of her climaxing pussy only made him fuck her harder. Uta felt her eyes rolling up and was only brought back to reality when Makino kissed her. The other woman’s tongue took hers and deepened their kiss, prompting Uta to kiss her back as she was fucked through her orgasm.

“Uta!” Luffy buried himself into her depths and flooded her with his seed a moment later. Uta’s lewd moans were swallowed up by the sinfully hot kiss that she was sharing with Makino. “So…good…” Luffy breathed out as he came down from the sexual high.

“You were amazing, Luffy.” Makino praised him, kissing Uta’s lips again before lying back to catch her breath. She had nearly climaxed herself and there were still tingles and shocks of pleasure running through her body.

“Hey, Makino…” Luffy spoke up a moment later as he pulled himself free from Uta’s flooded pussy. “Can we go again?”

“Al-Already?” Makino stuttered, seeing that Luffy was still hard. Her body trembled in phantom pleasure at the sight.

“Yeah,” Luffy nodded with a grin. “It feels amazing and I want to do it with you.”

“Okay…” Makino giggled lightly looking at Luffy invitingly. She felt Luffy prod her pussy with the head of his cock and then nearly choked on her own breath as he buried himself into her in a strong thrust. “Luffy!” If her legs weren’t being held down by Uta’s, they would’ve locked behind Luffy’s hips instinctively.

“Aaahh~” Uta moaned into Makino’s neck as Luffy used one hand to play with her ass while he fucked the bar owner.

“Tight…so good…” Luffy groaned lowly as he continued to thrust his hips into Makino’s dripping sex. She and Uta felt different, but both were incredibly good. He wanted more! Luffy’s thrusts increased in both speed and power making both of the women rock back and forth on the bed.

LUFFY!!!” Makino howled in pleasure as his large cock began to pleasurably ravage her insides. She was pretty sure she was seeing stars as the pleasure crashed into her brain. ‘More, more, more~’ Makino repeated in her head like a mantra as Luffy assuredly ruined her for any other man.

“You got tighter…” Luffy nearly growled out, his thrusts bottoming out inside of Makino.

“Lu-Luffy...aaaaahhhhh~” Makino let out a lewd moan as she crashed over the edge into a powerful orgasm. Uta latching onto her neck to leave a hickey certainly added a new element to Makino’s pleasure. If her mind hadn’t gone blank, she may have realized that Luffy was still fucking her through her orgasm.

“Take it!” Luffy buried himself into Makino’s deepest spot and filled her with his release.

“AAAaaahhhh…” Makino nearly wailed as a second orgasm crashed into the end of her first one. She felt herself fading, her vision going dark, all the while a deliriously happy smile formed on her face.

“So…good…” Luffy slowly pulled out of Makino, a veritable flood of thick seed slowly spilling from her pussy. He needed a second to recover after that.

“Luffy, more~” Uta wiggled her hips, her bouncy booty swaying and teasing him.

“Okay.” Luffy wasn’t going to argue.

-End Flashback-

Makino would never speak of what the three of them had gotten up to for the rest of the night. But it had involved many sinfully delightful things that she never thought she’d be a part of. Sharing Luffy’s cock with Uta, then French kissing with his cum in their mouths. Both of them pressing their tits around Luffy’s dick until he covered them with more of his hot seed. Many things that Makino blushed about when she thought of them later. She didn’t realize how good it could feel to let Luffy get a little rough with her…not to mention her butt. Makino shook her head to disperse the thoughts. Now wasn’t the time!

“There they go.” Makino smiled as she waved to Luffy and Uta as they sailed further away.

“They’re going out into the world to become criminals!” Woopslap declared with a grimace. Why couldn’t any of the Monkey D. Family be normal? Uta was such a sweet girl too. It boggled his mind why she’d want to become a pirate.

“Luffy and Uta are just following their dreams,” Makino grinned at Woopslap. “That’s not such a bad thing, is it?” Her left hand rested on her stomach unconsciously as she watched the two get further from the docks.

“Until they both ruin our town’s reputation.” Woopslap grumbled as he looked away. “How many criminals are going to come from our little village?”

Makino only rolled her eyes at the mayor’s complaints. Everyone knew he cared for Luffy and Uta, just like they all did.


