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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you a second chapter! Because I’m a garbage writer that can’t control his damn Muse…*heavy sigh*. Regardless! I hope you all enjoy as Bell continues to improve and begins to grow rapidly! Everything to reach that seemingly impossible goal of becoming a Hero! No matter the struggle or effort required! Perhaps it’s time to meet a new friend or two?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 2 – Refining the Flame

“Yah!” Bell swung his sword, flames leaping from the blade in a large wave to engulf his enemies.




The group of Goblins screeched out as they were burned alive, their screams dying away a second later. The intense yellow-orange flames burned out a moment later, leaving behind nothing but a group of Goblin corpses.

“At this rate, we might finish the First Floor much sooner than Lili thought.” Lili remarked as she pulled out her knife and set about collecting the Magic Stones. She’d taken Bell further and further into the First Floor over the last couple of days, and yet nothing really challenged him much. Goblins and Kobolds simply couldn’t stand up to his Magic. And even his growing skill with his sword was often more than enough to deal with the First Floor Monsters.

“Really?” Bell looked at his Familia member and Supporter. “I thought I was doing alright, but I didn’t think I was progressing that quickly.” He sheathed his katana, but kept his hand on the hilt while watching Lili’s back. He would protect his Supporter while she harvested the Magic Stones.

“You’re Magic is very powerful, Bell.” Lili mentioned as she collected the second stone. “The First Floor isn’t a challenge for you. If we don’t go to a lower Floor, then you won’t see much of any improvement in your stats.”

“True…even Lady Hephaestus mentioned that I grew much more by training with Tsubaki than I have in the Dungeon so far.” Bell mused on his slowed growth.

“With the way you to train in the courtyard, I’m not surprised.” Lili chuckled at Bell, most of the Familia had seen a spar between Tsubaki and the newbie by now. The way their Captain tossed Bell around was harsh, but the young man always got back on his feet and asked for more. “Oh? A Drop Item.” Lili noticed the Goblin Fang left behind and collected it too.

“Ready, Lili?” Bell asked with a smile.

“Ready.” Lili nodded, guiding him even further into the First Floor.

-Afternoon ~ Hephaestus Familia Home-

“Come on, Bell, you have to try harder than that!” Tsubaki laughed, as she blocked his sword with her own. She lashed out with a kick and sent Bell rolling along the ground. “You’re too focused on my sword.” She didn’t let up, chasing after him to continue their spar.

“Hah!” Bell struck out with a swing from his kneeling position.

“Too obvious!” Tsubaki grinned, smiling down at Bell from just out of his sword’s reach. Then she punted him across the courtyard.

“They’re really going at it.” A God spoke up while watching the spar. He had rather worn white clothes, his long black hair was looped on either side of his face, with the remainder in a ponytail down his back. On his feet were wooden geta sandals from the Far East. This was Takemikazuchi, a War God from the Far East.

“Yes…” Hephaestus sighed, seeing Bell getting more roughed up from egging Tsubaki on with his sheer tenacity. “I really wish they’d keep their spars more instructive, rather than a one-sided beating.”

“Hmm, your boy looks like he needs some proper instruction in martial arts.” Takemikazuchi noticed as Bell once more fell for a feint and was sent sprawling by a sudden punch from Tsubaki.

Takemikazuchi had only come to help pick up his Familia’s newly repaired weapons. With six members, there was a bit to carry, so he’d come with one of his children to collect them and pay for the maintenance. But he’d heard the sounds of a spar and his curiosity had gotten the better of him. Asking Hephaestus if they could go see had led them to this courtyard. Watching a newbie Adventurer get tossed around by ‘Cyclops’ Tsubaki Collbrande was unexpected, but Takemikazuchi did admire the boy’s sheer will.

“Are you offering?” Hephaestus eyed the War God with a raised eyebrow. The two were friendly enough with each other. Takemikazuchi’s Familia had been customers since shortly after they’d arrived in Orario. The Far East God had been impressed by the selection that Hephaestus Familia offered and at the craftsmanship of some of the Far East weapons that they made. She wouldn’t turn down an offer of martial arts instruction from the War God if Bell wanted to take it.

“What do you think, Mikoto?” Takemikazuchi looked at his ‘child’ for her opinion.

Mikoto was a lovely young woman with bluish-purple eyes and long black hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a purple kimono with a sarashi underneath, along with a dark red sash around her waist and thigh-length boots. She often wore a red shoulder guard on her non-weapon arm, arm guards, and kept her katana in the sash at her waist. But at the moment she was free of armor or weapons since they’d come to pick them up.

“He does look like he needs some instruction.” Mikoto admitted after seeing Bell take a kick and crash into the ground.

“I’ll give you two free repair orders for a few lessons.” Hephaestus offered as her eye followed Bell and Tsubaki’s next clash. Bell’s sword was definitely going to need some maintenance after this spar.

“How about three?” Takemikazuchi kept his face blank, now in negotiation mode.

“Deal.” Hephaestus agreed simply, nearly chuckling when Takemikazuchi almost face-faulted into the ground. Three repair orders for a Familia the size of Takemikazuchi’s wouldn’t come close to affecting the finances of her Familia. If it helped Bell improve, then it was a cheap price to pay.

“Very well then…” Takemikazuchi coughed into his fist to save a little face. “Have him come to my Familia home when he has time and I’ll instruct him.”

“You look like you already have an idea or two in mind.” Hephaestus noticed how sharp Takemikazuchi’s eyes were as he watched Bell now.

“One or two.” Takemikazuchi nodded to the Goddess of the Forge.

“I will endeavor to assist you, Takemikazuchi-sama.” Mikoto bowed slightly to her God.

“Thank you, Mikoto-chan.” Takemikazuchi smiled at her like a proud father. Mikoto could only accept the thanks with pink cheeks, like a child being praised by their parent.

“Guh!” Bell hacked out as his back hit the ground harshly.

“Okay! That’s good for now!” Hephaestus moved in to stop the spar. She helped Bell to his feet while Tsubaki beamed at the young man and rubbed his white hair affectionately.

“Let’s head home, Mikoto.” Takemikazuchi nodded and the two from the Far East headed back the way they came until they were out on the street again. It would be an interesting time for their small Familia soon.

Meanwhile, in Hephaestus’s office, Bell and Tsubaki were both being lightly scolded by their Goddess for their roughness. Bell was once more drinking a Low Potion to heal up his various bruises and small cuts. Tsubaki was praising Bell’s tenacity and patting his soft white hair fondly. The two were becoming very close and Hephaestus was fondly rolling her eyes when Bell was pulled into another hug from Tsubaki.

“I need to see his back to update his Status, Tsubaki.” Hephaestus reminded her Familia’s Captain pointedly.

“Right.” Tsubaki let Bell go, the young man freeing his head from her cleavage with his face red and a grin on his lips.

Hephaestus let a drop of her blood fall onto Bell’s bare back. Her Falna appeared as his back began to glow with a bluish light. Hephaestus watched Bell’s Excelia, seeing his progress in the Dungeon and his sparring with Tsubaki. She passed the Excelia into the Falna to let it grow and watched the numbers of his Basic Abilities rise. When the numbers stopped, Hephaestus completed the update and copied over the number onto a blank paper.

