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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Time for some fluff! Dates between boyfriend and girlfriends! Also, some meeting the parents! Will Izuku survive his own nervousness?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 31 – Dates and Parents

Izuku was going on a date. That fact had him smiling lightly all morning, even his mother noticed it. Inko had been supportive, offering encouragement and wanting to meet the girl sometime, whenever his girlfriend was comfortable with it. A red-faced Izuku had left his home while Inko smiled and waved from the doorway.

Getting to Ochako’s apartment wasn’t hard, just a train ride and then following the GPS on his phone. Izuku was psyching himself up as much as possible on the elevator ride up to her floor. The young man didn’t know much about dates, having never been on one or anything. Thankfully he and Ochako had decided to keep it simple and just spend the day together, going to the local shopping district, the park, and getting lunch.

“Okay…just knock…that’s all…” Izuku breathed deeply before raising his hand and knocking on the apartment door.

“Izukun!” Ochako’s bright smile upon seeing him made Izuku’s nerves vanish. She was wearing a light yellow t-shirt, black leggings with blue shorts over them, along with pink and white sneakers on her feet.

“Cute…” Izuku mumbled automatically upon seeing her.

“W-What?” Ochako blushed cutely. “No…come on, they’re just regular clothes.” She looked away with a bright grin from the compliment.

“But you do look cute, Ochako-chan.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend, offering her his hand.

“Thank you, Izukun.” Ochako placed her hand in his with a smile and leaned in to peck his cheek. “I’m looking forward to today.”

“Me too.” Izuku agreed, doing his best to not become a stuttering mess by accident. The couple walked back to the elevator hand-in-hand and left the apartment complex on the way to their first destination of their date.


“Ah…the weather is great today.” Ochako smiled happily at the sunny day.

“It really is.” Izuku grinned, the two of them still holding hands as they walked through the park. “It’s even better because we’re here together.”

“Izukun…” Ochako giggled and put her free hand on her cheek. “When did you start getting all suave?” She looked at him with a grin.

“I was just being honest.” Izuku blinked at her and Ochako flushed even more. “We should’ve done this earlier. Going on dates, I mean.” He squeezed her hand gently.

“We’ve been busy with school.” Ochako shook her head and returned the gentle squeeze. “Then there was the USJ. The Sports Festival. And then the Internships.” She sighed and briefly ran her hands through her semi-long brunette hair. “We don’t get much time to just relax and breathe.”

“No kidding,” Izuku completely agreed with Ochako. “If this were a manga, I’d say the author didn’t know how to take his foot off the gas.”

“Rushing through it, huh?” Ochako laughed and to Izuku it was beautiful.

“I’m just glad we’ve gotten some time to ourselves.” Izuku smiled at how happy Ochako was.


“Yakiniku time~” Ochako was smiling brightly as she and Izuku sat at a table together in a Yakiniku restaurant that hadn’t been too far from the park. “All you can eat too!” She placed a few slices of beef on the grill along with a sliced mushroom.

“It smelled too good to pass up.” Izuku chuckled as he placed some strips of pork, a slice of onion, and part of a green pepper on the grill too.

“Right?” Ochako giggled as their chosen foods cooked. “How’re you feeling about Finals coming up?”

“A little nervous, but I’m always like that about tests.” Izuku shrugged. He definitely had some test anxiety. “I’ll just review and study to the best of my ability. But not knowing the physical portion is kind of making me worry.” The teachers hadn’t told any of the students what their practical exam would entail at all.

“Same here.” Ochako sighed at the secrecy. “Thanks to the study group we’re setting up I’m not as nervous about the written exam. But do they really have to spring the practical on us at the last second?” She pouted cutely, making Izuku struggle to hold back on calling her adorable.

The staff of the restaurant had no such qualms though!

“The cuteness, it’s too much!” The man behind the counter held his hand over his heart.

“It’s too pure to look at!” The high school part-timer agreed, covering his eyes jokingly.

“Don’t embarrass them.” One of the waitresses admonished the two lightly. “They’re adorable together.”

Izuku and Ochako were blissfully unaware of how cute their date looked to others.