The soft melody of a woman singing filled the air around a small boat. It was originally a small fishing vessel, possessing a small cabin that could sleep two comfortably and a single sail. Luffy and Uta had bought it from one f the fishermen in Fuusha Village to start their journey with. The beautiful sound of Uta’s voice brought a smile to Luffy’s lips as she sang.

“It’s a good day.” Luffy grinned, pulling some meat from his Mist Space and chowing down while listening to Uta sing.

“It really is.” Uta replied a minute later, having finished her song. Her smile was sweet as she sat next to Luffy. “Food, please.”

“Here.” Luffy pulled a small barrel of water and a plate of fried chicken from his mist. Anything that went into the Mist Space came out in the same condition it went in. Which made it easy to prepare meals for later.

The two lovers ate happily while sailing along. Just being together was nice, and they were both excited to see what the first thing on their journey would be.

“Land!” Uta called out as they approached a small forested island. “And…pirates…” The red and white-haired girl drawled, as the top mast of a ship appeared over the tree line with a Jolly Roger on it.

“Hmm…you think we could get a heading from them?” Luffy wondered, they’d just been letting the winds take them wherever at the moment.

“If they’re Peacemain, maybe.” Uta shrugged, knowing that only about one in ten pirate crews were Peacemain, while the rest were Morganeers.

“Well, let’s drop anchor and ask!” Luffy saw no problem with approaching potential enemies to ask for directions. Uta only giggled at him as they sailed into the shallows.

“Wh-Who a-ar-are y-you?” A short, chubby, pink-haired boy with round glasses stuttered out a few minutes later as Luffy and Uta finished securing their boat to the shore.

“I’m Luffy.” Luffy introduced himself with a grin.

“I’m Uta.” Uta did the same, looking over the boy curiously. “Are you part of that pirate crew?” She pointed in the direction that the pirate ship was docked.

“I…I…well…not willingly…” The boy mumbled out. “My name is Coby. Two years ago, I decided to go fishing. But I got into the wrong boat and was taken captive by the Alvida Pirates. I’ve been their Cabin Boy slave ever since...only kept around because I can navigate better than they can.”

“So, why not leave?” Luffy questioned blankly. “If you don’t want to be here, just leave.”

“Impossible! Impossible, impossible, impossible!” Coby shook his head rapidly. “J-Just thinking of what Al-Alvida would do to me if I tried…it makes my legs shake.”

“Oh, so you’re a coward.” Luffy laughed at the boy, not noticing the verbal arrow that had lodged in Coby’s chest from his remark.

“Th-that’s…not wrong.” Coby muttered, sinking to his knees on the sand of the beach.

“What is this island anyway?” Uta questioned Coby curiously. “Some kind of hideout?”

“It’s an unmapped island where Lady Alvida stashes her plunder.” Coby informed the pair. “You two should leave before anyone else spots you.”

“Well, we don’t really know where we’re going…” Luffy laughed while Uta grinned at him.

“Anywhere is better than here though!” Coby exclaimed in fright. “You don’t want to be caught by Alvida! She has a 5,000,000 Beri Bounty on her head!”

“Huh.” Luffy was entirely unconcerned. “Do you want to come with us? We could use some help navigating to a bigger island.”

“Th-That’s…I…I…can’t…Alvida will notice I’m gone soon and her ship is a lot faster than yours. Plus, the cannons would blow you out of the water!” Coby shook his head, already having given up mentally.

“So, you’re a coward and a wimp, huh?” Luffy laughed at the boy. “I hate people like you.”

“So harsh…” Coby slumped forward.

“So, if we dealt with the pirates for you…then would you help us navigate?” Uta questioned the boy. She could navigate a bit, but she definitely didn’t know this area very well, and Luffy didn’t have a map in his Mist Space for them to use. That was one of the first things on her to-do list to buy when they got to a bigger town.

“How could you just say that?!” Coby exclaimed at the beautiful woman. “Alvida is terrifying!”

“Don’t worry about it.” Luffy waved off. “So, do you want to fight this Alvida lady, or do you want to fight her crew?” He asked Uta with a grin.

“I’ll take on the Captain.” Uta smiled, entirely carefree. The couple began to walk in the direction of the pirate ship without a care while Coby followed behind, trembling the whole way.