“Thank you, Lady Hephaestus.” Bell smiled at his Goddess as he was handed the paper before Hephaestus gently ran her fingers through his hair. It was a soothing motion and Bell felt a little more relaxed when she did this. Never having known his own mother, Bell could only assume this was what it felt like.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – I 32 > I 40

Defense – I 76 > I 92

Dexterity – I 34 > I 45

Agility – I 28 > I 37

Magic – I 48 > I 60


Kindle – Fire Magic – Enchantment

Incantation: ‘Ignite’


Megáli Flóga – Provides protection from heat-based Magics and makes all Fire Magics the user casts use less Mind while significantly increasing their power.


“I’ve gone up a bit everywhere.” Bell noticed, happy about his progress. “My Defense is almost H Rank.”

“I wonder why…?” Hephaestus deadpanned, looking at Tsubaki.

“It’s good for him.” Tsubaki mumbled, not meeting Hephaestus’s gaze. Bell’s Defense increasing would help keep him safe in the Dungeon at the very least.

-Next Day ~ Takemikazuchi Familia Home-

“Welcome, Bell-sama.” Mikoto greeted Bell at the door with a polite bow.

“Good morning, Miss Mikoto, thank you for having me.” Bell returned her bow with one of his own.

“Please, follow me, Takemikazuchi-sama is waiting in the back training area.” Mikoto smiled at Bell as they began to walk around the Far East styled home.

“Ah, Bell, good morning.” Takemikazuchi greeted the young man, setting up some tiles. “Thank you for showing him the way, Mikoto.” He smiled at her.

“Good morning, Lord Takemikazuchi.” Bell bowed to the God. “Thank you for taking the time to teach me some martial arts.”

“Of course, Hephaestus and I are on good terms.” Takemikazuchi chuckled, pleased by Bell’s politeness. “As a bonus, Mikoto-chan has agreed to help out with whatever we might need today.”

“Thank you very much, Miss Mikoto.” Bell smiled at the girl brightly.

“O-Oh, no, it’s nothing.” Mikoto’s cheeks went pink, never having been the best at accepting genuine praise. “I’ll do my best to assist you though, Bell-sama.”

“Cute…” Bell couldn’t help but comment on Mikoto’s appearance and response.

“Isn’t she?” Takemikazuchi laughed warmly.

This made Mikoto blush and cover her cheeks, looking between Bell and Takemikazuchi. “C-Cute? I…you…I’m not…” Mikoto eventually went silent, not able to form words. Compliments were also a weakness of hers.

“Alright, let’s begin your first lesson, Bell.” Takemikazuchi refocused on the lesson to give Mikoto time to gather herself. “I’ll be showing you proper form for strikes, kicks, and blocks. Once you’re solid on your foundations, then I’ll teach you a few techniques.”

“Techniques, sir?” Bell didn’t think he’d be getting anything more than the basics taught to him properly.

“Of course,” Takemikazuchi nodded to Bell. “Motivation for training stays high when there is a goal to work towards.” He walked over to one of the three large tiles he’d set up. “So long as you push yourself and give your all to this training, I’m prepared to teach you a few techniques.” The War God took a stance before the first large tile. “Ikkotsu!” Takemikazuchi punched the tile and it shattered into fragments, the small pieces flying away from his fist to scatter on the ground behind where the tile had been.

“Whoa!” Bell gaped at seeing the complete destruction caused by the punch.

“And the more advanced version.” Takemikazuchi moved over to the second large tile. He dropped into a different stance before striking the target with a double punch, one fist above the other and the back of one fist facing the ground while the other faced the sky. “Sōkotsu!” The second tile might as well have turned to dust for how finely it shattered into pieces.

“EH?!” Bell could only goggle at the sheer power behind the blow.

“And, we wouldn’t want you to neglect your legs.” Takemikazuchi spun his entire body into a powerful kick that shattered the third and final tile just like the Ikkotsu had done to the first. “So, we’ll work on Kazaguruma too.”

“Impressive as always, Takemikazuchi-sama.” Mikoto gave a small applause for the demonstration.

“So, Bell, are you ready to begin?” Takemikazuchi looked at the boy with a firm gaze.

“Yes, sir!” Bell bowed at the waist to the War God. He’d give his all to this training, just as he gave his all to his spars with Tsubaki. Everything went towards his dream to be a Hero. No matter how hard the training, or how long the path, he’d never quit until he reached it!

“Excellent answer!” Takemikazuchi nodded with a smile. It was time to help Bell forge his body into that of a warrior.

-Three Days Later-

“Hyah!” Bell struck out with his katana, only for Mikoto to fluidly sidestep and counterstrike with her own. Bell was just able to get his blade in the path of hers for a hasty block.

“You’re improving.” Mikoto smiled at Bell, before angling her sword and knocking his blade to the side. The edge of her blade was at his neck in an instant. “Do you yield?”

“Yeah…” Bell sighed, his breathing heavy as they separated and sheathed their swords. They’d been sparring since just after Bell’s martial arts practice. Now the sun was beginning to set. “You’re amazing, Miss Mikoto.”

“Th-Thank you, but it’s nothing impressive.” Mikoto was having to learn to accept compliments and praise, since Bell freely gave them when they were earned.

“Nothing impressive?” Bell blinked at her in shock. “You and the others join in for the martial arts training and even after that, you always offer to spar with me to help me better utilize my katana. You’re very kind, Miss Mikoto, and I can’t thank you enough for that.” He bowed slightly to the beautiful girl.

“B-But that’s something anyone could do.” Mikoto felt her face getting hot from the praise.

“Maybe, but you’re the one that does it.” Bell reminded her, a thankful smile on his face.

“Y-You’re welcome, Bell-sama.” Mikoto looked away, her face entirely red now.

“Well, I should head home.” Bell noticed the fading light of day. “I’ll be back tomorrow after I return from the Dungeon.”

“We’ll look froward to seeing you, Bell-sama.” Mikoto smiled brightly at him before guiding him to the gate that led into the small grounds of their Familia home.

“Goodnight, Miss Mikoto.” Bell waved to her before heading down the street towards the Hephaestus Familia Home.

“Goodnight, Bell-sama.” Mikoto waved back until he was out of sight.

“Oh my…” Asuka, one of the other female members of Takemikazuchi Familia grinned from behind Mikoto. She had her brunette hair loose, letting it flow around her shoulders, while a simple lilac yukata was wrapped around her body for the evening. “Do I spy Mikoto being interested in a boy?”

“A-Asuka-dono!” Mikoto cried out in surprise before rapidly shaking her head. “No, no, no, it’s not like that!”

“Mmhmm…” Asuka grinned, covering her mouth with her yukata sleeve. “I’m sure.”

“Asuka…” Mikoto whined slightly at the other girl. “Don’t tease me.”

“I think it’s cute.” Asuka laughed, placing her arm around Mikoto’s shoulders and leading her back towards the house. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“It’s not a secret…it’s not like that.” Mikoto denied, but her pink cheeks made her statement a little less believable.

“Well, don’t wait too long.” Asuka shrugged. “Otherwise, he might be picked up by another girl.” Mikoto stilled at that. “Then again, unlike back home, it’s not only nobles and such with harems in Orario.” Asuka tapped her chin in thought. “Perhaps you can work with some other girls and lock him down?” She suggested with a teasing grin.

