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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Journey to Raftel! Party at Cocoyashi! The villagers have DAYS of partying to do! After eight years of being under threat from Arlong, now’s the time to celebrate living! Of course, Nami has her own plans to celebrate with Luffy privately. But when the celebration winds down, it’ll be time for the crew to ship out to their next destination. Will it be uneventful, or will something happen along the way?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 12 – Love and Encounters

“I like this one better.” Luffy smiled brightly as he looked at Nami’s new tattoo. A stylized pinwheel and a mikan.

“Me too.” Nami smiled brightly, and then leaned up to kiss him. “Now, come with me.” She took his hand and began to lead him away from the party that was still going strong despite the late hour.

“Where are we going?” Luffy questioned her curiously as they walked.

“My house.” Nami’s answer was simple, but her tone was filled with something that got Luffy’s attention. “Nojiko said that she’d be at the party all night.”

“Okay.” Luffy smiled and swept her off her feet and into his arms.

“Luffy?!” Nami blinked at suddenly being held. Without warning, Luffy leapt upwards and the two flew through the night air from his powerful jump.

“We’re here.” Luffy landed right in front of Nami and Nojiko’s home with a laugh.

“Hmm,” Nami could only hum as she snuggled into his chest. “Carry me inside.” Luffy did so without question, following Nami’s directions until they got to her bedroom.

“So, what now?” Luffy asked after setting Nami back on her feet.

“Strip.” Nami grinned sexily at him, kicking off her shoes in the process. She pulled her shirt over her head, revealing that she’d been braless as her girls bounced into Luffy’s view. Luffy watched her strip, having seen all of her before, but enjoying it every time. He absently pulled off his own clothes while watching Nami’s skirt fall to the floor, leaving her in just her panties. She winked at him before pulling them off and standing before him naked, even posing a little for his viewing pleasure.

“Beautiful.” Luffy’s genuine compliment made Nami smile.

“You’re pretty good-looking yourself.” Nami returned the compliment, her eyes running over Luffy’s bare form. The toned and muscled body, his chest and abs, and of course the rapidly hardening length that captured her attention every time that she saw it. “On the bed, Luffy.” Her voice was thick with desire and Luffy obeyed without a thought, dropping onto her bed before laying on his back.

“Nami…” Luffy breathed out and Nami bit her lip at his tone. The sheer desire for her that his voice carried never failed to make her heart flutter.

Nami quickly joined him on her bed, kissing his lips again. She mewled when his hands began to wander over her body, trailing over her sides, her hips, her thighs, and then taking hold of her ass. Their tongues entwined as they deepened their kiss, Nami pressing her soft curves against his hard muscles with a moan.

“Mmm, Luffy, let go of my ass.” Nami giggled as she pulled away from her lover.

“Don’t wanna…” Luffy shook his head, his hands still groping and playing with her bottom.

Nami’s giggle brought a smile to Luffy, even as her hands took hold of his and removed them from her wonderful butt. The orangette gave him a seductive look as she moved up and straddled his face. The scent hit Luffy’s nose and made his tail sway around eagerly. Nami moaned when Luffy’s hand took hold of her thighs and brought her pussy to his mouth.

“LUFFY~” Nami bucked her hips instinctively. They’d certainly done this before, having fooled around plenty as she’d allowed their relationship to progress somewhat quickly. But Luffy was apparently some kind of savant with almost any physical activity given how fast he’d picked this up. Not that Nami would ever complain about that!

Luffy wasn’t thinking at all, merely letting his instincts guide him as he buried his face between Nami’s thighs and tasted her. The pleasured sounds that she let out were like music to him. Luffy enjoyed the sounds, taking them as praise and cheers for him to continue as he buried his tongue inside, making Nami let out a short cry of joyous shock. The rolling of her hips was blatant and eager indication of Nami’s pleasure from Luffy’s lips and tongue.