“What’re those? Storehouses?” Luffy saw two structures as they approached the shore where the pirates were docked.

“Y-Yeah.” Coby nodded to him. “That’s where the plunder is kept.”

“Neat.” Luffy walked right out into the open, turned towards the two storage buildings, and was standing in front of them both before any of the pirates realized that there was an intruder in their midst.

“Who the hell are you?!” A pirate demanded with his cutlass drawn. More and more of the crew were moving to surround Luffy.

“Yoink!” Luffy flooded both storehouses with his mist. The vapor cleared away a short moment later to reveal both storehouses completely empty.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” All of the pirates exclaimed in fear, panic, and shock.

“I’m Luffy, a pirate.” Luffy introduced himself to the group of men.

“A Devil Fruit? I had heard the tales…but I wasn’t sure if they were true.” A massive woman commented as she ambled across the beach towards the group. She was large…to say the least. Wearing a white cowboy hat with a large red plume on it, a pink plaid shirt barely holding in her girth, white pants that were stretched to the limit, a navy blue captain’s coat that there was no way she could button up, gaudy rings on her fingers, and in her right hand was a massive iron club. “So, you’re a pirate, are you?”

“Wow, your fat.” Luffy spoke thoughtlessly, making every other man on the beach gape at him in terror.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” Alvida raised her club and charged at Luffy.

“Whoa, wait, I’m not the one that’s going to fight you.” Luffy dodged the first swing of the club, the heavy weapon throwing up a plume of sand from the impact with the beach.

“I am!” Uta launched herself out of the woods in a blur. “Bada baad, baba ba ba baaad!” She sang and a golden lance appeared in her hands. The weapon easily taller than Uta herself.

“Who is this bitch?!” Alvida swung her club at Uta, her rage already high, and seeing a beautiful woman wasn’t helping. The curvy young woman was a traditional beauty with an hourglass figure, and to the enraged Alvida that had just been called fat, Uta was a prime target for her misplaced rage.

“Too slow.” Uta blurred away and the swing went wide.

“Where?!” Alvida gaped seeing Uta disappear.

“Behind you!” Uta slammed the side of her golden lance into Alvida’s head. The large woman’s feet left the ground and she slammed through the nearest storehouse, the structure collapsing on top of her.

“Ooh, your Soru is even faster that the last time we sparred.” Luffy smiled at Uta.

Call Luffy an idiot, it was true in several cases, but he was a combat savant if nothing else. Having watched his grandpa beat the heck out of him for years during their training together, he’d picked up the basics of a few of the old man’s ‘special moves’ for himself. Then he’d promptly taught them to Uta. Soru, Rankyaku, and Geppou he’d been able to figure out by watching his grandfather’s legs during their spars. It had taken him a good while to actually utilize them himself, but he could do them now, as could Uta.

Luffy was rather proud of himself for managing to hide that fact from his grandpa for the last few years.

“Hehe!” Uta gave him a peace sign with a wide grin. Her golden lance dispersed, its time in the material world over from such a short verse of song from her Devil Fruit.

As a child she’d only been using the most basic form of her Devil Fruit’s power. Making people that heard her singing fall asleep and dragging them into a dream world that she could control. What she’d discovered over the years had been the reason her Fruit was called the Uta Uta no Mi (Sing-Sing Fruit). As long as she sang with the proper intention in her heart, she could do many things with her power. She could increase a person’s physical output, like a buff. She could materialize weapons or other things for a short time with the proper song and feeling. If she poured raw emotion into her voice and screamed or yelled, like in Metal music, she could unleash powerful shockwaves. It was all dependent on her voice, her heart, and her intentions. The Uta Uta no Mi was a versatile and terrifying Devil Fruit in the hands of a skilled singer and songstress like Uta.

“C-Captain?” One of the pirates called out to the rubble that used to be a storehouse. He got no response.

“Oh yeah, I still have to fight.” Luffy pounded his right fist into his left palm. “One sec!” All of the pirates turned wide, fearful eyes onto Luffy. “Heh!” His wide smile was followed by a thick and hazy mist filling the area.

“Where’d he go?!” One pirate yelled in panic.