“ASUKA!!!” Mikoto’s face erupted into a bright red blush. She chased after her friend, looking to swat her for such a lewd remark.

-Hephaestus Familia Home-

“I swear, you grow more outside of the Dungeon than inside it.” Hephaestus shook her head as she updated Bell’s Status. Watching his Excelia and seeing how hard he was working to get stronger made Hephaestus sigh. She was proud of him and his drive, but his goal wasn’t just based on strength alone. “Here you go, Bell.” She handed him the paper with his newly updated Status on it.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – I 49 > I 62

Defense – H 108 > H 120

Dexterity – I 57 > I 70

Agility – I 46 > I 58

Magic – I 75 > I 92


Kindle – Fire Magic – Enchantment

Incantation: ‘Ignite’


Megáli Flóga – Provides protection from heat-based Magics and makes all Fire Magics the user casts use less Mind while significantly increasing their power.


“I’m glad that I’m still growing though.” Bell smiled at his improvement. “I have to keep working hard and getting stronger.” He wasn’t expecting Hephaestus to wrap her arms around him from behind and gently pull him to lean back against her. “L-Lady Hephaestus?”

“Bell, I’m proud of you.” Hephaestus told him first and foremost. “You work so hard, put in so much effort, it’s impressive. But your dream isn’t just about being the strongest, right?”

“Well…I guess not.” Bell admitted as he thought about all the stories that he’d been read by his grandpa growing up. All of the tales and the lessons within them. “But a Hero does need to be strong. You can’t slay Monsters and save people if you’re weak, right?” Bell mentioned as he relaxed into her embrace. “I just want to help people and protect them…like a real Hero.”

“Some people believe that only those with great power can make any difference.” Hephaestus spoke, her right hand beginning to gently run through Bell’s hair. “But that’s not what I’ve seen.” She shook her head slightly with a gentle smile. “No, making a difference to others can be done with simple things. Small acts of kindness can make someone’s day. Helping when you see someone struggling can be more than enough. You don’t always have to be throwing yourself into danger or risking your life to make a difference to people.”

“I…no, you’re right.” Bell had to agree with her statement. In the tales of many Heroes, they were often kind and willing to help others without a need to fight or save them. It was simply a kind act or gesture, just something done out of the goodness of their hearts.

“A True Hero is not measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart.” Hephaestus smiled as she held Bell, still gently running her fingers through his hair to soothe him.

Bell’s eyes widened a little as he vividly recalled his grandfather saying those same words back when he was a child. He’d asked the old man how long it would be until he knew he was a Hero. His grandfather’s words echoed Hephaestus’s. That a True Hero was not looking for praise, adoration, or reward. But for doing the right thing, and helping others when no one else would or could. To stand up and take on the challenges of the world made a Hero. Not words nor posturing, but genuinely wanting to protect others and overcome the challenges that beset the world. Bell felt a small smile form on his face as he remembered those times.

“Thank you, Lady Hephaestus.” Bell mumbled as he relaxed in her embrace.

“Mm.” Hephaestus made a soft hum, just soothing her child so that he could see that he didn’t need to destroy himself to reach his goal.

-Dungeon ~ Second Floor-

“Ikkotsu!” Bell put all his strength into the punch, landing the powerful strike directly into the Kobold’s chest.

“Gyiiipppe!” The Kobold made a weird noise between a yelp and a hacking cough. The punch cracked its sternum and ribs, and its lungs were damaged by the blow. Even its heart missed a beat and then stopped after three off-timed beats. The Monster went flying backwards and hit the stone floor, not moving again.

“That was impressive, Bell.” Lili blinked at seeing Bell kill a Kobold with a punch. Most Adventurers that could kill Monsters barehanded specialized in such combat or were higher level and could simply overpower some weaker Monsters.

“Thanks, Lili.” Bell smiled at her happily. His training was paying off and this was just further proof.

“If you keep progressing at this rate, we might drop down to the Third Floor soon.” Lili announced with a smile. “The deeper we go, the more dangerous it’ll become. But you’ll face stronger Monsters, so you’ll gain more Excelia from them. Not to mention they’ll have bigger Magic Stones and be slightly more likely to leave behind Drop Items.” Lili informed Bell as she worked to harvest the Kobold’s Magic Stone. Partnering up with Bell was proving to be lucrative to say the least. He always split the loot fifty-fifty with her, which was appreciated.

“Whenever you think I’m ready, Lili.” Bell smiled at the thought of progressing further. “You’re the one with the experience.”

“I’ll let you know.” Lili agreed with a small laugh. Bell was easy enough to read. The guy clearly wanted to get stronger above anything else. The Valis he was making barely seemed to matter to him, outside of what he gave to the Familia and buying more fire resistant clothing that could survive his Magic.

-Hephaestus Familia Home ~ Courtyard-

“Tsubaki and Bell are sparring again!”

“Place your bets on how long Bell lasts this time!”

“1,000 Valis on five minutes!”

“2,000 Valis on seven minutes!”

“Look at that, Bell!” Tsubaki laughed as they heard the bets taking place. “They’re giving you over five minutes now with confidence!”

“Better than the one minute that it used to be…” Bell sighed, still recalling the first time these kinds of bets had been taken.

“You can use your Magic this time.” Tsubaki grinned, starting to stretch as she prepared for their spar.

“I’m changing my bet!”

“Me too!”

“3,000 on five minutes!”

“Thanks for the confidence, guys…” Bell deadpanned at the Familia members hoping to make more off of his spar with Tsubaki.

“Let’s go, little bunny!” Tsubaki laughed as she drew her sword.

“Tsubaki…come on…” Bell drew his sword while lamenting that she still called him that in front of everyone. “Ignite!” The yellow-orange flames surrounded Bell like a cloak. With a snap, flames wreathed themselves over his katana as well, burning intensely. The heat Bell put off now was noticeably higher compared to the first time he’d used his Magic. His growing Magic stat was making his fire more powerful, hotter, and increasing the amount of time that he could use it.

At some unspoken signal, Tsubaki rushed forward, her sword at the ready. Bell didn’t move, merely swinging his blade to unleash a wave of flames at the Half-Dwarf woman. Tsubaki grinned as she sliced through the fire, the force of her swing and the sharpness of her blade displacing the air and sending the flames scattering. A strong stomp on the ground and she’d cleared the distance between them. Bell guarded, blocking Tsubaki’s strike, and using a trick Mikoto had shown him, angled his blade so that her force slid downwards, freeing his sword. His blade passed through the area her head had been, but Tsubaki had leapt backward in time.

“That’s the way, Bell!” Tsubaki beamed at him, a small little cut on her left cheek, barely bleeding, but the first injury he’d ever left on her. “Looks like I can stop holding back so much, huh?”

“I guess…” Bell didn’t like the smile on Smith’s face.

“Right!” Tsubaki grinned and before Bell knew what happened, she was in his guard, ignoring his flames entirely, before tapping his forehead with the kashira of her katana.

“Dah!” Bell cried out as his feet left the ground and he rolled along the ground. His head hurt like hell, but he didn’t think it was too bad. His vision hadn’t gone blurry or anything. But Tsubaki had sent him flying with nothing but a tap from the hilt of her sword! ‘Is this Level 2 strength? Or Level 3?’ Bell got back to his feet and flared his flames. He needed to keep Tsubaki at bay for a moment until he could reorient himself.