“L-Luffy…let meEE!” Nami was cut off as she nearly came undone when Luffy’s skillful tongue began to circle her clit. “Ooooh~ Yes…” She moved her hips in time with his tongue and shuddered as she came. Luffy only slowed down, but never stopped, letting Nami get her breathing under some semblance of control. “Mmm, Luffy, let me do something too.” Nami finally finished her previous statement.

“Okay.” Luffy released his hold on her thighs with a grin. Nami gave him a sultry smile before turning around and laying her body atop his. Luffy hummed at feeling her amazing body pressing against him again.

“Hmm~” Nami breathed in the scent of Luffy’s manhood. “It’s been too long.” She murmured before kissing the tip. She let out a short giggle as she saw it throb in response to her lips. “Eager as always.” Nami brushed her orange locks back behind her ear before taking Luffy into her mouth. She proved the experience that the two had built up together as her head sank lower and lower, fitting more of his length into her mouth.

“Nami…” Luffy rumbled in his chest as Nami’s hot mouth engulfed his cock. The navigator didn’t answer with words, only the feeling of her tongue moving against his length. “Good.” Luffy’s hips bucked just slightly at the pleasure.

“Gagkh!” Nami gagged slightly as the head touched the back of her throat. She pulled back, her lips sealed around him until, with a pop, she pulled him free of her mouth. “Easy, Luffy~” She looked over her shoulder at him with half-lidded eyes. “We’ve got all night.” Nami wiggled her hips, making her bouncy bottom sway in front of Luffy’s eyes. “Aaahhh~” She moaned as Luffy took hold of her ass and brought her pussy back to his mouth again.

Nami eagerly began to lavish Luffy’s cock with her tongue and lips. The navigator only too happy to please her lover, and doubly so when he was pleasing her at the same time. Once Nami was satisfied that she’d licked, kissed, and caressed ever bit of Luffy’s length, she opened her mouth wide and went to the base in one long motion. She felt him jolt under her, the tip of his cock pushing just a little deeper because of it. Nami could feel Luffy’s cock pulsing in her throat, so she swallowed and moaned when Luffy redoubled his efforts on her sex. Pulling back slowly, Nami cleared her throat enough to breathe, and then bobbed her down to the base again. She sealed her lips around the base again, swallowing a couple of times to coax Luffy along with her tight throat. Nami was rewarded for her efforts, feeling Luffy’s cock throb, she pulled back, sucking the whole way, and left only the head between her lips. Her tongue swirled around the tip until the first burst filled her mouth.

“Mmmph!” Nami moaned, tasting Luffy’s seed again. She swallowed the first shot, only to have the second fill her mouth again. The third wave came before she finished the second, and she freed him from between her lips, taking the next shot on her face. “Hah~” Nami let out a sinfully erotic exhale as she swallowed what she had while another shot covered her face further.

“Nami…that was awesome…” Luffy was breathing harder, but Nami knew he wasn’t done, not by a long shot.

“Mmm…you always have so much.” Nami used her fingers to clean off her face, sucking each one clean right after. “Now…” She slid further down and giggled as her tits pressed against Luffy’s half-hard length. “Let’s get you ready again~” The purr in Nami’s voice got a twitch from Luffy’s cock. She pressed her tits together, trapping Luffy’s length between them. Even her large breasts couldn’t completely smother him, the head of his quickly hardening cock already poking out. “All mine…” Nami licked her lips before kissing the head and using her hands to move her tits all over his length.

In no time at all, Nami had Luffy back to full mast. The navigator mewled as Luffy played with her ass the whole time. She was eager to make him feel good, just as he was for her. Nami cooed once she freed Luffy’s cock from between her breasts. Rolling off of Luffy, the beautiful woman lay on her back with a naughty smile, spreading her legs to invite him to have his way with her.

“Luffy!” Nami yelped as her lover pulled her closer to him before he kneeled between her thighs. Looking into his eyes made Nami’s heart thunder in her chest. The pure raw desire she saw in them was enough to make every part of her body tingle in phantom pleasure. “Do it~” Nami urged him breathlessly.