-Shopping Center-

After a filling lunch, the couple had hit up the nearby market area. Walking along and window shopping was enough for them. But when Ochako or Izuku saw something that interested them, they’d enter the shop in question together. That’s how they found themselves in the current store with Ochako looking at some charms and necklaces.

“It’s a kitty.” Ochako admired the charm on the necklace that she was looking at. She thought the little curled up cat was cute, sleeping away as cats were want to do.

“You like it?” Izuku looked between the necklace and Ochako.

“It’s cute, but I really shouldn’t buy it.” Ochako gently shook her head. She took one last look at the necklace before moving towards a different part of the store.

“Ma’am, this one, please.” Izuku picked up the necklace and handed it to the woman behind the counter as soon as Ochako was out of hearing range.

“So cute.” The woman smiled at the boy that was clearly buying for his girlfriend. She rang up the purchase and Izuku handed over the money. The necklace was placed into a small paper bag which Izuku folded up to stash away in his pocket for later.

Izuku and Ochako walked the rest of the market area together without seeing much else they wanted to look at. Afterwards, the couple started making their way back towards Ochako’s apartment.

-Ochako’s Apartment-

“Do you want to come in?” Ochako asked when they got to her door.

“Are you sure?” Izuku hadn’t expected to be invited inside at the end of their date.

“Yes.” Ochako’s perma-blushing cheeks darkened slightly as she let her boyfriend into her apartment. This was the first time she’d had anyone over, much less a boy. Perhaps it was a good thing she was living on her own for school? She could only imagine how her parents would react to her bringing her boyfriend home.

“Pardon the intrusion.” Izuku spoke the standard polite phrase upon entering someone else’s home. He slipped off his hoes in the entryway and followed after Ochako.

“Tea?” Ochako offered with a cute smile.

“Yes, thank you.” Izuku couldn’t help but smile back.

The two had tea and some small snacks as they enjoyed their time together. Izuku felt like the time was right, and pulled the folded up paper bag from his pocket. Ochako cocked her head slightly at seeing the little bag. Her confusion increased when Izuku handed it to her.

“Here, it’s a gift for you, Ochako-chan.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend.

“Izukun, you didn’t have to.” Ochako shook her head, but the smile on her face was beautiful. She opened the little bag and pulled out the necklace. Seeing the cute cat charm that she’d been admiring back in the shop made her eyes widen. “You…I…Izukun, you didn’t…”

“I wanted to.” Izuku stopped her with a reassuring smile. “You liked it and that’s all that mattered.”

“Okay…” Ochako blushed fiercely, her entire face red. She put the necklace on and admired the cuteness for several moments.

“It’s cute on you, Ochako-chan.” Izuku complimented her genuinely, a bright smile on his face.

“Izuku…” Ochako didn’t know what came over her. She just had to kiss him. The brunette placed her hands on the low table and leaned forward to kiss her boyfriend. The two stayed lip locked for a few moments before pulling away and staring into each other’s eyes.

“Wow…” Izuku breathed out a few seconds later.

“Yeah…” Ochako was still looking into his eyes.

“Again?” Izuku asked as he gently cupped her cheek with his left hand.

“Yes.” Ochako agreed instantly, sliding around the low table and into Izuku’s lap.

The kissing was innocent enough at first, but the teens deepened it after a few experimental kisses. Izuku wrapped his arms around Ochako’s waist. Ochako wrapped her arms around his shoulders. The couple couldn’t have lost track of the rest of the world any faster as their tongues met and they shared a French kiss.

“Mmm, Izuku…” Ochako breathed out when they separated their lips sometime later.

“Ochako…” Izuku kissed her cheek and then her forehead, making Ochako sigh happily before she returned the same kisses to him.

“You can touch…if you want to…” Ochako gave him permission with an adorably bashful look on her face.

“Okay.” Izuku was honestly surprised that he hadn’t locked up at Ochako’s words. Perhaps all the teasing from Camie was paying off? He moved his hands from Ochako’s waist to her butt and gently ran his hand over it. He didn’t even think of trying to go under her clothes. Not on the first date.