To Luffy, the man might as well have been speaking in slow motion. This was a rather recent discovery…only found during one of his worst spars with his grandpa. By filling an area with his mist, he could slow down time for a brief few moments. Everyone and everything within the mist was affected equally, except for Luffy himself. He still moved at normal speed. Luffy had dubbed it the Veil of Mist.

“Punch, kick, elbow, punch, knee, back fist, punch, kick…” Luffy struck each and every pirate once each. He finished just as his mist dispersed and time resumed its normal flow.






The pirates made noises of pain as they received the blows and went flying across the beach like ragdolls.

“Wh-What are you two?!” Coby cried out in shock after seeing what the two had done.

“We’re pirates!” Luffy and Uta declared at the same time, both with big smiles on their faces.

-Sabaody Archipelago ~ Months Later-

“My, my…you’re the quite the troublemaker, Monkey D. Luffy.” A ridiculously tall man in a yellow striped suit addressed the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Judging by the fact that he had a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms not in its sleeves. Meant that he was a Marine Officer of some rank. The man was wearing pure white shoes, gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit.

“Admiral Kizaru…” Robin breathed out and the entire crew tensed up at her words.

“Like Aokiji?” Luffy looked at Robin. He received a nod from the beautiful Archeologist and then turned back to face the Admiral. “What do you want?”

“Oh…I thought that would be fairly obvious.” Kizaru drawled, his laidback grin still on his face while pulling his right hand out of his pocket and pointing his index finger at Luffy. “You can’t just harm a Celestial Dragon and get away with it, you know?”

“You guys get out of here…” Luffy filled the area with mist quickly, and when it cleared his entire crew was gone.

Here they’d been hoping to be able to relax for a bit. Luffy would let some of his nakama go visit their family/loved ones through his Mist Gate while they waited for their ship to be coated. But that had quickly become impossible after Camie had been kidnapped.

It was too bad, Usopp had clearly been hoping for another date with Kaya.

And Nami always liked to go visit Nojiko and Genzo on Cocoyashi when they were docked at an island for a while.

Sanji flat out refused to return to the Baratie though, the Chef knowing what old man Zeff would say to him if he came waltzing back through his door without finding the All Blue first.

“Well…that complicates things.” Kizaru hummed, looking a bit put out that the rest of the crew had escaped.

“Don’t worry about it.” Luffy grinned, the area filling with thick mist. Admirals were dangerous. He needed to give his crew some time to get the Sunny Go sailing. Once they were far enough from the island, then he could join them.

“You’re a Logia, right?” Kizaru looked like he was trying to remember if that was accurate or not. “Well, I’ll find out.” A bright yellow glow filled the area and he launched a laser into the mist. “Hmm?” Kizaru blinked at seeing no explosion from his attack. “I put Haki into that…Logia or not, that still should’ve done something to you.”

“Try again?” Luffy’s voice laughed within the swirling mist.

“Alright.” Kizaru had no problem if Luffy wanted to play cat and mouse. Beam after beam fired from the Light Logia’s fingertip. Each laser disappeared into the spreading mist without effect. With a raised eyebrow, Kizaru began adding more and more Haki into each blast. It was only a few moments later that Kizaru’s ears nearly twitched at the sound of distant explosions. “Are the pirates putting up that much of a fight?” He wondered thoughtfully. They’d even brought out the Pacifista for a test run…were the explosions their doing?

“Distracted?” Luffy questioned the Admiral, the mist engulfing the man.

“Not really.” Kizaru sensed Luffy all around since the mist was his Logia state. The strange mist faded from around him and Kizaru barely suppressed a cough.

It suddenly felt like he’d taken dozens of fairly strong blows all across his body at the exact same time. Sure, it wasn’t anywhere near enough to put him down, but the sheer fact that something like this had been done to him without his notice was a shock.

“You, okay?” Luffy’s voice called out from the clouds of mist all over the place.

“What was that, exactly?” Kizaru actually narrowed his eyes slightly.

“What was what?” Luffy played dumb.

“I see.” Kizaru held up both of his hands, crossing his arms over each other, then forming a ball of light between each of this thumbs and index fingers. “Yasakani no Magatama.” From the two small orbs between his fingers an absolute swarm of yellow balls of light were unleashed. The mist shifted and wavered in places, but the expected explosions never came.

At least, not where they were supposed to.