“Nami.” Luffy’s hands took hold of her hips and he lined himself up with her. Nami let out a cute mewl as he moved forward, making them one for the first time. Luffy groaned lowly in his chest. The feeling was amazing, tight, hot, but different from when Nami used her mouth. Luffy continued to ease forward until their hips met and Nami let out a wordless cry of pleasure.

“Lu-ffy…so big…fuck...” Nami could swear he was pressed directly against her deepest spot. Sparks of pleasure were traveling through her body and she rolled her hips instinctively, which sent a bolt of lightning into her brain. “Yes!”

“Nami…I’m gonna move.” Luffy told her, looking into her eyes. Nami nodded to him without hesitation. If he didn’t start moving soon, then she would! The feeling of Luffy pulling back sent wonderful friction through both of them, their nerves alight with pleasure. When he stopped and then buried himself back into Nami’s depths in one powerful thrust, both could only cry out in pleasure.

“Luffy, Luffy, Luffy…” Nami cried out like a mantra while gripping the sheets below her tightly. Her whole body was rocking from the powerful thrusts of her lover. Her tits bouncing caught Luffy’s attention and Nami threw her head back as he leaned over her and captured them both, one with his hand, the other with his mouth. “Aaah~” She wrapped her legs around his waist in response, keeping him close as he lavished her body with pleasure.

Luffy was going off instinct and whatever got the best sounds from Nami. The user of the Saru Saru no Mi – Model: Sun Wukong had an immense amount of stamina and he was going to put it all to use for their shared pleasure. Her breasts were amazing, large, soft, and he loved touching them, licking and sucking them always got Nami to moan and mewl. He increased the speed of his hips and reveled in the rapturous cry that Nami let out in response. Her hips rolling into his to try and keep pace was sending so much pleasure into Luffy’s brain that he wouldn’t have been capable of much higher thinking anyway.

“Luffy!” Nami grabbed onto Luffy as she crashed over the edge. She held his head to her tits and locked her legs around his waist. Her whole body shook and trembled in ecstasy and she saw stars explode in her vision. “Ooohhh~ No…” Nami shook her head side to side listlessly as Luffy continued to thrust into her spasming sex. “Lu-Luffy…I’m sensitive…nooo~” Luffy’s thrusts only sped up and Nami cried out as a second orgasm slammed into the end of her first.

“Nami!” Luffy pulled his head from her tits and quickly kissed her. He buried himself to the hilt inside of her as his own release struck him like a train. Luffy thrust into her over and over, short powerful strokes as he filled her with his seed, while Nami cooed into their kiss and her legs tightened around his waist to keep him buried inside of her.

“Hah…hah…hah…Luffy…” Nami mewled as they both came down from their highs. She was panting, sweating from the intensity of their first round. She knew it would only be the first. Luffy had too much stamina to be done with just one round.

“Nami.” Luffy pulled himself from her thoroughly fucked pussy. A good amount of his thick seed slowly flowing out of his lover afterwards. “More?”

“You beast…” Nami giggled at him, slowly sitting up and pushing him to lay on his back again. “Let’s clean this up first~” She purred at him before licking the tip of his cock. Nami trailed her tongue up and down Luffy’s dick, humming at the taste. She could feel Luffy’s seed pouring out of her and a part of her wanted to replace it immediately. As if sensing her desire, Nami heard the telltale sound of one of Luffy’s clones appearing, the hands running over her ass a second later were very familiar. “Don’t you dare~” Nami warned Luffy, looking into his eyes. The look, however, was filled with lust and Nami was gently rocking her hips to make her ass sway teasingly.

“So, you don’t want that?” Luffy questioned as the clone stopped playing with Nami’s butt.