“Come on, Bell!” Tsubaki laughed at seeing his flaring Magic. “That wasn’t enough to take you out, right?”

“Not even close!” Bell slashed his sword in an overhead swing, sending a torrent of fire racing at Tsubaki. Sure, his head hurt, but he’d had worse. He wouldn’t go down from a tap!

“Great!” Tsubaki slashed her sword with a powerful swing, slowing, but not scattering, the incoming flames. She seemed to have expected this though, as her smile never left her face. The Half-Dwarf jumped through the flames and clashed blades with Bell. “Pretty hot in here, huh?” Tsubaki joked with Bell, even as flames licked at her skin.

“Grkh…” Bell was struggling to hold up against the strength that Tsubaki was using now. His legs felt like they might give out as the pressure increased.

Deciding to try the trick again, Bell angled his blade, letting Tsubaki’s slide off and hit the ground. He went for a swing, but Tsubaki’s hand grabbed onto his, stopping his katana in its tracks. Bell wasn’t left with many options, so he took his left hand off his sword and altered his stance.

“Ikkotsu!” Bell slammed his fist into Tsubaki’s stomach, his flaming fist stopping dead. For a moment Bell marveled at the feeling of the strong abdominals that Tsubaki had beneath her soft-looking skin. The Half-Dwarf woman then used her strength, along with the grip on his hand that was still holding his katana, to throw Bell aside like he weighed nothing.

“Woo!” Tsubaki rubbed her stomach with a smile. “Sort of felt that one, Bell.” The Smith shook her head, sending her hair swaying as her hair tie had burned away in Bell’s flames. “Much cooler now though!”

“Hah!” Bell poured more Mind into his flames. The yellow-orange flames roared and several members of the Familia retreated back a couple extra meters for safety as the temperature stung their skin. Bell thrust his burning sword forward and a bolt of fire shot forward.

“You just keep getting better, huh, Bell?” Tsubaki had a big smile on her face as she sliced the fire out of the air.

Bell sliced his sword through the air, a wave of fire following. Again and again, Bell struck out, looking to overwhelm Tsubaki. He’d finally been able to leave a mark on her! Surely if he tried harder, he could do it again! Tsubaki slashed through the flames, or just outright barreled through them without much care. Even surrounded in a tornado of fire, the woman was undeterred. Katana clashed against flaming katana and Tsubaki closed the distance. Bell nearly staggered as the same strength from before hit his defense again. Tsubaki was the one to break the deadlock this time, freeing her blade and then kneeing Bell in the stomach.

“Grkh!” Bell hissed out as he’d used his knee to block Tsubaki’s. He could feel the bruise forming already. He blasted her point blank with as much fire as he could muster. Tsubaki’s vastly superior level, and what was probably some kind of resistance Skill, meant that she only took a single step backwards from the blast.

“I win.” Tsubaki smiled through the flames her free hand coming down in a chop that struck Bell’s shoulder hard. Bell dropped his sword, the weapon clattering to the ground as he hit his knees.

From an outside perspective, the swirling flames flared and then sputtered out. The ground was blackened, and Tsubaki stood victorious, barely any damage on her. Bell was on his knees, his left hand holding his right shoulder and his sword on the ground. The heat slowly dispersed, the once intense heat haze fading away.

“Time! Five minutes and three seconds!”



The various winners and losers cried out in joy or loss as the match was over.

“Ow…” Bell grimaced as he slowly stood up. He rubbed his shoulder gingerly, the pain radiating from the point of impact.

“You did great, Bell.” Tsubaki was still beaming at him. “It’s hard to believe you’re Level 1, much less a Level 1 without any stats at the halfway point of D Rank!”

“Thanks, Tsubaki.” Bell smiled at her, only for his rubellite eyes to widened in shock as Tsubaki’s burnt sarashi finally gave way.

The blackened cloth fell from her large breasts, the damage compromising the wrap’s ability to hold back the weight of Tsubaki’s tits. Bell got an up-close eyeful of Tsubaki’s boobs before he could even react. The Half-Dwarf woman looked down at feeling the cool air on her girls. With a blink at her exposed state, she made what she felt was the most logical decision.

“Mmph!” Bell’s cry was muffled as Tsubaki pulled his head into her bare breasts, using him as a cover for her nakedness. Thankfully, her hakama had much higher fire resistance, otherwise she might be standing in front of her Familia completely naked.

“Hold still, little bunny.” Tsubaki whispered to Bell. “I’m going to borrow your shirt.”

“Na a bnuuy…” Bell mumbled as he felt Tsubaki’s hand on the back of his black shirt.

She pulled it over his head in a swift motion and covered her breasts with it. Bell was gently pushed back a step and Tsubaki tied the long sleeves of his shirt behind her back to secure her new covering. Satisfied that no one else would get a peek at her tits, Tsubaki grinned at Bell. He could only smile back at her before both heard a scary noise.

“Ahem…” Hephaestus’s fake cough clearly conveyed her annoyance with the current situation. The look on her face was even more confirmation of their Goddess’s agitation. “Would you two care to explain the scorched ground and the fact that Bell’s right arm doesn’t seem to be working?”

“Uh…” Tsubaki and Bell both realized that they’d gone a bit overboard.

“In my office, both of you.” Hephaestus pinched the bridge of her nose. “I swear, you two are going to actually give me gray hairs.” Which was impossible, as Deities didn’t change, but the feeling was there!

“Yes, ma’am…” Bell and Tsubaki followed after their Goddess obediently.

-Dungeon ~ Fifth Floor-

“This is the first cut-off point, Bell.” Lili explained as they walked down the stairs. “Don’t wander too far from me unless you stay on the main path, okay?” The Supporter warned him as they set foot on the floor directly.

“Right.” Bell nodded, looking around the area. It certainly had changed a bit; the walls were a greenish color now and the structure was different even at a glance.

“Stronger monsters such as War Shadows and Killer Ants appear and the Monster birth time is faster, which are why these floors are where a lot of newbie adventurers start to die.” Lili informed Bell as they walked along. She knew it wouldn’t be too long before they found their first Monster on this Floor. “It’s recommended for Level 1 Adventurers to have stats of at least G Rank in their Basic Abilities to explore this Floor. But after seeing your spar with Captain Tsubaki, I think we can safely say you’ll be alright even if your stats are still in H Rank.”

“Fighting these stronger Monsters and more of them will probably help raise my stats more.” Bell mused hopefully. So far, he’d done the majority of his growing by sparring with Tsubaki, and during his training with Takemikazuchi and Mikoto.

“Well, here’s your chance.” Lili stopped and motioned to a crack forming in the wall several meters ahead of them. The black hand with knife-like claws that emerged first told Lili exactly what it was.

“A War Shadow!” Bell drew his katana and stepped in front of Lili. Sure, she was Level 2 and likely not really in danger from a single War Shadow, but Bell wanted to keep her safe regardless.

“Guguguh…” The pitch-black golem Monster made an odd, artificial sound as the circle on its ‘face’ glowed red. The Monster rushed towards bell and Lili and launched its claws forward on its long arms as soon as it thought it could reach.