“Izuku, oh…” Ochako let out a soft moan as Izuku’s hands began to gently squeeze and fondle her bottom. She knew he wouldn’t be pushy or try to go too far. It was one of the reasons that she loved him. ‘Love him?!’ Ochako shrieked in her mind, but settled down when Izuku kissed her again. ‘Okay, yes, I love him.’ She decided as she kissed Izuku and let him touch her body.

“Ochako…is…is this okay?” Izuku questioned as his right hand moved from her butt, up her side, and then gently touched her breast.

“Yeah…” Ochako nodded barely able to look into his green eyes from a sudden bout of shyness. She let out a light hum of approval as Izuku gently ran his hand over her breast. Over the clothes, of course. The two would further their relationship at their own pace.

Not to be outdone, Ochako ran her hands over Izuku’s chest, feeling out the muscles beneath his shirt with an eagerness that made Izuku smile out of reflex. His girlfriend was absolutely adorable like this and both of them were blushing as they took a step further together. When Izuku leaned back to the floor, leaving Ochako straddling him, the brunette sputtered for a second and Izuku couldn’t hold back his own laughter.

“Izu!” Ochako lightly swatted his chest a few times with a pout. She was a little flustered by their new position, to say the least!

“You’re so cute, Ochako.” Izuku complimented and Ochako just leaned down to capture his lips. “T-Tale off your shirt for me?”

“Okay…” Izuku hadn’t expected that, but he sat up enough to pull off his t-shirt. While his vision was blocked by pulling his shirt over his head, he felt Ochako move too. When he could see again, he saw that Ochako had removed her shirt as well, a simple white bra keeping her modesty. “O-Ochako?”

“It’s okay, you can look.” Ochako permitted even as her face burned. “I can’t let Camie always be guiding us all along, right?”

“You’re beautiful.” Izuku didn’t know why he blurted that out, but it was his true feelings.

“Izuku.” Ochako fell onto him and the two were back to French kissing in seconds. This time their hands wandered bare skin and Ochako let out the cutest squeak when Izuku lightly touched her bra-clad bosom.

The two would wonder where almost an hour and a half went when they finally paid attention to the outside world again.

“I had a great time today, Izukun.” Ochako beamed at Izuku as they stood in her doorway.

“Me too, Ochako-chan.” Izuku had a dopey little grin on his face and Ochako felt a small bit of smug pride in her chest at putting it there. “I’ll text you when I get home.”

“Okay, be safe.” Ochako kissed his cheek and Izuku walked towards the elevators with a skip in his step.

Ochako closed and locked her apartment door before rushing to her bedroom and grabbing her cellphone. With giggles she started texting Tsuyu, Camie, and Momo about her date with Izuku, making sure to include a picture of her new necklace too. It was a text conversation that would go on until she went to bed that night.

-The Next Day-

“What are your intentions with my daughter, Midoriya-san.” Asui Ganma questioned his daughter’s boyfriend before he let the teen take his daughter out. Ganma had a very frog-like appearance, more so than the rest of his family, as he seemed to have the head of a brown toad. He was a tall, stocky, middle-aged man with black, short-cropped hair and black eyes. Ganma was wearing a plain business suit with a blue-dotted tie, a small frog-shaped clip near the middle that he'd gotten from his children on his last birthday.

“I…plan to spend the afternoon with her and take her wherever she wants to go, sir.” Izuku replied, inwardly cursing his body for clearly shaking slightly. How was Tsuyu’s dad this intimidating?! His Quirk wasn’t doing it. ‘Maybe it’s a dad thing?

“I see.” Ganma nodded slightly. “You seem like an alright boy, and you did save her during that USJ incident.” The man leaned forward over the table a bit. “But you understand that she’s my daughter and I will look out for her.”

“Y-Yes sir!” Izuku nodded back.

“Be nice.” Asui Beru, Tsuyu’s mother came into the kitchen with tea. “Are you going to be like this with both of our daughters?” She questioned her husband with a light laughter.

“Yes.” Ganma answered easily, accepting the tea from his wife.

“Don’t mind him, he’s just protective.” Beru smiled at Izuku. Such a nice young man that Tsuyu seemed to like very much. She was happy for her daughter. Beru had long, dark hair, worn in a similar style to Tsuyu’s. Her face grew wider around her mouth, which was notably long, and she had circular, spaced-out eyes with long upper eyelashes. Beru appeared to be rather prone to blushing, as she had perma-blush spots on her cheeks much like Ochako. She had a small nose, positioned very high up on her face and like the rest of her family, she had a very frog-like appearance.