“If you aren’t both buried inside of me in the next few seconds, I’ll…Gakh!” Nami’s words were cut off as Luffy’s hand in her orange hair pushed her down to take his cock into her mouth. The copy behind Nami took hold of her raised hips and buried himself to the hilt at nearly the same instant. ‘Oh fuck, yes!’ Nami cried out in her mind as she had two Luffys at the same time. She bobbed her head, taking Luffy into her throat over and over again, while doing her best to throw her hips back into the Luffy thrusting into her pussy.

“Nami is eager.” The clone enjoying her from behind commented, making Nami moan around the cock in her mouth.

“She is…” Luffy hummed pleasurably, running his fingers through her hair and helping her bob her head along his length.

“Fill me…” Nami moaned lewdly after freeing Luffy from her mouth a few minutes later. Her body trembling in orgasm quickly brought the Luffy inside of her over the edge. “Aaahhh~” Nami cried out as she felt the hot seed inside of her again. She was quick to take Luffy back into her mouth when she saw his cock throb. Nami hummed even as her mouth was filled, before swallowing the load down again.

Both Luffys pulled out of Nami, letting their lover get her breath back even as she shivered in the aftershocks of her orgasm. Nami mewled and cooed as their hands gently caressed her body. She leaned back against Luffy, letting him play with her breasts, while the clone massaged her legs and thighs. Nami relaxed, letting the pleasure of their coupling sink even deeper into her body.

“Again?” Nami looked at Luffy, feeling his hard cock pressing against her ass. “You’re insatiable.” She kissed him right after, showing that she had no problems with his stamina or his desire for her.

“You’re too beautiful, Nami.” Luffy smiled at her, making her smile in return.

“Come here.” Nami cooed, pulling his lips to hers again. Their tongues played even as Nami guided Luffy back into her pussy. “Yes~” Nami moaned as she took him to the base again. ‘I’m so full~’ She mewled in her mind.

“Nami…” Luffy wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up from the bed. Nami cried out in pleasure as the movement caused unexpected friction from their lovemaking.

“Luffy…mmm…what are you doing?” Nami wrapped her legs around his waist enjoying this new position. Her question was answered as the other Luffy pressed up against her back and she could feel his hard length against her ass. “Luffy…don’t you dare….” Her reddish-brown eyes glared into Luffy’s even as she rocked her hips against him.

“Are you sure?” The clone asked, playing with her amazing ass and spreading her cheeks.

“…Yes.” Nami’s response was notably after a pause. She mewled as Luffy continued to thrust up into her. “Stop…you’re making it hard…to think…” She mumbled out, even though she was the one that had increased the speed of her hips.

“If, you’re sure.” Luffy kissed her and the clone stopped playing with her butt.

“Oh fuck…” Nami buried her face into Luffy’s neck. Her left hand unwound from behind his neck and she reached down to take hold of her left ass cheek. Her fingers sank into the softness as she spread herself for the clone. “You better be gentle.” Nami warned, even though she was hiding her face from both of them.

“Okay.” The Luffy behind her answered simply. Nami knew he’d never hurt her just from his voice alone. That didn’t stop her from biting Luffy’s shoulder when she felt his clone’s slick cock press against her backdoor. “Mmmph…” Nami muffled her cry of pleasure and slight pain as the clone filled her ass.

“Are you okay, Nami?” Luffy asked, the clone having stopped dead at the sound.

“I…ah…fuck…I’m okay.” Nami unlatched her teeth from Luffy’s shoulder to speak. “Fuck…you’re so big...” She’d never felt like this in her life, but it was turning her on more than she thought possible. “Damn…you’re not even all of the way yet.” She shot a look at the clone. His hips weren’t pressed up against her ass yet at all.

“Sorry, Nami…” The Luffy behind her apologized, still not moving at all.

“Move, it’s okay.” Nami urged the clone, laying her head on Luffy’s shoulder. “You’re going to ruin me~” She moaned lowly and Luffy’s cock throbbed inside of her pussy in response. “Oh fuck~” Nami cried out as the clone moved his hips, slowly stuffing more and more of his cock into her ass. When his hips finally pressed firmly into her ass, squishing the amazing cheeks from their closeness, both of them let out a moan.