The sounds of distant explosions were heard all around the archipelago. Smoke began to rise from the same areas, indicating fires and other forms of damage happening.

“Purupurupurupuru…” The sound of a Transponder Snail was heard. “Purupurupurupuru…” The communication device rang again. “Purupurupurupuru…”

“Are you gonna answer that?” Luffy asked from the swirling mist.

“Moshi moshi…” Kizaru had kept both his eyes and his Observation Haki locked onto the mist as he pulled out the Baby Transponder Snail from the inside of his coat and answered it.

“UNCLE!!!” A man’s voice roared out from the snail. “For the sake of everyone on the archipelago, stop firing lasers!”

“Oh? Sentomaru?” Kizaru blinked at hearing his nephew’s panicked demand. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on?!” Sentomaru yelled back through the snail. “YOU’RE WHAT’S GOING ON!!! The majority of the Archipelago is being blasted by YOUR Devil Fruit! Damage and casualties are rising faster than we can respond! You’ve even hit our own men!”

“Huh?” Kizaru dropped his normal laidback look and stood to his full height. “I’m currently engaged with Straw Hat Luffy. There’s no way that my attacks…could have…landed…” The Admiral’s eyes widened as it all clicked together. The lack of response to his attacks. The seeming disappearance of all his lasers. The distant explosions that followed.

“Uncle? Uncle?! UNCLE?!” Sentomaru called out through the Baby Transponder Snail. “What’s happening over there?”

“I’ll call you back, Sentomaru…” Kizaru glared at the mist that was Luffy’s power. “I’ve got a pirate to deal with.” He ended the call and shoved the snail back in his pocket. “You certainly live up to your bounty, don’t you, Straw Hat?” At 600,000,000 Beri, Monkey D. Luffy was far and away the Supernova with the highest bounty.

“I guess so.” Luffy’s voice echoed all around. “Do you still want to fight?”

“I can’t use projectile, it would seem.” Kizaru mentioned while placing his palms together. A bright glow formed between them as he slowly separated them, seeming to pull light into a long beam. “Ama no Murakumo!” The beam turned into a sword made of bright yellow light. “So, I’ll cut you down instead.” In less than an instant, Kizaru was within the mist, his light sword making a wide arc through the fog.

In Luffy’s view, Kizaru’s strike was fast, but nothing he couldn’t keep up with when using Veil of Mist. He ducked under the swing and launched the most powerful punch he could into the Admiral’s chest, only for his hand to pass through it like water. Luffy blinked but threw another punch, getting the same results. Not wanting his Veil of Mist to run out, Luffy threw every punch, kick, and strike he could at the Admiral, all with the same result. He used his Mist Gate to make distance just as the Veil of Mist faded and time resumed its normal flow again.

“Hnngh!” Kizaru couldn’t fully suppress the noise of pain this time. He’d been intangible! Did Straw hat Luffy have Armament Haki?! That wasn’t in any of the reports! The tall Admiral went flying out of the mist and crashed into the ground as all of the accumulated blows hit him at once. “Quite the surprise, aren’t you?” He dispersed into motes of light and reformed several meters to his left. “How did you get past my Logia intangibility? Do you possess Armament Haki?”

“What’s that?” Luffy asked blankly. He’d never even heard the term before.

“So, that’s a no.” Kizaru hummed still holding his light sword. “Some power from your Devil Fruit then.” He grew his light sword with his power, making it long enough that a single swing could cleave through the entire clearing that they were in. “I’ll have to cut you down all at once then.”

“Could you not?” Luffy requested as his mist expanded to cover the ground, spreading out further and further.

“You do not that all of this mist is considered part of you, right?” Kizaru questioned the boy like he was stupid. “I can stab this and you should feel the pain of it.” He pointed at the mist billowing around his feet now.

“Yeah, but that didn’t work the last time, huh?” Luffy chuckled and Kizaru reaffirmed his grip on the incredibly long light sword, prepared to cut Luffy down.

And then there was the sensation of falling.

For just a fraction of an instant, Kizaru saw the mist of Luffy’s Devil Fruit obscure his vision…and then he was in the middle of the amusement park of Sabaody Archipelago. Blinking, the Admiral turned his head this way and that. What he saw around him was bad. People were injured, Marines and civilians alike. The area was pock marked with craters that he knew came from his Devil Fruit. What was left of his light sword vanished into motes of light as he was approached by several Marines.