“I’ll permit this relationship, Midoriya-san.” Ganma acquiesced, knowing he’d get on his daughter’s rarely seen bad side if he tried to stop it. “However,” He set the tea cup down with a little more force than necessary. “I will tell you this now. If you hurt her, there isn’t a Hero alive that’ll stop me from getting to you.”

“I would never do that, Asui-san.” Izuku’s response was firm and his green eyes practically blazed with honesty as he looked into Ganma’s eyes.

“See that you don’t, Midoriya-san.” Ganma nodded to the teen. At least his daughter’s boyfriend was the honest sort. He approved of that much at the very least.

-Inokashira Park Zoo-

“So cute~” Tsuyu cooed at the guinea pig in her hands.

The couple had come to the zoo after talking it out together. It was cheap to get into the zoo and they were both enjoying seeing the animals. Having spotted a sign promoting a ‘Guinea Pig Petting Corner’ the couple had entered the building. Now both of them were holding cute guinea pigs and petting the rodents.

“They’re so soft.” Izuku gently ran his fingers along the back of the guinea pig that he was holding.

“It’s too bad we can’t have pets at our place.” Tsuyu sighed as she petted the rodent that was snuggling in her arms. “You’re so warm and soft.” She cooed at the guinea pig.

The two did have to relinquish their guinea pigs eventually, but walked out of the building hand-in-hand. Both enjoyed the scenery and the various animals the zoo displayed. They walked the Squirrel Trail, watching the bushy-tailed rodents scamper along and climb trees. Tsuyu’s delightful giggle when she saw a squirrel nibbling on a nut half the size of its own head made Izuku smile.

“Kero.” Tsuyu ribbited at the frog looking up at her from the Wildlife Encounter Field. It was only open for a short time today, but both of them had wanted to try it.

“Kero.” The frog croaked back, making Tsuyu giggle.

“Cute.” Izuku couldn’t help it. Tsuyu was too adorable right now.

“Thank you, Izukun.” Tsuyu smiled brightly at her boyfriend, leaning into him happily.

The rest of their time was spent seeing the rest of the animals: monkeys, raccoon dogs, Amur Cats, and even the elephants the zoo had. They had a snack at the café and on their way out took their time watching the ducks and other wild birds in the pond that the zoo maintained. Seeing herons and storks taking care of their young made Tsuyu smile and Izuku couldn’t get enough of how adorable she was.

The couple took the train to the next location of their date, a Ferris Wheel. Buying tickets, the two got on and where soon in the air overlooking part of Tokyo. Izuku put his arm around Tsuyu’s waist as they went higher and higher into the air. Tsuyu leaned into him with a happy ‘kero’ and when they approached the top, she kissed him softly. Izuku pulled her into his arms and kissed her back. The two were completely oblivious to the outside world for a bit as hands slowly roamed.

“Kero…Izukun~” Tsuyu cooed as Izuku gently ran his hands over her butt.

“You’re beautiful, Tsuyu.” Izuku kissed her again and Tsuyu melted into him as they slipped into a French kiss.

Naturally Tsuyu was the ‘winner’ of their little tongue war. As the Ferris Wheel came full circle and they disembarked, a happy Tsuyu led a grinning Izuku off the ride. One of the workers just shook her head knowingly at the couple. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen such a thing, nor would it be the last.

When Izuku and Tsuyu returned to her home, they held hands and kissed softly in front of her door for a bit. Neither of them was even thinking about it, but the lack of Ganma waiting for them right behind the door was due to Beru running interference for her daughter.

“Text me when you get home.” Tsuyu requested as she hugged her boyfriend.

“Of course, as soon as I get there.” Izuku promised, kissing the top of her head.

Tsuyu kissed his cheek one last time before entering her family’s home and closing the door behind her. Izuku felt that this date had gone spectacularly well too. He walked towards the train station with a smile on his face and a pep in his step.