“You’re so tight, Nami.” The Luffy behind her praised the sensation.

“Fuck…so full…” Nami panted, her body tingling and shivering from pleasurable stimulation. “Go…go slow…please.” She moved her hips and nearly lost it from the sudden shock of pleasure it caused.

“Okay.” Both Luffys said in unison. Nami could only gasp and mewl as the two began to move. When one pulled out, the other would push in, back and forth, over and over again. Nami got used to it after some time, the fullness making her feel things that she’d never experienced before now.

“More…” Nami leaned back to lay her head on the clone’s shoulder. Her tits bounced delightfully when the two picked up speed. “Ah~!” Nami moaned when Luffy began to suck on one of her tits and the other was played with by one of the clone’s hands. “Ooh…Luffy…fuck…” Nami could only let them hold her up as they fucked her. Pleasurable bolts kept slamming into her brain over and over again. Nami was barely cognizant enough to realize that her tongue had lolled out of her mouth and that she was drooling. The navigator had never expected being taken like this would feel so good.

“Nami, I’m gonna…” Luffy pulled his mouth away from her tits several minutes later.

“Me too.” The clone picked up the pace of plundering Nami’s ass.

“Uuhh…hah…” Nami was nearly blacking out at this point. Her prediction had been correct, Luffy had absolutely ruined her for any other man. Not that she’d ever planned on looking after being with Luffy.

“Take it, Nami.” Luffy leaned forward to capture her lips and Nami reached another orgasm after having lost track when her brain had turned off a while back. Both Luffys buried themselves as deep as possible into Nami’s body. Her climax pulling every last drop from both of them as they filled her with more of their seed.


“Ugh…too early.” Nami grumbled, her body still barely obeying her as she snuggled into Luffy to block out the sunlight coming through the curtains.

“It’s almost noon, actually.” Nojiko whispered from the doorway where she was peeking into the bedroom.

“No…” Nami rejected that information outright. She’d been fucked stupid until the wee hours of the morning. So, it was early if she said it was.

“Do you need your big sister to tag in?” Nojiko joked and Nami lifted her head enough to shoot her an unamused glare.

“I’m getting up…” Nami grumbled at Nojiko. The orangette sat up as Nojiko closed the door. She looked over to Luffy to find him already awake and smiling at her. “Morning.” She smiled, leaning over to kiss his lips.

“Good morning.” Luffy returned once their lips separated. The growling of his stomach was heard and Nami couldn’t help but giggle.

“Let’s get breakfast.” Nami stretched her arms over her head, feeling her muscles regain some motion after being practically jelly when they’d finally stopped.

“It’s noon, so that’s lunchtime…I’ve missed two meals already.” Luffy nodded while sitting up.

“You haven’t missed lunch if we’re about to have it.” Nami shook her head at him.

“I missed breakfast and second breakfast.” Luffy pulled the covers off of them, revealing their naked bodies.

“Second breakfast?” Nami cocked an eyebrow at him. “You glutton.”

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed as he stood up and then picked Nami up. ‘Where’s the bathroom?”

“Down the hall to the right.” Nami looped her arms around his neck with a smile. “Let’s wash each other thoroughly.” Her eyes smoldered with desire.

“I could make a copy or two to help.” Luffy offered as he carried her towards the bathroom.

“No clones.” Nami shut him down instantly. Her body shivered in phantom pleasure recalling last night. They’d save that for special occasions…or when she was extra horny. ‘Either or, really.’ She giggled when Luffy kissed her forehead and they entered the bathroom.

That very evening would see Nami enjoying two Luffys again.

-Three Days Later-

It had been four days since the death of Arlong and the massive party on Cocoyashi had finally wound down. People were waking up past noon with hangovers or just stumbling out of bed from not having slept properly in the last three days. But there was cheer in the air as people started to clean up and talks about rebuilding Gosa Village were already spreading. The Straw Hats would be departing today and everyone in Cocoyashi had come out to say farewell to the crew.