“Ikkotsu!” Bell’s leading foot stomped hard on the ground as he struck with his fist. He’d managed to get inside the War Shadow’s guard, and with a loud cracking sound, his fist plowed straight through the Minster’s glowing ‘face’ without much resistance. “Oh…” Bell blinked as he let the dead Monster slide off his arm. “It was faster than I expected…but nowhere near as fast as Tsubaki.”

“I think we’re going to need A LOT of Monsters to make a difference in your stats, Bell…” Lili blinked at how easily Bell had dealt with one of the ‘Newbie Killers’ of the Fifth Floor. She moved forward to harvest the War Shadow’s Magic Stone.

“Is there anywhere we can do that on this Floor?” Bell questioned as he watched her back while she worked.

“Just staying on the Fifth Floor should let us see plenty of Monsters.” Lili informed him as she cut open the War Shadow’s chest. “But, if you want a steady stream of them, we can go to one of the paths that leads to the Pantry. It’s a bit of a walk though.”

“Do you think I can handle it?” Bell wanted Lili’s opinion with her experience.

“I think you’d do alright for a while.” Lili picked the Magic Stone out of the War Shadow’s chest and placed it into her large pack. “You have a Mind Potion, right?”

“Yeah.” Bell nodded, patting the pouch on his hip where he kept his potions. It had to be specially made to protect the potions from his flames, so it had cost 10,000 Valis by itself.

“Then we should be fine. I can get us out of there as long as you don’t hit Mind Down.” Lili nodded and started leading Bell along.

“I’ll do my best, Lili.” Bell smiled and followed after her.

-Fifth Floor ~ Left-hand Path to the Pantry-

“Skreee!” A Killer Ant screeched before being engulfed in flames.





The rest of the Killer Ants in the group also let out cries of pain before they died from the blaze. Bell nodded at the dead Monster before leaping towards a Frog Shooter that had just entered the cavern.

“Kero!” The Frog Shooter croaked and launched its tongue at Bell.

“Yah!” Bell sliced the tip of the tongue off, cauterizing the wound instantaneously, and sent a wave of flames to torch the frog-like Monster.

Lili couldn’t help but be impressed as she dragged two Killer Ants off to the side where she was tossing all of the Monster corpses as Bell killed them. Most were burned to death, but some were cut and others died from his fists. She was building up a rather impressive pile. Keeping the ground clear so that Bell could fight without having to worry about his footing was actually becoming a bit of a workout as she ran back and forth across the cavern that was near the halfway point to the Pantry.


“No more Monsters are coming.” Bell noticed that not a single Monster had appeared in the last several minutes. He still had his katana at the ready, just in case though.

“That’s fine by me.” Lili mentioned, busy working on harvesting all of the Magic Stones from the huge pile that she’d built up over the last while. She was counting them off in her head as she harvested them, the Frog Shooter she’d just finished with made one-hundred-seventy. She’d also collected almost a dozen Drop Items too, so they’d definitely be making some good money today. “I’ll show you how to sell these to mercantile Familias when we get back to the surface.” Lili looked over her shoulder at Bell while holding up a Purple Moth Wing. “You need to know this otherwise you’re always only going to get the bottom tier price by selling to the Guild Exchange.”

“Thank you for looking out for me, Lili.” Bell smiled at the Prum girl genuinely.

“No problem, we’re Familia.” Lili grinned back before returning to her work.

-Blue Pharmacy-

“Good afternoon, how may I help you?” A Chienthrope woman behind the counter smiled at the two customers that had just entered.

“We’d like to sell some Drop Items, Miss Naaza.” Lili mentioned as she and Bell made their way over.

“Of course, what have you brought?” Naaza asked in a calm, but warm tone.

“You’re friends?” Bell looked between Lili and Naaza curiously.

“Friendly enough.” Lili smiled at the Chienthrope. “I come here if I want to sell any Drop Items that can be used in medicines or potions. Miach Familia will give you a decent price above the Exchange. Dian Cecht Familia always tries to low-ball you first; sometimes insultingly low at that.” She grimaced at recalling one of the few times she’d negotiated with the other big healing Familia in Orario.

“Happy to be of service.” Naaza giggled, her dog ears twitching in a way that Bell found cute.

“We’ve got a few Purple Moth Wings.” Lili laid out four of the Drop Items on the counter.

“Hmm,” Naaza looked the wings over, not fearing their toxic dust since her own resistance was rather high. “Not too bad…though a bit…dried out?” She looked at Lili, curious about the condition.

“Bell here has Fire Magic.” Lili motioned to Bell with a shrug. “The Moths burned a bit before I could stomp the flames out.”

“Ah, that explains it.” Naaza nodded and shot Bell a smile. “Yes, I’ll offer 9,000 Valis for the lot.”

“Oh? You want to show Bell how this works, huh?” Lili smirked at Naaza. “15,000 Valis, and we won’t take anything lower.”

“That’s far above market value.” Naaza shook her head slowly. “I can go up to 10,000, but that’s all that I can do for you.”

“Perhaps we’ll go elsewhere then…?” Lili challenged; her brown eyes narrowed. “13,000.”

“You are free to take your business elsewhere.” Naaza waved towards the door. “11,000, final offer.”

“12,500 Valis or we walk out the door.” Lili put her palm on the countertop with an audible smack.

“Very well…I’ll accept your price.” Naaza ‘gave in’ and reached underneath the counter for a few moments. Naaza handed over the money and then collected the four wings. “And that, Mr. Bell, is how sale negotiations are conducted among mercantile Familia.” The Chienthrope smiled at the ruby-eyed teen.

“Thank you for the lesson, Miss Naaza.” Bell thanked her for showing him the process.

“No problem.” Naaza’s smile turned into a little smirk. “Just make sure you bring as much of your business to our Familia instead of Dian Cecht’s.”

“W-Will do…” Bell smiled as best as he could. That smirk hid danger, he could tell!

As Lili and Bell left the Blue Pharmacy, Bell had to wonder about the seemingly bitter rivalry between the Miach Familia and the Dian Cecht Familia. Was it a simple business rivalry? Bell didn’t think so, and decided to ask Lili about it.

“Oh yeah, you’re new to Orario, I forget sometimes.” Lili shook her head as they walked down the street. “Dian Cecht Familia and Miach Familia are both in the business of healing, medicine and potion making. However, their Gods don’t get along well and the rivalry extends beyond business a bit. Dian Cecht Familia has the largest selection of goods and more members, as well as specialty prosthetics in the event of a lost limb.” Lili went over the rival Familia first and made sure that Bell was paying attention.

“And the Miach Familia?” Bell inquired, wondering how the smaller Familia competed.

“They created the Dual Potion and are the only ones that sell them.” Lili informed Bell with a grin. “No one had ever seen such a thing before. A potion that healed and restored Mind at the same time. It was revolutionary. They made a ton of cash and their small Familia attracted several apprentice pharmacists. A few years back, they developed their Restoration Treatment. Another revolutionary breakthrough.”

“Restoration Treatment?” Bell hadn’t heard about it.