-Next Day ~ After School-

“Come with me, Izukun!” Camie laughed, dragging Izuku away almost as soon as the last bell rang.

“Camie-chan?!” Izuku questioned his girlfriend as she nearly pulled him along by the hand.

“Date time!” Camie giggled at him as they headed down a different path than Izuku normally took.

“Okay, where are we going?” Izuku asked as they finally slowed down and started walking together with their fingers intertwined.

“Arcade!” Camie grinned at him while pointing towards a sign with colorful lights.

The arcade was slightly noisy, being just after school there were a decent number of teens inside. Camie and Izuku got some tokens from a machine and started to play some games together. When Camie picked out a two-person shooting game, Izuku was curious as to why.

“Man…you’re a little slow on the trigger, huh, Izukun?” Camie’s cute laughter filled the area they were in.

“So, this is why you chose this game…” Izuku looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Maybe…” Camie teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

“Best two out of three?” Izuku challenged her now that he had some experience.

“Only if winner gets a prize from the loser.” Camie’s cheshire grin should’ve been all the warning Izuku needed.

“You’re on!” Izuku agreed and the two started up another round.

Izuku lost abysmally.

“How…?” Izuku gaped at the massive difference in their scores.

“What? Did you think I was being serious the first round?” Camie snickered at her boyfriend. “Too bad for you, Izuku~”

“What do you want?” Izuku looked at her suspiciously.

“Nothing big, nothing big, just come take some photos with me.” Camie assured him while pointing to a photobooth in one corner of the arcade away from most of the games.

“Alright, that’s easy.” Izuku shrugged, wondering why she hadn’t just asked.

When they got inside the photobooth, Izuku and Camie leaned against each other and smiled for the camera. The first picture was innocent and cute, just a boyfriend and girlfriend enjoying a date together. The second picture and they made funny faces together. The third was Camie kissing Izuku’s cheek while his face went red. The fourth picture was of Camie laughing at the flustered Izuku. The fifth was of Camie’s lips being captured by Izuku’s. The sixth and final of the first set was Izuku and Camie kissing each other intensely with their arms wrapped around each other.

“You want another set?” Camie breathed out heavily from their passionate lip lock.

“Yes.” Izuku didn’t even think about it. He just put more money into the booth.

The first picture of the second set was Camie nearly pouncing on Izuku. The second was of Izuku and Camie making out with Camie straddling Izuku’s lap. Third picture showed Izuku blushing and staring as Camie lifted the front of her uniform skirt to flash him. With the camera only taking pictures from a single angle, it was easy for Camie to make sure her black panties weren’t seen by anyone except Izuku. For the fourth picture both Camie was seen undoing Izuku’s shirt as they continued to kiss. The fifth was of Izuku with his uniform shirt unbuttoned and Camie running her hands over his chest. The final picture of the second set was Camie leaving a hickey on Izuku’s neck.

Izuku fumbled for a few coins to get another set, but with the vast majority of his attention on his most adventurous girlfriend, it took a few tries to actually pay the machine. Camie would be keeping the last two sets of pictures a secret from her parents, that was for sure. The third set was six pictures of Camie and Izuku heavily making out, both shirtless and Camie only wearing her black bra as their hands freely roamed each other.

“Let’s go grab some food, Izukun!” Camie, redressed as if nothing had happened, declared with a bright grin on her pouty lips.

“Yeah…” Izuku had the biggest grin on his face as Camie led him out of the arcade. The illusionist laughed at the look on her boyfriend’s face, both either unaware of or ignoring the envious looks of the other guys in the arcade as they headed out of the building.

“Lucky punk.” One of the older teens shook his head before going back to his game. “Need to find me a girl like that.”

“You? Good luck.” His buddy jibed at him.

“Oi!” The first teen swiped at his friend.

Izuku walked Camie home after they stopped at a stand and bought some food. He’d have to take an extra train normally, but Camie had teasingly whispered to just use his Warp Gate when no one was looking. Looking into his girlfriend’s eyes, he leaned in to peck her lips.

“You’re a bad influence on me.” Izuku accused playfully.

“I’m the best influence on you~” Camie purred back as they stopped outside of her home. She kissed him, softly and with love, before pulling back. “See you at school tomorrow, Izukun.”