“Are we going with ‘Straw Hats’ for our group name?” Zoro cocked an eyebrow as another villager waved goodbye while calling them the Straw Hats.

“It’s not bad.” Reiju giggled lightly, waving to the various villagers that had come to say their goodbyes. “Most crews and groups are named after some distinctive trait of their Captains, right?”

“True enough.” Zoro shrugged, not really caring what their group was called. He’d already said his goodbyes to Johnny and Yosaku. The two had decided to take his advice to heart. They were retiring from the bounty hunter life and would be staying at Cocoyashi to become fishermen. Zoro had wished them both well, and pretended he didn’t see that both men were clearly attracted to two women that were hanging back as they spoke with Zoro.

“Mellorine~” Sanji still seemed to be walking on air as he waved to various women in the crowd. The cook had been having a very fun time over the course of the multi-day party. Quite a few of the young women had indulged in their new found freedom with Sanji.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed at seeing the funny look on Sanji’s face.

“Bye everyone! I’ll miss you guys!” Nami waved as the Going Merry departed from Cocoyashi Village. The entire village waved back at the orangette, none more so than Nojiko and Genzo. Only when the Going Merry disappeared over the horizon did the villagers stop waving.

“Alright everyone!” Genzo, as the defacto leader, hollered to the gathered people. “We’ve got a lot of work to do, so let’s get to it!”

“Yeah!” The villagers threw their hands into the air, all of them ready to work and make their home the place it had been before Arlong had shown up.

-Going Merry-

“Mellorine~” Sanji sighed as he performed a twirl while setting out everyone’s lunch. The chef was still riding high even after they’d left Cocoyashi.

“Perverted Cook.” Zoro snorted as he drank from a bottle of booze.

After the multi-day party, the entire archipelago had stocked the Going Merry in thanks for their help with Arlong and Nezumi. Nami had told the villagers to split the money that she’d spent the last eight years collecting between them so that everyone could get back on their feet. She loved money, but she had collected all of that for them in the first place. A thief she may be, but she’d never steal from her own people. Well, at least nothing that they’d miss, at any rate. The orangette grinned as she wondered if Genzo had noticed his wallet missing yet. One last little prank for old time’s sake.

“What was that you Moss Head?” Sanji growled at the Swordsman, snapping out of his joy.

“You heard me Dartbrow.” Zoro retorted with a glare.

“You want to go, Marimo?” Sanji questioned, a glare on his face too.

“Sit down, don’t ruin lunch!” Nami snapped at the two, appearing to have shark-like teeth, as she punched Zoro in the head.

Reiju, as any big sister would, slapped Sanji upside the head from their side of the table.

“Reiju…” Sanji held the back of his head with a grimace. The cold look he received from his sister stopped further words.

“Witch.” Zoro grumbled as he held the lump that Nami had left on his head.

“Shishishishi!” Luffy laughed at his crew’s antics while sneaking food from Zoro and Sanji’s plates while they were distracted.

A few hours after lunch, and one of Luffy’s copies called out from the crow’s nest. “Boat! Port side!”

The crew all came over to the port side railing to look at the small vessel. It was a single masted fishing vessel, likely able to be sailed by a single person. It had a small cabin, but nothing else of note. A boat that one could find just about anywhere. What did stick out, however, was the person lying face down on the deck.

“Are they hurt? Sick?” Luffy wondered, eyeing the small vessel that slowly sailed towards them.

“We can’t tell from here…they might be dead.” Zoro commented on the gritty reality that they might be facing.

“We should make sure though.” Reiju looked at her crew with soft eyes. “If we can help them, then we should at least try.”

“I agree.” Nami nodded her head. “We helped Johnny and Yosaku the same way. This isn’t any different.”

“If they’re hungry or dehydrated, I can take care of that.” Sanji was already rolling up his sleeves in case he needed to head for the kitchen.