“It’s a long treatment process, and you have to stay at the pharmacy in what they call a recovery suite the whole time, but it can restore your body to full health and even replace lost limbs.” Lili spoke and saw Bell’s eyes widen in shock. “Yeah, you see why Dian Cecht Familia became more hostile afterwards. The Restoration Treatment threatens their prosthetic business. Unfortunately, both the treatment and the prosthetic are ridiculously expensive. The upside to the Restoration is that you will have a clean bill of health and flesh and blood limbs. The downside is the time it takes. Not many people can go a whole month or longer without work or income. The prosthetic option is quicker, you’ll be back on your feet in a day or two like you never lost a limb. With both options costing a similar fortune, it often comes down to how much time the person in question can spare.”

“Orario is crazy…” Bell shook his head. Fully functional prosthetics? Restoring lost limbs? There was nothing even close to such things outside of the sprawling Dungeon City.

“You get used to it.” Lili giggled at his dumbfounded face.

-Hephaestus’s Office ~ Evening-

“Well…you certainly worked hard today.” Hephaestus could only watch his Excelia in shock at seeing Bell slaying so many Monsters. With a fond sigh she moved the Excelia into his Falna and watched it grow stronger. “You’ve made a bit of a leap today, Bell.” Hephaestus copied his new Status onto a blank paper and handed it over to him.

“Let’s see…” Bell looked at his update curiously.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – I 79 > H 108

Defense – H 146 > H 159

Dexterity – I 84 > H 114

Agility – I 70 > H 100

Magic – H 111 > H 151


Kindle – Fire Magic – Enchantment

Incantation: ‘Ignite’


Megáli Flóga – Provides protection from heat-based Magics and makes all Fire Magics the user casts use less Mind while significantly increasing their power.


“Whoa…” Bell almost gaped at some of the increases. “That’s more than I was expecting.”

“Well, you DID spend the majority of your day slaying hundreds of Monsters. That Excelia adds up when you’re still this low in stats.” Hephaestus gently patted his head with a grin. “You’ve already gone down to the Fifth Floor and it’s not even been a full two weeks yet. You’re progress is amazing.” She praised him with a smile. His Magic and Skill combo were making him more powerful than his stats would normally allow. Not that his stats weren’t raising and increasing his physical capabilities too.

“I’ll keep trying to raise them.” Bell smiled over his shoulder at Hephaestus. “I want to be a True Hero. Kind and strong, someone that others can depend on.”

“You will be, Bell, I’m sure of it.” Hephaestus hugged him from behind. She really was treating him as if he were her own Demi-God child. But as long as he didn’t mind, she’d continue to do so. It was nice, this feeling of having one of her own.

-Three Days Later ~ Dungeon ~ Fifth Floor-

Bell was feeling pretty confident today. Sure, this was his first day on the Fifth Floor without Lili, his Supporter having to work the shop today in order to maintain her place on the shift rotation since she’d been taking quite a bit of time off to help him. But he had a map of the Fifth Floor, and wasn’t really planning to stray too far from the main route anyway. He certainly wasn’t going to stand in one of the corridors leading to the Pantry without Lili’s back-up.

The morning had mostly passed as he’d expected. A few dozen Monsters had been slain, he’d collected their Magic Stones and moved on. However, around noon, there came an immense racket from further down the main path. Bell had been curious about it…probably a bad idea…and that was how he came face-to-face with a charging Minotaur!

“How are you here?!” Bell leapt to the side as the Level 2 Monster slammed into the wall he’d just been beside. The rock crumbling under the beast’s head as it turned to face him. Minotaurs weren’t supposed to be in the Upper Levels! According to what he knew, they started appearing around Floor Fifteen in the Middle Levels!

“MOOOOAAARRRGGGHHH!!!” The Minotaur gave a bellowing roar.

I should run! There’s no way that I can take on a Minotaur! None of my Stats are even E Rank yet!’ Bell analyzed his surroundings. He was on the main route, the corridor was large in this area, nearly a cavern unto itself. But it was a fairly long distance from the stairs back up to the Fourth Floor too. Could he outrun this thing for that long? Just as he was about to turn to flee, a thought came to him. ‘I’m not the only one on this Floor.’ Bell knew for a fact that other Level 1 Adventurers were going about their own dungeon crawling right now. None of them would survive an encounter with a Minotaur. ‘I can’t leave them to die. That’s NOT what a Hero would do! A Hero is strong as well as kind! A Hero looks out for others!

“Ignite!” Bell made his decision, foolish as it may be, activating his Magic as he drew his sword. The yellow-orange flames swirled around him, cloaking him in the fire and surrounding his katana.

“MOOOAAARRRGGHH!!!” The Minotaur charged forward with a bellow.

Bell swung his blade, a wave of flame engulfing the charging Minotaur. The beast howled at the pain, but charged straight through. Bell leapt to one side, the cloven hooves of the Minotaur shattering the stone floor where it stepped. Now behind the Monster, Bell wasted no time in bringing his sword down, a column of fire slamming into the Minotaur again, even as his blade bounced off its thick fur.

“MOOORRRAAHH!!!” The Minotaur spun, swinging a backfist at Bell through the flames. The swing went wide, the heat haze and the bright fire obstructing the Minotaur’s vision.

“HAAH!!!” Bell poured more Mind into his spell. His flames roaring as they exploded off of him and staggered the Minotaur. Bell was quick to surround the enraged Monster in flames. He blocked anyone from coming towards the battle by creating a burning circle around the two of them.

“RAAARRGGHH!!!” The Minotaur’s fist clipped his shoulder, violently tearing off the armor there from sheer strength. Bell struggled to maintain his footing, skidding back along the stone floor. The Minotaur charged forward and Bell thrust his katana forward, a stream of flames washing over the beast. It bought him enough time to get out of the way of the charge.

“YAAAHHH!!!” Bell focused, pouring his Mind into his spell, building up the intensity and temperature like he’d done against Tsubaki. The flames roared and flared, Bell forcefully wrapped them around his blade and held it over his head. Just as the Minotaur turned to charge at him again, Bell brought down the overhead slash.


“MOOOOOOAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!” The Minotaur’s pained cry was barely heard amidst the explosion. The Level Two Monster staggered backwards in pain and rage. Its fur was burned, the same fur that offered it protection from hot and cold was now scorched off! Not only that, but its hide was burnt a dark red, the skin bubbling from the sheer heat of the fire it had been hit with. The worst damage though was the loss of its left eye, the socket was burnt black, the eyeball that had once been inside boiled away and running down the side of its muzzle like a half-cooked egg.

“Hah…hah…” Bell panted the flames swirling around him still. He’d dumped so much Mind into that attack…if it wasn’t for his Skill empowering it and making it more efficient, he’d never have been able to conjure that much power. “You want some more?!” He roared at the injured Minotaur.

Outside the blazing ring, three people watched on as the fight continued. All three were women, and from a powerful Familia. Two of them were technically responsible for this Minotaur even being up here in the first place. But the three young women were all famous within Orario too.

One was very beautiful with long golden-blonde hair, gold eyes, and a slender body, her breasts and hips giving her curves that had caught many a man’s eyes. She was wearing a white and black battle cloth, black arm covers, and long blue boots up to her thighs. Her armor over this consisted of a head guard, breastplate, arm guards, hip guards, and knee guards. At her hip was a straight sword of high quality. This was Ais Wallenstein, the Kenki of Loki Familia, a Level 5 Adventurer.