“Admiral, sir!” The Marines saluted him. “What can we do for you, sir?”

“Take care of the injured. I still have a pirate to hunt down.” Kizaru ordered and then vanished in a blink of light.

“Y-Yes, sir!” The Marines still saluted to confirm their orders, even though the Admiral was long gone.

The instant that Kizaru arrived back where he’d fought Luffy, he found a completely empty clearing. Expanding his Observation Haki as far as it could go, he found no trace of the pirate. But there was a very powerful ‘voice’ approaching the location. Turing to face the direction revealed an old man, but one that just about anyone in the Marines could identify without trouble.

“Silvers Rayleigh…” Kizaru spoke, already tensing his muscles in preparation to act.

“He’s a tricky kid, huh?” Rayleigh chuckled at the Admiral, unsheathing the sword at his waist. “Could I ask you to not get in his way?”

“What stake do you have in Straw Hat Luffy’s future, Dark King?” Kizaru questioned the living legend.

“Don’t go plucking these young saplings before they’ve had their chance to grow.” Was Rayleigh’s non-answer.

-Sunny Go-

“I’m back!” Luffy called out, only to see the horrifying sight of Uta fighting a large man that had weird paw pads on his hands. None of his other nakama were around, and Uta looked frantic as she slammed the attacker with soundwaves that were so strong that they warped the air and became visible. “UTA!!!” Luffy was rocketing towards her in the fastest Soru he’d ever performed in his life.

“Luffy!” Uta saw him, blurring towards him in her own Soru.

The two met in the middle, grabbing onto each other.

Then the large man in the brown shirt and grew pants with pawprints on them seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He briefly touched Luffy’s back and with a pop, both Uta and Luffy vanished from the Sabaody Archipelago.

“Mission…accomplished.” Bartholomew Kuma spoke robotically. He dropped down onto the grass-covered deck with a heavy thud. The Straw Hat Pirates had put up far more of a fight than expected. Several things within his cyborg body were very much damaged. Without the ability to identify them all, there was a chance his continued functionality was at risk.

-In The Sky-

“I’ve got you, Uta!” Luffy called out to his lover.

“Luffy!” Uta was bawling into his chest as they zipped across the sky. “Everyone…he got everyone! They…they all disappeared!”

“Then we’ll get them back!” Luffy held her tightly. “We’ll find them all and bring them back!” The sheer conviction in his words made Uta believe him wholeheartedly.

“Yes!” Uta held onto him tightly. “We will! Together!” Her purple eyes were determined when they met his dark eyes.

They didn’t know how long they’d be flying for, but even Luffy’s powers couldn’t seem to get them out, so they resolved to hold each other and wait. Uta filling Luffy in on what had happened after he’d sent them through his Mist Gate.

A certain island in the Calm Belt was about to be shaken by their arrival.

-End Chapter-


Some Devil Fruits are just plain fucking weird!

Combining Tomoe’s Mist Gates and Pocket Dimensions from Tsukimichi: Moonlit Journey, with Okami’s Veil of Mist power, gets you a very fun and useful Logia Fruit that actually has no direct offensive power!

Kizaru was certainly surprised by it!

We have Uta! So cute! Must love!

She and Luffy are inseparable! Though that didn’t stop them from making a polycule of lovely ladies! Hehehehe~

But revealing the members of said polycule will have to wait for later!

I hope you enjoyed this newest Plot Bunny! What other Devil Fruits do I have waiting in the queue? You’ll find out soon enough!

Let me know what you thought with a review!

Until next time, later!



Great chapter, like the idea of Uta and Luffy being together. Keep up the good work!

Branden Lord

This was great! Hope to see more

Ant Franklin

Bro... bro...... BROOOOOOOOO, if the question is should you make this a full fic the answer I'd say is a resounding yes, the foundation you just layer is immaculate


*Happy Kai Noises* Thank you very much for the praise! I'm glad you enjoyed this so much! Man, the One Piece Bunnies have fans and that makes me happy. Should have plenty of stories for a long time to come!


This is soooo fucking Awesome Great Work.


Thank you so much! I'm happy that you liked it! It's a fun Devil Fruit, huh?