“I’ll go see!” Luffy leapt from the deck of the Going Merry and towards the smaller vessel.

Luffy landed gently on the smaller boat. Looking around, he didn’t see any signs of attack, no bullet holes or any blood splatter. He approached the downed person and noticed a few things. One, they had light purple hair. Two, they were a woman. Three, her clothes were pretty plain, a white collared shirt and some navy blue capris.

“Hey…are you dead?” Luffy kneeled down and poked the person a couple of times.

“Ugh…” The woman seemed to wake up. She turned her head to look at Luffy and revealed her blue eyes. “Please…water…”

“Are you out?” Luffy blinked at the woman. He didn’t see any barrels on the deck, so maybe she was.

“Please…a little water…maybe some bread, if you have any to spare.” The woman begged quietly, looking haggard. “I’m lost at sea.”

“Yeah, sure.” Luffy shrugged his eyes glowing golden for a second as a grin spread across his lips. “I’ll take you back to my ship.”

“Thank you…so much…” The woman tried to smile, but it came out strained. “Huh?” She blinked as Luffy picked her up in his arms like she weighed nothing.

“Hold on tight.” Luffy grinned and then leapt from the small vessel with great force.

“AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!” The purple-haired woman screamed and latched onto Luffy tightly.

“She’s alive.” Luffy announced as he gently landed on the Going Merry. “But she’s not being honest. Shishishishi!” He chuckled while the woman was still wide-eyed in fright.

“CARINA?!” Nami exclaimed her eyes wide as she pointed at the other woman.

“NAMI?!” Carina gaped at seeing the orangette on the ship she’d been taken to.

“You two know each other?” Reiju raised a delicate eyebrow while looking between Nami and the now-named Carina.

“A beautiful woman!” Sanji was ecstatic the second he laid eyes on Carina.

“Is she a threat?” Zoro questioned, his hand on Wado Ichimonji.

“She’s a thief!” Nami declared, not taking her eyes off Carina.

“Takes one to know one, Cat Burglar!” Carina retorted, all of her faked weakness and weariness gone.

“Put her down, Luffy.” Nami glared, realizing that Carina was still in Luffy’s arms.

“Okay.” Luffy set the thief on her feet without a care.

“What scam are you trying to pull, Hell Cat?” Nami demanded of the other thief.

“I was just ditching my old ship, nothing else.” Carina grinned at Nami.

“Liar.” Nami’s flat response made Carina pout at her.

“So, I was ditching my old ship, then I was going to wait until we got to a port city, rob this ship blind, and then disappear.” Carina admitted with a shrug. “Nothing you haven’t done before, Cat Burglar.”

“Well, that’s not going to work. So, get back into your ship and sail away.” Nami pointed back at the vessel bobbing in the water still a ways away from the Going Merry.

“Yeah, I can’t do that.” Carina shook her head.

“Why not.” Nami was in no mood for Carina’s games.

“You remember our ‘old friend’, right?” Carina looked at Nami seriously. “Turns out the rumors of him going into the Grand Line were false. He hasn’t left the East Blue yet and one of his underlings caught sight of me.”

“So, now you’re on the run, huh?” Nami scoffed at the story. “Why should we believe you?”

“She’s telling the truth.” Luffy spoke up nonchalantly. The golden glow of his eyes only spotted by Nami before it disappeared.

“That’s all the more reason to kick you off our ship!” Nami had sharp teeth as she pointed back to the small vessel.

“Hey! I saved your life last time we met!” Carina pointed at Nami with a glare. “It’s your turn to pay back the favor!”

“Like hell!” Nami growled at Carina.

“Who is your ‘old friend’?” Zoro asked to break up the impending cat fight.

“Mad Treasure, the Captain of the Treasure Pirates.” Carina informed, still locking eyes with Nami.

“Hmm…” Luffy held out his hand and one of his copies tossed his stack of Bounty Posters to him. “Let’s see…” He flicked through them for a while before finally stopping. “Here he is.” He held up the wanted poster. “Mad Treasure, with a bounty of 18,000,000 Beri.”