To Ais’s right was a girl that, like all Amazons, had a darker skin tone than most other Races. Short, black hair, with two long bangs framing her face. Each of the longer bangs was held together with simple, bronze hair ornaments near the ends. Around her neck were golden-colored neckbands, the largest of which sported three blue gems. Her chest was covered by a white breast wrap that left just enough to the imagination. She wasn't very busty, but it certainly didn’t detract from her beauty at all. Her smooth and toned stomach was left fully on display. She wore a golden armband on each forearm and had golden anklets similar to her neckbands adorning her ankles. The pareo around her waist was a dark-yellow color with a thick band of green along the hem. The garment partially covered her legs and the brown loincloth that hung down to her shins. A thick, brown and white belt with a golden buckle sat around her hips, over the tied-off pareo.

This was Tiona Hyrute, ‘The Slasher’ of Loki Familia, another Level 5 Adventurer with her signature Urga in her right hand, the massive double-bladed weapon carried as it if was almost weightless.

On Ais’s left was another Amazon had this one had long, black hair going down to just past her butt. Much like Tiona, her sister, she had two long bangs that framed her face, hers were braided however, and held together with silver-colored hair ornaments near the ends. Her ears were pierced, each one sporting a round, blue gem. Silver-colored neckbands adorned her neck and a deep-red bikini top covered her, very large, breasts and wrapped around her back and was tied off behind her neck. A circular, silver moon ornament kept the top pulled tight to prevent any slipping. She also left her toned and smooth stomach fully displayed. She had a folded pareo tied around her waist, the color and design a match of her twin sisters. Red leggings attached to a garter belt around her waist drew his eyes. She also had silver-colored armbands and anklets to contrast her sisters’ golden ones.

This woman was Tione Hyrute, ‘Jörmungandr’ of the Loki Familia, and also Level 5. Her eyes were watching through the bright flames as the battle seemed to be close to its conclusion.

“Man, we got lucky that a Level 2 happened to be up here and found this thing before it found any Level 1’s.” Tiona was happy that there weren’t any casualties before they’d caught up to this last Minotaur.

“If he falters, we can finish off the Minotaur before it gets to him.” Tione was lightly touching her Kukri knives, just in case.

“His Magic…it’s impressive.” Ais mumbled out, her golden eyes refusing to look away, despite the heat blasting into her face.

“MOOOAARRGGHH!!!” The Minotaur dropped into a charging stance, desperate to kill this human and then find a place where it could lay low to heal.

“HYAAAAHHH!!!” Bell wasn’t going to give it a chance. He’d once more poured more Mind into his spell. This time, he’d gone for broke, using up almost everything for this final strike. He had a Mind Potion still, before the Minotaur recovered, he could take it and be back to fighting shape if this wasn’t enough…he hoped.

The Minotaur launched forward, the stone floor bursting apart under its cloven hooves. Bell brought his sword down, the blade actually meeting the Minotaur’s head. For just a fraction of a second, Bell watched as his katana blade snapped, breaking at the point of contact. But his Magic was already in motion, the massive blast of flames engulfed the Minotaur, directly atop its already injured head.


Ais, Tione, and Tiona all guarded their faces, even as their skin stung from the blisteringly hot air. The shockwave didn’t even stagger them, their Level making them far stronger than what Bell could muster. As the resounding boom echoed down the corridor, the flames slowly faded away. The three Executives of the Loki Familia could only stare at what was left behind.

The stone floor, walls, and even the high ceiling were scorched black. The Minotaur’s body was in a small crater, thoroughly burnt as smoke rose from the corpse. Any possibility that it might be alive vanished when the girls noticed that the beast’s head was gone. Looking around for the man they’d seen fighting the Minotaur, they found him lying on the floor several meters back. His breastplate was gone now as was the front of his black shirt.

“Are you…okay?” Ais asked Bell gently, seeing that he was somehow still conscious after that.

“Huh?” Bell was having trouble focusing, his ears were ringing too, making it harder to hear anything.

“Give him this.” Tione pulled out a Low Potion from Bell’s hip pouch. It wasn’t stealing if it was being given to him. She helped Bell sit up while Ais uncorked the vial and slowly had Bell sip until the potion was gone.

“Ugh…” Bell felt the pain in his body now, but the Low Potion had done its work. The aches and bruises left behind would heal easily enough. “Mind Potion…” He reached into the opened pouch and withdrew the citrus-colored potion. He downed it and after a moment clarity returned to his head. “Huh…um…you three are…” Bell might’ve been a little starstruck.

“Are you…okay?” Ais asked again and Bell focused on her for a moment.

“Yeah…I’m…I’m fine.” Bell answered after a moment.

“You wiped out that Minotaur, that was awesome!” Tiona smiled brightly at him.

“It’s a good thing a Level 2 like you was here.” Tione smiled at Bell, her arm still around his shoulders to keep him upright.

“Level…2?” Bell blinked as the last of the fog in his head dispersed and his starstruck feeling went away. “I’m…Level 1.”

“Eh?” Ais, Tiona, and Tione all uttered at once, the sheer impossibility of such a statement demanded it.

“N-No way…you’re just messing with us, right?” Tiona looked back at the torched Minotaur and the blackened section of the corridor.

“A Level 1 can’t beat a Minotaur.” Ais shook her head at Bell. Her golden eyes were curious about why he’d lie about his Level.

“No…I’m Level 1, I just joined the Hephaestus Familia two weeks ago.” Bell informed the three of them seriously.

“Hephaestus Familia? You’re a Smith?” Tione cocked an eyebrow at Bell.

“No, Goddess Hephaestus accepted me as an Adventurer.” Bell shook his head. “Oh crap…Tsubaki’s going to kill me.” Bell recalled his sword breaking and feeling the cooler air on his chest meant that his breastplate hadn’t survived the encounter either.

“You…You’re serious…” Ais was staring at him completely stunned.

“Y-Yes?” Bell didn’t know how else to respond to that statement.

“You’re really Level 1?!” Tiona exclaimed, leaning into Bell’s space, their noses almost touching.

“Yes, ma’am…” Bell leaned back as bit, but Tione’s arm tightened around his shoulders a bit and pulled him into her a little closer.

“You took down a Minotaur at Level 1…?” Tione looked into his rubellite eyes for any sign of deception. When Bell nodded to her, Tione nearly bit her lip as the Amazonian instincts flared up in her. There was no lie in his eyes. If anything, he wore his heart on his sleeve.

“How?” Ais couldn’t stop the question. This shouldn’t be possible.

“We just saw how, Ais.” Tiona grinned, leaning into Bell’s other side, her free hand trailing up his bare chest without her even realizing it. The toned stomach and chest feeling quite nice under her fingertips. “He blasted it with all that fire.”

“Maybe we should take him back to the Guild?” Tione suggested, trying not to come on too strong too fast. She’d NEVER felt such a strong reaction from the instincts that the Amazons had cultivated for untold generations. If He was already this powerful after only two weeks of being an Adventurer…, what would he become later? The thought alone was enough to make a pleasant tremor travel up her spine.

“I…uh…thank you?” Bell was defaulting to politeness at this point. Did Tiona know that she was running her fingertips up and down his chest?!