One more !!! One more!!! Full story on the way please. Most one piece good stories are abandonned, it just loses on the most abandonned ones to Campione


yessss i really love this fic and the fact you added uta to the mix is perfect


OH FUCK YES~! I always loved how Uta and Luffy complimented or suited one another ever since One Piece Red came out! Fuck, can you imagine that if Uta appeared in the same beginning as Luffy back when it all started... That would have brought out a whole new level of fanfare and shipping war, plus it would have different types of significant hits. I don't care what others say; I shipped Luta or Uffy! Bring out more fluff and smut, but fluff more!~


So good to see a another chapter i hope to see more but with every of your idea you could make a story with each one of them.


KEK!!! So glad that you enjoyed this Bunny! Uta deserves ALL of the fluff and love! Must snuggle!


Thank you for the compliment! My Muse still has other ideas as well! Just roughly trying to recall all of them there are: 3 more Logia, 3 Paramecia, and at least one more Zoan/Mythical Zoan.


nice to see a good One Piece fic there's just been a severe lack of good ones lately and this one has a lot of great potential. Btw just one minor complaint and that's that you should warn before you do a time skip such as Luffy and Uta just starting to them suddenly being in Saobody


Happy that you enjoyed it! Time Skips in Bunnies are just to show how things could play out in the future. They wouldn't really be part of the story itself.


Another great bunny kairo, I love the fact that you used Uta since the very beginning, question: do you know about the power "all fiction" (I think that was the name at least ) ? If yes have you ever thought of making a bunny, for weather one piece or my hero academia, using that power?


I recall it...but that was a broken ability iirc. Happy New Year to you as well!


Damn right it is broken Broken is love Broken is life 🤩 Just an idea think about it


with Makino putting her hand over her stomach does that indicate you're gonna go against the popular theory and have Luffy be the baby's daddy instead of Shanks as everyone suspects? lol


Given the timeline including the timeskip...the baby we see in Canon COULD actually be Luffy's child, considering everything that happened pre-timeskip is said to have only taken a few months according to Oda. The baby we see post timeskip could easily be over a year old, so Makino wasn't visibly pregnant when Luffy left, so that's +9 months from Canon start, then you have the 2-year timeskip starting before those 9 months are up, so that could realistically make the child born in the first six months of the timeskip, meaning after the timeskip the baby would be roughly 18 months old. Which fits with the baby we see in her arms post timeskip. Ergo...by the timeline in Canon, Makino's baby could legitimately be Luffy's.

Sunwardust 646

Man, what I would give for this to become a story


For some reason I can totally see Uta singing "hoist the colors" at marineford before the battle


I don't think so especially when Oda himself has hinted at it by saying it's most likely "That Mans" or something like that and I believe there were hints that he's thrown in at times in the manga not to mention the hair color


In the anime, the baby has Makino's hair color, if not darker (closer to black) so...it seems less like Shanks's child to me.

El Pirato

Imagine Uta vs the Kuja

El Pirato

Do you have a plot bunny of Luffy going back in time and having an accidental relationship with Linlin?

El Pirato

I meant Linlin as in the younger version of her, not the Big Mom we all have come to know

El Pirato

Would a Wish Wish fruit be a broken idea?

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

............Dude. Seriously. This is why you got kicked out of the Discord in the first place. Never mention that shit ever again. That is fucking disgusting.

El Pirato

if it wasn't broken, what do you think Luffy would wish for? I know it wouldn't be to become Pirate King, because that would kill the adventure side of it

El Pirato

I hope we get more plot bunnies out of you in this Year of the Rabbit

Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 14:06:16 Please make a part 2 for this, even if only in a plot bunny, it's just that good and I want to see(read) the hancock sisters reaction to Luffy and Uta. Excellent work brother! 👍
2023-01-16 19:43:22 Please make a part 2 for this, even if only in a plot bunny, it's just that good and I want to see(read) the hancock sisters reaction to Luffy and Uta. Excellent work brother! 👍

Please make a part 2 for this, even if only in a plot bunny, it's just that good and I want to see(read) the hancock sisters reaction to Luffy and Uta. Excellent work brother! 👍


Maybe later in the future. Or perhaps when I eventually (probably) make this into a fic someday.