“Eighteen isn’t bad.” Sanji shrugged at the number. Only one million more than Don Krieg.

“He’s stronger than his bounty would have you believe.” Carina broke her stare down with Nami. “Since he steals treasures, he doesn’t always encounter the Marines. A lot of what he’s done has never been reported, so his Bounty remains lower than his strength.”

“Just another bounty to collect.” Zoro shrugged as he looked the wanted poster over.

“He’s a Devil Fruit user!” Carina informed them with a grimace. “You may not believe that they’re real, but Nami and I have both seen his powers!”

“Yeah, but back then I didn’t know they were from a Devil Fruit, I just thought he had some weird trick to making those chains.” Nami shook her head.

“No big deal.” Luffy waved off, making Reiju giggle at his nonchalant attitude. “I mean, we’ve already dealt with Alvida, Buggy, Kuro, Krieg, and Arlong…might as well take this guy too if he shows up.”

“Wait…what?” Carina blinked at all of the big East Blue names that Luffy had just rattled off.

“We’ve been doing pretty well for ourselves.” Nami smirked at Carina. “Devil Fruits are no problem.”

“You’re serious…” Carina wondered where the scared Nami she’d last seen a few years ago had gone.

“Hopefully he put up a good fight, I haven’t had one in a long time.” Luffy complained, and Carina almost felt like he’d be able to deal with Mad Treasure…almost.

“Ushishi…” Carina giggled, leaning forward in front of Luffy, knowing he could see down her shirt if he looked. “You’re pretty confident, Captain. How about you protect me until we get to wherever you’re going?” She felt a sharp tug on the back of her shirt. “Ack!” Carina stumbled backwards a step and quickly found Nami’s eyes glaring into hers.

“None of that out of you, Hell Cat.” Nami narrowed her eyes at Carina.

“Oh?” Carina looked between Luffy and Nami with a cheshire grin spreading across her lips.

“Sure, I don’t mind.” Luffy shrugged and Carina turned to face him with a bright smile. “Maybe a good fight and another bounty…we need to go on a good treasure hunt once we get into the Grand Line.” He nodded to himself, lamenting that they hadn’t had a treasure hunt yet in East Blue.

“Thank you very much, Captain!” Carina smiled brightly at Luffy. “I’ll make sure to pay you back.” The lilt in her voice made Reiju hide a grin behind her hand.

“Like hell you will!” Nami was not so subtle in her reaction.

“Allow me to make you a snack, Miss Carina.” Sanji offered before noodling his way towards the kitchen.

“It’s going to be a long voyage to Loguetown…” Zoro sighed heavily as he walked away from the two thief women arguing.

“But there’s no shortage of entertainment.” Reiju chuckled as she sat on the stairs and watched Nami and Carina bicker.

“I’m hungry.” Luffy remarked, patting his stomach. “Sanji! Food!”

“Wait until dinner you damn glutton!” Sanji roared back from the kitchen.

-End Chapter-


Quite the sexy times! Hehehehe~

Nami and Luffy fully consummate their relationship.

Nami has found that trying to bed a stamina monster like Luffy is hard. Trying to do two at once is impossible!

Perhaps a solution will present itself in time? *Perverted giggles*

Another new face has appeared, but a familiar one!

Carina, Nami’s old rival thief, has found her way aboard the Going Merry!

She brings with her the threat of the pirate that’s hunting her, Mad Treasure. However, Luffy isn’t concerned and has agreed to help her out until they get to Loguetown.

What happens when Pirates show up at Loguetown though? A certain Marine Captain gets involved!

How will this next little Arc proceed?

Keep reading to find out!

Until next time, later!


Christian Jeffress

10 out of 10 lemon. Thanks for the fun chapter




Plot Bunnies, ideas that haven't been made into stories yet. You can check out the collections on FFNet or AO3.


Great chapter, keep up the good work!