“I’ll text you when I get home.” Izuku gently leaned his forehead against hers, just staring into her eyes.

“So, about thirty seconds from now?” Camie giggled at him, her eyes warm with affection and love for him.

“Maybe…” Izuku smiled, letting her know that he was indeed going to take her advice.

“Good night, Izukun.” Camie kissed him one more time. “You should go before my father comes outside, otherwise you’ll be meeting him today.”

“Good night, Camie-chan!” Izuku kissed her lips once more before dashing off as Camie’s beautiful laughter followed him.

-Next Day-

“Are you sure this is all you want, Momo-chan?” Izuku asked as he held Momo close while they sat on a picnic blanket together and enjoyed a nice meal under the shade of a tree.

“Mhmm~” Momo hummed happily her cheeks flushed as she snuggled into his arms.

The two had left U.A. and gone to a nearby park. Momo’s limo driver had handed her a picnic basket as they passed by him. The two were just enjoying a lovely afternoon together, holding each other and occasionally sharing kisses.

I still get the feeling that someone was staring at me from behind the tinted windows of the limousine.’ Izuku thought to himself before putting it out of his mind and just snuggling with Momo. She was too cute…Izuku couldn’t deny her anything.

Momo had spent her life in luxury. Having friends was nearly impossible in the social circles of the upper echelons of society. Nearly everything was a ploy or some kind of play to make connections. Thus, Momo’s childhood was rather lacking in friends. But now? Now she had friends, and even a boyfriend!

We even got to go on a picnic for our first date! Just like in my romance novel!’ Momo thought to herself giddily. She’d never imagined having this type of relationship before. But Izuku was doing his best to make everything perfect for her. Leaning up, she placed another gentle kiss on his cheek. Izuku turned his head to gently kiss her lips and Momo nearly swooned as she buried her face into his chest.

-Limo at the Park Entrance-

“Fufufu…they’re so cute together.” Yaoyorozu Robin giggled behind her hand. Using her Quirk, she was keeping an eye on her daughter. This concession was the only reason that her husband had allowed their daughter to go on this date at all. He was such a doting father, but also paranoid that something could happen to his precious daughter.

If it had been up to her husband, Izuku would’ve been questioned harshly, probably just under the legal definition of interrogation at that. She was fairly certain that her husband had already had the Midoriya Family investigated as well, but there wasn’t much she could do about that.

“It was hard enough to get them their first date without meeting us.” Robin shook her head with a smile. “But I’m afraid I can only buy you this one date, Midoriya-kun. You’ll have to meet us both next time.” The beautiful woman giggled behind her hand. Perhaps she’d play along with her husband and instill a little fear in the boy? He was clearly in love with their daughter, just as Momo was in love with him. The adorable picnic they were having was proof enough, especially with the snuggling. “If only I could take a picture for some mother-daughter teasing. Maybe next time. Fufufu.” She laughed, the copies of her eyes still secretly watching her daughter and the boy that had captured her heart.

-End Chapter-


Aww~ So cute!

The relationship is too cute! Must snuggle!

Inject that fluffiness straight into your veins!

Ochako is the shy one.

Tsuyu is the softhearted one.

Camie is the adventurous one.

Momo is the romantic one.

Combined them all together and snuggle them!

Hmm, Izuku is good boyfriend. Now if only he could spoil all of his girlfriends rotten at the same time! You know he’d do so in a heartbeat!

Finals are approaching…IzuMomo Study Group to the rescue!

Will the less academically inclined fail again, or will they be saved?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I got into MHA through this fic and I'm really enjoying what you've done for Izuku's quirk development and his relationships. Your Camie is really fun, and I love the sweetness with her and the other three. Especially glad you included Momo. I read an angsty fic of her and Izuku and needed this as a palate cleanser.


Welp… there was so much sugar and sweetness in this chapter that my pancreas has given out 🙃 Well done! Really appreciate how every date was different and highlighted the girls different personalities


Success! *Throws hands in the air* Thank you very much and I'm happy that you enjoyed the chapter! For Harems in a modern setting, you have to put in some extra work to keep the girls as their own characters. I'm glad it's working out.


Hi nice chapter