“Yes…we should take him.” Ais agreed with the twins. Her interest was piqued. She wanted to talk to this boy. Wanted to know more about him and his strength.

“So, what’s your name?” Tiona asked with a smile.

“B-Bell…Bell Cranel…” Bell answered, even as the Amazon sisters helped him to his feet.

“I’m Tiona Hyrute, nice to meet you.” Tiona introduced herself. Her free arm now wrapped around his left arm.

“Tione Hyrute, good to meet you, Bell.” Tione’s arm mimicked her sisters, wrapping around Bell’s right arm.

“Ais Wallenstein, a pleasure.” Ais nodded to Bell, her golden eyes looking into his rubellite gaze.

“N-Nice to m-meet you three.” Bell managed not to embarrass himself and speak mostly normally.

It was almost an afterthought for Ais to retrieve the Magic Stone from the Minotaur and give it to Bell. But that had required her to put it into his sleek black backpack herself, since Tiona and Tione wouldn’t let his arms go as they started chatting with him. The foursome walked back towards the stairs as a conversation started up between them.

Bell would become the talk of Orario soon enough. Walking into the Guild building with damaged armor, a lost weapon, and surrounded by three of Loki Familia’s top Adventurers, two of which were holding onto his arms as if staking a claim on him. His report would stun the entire Guild and Hephaestus would become damn near violent towards certain nosy Deities over the next few weeks as well. But at the moment, all Bell knew was that Tiona and Tione felt very nice and warm pressed up against him. His higher cognitive functions would only return once the two girls were forced to let go of him. Ais did want to actually have a conversation with Bell after all.

-Evening ~ Hephaestus Familia Home-

“You are definitely going to give me gray hairs, Bell…” Hephaestus sighed as she updated his Status. She’d spent the better part of an hour just holding him and making sure that he was okay.

“Sorry, Lady Hephaestus.” Bell apologized for upsetting his Goddess. He hadn’t thought about how this news would affect everyone around him.

“This was just a random accident. Wrong place, wrong time, and all of that.” Hephaestus wasn’t made at him. Just worried. “Still, you did something impossible, so I’m sure you’ve grown from it.” She watched his Excelia, saw him fight against the Minotaur just because he didn’t want anyone else to get hurt, or worse, by the Monster. After watching the event through the Excelia, Hephaestus saw something new had manifested in Bell’s Falna. Looking it over and seeing what it did, Hephaestus gently rested her forehead against the back of Bell’s head with a giggle.

“Goddess?” Bell looked over his shoulder once she’d sat back upright.

“Just a second, Bell.” Hephaestus smiled at him as she wrote the new Skill into his Falna and then guided the mass amount of Excelia into his Falna. Even after seeing what this Skill did, she was still shocked as she watched Bell’s numbers shoot up. “I think you’ll be a bit surprised this time, Bell.” Hephaestus copied his new update over to a piece of paper and handed it to him with a warm smile.


Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength – H 130 > E 430

Defense – H 183 > F 383

Dexterity – H 128 > E 428

Agility – H 116 > E 416

Magic – H 197 > E 497


Kindle – Fire Magic – Enchantment

Incantation: ‘Ignite’


Megáli Flóga – Provides protection from heat-based Magics and makes all Fire Magics the user casts use less Mind while significantly increasing their power.

Íroas Forge – Fast growth. The greater the effort towards the user's goal, the greater the effect. Removes ‘impurities’ from the user, such as Charms or Curses.


“EH?!” Bell shot to his feet in absolute shock. “WHAT?! WHEN?! HOW?!” Bell couldn’t believe this! A two-hundred point increase t his Defense! Three-hundred point increases to all of his other stats! A new Skill?! “I…I need to…to sit down…” He nearly collapsed back onto the stool.

“I’ve got you, Bell.” Hephaestus took him into her arms and softly began to soothe him, running her fingers through his white hair, just as gentle as always. She felt his body sag as the tension slowly bled out of him. “Just relax, Bell, we can go over it when you’re ready.”

“Isn’t this impossible?” Bell questioned, his voice low and confused.

“Sometimes Heroes make the impossible, possible.” Hephaestus spoke softly, still running her fingers through his hair. “Hero Forge, huh?” She mentioned his new Skill with a small laugh. “Well, I’ve never tried to forge a Hero, but I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you…” Bell felt his face heat up. The names of Skills and Magic often reflected the user’s personality and feelings. Íroas Forge proved that he felt a great connection to Hephaestus. But it was to be expected, when she did such thoughtful and caring things like this for him.

“I’ll always be here to support you, Bell.” Hephaestus promised her practically adopted child.

What came in the future would come. They’d handle it as a Familia. But for now, Bell was content to relax as Hephaestus soothed him, gently humming to him like a mother to her child.

-End Chapter-


Bell has certainly done the impossible!

His fire is simply too powerful! It actually makes it hard for him to grow his Basic Abilities because none of the Upper Floor Monsters can challenge him!

Well, a couple hundred DO add up over time. And a Minotaur makes a BIG difference too! Plus, his new Skill should help out quite a bit!

He even had three witnesses to his defeat of the Minotaur! Three very lovely witnesses! Two of which are having their Amazonian instincts flair up strongly! Bell could just stay with them for a while, in Tiona and Tione’s opinion. Ais is very much interested in him as well…his strength especially. She’s almost an honorary Amazon like this! Kek!

Training with Takemikazuchi has given him access to some martial arts! Also, another lovely young lady may be getting interested too!

That’s not even mentioning Tsubaki, who gave Bell a face full of her bare tits! How will the beautiful Smith react when so many other girls seemingly want her bunny?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you thought!

Until next time, later!



Once again: BNUUY! :D

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another really awesome chapter. I wonder if when, and if he gets a personal growth weapon, he can use his personal fire to help with the forging process, giving him a blade that could eventually be similar to Yamamoto‘s.

The Foreign Traveler

Oh boy, Bell better play mediator before Tsubaki hunts down the three girls who want HER rabbit. He is her favorite after all. That fight with the Minotaur certainly got Bell “All FIRED UP!” as a certain Fairy Tail Salamander would say! Ha ha ha!


Another excellent chapter for this story. I read a few of the comments and I just got the connection to Head Captain Yamamoto. I can't believe I didn't make the connection in the last chapter. Anyway, looking forward to more of your work in the future. And you are not a garbage writer at all, the muses are just real fickle with the inspiration they give out, so it is Not on you.


Happy that you liked it! My Muse especially likes to flit around like a honeybee in a field of flowers. Wants to land on EVERY flower for a bit.


Love Danmachi, especially since you actually make each story and each Bell very easy to keep apart even in the mess that is my brain. I'm also looking forward to the next Journey to Hero chapter.


Glad you enjoy them all! I'm trying my best to make sure that each story is unique and different. No point in making different stories if everything just remains the same, right? I've still got more Premises for Danmachi too! Ice Bell, Warrior Bell, Mage Bell, Rogue Bell, Wind Bell...so many Premises!


Danmachi is a pretty easy world to change things in the story without changing in universe laws. Crossovers with it are also fun, though I haven't really found a good Shirou in Orario fic that fully explores what kind of problems a Nasuverse (or really any other universe since Danmachi is pretty weak) character in Danmachi would cause.